may . . , . n.niitnrtiii ft v i El t I n t MM M ' UJL " L' ' LUI M M M t II II " M : M M M M I U L M I t M M t M UiWlOTiLWiUllMIM W Sometimes urgency influences the selling price of real estate and the people who investigate real tt estate ads are always the ones who profit by this fact. The early bird catches the tat worm. n i it ti it m mm mi mm ?-H!iL.tL.Ii-!L.tLiiJiisi TTTE HEE: OMAHA, WANT ADS Want ede received at any time, but to snsute proper classification mutt ne pra ented rcfor 12 .'clock poon for evening SO n. m Tor morning ni ndar editions Went ads received after euch hours will be under tho heading. w I I xia . CASH RATES. rren consecutive times, 1 eont a wJ arn Insertion. Thr. time, within on. week, t cents word each Insertkm. On. time, I eanta a word. CHAROK RATES. Sorer! consecutive time., emit, a Int. wh Insertion. Three times within on. week, 10 aanU a iMna each Insertion. Ona tlma. 1 conta a Una. Count six average word to a Una. Minimum charge, 20 eanta. All elvwrtleemetit Inserted to fca run oritll discontinued must ba stopped by written order. All ' clslms for arrora must b. road, within fifteen dar. efte- ih. last tnasr tion of tha advertisement , Too ran rlae your want ad la Tba Br. by telephone. TELKPHOhTH TTLKR MOO. Unclaimed Answers to the 'Swappers' Column." Answer to Swappers ads will b hald for a period of three weeke. AdvorUaers are requested to kindly elalm same be 'fora that tlma. Tha ftfllnwlng list Is iwithln three weeks' tlma limit: jNo. Ana. No. Ana. m i M7 t '4?1 1 4 tC fc. IK2 l?T7 tf CM 1 I 1 98 1 lH 1 70 I ls: n 77 lH7 U 1 ,K 1 PW I Wr. i . w i 'M 1 Wl 1 IWT l lonj 1 n 1 1 tt 1 KM I SK. ...., lOr 1 a i im m i ioi i in;: 1IH3 1 iM 1 I'M 1017 1 M 1 1020.. 1 i ii PBATII AKD Fl'XERAl. NOTICE!. KISSAKS Mrs. Mlchaal. scad 49 yaara. aflar an lllnaas of throa months. Funeral Thumday mornln. May XI. at 8: o'clock, from faintly railnea. 237 CrrUhtnn avenue, to fit. Peter's church, feolr mn hlh maaa at a. m. Burial at Holy Bepulchra cemetery. BIRTHS AND DtCATIIt. Birtba Thomas and Lulao Phoady, ISO Pouth Thirty-fourth, hoy; Fran ana Nora Golden. W20 North Twenty-lnird Ctrl) Anton and Mary Kablxr, &2t Mlondo, Rlrl; Arthur and inmt uwynna, Klcrenre, phi; Auauit and Clara Blaaer, 2112 Templelon, boy; 11. A. and Maud Hen-la, 24 Valley, boy; Hen and Hoea Urod. hoapltal. boy; uuatava and Mar tarat.Hnck. lKde. boy; C. J: and lv'dta Bradley, ymo Jonea, boy; Karl and tUva Branch. 171S Vinton, boy; K Iward H. and Kmma Frary, 86u North Hvan temth. boy; Joseph and Annie Lyppert, ItlS I'oppleton, bey: Alfred and Laisy Mm ray, M North Eichteenth, boy; Maud and Maria ftcha, 4418 Fort Omaha ave nue, (Irl; Anton and Iouisa Uatrlk, 11 8 uUi Twenty-ninth, elrl; George and Alma Baltciver, lnoi South fllxtaenth, lrl; Solomon and Hnrah rlvar, 1M North Twenty-flrsl. (Irl; Frank and Myrtle Williams, nil Pop pit ton avenue, boy. ttoatha-Oeorzs W. Clark, M. Xt Dodcai Mrs. Iv1n M. Seldel, 40. 1M Howard; Tln.othy Sullivan. Sa, hospltai. BUILDING PERMITS. . . T. T. Memmen. 2214-20 North Nineteenth street, repairs to flats, Mi0' Su Joseph S liomiLn Catholic church, 17illl South Bev nteenth street, brick chureh. (40.000; Bunkors. Realty company, I'll 4 Vinton, frame dwelling. 23.6.0; William Malar, lit North Thirty-second avenue, eun poroh, (); Joseph - UrgendowskL li.Ji Knuth 'lwenry-(ourth, fi-araa dwelling, li.buO; Drake Realty and Conatruotlun oompsny, 10 North Thirty-fifth avenue, frame etueco' dwelling, l&.OuO; 10 North Thlrty f If th avitua, hilck veneer dwelling, IAOuO; lit North Thirty-fifth .vanua, brick dwelling. I&OOO. TODAY'S OOMTLETH MOVIE PHOGUAM8 Exclusively In Th. Be. LANTERN slides for movlua. Bend you copy to ua. W. caa reproduce photo, sr will prop re your copy. We win color a. direct. Ba. Photo Dept.. KM Boa Bid. D.wat.wia. ELITE NO. 1 131A FARNAM. Bperisl features today. Tha Girl Who Might Have Been. t-r. dra, (Ned Flu ley Kev. Blliy Sunday In a tlon. lAi.NAk, I DOUGLAS. 1 snuin Theater Kpeclal 3 Mutual maw lerwicea a Thrday and Sunday our .pedal daya "III' 'lli Alfall. lm AND HARNKT Home ( raramouot Ptcturaa, JDHAL. ifieir Hour, t-reel O. Seat JlHtter of Parentage, Powers. bull per glnson s Daughter. Joker com. P A1K ul NGUTH 14TU .1. LiiMji of th. Chlldrwn. t-rwsl Bison. . . i. u T.rni. Hi U. 1ls'.r,i Her Mesurs. Nestor comedy. MrEMl 117-1 DOUGLAS. Bob Leonard and Ella Hall In "Bhsttered Mrmurles." t-rel speclnl feature. (Max Anr). "Hiram a inneruame. mmei?, Nona. AUMO THEATER. 24TH AND FORT, ii.nrii And Flames, t-r. L-Ko. com. Msld of the Mist. Rex dra. Putting On. Over. Big V. Hunting in tTasyiana. row. ATTTATTimA theater, iu n. tu Bt. Ancestry, t-reel American. When Youth Won out. Roy Comedy. Jealousy, Than Drsma. CLIfTON. Military Ave. At Bunletta. Do gone It, comedy. Bu;n liuod in lour rweia 1 .rinj t'uertet. T.HMiiNDTHKATEit 2410 LAKE Bt". When Cupid Crosed tha Bay, Nestor com. Toll of Youth. Laantmle. TI.e Jungle Queen. -reel HUKn. PIUKklJS. 