Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1915, WANT AD SECTION, Page 6-C, Image 30

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Tlffi OMAHA SUNDAY BEK: MAY 23, 1915.
OOMf KTeTntT well edutvited young. '
I'mn, , nrm nupinM nn'i rx--wiivi :
anility: at present neetatant circulation !
manaa-er of an eaatern new apar-er: de
sire to locate In thla tlty; will entertain
any proposition nfferlna a aingle man a
livelihood, Address u V-w. are l'ee.
ELOkRLY lady otre place with reaper-table
family a hnuakeaper, refer
nrea if required. 27t4 Grant, or call Web.
tHIUi nurse wishes poe'tlnn. Beat of
wfewmva Phone Ked KVei.
MAN vtnli work on farm or private
piece; willing to work and needs It;
ready to go to work any time In or out
rt rlty. Addreaa K U. IW,
liXPERIKNCKO carpenter wanta work;
will work reasonable. 1'honc Red 3"S.
x'IRPT-CIAW colored rook wanta work
In or out of rlty: has daughter as
helper. Address f 4fit, Res.
UPDLB-AGK.n lady wanta houaework;
also rood housekeeper. Addreaa P ell.
TOL'NQ man, niaTried. experienced col
lection and buaineaa correspondent, with
beet city and other reierencaa, desires to
make permanent connection""- of ahjs-va
nature at once. Ia alao general oflia
man and will handle onUida eollectilna.
ArtrtreKa A-4t3, care Bee.
yVANTKlv-OenersI houaework. Web, fclfe.t
SITUATION wanted by all-around
printer. J. W. Hart. W Harney Ht.
C01XREI man wanta houaecleanlng or
work of any kind around private house.
PERFECT washing, expert Ironing. Lace
curtain our specialty. Webster 42X4.
a NOTYPB operator, experienced news
paper man and proofreader; aober.
steady, union, seeks employment In or
yiear Omaha. Addreaa M. Charles, 6764
I rexel Ave., Chicago, III."
IHHUOL superintendent dealrea poaltion
for the coming year. Beat refcren-ea.
5n years' experience. Addreaa Y 434. Bee.
i IOUBEKKbT'kSI fy woman with boy 4
yeara old, close to good school; villa"
or country preferred. Can five beat of
references. Mra. II M. ilale, 2403 Mon
terey. rU. Joaeph. Mo.'
JVVANTB work In A. M., houae work,
washing dlahea In restaurant. J. Bee.
SiXPF.RlENClCO meat cutter wlahea
work in or out of town. Address Y -
LXPLRIKNCED young man wants
ateady work with private family, gar
dening Iiouea-clexnlng or anything; ao
Yn-r. willing to work. Addreaa K 470. Bee.
t-THONil r.iari wants work; anything. Ad
dreaa M-472. H.-e.
MEAT tjiittcr. young man, wanta poaltion
In nny atnrc or ahop; will work for
mall wages; five years' Oerman expert,
VILl. trade iiruno hanjo, Washburn
mandolin and cash for high grade.
banjo. Addreaa B. C. Kg, Uee.
AUTOMOH1L.KH-Fi.r other automobile
bargains see the "Automobile" claaelfl
t atlon.
JtOTARY, Neie-tyle copying machine
typewriter.- accounting ayatem comput
ing scale. Will tr(l(j Jor groceries, meats,
or what have your
Address S. C. 10M,
tICMKNT block (Ideal), four and ten
- oeinent brick mactilnea f ailed reln
Torced cement post machine with l.HUO
Jle. of reinforcing steel. Address Y-f2a,
DIAMONPK Will trade my diamond for
automobile. Addreaa P. C. J'.'-. Bee.
oa Have fine white male tjplta dg, 4
months old. What have you for hlmf
Address . C. 1024. Bee.
i;L.rX-TRlC VACUUM Ediann juhono
' graph or blks t tradn for uaed 28 by
Inch tires; give phone No. Address B. C
yn. Bee.
Yjn BALE or trade brand new cravs-
nette tain coat. Will fit tall man. Ad
rireea B. C. HI ft, care Bee.
OOOD buaineaa property, leased for a
year. Piio K.huO; will accept good
ruadater as part payment U. A. Kull,
Oakland. Nab.
UAHl'rJN Ttol Ji I rakea (now), spade.
ahoVfcl, furnace shovel, hoe and xraas
krrtfc: will trade the lot for anything.
Addrees C. lfl.. Bee.
OUaRANTEKI) silo, never erected, to
exchange. Addreaa T-MO. Bea
3IAVE two sewing mactilnea. Trad
sell on or both of them. Address B.
r. KM). Bee.
klAVK small American typewriter, or
wrlllng machine. What have you for
It? Addreaa H. V. 1CT. Bee.
