Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1915, Image 12
riMf r.f MAY 1915. i) i it ii m n ' t t n M J it ' ' ' t lt i' lt !i i !' ' t ! t ! ii i ii i n e it 1 4 ii n ti i it i ill) ll ii t tt f , i t i rmjjLrrx'i-.mA-r-jLM..-r.-t. - , - - - - . m a ? r a. ..1 fri i t. . auiiiuiiiiiud uiKuiiuy uuiuviiuva iiiu ouiiiiik, mi jm. a 11 vjiuiv mum uvwm-w -- tj,- H estate ads are always the ones who protit by this tact. Iho early bird catches tno iax worm irj THE BEE: OMAHA, WANT ADS W ut a rclv4 at ny llm, but to tniurp protr rlansirk-atlon mut b rr rit4 Wfor It o'clock noon for rfilnj edition and T p. ra. for morning na 'onrtur ltton want ad re-Td aftr urh hours will bo under tba beading. loo Lata to Claaalfy." CASH RATEA rvan ronaecutlTa timea, 1 cant word erh lnrtion. Thy time within one weak. 1 cant frd each Insertion. Oka time. I cent a word. 'I CHAROE RATES lern (rnieecuttra tlmea, cent! a Una each lnaTtion. Tbree tlmea within one week, 10 cenU a Mn each Inaertlon. One tlnie 1! rente a line. ("unt ale arerege word to Una. knolmum charge. X centa. An advartleement Inserted to ba run MI . diaoontlnued muat ba etopped by written order. Atl el dime fur ermra muat ba tneda whrn fifteen tra aft tba Ut lnr tkm of the adTertleement- 'Ten ran place year want ad In Tba Bee by telephone. T FXKPHONIfl TTLBR 1009. Unclaimed Answer to the ti Swappers' Column." Anawer to Swapfere' ada will ba lield for a period of three week a. Adrtlere are renueaied tA klndlv claim aame be' fore that Mm. The following llt U Ithtn tbree weeka' time limit: No. 53::::::::::::: Ana. '.'.'.'.'..12 .41 No. M7... ... W2... Ana ,tt. ....... )..... ,w 'm 17. ?!:::::::: i IM1 K? !5 )., 13..- 9H ? m w w I., 70, 977 r "0 IK4 7 V1 I'i3 r4 m 1.17 mi: 11I 101 1M7.. 1020 DKATH A!fD rVNGRAL NOTICE!. K! MANE Mr. Michael, aged year. after an tlineea of three month. Funeral Thursday morning, May 17, at I:) o clock, from family residence, 297a t'r'Uhton avenue, to ft. peter' church, olemn high maa at a. m. Burial at Holy Sepulchre cemetery. HOOT Alanaon I., Jr., aged year, o- lived eon of Mr and Mr. A. J. Hoot. Funeral notice later. BIRTH! AND DEATH!. Births David B. and Mamie Brlgg. til N!rtn Twenty-fourth, boy; Harvey and Kdua Cooper, 100 iiouth Twenty-eighth, toy; Charlo P. and lira re lmarlne, Z1 t lurk, buy; Frank and Helen Olllett, WIS I .eke, bov; Krneet and Ella Oranl. iml reuth Twenty-second, girl; Herbert F. and Emms. F. Oerald, 2441 Brown, boy; CharUa and Mabel Harden, hospital, girl; Abraham And Rebecca Horwlta, North Inlrieenthi boy; waiter C. and Roa Jensen, 1N1I Spring, girl; John and Mag- fie Kirkman, 1&44 North Sixteenth, boy; .loyd and Blanch LongnecJter, hospital, girl: Antonio and Nuaclata Verntccello, Hfi rieroa, boy; lsaao and Margaret tital ler, 121 H North Twelfth, jt I rl; Joe and Julia, Bahacka, 141ft South Fifteenth, boy; John and Alio Bchwlohtanherg, Casa, boy; John and Mabel Wilson, 28U Dewey avenue, boy. IethKrehk Johnson. , 114 William, Jnnepn Oudrexsek, ), hospital; K. N. hmlth, SI, 27 W Jackson; Charlea Urwn, 4 hoopliai; Bwan T. Benson, I, 4 On ter; Rela VVilllama, , lMi North Twen-tv-feoimd; Bahy Jenaen. 1 month. '& emflen vetiie: John W. Turnbull, 60, t"l North Fiftieth: Ada C. Bwanson. 1, Ppenoer: Pearl H. Patlon. . S4J4 Patrick avenue. MARRIAGE L1CENIRI. " Th following permlta to wed have been tamed: '. KAris and Residence. ..... ' Ag. Villiam C. fchopp. Omaha 2 flclen K. NorrU. Benson 'ti Pamuel J. Harris. Omaha ....over 21 imnie Thorp. Omaha over 16 I J avid p. Feder, SL Paul, Minn 1 Goldl Aipirn, Omaha IVlllUm E. Anderson, Lyons S3 Bui ii Liming,. Lyons 16 Howard Baker, Omaha 21 Rulq Loiif, Omaha 16 J mob H. I 'avis. South Omaha...... 41 Mary E.j Peterson. South Omaha 42 John J. Hindelar, Jr., Howells... 11 Mar.arct lakes. Howells. 22 Martin P. Sward. Olenwood, la.... .... II Mary Roger, Bloomlngton, Ind 29 Archl Armstrong. Faribault. Minn. .. t Arnes F.'l'or le. Fort Dodg, la 23 Walter Vl. Lilka, Omaha 27 Minnie Jehnsen, Omaha. ......, 12 Bl'lLDINU PKRMITK. f. Cuplts, TT'-A South Thirteenth, frame dwelling, II,Ml; W. J. Mlkeaell, 820M La fayette Ave., frame dwelling, tC.tnO; L. W. OHhorrie, M64 Grand avenue, frame aelllng. i,i0o; I. Levi, MQ-4-6 South Thirteenth, brick store, 61.600; Anderson Bros, lK4-li-l!i Burt, brk-k apartment, 1;4.0-; Central Coal and Coke company, lii South Fifteenth, brick barn. elOuO; A. B. Cramer. S47 Boyd, frame dwelling, 2.XO; A. H. Cramer, 1636 Hall avenue, rme dwelling, 6,000. TODAT'B OOSfPLKTB MOVIE PROGRAMS Exclusively In Tb He. LANTERN ltd for morlss. fend your copy to' ua. Wa caa rtproduc photos r will prepare your copy. W will color as directed. Be Photo Dept 101 Be Bid. ! Dowatawm. FLITE NO. A IOI FARNAM Ivrt-Seli Na. V. The Iieairoyer. (AUco Holllatsr.) 