A THK OMAHA SUXl'AV UKK: MAY 23, 1913. STAY BI THE SHIP UNTIL IT GOES DOWN Brarery of Member! of the Crew of the Turkish Armored CrniieT Described by One of Mefl. CAPTAIN IS LAST TO LEAVE (Correspondence of "the Anaociated !".) CONPTANTINOPL.K. May 19. ricturc of Turkish sailors In a modern naval nction are seldom seen to such advantage aa ! a native' account of the loa of the armored rnileer Medjlhlrh of the Turkish Ttlaek Sea fleet. jiuhllPhed In the Constantinople rPrs. The account pur porta to b a diary of one of the r-en of the .cruiser, who aaved themselves In small hoata when the vessel was aunk r"y a Ruaalan mine, mur rV.eftra, ea-ly In April. "We left Constantinople when the golden raya. of the springtime sun were reflected In the verdant water of the Boephorua." the account begins. "W wer on our way to eoromiillnh an Im portant fluty. dealrou of threatening the enemy on their vt-ry shores. "What great Joy lighted all the facee when the captain, Nairn I Tlay, had told ' She officer and marine that we were 'ff for the fight, which for weeka we had 1 alted with feverish deslr. . Boaadlasr for Torpedoes. "April 2, toward the dawn, the enemy' j aborea were vialble. The coastal water j where we were st'amlng were very rtan jgeious. The enemy had aown nmes (orerywhere. We were Ignorant of the positions of the mlnea, but we could ,rert quint, for our torpedo destroyers Ahead of oa were Bounding the aca and making a road for us. We were ad vancing and the rising aun with Ita troad golden raya waa lighting the pathway. "It waa ,D0 a. m. The ftrat fir of our 'gun waa about to seJut the Ruaalan nhlpa, houaea and hearth of the enemy nnd prove that the free and roaJeaUo Hag of the Ottoman float on the wave of 'the Black Bea. ''Suddenly an explosion occur, a d lonatlon which a hake the whole ahlp. A. colnmn of water tiaea, then burnt, 'Piece of Iron atrlke tha deck and plunge Into tha water. What fiaa happened T Tha ahlp keol rapidly and tha prow begin to rink In tha shallow sea. An enemy mine whkih, because of ita apectal man ufacture, had not keen seen by our mlne- llfhjng boat had hit our majeatlo and lwautiful ahlp. plrtt f Rramr. Tier tha aptiit of bravery In our orrw appear. No alarm, no dlsquletud la rbown. All la done In absolute calm with the most perfect serenity. No on seised the life belt. Not a man Uilnka of the - boat, for the -captain has not given the word. The crew has com up on deeir; for water la rapidly filling the ship, roue Hliora are at th wheel below. Their )tuatlon la extremely critical, but they Hk "to their poet. They aak through , tbe speaking tuba If they may come UP 'as their comrades have don. J"Thl deed I on or a heroism that cannot be described. It I a duty to pub lish the nnmea of these brave men and , to cite them as the Incarnation of tha sentiment of duty. They are! Ashar, h m of Abraham of Cartalf Achmet, th aon of Mchmet of Adalla; Mehmnt, tho on of Muatafa of AyanJIk, and Ismail, the sun of Yuaauf of Brouaa. 8o long as they had not receded the order of their taptafn they would not quit their fnrll on piHits. The water has already reached the holler and the englneroom; the pinnpa no longer work for lack of steam; the mat la too little to fit the horriblo leak made by tli mine. . Life Belt DUlrt ate. "At last tho captain orders the bouts into the water and the lifebelts distri buted. This Is don In the greatest calm ii,id without the leoxt alarm or liast. TImj torpedo destroyer then niMh to re. ' i-ue th crew of our shift which la sink ing while tha boat are being lowered. The vesae lean more and more on Its lle. and na tha cannon are partly under water tli captain glvea th word to leave. Tho order Is executed without ulMi-m, The boats fill with sailor, reaoh the destroyer and com back for other. "All th object and Important instru ments of the ship are lowered Into th Itoata and saved. The captain hat no . lifvbelt. A sailor offer him hie. It waa the last to leave th ahlp, after having mad sure that no on was left on board. Th prow waa entirely under water, th stern at 111 out.' "As It waa neoeaaary to prevent th enemy from refloating (ha ahlp, a de stroyer fired a torpedo at It It was a wise meaaar. Immediately a column of-water arose and the ahlp disappeared." Caring