&1AVK guitar to tradn foi mandolin; alao
other arllclea. Addreaa B. IVVCH, Bea.
i HAVIO other buaineaa and must make
a nulck deal; ' half Intereet In a
pood buaineaa aylna: H.anO per year. Thla
la no cheap proposition; an ealabliahed
buaineaa and can ahow the gooda: lntiA
cash or tell me what vou dava to trade.
Addreaa 8. C. 1b. Itee.
K1MUAI.L. piano player, with Si records:
file any Piano. What have youT "r
make me cash offer. Address S. O. 1037,
X)T Have a Wyoming lot: a number of
Omaha buyers aurroundlng. w ill trade
for diamond. Mctrola, typewriter, or
what have youT Addreaa H. C. 10J8. Bee.
Kdiaon inolng picture machine, will
trade for a good Ford car and pay caah
difference. Box ft, Oakland, Neb.
XhkiOTIAMJC stork In local corporation
dome- Hpirlty buaineaa. for light uaed
rar. Tok preferred. Will exchange up
o $7Vt Addreaa. 8. C lt7, Be.
ONE-ilNI'TU x't card camera, coat
:. Trade or cheap fur caah. 1 y
Pt., Fouth Omaha.
I.AWN MOW Kit almrpenrd: pay after
daya' trial; hone Mr. Weld, loiig. 40tl.
J'HONOtJJlAPH Edleon phonograph.
with ut rvcords. to be exenangen tor
anwm.g. "
- -r - ,
IX) R EAt HANU Kr Mix almost new In-
side doors, as good as new. Including !
double folding doora, with track and
tall bearing rollers, will trade for
cmcaene or eeii enrep tor van. auuih
tt. C. loot, care Bee.
yOH EXCHANGE One almnat new elee
- trio fan. uaed I weeka. will exchange
for cbickena or sell rheap for caah. This
b a fine fan coating Jb new. Address
e. C. luol. care Hee.
JJlANOli Pwap for or on an auto or lot
or lota: will pay difference. If you have
anything, gi t In touch with me. as I have
tither eiuff to exchange give omplett
ncrl:itlon. Addreaa K i'.. UtSi. Hee.
for machine; In good condition. Let us
hear what ynu have to trade for It. Ad
dreaa H. C. iai4, Hee.
TWIN Indian motorcycle, 14 model.
fully eouljped snd In perfect running
tirrier. Will trade for tibO caah. Or what
will you gl me for tt T 8. C. 1061. tie.
kcajL OUlNUElt A heavy, subata n ti a!
machine, for bench work, hand power;
roat 47 wholoaaln and almost new; will
trade, for anything can uae. Add
H. C. 10:4. riew.
TO BWAP a one-huree bucy and
harneaa: new upholatarlng and painting.
Worth S. fur chlckena. Phone Web-
pter twl
WAKTlrlkTa trade paUntlng and paner
hanging for printing, grutertea. coal,
feed i-r anything I can uee. Will Inveatt
tate antl,ln Addreaa, X. C huo. Fee.
V1LI. exchiuiKe some furniture for
Cypher's liic!lator. 2.')-eg or Itirger. or
pome heated lndojr bruodeia. Harney S4.
s K WllAu trade or swap our high grade
piano, ouet 4MuO, In trade fl'ib Address
ft. C WA rtee.
rrATER PIANO with M mtla for auto
mobile. Addreaa H. C. WO, Bee.
I5TJPTUR1! cured In few days without
rain. al! or write Ir. W ray, pj Bt
Ji lt , Omaha. Eatabluhed 184. q
without MCltiiK'AL OPERATION n
rT hn CURED. A written
a ARANTKE given la every rase
imifd. ratirrus muat come to the off ioa
aj.-j-lw Dmaha National bank, 17th and
S aiuara Die.
Twenty-efgiit yais tn C'niaha. Oradoato
f ijedrvae )i,..iiil UctlUal culacaa
feiw kora City. . Y.
A KM A NO -Niiy neipe get rid of that
pmn in ing nan, lotirn ot rneuirtatlfini
riervnuaneae. tired, antgsiah feeling
bring hark that lost l petite, purifies
the blood and bull da up the entlie y
tarn. Juat send a postcard to the fihella
ber r Co.. Mfg. Thar . Weat liberty, la-
Pr. K. R. Tarry cure pile, fistula and
Other rectal dlaeaaee without eurglcal
operation. Cure guaranteed and no
money paid until cured. Write for book
on rectal dlaeasan with testimonial. DK
K. R. TAHRT. 240 Km Bidg.
Peparate lilda will be received until 4
o'clock P. M. Baturday. June 5, at
the office of the underalrned for the con
struction of a dairy building and the fol
lowing equtpmente for same, vis.: Heat
ing and ventilation, electric wiring.
plumbing and vacuum cleaning and
refrlkeratlon according to Diana and
apeclflcatlona now on file at the office
or tne aupennienoem oi construction.