6-rel Klm drama, iHSAM, le4 DOUGLAS, tateuun Theater BpecUi I Mutual maax terviecea a week. ThursSay and Bupday our special days. liitP" iiU ANU I1AUNKY Ham of Patwnaoust Ptcturea, 1DKAL 0 i.eir Hour, l-reel O. Beat liauer of Parentage, powers. e 1 1 r-cr Slmpaoo' Daug hier. Joker com. FAhiC . U isoHTH UTU sirT 1 ioca of th Cblldren. l-reel Blaon. At ill Own Terms. Big U. Rasing li-r Measures. Nestor comedy. p'.i.'M t fa. UU-i DoCviLAi. 1u bimJL Box Mystery. lh ettsoda. L.vlie Lyons lu When Her ld4 FelL lttft AntmsAed Weekly war views. gtae-iau ALAMO. I4TH FORT, pi't il'iey Without a Name, 6-r. Imp. JsUrdn Leaa. lianncr, Laeminla Dra. It hitidcr.jHi and tin la. oterllug Cooa. ALli'AM'irKA, 14 N. WTH ST. V I. oil lxvs Took Wings. Keysioua com. T e Wirnlng Isnd. l.l. dieiua T;.e Vsliry cf Hate. K.-B. dr. CLIFTON. Military Ave.. Burdette. raun MrAlllster's Heir l-r. Dom. dra. .laiain Ward. l'rinc-s drma. .o Q'jsrter. Beauty toinKly, LJAmiND. Um Aniituitrd Weekly. !-' ware lierries. Nestor comedy. & Lxplolla of tlelne No. 4, o(mc1X TODAY'S DOMrLKTK MOV IIS rnCMJRAMS Excinalrely to Tb Bee). erlk. 24TH AND FRANKLIN. rnANKUN. Mr. Jarr'a Magnetic Friend. Vila. Com. The Know Burner. J-rert. Kee. iTimn. FROLIC 24TH AND BF RAOL'E. Over the Bounding Wavea. Joker com. Runaway June, Epteoae No. 10, In I parta. 10o,crio Laemmle drama. GRAND. "Theater Beautiful.'' la-Btiuiey. Tha Cup of Life. Mr. Mutual masterpiece. HIPPODROME. JWH AND CUMINO. Competition American drama. Wella of Faradlae. J-r. Broncno ara. wnen tne Fire Rell Rutin Beauty com.. Eight people In vaudeville. IVY. HTH AND BURDKTTB. A Coat'a a Coat. Neator comedy. Black Bo No 4. l-reel rpedal. Hid I .ant Trick. Laemmle drama. 1X)VAU MjO CALUWtUU Mavl of the Olen, l-ree Imml drama,. He Fell In the Park. Neetor comedy. 1OTHROP. I4TH AND lOTIiKOF. The Htonlnc. l-reel Kdleon drama. Ihe Fa We of the Unfettered Bird. Ee. com. Tha Tyrant of the veiat. ei. or. PALACE. Wi DAVKNPORT. Adventurea of Beagolng Hack. Re com. In and Out of Horlety. LrKo comedy. The Worm. -reel victor. Bl! BURBA N. 24TH AND AMED. Mike Doner!' Kurupe, t-r. Kal. Dr. The Ixve Whip. Vita, fomedy. To Have and to Ioe. Bio. Drama. oatn. AIRDOMB FAVORITK. 1711 VINTON. Batan McAlllntcr Heir, J-rrel Dom. And He Never Knew, Prln. Ipve In Armor. Keylone corned y. APOIJX), 2X24 LKAVFNWORTH. The Olrl Engineer. KaJ. Drama. Blindfolded, 2-rerl. Rna. Drama. Who ftole Ihe Dorgle. Iub. Comedy. ARBOR. 21i AND ARBOR. Janet of the Choru, 2-reel. Vita. Com. Tha Outlaw Bride. Set. Drama. The Iove Traneoendent. Bio. Itretna. COLUMJUA. 1710 H. liffH. A Raoa for a Croaslng. Kal. Drama. Tha C."onilrcy at Chateau, J-r. K. (Ira. Tha Pollywoe' Picnic. Kal. Comedy. COMPORT. 24TH AND VINTON. The Kile, l-reel K.-B. At the Hour of Eleven, Reliance. Home Again. Komlo. FAVORITE, 1716 VINTON. The Voice from the Tal, l-r. Kal. lira. Mr. Murphy' Cook, Bel. Com. The Khblng Tide, Bio Dra. OEM THEATER 21A . g. 1STH BT. The Dancer, t-reel Gold Beal. Love and Bour Notea. L. Ko. comedy. Best projection In the city. LYRIC THEATER. 1617 VINTON. Baby, 2-reel Victor comedy. IDestlny'a Trump Card, Imp. A Burled City, Big V. ' PABTIME. 23D AND LEAVENWORTH, The Pureult of Pleasure; Who Pays? Tony, Imp drama. T reele of pictures 7. VBNKfcU. LEU K. UTU !T. Feu reals of Motuai ptcturea. West. 26TU AND FARNAM. AIRDOMK. An Innocent Sinner, -reel Kalem drama. Tha Vanishing Vault, Vltagraph comedy. APOLIX), Tha Return Ea drama. S24 LEAVENWORTH. Richard Neal, l-reel of Boobley Bahy, Vita comedy, MONROE" 2T& FARNAM. Adam Bede. l-reel Blograph drama. 'Whose Husband? Vitngraph comedy. On the Dawn Road, Eseanay drama. SIMM. IB EN SON. 6CS MAIN ST. King, Bsggot and Jane Uall In Alex ander. Dumaa' Famous Play, "Tn Cor sica n Brothers," In three acts. 4'oaaeU Hlafia- ELITB NO. 1 R45 BROADWAY. The Box Car Trap. Kalem drama. Mr. Carlson of Ariaona. 2-r. Lubln dr. Fabl of the Busy Man and Idle Woman, NICHOLAS, Heart-Mellg, 'No, KM. Dra. 67 BROADWAY. Th Stoning, l-r. ROPER, 637 BROADWAY. Ortm Messenger, l-r. Big U. Artist and tha vengeful One, Victor. Two Heart and a Ship, Nestor Comedy. at BF8HK. 24TH AND N. Kslem drama. Tn w'd Engine. Thirty. S-reel Easanay drama. A Lily of Bohemia. Vltagraph comedy. MAGIC. 24TH AND O. Court Marti sJed. 4-reel Imp, - Vaaaevllle. VAUDEVILLE. ' 14TH AND M. Captain Macklln. 4-reM Mutual master piece and a good comedy. AKXOUNCEMEXTS Cool Offices For HOT DAYS JBe Comfortable Yourself and Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building Superintendent's Office, Room io3. Investigate Y.M.C.A. out'g para, summer. ATJTOMOniIE8 NEW Ford auto deliver bodies of all atylea, open or closed, always on hat Our pricea will save you money, tl Johnaon-I'anforth Co., lh)-i-i No. lth. C. EL&A8ER, expert radiator and lamp repaira. ly. nn. xmi ijavenwortn. AUTO Clearing House, lw Famam. buy and sells usod rara. Phone Douglaa33M. Overton's for leaky radiator. 60c, dealer. Went an auto. C. J. Canaa. McCague bldg. Industrial Garage Co., loth Harney Bta. NEBRASKA Bulck Service Station. 