24TH At FRANKLIN Mik iHiiiegal's Escapa. t-r. Kalem dra. A hare ;ur a crossing. Hale in arama. Mrs Murphy's Cooks, fral. comedy. J hOLlC THEATER. 24TH At SPRAGUE. War of the Wild, l-mi misob feature. Two Hearts and a Ship. Nestor comedy. Tt.e Fear Within, Big U. Grand "Theater BeeuUful." lUh-burnt y. jlwnli Faun, X-ra4 1 Tenia. i'he kmatea. t-rwul Drama. Iirt Trump, Keystone Comedy. lilpPODROME. TH AND CUJ4ING Tl.c blieeP. t-r. Ret dra. t-r. Mu ttJtl feature. Mabel and Fatly Viewing tne FalrJ Key. 1 poofs U vaudeville IVY THEATER. WTH At BURDETTE. Ths Lost Id. t-rd Bison, louil Mhunr, joker eoluedy. hit or Nine. Rex drama. UYAL THEATER. I4U CALDWELL. Irbuied, Powera drama. Way He Won the Widow, Joker comedy. A i the hsn'ioet Table, t-rwl Imp., JIH ANirXoTHItOP. Th Pollywogs Picnic. Kslem comedy. To Have and to Lose, B.ogreph diama. PALACE THEATEH2oj3 DAVENPORT. l-Hiitoia Warning. Bx drama. h i.M'iida. 4 Jokvr Cumedy. 1 tyn g Wuh Fire. 2-vU Victor. TODAT'8 COMPLETE MOVIK riuxnAMs Eiclualrely Id Th. Bm. .ortau CT"i)TT3 n a X- esTtr a. i ura A Woman's Revenue, t-r. F1lon drama. Tha Tamlna; of Klta, Vltarraph comedy. On tha lewn Road, Kenmey drama. v S.ntai. AIRDOMK FAVORITK. 1T1 VINTON. AaUn McAllleter'a Heir, 2-rcel Dom. And He Never Knew, Prin. 1pve In Armor, Keystone comedy. Al'l-ObO. VM CUAVEN WORTH. Out of the Rul as. t-reel Edleon drama. Btrk-tly Neutral. Vltaraph comedy. ARBOR. KU AJSiD ARBOll. The Qlrl at Lona Point- Kalem drama. Men of tha Mountains. 2-r. LuMn drama. The Tltlad Trio. Mlna comedy. OjLCMEIA. i71u SOUTH TENTli. The nine of Death. Luhln drama. A Pillar of Flame, t-r. Vltaxraph drama. The Twin Bleter. Lihln comedy. COMFORT. 4TH AND VINTON. The Power of the Rtroet. 2-reel drama. Their Ona Love. Thanhoueer. Mies Fatty'a Seaside IOva. Keystone. FAVORITK. 171 VINTON. Meart-8ellK No. V. The Return of Richard Neal. 2-reel Ei eanay drama. OEM. lil SOUTH THIRTEENTH. Battle of Running Bull. 2-r. Sterling. . I Mamonds of Fate, powera, Romance of Hawaii. Victor. I.TRH'. 17 VINTON. Whan Her Idol Fell. Nestor comedy. Tha Old Doctor. 2-reel B!a- U. Fate's Althl. Laemmle drama. PAtsTIMK. UI AND LEAVENWORTH. It Happened on Friday. Nestor. Leeeon From tha Far East. C'ouraeje. HI- U drama. VKNEXlA, uu mo. uru st. Four raais of MotuaJ plcturaa. Win, 20TII AND FARNAM. AIRDOME. An Innocent Sinner. 2-reel Kalem drama. The Vanishing Vault. Vltaaraph comedy. Al'OLLO, 224 LEAVKNWORTlh The Return of Richard Neal, I-reel Ess drams. Rootleys Baby, Vita comedy. MONROE. 2.16 FARNAM. The Face of th. Madonna. S-reel Kalem drama. (Alice Joyoe). Two LrtJhln com edies. aws. BKNBON. IMS MAIN ST. Christy Mathewson In "Matty's leclslon," 2-reel. Faces In the Night. Hex. dra. Counting Out tha Count, B. Reevea. 4 oaacll Blaffa- EL.ITE NO. 2, toh BROADWAT. The Box Car Trap. Kalem drama. Mr. Carlson of Arlsona. 2-r. Eubln dr. Frhle of the Himy Man and Idle Woman. nich'oCas. M7 b"roadwaVT Henrst-Helm, No. 29. Tha Ulonlng, 2-r. Ed I. Dra. ROPER, KIT BKOAUWAX. Orlm Measeniter, t-r. Big U. Artist and tha Vsnsjeful Ona, Victor. Two Hearts and a Ship. Nestor Comedy. oaiaj On BESSB. HTH A N. An Innocent Sinner, t-r. Kalem drama. Cutey's Sister, Vltagrsph comedy. MAGIC. 31TH As O. From Italy'. Shorea. 2-r. Iemmle drs They Were Heroes, Nestor comedy. Vaadevlll. VAVDEVIIXE. 4TH AND M. Captain Macklln. 4-reel Mutual master- tnece ana a goon oomeny. Grand "Theater Beautiful." JOth-Hlnnoy. Otaptera Nos. 1 and 2 of tha Dlumnnd of the iky. Keystone Comedy. AKOUNCKMENTS Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Jle Comfortable Yourself and Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Fatrona by locating in The Bee Building Sup.rlntendent'g Office, Room lo3. Investigate Y.M.C.A. out g park, summer. AUTOMOBILES NEW Ford auto deliver bodice of all styles, ooen or closed, alwava on hand. Our prices will save you money. Sea Johneon-lmnforth Co., if2-tl-3S No. loth. C. tL&ASSER, expert radiator and lamp repairs. Ty. 708. 2601 Leavenworth. AUTO Clearing House, 22i Fa mam, buys ana sens used cars, fhone Douglas S.U0. Overton's for leaky radiator. &0c, dealers. Want an auto, O. J. Canan. MoCague bldg. fndustiial Garage Co.. tilth Ai Harney BU. RkBRABKA Bulck Service Station. U14 (unun Bt t iione Dougiaa tu. AMUSEMENTS BIG celebration at Randolph. Neb., July a 1 1. 1 r u. . .I.,.. ...... . .. m, .vis. . wmiib , i . 