University of Nehraaka, TJncoln. Bald
building to be erected on the UnlvenaHy
Farm, near Utncoln and to cost approxi
mately tUK.OOO. Ulda must be eeaJed and
plainly marked "l)alry Building" or
''Dairy Building Equipment," as the case
mnv be, on the outalda The light la
reeerved to reject any and all bide.
Untverelty of Nebraaka. 1. B. T)ales, 8ec
rrLary. BlaUon A. Lincoln. M lH-tt-3U.
UNlOa sTAl IO.N Teat aa4 Maaoai.
Kort h westersi
Desarl. Arrle.
Twin CHr FavrM a an aio lo am
lakota raanixy tl:ia a I am
Dioum t.ltr Loral a J am ii spa
Mlnoeapalla EipnM tie all U am
Twla ;lty Lluili4 a t 04 m al.aiaia
Paaaar aaerlal .
rarmll Loral ...
Hawaare Bi pf aaa
fhtcaao Iwa
Carroll lwal ..
a 7 e am a 4 pa
a T 40 am all:fc pm
all M am a I 44 am
a 4 to pm aio ooaai
ilH id a V.JO am
rica HlMrUI
San Kranriaro Umltad alt It am alO U am
fmmw ImatA UmK . fe-fut bm . 1 - Bt) Affl
OuoffuhliiviM Umltjia..a I XI Bra alb:ll am E
Ixa Aateiaa Umltea a WM pa all :4 am
Chalrna UmwI a t am
Linrnln-Dallaa a I .0 am a I S) pm
lM,'-nln-llmt Pine a t H am aM li pm
Haal tnaa-nu parlor
lMiln.Ha Itprlnaa
W a baa a
b Ml am b is m I
...a I M in i In pm
...a 1:44 pm all eo am
...a I II pm a t 45 am
...a l ot am all S) pm
...a I M am a 1:41 pm
...a 4 M pm ail t am
a ae pm
a 1 .40 am
...all IS am a S 4 pm
...s 4, to pm a 4:00 pm
.. an 30 am a 7.0U am
...alO tt) am
rimaha-ftt. Iula Kipraaa.
Mall aa! RipreM
I ana Pacific
Orrlan1 LlmltaS
CallfnrnUt Mali
Omaha Kipraaa
Atlanta Kipraaa
I .na Ansalaa LtmltaS
4'alorado Kipraaa
t'ulciraila Hpaolal
Han I'Vaaolare Umltea
Pacllle UtnlUH)
.all.0 am a 1 K n
lrena-Waatilnftoa UmltaS. .alO M am a l it pa
North Platui Iooal a 14 am a 4-4A pm
Orand talaatf local a 1:10 pm a 10 30 am
Stromaburt Ital bit il pro bll:t pot
llllanla On t rat
Chlraae limited.. s I'M pm a I am
Chlcaaa Ki prrai a ff-10 am a I 40 pm
AlbloalaktUla 4 tt I . ui4 a I ""
(hleaa-o, Mllwaakee A Bt. I'aal
Varlfla limited 1:Mm alf II am
t'hlraxa H per tat ....a 1:40 pm a 7:14 am
Chiraio Dariisht atpaelal a 7 to am all 14 am
caiifnrnla Mall a 4 14 pm a I J.", pm
Manilla Ldoal a 4:0J pm all.M) tat
hlca.o Ureal Western
Twin Olty IJmlt4 tapm a ( M am
Twin CUr Kipraaa a w f am a 1.10 pt
Catoaia Kipraaa a 4:04 pm a I 40 pm
Mlaaoari Paelfle
K. C a at. 'u iw'as.....s I 00 am a 7 am
K. C. a 0U I- Bapraaa 11:14 pm a 10 pm
K. C. St. Paul a I N pm a l .to pa
C'mleaaps, Rack Island at 1'aelflo
Reeky afoanlaln limited.... a I :4 am all 04 pm
(1 Iraio lxx-al raaaengar bl ( am bit pm
Chlcaao Dally Kipraaa.. ..... .a l:M am a 4 40 pm
Chlcaao Nlfht Kipraaa .a 4:10 pm a 1:M pm
ilea Muinaa uoeal ruranr..t i n pm ali os am
Cbloaao-Nabraaka Umlt.rt ..a 4:04 pm a 1 :0V am
Chi. -Neb, Umlted ta Mnoola.a 1 11 am a 4:47 pm
Colorado (California Kip. ...a 1:40 pm a 4:00 pm
Oklahoma a Taxaa Eipraa..a 4 M pm aM SO am
Qioclir MaaaUla Ualla4.,..aU:U pm a 1:14 am
ttaatk aa4 Webster,
talcaca, St. 1'anl, Isarspoll tt
, . Desarl. Arrive.