for German Widows and Orphans ' Now a Big Problejn CXriespoud.'nc of tha Associated Preea ) IJERL.1N. Way . What to do for the great army of orphan and widow left by th war t a queatlon already engag ing varioua charitable oritanlaxtlon. Va itoua plana hav been, discussed st the national meetlntfe of two of these socie ties held In Berlin. A plan put forward )y Prof. Mayet Is that needy wltowa be gathered In communltie where they can be given work, and where provision can ! made for educating their children In ,1 ; lurne ns. rtnanclal aealatance lor peaaania ww owa for the purpose of enabling them 10 hold tholr land waa also advix-ated. Con tinuation schools for country boy and alrls, as well as family evenings for gen eral Insinjctloa and entertainment, wer other nwABiires put forth. A still mor auibitioua proposal was that th Imperial govemn-nt eatabllsh a bureau whos duly ehall be to tke In hand th taak of i.ruoftiina widows and orphans for work trKy may sera beat fitted to do, and also to find utploymrnt for them. GERMANY STOPS SALE OF TOURIST GUIDE BOOKS iorresuondeno of the Associated I'reaa.) L(.;rUN, May W No tourist Rulde look. prospectuses and maps whatever rray b sold In a belt 100 kllonuUM Jeep tblltfhUy tnor than sixty nilUs) exterdlng lear around the empire. Certain -her !trtcte ar Included In the prohibition. Popular tourist region thus affected In Uud all roMa Kast and West I'rusula Poruerania. tha liliine, the Vosges. part U ih Black Forest tli rUfel. the Ha ariaa Riielnfals and the Uoaelle ttglon. Tie prohibition does not mtao that tourisU may isit none of tbe pi acts as ftrd. Most of thrtn may l visited as iiual. even includiug the bathing resorts cf th P.lli4 and tue lake teakoa uf th yie klenbur PRESIDENT REVIEWS FORCES FROM ATLANTIC FL stand and also the president as he was saluting the colors in 'Vv - : 5:1 -,.-Ai fltESlDEXT WILSOW DENIAL OF WARBABIES YARN Daily Newt of London Investigate! And Ascertain niegritimate Birth Rate Only About Normal. UNMARRIED WIVES ARE FEW (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) liONTJ)N, May l.-Tiio- war- baby evil has been greatly exaRgerated, accord ing to the Dally New,, which ban been conducting an Independent Investigation In a email provincial city, where 30,0(10 troop were billeted. The Investigators found that th pmsent prospective In crease over the previous records of Il legitimate birth waa scarcely of. any account. Moat of the assertion regarding .war babies have apparently no baxla of real data, but hav- grown on hearsay, . like most rumors In war tlmo, Kach part of the, country think the. war babies ar - to be found - In some other part Neverthrlea,' there are many authentic Instances at , aoldters with .unmarried wives, which has always' beets a feature of British-army lire, .sine regulation generally oppose ' marrlvKei of . rnlisted men. . Thlg hlstoV( condition w sud denly brought to publft 'notice by th HMMltialtUe of th . war separation al lowance, which relieves only the legal wirsa of soldiers. ! ' v Hot !Hy llablea Here. . To test the rumor that the preeenc of soldlors In billets and camps ha been responnlblo for an outbreak of tnmoral U)V a correbpondent of the Pally New wnt to a military center, where, ac cording to report, X.uw war bablea wer expected.. being on th list of a single doctor and fifty on th Ilt of a singia nurse. ' Th writer Interviewed th mayor of th city, who scouted the report. The police Inspector said he knew, personally of only foi-r caaea. A Methodist minis ter and lils VW had never heard of a single lhtanee.- The adjutant of the flal vation rm. said only seven cacs had paaaed through Ita handa. and th vicar of the lnrgrat parish had heard Indi rectly of no mor than a doien. Neither th health officer, th wcrkhous doctor, the dlepenaary doctor, nor a number of doctor giving fre treatment .to the poorer classes under th rational insur ance act. had com In contact with a j . i ia- W uktsas slngl malotnlty cas n wni - was a soldier. On of th doctors said r... had himself questioned his colleagues. Including th man. said to hav 30u case on his Hat, and only on knew or a sing.e war baby. Problem Xt rls. Investigations were carried farther, but without additional results. tt m.m admitted, however, that