Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 6-A, Image 6

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    ft A
System to Mark Method by Which
Toteri Will Be Asked to Go
to Polls.
A rousing consolidation meeting
was held at the Commercial club last
night when the ward captains of the
city perfected their organisation and
arranged for a final meeting with
their precinct lieutenants and the
Greater Omaha campaign committee
at the club next Friday night. Robert
II. Manley, comlssloner of the Com
mercial club presided last night.
Many of toes ward captains have
already completed thU list of lieu
tenant J. W. Metcalfe and T. D. Wead
of the , Eleventh ward presented their
list lest tht of eighty-four. Henry V.
Meyers for the Twelfth had a list equally
aa Lone Both thee warda and others
' will supplement their personal sollclla
Uon with personal letter to each voter
and the general campaign committee will
also Send out letters. Topping all this
It was decided to have aoma twenty-flva
young women get buay on telephonee the
laat two daya and as a final effort to In
aur a full vote on Tuesday, June 1, re
mind each voter of hla duly. ,'
LMk Omi 1r Toar Welch hor.
Tell them to vote for their next floor
neighbor," was the slosran of the cam
, paiirn approved laat nlsht on uirget1on
of Captain Robert C. Druenedow of the
'.Seventh ward, lie and othera impliMliel
the necessity of enlisting the co-operatton
of th women In t hla work;
Vaclav Bureih. Val Tctcr. J. W. Met
ualfe, R. C. Hunter and John O. falser
Friends and Sympathizers Helping
to Replace Joseph Mcchcr's Home
More money has been raised and turned over to The) Bee for the erec
tion of a new home for Joseph Merrier, whose savings were entirely wiped
away when hla home, which carried no Insurance, was burned and the
family left destitute.
Henry Pollack, who started the fund with a $30 subscription, has
arranged for 100 Hungarian carpenters to help erect the new residence
Sunday, May 30.
T. F. Stroud has donated a wagonload of lumber.
Mrs. Sanko, 4911 North Fourteenth street, circulated a subscription
list among her neighbors and raised 116.
R. D. Condon, secretary of the Boyer Y. Van Kuran Lumber company,
telephoned that he bad $30 for the fund.
The fund to date Is:
Iienry Pollack IV) 00 W. B. Sander JO
R. B. Condon .00 Jacob Peterson, 53S N. 14th Ht. .50
Handed to Henry roll ark .'. 13.00 W. tt. Klalaon JO
Nick Ftanko. 4 Til S. 14th Pt 2.00 Eiiun Chlpke . 00
flteve Panko, 4TI1 N. 14th M 1.00 Mr. C. Vi . Fursta W
Peter Satnlafid. 4911 N. 14h ft 1.00 Mr. F. V. Ilaney 25
Wilton Billy. 4-.rtl N. 14th ft Mr. M. Malndando 25
Joe Carver, ,N. 14th "t 25 Mm. I,aron 26
C. E. Krnst. 17K N. 14th Bt 25 Mra J. B. Bruner JO
lira. Miner, TM N. 14th Ht V Mr. J. D. Ratckln .
Louie Hansen, 47 N. 14th ft SO Mr. Bailey 35
Mra. A. Prlron. 471 N. 14th Ht .26 Orsh .21
Mra. E. fiinlth. 471 N. 14th Pt 2S Mra. If. Btidvrs 1.00
Anna John nun 26 Caen ' 1
Mra. Classman, 4706 K. 14th ft .25 Mra. Knudsen 25
Mr. Olassman, 4705 N. 14th t 50 Cash 05
Dunn, 470 N, Hth Kt JA
Cash 25 Total W
Asserts that Trial
Judge Thought Frank
Innocent of Murder
ATLANTA, Oa. May K.-Ii a letter
forwarded today to Governor Hlaton and
state prison communion urging clemency
of Dundee were among others who made t 'or Leo M. Frank, Judge A. O. Powell,
nthualaatlc apeechea. Mr. Yeleer dl-a. former member of the atata court of
closed a plan for a friendly meeting at ' appoato, aaaerted that the laU Judge
Happy Hollow club next week when the oan, who preaKled at ranks trlnl,
queallon of consolidation would be eub-
mined to a debate, both aides having
their chance. Mr. Yelser. who realdea In
Dundee and worka In Omaha expreneed
the belief that Dundee people, on final
consideration, would turn out a very good
vote for the cause.