Twin nty raaaaosar .b 4. Jo am b 4 pm
Skuas Ctiy Bipraaa b 1 24 pm bll.44 aat
Hloua (Mr faaaangar I am
Kroeraoa -Local b I 04 pm b 4.1 am
a daily, b sallr exoapt auodar.
- Kaasa.
Deoart. ArrlTO.
,.iu u am all 01 am
..a 4 10 pm a 40 pm
..a 4 10 pm a I 40 pm
. .a I N am a I 10 pm
..a 4:11 pm a 140 pm
..b 1:10 pm all 14 pm
..all 14 aaa a I M am
...a 4 14 am a 4 10 pm
..a IS pm b 4 Mi m
..b I 04 pm bio -0 am
...a I II am a 140 am
. .alt M pm a 140 pm
..a Iwm
benrar ana t'altfnrata
Pusat Bouaa Eipraaa
Namake rolau
Hlaefc Htlla
I.liu.ila Mall
Nurthweat Kipraaa
Nebraaka Eipreaa
UIdooIb Local
Hi buyler-FlatumeaUi .....
Vhlrafa PlMWIel
thliao Kipreea
rbioago Kaat Kipraaa
Cravuia Lnaal
PL I, A K C PpaolalA.
Ht. boula Mpaclal .,
K. C. St. Joaaph
t. C. 4 K. joaapk.v,..
,..a a:a pm a ae am bll :00 am
..a 4:4 pm
ail :40 am
,..a II aaa a 4 od pm
..ail 04 pm a 4 4 am
Berlin to Cut in on
H. C. L, by Helping
All to Make Gardens
(Porreanonrt noa of the Aaaoclated TVeaa 1
I1KRUN. May 16.-Tho gardening sea-
son has bevu marked by unusual ecenee
, . ti.k v.,- w
,n the ut1rts of Berlin. Everywhere
n unoccupied lota people have spaded
up the earth. The lots have been divided
up Into smaller parcels, and the latter
turned over free to families willing; to
cultivate them. Berlin and several of
the adjacent municipalities have helped
by making appropriations of money, and
Berlin has also contributed noma 15,000
loads of manure from the city stock
yards. Thus Greater Berlin hopes to
contribute considerably toward solviDg
Its own food problem, and what la going
on at Berlin la bring repeated In every
town of Germany. In thla way It la ex
pected that the potato crop of 1816 Willi
be the largest ever grown In Germany,
and that the supply of other vegetables
will also be greatly Increased.
At present all food products continue
to advance la ptios, von the common
est vegetables are from two to three
told higher thaa they were before the
war began. Coffee and tea. though they
cannot now be Imported Into Germany
at all, have risen considerably less thaa
vegetables. ' Among meats, pork, the
staple meat of the working claaees, has
risen moat markedly.
(Correspondence of the Associated Press)
OfOfFVA. May UWooeph Bochmat
tar, known as the "Englishman's guide,"
has Just died at the age of 44 years, tie
was well known to hundreds of English
and American Alpinists. Bocti mat tar's
father and brother ware killed on the
Dent Blanche tn 144 and he continued
the family reputation of having the best
guides In the world. In addition to the
Alps, he made climbs In the Rockies and
Andes. Among Swiss guides he was con
sidered the beat rock climber In this
country, lis did not keow the meaning
of fatigue.
Ma a at rirarlasa.
OMAHA, May 21 Hank clearings for
Omehs today were n.'iC.TS.U. and for
the corresponding day last year. 43,231,.
1 16 The clearlnga for OiS weeks ware
414.177.664.74. and fur the corresponding
week a year ago, f.4.t4,4al.W.
Wheat Quoted rfomindlly One Cent
Lower and of Eighteen Cart Pe
ceired Kone it Sold.
OMAHA, May 22, IMS
There was eighteen oars of wheat re
ported In on the local exchange, but ni
cars warn reported sold, as the sellers
wer holding out fin- higher prices.
What was quoted nominally VWlo
Tho grain market was very dull today,
the recnlpta of all cereaJe wtre fairly
good, but the demand was poor.
Corn aoli uncnnngcl tr- n lower, with
only a few aalea reported, and oats were
quoted unoiianged.
Puithaaej of wheat eaah year on crop
Scare excitement are made by people
eaxlly Influenced and usually prove ooatly.
Until seme reason arises for thinking
that tho next crop will obtain higher
prices thar. the laat one, traders should
avoid punhaaea entirely.
There is little doubt that the edge Is
off tne hiimper crop of a month ego. Vj
pcrts am very conflicting as to the ex
tent of the loesea when fly and bugs
hsve done the arnrat damage
Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal
to Sw.imi buahrie. corn, ltOU0 bushels;
oata W5.KX) buahela
l.lverprxjl close: ifollday.
