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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1915)
thh niir.: m aha. wkdxksday. may cr, inn. Nothing Heals Cuts and Burns Like "Benetol" 1SUES FOR PART OF FORTUNE SHE LOST j tifies She Paid $26,000 to Wil- The Korii. nmi ruin Are iiiic in! Mrs. Mary F. Grubtr of Denver Tes a .Moment hiiiI t Wound o i i r Kroin All lt:inicr if I mil nulim. nam H. Brown ana w ne. Net only dots "" tni tlio pain n,l hl Hip tin ..r I. 'mi, hut it nt t'l-'l Mume time kill, all f..r ,.r ..,-,,, lif BROWN DENIES THE CHARGES !! lOflvos t'ir w.unl HiitisfPt irull - I l leRU. I'tTPXi'l' ;Mi'l Other W Mrly KlU'WII Ncw Home Now Assured for Poor Family Whose House Was Destroyed Subscriptions continue to flow into The Bee office to build a home for Joseph Mecher. whose house a t Eleventh and Ogden streets, built with the savings of years, was burned down two weeks ago before he had insurance on it. Henry Pollack started the list a few days ago with $30. To File Stoppage in Transit Case Briefs Tt. .tor-rax In trnimlt h.- In hi h th KaHnn-U Itni'lt'tiii tit m l ililrK- m '"tiin I rktti In rmniud (ho mil road, to continue In grunt thin rtlf-ite In lm;'limmt hliiiont. I. t N fil,-, with Inn lnt-rat.ite CVmnirrcp rontnnt- inn ty Juno R Trie rjiae In thrn t.i t-e J argued befoin the iminilMHin aotne time Don't put it off. Start now to Hi Uttla Onei, aa Wall at Adulta, Soon Laarn he Wonders of " Benetol." Mrs. Mary K. Umber, nsed f0 years, of Denver, formerly of Omaha, who In five years dissipated a $47, 000 estate inherited from her father, with the result that she has been making her living by scrubbing I floors, testified before District JudRe Sears of paying $22,000 In sums varying from $40 to $5,000 to Wil liam H. Brown of Omaha and Mrs. Clly M. Brown, his wife. Slip was the first witness In the trial i of her equity suit In wlilcn all" Is ace-kins tn HHin title to Omaha real estate runhasr.l. It la allege. 1. In Mrs. Itrown'n name, with money received from Mrs., Grnher. The plaintiff declined she paid ' the money with tlie iimleratanillna that It was to be used In the iiiHiiiifa'ttire anil : sale of an "Antiseptic Wonder." a pat ent preparation of which she testified , Hrown said he was the Inventor. .lvea Itrmlmil twillltt. In June. 1'.'12. Mrs. t.rulier said, she I R. B. Condon of the Boyer & Van Kuran Lumber company between June in and tn latter part .11.1 . Atimisl. K. J. M. Vann of ottuil.a H nuucu tin equal sum. mid advertised ao-CitMed "antisept ies" ' fall far, far short of liavin the Renn ileatroyinit effect that should hp posses- i weil fur safe results. The antiseptic j such as car bolic acid, htchlorlile of mer- 1 first met Hrown, tielnn introiiuccu to mm ury and other such dangerous poison, i by her son. friaries Oiuher, at the office i1?! rX!.rTe!y. u"sn1fp Hlul "'"O"!'1 IieveI iof the Omaha Lightning Hod and Mec- Steve Toth and others arranged for a ball Saturday night, which netted $80.60. This sum was turned over to Mr. Mecher at once, and with it and some material already donated he has started to rebuild. Louis Urim is drawing the plan s and helping Mr. Mecher person ally. The excavation has been made and the foundation is ready to be laid. Next Sunday forty carpenters will donate their services and the house is expected to rise with record speed. Pending the completion of thei r new home Mr. and Mrs. MecheT and their two sons are living with Joe Suhada. a brother-in-law, at Tenth and Izard streets. The fund previously acknowledged in The Bee was $90. Additional subscriptions have come, making the total as follows; Previously acknowledged $ 90.00 Morris Gross 5.00 A friend 100 Sam Newman '-00 Bull arranged by Steve Toth SO. CO tnined hy fie National implement and ehl lc nism Intion In this case. An tho liiamnln oixiei-ed by Ihe Interstntn iViiuueTce commission exiMres Replmier a.'