1314 Farnam Ht. 1'hone Douglaa 721. AMUSEMENTS BIG celebration at Randolph. Neb.. July I. 1916. We want rldtna devloes and other amusement concessions. Those in tereeted please communicate with aecr tary of Commercial club at once. BUSINESS CTIANCEJI Til EATERS buy, leaae or sii your the- atsr, machlna and supplloa tbrouxk Theater atxchaog Cov. 14 Farnam Uk lxulas llut. RESTAURANT and oonfn-tlunery. doing good business la town of about room In connection, new fountain. C. W Brlgg. Ar ton, la. STOCKS and bonds. How you may ac quire New York stock xohanf aecurt tlva on easy terms at prevailing low prices. Explained In th current Ueu of 'The Odd Lot Review." 11 per year. Send for sample copy. 74 Broadway, New York City 61GNS, show cards. Ciaik, i-n. D. It.. TO CKT In or GANGC8TAD. out of buslbeaa call oa 4b4 Be Bldg. Doug. 1477. VI1T RF NTT Will sew 160-a ere farms In Red River valley (Minn , erect buil.1 tnga. supply cows and hosa on paymtnt of MX), and 44 years !r which to pac baleui. This offer not good after June lu. W. G. Tnulton. U lie Biojt., Bl'RfXKHS CTIANCES WILL sell my half Interest In a cleaning and dyeing business, which Is making good money. Reason, moving to my ferm. A real opportunity to buy gw1 going business downtown. Addreee A 3W. Bee. ReeailK II oaves tor Bala. 11 ROOMS, well furnished: always rented; for quick aala, I4) Call at zoi t arnam. KDUCATIONAL Boyles College Day School. Night School, complete business course, complete shortnand or tenotype course, complete telegraphy course, civil service branchea and Eng lish. Studenta admitted at any time. Write, phone or call for 1916 catalogue. BOYLES COLLEOE. II. B. BOYLE, President. Tel. D. 1W Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Neb, j FOR sale the following scholarships In a first class Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited stenographlo course. One three months' business or steno graphic course. will ba sold at a discount at tne orric f The Omaha Be. FOR S.lfJk Farallare. Mnaaeholal Unit, Kt. DrMKMbnuh' n "' 3. a Read, ,A'lUfr7 Famam t D. 1M. SACRIFICE tJrocery refrigerator, holJe COO lbs. ; ga stoves, Iceboxes, all !; household goods. 170 N. 24th. FURNITURE BA ROAINH 50 be.l at tl each: tables, kitchen and china cab Ineta, 54 Ice boxes, 38 ga stove, 5 dress ers. lK.m N. 24th St. Webster 1)7. ip desk Walnu Ivel chair, cheap, Phone t 243. Hrsea aad Veklelea. 106 BUYS 1,100-lb. mare-mule, good worker, 8Sa2 Harrison St. Telephone South J9, South Omaha. YOUNO, black farm team, weight 2,200 Ins., 6 and yeara old; lady owner. 2227 Dtdg St. corner 24th. FARM wagon. f0. Mroud. 20th A Ames. Maaleal Isitrsstcsu. I AM leaving city and do not want to ahlp my player plnno. Still owe some on It, but will acrlfice my equity. Ad dresa F 467, Bee. WILL sell at great bargain our Stelnway Urancl Piano rather than ship It. Address O 4M, Bee. BEAUTIFUL Vi0 Bteiei A Bona Upright piano for sal cheap. Addrea E 466, Be. Poaltrr, Karsi .. STEREOTYPE matrlc make th beat and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They ara lit 23 Inches, stronger and mora durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 76o a hundred at Th Bee office. BARRED Rock egx. 76c ettlng. Flor. K7. Small wheat. 100 lb. 67 26. Wagner, 601 N. 16. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS o)d, rented. rspalreO. Central Typewriter Exc. 1M6 Farnam. Mlseellaaeoas. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar flxturea of all kinds; easy payments. The Brumwlck Ha Ike-Col lender Co., 407-4v S. loth St. LUMBER 2x6 and aheetlng, tools, sshovel. pick, lack scrawa. window glaaa; t carpenter benches, $1 each; I kltahen cabinet. II each: 10 match ma chines, 60o each; 1 rug, 12; 1 lawn rcowsr, 11.60; t gas arcs, II each. J. C. 1S1L Phone Harney H3. 7tH S. list Ave. FOR BALE CHEAP A aood law library For particulars writs look box 697. Calla way, ieo. td-hand machinery. H. O roue, 11 and Paul. WE bought 66 Dea Moines bar flat urea. front bara. back bar, mirror. Nat cash registers, cigar and wall earns, eto. for sale Ilka wa bought them CHEAP. Omaha FUtur and bupply Co.. 4x4 So. 12th St. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical ssd Office. SOLICITOR Balary and commission. watts iter, i-o., MM-40-4J Bmndels Theater, MANY GOOD POSITIONS!. RK. ITS. BUSINESS MEN'S RKFERENwui A83 N. Ul-ai. w oodmen of the World Bldg. I'MitMciAf., wants or nee girl, u per wrra. ri Am, nee. NO FILING FhS, BEST COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. ROGERS REF. CO.. &X-I State Bank. Aiir.iNis-L.aay agents to represent us. selling actual necessities, apiealitiK Ij women; eaay sellers; fine profits. Ray mond Specialty Co., Hi W. ixlt) St., New i ora. Ilensrkerprra aad Doiuestlea. WANTED A whit girl for general housework; no cooking: good wages: rrmanent position to right party.