some ill balanced and moiionai youo k.a ivan th aithorltits some concern. Lack of parenUl di.olplln was largely reanonalble lor this, beveral giris ien the town for other places t hid their condition- rkn others had apptaieu vr help, but there are in normal times a nlar oercenUge of thtse cases among th servant and working .classes. Ap parently, this rate has l een very mum sasrss4Mlx1. A. the InveellgBtlona were conoucreu n tha eltv. which siariei uw wi -i ... . i . .... - k.ku agfutlon. It Is not likely that ttie prooiera Is serious, although th public from the cabinet down ha been greatly concerned and agitated about It ' England Learns How to Make Best German Grades of Glass ."orreapoudence of the Associated l'reas.) tlNDoN. May l.-Forniula for mak- Ing the finer glasses for which lreat Britain has been dependent on Germany t.ave been evolved by tbe glaaa research commute of the Institute of Chen.ltr Unbreakable glass for mluers lamps ana glass capabt ot STarraing nin vi teat for teat tubea, retorta, steam gauge and the Ilk bad been entirely iraportea fiom Uermeny. But analyses of ! of tbls kind conducted at King's follege. London, by Prof. Herbert Jackson. T. r. Merton and assistants hav at leairl Keen helpful In suggesting syntneuc eaperi ments. Th work Involved a cartful study of th chemistry of silicates, alumi na te. borates and th like In relation to the manufacture of glas. As tbe re sult th research committee reports even formulae, which hav been uV ,'ected to rigorou practical testa to prove their Bultablltty. Among tho moit auc craaful Is ops for miners' lamp a mat ter of great lmportsnc la the coal min ing districts. Ti formula have been put at th service f the manufacturers . without charge In order that the special glasses may soon be produced on a large lnJns irwl scale. Ml. Til' t2;..M REVIEWING PAfeADC Valuable Relics Are the Mount WASHlNOTON. May 22. A valuable addition to tho collection of relics of General Wnahlngton at v Mount Vernon ha Just been received by the ladles of the Mount Vernon association, who are meeting on annual sosslon here. They wer given by Mrs. Louts C. Lchr'as a memorial to her brother, Charles Angalo Conrad. The rcllr included a large scrap book, begun by Nellie Custls; a large piece of embroidery worked by and a dress which belonged to Nellie Cliatl embroidered carf and embroidered lingerie collar be longing to Martha Washington: set of dentist's tool, which belonged to Gen SETTLE A CHURCH QUARREL Archbishop of Canterbury Takes a Hand in Disposing of an African Religious Difference. DEFEAT FOR- HIGH CHURCH (Correspondence of the Associated PTeas.) , LONDON. May '1.-Th Klkuyu eon troversyt which threatened a year ago to disrupt the Church of England, has been aettled her with hardly a ripple, so petty has the fight between high and low church appeared to opposing factions In view ot the war. It was settled by th archbishop of Canterbury, th Anglican primate, on the side of toleration and marks a decisive defeat of th high church party. Klkuyu I a village In tropic Africa. In June, 1913, a religious conference was held there In a Kcotch Presbyterian church, attended by Methodist, Uaptlat, Presbyterian and Congregational mis sionaries and also by th two missionary bishops of th Church of England (Epis copal). September 30 th Anglican bishop of Zansibar, Kev. Mr. .Weston, laaued an attack on tils brother bishops, accusing them of heresy and schism because of participating In a service with and ad ministering communion to nonconform Irrtsv A t'harrh t arret. Tli question then resolved itself Into th historic high and low church quar rel. High churchmen claimed that th Anglican church la a part of the universal or Oatholio church and aa such has noth ing to do with the Protestant church, strictly speaking. They further held that' Anglican clergymen cannot Join In com munion with nonconformist clergymen, who, In th Anglican view, are not or dained ministers of the universal church sine th principle- of apostolic succes sion Is dented by th nonconformists. Therefore, nonconformist ministers ar only laymen without rellglou authority, In th high church view, and association with them would only stand in the way of the Anglican Ideal of consolidating th