Captain Bureih aaid that If every em
ployer woutd remind hla employee aa
they went out to vote that aa each voter
had to algn hla name when casting hla
ballot It would be a aim pie matter to
eheck up and aee If they really voted. It
might In' ra a heavy poll.
"An employer can very easily tell
often had expressed to him the belief
that Frank waa Innocent of the murder
of Mary Phagan. "I waa an Intimate
friend of Judge ' Roan," Judge Powell's
Utter stated. "If he were living I would
not attempt to apeak for him. Since his
mouth la closed by death, I feel It Is
due to him and to Frank that I should
give you the benefit of what I know
of how ha fait aa to the defendant's
At Judge Roan's request, Judge Powell
asld. ho had prepared portions of . the
court's charge to the Jury. "I mention
this fact," the letted added, "merely
whether his employ voted or took the I to show I had opportunity of Intimate
time he was given to vote for aomethlng knowledge of the state of hla (Judge
said Mr. Buresh, "and that ought Roan e) mind." Judge Towsll stated h
waa unable to explain why Judge Roan,
with these views, did not grant the now
trial, "which, from the conversation with
him, I fully expected him to grant"
to be looked after."
J. W. Metcalfe said retailers were
planning to divide their men Into three
groups for the purpose of voting.
Th Second ward captain, Val Peter
and yf. Boyd Smith, were prom
ised speakers for open air meetings: Pat
unlay night. May , at these places:
Twenty-ninth and Dupont, Twenty-fourth
and Vinton, Sixteenth and Vinton and
, Edward Roaewater school. The Seventh
ward will have several such' meetings, as
win othera
Police Officer Code
Fimple Arrested in
Raid on Card Game
A sensation, waa caused at head
quarter this morning, when Police Cap
tain Iempey and Sergeants Dillon anJ
Russell suddenly left the station with
Officers Danbaum and Coffey, aud re
turned half an hour later with Police
Officer Code Flmpt under arrest
With th arrested officer wer half
a dosea other nun, who were taken from
a drug store at 1624 Cuming street, where
the nolle say, they were playing cards.
A T. Danlolson, the druggist's clerk,
was arreatsd and charged with keeping
a disorderly house, aud Fimple waa
charged aa an Inmate, aa wer the others,
all of whom gave assumed Minus.
A quantity of beer found In an Ice bos
Waa brought to headquarter.
Fimple was stripped of hla badge and
suspended pending a hearing before the
city commission.
Fimple, according to Captain Dempsey,
waa off duty at the time. He gee to
work at I o'clock and goes off watch
at midnight. , The raid, occurred at
"1 cannot understand It," Finals do-
olarad. "We wer playing pitch."
All r.-ere released on cash bonds. A
week a ico Commissioner Kugel promul
gated a rule abolishing cash bonds In
favOr of ones calling for unencumbered
real estate. ' ' -
Boy Assaults Italy
Minister lp Berlin
EERUN, (Via London), May tL-Th
cardo Bollatl, Italian ambassador t Or
many, upon leaving the Italian embassy
yesterday evening waa assaulted by a
boy, who knocked off the ambassador
hat The youth was .seised by paaseraby
and beaten off before he waa turned over
to th police. The government Immedi
ately sent apologies to the ambassador
for the Incident
Precautions had been taken earlier to
prevent any annoyance, but as the day
peaeed without the slightest evidence of
trouble th detective wer -withdrawn
from the vicinity of the Italian embassy.
Wave of Enthusiasm
Is Sweeping Vienna
BERLIN. May 12. (Via tondon,)-Tha
Lokal Anselger In Us lasu of today asya
tt learns from Vlanna that a great patri
otic demonstration haa taken plac be
fore the war mlnlatry there. The crowda
sang patrlotlo songs and greeted the Of
ficials with outbursts of tremendous
cheering. All Vienna la la high spirits.
The people, the newspaper assert, feet
that war la incut able and their contt
dence in victory la higher than at tne
outbreak of the war with Serbia.
