Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1915, Page 2, Image 2
Trip; nni;: omaha. ukdnksuav, may a;, ITALIAN FORCES INYADEAUSTRIA Towni of Caporetto. Cormont, Ceri rgnano and Teno, Near Head of Gulf of Trieste. TS7TSSMArrT HOLLAND SENDS on landS sea1 NOTE ON LUSITA1UA FORT OF BUSO IS BOMBARDED ROME. My 25. (Via Paris). Official announcement a made hy I the War office today that Italian 1 forces had penetrated Austria, occu-' pring Caporetto, the heights between ! the Judnio and Isonzo, and the ton J cf Cormona, Cerrignano and Teno. j Th statement says these operations took plae yeeterday In the Austrian trownland of Carnlolo and In the r'rlull district. It reads: "On the Carnlolo" front Austrian nrtU lery opened fire against our roeitiona ithout reiulta. Puriag the day of May 14 our artillery fired on positions occu pied by artlller)' of tha enemy. "On the Frtuli front our troops advanced everywhere and encountered only feeblo jeslstan-e. We have occupied Oapnretto. the heights between the Idrla and Isonxo fivers. Cormons, Cervlgano and Terxo. The enemy withdrew, destroying bridgee and Burning houaee. "Our torjedo deatroyere opened fire against the enemy'a detachments at tha port of Ruso. and have disembarked troop. We have raptured aeventy Aus. triana ho had been aent to Venice. Our losses were one dead and aome wounded." The towna of Caporetto, Cormona, Cer vignano and Terxo are In Austrian terri tory, two or three mllea from the Italian border line. Thejr atretrb along the fron tier on a line running north from tha head of the g-ulf of Tries. The Aua trlan town of Con la five mllea to the east of Cormona and Trleat. Itaelf la twenty-file miles from tha border line. The railroad running eaat and west paas through Cormona and Terio. rrt of Bwao Sir Idea. ROllfc, Hay .-(Vla Parla, Slay ) Tn following official etatement wn Is sued tonight by tha Italian general ataff : "An Italian destroyer entered the port of Buao. mar the Austrian frontier and deatroyed the landing stages, the railroad atatlon and harrarka aa well aa all motor 'boats la tha harbor. Tha destroyer waa not damaged and none of tha crew was wounded. Two of the enemy were killed 'Continued fmm Pale r ire i I "at fighting elements cf the cuintrv, : hen been engseed. In Constantinople there is a shortage cf petroleum, wool and 'oal Freud is also larking and at the t.akerla the I people must take their turn. I When American Ambassador Mnrgrn Ithan protested to the Turkish authcr ' 'tics against the sending of fifty Uritish land Kron'-h aubtetts to be placed on tlin : fortifications of He PaManelles. a mens- uie destined to atop the bombardment of the a I lie. Enver Hey teplied he must ! something, aa the arrival of Turkish wounded from the s'ralta waa 'Tenting a deep impression. The ambassador's en ernetHj efforta, coupled with the lirttiali threats to hold Knver Tiey personallv re sponsible, resulted in the return of these) men to Constantinople! within a week. They were arrompaniod to fiallipoll by Hoffman rhillp. secretary of the Amer ican embassy. The rolllur VuUan. which haa been coal ing the American cruiser Tennessee, ia expected shortly at Dedeagtch from Beirut, bringing the unit of the American Red Croaa society, which ta proceeding to Constantinople. Dutch Government's Protest Against Killing Its Subjects Follows Lines of U. S. Note. ANSWER OF KAISER DELAYED I. and we took forty-seven prlaonera In cluding an officer and fifteen non-com-missioned officers, who wera brought to Venice. "According to supplementary- Informa tion received the two enemy aeroplanes which appeared ovar Venlca thla morn ing dropped le-en bomb without causing serious damage. The fire from our de fense put them to flight. Tha damage to tha railroad caused by tha attacks of war ships and aeroplane In tha early hours of the morning was unimportant and al ready haa been repaired. . "Tha Austrian cannonade sank a CVer man steamer In tha harbor at Ancona." Several Waaadea la Venice. ( WASHINGTON, May 25.