Fngllnh, the Homan Cathollo and Greek Catholic churches Into on authoritative churqh. The low churchmen rallied to the sup- pott of th African bfuhcpa and accused tho bishop of Zansibar of trying to dls nipt the church in order to enforc me dieval view of authority, whlrti bad nothing to do with Christianity. Their Aets Jaattriee. A conference was held In Lambeth palace laat July, where evidence waa taken and submitted to the archbishop of Canterbury. In his finding, now made public, the primate aays there la no ob jection to Bishop Peel of Mombasa and ISiahop Willie of I'ganda, attending a Joint Proteatant missionary meeting. H doclarea that although no sanction would be given to the acceptance of communion by members of th Church of England at the hands of an unepiacopally or dained minister, the Anglican blshopa at Klkuyu gav communion to devout Chris tiana under Unusual flu umstancea. Th primate finds their a.t Justified, pro- tiling It Is not regarded a setting a precedent. Speaking ot the Klkuyu controversy aet tlement, tho Dully News aaya editorlally "lt I a decisive rtufet for the lllshop of Zansibar and mark an Important ad vance In the attitude of the church." GERMANS FIND PLACES FOR THOSE WHO TALK ENGLISH Correspondence of th Associated Preia) BERLIN, May It To provide employ ment for Germans poastaatug a know! edge of French and Kngliwh who fled to Germany at th outbreak of th war the minister of education haa empowered the authorities of higher schools and rolU-gte to employ them aa Instructors of Ian guase without many 'of the usual for- n-alltWi. Educated women similarly In ueed o -i v, , - vr, w- y i ii . i hit r-tiht i i HMTri in 1 1 t ii ii f frh ii i "- ii riniin fa .J A. I EET The picture shows the parade passing the reviewing New York last week. WRtfW&tftttBBi BBBBHBSJBJTS rwrojoy wnr w oav. Ad Jed to Vernon Collection eral Washington, and were used at Mount Vernon on th Blare; a ring and a brooch, owned by Martha Washington and given to Nellie Custls; a can, which belonged to .doner! Washington; three fruit knives; , a , patchwork needle Case and a pair of bracelets, which belonged to Martha Washington; a beaded bag, given by Martha. Washington to Nelll Custls; a crib, given by Martha Wash ington to Nellie Custls when her first child waa born; a grocery Mil. dated 17C3, completely written by General Washington and receipted by V. C. Crawford, January -7, IKS, and other paper connected with Washington. employment can be taken Into th middle and lower classes of boys' schools, and may receive permission to teach privately without th usual credentials. Men will te required only to furnish evidence of suitable character, not of teaching ability. In Increasing number men ar taking th praxes of regular teacher called to th front aa part of th "landaturm, Th new rules apply until th end of th war. England to Control , Coal Export trade (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) LONDON, May 18. Th government la about to eatabllsh an Important war com mute to control the coal export trad of England. Th chairman, It Is announced, wlU be a member of Parliament, Russell Res. All ship Vailing from British porta, exoept liner a will hav to obtain lloenae specifying th quantity of coal they may carry. The question before th committee Is not on of preventing supplies reaching Germany . and It allies. It la rather a matter of conserving sufficient coal for British uses, as th output has been de creased 40,000,000 tons a year by th en listment of 160,000 miners, and th de mands of th admiralty ar twelve time aa heavy aa In paac time. HYMENEAL C w Hisu WEST POINT. May, C. (Special.) Th marriage of Leo Coop and Mis Anna Iteeaon. was solomlnsod at 81 Mary's church on Wednesday,' Rev. rather Pelts, pastor, performing th cermony. Th at tendant were John Re eon and Miss Mary Buerman. Th groom la a farmer of Bnyder and Ui brkle th daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Georg Reason of this place. They will mak their home on a farm. A marriage license was Issued to Al bert Parker and Mrs. Frieda Porata of Scrlbner. M a agpol d-Towner . ORBELrTY. Neb.. May 21 (Special.) Earl H. Mangold, assistant cashier of th Farmer and Merchanta bank at Oratna, and Mlas Grace, M. Townor, daughter ot County Treasurer W. I. Towner, wer married her this morning. They left on a trip to Chicago and will beat horn In Oretna June L aeeberk-Iirdllelta. FREMONT, Neb., May &.