- 1X15 8Mh Ave. W ANTEo A good cook. 1J06 S. JJd St. WANTED A girt for houaework. Har- ncy U. ISS B. list 8t. WANTED On farm, housekeeper, be tween 3u and 40 yeara old. without In, cum bianco; must ba neat and intelliuent: no laxy, shiftless person need apply. B 4t, Mee. wanted A girl to do washing and ironing ana to assist in houer,irki iiousttcieanmg done. Harney SJHi. 1302 is ra Ave. WANTED A competent white girl for general Housework, no washing, in i 42d bt. Harney 20uu. - GJOD girl lor general housework, small family. H. 2104 10'Jo H. S?.th Ave. WANTED Experienced cook; references required; good wagea. A. C. Smith. 13u3 t'ark Ave. G1KL or woman to cook on farm near itmana. ii. iu'x. GIRL wanted for L H. Korty. general housework 114 No. 12d Ave. Mra. WANTED-Middle aged white lady for general housework; 16 a week and no waentng. weoeter JOf'T. WA NT ED Chamliermalil aiaT cleanln woman. Awly Housekeeper. Hotel Fontenella. WANTKIi-A good girl for general housework, two In family, good wagea. i.yui tv mm Ave. iiarney eaiz. M laeellaaeMa. lounii women coming to Omaha aa ilrsytfri are Invited to visit the Young womtn s cnrisuan association building at 8t. Mary's Ave. and 17th SL, where iney win D aireciea to sun a Die board Ing places or otherwise assisted. Look lor our travelers guide at Union station LADIES make shields at horn, $10 for Ml. work aent prepaid. No canva ing send stamp. Ivanho Mfg Co, SL Uuia. Ml. HELP WANTED MA LE 4 lyrical s4 utile BOOKKEEPER. OUT OF TOWN. PER MANENT. SOME INVESTMENT NECESSARY, CASHIER, IOWA riArviv tJ.Mt-1 i v r.r I m t. BOOK. KE'EPKIt. IIAHIIWAKB, 4. OO-Ot'FHATIVB REF. CO., 1016-1 CITY NAT lONA L B A NIC BAI.i:3MKN. city, seJary d, a. Watts Kef. CYi , MA-tuu Bramlela Theater. (Ka)U salesman as well as good clerks are alwaya In demand; no n4 of being out of work If you possess ability and are aggressive, iwu ana tsjk it over. MIDWEST BON DING CO.. Ill Bee Bldg. BlOH-ORAlUt commercial Positions WEST RFFEREINCE 4k BOND A'BSTf, Ta Omaha Nat Bank Hid. Asmata, Saieasaea aaa BolleUara. RBAL eatats Business piece supplied or Isndied: all ataiea. V. V. Kmeet. Cmaha. UimiI) restaurant for aale in good Colo rado town, population 6.iA division station, county seal. Sickness reuse of sale. Price .u0 Write fur partlculara. A. U. Evaua. Sterling. Colo. HELP WANTED MALE Ageats, Baleeanea Solicitors. Very Desirable Space for Printing Office Light, water and janitor aervice free. Cheap power Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office, Room 103. FOll SALE Oil KENT to reliable party, blacksmith shop, with tools and small stock; good opening for right man. American Stale Bank, Spring field, Neb, EXCELLENT proposition for two good men in NcDraska. can or write, sautuai Benefit. Health and Accident Aaeoclatloa WI S City Nat l lank Bldg. WANTED Experienced salesmen to sell nursery stock, both city and country work. Addreaa B. E. Fieida A Son, Ft mont, Neb. C1TY SALESMAN One acquainted with drug and notion trnde: give reference and telephone number. Address C 477. Bee. WANTEI Corporation tock ealeemen tor -Nebraska. Address E 47H, Bee. Feeler kal y raelee. Drug store snaps; Job. Knelst, Be Bldg. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition llo. on account of 1l trade. Wagea for 6 and 10 cent work. Electrlo massage taught. Hydraulls chairs. Catalog free. 1124 Douglaa alt, Omaha. WANT ED A practical farm hand. Call at 264 Exchange Bldg. at So. Omaha. F. C. Bile. WANTED First class automobile me chanic. Hanacom nark Sara re. 1227 Park Ave. YOU MUST THINK W give you expert auto training, earn a real snlarv. bl money for our trained men. Come right now and get our freo course In Elec. Ltg. as start g systems; free catalogue. Amer. Auto College, 20T.3 Farnam 8L. Omaha. WANTED Men to learn th barber trade and accept ponltlon In counti y or city; good wages made after few weeks with us; tools given. Catalogue explaining all mailed free. Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th St. "WE need men; had to turn down two loba per week lately.- Get In. Learn by our method. Get one of these Jobs. Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto- mobile School, 1417 Dodge St Mlscellaneoas. WANTED Man to play lead In comedy Ketch. Muit give reference. Addrea Y 639, Be. WANTED Namws- of men. II or over. wishing government loba. 166 month. No pull necessary. Address Y 460, Bee. WANTED l.ftK) men to eat ham and eggs. 16o. Coffee John, 14th and Capitol. RAILWAY mall clerk wanted. 176 month: Dull unneceaaary. Writ immedi ately for full partclulara. Franklin Insti tute. DepL 221 D.. Rochester. N. Y. a . SITUATIONS WANTED desires position aa cashier or clerical TRUdT WORTHY young man of ability wors; is college graduate ana gooa pen man; will consider out-of-town Job: vary anxloua to go to work and wanta permay nent work. Phono Douglas 1461, or ad dress L-432. Bee. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. Th Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get tha desired result. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffa. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler loot). YOUNG man wants work, restaurant. hotel, aa boll tnv or norter. or will work for private fnmily; wants to go to work. Address, P 449, Bee. YOUNG man- wants work,, restaurant, b. ... ..i V.l I . III urn u j i , i nn,oi, vi will wor'c lor private family; wants to go to work. Address, P-ttl. Bee. YOUNG woman want position aa com panion, preferably to an elderly lady: or position as nursery governnes. Ha nan two year experience in teaching. Addres Y-628. Bee. COMPETENT. well educated young man. 26: good business and exacutlva Ability; at present assistant circulation manager of an eastern newspaper; de sire to locate tn thi city; will entertain any proposition offering a alngle man a livelihood. Address Q .. care Bee. MAN wants work on farm or private Place; willing to work and need It: reudy to go to work any time In or out of city. Address K 458, Bee. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker and designer wanta engagement by day. 12.60. Latest tyle. Call Red 8669 WANTED General housework. Web. 6"3. SITUATION wanted by all-around printer. J. w. Mart, um Harney ft. COLORED man wanta housecleanlng or work of any kind around private nous. Douglaa 6?T2, PERFECT vashlnu, expert Ironing. Lac curtains our specialty, weoster 43A SCHOOL superintendent desires position for the coming year. Best references. Ten yeara' experience. Address Y 636, Bee. WANTS work in A. M.. house work. washing dishes In restaurant. J. 4fi, Bee. HOUSEKEEPER, reliable and refined. can take full charge in strictly re spectable home; references. 2334 8- 33d St EXPERIENCED young man wants steady work with private family, gar dening, house-cleaning or anything; so ber, willing to work. Address K 470. Bee. STRONG man wanta work; ai-ythlng. Ad dress M-4iz. Kee. MEAT cutter, young man, wants position in any store or shop; win work lor small wages; five years' German experi ence. CHAUFFEUR want work In garage or private family. Address A 4Tb, riee. COLORED MAN wants to go to work, porter work, private family, or any kind of work. Address 8 474. Bee. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS BTREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Person having lost some article would do well to call up the of lice of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In th street rare. Many articles each day are turned In and the company ta anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 4X L8T One black double bill fold, at Rourke ball park or on stepa of Omaha Nat. bank bldg., Monday afternoon. 610 reward. Finder pleas call w. F. Me geath, Douglaj 70 or Harney T023. LOST I dles" Shiiner pin. between th Juvenile court and 24th and Harney, Reward. Call Stark A Falconer, 24th and Harnev. I hone Iiouxla 8X7. D1ST-To Boston bull terrier dnga. light brtndle brown with white face neck and breast. On dog haa crooked tall and blue eye. th other abort stubbed tall., with one iH of face dark. I.wt from farm on the West Dodge road. milns from city. Heavy bras trimmed collar; tag numbers I and 10. Liberal reward for return to owner.- Telephone Harney J3. K. J FUrrtngton: Heat denes), sXe Wool worth Ave., Omaha. fERMOXAL INFORMATION WANTED A to ad dresa of J. N. BrlgKS. lortnerly of Oak land and Chadron, Neb. Believed to be running store tn N. W. Nebr. To his ad vantage to b located at once. Addrea X-MJ. Be. YOUNG women coming to Omaha a strangers in Invited to vlalt the Young Women Christian aaaoclaOon building at Uth BL and Bt. Mary'a Ae.. where iney win do directed to su i la Die board ing places or otherwise assisted Look lor our traveler aid at th Union station. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army industrial home so licit your old cloth ng, furniture, maga llne. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 41V. and our wagon will call, fall and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. YOUNG niHn of refinement desires a congenial room-mate to share a large room with two large cloeeta In a con genial West Famam home with good board; an Ideal summer plan. Address r care Hee. GORDON, the Msgaslne Man. Phone Douglas 71M. PET STOCK FOR SALE Beautiful two-year-old St. Bernard dog. Mrs. Jnn Wcstover, 1221 Boss St., Lincoln, Neb. SWAPPERS' OOLrMH WILL trade Bruno bnnjo, Wiehburn mandolin and cash for high grade banjo. Address S. O. i('2a. Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargain tee the "Automobile ' classifi cation. ROTAP.Y, Nesstyle copying machine typewriter, accounting kystem comput ing scale. Will trade for groceries, meats, or what have you? Address S. C. 10M, Be. DIAMONDS Will trde my dismond for automobile. Address S. C. 1032. Bee. DOG Have fine white male Spitx dog. 6 month old. What have you for him? Addres S. C. 1021, Bee. FOR SALE or trade b4nd new crave nette rain coat. Will fit tall man. Ad dress S. C. 811. car Be. GARDEN TtKJLS 2 rakes tnew), spade. shovel, furnace shovel, hoe and fcriss knife; will trade the lot for anything. Address S. C 1022. Bee. HAVE small American typewriter, or writing machine. What have you for It? Address 8. C. 1022. Bee. HAVE guitar to trade foi mandolin; also other article. Addres 8. C. 1023. Bee. I HAVE other business and must make a quick deal; -half interest in a good business paying 11,200 per year. This Is no cheap proposition; an eetahHehed business and can show the guilds; tXK) cash or tell me what vou have to trade. Address S. C. 103S. Bee. KIMBALL piano player, with 85 records; fits any piano. What have you? Or make ma Cash offer. Address S. C. 1037, Bee. . LOT Have a Wyoming lot: a number of Omaha buyer urroundlng. Will trade for diamond. Vlctrola, typewriter, or what have you? Addres 8. C. 102S, Bee. NEGOTIABLE stock In local corporation doing capacity business, for light used car. Ford preferred, will exchange up tc 17S0. Address. S. C. 1027, Bee. PHONOGRAPH Edison phonograph, with 60 records, to be exchanged for anything. What have you to offer? Ad dress 8. C. 102. Bee. FOR EXCHANGE SIX almost new in sld door, as good as new. Including double folding doora, with track and ball bearing rollers, will trade for chickens or aell cheap for cash. Address S. C. 1002. care Bee. FOR EXCHANGE One almost new elec tric fan, used 1 weeka. will exchange for chickens or sell cheap for cash. This Is a fine fan costing 1J6 new. Address 8. C. 1001. care Be. PIANOS Swap for or on an auto or lot or lots; will pay difference. If you have anything, get In touch with me, as I have other stuff to exchange; give complete description. Addres 8. C. 103. Bee. 60-LB. REFRIGERATOR, for electric fan. Addreaa, rod as new, C. 1042, Bee. SINGER SEWING MACHINE Paid 85 for machine; in good condition. Let us hear what you have to trade for it., Ad dress 8. C. 1030, Be. . - . - PLAYER PIANO with 30 rolls, for auto mobile. Address B. C. 103S, Bee. TWIN Indian motorcycle, 1914 model, fully equipped and In perfect running order. Will trade for 1150 cah. Or what will you give me for It? B. c. ioai. Bee. TRUCK BODY Have a god covered truck bodr for light delivery. Will trade for a buggy or what have you? Address, 8. C. 1"41. Bee. TOOL GRINDER A heavy, substantial machine, for bench work, hand power; cost 17 wholesale and almost new; wilt tradti for anything can use. Address S. C. 1036, Bee. TRUCK BODY Have good Ford deliv ery body, enclosed: good condition: sale or trade. What have you? Addres S C. 1040. Bee. WANTED To trade painting and paper hanging for printing, groceries, coat, feed or anything I ran use. Will Investi gate anything. Address. 8. C. 1020. Bee. WILL exchange some furniture for C vuher s incubator. 220-eat or larger, or some heated Indoor brooder. Harney 3364. WE WILL trade or swap our high grada piano, cost 63U0, in trade 1176. Address S. C. 1034. Bee. WANTED TO BUT Yale hnys everything id hand. Tyler 141 A OFFlCia, lurnllur bought and sold. J. V. Heed. I3K irarnara. nnug. i Slightly used high grade piano. D. 201T. WANTED To buy an 'invalid chair. Charles bchwenck, K. No. 3, rn. Omaha. WANTED An Invalid chair in good condition. Harney 6609. FOR KENT ' ApsrtairsU aad Flats. 8T. GEORGE (-room apartment, redeco rated throughout. Ill N. Hat Ave., se lect West Farnam dlstrlcL Phone Web ster 1674. COOL APARTMENTS. Choice 3-room apartment. dandv screened porch; oak finish; large rooms; nicely decorated; everything first class; in nearly new apartment house building. Also four-room arartment. same bulldlna. Very reasonable rent. Call office for ap pointment. OCOTT AND HII.L, CO., Douglaa 1009. TWO alx-roora. modern, ateamheated flats. Can be rented separately or to gether' 130 summer, t'6 winter. Conrad Young. 22 Brandels Theater. Doug. 1571. VERY choice 4 or 6-room steam-heated apartments on West Famam street. JOHN W. ROBB1NS. 1103 FARNAM ST. SIX-rlOOV. fiat. 8 bedrooms, at :.1J Charles St. New brick, oak finish first floor, white enamel bathroom, with porcelain fixtures: good shades, electric fixtures, ntwiy rtccoralcn. Key st office, TRtVEK BROS.. Douglas 11 S3. 706 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg 6-ROOM heated apaitment. Tha Chul Vista, tilth and Poppleton Ave. Vacant Junu L Conrad Young, S-I Brandels the ter. Douglaa 1CT1. I'.ae IOUGLAS ST., rooms 12 60 up CENTRAI, No equal a price or quality; i-roosa bouse: i-roum fiat jxo n. uo. FLAT and store. 1821 Leavenworth. Doug. 3625. Call 6-ROOM healed apartment. The Mason, Slat and Mason St. Reduced rent. Con rad Young. 822 Brandei Theater, D. 1&71. THREE room and bath and toilet; close to car line. 11X.W. T. SULLIVAN. 216 Brndels Theater. COOL rooms, (2 week Council Bluffs Ogdent Hotel. FOUR and seven-room modern apart ments; close In; low rent. G. P. Btebblns. e 4 KOOHS. new Flo-Les. 20th and Cavp- ttol Ave. Light ana cool, &. PETERS TRUST CO. D. 8M. -THE IIARNEY." 