-Amertcan Consul Carroll at Venlca cabled tha Bute department today that German and Aus trian aeroplanes, which flew over tha elty yeeterday dropping bombs, Injured several peaaanta, but no Americana. Tha Italians returned tha ftra with machine g-una and shrapnel. The State department laaued thla atata xnont: Tha American consul at Venlca has telegraphed that on May 23 German" and Austrian aaroplanea mada a aeouting at tack on Vtnlre at dawn. Several bomba wera thrown and several persona wounded, ona bomb falling near tha ar senal and another at San Nleoletto tl Ixidl, In tha water. Ona aeroplane flew directly over tha consulate amid a hall of machine guns, ahrepnel and ahell fir. Tha conaul reports that there waa no sign of panic among tha cltlsens, who watched tha fight through glasses." Italy Tells World Vienna Broke Treaty By Defi to Serbia WASHINGTON, May 25. Italy has addressed to the neutral Rovern ments of the world a lengthy com munication explaining Its reasons for declaring war on Austria. Count dl Cellere, the Italian ambassador, presented the, document to Secretary Bryan today In the form of a note to the United States government. It reviews negotiations between Italy and Austria, revealing that They began Immediately upon the dispatch of Ana- trla'a ultimatum to Berbla. Italy claimed then that the action of Austria disturbed J the equilibrium of the Malkana and the i peace of fturope In a way that vitally 'affected Italian Interests. As a nslly of Austria, Italy asserts the rlKht to have been conaulted before Bending of the ultimatum, the first news of which waa received through the newspapera. Falling to obtain through diplomacy the aatlafactlon of Ita territorial and na tlonnl asplratlona. Italy announces that ia declaration of war waa the only means of safeguarding Its position in Europe. THE H AtJl'K, May 2 1 Via ; London.)- The government of thP Netherlands has sent a note to Ger-1 many protesting against the sinking on May 7 of the Cunard line steamer I.usitania by a German submarine. The contents of thla note are sub stantially the same as that In the American communication on the tune subject. The lives of several Dutch subjects were lost when the Lusltanla waa torpedoed. Answer f Kataer Delayed. WASHINGTON, May 26 Preaident Wilson told callers today he did not know lai.aea for the delay of the Oer man reply to the American note on the l.uaitanla, but h? presumed the German government waa for the moment ab sorbed In the new drcumatanoea arising out of Italy's entrance Into tha war. The Cttiman embassy here has made sugges tions to the Germnn foreign office for the reply and In German quartans It la sld the note will be of a character to aatiafy American public opinion. While declining to throw any light on the shipping situation aa between Great Hrltaln and the t'ntted States, the pros blent referred to tt aa a chronic cnee. It waa learned that he believed any for mal note now to Great Britain might weaken the American governments posi tion In lis delicate relatione with Ger many, but as soon aa tha reply la re ceived aome action may be expected. Turk Subsea Sank The Russ Warship AMSTERDAM. Holland iVia London), May 26. A telegram from Constantinople raye It la announced officially there that Turkish eubmarlne