Lake Mohonk Meet
-O.K.'s Wilson; Silent
On National Defense
President Wilson's stand In the Interna
tional crista waa approved by the Lake
Mohonk conference on International arbi
tration at the conclusion of Its twenty
first annual meeting. The conference
platform declared:
"We express our gratitude to the presi
dent of the United mates for maintain
ing the neutrality of our government and
for asserting with firmness, clarity and
restraint, the rights of our people a
cltlsena of a neutral nation."
The platform, aa proposed by the plat
form committee, did not mention the
subject of greater preparation for na
tlonal defense, which waa urged upon the
conference this year by Secretary of War
Garrison, Major General Ieonard Wood
and Rear Admiral Colby M. Chester, re
tired. The members of this committee
were Dr. Charles) W. Elliott president
emeritus of Harvard university; Dr. El
mer Ellsworth Brown, chancellor of New
York university; Prof. John B, Clark of
Columbus university. Senator Heart la
Fontaine of Belgium, Andrew B. Humph
rey of New York, executive director of
the American Peace and Arbitration
league; former Governor BLmeon B. Bald
win of Cincinnati, and Luoiua M Cuth
bort, a Denver buslneasman,
Cooper. Gives His,
Ideas on Psychism
"Psychlsro ha long been alutlted In
Jadla and la certain genuine schools," said
Irving 8. Cooper, during his lecture laat
night en "Methods of Psychic Develop
ment." Continuing, he - asserted that
"During the cours of many centuries It
haa been elaborated Into an exact
science. .
"Th haphazard style of training, ao
characteristic of those studying this sub
ject In Europe and America. Is wholly
unthought of among those who know that
psychism In not an Interesting fad, but
a stern reality, by which much good
can be accomplished by those who are
properly trained and qualified, but also
much harm la the handa of unworthy
Switzerland Adds
IVjon to Its Army
COPENHAGEN, (Via London). May 32.
-Berlin papers say Bwltserland la calling
up more men and It I expected that a
compltite mobilisation will be ordered
shortly for the prevention of a violation
of neutrality. It la said that Bwltserland
has made arrangements with Italy for a
continuance of the regular food supply.
Labor Chief Named
To British Cabinet
DON, May 23,-The first authorita
tive announcement as to an appointment
In the British national cabinet outside
of Premier Asqulth and flr Edward
Grey, the foreign secretary, Is that of
Arthur Henderson, a labor' leader, who
succeeds Herbert Louie Samuel aa presi
dent of the local government board. The
trade unionists are highly pleased at the
Arthur Henderson, a native of Glasgow,
was chairman of the labor party In the
Houee of Commons In 190H-10, and was
ao appointed a second time In 1814. He
was made a member of the national war
munitions committee last April.
ROSS HOW 194,000
Auitria Reports Slavi Thrown Back
from Positions on Weit
Bank of San.
VIENNA Va London, May ).
-The following official communi
cation was Issued tbls evening.
"The battles along the front in
middle Oallcla continue. On that
part of the San running downward
from Slenlawa, the Russian detach
ments still holding the west bank?
were thrown back. East of Jaroslan,
the Teuton allies vigorously repulsed
Isolated attacks of strong enemy
forces. The number of prisoners
taken by us la continually Increas
ing. Storm Positions r Tflatit.
"In stubborn night battles our troops
stormed the Russian position east of
Drohobycs and captured Keudorf, taking
LMO prisoner.
The Russian counter attack across the
Dniester in East Oallcla haa com to a
standstill on the Pruth line. Hostile
efforts to break through our line near
Kolomea failed. All attacks against this
brldg head war repulsed with most se
vere enemy lossea.
In the fighting in the hilly country of
Kiel re, which attll continues at some
points, we have captured 4,000 prisoners
since May 11 The total number of
prisoners In our bands now amount to
Resales Statement.
PETROGRAD n London), May 21.