1 1 1 v. c i mast other amusement concessions. Those In- lrwia iiese ouiiuiiuiiiuhh whu Mm tary of Commercial olub at onoe. BU8INES9 CHANCES THEATERS buy, lease sr sell your t he alar, machine and supplies through Theater i. change Co., 14ut Farnam 8k ICUSISS iNfl. RESTAURANT and oonfectlonery, doing good business In town of about L2u0: room In connection, new fountain. C W, Brlggs, Alton, la. STOCKS and bonds. How you may ac quire New lore atock exchange seourt ties on easy termi at (revelling low prices. Explained In the current Issue of "Tha Odd uoi Keview. u per year. eena tor sample copy. 14 Broadway New Tork City. SIGNS, ahow cards. Clark A Son. D. 127 f TO GfeJT In or out of buslhoss call oa Q ANGEaTAD. sot Baa Bldg. Doug. 2477. WHY RKNTt Will sew MO-acr. farms in Red Krver valley (Minn ), erect build inga, supply cows and hogs on payment of tbOO. and 40 years la which to ui balance. This offer not good after June iu. w. G. T ample Um, au Bee Bldg., umuii. FOU SAIJ OR RENT to reliable party, blacksmith shop, with tools ana small stock: good opening for right man. American Stat. Bank, Bprlng- Kieia. rieo. GtMiD restaurant for sal. in rood Colo rado town, population i.ooi, division station, county seat. Sickness cause of sale. Price .o. Write for partlculara a si. r.vsns. aieriing, I olo. REAL eslsta Business supplied or nsnaieo; an atatea. r. v. Knlest, Omaha. W1IJL sell my hslf Interest In a cleaning and dyeing buslneea which la making good ntoney. Reason, moving to my farm. A real ouportunliy to buy good going bustnes downtown. Address A W, Bee. lavestsseBta. aa sv- Our Nebraska farm ntert- f ( iaga are ot affecud by III European wars or paulea Amuuau 4UU to UO.OuO. W w collect all Interest and principal free of eharge; M yesrs In the Nebraska farm loan field without a loss is our record. KLOKI INVESTMENT COM PANT, Ml Oiuaaa Is at Bank Bid.. Oinah. . EDUCATIONAL Boyles College Day School, Night School, complete business course, complete short nand or stenotype course, complete tcl-rsphy course, civil service brunches and Eng lish. Students admitted at any time. Write, phone or call for 191 R catalogue. BOTI.ES COT,! ROE. H. B. BOTLEW. President. Tel. D. ICC!. Rnylea Bldg., Omaha, Neb. FOR sale tha following scholarships In a first class Omaha Business College: Ona unlimited combination business and shorthand course. Ona unlimited stenographic course. One three months' business or steno graphic course. Will ba sold at a discount at th. office f The Omali. Bee, FOR RAZA Karaltarr, Hoaaehwlal Goeda. Et. RACR.IFICE tlrorery refrigerator, holJs DUO lbs.; gas stoves, Iceboxus, ail alsea; household goods. 17(18 N. 241 h. FURNITURE BARGAIN 60 beds at 11 each; tables, kitchen and china cab tneta, 54 Ice boxes, U gas atovea, X drea. era. 1S3M N. 24th St. Webster 1017. FOR SA I J Roller top desk end swivel . chair, chesp. Phone Walnat 2MJ. H.rae. a4 Vefcleles. K6 BUTS 1,100-lb. mare-mule, good worker, WiZ Harrison St. Telephone South 2"2t, South Omaha. FOR SALE Sound young pair of mules; took them as paymnet on a truck. E. E. Moser It Co., Tel. Doug, 2io, nw Fernem. FARM wagons, . Mrnud. 2th A Ames. Maalcal lajetraaacut. Bllghtly used high grade piano. D. tOlT. Poaltrrt BaraTS Ba. atrplF, STEREOTYPE mstrlcs make tha beat and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inchea, stronger and mora durable than tarred felt and practically iiretroor. im a numlred at The lice orriQQ. lNCCBATOH Mandy Lee. lJO-gg, good coTuimon. narney BARRED Rock eggs, 7&c setting. Flor. 267. Small wheat, 100 lb. 21.26. Wagner. HOT N. 11 Typewriter.. TYPEWRITERS sold, rvnted. repalrsO. Con t ret Typewriter Exe. MOB Karnam. Illecellaaeoas. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom nd pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy nsyments. Tha Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 4n7-4 S. loth HC ELECTRIC MOTORS 1- H P., 220 volts, 2 phase, new I 17 2- 11. P., 220 volta, 2 nhase, new 40 8-H. P., 220 volts, 2 phase, now M b-ll. J 220 volts, 2 phsse, new I DYNAMOS. I-K. W., 110 volts, D. C, new 72 -K. W., UO volu. D. C, new 100 H4-K. w., i.w-60 volts, new... M l-H. P.. gasoline engine M H. P. gasoline engine, throttling gov ernor 10Q LE BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. SIS S. lth St -. LUMBER 2x and sheeting, tools, sshovels, picks, lack screws, window glass; 2 carpenter benches, fl each; kitchen cabinets, fl each; 10 match ma chines, JOo each; 1 rug, 22; I lawn mower, $1.50; t gas arcs, 22 esch. J. C. 1S1I. Fhone Harney 243. 702 S. 31st At.. I HAVE a new patent manure spreader for sale; will sell this patent for cash or will trada It for a farm or town prop erly, ir inierenea in tnis invention, csn on William Reuter, Berlin, Neb. The t-anh price for thla Invention la 3o0. td-hand machinery. H. Gross. 21 and PauL HELP WANTED fTEMALK Clerical aad Office. STDNO.-BOOKKEEiPER, axperienced.tU STENO, bright, neat, experienced.. 60 STENO., very neat, lnmirance exp 66 STENO.. flUng clerk, exp'd only 40 P. B. X. operator, typist, cxp'd.. ...... 