sank a Ruaslan warahlp In tha Black Hea. Tha dispatch adda that Turkey suc ceeded for soma tlma In concealing the fact that thla submarine waa In opera tion and that tha complete results of Its aotlvltlea ara unknown. A wireless dispatch .from Berlin yes- terdsy reported that a Russian warship, probably the battleship Panteletmon, had been sunk In tha Black Sea with the lose of 1,400 men. Tha dispatch gave no Inti mation that tha vessel had been sunk by a aumbarlna. TWISTER KILLS ONE AND RUINS HOMES (Continued from Page One.) amount for the wevk to 4 11 Inches. North of Fremont In tha vicinity of Hooper and t'ehllng tha downpour amounted almost ta a cloudburst, with the reault that railroad tracks wi waahed out In aome placea. On th North west rn Una north of Nlekerson a stretch of track about 140 yard In length waa so badly damaged by the high water that traffic waa delayed, for several hours while tha break waa mended. On the Albion Una between Dodge and Snyder tha roadbed for several rods waa waahed out On the Burlington Una be tween Cabling and Wlnalow a at retch of track about yards long waa swept away. MKKHNO WATER. Neb., May SiclaM-About two and a half Inches of rain fell her about 4 o'clock today Much daiiiasu was done to rropa. Tha com ia badly waahed out In some placea FRONTIER DAY AT CHEYENNE TO BE A MONTH EARLIER The nineteenth annual Frontier day 'lebration at Cheyenne will be held full month earlier thla year than here tofore In order that the big tourist rush to the fair at this period may avail them selee of the opportunity to witness th big event. The eaact datea of the fea. t Hit tea ara July m rate will be In effect on all rallroada. DEATH RECORD. Union Leader Freed Of Murder Charge TRINIPAD. Colo., May 24.-A verdict of not gulltv waa returned tonight by tha Jury In the case of Robert IThllch, a union leader charged with the murder of Mack 1'owell, a cowboy, October , 1913. Powell was killed during one of the flghta between mine guarda and striking coal miners near Ludlow during the Colorado coal atrtke. The verdict was reached on the first ballot. Funeral of Charles 1 Frohman is Held in City of New York NEW T'iKK', May '.'o -Tribute to th mnnr.r nf '"I stlcs Krohman, thc'rlrl mf.naaer. who perished on the Iusl'anla. ens paid today bv hundreds f rsons m th" thcatrlral world and runny 'mm other walks of life at the funeral serv ices held nt the Temple Knianu-Kl In spnklrig of Mr. I ruhman a hiKti standinK In the theatrical wcrld Augustus Thomas, the playwright, who delivered the funeral oration, said "The history of the dramatic world has held no name so potent, tweause f" one thing he never bartered his self-respect tor notoriety. Just to be with the man waa to be decent." Twenty',six psllbesrers escort'd the body. They Included, In addition to Mr. Thomas, George Ade, Edward Sheldon, Richard Harding lavla. E. II. flothern, William Gillette. Otia Hklnner, William Faveraham and David Belaaco. Funeral services In memory of Mr. Frohman were arranged by Blllle Burke In Tacoma, Wash.; by John Drew In Ban Franclaco, and by Julia Sanderson snd others In Providence, R. I. Spain Will Act for Austria at Rome BERNE. Switzerland tVla Parisi. May 8. Tha Swiss government has announced that It will repreaent the lntereata at Rome of the German empire and of navarla and that the lntereata of Austria-Hungary will be repreaented by Ppaln. PIONEER F0BT DODGE BANKER DIES IN CHICAGO fOr.T rOrGK. Ta.. Mav 25. (Special Telegram.) John C. Cheney, a Trtoneer banker of thla city, died In hCtcago laat night. Mr. Cheney had been falling In health for two years and waa 77 years of age. He moved to thla