. It will be necrsjajy that the i-om-nnssl, m's decision ho horded down sev eral week before that date In order to give the railroads time to sot out their new tariffs and schedules bused on what ever the order of th commission may be- V use rjf IPH&S&Z SSSV: A Jgr soap s A the Soap that does FATHER M'MENAMY TO TALK BEFORE MEN0RAH SOCIETY new Francis X. McMenamjr. president of Crelnhton university, will address the Meno!a.ti sociely Wednesdny evenhiK at the MctriKilitnn cluli rooms A discis sion on "The Inadeuuacy of ur 1'resent Kdmation" will bo led by Harney Knla. kofsky. Miss Annn Leaf, the talented iim (pianist, and her sister. Miss Ksther tf. will Ke the miiklciil numbers. most of your work for you. It's a time-saver, a money-saver, a health-saver. Use it in cool or lukewarm waterit's a fuel-saver too. tt fc Ca . Pkiladelpbla. "Menetol" Is harmless for children ns well as rown-ups, and whether used externally or Internally. let aoiiiaJnlcd with the hundreds of uses that you and your family should daily make of this marvelous prepara. tion. For Immediate, use. buy a bottle at your drug store. i!"c, fiOc and It 00 sizes, l.el us send you our "leneto, trial combination ol the liquid, ointment and tooth cream. The trial package la not to be bail from dealers' and is sent dl rei t by us only to those w-lio are not familiar with "Henetol" preparations. Knclose 10 cents (stumps or coin) with your name and address. The Itenetol Company. Ill Henetol Hiilldlng, Minneapolis. Minn. Sold, recommended and irunranteed In iinaha by Shei-mMn McCnnnell Prupr i'ii.. Hth and I indue: owl linn ('., 16th and TTarney: Harvard Pharmacy. Jtth and ""nritflm: Loyal Pharmacy, J0T-i09 North lfith St. mm t iaiia a m a s-rffirtimffWi.iiiif in 1 Everybody Now Buys Dia monds for Wedding and Graduation Gifts on Credit S.'.O-LaiUm' ring. lk nollil solil IittU - I'fi fi'lton" fnountl'iK. lirll- r...:. 50 15 a Month, Y 7C9 Men's Rln. Put Hk'hn half engraved, 14k unllil (oM, R4C fine llamtmd.. w $4.60 Month. $24" 11M le Valllre. fine olid g.iM. anulne onyi ren ter, pearl pendant, flna Inamonil eom plcte with 0:1 R chain Montn. $2.50 i Month U-ln. I S1.50 "UT WZVTriH Watch rae and rtraialat. ara boill fine anlld mild, l-aver a full nickel jeweleil. choice nl either white S O A. 75 or aulil dial. Huaranteed S3.50 Month. Can Daily Till 8 P. M. Sttwdtrt Till 9:30 fall or writ for llhaitratM falalng No. MS. Phona Douf. 1444 and our aalewnan will call. trical company on Twelfth street, In Omaha. Their business relations termi nated, she testified. January S. 191 H, when she fled from Ottawa. 111., to Colorado, following aliened advice by Hrown that she was in danger of prosecution by the United States government. 1 Miring the Interval, she asserted, she paid Hrown about !:0ui as follows: June, P'l2-n for drugs. June, 1M12 :IH5 for trip to Washington for analysis of drugs. June, lt12 420 paid to Mrs. Brown fur patent rights. July, 1912 $2,000 for promotion purposes. September 1, 1913 J.'.noo to get patent In Lincoln. September 3. $-.500 for patent In Canada. October 1. $6,000 paid at Princeton. 