40 WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS'N., 'la Omaha National Bank Bldg. SOLICITOR SALARY AND COM. STENOGRAPHER iA AMT. HOOKKWKPKR 40 ."Arm HKf. i., nis-40-43 Brand. Thea. AVE WANT A FEW GOOD STENOGRA- riiEKS. Business Men's Reference Assn. iaitt-20 Woodmen of World. PHYSICIAN wants office girl; 23 per week. B 47(1, Bee. NO FILING FEiC. BEST COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. ROPERS REF. CO.. MC-t State Bank. Altai! H.I-. AQENTct Lady agents to represent Us, v..,. iw.rHiiirc, acHeniing to women: essy sellers; fine profits. Ray mond Soecialtv Co.. Jig W. atih k k:. York. ' Karlory aad Trades. LADIES to wcrk on handbags, paraaola, pillow topa, shirtwaists; no experience necessary; Instructions free. Leon Art Studio, 1708 Dodge. liaaaekeeitrra aad Dosuesllca. WANTED-A girl for housework. Haiw AUTO. IJwJ O. dlSL Bt WANTED A girl to do wa'hlng and Ironing and to assist In housework. HouseoleanUig done. Harney 3jj. 1303 Park Ave. VVAN1KD A competent white girl for general housework, no washing. ySI N. 4M St. Harney 2mw. GOOD girl for general housework, small family. H. tim lw s. t,Mh Ave. WANTED Experienced cook; referenoes required; good wsges. A. C. Smith. 13u3 Park Ave. GIRL or woman to cook on farm near Amiens. 11. iboz. GIRL wanted for general housework Mrw U H Korty. 114 No. t?d Ave. W A NT ED Chambermaid and cleaning woman. ply Housekeeper, Hotel Fontenella WANTED-A good girl for general housework, two In family, good wages. p. joui ave. tiarney .11. G1KL for general housework. 3S1T Far- nam n. Mrs Max Orkln. WANTl.D-Glrl for general he use work; family of three; r.o washing. 4a l Dodge. Walnut 2oj6. WANTEt A middle-aged woman for housework. M8 g. lvth St. M laeellaMf.Ma. WANTED STOCK GIRLS. ORKIN BROS., U. S. NATIONAL BANK. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa trecgera ar. invited to visit ths Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they wjil be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise assisted. Look tor our travauer. guide at Union station. HELP WANTEDMALE lerteal aad Ufftaw SALESMAN, high grade specialty.. .tl3t BAUWMAN, shoes, etc., exp'd 100 SALESMAN, drugs, sundries 100 SALESMAN. 2&-20 years, hustler 71 9TENO.. Ass t sale, manager STENO , bookkeeper, bright, brainy. 0 WESTERN REF. BOND ASSN. loi Omaha National Bank Bldg. BOOKKEEPER. OUT OF TOWN. PFrl" MANKNT. fMME ISVWl'llENT NE"ESdART, tiii CASH I EH, IOWA. BANK BOMB INVESTMENT. BOOK. KEEPER. HARDWARE. . CO-OPERATIVE REF. CO.. 101tV-l CITY NATIONAL BANK. WANTED orrice clerk, liui.t rapid at f I urea Apply Cudahy Packing Co.. lttu and Jonsa HKLP WANTKI) MALE Clerical aad Office. WANTED At once, drug and soda clerk; must be experienced and come well rec ommended. Slock clerk wanted; prefer ona with automobile experience. Apply MIDWEST BoXDINU CO., 812 Be Bldg. BA LEHMAN, CITY .. .SALARY and COM. SA LEHMAN. CITY.SAl.ARr DEPENDS SALESMAN. NEB, TER SALARY DEPENDS STENOGRAPHER 7 8TENO. AND BOOKKPR ) EXTENSION CLERK 40 FREIOHT RATE CLERK 7i WATTS REF. CO., 8.W-40-42 Brand. Thea. GOOD POSITIONS!. BUSINESS-MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. !- Woodmen of World. SQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES. We find a position that fits you. CO-OP! RAT1VE REFERENCE CO.. 1-T15-14 fty Nstlonel Bwnk. H1GH-UKADK commercial positions. WEST. REFERENCE BOND ASSN. 72 Omaha Nat Pank Bldg. Agents, galesmea aad Very Desirable Space for Printing Office Light, water and janitor service free. Cheap power Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office, Room 103. RBAL estate Business places supplied or handled; all states. V. V. Knleet. Omaha EXCELLENT proposition for two good men In Nebraska Call or write. Mutual Benefit. Health and Accident Association ITs-iS city Nst'l ank Bldg. WANTED Experienced salestnon to sell nursery stock, both city and country Work. Addreaa R V Fiida A San. Fre mont, Neb. WANTED 'ororat ion stock salesmen lor .Neiraka. Address E 47R, Bee. raviurr rwiive. Drug store snaps; lobs. Knelst. Be. Bldg. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition 16. on account of big trade. Wages for 6 and 10 cent work. Electric massage taught. Hydraullo chairs. Catalog free. 1124 Douglas Et , Omaha WANTED immediately, flrst-olass bar rier. Grand Hotel, Council Blurrs, la. WANTED A practical farm hand. Call at 9M Kffh.tita KM at fin Omaha. F. C. Bliss. WANTED First clsss automobile me chanic. Hanacom Dark garage. 1327 Park Ave. YOU MUST THINK We give you expert auto training, cam a real salary, big money for our trained men. Come right now and get our free course In Eleo. Ltg. A Start's systems; free catalogue. Amer. auio college, axa rxrnmti bt.. umana. WANTED Men to Ibarn the barber trade and accept positions In country or city; good wages made after few weeks with us; tools given. Catalogue explaining all mailed free. Molor Barber College. 110 S. 14th St. WE need men: hsd to turn down two jobs per week lately. - Get In.. 'Learn by our method. Get one of these jobs. Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto mobile School. 1417 Dodge St Mlseeliaaeuas. WANTED Man to play lead In comedy sketch. Must give references. Address Y 63, Bee. WANTED Nannie of men. It or over. wishing government Jobs. K6 month. No pull necessary. Address Y 440, Bee. WANTED l.OiO men to eat ham and eggs, 16c. Coffee John, 14th and Capitol. RASLWAY mall clerks wanted. 