city In 1W and operated a atage line out of Fort Dodge. After th eoomlng of the railroad he operated a atage line. He came back here In 1K7C and waa one o fthe organliera of the Fort Podge National bank and for many yeara waa cashier. His eon. John T. Cheney. Is now cashier. Mrs. John C. Cheney la alive, but In very poor health. Wounded Premier of Portugal Resigns LISBON, Tortugal. May 25. - (Via Paris.) Joao chagaa resigned the pre miership of Portugal today on the ad vice of his physician. He was premier In the new revolutionary government of the republic and on May 17 he was ahot and aerloualy wounded by Penator Freltaa. Department Orders. WASHINGTON. Mav 31 (Speejnl Tele gram.) Fred W. Flndberg waa appointed postmaster at Pawlct,. Garden nounty, Nebraska, vice Maude Mclaughlin, re ajirnorl. - - IonaW A. Wllaev Was appointed rural carrier at Kweet Water. Neb. Ralph W. Hayes. Htory county. Ia., haa noen ap pointed a acaler at Lapolnta Indian Agency, Wla. The postofflce at Pchaupps. Sherman county, Nebraska, haa been discontinued, nisi1 to Aahton. Try ThU If You Have Dandruff There ia one aure way that never fails to remove dandruff completely and that la to diaaolve It. This deatroya It en tirely. To do this, just s;et about four ounces of plain, ordinary liquid arvon; apply It at night when retiring, uae enough to moisten the scalp and rub It in gently with the finger tips. By morning, most If not all. of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four mora applications will completely dls aolvo and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. Tou will find, too, that all Itching and digging of th acalp will stop In atantly, and your hair will be fluffy, lustroua. gloasy. ellky and soft, and look and fell a huadrad times better. Tou can' get liquid arvon at any drug tore. It ia Inexipenalve, and four ounces la all you will need. Thla almple remedy haa never been known to fall. Advertisement. Germany Takes Over Tobacco Property AMSTERDAM. May . Vla London.) All property of the British-American Tobaoco company In Germany has bwn placed under German aupervlelon, ac cording to the Berlin correspondent of lh Telecraaf. J anna B. Duke of New oVrk Is presl- dent of the British-American Tobacco company, tha capital of which la $.'V- I 000.000. On of tha principal German aubeldiaiiea of the company at Dresden waa sold In November to Gernuina with tha constant of tha British Board of i Trade. - IB UTILITY GAS RANGES Give Better Service and Consume Much Less Gas Many Important satisfaction producing features are Installed in Utility Qui Kangea that are to be found In no other arove manufactured, tvery I'llllty Gaa itange will aland the moat rigid rrltlrlam of the expert Vw ahow a complete line of these excellent ranges lnclud- 5QtACAv.59 Ing a complete assortment of the latest designs In the J lUalSffgV cabinet styles. L'tlllty Oaa Ranges are priced front. OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT Jeff J. Marflelri. BTHLUA. Neb.. May 14 (Special Jeff J. Warfleld died yesterday of heart failure after a few hours' illness. He was a painter and decorator and waa one of the pioneer residents of Ktella. Mr. Warfleld waa W years old and as a young boy saw service In tha confederate army. He waa twice married. Ilia sec-, ond wife, who waa Mlaa Maggie Jonea of ; Stella, died thirteen yeara ago. Four1 sons aurvlve, Clarence of fctella. Harry of ' Lincoln. Carl of herldan, Wyo. ; Jeff, Jr . of Caspar. Wyo. Mrs. KH aa tela Skawhaa. TABLE ROCK. Neb.. May . pe cial )-Mra. Elisabeth Hhawhan. wife of Minor Bhawhan, who had been a resident of Pawute and RIchardaon counties for many