111., for installing plant at Aberdeen. S. 1. October 3, $2.y0 for building at AtxT deen. November 15, $3.fi00 for incorpoitlon proceedings In Aberdeen. December 6, $2,000 for Interior decora tions at Aberdeen. Went to tbrrdffn. "In January." said Mrs. Oruber, "1 sent my son to Aberdeen and found that Mr. Brown had not built any plant thete and had nothing to show for the money I had given him. He had promised IPat I should receive one-half the profits from tl.e business, and 1 relied on his prom-if-es." "He wanted more," was the reply al ways made by Mrs. Urulx-r to attorneys' questions regarding her conversations with Brown. "He was always In a hurry," she said, "and we never had much con- I versation." ! Mrs. Gruber has a ult pending n Den- ver In which she alleges she lost tbc re 1 muinder of her $47,000 Inheritance In a other business transaction. Hhe said ah had been earning a living In Denver by scrubbing floors and doing other lntior. She Is plainly dressed. She has been twice married, her first husband !avlng secured a divorce from her in Illinois, according to her testimony. Brown's defense is a denial that ho re ceived tho amounts named by Mru. Gru ber, with tho exception of $4fi0. which Brown asserts was paid to him for doing work for her. A deposition of Hort C. Wiley, an at torney of Ottawa, III.. In which the at torney testified that he knew that Mr Gruber had Inherited $47,000 from the es tate of her late father, Bowen GUI, a farmer of the vicinity of Ottawa, who died In 1W9, was read In court. Total $177. 0 LIGHTNING CAUSE OF SEYERAL FIRES Electrical Storm Visits Omaha, Driv ing Families from Homes Dur ing the Night. INCH AND A HALF OF RAIN Four families living In a hoarding house managed by Mrs. Frances Fol lambsbee at 602 South Twenty e'ghth street, wero routed out at 2 a. m. and driven out In the rain when lightning struck the roof of the building and started a fire. The fire department extinguished Ihe blaze before much damage had been done. Considerable excitement prevailed for a few minutes. S. K. Myers, wtfe and four small child ren made a hurried exit from upstairs rooms of Mf Burt street at 3 a. ni., upon discovery that a broom factory below was ablaxe, lightning having struck the place. The damage was nominal. The occupants were soaked by the rain, but were able to return to their IMng rooms after the firemen put out the flra. Ineh nnil n Half of Knln. A full-grown May shower visited the I city, during the night. Colnel Welsh of ! the weHther department reports 1 tit nehes of rain. Lightning and wind aroused many cltl- I lens about midnight. The storm clouds i gathered early In the evening and ap peared rather ominous for a while, par ticularly In the southwest. The moisture benefited growing vege tation and was welcomed by Omahan A bright sun greeted early risers who be stirred themselves to note the freshened a ppes ninca of lawns and flower bods. RAIN KEEPS UP PRICES ON THE LOCAL GRAIN MARKET Rven tho war news could not counter act the effect of tho heavy rains Oiat were general over the wdnter wheat belt of the central west and wheat on tho Omaha market closed at $1.401.454, un changed from Monday. There was a good demand and a goodly portions of the sales were to millers. Receluts wore iS cars. The corn market was up VlrtU cent, tho sales being made at around 70 to 72'4 cents. There were 24 carloads on the market. Oats were 'j cent up, selling at tMNiO cent, with receipts of 7 cars. NATIONAL nftl-iyiCTHE llr B I at? CREDIT JEWELERS bros & aura 409 8. leth Omaha. Bt. NO DOUBT THAT RESINOL DOES STOP ITCHING Tt Is a fact that the moment Realnol Ointment touches Itching skins, the itching Btops and healing begins. With the aid of Hesinol Soap, It almost al ways clears away all trace of eczema, ring worm, pimples, or niniilar torment lng, unsightly eruption uuickly, lea vine the skin clear and healthy. And the best