174 month: Dull unnecessary. Writs Immedi ately for full partciulars. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. m u.. Hocnester. t. X. SITUATIONS W ANTED TRUSTWORTHY young man of ability worg; is college graduate ana good pen man; will consider out-of-town Job: very anxious to go to work and wanta perma nent work. Phone Douglas 8461, or ad dress L-332, Bee. . THE ciervant Girl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get th. dealred results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and- Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 10K). YOUNG man wanta work, restaurant, hotel, aa boll boy or porter, or will work for private lamily; wants to go to work. Address, P 44v, Bee. MAN and wife want wcrk on farm or ranch; no children. Address J 41, Bee. A COMPETENT stenographer wishes situation; willing to work; references given If desired. G 480, Omaha Bee. RELIABLE colored woman wants po sition of any kind; scrubbing and clean ing a sDecialty. D. a373. Mrs. Hall v. LK10 MEAT cutter, young man. wants pos!tlon In any store or shop; will work for m all wnvea flv.' flmiin ,n,pl. enre. L-471, Bee. YOUNG man wanta work, restaurant, hotel, as bell boy or porter, or will work for private family; wants to go to work. Address, P 441. Bee. YOUNG woman wanta position as com panion, preferably to an elderly lady; or position as nursery governness. Has had two years' experience hi teaching. Address Y-428, Bee. COMPETENT, well educated young man, 2b; good business and executive ability; at present aaaistant circulation manager of an eastern newspaper; de sires to locate In this city; will entertain any proposition offering a single man a livelihood. Address G 4ue. care Bee. MAN wants work on farm or private jlace; willing to work and needs It; ready to go to work any time In or out of city. Address K 468. Bee. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker and designer want, engagement by day. $2.b0. Latest styles. Call Red Kb.S PERFECT washiru, expert Ironing. lace curtains our specialty. Webster 42M. ST100L superintendent desires position for the coming year. Best references. Ten years' experience. Address Y 6.H5, Bee. HOUSEKEEPER, reliable sx.d refined. can take full charge In strictly re sectable home; references. 23.H4 8. ltd St CHAUFFEUR want, work In garage or private family. Addrree A 476, Bee. COLORED MAN wants to go to work, porter work, private family, or any kind of work. Address 8 474, Bee. LOST AND FOUXD OMAHA at COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the of Hoe of tho Omaha Council Bluffa Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it In the atreet cara. Many articles each day are turned In end the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Cull Doug. 4t. LoeiT One black double bill fold, st Rourke ball nark or on steps of Omaha Nat. bank bldg., Monday afternoon. 210 roward. Fln1-r please call vv . r . lie geath, DouglSJ 70 or Harney 702! GOLD watch and chain In loth Bt. Pleas ommuntoate with J. A. Kuhn of Up dike Ora.n 'o. IF PARTY who found watch In Mer chants Hotel will return to Bee Office liberal reward will be paid. rERSONAL GORDON, (h Magasln. Man. Phone Douglas Tito. PEKKO.NAL YOUNG man of refinement drstree a congenial room-mate to share a large room with two large closets In a con genial Weet Fa run in home with good board; an Ideal summer place. Address F 4;s, care B-e INFORMATION WANTED-As to ad dress of J. N. PrlgKS, formerly of Oak land snd Chadron, Neb Believed to be running store In N. W. Nebr. To his ad vantage to be located at once. Addreaa Y-613, Bee. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers sre Invited to visit the Young Women n Christian association bulldlim at 17th St. and St. Mary'a Ave., whr they will be directed to suitable boar.!. Ing places or otherwise nsvlnted. Loo' for our traveler's aid at the Union station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licit voile a!1 ctntVilna furniture mnffa. fines. We collect. We die-tribute. Phone Douglas 41.V1 and our wagon will call. Call snd Inspect our new home. 1110-1113- 1114 Dodge St. PET STOCK FOR SALE Beautiful two-year-old St. Bernard dog. Mrs. Joa Westover, 1221 Rose St, Lincoln, Nab. SWAPPERS' COLUMN A DANDY fine square piano; fine for practice piano. What have you to trade for thlaT Address 8. C. 1046, Bee. WILL trade Bruno banjo, Washburn mandolin and cash for high grade banjo. Address S. C. 102, Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see th. "Automobile'' classifi cation. DIAMONDS will trade my diamond for automobile. Address S. C. 1032. Bee. DOG Have fine white male Spitz dog. months old. What have you tor hlmT Address S. C. 1024, Bee. FOR SALE or trade brand new crave nette rain coat Will fit tall man. Ad dress 8. C. 818. care Bee. GARDEN TOOLS J rakea (new), spade, shovel, furnace shovel, hoe and gross knife; will trade the lot for anything. Addreaa b. j. io;t. riee. havk small American typewriter, or writing machine. What have you for it? Adrfreaa 8. C. 1022, Bee. HAVE guitar to trade foi mandolin; also other articles. Address o. u. lit'3. uee. I HAVE other business and muat make a quick deal; '4 half interest in a good business paying 11,300 per year. This Is no cheap proposition; an established business and can show the goods; IVK) cash or tell me what vou have to trade. Address S. C. 1038. Bee. KIMBALL piano player, with 83 records; fits any piano. What have you? Or make ma cash offer. Address S. C. 1037, Bee. ; LOT Have a Wyoming lot: a number of Omaha buyers surrounding. Will trado for diamond, Vlctrola, typewriter, or what have you? Address 8. C. 1U2S, Bee. NEGOTIABLE stock In local corporation doing capacity business for light used car. V ore! preferred. v III exchange up to 1750. Address, 8. C. 1027, Bee. PHONOGRAPH Edison phonograph, with 60 records, to be exchanged for anything. What have you to offer? Ad dress 8. C. 1029, Bee. FOR EXCHANGE Six almost new In side doors, as good as new. Including double folding doors; with track and ball bearing rollers, will trade for chickens or sell cheap for cash. Address S. C. 1002. care Bee. FOR EXCHANGE -One almost new elec tric fan, used t weeks, will exchange for chickena or sell chesp for each. This Is a fine fan coating 236 new. Address S. C. 1001. care Bee. HIGH grade hard oak wood refrigerator, capacity 90 pounds, only used short time, and four-burner Eclipse gas range. What have you? Address 8. C. 1019. Bee. PREMO camera 6x7, complete with t plate holders, stand, carrying case and supplementary lenses. Want typewriter. Address 8. C. 1044, Bee. PIANOS Swap for or on an auto or lot or lota; will pay difference. If you have anything, get In touch with me, aa I have other stuff to exchange; give complete description. Address S. C, 1039, Bee. 60-LB. REFRIGERATOR, good as new, for electric fan. Address. S. C. 1042. Bee. SINGER SEWING MACHINE Paid for machine; In good condition. Let us hear what you have to trade for it Ad dress 8. C. 1030, Bee. PLAYER PIANO with 30 rolls, for auto mobile. . Address 8. C. 1083, Bee. ROOMING house, 2223 Farnam St., to trade for an automobile. Drive up with your car and make a quick deal. TWIN Indian motorcycle, 1914 model, fully equipped and In perfect running order. Will trade for 1160 cash. Or what will you give me for It? S. C. 1031, Bee. TRUCK BODY Have a good covered truck body for light delivery. Will trade for a buggy or what have you? Address, S. C. 1041. Bee. TOOL GRINDER A heavy, substantial machine, for bench work, hand powor; cost 17 wholesaln and almost new; will trado for anything can use. Address 8. C. lli. Bee. TRUCK BODY Have good Ford deliv ery body, enclosed; good condition; gale or trade. What have you? Address S, C. 1040. Bee. WANTFI-To trade painting and paper hanging for printing, groceries., coal, feed or anything I can use. Will investi gate anMhlng. Address. B. C lr?0. Bee. ONE 1) fiance pay roll check writer; good condition. What have you? Ueod two months. Address 8. C. 1043, Bee. WILL exchange some furniture for Cypher's Incubator, 220-egg or larger, or some heated Indoor brooders. Hsrney 3.1M, WANT to exchange ahow card writing for anything I can use. Address S. C. 1040, nee. WE WILL trade or swap our high grade piano. itt 1300, In trade fl7. Address S. C. 1034. Bee. WANTED TO BUT WANT small restaurant, lunch room and confectionery In or out of city. Want to buy from owner. K 4S2, Bee. Yale h'Tva everything 2d hand. Tyler 141. OFFIfa. furniture bought and sold. i. CI. Kee-I. 131 r-arnam noug i WE pay Chicago prices for aluminum scran rastinsa. Paxtnn-Mltchell Co WANTED fo buy an Invalid chair. Charles Schwenok, R. No. 3. So. Omaha. WANTED An invalid chair in good condition. Harney 6o0t. FOR KENT ipirliuruli aad Flats. 8T. GEORGE 6-room apartment, redeco rated throughout lit N. 31st Ave., se lect West Farnam district Phone Web ster 1ST 4. COOL APARTMENTS. Choice t-room apartment. dandy screened porch; oak finish; large rooms; nicely decorated; everything first class; in nearly new apartment house building. Also four-room apartment, aame building. Very ruaaonable rent. Call office for ap pointment. BCOTT AND HILL CO., Douglas lm. FOR BENT Moat beautiful, finely fin ished and up-to-date 3, 4 and a-room apartmenla In city. Building Just fin ished. Flora Apartments. 2M1 Jones St o TWO six-room, moOern, steamheatod fiata Can be rente! separately or to gether 30 summer, lib winter. Conrad Young. 223 Brendals Theator. Doug. 1571. VERY choice 4 or 6-room ateain-heoted apartments on West Farnam atreet. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1M FARNAM ST. 61X-rtOoV fiat. 2 bedrooma. at 2: Charles M. New brick, oak finish flrat floor, white enamel bathroom, with porcelain fixtures; good shades, electric natures, ntwiy decorated. Key at otnee. TR AVER BROS.. Douglas ll.M 7UJ Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg . !. DOUGLAS BT.. rooms 1160 up. Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please the must critical: . . ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.. a modern abstract office. 306 So. 17th St Phone D. 6487. REED ABSTRACT CO. oldeat abstract ciiioe in jseoraska. -u uranueia n Fcssen &Morrell tOI-t State Ek. Bldg. D. 2292. ACt'OUNTAKTS. E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A... Address 433 Hmfc Bldg. Phone Donglrs i40S. APUIMi MACHINES. Adder Mch. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. D. 8338 AMATELH H.MSHING. FILMS develored free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 41 Bee Bldg Dept. D. ARCHITECTS. Everett 8. Doddo, 12 Paxton Blk. D. 19S1. AlCTIOEEHS. Dowd Auction Co., 1115-1S W. O. W. R. 2283. Nat'l Pale ft Auction Co.. 1327 W. O. W. ALTO DSlHt.ME. 40 saved on your automobile Insurance by patronizing a home Co. Doug 2S19. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co., 2028 Far. D.2001. BAKERIES. Z. H. REEDER, 1W N. 18th Web. 83C7. BUDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1907 Cuming. Douglas I4H7. Renovatea feathers and mattresses of all kinds, make, feather mattresses and down covera BLVK PRINTING. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO., 302 Omaha National Bank Bldg. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mitchell Co., 27th and Martha fits. Nt b. Fdry. A Mfg. Co.. 1125 N. 25. Web. 7300 R11L.DING WRECKERS. LUMBER and brick buildings wrecked anywnere. Hovee-Keliey Co. Web. 4H08. CARPET HUG CLEANERS. Omaha Carpet Renovating Co. Doug. 1671. CAHl'fciNTER AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON, 823 S. 21'd. Douglas W20. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Burford, 620 Pax. Blk. Red 4587. CIVIL-ENGINEERS. M. J. I.ACY. MS BEE BLDG . DOUG. 4718. CLEANERS AND DYERS. Howard's Fantulorium. 320-2 8. 16th. D. 640? CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO.'S Western representative of VELVETILE COMPOSITION flooring. INVESTI GATE 811-12 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1672. COSTUMES AND LODGE SUPPLIES. MFG. of lodge regalia and costumes. Theo, Lisbon St Son. 1514 Howard. D. 4116. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic D. 1871. Try Mackie's first 1816 Harney. Doug. 644A. DOWN TOWN RESTAURANTS. Douglas lunch, day and night 1718 Doug. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dreasmak'g college, 20th A Farnam. MISS STURDY, 2416 CASS. RED 7320. WANTED Plain and fancy dressmak ing, win go out or town. All work guaranteed. Web. 4540. DETECTIVES. INVESTIGATIONS carrle 1 out In any part of United Mates, Canada or Mexico. 509 Paxton Blk. Doug. 1373. Walnut 1630, JAME8 ALLAN, 312 Neville Block. Evi dence secured in all cases. Tyier 1136. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes. 724 City Nat Bank. Tafe Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglas. D. 2186. DRUGS. DRUOB at cut prices; freight paid on '210 orders; catalogues free. Sherman As M Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co., 119 N. loth. Terma ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender, 624 Bee Bldg. Red 3068. EVERY THIN a xrOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating:, covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. 200 Douglas Block. D. 1936. NEW TORK sample store. Must vacate, building coming down; cloaks, suits and dresses sacrificed. 20 N. 16th St. EVERYTHING FOR MEN. TOUPEES FOR MEN Hair goods dept J. L Brandels A Sons, Omaha. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists, 1804 Farnam St D. 8000. L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. D. IS. Member Florist Telegraph DeL An n. HESS & SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam St A. DONAGHUE. 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. HAT CLEANING. Panamas cleaned. D. Elsele, 1176 City Nat ALL kinds hats cleaned. 1530 Harney St ANT hat cleaned or blocked. 1516 Harney. 11 r... Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE 'PHOliE WEBSTER 691. General Office. 13th and Manderson bis. JEWELEHS. LtTCKT wedding rings at Brodegaard'a- LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. TllTTfTrTW Thomas. Douglaa 2519. JJL1UUI1 I4, omm, gL LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTTN CRQ9. ft CO.. Exchange Bldg. FOR REN'f Apartmvats aaa Flats. I-ROOM heated apartment. The Chula Vista, tt'th end Poppleton Ave. Vacant June 1. Conraid Young, 323 Brandels thea ter Douglas Ul. CENTRA I .No aqual a price or gualUy. f-rooaa bouse: 4-roum fiaL 3 N. Ltd. 6-ROOM heated apartment. The Mason, 21st and Mason Sis. Reduced rent. Con rad Young. Ui Brandels Theater. D. lail. THREE rooms and bath and toilet; close to car line. $i!5o. T. SULLIVAN. 