. Primary wheat recelpta were tetmo
buahela and aiilpmenta 707,000 buahela,
akatnat receipts t f.11.000 buahela and
shipments of M42.0U) bushels laat year.
Primary corn receipt, were 414.0M
bushels snd shipments 624,0)10 . buahela,
agalntrt recelpta of b02,om buahela ana
ahipmenta of HWt.OUO buahela laat year.
I rimary oata recelpta were 1 1.000
buahela and aiilpmenta buahela,
SKBinat recelpu of 717,Oix) buahela anil
shipments of 1,000,000 bushels last year.
W heaL Corn. Oats
Kanaaa City
HU Uoula ..,
.. 46
.. 41
These aulas were reported today: Corn
-No. whlto: 1 car, 71Hc. No. i yellow:
4 cars. 7lx'. No. 1 yellow: 4 cara. 71a.
No. 2 mixed: 1 car. 70c. No. S mixed; 4
curs, 7()c. No. 6 mixed: 1 car. avc: 1
car, ttlbo. No. mixed: 1 car. lAc. Hanv
ple: 1 car , (flint), c. Oats No. t white:
a cara, 4tc. N. g mixed: 1 car, atio.
Hample: 1 car. 4tc.
Jinaha Caah I'rloea Wheat: No. i Tur
key. 11.4S4U.4SH; No. i Turkey, $L7
1.47H; No. i hard, f 1.46VMj'1.47; No. I
hard. l 4Mtl.4tiH; No. 4 hard, 11.41(4
1.4fV: No. 3 spring. tLaBQd.46; No. 2
durum, 11.44'!. 46, No. durum, tl.3&
1.44. Corn: No. white. lMrl-, No. I
white, 7H443'71Vc; No. 4 white, 7(SS71o:
No. t white, JO'-iWie; No. 4 white, 7tx
70'ir; No. I yellow, 7U71ttc; No. 8 yel
low. 70A4J71c, No. 4 yellow, 706r70Ho; No.
i yellow, 0'J(&-7H,c; No. 4 yellow, 40Vt
70c; No. 2 mixed, 704r70iAc; No. I mixed,
470c: No. 4 mixed tK064c: No. i
mixed, taHi&i4o; No. mixed, 814ttc.
Oata-No. i wihlte, 4trtmr(no; standard,
4!Vl4io; No. i white. W34Bbc ; No. 4
white, 4nl4trpl)c. Barley: MaUlng. WWOo;
No. 1 feed, iKttfxrhv Rye: No, 2, tl.tfVxU
l.OS; No. J, 1.0SH71.07.
features of the Tradlasr mad Cloalac
Pricee Board of Trade.
CltlCAtK). May 21 Action' by King
Victor Emmanuel which seemed to Imply
that Italy regnrded Itself as already at
war made wheat nrlcee luml.lo Imliv
notwithstanding an early advance. There
a an unaemea close, fo to l-e under
laat night. Crn flnlahad Vn In Ka rf.wn
o off to ',4c up, and provisions 3Vo
iu j;-o aeciine.
Despite the fact that In ha ftr V.lf
of the aeaalon crop damage reports had
iea io ear.una ouying or wheat, a flood of
holdWgs swept Into the pit when an
nouncement wsa made that the Italian
king had signed a measure conferring on
his ministers extraordinary powers Tasting-
"during the duration of ih.
On the downturn that quickly followed
in vaiura, me souera a ere said to have
Included not only speculator but ele
vator people, millers and fanners as well,
Opinions from a leading expert that Ksn
saa crop damage had been overdrawn
contributed mora or lesa to the rout of
the bulls.
Assertions that late seeding? thrnuahmit
southen .Illinois had been virtually a
tclal falltlre were; chiefly Inatrumental In
bringing about the wave of buying with
which-the. market Wan. wa
said most of the Argentine reaerve stock
had already been shipped or arranged for,
and that aigna pointed to a good decrease
In the domestlo visible supply total on
Monday. ,
Corn advanced grid then receded In com
pany with wheat. Kxcellcnt field widl
tlnns tended to accelerate tho down
ward action of the market.:
Oats proved relatively firmer than com.
The reason appeared to be covering by
prominent short a.
Provlalons lacked support. Lower prices
for hoga made buyer lag.
Futures ranged as follows:
Artlrlel Open. lllgh.l Low. ) Close. I Yea 'y,
1 S3S
It U
IS 46
10 07 V
10 60
10 r
1,1 17
1H TS 7iH
o2J 62 524,
(OS to
14 IS U 00 IS H
U 46 U Uttht
77H 7IH 71
to 02H ue io oo
lo7H 10 i2 10 S5
10 KiSl W 40 10 M
is i:tJ
la 47Vb
t 78
10 t6
10 ta
Chlcsgo Cash Prices Wheat: N t red
$164; No. I hard. $1.64,. Corn: No. t yel
low, 74r74c to 7tVe; others nominal.
