Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 5-A, Image 5

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6 A
Bryan Issues Statement America Has
Not Recognized Order as Im
plied by British Note.
dent Wilson and Mb cabinet met to
. day for tho first time since they
gathered ten days ago and approved
the note, which the Un'ted States
subsequently sent to Germ ny as a
protest against the sinking of the
Lusltanla with the loss of more than
100 American lives.
In the absence of any definite
news from Berlin, there was no dis
cussion, it was understood, of the
probable contents of a reply which
Germany Is preparing. ,
Not Rrrr(nT-n,
When the cabinet mat there had bti
published here a memorandum given out
in London by the British foreign office,
paying the arranRrments being made by
Great Britain with American cotton In
terests for dlspostlon of their cargo were
understood to be acceptable to the I'nlted
States. Later Secretary Fryan geve out
a statement declaring- lhat whatrv-r had
been done by representatives of tho Ftate
department to assist the cotton Interests
bad been of an unofficial and Informal
character, and was not "to be construo?l
as a recognition of the oider-ln-councll,"
issued by Great Britain.
Tonight Sir Cecil Sprtng-Rlce. tlio Brit
ish ambassador Issued a statement ex
plaining that this was also his under
standing and suggesting that there had
been some mistake In tclegrauhlo trans
mission or erroneous impressions had
been given British officials In London
by representatives of the American cot
ton interests.
No Reply Heeelved,
The I'nlted States has never received
a reply to Its note of March 90, In which
the British erder-ln-oouticll proclaiming
an embargo on all neutral commerce di
rectly or indirectly with Germany al
ways declared to be a violation of in
ternational' law. ,
In view of the continued detentions of,
American cargoes under the onler-ln-councll
a note was prepared a week be
fore the. Lusltanla disaster o-curred,
which was to be sent, to the allies as
soon as further data on Interference with
American shipping could be secured. In
some quarters there nu been a dispo
sition to urge the dispatch of the note
to Great Britain at this time, because of
the conviction It might convey to the
Germsn government of the purpose of
the I'nlted States to obtain an adherence
to' international law on the part of the
Dtacvaalon Brief. 1
There was but brief discussion of the
guestlon today among cabtnet officials,
as President Wilson had previously re
solved that the situation with Germany
ought not to be complicated with any
- sew correspondence with Great Britain.
H took the position that the Questions
raised ever the sinking of the Lusltanla
bad been settled on ' their merits trrev
spectlve of other controversies, which
the' TJnlted States might nave- with ether
belligerents, holding moreover that the
German government should naturally
have every confidence In the Intention
of the United States to bring about an
adherence to international law wherever
Its rights were violated.
It is certain therefore, that the note to
Great Britain, which has been prepared
for some time, will not be sent until
' after the German reply Is received. When
asked concerning the proposed note, Sec
retary Bryan' said: ' N
"o New Representations.
"We have the subject under considera
tion. No new representations have been
made to Oreat Britain."
That the United States Is prepared to
controvert further the right of Oreat
Britain to enforce virtually a blockade
against neutral countries detaining car
goes of non-contraband such shipments
consigned to neutral ports irrespective
of destination, was the intimation con
veyed by Secretary Bryan in a state
ment regarding the British foreign of
fice memorandum. ' .
Notwithstanding the misunderstandings
end conflicting statements with reference
to the arrangements between the cotton
interests and the British government, the
memorandum issued by the British
foreign office attracted much attention.
It was generally regarded as having been
put out to anticipate complaint by the
United States oa various detentions of
American cargoes. It did not. officials
noted, refer to the legal principles un
der which the American cargoes are be
ing detained and purchased by the pro
visions of the order-ln-counetl. It Is this
against which the American government
is preparing to protest.
Weather Hampering
Operations in West;
, LONDON, May 21 "Since my lat
communication of the seventeenth." says
Sir John French, the British commander-in-chief,
In an official communication
mads public tonight, "the operations have
been hampered by the weather.