of it la you need never hesitate to use IleHinol Soup and Hesi nol Ointment. There is nothing in them to Injure the tenderest surface. Kcslnol Is a doctor's prescription which fur twenty years lias been used by careful physicians for many kinds of skin af fections. They prescribe Kesinol freely, knowing that Its soothing, healing ac tion la brought about by medication so bland and gentle a to be suited to the most delicate or Irritated skin. Hesinol ointment (Si'c and til and Iteslnol Soap (25c) are sold by all urugglats. Advertisement. ff if a a a. rwt risk your d Isf'HUM of kintlwdcd on th I art of llie coutrfcc- IlvttV ill dOl.atH ir jour io. k t to aipiojf ..rt u.LMCaal nuperv.ft rebdr. i'H ptwuo or urn S. G. PETICOLAS Memlar Amtriraa InXIUli ot fclarl,al Eiiliira. 1204 W. O. W. Bldg. Pbona Douglas 6037. Dan Cupid Has Hard Time Landing Iowa Pair, but Succeeds It took several secret service agents of the United States government, the ma chinery of the Department of Justice, the police of St. Joseph and other cities and finally United States Heputy Marshal Haze and Justice of the Peace Leeder ot Omaha to help win Cupid In an excep tionally difficult marriage. But th little lad with the arrows was victorious Dan was engaged in his favorite pas time of shooting arrows Into hearts over In fort Tdgc, la., some time ago. Ho pierced the heart of Miss Agnes Doyle, and tlie corresponding arrow hs shot Into the manly bosom of Archie Armstrong. The young god hadn't Inquired about the religious beliefs of the pair, lie just thought they were suitable for each other. Next appeared stern parents. "This marriage can never, never be," said stern parents. Cupid is used to this sort of trouble. First thing stern parents knew their dr.ughter had disappeared and Arms'.roiig had also gone. Then the government was called en and its thousands of arms reached ou. and located the pair. Finally Armstrong was arrested in St. Joseph, and technically charged with violation of the Mann act. However, stern parents, seeing there was no other way, that Dan Cup'd had struck the hearts fair and square with bis arrows, capitulated, and they were married by the j. p.. and, let us hope, will "ll happily ever after." Stick This On Your Spindle lf coffee 1 Dont I PosnstiJ A Nurse says: "I have been a trained nurse for so rue fifteen years. 8nd like many nurses, drank strong coffee. About two years ago I had to call a halt. I missed my coffee until some one remembered Poatum, which I have used ever since, recommending It to many of my patients." PIANOS OF FAME AT SHORT PRICE Only once in a great many years is an opportunity offered the public to secure World Famed Pianos at the prices we are quoting during the last week of our May Clearing Sale, and if you fail to take advantage of it, you are not treating yourself or your home squarely. Think of it! The leading makes of the world taken from the best homes throughout Nebraska homes that preferred Pianola Pianos. All Pianos thoroughly overhauled some not used a year and now you can buy them at about one-third of their original cost. Here Are Some Fresh Bargains That Have Been Brought to the Front for This Week's Selling. Read Carefully and Wisely. 8 85 $275 Mueller I prlglit , t;ll0 Vow tV Hon I prlk'ht ft f() :tOO Dveicii I priKlit $1( $271 Krbe Upright A1IO :l(H SiiiKr I'liriKlit SI 15 $1175 Htt'Kci- & Sons 1 prluhl $ 1 ,r0 K7.-0 Nlrlnway I i ltlit $UOO $7ft Marshall K Wcndall Upright. M KtO $ Wagner I'prlght $14U IU..M.lvk.Hl-K TKIIMH 80 DAVH' TUIAI .VH Kiial Upright IM2ft Bradford Upright. HUIOO Rchtnoller & Muc-llor Upright s4(M) fStcgcr & Hons Upright 910O0 Uhlckerlng (rrnnd . $NOO Httiier & Son Grand Kit on Htrinway Grand KlM A. U. Chase Grand (00 Weber Grand SG5U . T ANV HESl-OKSIUIiH FAMILY. 