Oata: No. 4 whlto, 6S4n.1c: standard.
.4W"iS',4c. Rye: Nominal. Harley: 7mr7
Peeds: Timothy, $A.0ixua.2a; clover, $8.6044
fSTOiftX1" ,l7-T7W t-rd: W2- Uba-FCTThUl-Hlgher:
creamer Kat-UA
KUG8 Lower; reoelpta. 1H.2U7 caaea; at
mark, raaes Included, ltm7V; ordinary
in"". J"tr"c, iirats, 1141170.
, POTATOES-Lower; i-elpts. 8 ears:
siicnigan and Wisconsin, red, 4"tvw:
POULTRV-AUve. lower; foirla. 140.
' New York tienrral Market.
turea were firmer on a little scattered
covering. Tne close wsa at a net advance
of 1 to 4 points, with aalea of 4.UU0 tona.
naw augar steady: pa Ira 6.Ut hags; mo
lasses. 4 13c; centrltusaL 4.K)c. refln.l
BLTTER Firm: recelnta. 439 t,.h.
creamery extraa 9S score 1. 27V'; cream
ery (higher scoring). SjftAfcc; flrsta, 34
t;'.'7c ; aeconda, 3wu Jbc
E(u Btaaoier; reoeipta, 11,911 cases
fresh gathered extras. ilUii-"..''
storage packed, extra firsts. fuftSlc; (lrtla
iuuv, tvbw.mi wvhvu c.u iirats, latifcly
too; flrsta, ihoilac'. nearby hennery whites,
fine to fancy, Vm'ii; nearby hennery
brown, t$o.
ClUuKtJB-Week; reoetpto, t.494 boxea;
stats, whole ml.k, fresh, specials, 17c
lata, whole tullk, average faacy, ISVir
1'OCLTRT LJve. firm; western chlck
ena, nrouers, uysuc: rowia. lc; turkey a
lie. Dreaaed. quiet; western frosen
tni cntcaens,; rreah fowls.
Iced, 14fl7c; fresh turkeys. Iced. lairWc.
1 1 , .,
Kaaaaa ft ty Grata aad PvaTlsloas.
KAN HA 8 CITV. Mo.. May 22.-WHKAT
-No. I hard. $141)14S; No. 4 red. 4L46;
May. tl.e; July, 41 ; rVptember,
$1 11
Oi)lcN No. t mixed. 73C4c: No. t
white, T4Sc; No. 4 yellow. 74iw a-i; No.
aojMay, tc; July. 7B4T4Vso; fieptem-
OATft No. S white, bOMo; Net, I mixed.
Dl TTEIV-Oeamery, Ibo; flrsta, tee;
sexnds, 4-a: parking, 14c
FXtrV-KlraU. K.So; seoondo. lla.
ptHH.TRT liens. 11c; rooeteve. Inn;
turkos, 16c
. I
St. I.oaU Grata Market.
-T. li.IS. Nay . WttAT Ko. t
red. tlt; No t hard. fl.(JL64; May.
$1.47; July. tl.r?Vi
OtiltN Na. 2. Tr: No. f white. T7o;
May. TVtc: July, TtH.tVn-.
OAT-No. 1 40tivSe; No. 1 whits, fee,
Mlaaeas-ells Grala Market.
May, 41.6 asked; July, fl.ts. No. 1 hard.
No. I
BUTTFR-No. 1, 1-rb cartons. Sic; Me.
2, vlb. tube. rc.
CHrJEhRV-iroported Bwlaa, fjcj Amer
ican bwkes, 26c, block Hwlas, Ka; twine,
16V; daisies, ITHc; triplets, 17c: Toung
America, lac; blue label brick, little; Urn
burger. Mb. 20c; New York white, ltc;
unpurtrd French Koquafort, 40c.
FIfH Trout, ltc; large crspplea, 14c;
halibut. 15c; channel catfish, lie; herring,
1c: cooflab, 14c: mackerel, 14c; salmon 10.
SWKKT POTATOtHKsneas, 12 76 bbl..
Wholesale price of beef cuts cfisctivs
April 24 are as follows:
BEEF CL'TH tubs: No. 1, 184c; No. 1
1V; No. 4. lAc Lolno: No. 1. II o; No.
I, Jtc; No. a, iOSkc Chucks: No. 1. lie;
No. 4, 10c: No. 4, )0'. Hounds: No. L
14tc: No. 2. HHc; No. S. 11 'c Plates:
No. i. c; No. c; NO. J, Sc.
POULTKT Brullere, 20c; spring; chick
ens. Uc, hens. 1o: cocks. S ':; roosters.