years, died at the reeideoca of her daughter. Mrs. Nannie Tinker, at Tber inopolla. Wyo.. at i o'clock Saturday morning lt. Tha body arrived hra yea terdav. Funeral servtcee wera held to day. Mrs. Bhawhan waa 77 ear!d and bad been In feeble health for a long tlma and wen- to Wyoming leaa than a month ago with her huaband in hupea of ring benefited. Surviving her Is an aged huaband and several grown sous and DARKEN GRAY HAIR,L00K YOUNG Apply Q-Ban Not a Dye. Harmless Changes Gray Hair to a Glossy, Dark Shade. Don't look old look young eu if your hair la wispy, thin, falling, gray, atreak. ed with gray, faded, dry, prematurely j gray, simply shampoo hair and acalp a few tlmea with Q-Ban Hair Color Re- ! atorer. Your gray hair will then be ! beautifully darkened, lustroua, aoft, i fresh, wavy, with that dark lustroua' gloaa wbicli makes the hair so fasclriat- : Ing and attractive. Also slope Itching ' scalp, dandruff and falling hair and prornotea Ita growth. Q-Han la not a' rivs. hut seta An tha rMiti ao the m-m v- I hair la ao evenly and beautifully dark ened that no one ran tell Q-Kan has been used. Q-Tlan la not sticky or messy; harmless, and la guaranteed to darken gray hair or no charge. Try it. Hlg 7 -o. bottle only 60c at Sherman A I McCoiinell Drug Co.. Owl Drug Co, I Harvard or 1.nyal Pharmacy, Omaha. Neb. Out-of-town folka surpllsd by mall. Utility Gas Ranges Are Treated With a Guaranteed Rust-Proof Solution Utility Gas Ranges Are the Most Economical Gas Range On the Market splendid Ctlltty Gaa Range, the body of wnlch la made of polished btije ect ateel. the top and base of heavy cast iron, the four Cl O Cfl rners ara band drilled und in one piece, the oven ta large jaewU d Kuuianteed to bake perfectly. Our price Have The Central Figure on Your Furniture Bill Honesty bailt oar basinets . to one af the laigeat practices) In Nebraska We tell you on first consultation Just what you nest and exactly what cost af sanis will be. rinun rxTavacrriOaT IT TITAX.HBD A I. Taft's Dental Rooms 1.117 IMil'dl.AS fcTRKKT. 5 Blizzard Refrigerator Have an attractive, thoroughly well seasoned hard wood case, they have aT extra Inavv interlining of mineral wool, the Interior of the provision cham ber Is either pure sine or white enamel baked on the aliic. All Hltzzard Re frigerators are constructed with apoclal regard to sanitary fea Mies and econimnral Ice consutnpt ton. We ahow an excellent 50ffkO1 1 SI assortment of the many different styles and J lUdl and are priced from If You '- " UK, SteJ ;i H la" n -? . asa fa I k 411 I h u 1 ft frrr-rtf' . I Buy the Best You Will Buy Se our beau tiful thro o r o o in h o m c outfits for $81 Sop our beau tiful four r o m homo outfits for Blizzard $110 A thoroughly dependable Hltzsard Refrigerator with a uniform temperature and a perreci coiu ory air circulation with sanitary wire shelves, drain pipe, etc, which are quickly removed ao that every corner la easy of aciesa when cleaning, our price jnn irnijwFiiui. 57.50 You Make Your Own Terms at The Central ss . ill, n nil ii nii rm wife 4ir.Mw c THOMPSON, BELDEN & COMPANY - The Store for Shirtwaists In Sunday's Chicago Trib une one of the three best stores in Chicago featured an illustration and descrip tion of a $1.00 waist which was worth S2.C0. In the Store for Shirt waists, we have sold this same waist all season for $1.00. It is a good value at this price. See the Thompson and Belden $1.00 Waists. Summer Dresses Dainty, Summery Dresses for every purpose: The Summer Dance, Picnic, Porch or Street Wear. The prices at $6.75 with unusual values for $10 50, $12.50 and $15.00. Summer Furs The Newest Fashion. Genuine