"But In spite of thta our troops have
made appreciable progress near Keuve
Cliapelle. The main characteristics of
these operations have been numerous
local fights for strong points behind the
enemy's original line. In capturing sev
eral of these points our infantry has
again displayed great gallantry.
On the remainder of the front there Is
nothing to report except minor artillery
"Last night we . brought down a Ger
man aeroplane In the neighborhood of
London Hears Very
Grave News of Russ
LONDON, May B. The Petrograd
correspondent of the Morning Pest in a
dispatch dealing with' the hostilities In
tlie southeastern theater Of war. says:
' News from the great battle raging over
a SDO-mile front remains exceedingly
grave. The Uuuians are making prog
ress on both flanks, but this is unim
portant, as the German main onset is at
a center from the confluence of tho fan
and Vistula rivers to Prxeraysl, a die-;
tance of slaty miles, every yard of which ;
has been the scene of desperate fighting :
for days. It is here thst a decision must '
be reached, and so far the Germans con.
Unu to bave the better of the struggle."
Premier Asquith, who still remains head of the British government; Bonar Law, unionist,
slated as chanceller of the exchequer; Sir Erward Carson, reported lord priby seal; Wins
ton Churchill, who leaves the admiralty to become secretary for India, and David Lloyd
Georg. chancellor of the exchequer.
Ja,, JJ h-h. .Jp iSR,
" '.V.p" I If tw
'f ;4', wi" &nr l f '
Badness and Yards Men Enthusi
astic Over Plans for Greater
Omaha Election.
Thirty-seven South Omaha business
men met at the business place of N. E
Carter last night and formed a citizens'
organization to adopt the best means of
bringing out a majority affirmative an
nexation vote June 1.
One "Big Omaha." with one set of of
ficials "big enough" to govern Greater
Omaha, and a steady, consistent pull
against legalising by popular vote the
lio.ouo Park board Improvement bonds
were the nutshell statements voiced by
the numerous speskers present. Politics
was unanimously voted to the rear and
the meeting resolved itself wholly into
one Insistent shout for annexation and
the defeat of the park bond Issue.
Joe Koutsky, recognized leader of local
business men, opened the meeting and
S. E. Carter was elected chairman with
Ed Itoggen as secretary. Park Board
Member Ben Sanger spoke briefly
explaining the evident Intention of the
Tark board to buy up more land should
the bond Issue receive the popular ap
proval and urged the rrmn present to work
for the defeat of the measure on June 1.
He was seconded by an effective speech
from J. J. Breen and the latter Introduced
a motion urging the defeat of the bond
issue "deal,", which received the unani
mous vote of all present. ,
Mamexatlom Slated Affirmatively.
Koutsky took the annexation matter to
a rousing welcome by discussing the mat
ter from the laborer's standpoint. "In
Omaha," said the business men's leader,
"the Commercial Club, in oo-operatlon
with the improvement clubs of the city.
Is making an organised effort to mako
the vote there, so large as to make It
impossible for us to defeat the measure
should we be so Inclined. But the fact of
the matter Is, the majority of the people
of South Omaha aro for annexation of
necessity. Today we are In vital need of
more manufacturers of the small town
variety who can offer our laboring men
from eight to ten hours' day labor. In
the packing houses ut present the aver
age man laborer srets from three to seven
hoiirs per dsy with hundreds constantly
out of work. The forceful power of the
Omaha Commercial club to. bring new
manufacturers .here will not be won by
any attempt on the part cf the people of
South Omaha to oppose this bill. We
must meet the people of Omaha with
open arms and then they will give us a
square deal."
For One Bis Cttr.
Att'K-ney A. II. Murdock argued for one
"big" city with one set of officials "big
enough" to govern a Oreater Omaha. The
facilities bere In the way of trackage
and other valuable natural sites 'mark
tne south ride of a Oreater Omaha as
having wonderful possibilities V the Peo
ple rosldtng here would cut out person
alities and banish the Imaginary line, ke
argued. Colonel Fltt-K-jberts corrobo
rated his statements by declaring that
South Omaha was situated in the finest
corn raising telt In the country with a
capacity to handle more live stock than
any other market in the world outside
of Chicago.