4-r.. 3006 Harnev. will sub-lease. NEW has sun parlor, good location. Call H. 6M1. 101 NO. ITTH. -r.. all mod apt . $27.60. RASH BROS , DOUG fhSt 107 8 S0TH, 5-ROOM brick 25. S. W. 24th and California. Id floor, rooms, heat and Janitor service; yard. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha National. . Douglaa 1716. Be Wants Produce Reiuits. Ready Reference Directory The following firm6 offer quality and expert service that will pleafe the most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. T Title. Guarantee and Abstract IVPTTCo-. a modern ahtract office. 06 Bo. 17th BL Phone D. 6487. REED ABSTRACT CO. oldest abstract offlo In Nebraska. 20 Brandels Then. fessen & Morrell 201-1 Stat Pk. Bldg. D. 2291 ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A.,'. Address 431 Rame Bldg. Phone Douglns 7406. ADDING MACHINES. Adder Mch. Ce. (Wales). W. O. W. D. 6338 AMATEUR FINISHING. FILMS develored free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 41 Bee Bldg DeptD. ARCHITECTS. Everett 8. Dodds, 612 Paxton Blk. D. S9S.1. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co., 1116-16 W. O. W. R. 333. Nat l Sale A Auction Co.. 1227 W. O. W. AUTO INSURANCE. 40 saved on your automobile Insurance by patronizing a home Co. Doug 1. ALTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co., JWSFar. D.200I. BAKERIES. Z. H. REEDER, 1506 N. 18th Web. K97. BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1907 Cuming. Douglaa 14A7. Renovate featheri and mattresses of all Rinds makei feather mattresses and down, covers. . . . BLUE PRINTING. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO., 102 Omaha National Bank Bldg. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha St. Kb. Fdry. A Mfg. Co.. 1125 N. 22. Web. 7300 BUILDING WRECKERS. LUMBER and 'brick buildings wrecked anywhere. Hovee-Kelley Co. i Web. 4808. CARPET HUG CLEANERS. Omaha Carpet Renovating Co. Doug. 1671. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON. 823 8 . 22d. ' Douglaa 6620. CHIROPODIST. Carrie 3. Burford, 620 Tux. Blk. Red 4B87. CIVIL ENGINEERS. M. J. LACY. 618 BEE BLDO . DOUG. 4715. CLEANERS AND DYERS. Howard' Panfulorluni. 320-2 8 16th. D. 647 CONCRETE. CONSTRUCTION CO.'S Western representative of VELVETILE COMPOSITION flooring. INVESTI GATE 811-11 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1672. COSTUMES AND LODGE SUPPLIES. MFG. of lodge regalia and costume. Theo. iAeben A Son, 1614 Howard. D. 4115. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic- X. 1S7L Try Mackte's first. 1816 Harney. Doug. 6446. DOWNTOWN RESTAURANTS. Douglas lunch, day and night 1711 Doug. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak'g college, 80th & Farnam. SUITS, gowns, In homes. ' WaL 8267. MISS STURDY, 2416 CASS. RED 7320. WANTET PlaJri and fancy dreaamak- ing. All work guaranteed. Web. 4A40. - , .. . DETECTIVES. INVESTIGATIONS carrie 1 out In any part of United States, Canada or Mexico. tu Paxton Blk. Doug. 1378. Walnut 1620. JAMES ALLAN. 812 Neville Block. Evl- denen secured in all cases. Tyier 119. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 821 W. O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. FIckes, 724 City Nat Bank. Taf Dentnt Rooms, 1617 Douglas. D. 21S& DRUGS. DRUOS at cut prices: freight psld on 810 orders; catalogues free, t-nerman at o- Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. V Continental Nov.- Co.; 118 N. loth. Terms. ELECTROLYSIS. TJloa Allender, 624 Bee Bldg. Red 8065. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box Pleating, covered button, an sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. 800 Douglas Block. O. lVJe. NEW YORK aample store. ' Muat vacate. building coming down; cloaks, suit ana dresses sacrificed. 206 N. lath St. - -EVERYTHING FOR MEN. TOUPEES FOR MEN Hair goods dapt J. u. Brandels sons., omana. FLORIST. BATH'S, florists. 1804 Farnam St D. 8000. L HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. D. 125. Meml-er lorlst Teiegrapn Dei. ass n. HESS 6WOBODA. 1418 Farnam St A. DONAGHUE. 1622 Harney. Deng. 1001. HAT CLEANING. Panamas cleaned. D. Elsele, UM City Nat ALL kinds hats cleaned. 1520 Harney St ANY hat cleaned or blocked. 1516 Harney. ICE. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE 'FHOVE WEBSTER 6918 General Office, Uth and Manderson Bts. JEWELERS. LUCKT wedding rings at Brodegaard'a LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. TYiTTfTvlV Thomae. Douglaa 8519. DUR1V1IX l4, Turning PL LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN CRO. A CO.. Exchange Bldg. FOR RENT Boar aad Room. 8301 CAriTOL AVE. NIc cool room. Walking distance; good board. Doug las Tare. WALKINO DISTANCE. GOOD MEALS; meals 14. at i2H Howtrd St. BOARD and room In private family for two young ladle or man and wife. Har ney 8311. WANTED an elderly lady to room and board on who neeua a good home and (are. Private family. Beat of refer ent ea Hanscom park district. H. 6641. NICELY (uruisbed room, with or with out board, fur 8. nice neighborhood, Weat Farnam dlstrlcL Harney 6170. MASSEUSES. MISS STAPLES, mass., elec. bath. T. 713. Open eve., 6 p. m.; Sunday. 