- Special ) Hot-man E. eebck and Mis Josl Hrdllcka, both ot Snyder, were married at Snyder. They will mak their horn at Snyder, when Mr. 8bck 1 engaged In bualneu. UaaaB-rittaaaa. YORK Neb.. May 22.- Special. r-On Tuesday afternoon Charir Hansen and Winona Pittman wer united In mar riage. County Judge Hopkina officiated. ' raaaaeatsaat at SCOTTA. Neb., May 21. Special Tele gram.) Stxyoung pvopl graduated from th Scotia High school Friday evening. Th opera house was decorated with th class colors, whit and gold. Th mem bers of th class of 191 ar: Mlsse Charlotte Ktoetzel, Mary Lackey, Edna Sautter, and Elva Rux. and Linn Kreb and Edward Vinecor. Boy Urtwiei It Lorn p. SCOTIA. Nb.. May J3. (BpecUl Tele gram. )Guy, th T-y ear-old aon of John Shadle, was drowned in th Loup river this afternoon at this ptao. Th body was recovered. 1 Heist' Area WJt. Heinle Wagner" arm la much weaker than It waa two year ago. It was a Ikjwetful arm when It was being used at short. Pltefter at vealt. .George Btallinga. attributes th Indif ferent showing of th Giants to faulty pitching alone. Join th T. M. C. A- on th special aurnmer membership plan. Theft us It. S6.M. DENIES, VALUATION PLAN Jndge Wde Refuse to Order Prop erty of City Railway Com pany Appraised. ENDS CHAPTER IN DISPUTE (From a Ktaff Correspondent.) DE8 MOINES, la.. May 22. (Special Telegram.) Judge Wade, In federal court, today closed another chapter In the long litigation between tha city of Ies Molnea and th De Moines . Water company, when ha denied the city's application for a hearing to fix. th valuation of Im provement and extension made ainco th former appraisement ot the property under a condemnation Jury. Th court said It was no certainty at this tiro that th city will ever take over the property and to settle the value of Improvement at th time, would be of no ayall. Th granting of th application would In no manner expedite th settlement of tbe controversy. The valuation . wu fixed a few year ago, but th company failed to sell tha bonds to pay for th same and, the people hav refused to vote th bond neces sary. , ' A. F. Collins, a resident of Dalian county, today filed a suit In th federal ...inat tnkn W McDonnell and Jacob Conrad, bankers and merchant of Jefferson county. Nebraska, asking that notes to the defendants amounting to S31.0A be declared void. Collin declares that the defendant got him Into a land deal Involving mor than 10,000 acres ot Nebraska land known a the "Carter ranch." V President Kork Kealgna. FULLERTON. Neb May J2.-Speclal.) At a recent meeting of th board of di rector of the Farmer ttate bank. Us president, Theodore C. Koch, tendered hi resignation because of Illness. Mr. Koch has been Interested In the banking busi ness in Fullerton for more than twenty, five years, and president of the Farmer Stat bank since Its organization. , J. Dudley Barnes ha been appointed tem porarily as president. News Note f Geneva.. GENEVA, Neb.. May 22. (Special) The Junior class play, '"The . Bos'on's Bride," a musical play, was given In the high school audltorlunt last night. The usual annual banquet given th seniors by the Junior class will b In Independent Order of Odd Fellows hall. Tuesday evening. May ft. , s For Misses and Women They've come in almost every day lately, and make a gay array of the smartest models we have ever seen I Other prices where satisfaction is guaranteed are $9.75 and $12.00 Now Kimonos and Boudoir Robos ln fancy crepes, made on Empire lines, with accordion pleated skirts; trimmed with organdie collar and cuffs, from S1.25 to $3.50 WAR LEAYESRDIN IN WAKE Derast&tion tnd Deitniction ia Ap parent Through the Whole of Eastern Prnitia. HOUSES RIFLED AND TORN DOWN (Correapondence of the Associated Press.) LTCK. East Prussia,' May 2. The de vastation and destruction visited upon all eastern East Prussia cannot ' be more strikingly ' appreciated , than by a trip from thta'llttl town to CraJevo, a few miles acroes the border. The trip supplies a remarkable series of contrasts that are fundamental and rfar-reaching. Black Is no more tike white than thla