Judge J. J. Breen and Ed Roggen stated
that every year the city of Bouth Omaha
was) compelled to send east from 40 to 43
per cent interest on the outstanding S3,
OOO.OuS debt In Issued bonds. Breen stated
that from SS to SO per cent of the prop
erty on Twenty-fourth street wss owned
by people living outside the city.
Blarker lilts Nail oa Head.
J. J. Markey, prominent local baker
said: "When you go to hit a man you
don't bit him with your fingers stretched
apart. You clench them up in a tight
fist lock. Suppose we tried to Induce
sn eastern manufacturer or one just con
templating building a new bouse to eome
Here as we are divided, Florence, Benson,
South Omaha, Dundee and Omaha with
all separate municipalities. Could we
strike a decent blow with such high taxes
and unknown individuality? No, certainly
not. We must be united."
State Representative John Larson ex
plained that the bill would In no way
change the school systema of South
Omaha other than to subordinate the
superintendent of schools and the chief
of polios. No teacher could be removed
without adequate complaint as to her In
efficiency as an instructor, he said, and
It would be impossible under the law to
make the local high school a two-year
Institution as has been rumored would be
Move ruder Way. I
A motion, unanimously passed, pledged
all present to pull for a Oreater Omaha '
and- to work until the date of the eleo
tlon, each one as a committee of one.
It was Introduced by Koutsky and sec
onded by Fits Roberts. Larsen moved
that men be appointed from each ward
to work In their precinct individually.
W. R Reed, manager of the Clay-Robln-son
firm, was appointed manager of the
campaign at the yards and exchange
J. J. Breen, chairman; H. O. Pike,
printer, and Attorney A. H. Murdock
were appointed committee on arrange
ments for the coming campaign. Ward
captains were appointed as follows:
Ckarlle Winters, First ward; Joe Dlask,
Second ward; J. P. K reuse, Third ward;
P. J. Tralnor, Fourth ward; Tom Kozlal,
Fifth ward; Sam Schrigley, Sixth ward,
and Jay Trapp, Seventh ward. The meet
ing adjourned until Wednesday evening,
May 16, the evening after which the an
nexation court proceedings goes into
Carl Bral Benefit.
The Carl Beal benefit entertainment has
taken a definite form. Saturday evening,
a week from this evening, a vaudeville
entertainment will be presented by sev
eral local alumni. Over 1,000 tickets have
been printed free of charge by the Stork
man Press and will be sold at SS and 60
cents to the public. Posters with the
picture of the young athlete on the cover
will be run off this afternoon and a com
mittee under the direction of rrinclpal
S. W. Moore wiU bill the town.
Alumni took the matter In hand Im
mediately after all hope of raising the
money through the Board of Education
had been given up, and It Is sxpected
that 1300 or more will be raised by the
entertainment. To raise the remainder
of the SS00 deemed necessary by the at
tending doctors to at least prolong and
possibly save the life of the athlete, the
alumni are planning to give a series of
dances, if local dance hall owners will
donate their floors for the occasion.
Father's Day" Celebrated.
"Father's day" will be celebrated at
the First Presbyterian church tomorrow.
Rev. Robert I Wheeler, pastor of the
church, has arranged a special program
for ths celebration and will preuch a
sermon on the subject at H o'clock. The
Sunday school hour, at 9:45 a. m., will
also be taken up with the special pro
gram. All the fathers in the congrega
tlen are extended a special invitation by
tho pastor and are urged to attend.
Base Ball Uaaara Poatpuaed.
The South Omaha-Counclj Bluffs base
ball game scheduled to be played yes
terday afternoon at Merchants' park in
Council Blufts, was postponed until next
Tuesday afternoon because of the wet
Cbareh Motes. -
St. liuke's Lutheran, Twenty-fifth and
K. Rev. S. H. Yerlan, Pastor Sunday
school at t 45; morning rervka at 11. Sub
ject of sermon, "Pentecost."