10 to 1. BATTTsnd mass., alcohol rub. Laura ;'llu'Vllii(in, 1801 Farnam. room 2. Douglas 8751. Open evening and Sunday. MASSAGE, 1721 Dodge. Mr. Bteele. BATHS. 314 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Doug. B.Brugman, mass., 203 Karbach Blk, R. 2727 MASSAGE 620 Bee Bldg. Douglaa 6372. Clara Lee, bath and massage. Douglas 8751. M. HALLERON. Baths. 228 Neville Blk. Ml X, mudlavla mass. R. 224. Neville Bl. MISS JACOBsTmsss.. R 224. NevlUe Blk. SCIENTIFIC MASSEUR. Room 21 Douglas Block, lfith snd Dodge. MASSAGE Call D. 8227 Tor appointment. MISS GILBERT, message. 109 S. ITth St Mis Da via, massage. 109 S. 17th St. 1t fl. filNING ENGINEERS. WILL pay to consult W. H. Godfrey on mining business. 207 State Bk. R. 434L MOTORCYCLES. IIARLET-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor Rooe, "The Motorcycle Man." 2703 Laviworth. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Fx., 1,4th and Doug. Motion I picture machine and film bargain WE rent moving picture machines. Star Theatrical Exchange, 540 Paxton block. MOWERS SHARPENED. LAWN MOWERS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED; work guaranteed; saw filing. Doug. 7428. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. ateb, Harp e r lano, una uyne. p. gi04. nursery iRRn inn pi.ikth. FOR SALE Extra fine cane seed at 81 Per bus., sacks rOc each. Write, for samples. J. J. Funk, Fremont, Neb. OFFICES. OFFICES When making your new plana. see us lor nice epneo. Tne best looaw tton and easiest found. . : wl THE BEE BUILDING. " "The BuUdlng That la Always New." orf ice. Room io. OCULISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. or. Mccarty, mi w. o. w. Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. Peterson, 60S Brandels Bldg. D. 2144. JOSF.PHINT5 ARMSTRONG. 615 Bee Bldg. PAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH MTMANUS. 41T N. 40th. H. 672S. PATENT DEVELOPMENT. AMFRICAN Machine Co., 110 6. 11th St PATENTS. D. O. BaraeU. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TUT. H. A. Sturgea, 636 Bre.ndels Theater Bldg. PRINTING. WATERS-BARNHART Pt. Cw.,. quality printing, lei. uoug. iiuu. rat b. ut-a du CENTRAL PRINTING CO. IKUO. 8754. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 4C PLATING. D. 6277. Aeme Plating" Co.. 111 B. 16th St SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. SAFES Opened, repaired, comb, changed. F. E. Daven port, 1406 Dodge. D. 1&U. SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN PROS., shoe repair. HI S. 14. Harley Shoe Rep'r Co.. 2004 Farn'm. R 8440 SEWING MACHINES. rent repair, sell needle and parta for all sewing machines. "MICKEL'S," We NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 15th and Harney. Doug. 1661 STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 B. 19. SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co. Doug. 4ft3L STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv. Ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 8. 12th. Doug. 2724, TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. D. V. TAILORS. . CHAB. C. LAWDERYOTJ, 108 N. 16th Bt TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELINQ A STEIN I.E. 18f Farnam St TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver Typewriter 8 mo. for 84. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 19u6 Farnaw. Butt Typewriter Exchange, 1805 Farnam. All make for sal or rent RENT a "Remington," not Just a type writer, low rent. Call Douglas 1284. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Ch rlstlansen, Id fl. Paxton Bk., 18 yr e x p. WEDDING STATIONERY. . WE show only th correct and prevail ing style In Invitations, visiting cards. Stationery, etc. IRVIN A. MEDLAR CO.. Printers, 416 S. ltth St Tel. Doug. 1261 Wedding announcement. Doug. Ptg. Co. WHITE CHINA. OMAHA China Shop. Whit chin for decorating for aale at 464 Brandei Bldg. WINES AND LlitUORfc. ALEX JETES. 801-8 8. 13th St. Wines, liquors, cigar plat dinner. 11 to 8, 10a. Glob lluuor heu. 424 N. 16th; California wine. 81.26 per gal. Write for price list HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSED 16th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family lluor at Klein's Liiior Hot'.se, 623 N l-th. Douglas loOi, FOR RENT Board aa Roasaa. BOARD and room in modern, private home for two young men. Web. 6244. LARGE front room with board for two; walking distance. 2j62 St. Mary' Ave. Fa rata be Slwoaas STRICTLY' modern, large nicely fur nished front room, facing Turner park, lovely net;hborbood; walking distance. Hsrney 3S21. MOl iERN, walking distance, plenty of hot water. Phone Tyler lol. SINGLE and double furnished rooms, strictly modern. Nice cool room with plenty of shad; reasonable. Red fcjoi.