part of Germany Is Ilk far western lUiaela - from th standpoint of population, customs, and the general ap pearance of the country. ' From Lyck to th border every bouse, without 'exception, It Is said, ha been rifVd And partly or entirely torn down. The broad, well paved road la practically lined with the 'remnants of substantial buildings, that In some cases, particu larly Irt the border town of Prosiken, wer onoe attractive. . Along th road, aa along virtually every road 'of Ita kind In Germany, are shade tree except Where they have been out down to allow of artillery fire."' They are so universal' that one gets used to-them quite , unconsciously, and Immediately feels th lack when they disappear.' . Th peasants, largely of the Polish type, appear to be r self -respecting and pleasant. They greet th casual passerby miK-h aa th farmer In America says "How do you do?" to a stranger along the ; road, ' but with the same ting of equality In th greeting. Mow' a Desert Waste. Th one pleasant and prosperous coun tryside from Lyck to th 'border has been turned Into a desert . waste. In village after village there stand - only th firm, substantial chimney that even fire will not level to th ground. . Almost without exception th remnant' of th houses are of brick.; Then on come to th line, and almost In the time. It takea to close one's eyes and open them again, th aoenoa changes so materially that on might be a hun dred mile away.' . ., . First of all th devastation baa ceased. Not a house haa been leveled and not a building 'damaged. But In their very character the bouses proclaim th mArked contrast. The brick has given . way to thatched huts, low,' "one-story affairs, that fairly reek with filth and grime- In th doorway stood, as an Associa ted Press correspondent made the trip recently, smirking, groveling peasants, who bowed almost to the ground again and again, as long aa the automobile waa In alglit. They showed the same servility to the military everywhere In command of the situation, and were quite oblivious of the scornful reception of their abject salutations. As quickly as the character ef the house had changed, so had the tree vanished, and for thousands of yards stretched ' a bare, black road, oozy and treacherous, over whlah th automobile made their way with difficulty. ' Model ot Beaaty. Lyck, Maggrabova, and other little towns on the German aide of th border, but near the Russian line, had left much to be desired In the way of cleanliness and general attractiveness, but, a com- W to Orajevo. when It finally was reached; they wer models of beauty and sanitation. ' ; " ' Th nearest approach to similarity was th Inevitable market square, almost a big' In size as all the rest of th town together. 'But In place of the familiar brick buildings, often of handsome con struction, there lined the market nothing mors pretentious than dirty hovels. Th desparatenea with which th Rus sians had corn batted the Germans' for every foot of the territory . waa . plainly evident In rows upon rows of trenches, always when possible, built on the top of rising ground, covered .over with ever green or other branches and made with cunningly constructed ' loophole. Rarely one saw a trench facing the other way one that th Germans had had time to build hastily in the night For the most part th ad vane had been possible only by storming each separata height and by. driving the Russians out of their strong holds. - Proaapt Aettoa will Stop Yonr Co ah Dr. King' New v Discovery will stop your cough. The first dos helps. Good for children. All druggist. 60c. Adver tisement. ' : i I In Linen and Voile, sumo vfith. net yokes; others plain, but set off vnth dainty collars and cuffs; 'shir red satin girdles are a pleasing feature. A full assortment of Tmeville linens in wide even stripes with accordion pleated skirts. This is just the -dress for the Lake or Clubhouse. Pongee linens, hand embroidered, made very ef fective with pique collar and vewtee. , Plain tailored white linens, cut upon most ap proved lines for this kind of dress, the only embel lishment being a plain kid and patent leather belt. 1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET. WORKERS AGAINST THE WAR Demonstrations in Neutral Holland by All Classes