St. Martins. Corner Twenty-fourth and
J. Rev. John Wallls Obi, Rctor Serv
ices for Whitsunday, celebrations holy
eucharist. 7:& and 11; Matins and Sun
day school, S:46; evensong, 7:4u; Whit-sun-Monday
celebration huly euihariHt,
7:30; Whltaun-Tuesriay holy u barlnt.
t ax btransera always wtloomu.
First Presbyterian. Twenty-third and
J, Rev. Robert U W heeler, Itutor Rv.
1. I). Rajusey of Omaha will give an
address Sunday evening at S in the
ehurcu. This service will be the union
servloe of the South Omaha churchee
and wftl ha aai imi il In a mrtmm f
meetings In preparation for the "Billy"
Sunday campalKn. Bverybody is invited.
Other services at the usual hours.
Made rity Gossip.
The Northeast Improvement club held
a meeting last evening at the home of
C F. Winters, Nineteenth and a streets.
The Loyal Mystlo Legion will meet
this evening at tho home of F. O. Spear,
ElKhteenth and It streets. Refreshments
will be served.
The women of the First Christian
church will serve an election dinner
June L at McCrann hall. Twenty-fourth
and O streets.
The Fugles will give their usual Satur
day evenin dance this eventtitr at the
hall at Twenty-third and N streets. The
local Order of Moose will also celebrate.
lTlwtrlc light men were hanging the
large arc lights on the Iron pillars of
the now Main street ornamental light
system yeterdy. it will be three weeks
or a month, however, before the system
will be ready for operation, due to the
complexity of Installing the underground
The entertainment Committee of the
local Order ot Iledmen announce) their
regular weekly dance to take place at
the hall at Twenty-fourth and O streets,
mis evening at a o dock.
German Publishes
Budget of Belgium
LONDON, May 22. A dispatch to the
Exchange Telegraph company from Am
sterdam says:
"General von Biasing, the German gov
ernor general In Belgium, has published
the Belgian budget for 1915. It gives the
revenue for the yesr ss 135,031,096 and the
expenditures at $39,631,096. The statement
says that means for providing for the
deficit ot $4,600,000 will have to be found
Germans Will Call
Up Two Million Men
LONDON, May ffi.-The Copenhagen
correspondent of the Dally Mall says he
has learned from an authoritative Berlin
source that Oermany Is about to call up
2.000,000 men. Hcrlin official circles, he
states, believe that an army of 500,000 will
be sufficient to cope with Italy.
Ths ilcrJ Suffrage
Thought of Women
Motherhood Is the thought trppenaoetln
woman's mind. And w ith It, of course,
comes lua qnssuon ef
comfort, of helpful
aids and Influences.
Among the best of
these is a well known
external remedy.
"Mother's Friend."
It is gently applied to
tbe surface musrles.
Them are lubrlonted.
toued, mads pliable so
they stretch as nature
requires without ths
strain and pain on
cords and ligaments.
This Influence extends
through the aiyrlad of nerves to deeper sur
faces, the internal organs. And thus
period ef repose must roiled Itself not onhr
In the mind of ths mother, but upon tbe
babe to come.
A point upon which all experienced people
agree is the scceptej tudt that whatever sn
expectant mother may do for herself that is
Lai and harmless Is bound to encourage
confidence In herself. And as she applies
"Mother's Friend" with her own hand when
ever required snd Jut where needed, she
on learns to forget those spprehensions so
orien uua-: native.
Yoong mothers who bave ned "Mother's
Friend" have written to aay how rejoiced
tiiey were st the sbaence of luorulng sickness,
extreme nervousness, and other distresses of
which they bod hcanl nnl feared. Get
bottle of "Mother' .1" ut any drug
store. Simply apply cr the stomach mus
cles snd rest aarured of perfect safety sod
comfort day and night Write to BradSeld
Regulator, T0S Lamar Bldg, Atlanta, Oa, far
their hsailaoTae and instructive book.
Officers Have IHfficuIty to Bestrain
Men from Crossing the
TDINK. Italy (via Chlasso to
Tarls), May 22. Prom the Alps
down to the- sa. tho whole vast reg
ion has been transformed into a
huge military encampment. Every
where aro tents, gun carriages and
flags and tho Intense activity which
marks a military ramp.