White Fox Scarf, at - - - - $30.0: to $37.50 White Iceland Fox Scarfs, at - - - $5.75, $6.75 and $7.75 Just the thing for wear at Coun try Clubs and the Summer Hotel. The May Suit Clearance An offering of suits that is an actual money saver to you. Two Special Prices: $14.75, Values to $42.50, and $21.75, Values to $55.00 rw Tub Silks and Crepes Exclusive Designs, 85c to $2.00 a Yard Nothing more popular for the coming season than tub silks; their unusual quality and the immense variety of patterns and color combinations, make them as suitable for men's shirts and pajamas as for women's garments. More New Cotton Dress Goods Airy, gatusy stuffs that will make gowns the picture of dainty coolness on hot summer days. Embroidered voiles, and crepes, printed organdies, wonderful variety, handkerchief linens, both plain and striped, the new seeded voiles in pretty pompadour effects. DstXSS GOODS BECTIOIf MAIW rLOOB. 1 !"" """" "" I . mi i mroSiW 5 w 1 II ,N aGHT skipping tf iC Swap Anything in the "Swapper's Column' MMI a KM K VT. a tt a J at , li fi t H & orrER THE ITAGRAPn-LIEBLER Stnpendous Film PRODUCTION INTERESTING PARTS CHRIS VTHAT THE NEW TORK M All, "Unquestioned Success." HERALD Graphically Pictured. TRIBUNE "Moat Notable Mo tion Picture Production." PRESS "Foroi bly Pr-aentcd Photo PIsy." GLOEE "the Christian a Won derfnl Achieernent." ELKGRAfH "Most Elaborate Photo Drama Ever Made." t 4 ' -it "Ce ')S ' J I 7 i'J fff CITT PAPEBS SAIDt - JOURNAL "Biggest and Host Wonderful Picture Production Ever Seen." JOURNAL OF COMMKRCB "The Christian Never Appear ed to Better Advantage." 6TAATS-ZEITUNG "It is a Mas. terpiece. A Wonderful Production." 1 s3.- RIDING" ! f In ona cf our new 11m- V ouaina taxlcaba with f X tha wlndowa lowered aa much aa you liko I gives you plenty of 1 fresh air and your I I 1 clothe ara not aollert. t !' I At 11.00 pr hour, ona to four paaaengara. Tnat Om Sarrloc, ' Teleihon Doug. CH. I Omaha Taxlcab Service Co. ) K104 Fa rn a in St- Hi I: Tie Quality printer urges his customer to soend H ) money for good engravings, tt because it is money wellm h spent. The best printer in n (A business cannot get re suits oat of an inferior cut. t p; We make them to suit the job. Hall Gaino's SUPERB LOVE STORY. A Masterpiece in 500 SCENES with an ALL STAR CAST of VITAGRAPH PLAYERS. MOVING PICTURE PRODUCTION Extraordinary ! b 1 1 11 1 k " " tc" aaaar, ria: way mm 1 fvst .. ,7f Viola Allen's Greatest Dramatic Success and Achievement. MISS ALLEN STARRED for EIGHT Consecutive YEARS in this MOST REMARICABLE DRAMA. Those ajho view ed r nt p!sv vsid J.'.OO fnr t lie rn ses't. The book sold for J I .'.0. Those who tsw the plav, read the nouk and witnessed the picture, pro. clsimthepit'iure superior to both book snd play. 30th ftRANDEIS THEATER lYeek Beg. Sua. May Tlirrt IVrforuiaiK' llaily: At 2: SO, 7:tH an.i l):UO I. M. I'Klt'KS Matinre Ini1, 1'. Kve., lOc and 20f All STAR CAST. 500 Scenes 3,000 PEOPLE. ! i-aTm,i fb, i ia...-yiit,.. i !D AV f riBiwtu wsiek ,1 i W I ar Matlasa Today, 8:30 Alias Jimmy Valentine Tango Matinee Tomorrow, with Buth Thompaon la aonga and dances. D.tws.n sew. IUMim gatarday last Partormanca i Saturday Mlg-ht. . aa.-. w i a .. o sVaa aa aa A KAal I LAKE MAN AW A NOW OPEN Arthur Bnuth'a Orchestra la Ball loom. Good Beating. Boiler Coaster. Marry. Qo-SVoUBd and Many O tiler Attractlona. Positive Experts On All Self-Starters. Strahle & Anderson Red 4473. 2059 Farnam. BRM5HJI0W Hi BASE BALL (Eaceptlng Friday. Way !th) I lmMllmm LsB THE SPOILERS ZZ'fSSV rrioaai Mate.. 10c; Svga.. lOo fe I0e Beit Week i "The Cariatlaa." Omaha vs. Lincoln ItorUKK PARK May Gauic Called at a P f.