8290 $145 $150 225 S2S5 l'HKK HT(M)Ia l'IU:K Ht'ARF. F1UOS Lla-Til I8C11AXCK. We are also exclusive representative for the celebrated eilrtnway, Weber, Rteer & Bona, Mardman, Kinermin. Mcl'liail, Mudcuian & Nona and Hchinoller & .Mimller Fianoaj and Aeolian Pianola Ptaaoa. Our record of 5.1 years of honewt I'lano inerchandislng In Ihe powerful snaranteei that stands back of .very wale. THK, KEYMITE OK SUCH 'ESS OK THIS IIOUBE IS 'JlTAUTY." Schmoller & Mueller Piano Company 1311-13 FAENAM STREET, OMAHA, NEB. ESTABLISHED 1859. Make Teetuing asy I'or Baby USE Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup A SPLENDID REGULATOR PURELY VEGETABLE -NOT NARCOTIC Locked in Fruit j Car Seven Days ! Seven days' rlie In a car of oranges the unusual exierienie of Henry Henderson, who was Uineovercd when a car of 'ahfurnlii Irull was opened in the Union racifle freight yards. Henderson, who is 19 years of sue. survived the ler lihle ordeal of lieing lurked for a week in a ref rlijerator car. The only food the youth had on tho tnri wax that wl.l, h 'ie found inide th . ear, and his daily hill of fare was lini ! ited to oranKen. He was able to eat a hearty meal at the Windsor hotel. Ha registered as from Pittsburgh, where he said his parents live. He said ha was mi Iuh any home and haj seen enough. I ! the u,len WeKt. I There wan nu ehanre fur lleniler.nn la 1 get out of the car as it was sealed seven ' days sko in Califoinia and hhled to an Omaha eniuinitKiun firm. Tha Be Want A us am ucst Business Boosters A Teacher Says: "I have bren a coffee drinker ever Hlnce 1 can re member. I have been teaching school for sixteen years, and became more and more nervous. I could not Bleep. After reading some of your lit erature I decided to try Postum. I have been using It about thirty days; my nerves have improved; 1 have no headache; sleep peacefully, and am able to do my school work better. A Doctor says: "I often find it nec-8ary to prohibit the use of coffee for niy patients, and have advised the use of I'ohtnin with good results to the nervous system and directive apparatus." When tho timo comos that you want to get rid of coffoo trouhles, quit coffee nud use P0 STUM the pure food-drink. Math' of wheat, roasted with ti bit of wholesome inolansi's, Jituni is entirely free from tho ooffee-dru,, caffeine, or any other harmful Hubstauoe. Both ToMum Cereal which has to be boiled and Instant I'osiuiu made in the cup instantly are delicious, nourishing, and coHt about the same per cup. "There's a Reason" for POSTUM sold by Grocers everywhere. WITH FISK SERVICE NON-SKID AT LOW PRICES Cost Reduced Quality Maintained Compare With Plain Tread Casing Prices Of Other Standard Makes 35x30 - 12.20 4 x33 - 20.00 4x34-20.35 4ix34 - 27.30 4ix36 - 28.70 5 x37 - 33.90 Fisk quality tires never gave more universal satisfaction than they are giving today. THE FISK NON-SKID is the only real non-skid w hich can be bought at the Low Prices. FblfTbes For Salt By All Dealer The Fisk Rubber Company of N. Y. Cbicopee Falls, Mat. Omaha Branch 2210 Farnam Street nUati.'Maatjh Ju i. at. .... TW.lW-taf taavHaWT A Spineless Ambition that begins and ends with a soft bed and a full stomach will never boost a man to success. Get out of the nice smooth rut and let people know what you are good for. Hustle bang away at something big. Bead the chanoes to get ahead in The BeeB '"Help Wanted' Columns. Telephone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE Everybody Meads Bee Want Ads J