In the extended plains of Frlull,
stretching along the sea, Italian sen
MnrtH near the frontier can see the
ruins of Aqullela, a second Rome
founded by the Romans In 161 R.
C. The Italian army officers have
groat difficulty In restraining the
soldiers from crossing the frontier
here, tho men being anxious to con
quer Frlull from which came Beren
garius, the first king of Italy.
' 'fXo I'aaaaee Here."
The troops most anxlcus tn fight are
the Alpine soldiers, who are of tlu some
type ea the French Alpine chasseurs.
Three men nutnwr itM1 end thuy have
been chosen from nmons the strongest
ahd bravent of the mountaineers. They
are commanded by a selected set of of
ficers, who know all tlio secrets of the
snow capped boundaries. The Alpine
troops occupy nil the pane, their motto
being no admittance through hero."
Four of tbe host known Italian cen-
erals are hnre worklnu luy and nlxht
with their staffs. Thosn men ere Gen
erals Frusonos, who illntlnRtilnhed him
self in Ilha; I'lucrarl, who Is much ad
mired by the troops; Nava, well known
for his energy, and lirueatt. a brother of
General Ugo Urusstt, alde-de-cainp to
the king.
Derisive Action lllfflraM.
The general opinion is that !t would
be almost Impossible fcr declnlvn action
through the well fortified Alplno region
of the province of Trent, whore an at
tack would bave as Its only object the
keeping there of a lanra contingent of
hostile troops. For the same reason, a
landing of Italian troops might occur on
the Dalmatian coast, it Is said, or some
contingent mlirht go to help Montenegro
and Serbia resume their offensive.
The oonfllct may fin I its solution In
the valley of the Isonso liver In eastern
Frlull, according to military critics. The
Italians U Is said, may sdvance with
three main bodies from Ban Olorgio,
Pulmanova and Oormans, proceeding
towards Oorits, Oradlsca and Monfal
cone, having as their, ultimate object
The Boo Want Ads Are Best Business
Because Charles 8. Puke, porter In
Hart's saloon at Sixteenth and Cass
streets, had refused to send money to
Theodore Wilson while ths latter was
In a hospital. Wilson quarrelled with
Duke In the saloon last night and out
a long gash In his scalp with a pocket
knife. Police surgeon Tamlslea at
tended Duke. Wilson was arrested on
the charge of cutting to wound by De
tectives Murphy and Rooney. Duke Uvea
at 1(10 California street, and Wilson Is
a painter whose home la at KM Lake
Aluminum Preserving
2Vi-qt. size, price ....85
4-qt. size, price ....$1.15
8-qt size, price ....$1.65
Double Boilers
1- qt. size, price ....$1.55
2- qt. size, price ....$2.00
Coffe Pots
1-qt. size, price ....$1.80
-j-qt. size, price . . . .$2.111
2-qt. size, price ....$2.10
Buy a used car
while you can get
the best bargains ,
At this time of the year while many people are buying
now cars, some really exceptional bargains in used cars can
be found. Owners are willing to sell at almost any prico to
make room for the new car.
The advantages of owning a car are wtll known to yon and probably the
only obstacle ia that of price. Just turn back to the classification of " Automo
biles" in the Want Ad Section and you will find a number of excellent offers of
first-class cars at a fraction of the original cost.
If you have not thought of this before, thia will be a valuable tip to you.
Telephone Tylt 1000
Etybody Rtad Bern Want Ads
Working Crews
Of the King Are
Coached for Stunts
The working crews of Ak-5ar TVn
were taught their duties last evening at
the Den by Oua Renxe. who coached the
crew of each "boat" a It was brought
Into the garden'' Jusl In front of ths
stage and put through its mechanical
it was the last ordinary working crew
night. Next Monday thre will be a dress
rehearsal and Mr. Reuse served notice
that those of the crews, who do not ap
pear then, will disappear altogether from
the roster.