The following Russian official war state
ment waa lasued her tonight:
"On May 19 our troop seised an enemy
position near the village of Kourchany
and captured hundreds of prisoners and
some machine guna West of Shevli the
enemy fell back along a considerable
front. In the region of Rosaleny the
enemy, retnforoed, partly crossed to in
left 'bank of the Dublssa river. I
"On the left of the Vistula we con
tlnue to preae the enemy auccesstully In
the region south of th railway station
between Radora and Klelce and have al
ready repulsed htm from Opatow and on
tli front Slouplan-Noveli-Lagow
On Gallelna Front.
"On th Galclan front th battle con
tinued on May 19 with great ferocity.
Between th Vistula and Prsemyst the
enemy extended themselves somewhat on
the right bank of the San In the cen
ter of the region of Blenlawa, but on
two flanks In the direction of the Vis
tula between Tarnobrzeg and T.'lanoff
and In the direction of Praemyal near
Tytchenpy we realised important suc
cesses la a battle oa the left of the San.'
Letter Carriers
To Hold Memorial
Services Today
The letter carrier of Omaha today
at the Swedish Auditorium, 1609 Chicago
Street, will hold memorial services for
their comrades who have aiea aurtng
the last year.
The service will begin iX t o'clock In
the after noon with the following; pro
Selection Omaha poetofflce Band
Praver..... Frederick Conn
Solo.?.. Miss Daisy. Hlf sine
Address J. J- Ryder
u.iariinn Omaha Poatofflce Band
Oration Harry U. Fleharty
Holo U. J. Bl. OOUnclUB
Reading, Roll of Deceased Member
Justice Takes Motion of Govern
ment to Dismiss Suit Under
WASHINGTON. May S.At the con
clusion of five deya' argument Justice
McCoy of the district aupreme court took
under advisement yesterday the motion of
tl.e rovernment to dismiss the suit brought
by the Rings National bank to enjoin
Secretary MaAdoo. Comptroller of the
Currency W illiam and Treasurer Burke
from alleged unlawful persecution of the
Relief sought by the plaintiff In the
pending litigation waa denied by the
court, except a to the payment Into the
treasury of tS.noo Interest on bonds due
the bank and withheld to cover penalties
imposed by the comptroller for failure
to furnlah certain reports. A temporary
restraining order against the payment of
thl monoy Into th treasury was granted
at the outset of the proceedings, and the
court later wlU pan upon the question of
continuing It.
Justice McCoy Indicated that he would
occury some time considering the case,
but would endeavor to dispose of It be
fore July 1. In denying the prayer for
an Injunction pending litigation he said
that without conalderlng what evidence
might hereafter be presented there was
nothing In the record before him now
which showed the government officials
had exercised arbitrary power or power
arbitrarily in regard to the refusal to se
lect the RIem bank aa a reserve agency.
"It sreins to me on the record aa it
itanda that - the government officials
would be remise In their duty In selecting
It as an agent tor new applicant banks."
said the Justice. "The evidence here Is
of persistent violations of the law and
those violations did not begin when Mr.
Williams came Into office and they have
continued to this day,"
Malice on Other Side.
The court also considered on the record
aa now made up the charge that Secre
tary McAdoo showed malice In an inter
view In hie office with Rlgg bank offi
cial. The Justice said It appeared to
him that the malice waa rather "on the
other aide."
At the opening of the day's session,
Samuel Vntermyer of government coun
sel presented a bookkeeper's affidavit
that there were S.OOo stock transactions
shown on the booka of Lewie Johnson &
Co., stock broker, in the name of the
Klgge bank.
Messenger Runs
Into Auto, Is Eun
Over, Wheel Ruined
After accidentally running Into Miss
Frieda A. Lange's auto with hla motor
cycle and being thrown and run over
by the car, Robert W. Mulr, ?114 Locust
street, a messenger for Orkln Brother,
waa arrested by the police on the charge
of exceeding the epeed limit. Dr. Cum
mlngs dressed Muta Injured leg and
Officer Tom Baughman arreated him.
The accident happened Friday evening
la front of the Paxton garage, 5619 Far
nam street, while the auto waa being
driven Into the garage and Mulr waa,
driving his motorcycle east on Famam 1
stret Ha said he did not see the auto,
till too late. The auto was damaged and
Mulr'a new motorcycle was almost ,
ruined. Mies Lange lives at 3617 Famam
Mme. Pol near Visits Hospital.