4VrC. stags, Wc; ducks, 16c: geese. Vim;
turkeys, 114Uo; pigeons, per dox.. 4uc:
ducks, full- feathered, 10c. geeae, fuli
feathered, 8c; euuaes. No. 1. fL&O; No. 1,
Fruit and vegetable prices furnished by
CUllnskl Fruit company:
I-'KLIT Orangea; . Fancy California
navels, Mia, IIP) box; fancy California
navals, (", 17J box; fancy California
navela, 100s, Ux0 box; fancy California
late Valencies. 17s, 2u0s, 21Cs, Z, wb.
W4n and 43.50 box; extra fancy Cal
ifornia Valencies, five to ten-box lota,
U 40 box. Lemons: Kxtra fancy Uolden
Bowl, 300s, 3H0s, 46.00 box fancy Sllvsr
Card, aotm, ts. U0 box; extra fancy
Bouthland Beauty. Sons, ISSOb. 40.OO box;
fancy. Just lite. m. 44.00 box. Orape
frult; Celebrated Chase brand, s, IJ W
box; celebrated Chase brand, 4Aa, t--&
box; celebrated Chase brand, Ms, 3.0
box; celebrated Chase brand, 64a,
box. Pineapples: Kxtra fancy Cuban,
24s, 30a, ts, 42.16 crate, banana a: Medium
size, 4200 to 42.26 bunch- Jumbo fruit,
Changulneal and Port IJmon, 4c lb.
Strawberries: Arkansas and Tennaeee,
quarts, 42.7a case. Cherries: California,
10-lb. boxea. IZbo box.
VFXJETAUI.ES California new cab
bage. to 100 lbs., Sc lb.; celery. Jumbo,
0o doa; head lettuce, 21.00 dox.; leaf let
tuce, 4Uu dox. ; .ariicnoKca. xi.ou oox.; en
dive. 36c lb. Onions: Yellow, 2c lb.;
Texas. Bermuda. white. 11.60 crate;
Texas, Bermuda, yellow, $126 rrAte. l'ep
pera. 60c basket. Tomatoes: Fancy, 44 60
crate; choice, 4400 crate. ftpinech, uOo
dor.; parsley, 400c dox. turnips. 60c dox.
Potatoes: Colorado Kursls, 76c bu. ; Ked
River Ohio, 76c bu. ; Minnesota, white,
46c bu. New potatoes: Florida, white
atock. 175 lbs. to bbl., 46.00 to t.50 bhl.;
Florida Triumphs, hampers of 60 Iba,
flbo hsmper.
NUTS Coooanuta. 43.60 sack. 60c dox.;
No. 1 California walnuts, 18c lb.; fil
berts, 16c lb.; braxlls, i:Sc lb.: rxsns,
12Vc lb.; augsr walnut datea, 41.80 box;
almonds, 20o lb. Peanuts: raw, 7c lb.;
roasted, fcVic lb.; Jumbo, sack lots, 4c
lb.: aalted, 41.60 can.
Mirk BLLANEOCft-flhellad popcorn. 4e
lb.; limea. 41.76 box:, crackerlack, 460
caaei craekerjack, half case. $1.76; check
era, 43.60 esse: half case, $L76.
A RPA RAUL'S Home grown, H lb.
bunches, 60c dox.
Omaha Hay Market.
HAT Prairie: The aupply on the mar
ket Is reduced to thirty cara. There Is
not a car on the market that will grado
better than 1 to 1 and very little that
will grade that good. Nearly all of the
hay that Is here la no grade. Receipts
are running very light on all roads. Fol
lowing Is the range of values here: Choice
upland, none here, fU 00: No. 1. none
here. flI.On)f12.60; No. 2. W.'avSlO Od; No.
i, 4S.0tXa7.00; choice midland, none here,
$12.60; No. L none here, $11.60312.00; No.
2, 48.00110 00; No. 4. ift ootTTJ.oo; choice low
land, none here, $10.60oj)ll.OO; No. 1, none
here. $10.00410.6o; No. 2, $7.0038.00; No.
4, 44fl0ta.O0. i
BTHA W None on the market Choice
wheat Is quotable at $i.&04j.00.
ALFALFA Hems ml light. One ear on
the market and about five tn storage.
Nothing good. Choice alfalfa la quotable
at ili14.00; No. L fl2.uotdaf.00; No. 2.
Coffee Market.
market for coffee futures was very quiet
today, abut after- opening unchanged to
two points higher, prices advanced quite
aharply on a little Kuropean buying In
the absence of prompt sellers. The small
Interior Bantoe receipts probably served
to check offerings and Inspired a little
demand, but sales were reported of only
2,260 bags. The market closed at a net
advance of 10 to 14 points. May, 6.66c;
June, 8.56c; July, 4.t0oc August, .64c;
September, 6.6ttc; October, 73c; Novem
ber, 4.76c; December, 4. 78c January, 4 Mo;
February, 4.40u: March. 4.$6o: April. T.ORc.