218 Brandels Theater "THE HARNEY." 4-r.. SOut Harney, will aub-lease, NEW, has sun parlor, good location. Call H. 4&S1. MASSEUSES. MtPS STAPLES, mass., elee. hath. V. ,713. Open eve., p. m.; Sundays. 10 to X R A TTT'-Jind mass., alcohol rub. Laura i.llllOyV,nn ,12 Farrmm. room 2. Douglas 8751. Open evenings and Sunday. MASSAGE, 1721 Dodge. Mrs. Steele.' BATHS. 214 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Doug. B.Brugman. mass., 203 Karbach Blk. R. 2737 MASS AG E 620 Bee Bldg. Douglas 6371 Clara Lee, bath and rraseage. Douglas 8751. M. HALLERON, Baths. 22S Neville Blk. Miss X. mudlavla mass. R. 224, Neville Blk. MASSAGE, 1721 Dodge. Mrs. Steele. MISS JACOBS, Mass.' R 224. NevlU. Blk. SCIENTIFIC MASSEUR. Room 21 Douglas Block. 16th and Dodge. MASSAGE Call D. 3227 for appointment MISS GILBERT, message. 109 S. 17th St Miss DavlH, masaage. 109 9. 17th St. 1st fl. MINING KM. INKERS. WILL pay to consult W. H. Oodfry on mining hnnlnom. Stale Bk. K, 4341. MOTORCYCLES. HARLFT-DAVIDSON- MOTORCYCLES. bargains in used machlnon. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man." 2703 Lenvanworth. MOVING PICTlRrJ MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motloa picture machine and film bargains WE rent moving plctnre machines. Ptar Theatrical Kxi hange. 640 Paxton hlork. MOWKRS SHARPENED. CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED; work guaranteed; saw filing. Doug. 7128. MISICAL INSTRUCTION. RATES, Harp ft Piano, 80S Lyric. D. 8704. NURSERY SEEDS AND PLANTS. FOR PALE Extra fine cane seed at It per bus., sacks rOc each. Write for samples. J. J. Funk, Fremont, Neb. OFFICES. OFFICES When making your new plans. see us mr orrice snnce. -in. pest loca tion and easiest found. , i.jj THE BEE BUILDING, "The Bulldlni; That Is Always New." Office, Room 103. OCULISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Dra. McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. Peterson, C08 Brandels Bldg. D. 8141 JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 616 Bee Bid PAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH MTMANUS, 417 N. 4(Kh. H. I72S. PATENT DEVELOPMENT. . -AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 S. 11th St PATENTS. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. TeL Red 71U. H. A. Pturges, 636 Brandels Theater Bldg. PRINTING. WATER8-BAF.NHART Ptg-. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. 190. 824 8. 13th St CENTRAL PRINTING OO. DOUG. 2764 DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. PLATING. v T. 8277. Acme Plating Co..' Ill 8. 16th St SAFE AND TIM El LOCK EXPERTS. SAFES Opened, repaired, comb, changed. F. E. Davtn poTt, 1406 Dodge. D. 1821. SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN PROS., shoe rapalr. 811 8. 14. Hartey Shoe Rep'r Co., 2004 Farn'm. R.8440 SEWING MACHINES, rent, repair, sell needles and parts We lor ail sewing macnines. "MICHEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Doug. 166L STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, lis 8. W, SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co. Doug. 4691 STORE AND OP ICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sclL Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-13 B- 12th. Doug. 2724. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. Ilth. D. 638. TAILORS. CHA8. C. LANDERYOU. 108 N. 16th Bt Palm Beach suits to order. 1816 Farnam. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FREEING Ai 8TEINLE. 1806 Farnam St TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver Typewriter 3 mo. for 84. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1905 Farnam. Butts Typewriter Exchange, 1808 Farnam. All makes for sale or runt. RENT a "Remington," not Just a type writer, low rent. Call Douglas 12&4. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. 2d fl. Paxton Bk., 18 yr. exp. WEDD1NU STATIONERY. WE show only the correct and prevail ing styles in invitations. vUlting cards, stationery, etc. IRVIN A. MEDLAR CO.. Printers, 4 It S. 14th St. Tel. Doug. 1263. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. WHITE CHINA. OMAHA Ctilna Shop. White china for decorating fi t sale at 64 brandeia Bldg. WINES AND LltiUORb ALEX JETES. 201-3 8. 13th St. Wines, liquors, clears Plate dinners. 11 to t, luc. Globe liquor house. 424 N. 16th; California wine, 81.2 per gal. Write for price iut HENRY POLIJOCK LIQUOR HOUSH loth and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent luuct. RTTT IAN. ftnnllu II....... . s.. .... . ii-iui'n ii iviein a jt I.lqiiorHtjse1622 N Rth. Douglas IW'. FOR RENT A part ate a Is aad Flats. Six Room Flat Three bedrooms at 1513 Charles St. New brick, oak finish first floor, white enamel bathroom, with porcelain fix turea; good shadea. electric fixture., r.cwly decorated. Key at office TKAVER BROS.. Douglas J153. 'OniahaNat. Bank Bldg Board aad Uwa. BOARD and room In private family for Jy Vli!U"" ' Blao wUa. Uar- I