of People Who Work; COST OF LIVING IS HIGHER (Correspondence of th Associated Press.) THE HAGUE, Netherlands, May Popular dissatisfaction with the heavy burden the war has Imposed on neutral Holland Is growing steadily, and finding almost daly expression, especially among tbe workers. Recently several meetings ot worklnfrmen and women, as well a ttio . unemployed, have been held In leading Dutch Industrial center to protest against the high cost of living Induced by the war. ' ' - In The Hague a meeting- was held In the Concordia." a hall largely devoted to scientific and labor gathering. The halt was crowded. No police were pres ent, though there were a larw umhf within eaV call In the gtreet utsld. The meeting was -preceded by a parado of the unemployed through the quietest' and most select residential quarter ot Th Hague, singing "The International" and distributing handbills calling upon all Hollanders to stand with th dman trators in their fight against hungr In: Holland. ' A lanre crowd gathered before the "Jty tiall, but were dispersed ty.tne, poflc. Aattatlo Asralnst War. The meeting was held under th. au spices of a committee ot agitation against tha war. consisting of representative of The Hague Trade Council, and. allied bodies, the Social De-mocratlo party, the ftar Garment Workers' union. The Hague Branch of th National Municipal Workers. The Hague .Branch of th In dustrial Worker of th World and tlw General Trade Union Council. L d Vlser. a young labor . leader, arralgneil the present administration of Th Nether lands In a speech In "which Minister of Finance Theub came In for attack. The mlnUter pledge .made at the outbreak: ot the war that "There Shalt be no hunger In Holland',' was recalled In connection with the rise of from 30 per cent to 40 nee cent and even mor In the prlc or the bare necessities of life within the last eight months. Th meeting criticised the work or urn national relief committee as . being dl- rected to aid tlie large employer of labor In Th Netherlands to avoid Increasing the wages of their employe. The. de monstration alleged that whll taxes ana the cost of living mounted constantly, wages remained stationary, and the re lief committee was urged to stave off the logical cconomlp, crisis that ordinarily would result. from, such a conciuon. py succoring those families placed by It In Imminent want The workers further declared that they had already more than paid their share of U(e cost of the mobilization of th Dutch troops. In th Increased prices they had been forced to pay for foodstuffs; and they protested vigorously against any general tax to cover . military " expenditure. They claimed that the large property owners and employers of labQr In Holland who, th'ey said, hare been growing" rich -flut of fh war, should' be forced to pny th full eort of mobilisation through ft. special tax on incomes fcbov a ertJn'flgu3re, and upon capital. ' -" ' ' ' ALL OF HOLLAND ENJOYS REAL SPRING HOUSECLEANING .:. .'.. ' ."""" ' . ' -- : (CrresiKndno.of the Associated rAef). "THE HAG15H, Notrta-nd' .May,, OS.t;-. The scrubwoman, the carpet Jbeater, tlie house eleanee and th chimney sweeper have been U) almost complete occupation j of the cltle and village -and farm of Holland th last month. " Probably no where else In- tte world 1 'ich energy expended In cleaning as In Holland In the opening days of spring. . Even tM brick-paved street are In many district scrubbed tn preparation for th coming summer and Its flock of foreign visitor, for It Is a. maxim with- the Dutch that' the stranger must be allowed to e Hol land only at It best. . Th outer 'walls of th houses In the villages are thoroughly washed down ftnd a fresh coat of whitewash 1 then laid on, which glints In the bright sunshine. Before this general cleaning take place; th ehlmney sweeper ha don hi work., but h 1 not permitted to take ftway the. soot, the Dutch housewtf U too thrifty, for that. 8h claim it ft her own In order to us It fertiliser for th soil of th garden, now beginning to look, like a glorious colored plotur with its hyacinths, narcissus and tulip bursting into bloom. ' - Fancy French Negligees in crepe de chine and dotted Swisses, over silk lin- ines. Many individual styles in this lot, S3.95 to S8.50 j