The Interior of the Den Is being re
decornted In a manner that will make
It a place of beauty. Pleasant scenes,
palms snd Cupids up arour.d the
edges of the ceilings. The waili. are
covered with painted scenes and with
lattice work, over which roses will
"It not only makes it much more at
tractive, but Improves the acoustic prop
erties ss well,'' said Rente.
Kneoursgemenl comes from the vocal
department. The chorus is growing until
It is wtthln three or rour of ths desired
number, which Is fifty.
Germany to Eespect
U. S. Flag Upon Ships
(JF7NEVA, Msy it Vla Paris. -A dis
patch received In Bawl from Berlin to
night states, that the German govern-
ent, before discussing the 'American
note concerning the sinking of the Lusl
tanla, promised Washington -to respect
the American flag on shine. Germany
also agreed. It Is stated, that If ships be
longing to the sllles were to be tor
pedoed, notice would be given to the
passengers snd crews before the vessels
were sunk. This order. It Is added, was
(-.sued to the commanders of all Ger
man submarines.
, Schmoller & Mueller's
Special Uictrola Outfit Offer
On Terms Within Reach of Every Koine
i Mil 4'!'
I Mir'
If not convenient to call phone or write ua and we will aend a
complete outfit to yonr home.
Schmoller & r.lucllcr Piano Company
1S11.13 FARNAM ST.
Ylctrola and Grstfonola Headquarters.
ALor.iinur.1 iueeu
f5c bread pans, only . .33
15c set measuring spoon, 9
lOo measuring cups . . . ,8f
10o salt and peppers ..8
25c ladles, only .13tj
25c basting spoons . . . 12
25c egg timers 13?
15c drinking cup .0
10c jelly moulds 5i
PkCdeem Your Coupon For
1 Stew fan Witn us. y-mch pie plate S27 y
Stew Pan With Us.
Why Do You Hesitate?
If you have a small cavity In
your tooth, have It filled at one
you will aeva the cost of a
crown, also foul breath and se
vere pain. With a few rood
teeth, as a base to work on, w
can make you a set of beautiful
Satisfying teeth for reasonable
Arsrx.ea rmuorwi
Taft's Dental Rooms
1B17 tX)rGIAjg STREET.
are medicine of
true worth whloh
Br" T , it years of care
ful trial and test
has clearly proved.
They are care
fully prepared, ab
solutely pure, and
afford the expect
ed relief.
If you are af
flicted ' with any
of these dlaeaaes.
we will aend a
sample free, or you
mar procure full lse packages from
your rirugwtst. Following are the
remedies: Kach for a purpose.
1 Warner's aafe memefly for tbe
Kidneys sad X,t-rar eoe and fl.oo
Warner's Safe mheumatte
Ksmsdy 1.5
3 Warner's Safe Diabetes Bemad y
Warner's Bafe Yervlne BOe sad at
o War aer 's Safe Asthma atemsdy 7Ao
Warmer's Safe mils a&o
Warner's Kafe Remedies Co.,
Dept. J62. Rochester, N. T.
S. & M's. Outfit "D", $84.00
This includes a beautiful Cabinet Vlc
trola, style No. 10, mahogany or oak;
price $76.00, and 24 selections (twelve
double fared 10-Inch records of yonr
own choosing). Terms, $9.00 cash for
the records and $5.00 a. month for the
machine, beginning next month.
S. &M's. Outfit ME' $113
Vlctrbla, style No. 11, mahogany or
oak finish; price $100, with 36 selec
tions of your own choosing (eighteen
double-faced 10-lnch records). Terms
113.60 cash and $5.00 a month, begin
ning next month. -Be
sure and visit our Talking Ma
chine Department on the main floor be
fore you purchase. We have the larg
est and most complete stock of VI c
trolaa and Orafonolaa In the city. All
styles all prices 1S to 1250.
Aluminum Sauce Pans
!-qt. size, price .... ...35
1-qt. size, price ,,45i
3-qt. size, prico ...... .05
Tea Kettles
No. 7 size, prico ...$3.30
No. 9 size, prico ...$3.95
Fry Pans
7-inch size, price 70
jO-inch size, price . .$1.15
9-inch pie plate 27