PARIS. May 1. Madame Polncar.
wife of the president, visited the Amer
ican ambulance hospital today. Bhe we
received by Mrs. William G. Sharp, Wife
of the American ambassador.
Prowler Steals from
Carter Cottages
A prowler V .sited cottage at Carter
lake and atol article frciu several. Abe
feampaon, 24 North Sixteenth street, re
ported to the police that be mUsed a
rifle and ahotguo. The other thefts were
of leaser val.
NEWPORT, R. I.. May E.Wlth th
Ajflantle coast north of Cap Hatter
etill under nilmlc threat M attack by
hostile ships today. Admiral Fletcher had
Gas Bombs from Sky
Terror of England
LONDON, May 23. An Intimation that
German Zeppelin airship probably will
use bomli charged with poisonous gaaes
If -they make raids oa London I con
tained in a nolle issued by Scotland
Yard tonight
To the caution previously given that
the public should take refuge In house
In order to be out of the way of frag
ment of shells which might be fired at
enemy aircraft, I th following added Injunction:
"tt would he well for persons thua tak
ing refuge to keep all window and door
on lower floor closed, so aa to prevent
th admission of deleterious gasea"
Rabbi Wise Is to
Talk at Brandeis
Mrs. Draper Smith, president of the
Nebraska Woman (Suffrage association,
and Mra W. K. Barkley of Unroln will
represent Nebraska at th conference of
auffrage leaders In Chicago, Xuae s-S.
Mra Mmllh holds first place so far for
the greatest number of ticket eold for
Flnte Solo
W 11 lam Maher
Hen Kassal
..Omaha Postoffloe Band
Bonapartes Tender
Swords to Italy
PARIS. May 22. A newa agency dis
patch from Rom says that Prince Vlo-
tor, head of the house of Bonaparte
Prlno Lieutenant Napoleon, hla brother,
and Prince Alfonso of Portugal, brother
of th Ut King Carlo, have applied to
the Italian war ministry for permlaslon
to Join the army.
Prlno Victor and Prlnc Louis Napo
leon are grandnephew of .Napoleon X.
Their mother wa Merte-Clotllde, a
princess of Savoy, the reigning house of
Iowan Loses Fifty
Dollars to Swindlers
After gaining the confidence of Lyman
Cork of Marshall, la., by showing
him Omaha's new fl.SO.000 Fonte
nelle hotel, two confidence men matched
dollar with him and won ISO In th "In
nocent" sport.
deployed the Atlantic fleet to cover moat ; the lecture to be given by Kabbl Stephen
of the Important strategic points of de
Notable among the maneuver In th
war gam waa the us ot th new Cap
Cod canal. Several submarines wer
sighted oft the rape, presumably guard
ing the aea eutraue ot th uanal against
possible approach by Rear Admiral
Beatty' fleet. The submarine strength
of the fleet of defense haa been definitely
reduced. Th K-J. with a broken crank
abaft, waa towed here today and .-! la
In port repairing aa engine.
That all union men should get out and
vote for the consolidation at the com In
election, waa urged by Frank G. Odell
laat night at the regular meeting of the .
Central Labor union at the labor temple.
A meeting was planned to protest
against the sentence of life Imprison
ment, recently Imposed upon John It
Law son. officer of a union, who waa con
victed on a chart of first degree murder
because he mad speeches inciting the
Wise at the Brandeis theater, Thursday
evening. June 10, 1 concerned. His sub
ject will be "The War Against War or
I War Cureless,"
Word waa receive la Omaha yesterday, !,trlklng Colorado mine worker to use
innuunclng the death of Dr. Keuhen
Robinson at Baa Antonio, Tex., where he
tad lived for the last sis year.
Mr. Roblnaun, formerly resided In
Omaha, and for a number of years was
on the medical staff of fretghlon Medi
cal college. Hla health failed and t
went to Texas, where for a long time
he seemed to b batter. A year or so
ago his condition commenced to grow LONDON, May 12 A diapatoh to
more serious and be died May 90. Ha waa ' IJoyd from Bart (In Italy mi th Adrl
U year eld and I survived by hi widow alio) say thai all navigation aarvloea
and a, Harold, U years of age. Ita the Adriatic Hea haee been auspended.
force, which resulted In the fstal shoot
ing of a deputy.
All Navigation in
Adriatic Suspended
BAN rTXANCLSCO. May Bringing
up fathere with a proper aenae ot their
rsponlblltty and federal aid for parent
to aa great aa extent aa la granted to
farmers was an Improvement advocated
here today at the conference of the Na
tional Congress ot Mothers and Parent
Teacher' association. Mr. Frederick
Schofr of Philadelphia, national piesl
dent, said father "should b equally re
sponsible with mothers for the home
training of the children.'
CHICAGO. May -VThe rlfht of this
city to censor moving picture film was
upheld In a decision of the ITnlted State
circuit court of appeala today. The de
cision was In a suit brought by several
film eompaale who disputed the rlirht
of th city to order sections cut from
picture on th ground of morality and
public policy.
Mtesiau sr Onil Sfeoaae
fart Arrl4 SfclUS
rl TnrMlBikl
MfttHMiajM. . Miul.-aii
NAfl.ra I aliia
NArl.M tarwt
Preceded by light touches of
Curiam Ointment will help you.
Samples Free by Hall
Cwaeura Sea sad CMmmbS art siMislwa
IJkaral Maple a M sua w HI SVe. l
AOOnw i mrt "Vnowara.-. lMe M. S iia.
Your Choice of These GENUINE MAHOGANY Frame Kensington
: 1
Torms $1.25 Cash; 1.00 Monthly U
These Chairs Are Made" of Period Furniture Prices
Genuine Mahogany and
Highest Grade Cane
The frames ot these chairs are
perfectly constructed of genu
ine mahogany; not heavy and
massive, but strong and per
fectly proportioned. The seat,
back and fire-side wings are
woven of high-grade elastic
cane. They are finished in a
dull mahogany and are very
Inviting, and restful.
Placed Within the
Reach of All
We know that the desire for
period furniture Is universal
and that the prohibitive prices
heretofore prevailing . have
kept many people from satisfy
ing their desires. A large or
der of these chairs enables us
to sell them at a special price
, much lower than this kind of
furniture has ever sold for.
We Make It Easy For Yon;
$15 Cash, $1 Monthly,
Is All We Ask
The cost of furnishing a home
',' tastefully today is much Use
than it waa several years ago.
Take these chairs, for example
not only have the prices
been reduced away below what
furniture of the put waa sold
for, but. most Important of all.
you have the advantage of our
Credit Plan.
For a Four-Passen
ger Lawn Swing.
Frames are of hard wood, painted
red; seat and standards are fin
ished in the natural. Strongly
bolted and heavily braced.
For a $15 Guaran
teed Gas Range.
K Xirst-cUsa baking oven.
A. first-clas
I Hag
J Competes
Special Salo
of Flags
Just like the picture, complete
with 8 -ft. pole, rope halyard
and galvanised Iron bracket
Flag Is 4x6 ft. in slse, guaran
teed fast colors, and strips are
sewed on separately.
Pole surmounted with
cap. Complete outfit
worth $1.60, special. .
For an $8.60
Collapsible Go-Cart.
Frames are of steel, highly enam
eled; wheels are rubber-tired, and
the upholstering la In fabricold
leather; large folding hood.
QQ QP For This $5.00
UL.UU Tubular Steel Spring.
Has heavy bronie aide tubular iron
frame, patent fabric, made extra
strong and resilient by a series ot
small helical springs. A splendid
spring at a very low price.
For a $15 Fumed
Oak Pedestal
Made of solid oak.
Dress Form
Art adjuatabl to
your Individual
Every part can be
easily and nuiokly
adjusted. Fay foe
It aa U pay yea.
tM'Wtai price
50o weekly.
Model Sren
Adjuatable and
lam., ana
For a
are made
of hard
wood, fin
ish golden,
and have
cold air
Out of
Easy -Payments.
ULsLsllllJL& VsswTf
I -
- Three-
i iri j -
SSI JtBk 1 ' sT aT T d
SkL- Terms.