6poL quiet; Klo, No. 7, 7o; Bantos. No,
4, WVic Mllrtas prices were unchaniyed
and the rate of fllo exchange on London
Cotton Market
UTTTO TOTtlf Mil B-fV)TTilVol
quiet; middling upland, .80c: no aales.
tober, .7e; pecember, 10.20c; January.
. ai. V f . .V. inu.
Tha inltnn market closed eaav at a
net decline of 4 to 10 points.
Cotton futures closed esay. July, t.flo;
October, .8So; Deoember, KklOc; January,
10.16a; March, 10.44c.
troltday 4a Botlaal.
LONDON. May 2X Today Is a holiday
on the stock exchange and the Liverpool
cotton and 'corn exchanges. All ex
changes In both cities will be closed
Monday, Whitsuntide holidays
Metal Market.
NEW YORK, May 22. MrtTAI Cop
per, quiet: electrolytic, fit. 7&tfl.00-. cost
ing. flf.37014.76, nominal. Iron, un
changed. -
Klarta Batter Market.
ELGIN, 111, Msy 22. llL'TTER Firm,
Plan to Spread
Truth Concerning
Two Great Nations
(Correenondence of the Associated Press.)
FETROGRAD, May 18.-A Ruaalan-
American society has been organised In
Petrograd to promote a greater mutual
understanding between the two countries
and to provide a. convenient clearing
houae for the exchange of Industrial, edu
cational and social Ideas. The organis
ing committee, headed by V, A. Ivanoff.
a member of the council of empire,- hopes
to dlaatpate "the cloud of mystery and
Wnoranoe which has successfully screened
the real Russia from the real America.
By means of reports and lectures and by
appointing traveling . commissions, tt
plsns to disseminate through Ruosla and
America more accurate Information re
garding the commercial and social activ
ities of the two countries. The society
has planned to give lectures about Russia
in the principal cities In. the United
states, and to rely upon Americans In
Russia to enlighten the society on the
subject of American life.
One hundred members. Including Baron
R R. Rost-n, formor ambassador to the
I'nlted States, and R E. ghlngaroff. have
already enrolled in the society, and It
la expected that the membership will In
clude many Americana In Russia.
Branches of the society will be estab
lished in all the large cities of 'lUioena.
(Correapondence of the Associated Preaa.)
BUCHAREST, Wly 14.-The entire stock
of petroleum In Roumanla haa been pur
chased by a company provided with cap
ital front France. The company has se
cured the large reservoirs cons true tsd
by the government for the Constantsa
pipe line.
Toe exportation of petroleum haa been
l-rohlblted since the beginning of the
n KHi No. 1 noHhern. $1 R6Wl.;
nortnern. fl.MH4rl.6B.
FI IL'R 1'nchenged.
CtiKN-No. X yellow, ro,Sni4c.
.FI-AX-fl MfrVM.
BA.RLKV -B'4c.
RY h; II. '4i LIS.
Big; Run of Hop, with Most of
Them Going at a Nickel Low eT
Week Holds Up Well.
potjth omajia, mat a tm.
RecelDts ware? rion. Bheen.
orricial Manila v a OK,
Official Tueaday 6,41
oiricinl Wednesday.... 4.004
Official Thursdar .... 1.SV7
Official Friday 1.0M)
Kstunate Saturday 66
Plx days this week...19.2!3
Same days last week. ,1V0
Seme days 2 rki so..2i,2
name days 2 wks ago..27,3i
ame davs 4 was ao..21.73
8arae days last year...l2,7Mi
The following tal le allows the receipts
of cattle, hoga and sheep at the bo uh
Omnha live atoeK market for the year
to date, as compared with last year:
. . ID 16. 1S14. inc. Dc
V'" 404,017 m.m 72.6?S
'1H 1,814.810 l,(M.a57 2a.J
bbeep 413,66s 76,31 62,6T.l
The following table shows tiie average
price for hogs st the Boufh Omaha live
stock market for the last few oays. Mlb
.taate. U16. 1114.
Kav I
7 14V 1
4 Hi
4 1
4 IH
4 141 7 4
104 7 64f 4 76
f 20 7 6 It 77
4 1
4 46
Ifjsy S..
I May ..
May 10.
iay 11.
lay .
!May 11
.May 14.
I May 16.
I Way Id.
2 22j
7 24,.
T f4'.
4 ;
4 w
4 47
t 1
Z4 V
7 44
4 14
4 16 7 44 1
4 74
4 42
4 6
4 23
40 7 04
7 4n
7 tf'a
7 t
7 I7Lh
4 l!tl
a 7 fv.i a
7 US
4 281
7 11
4 a
4 241 7 66 6 Mi
a 90i
May 17.
May m.
May IS.
4 7 16
36 7 04
I 30
4 2.11
4 ID
7 6 4 Mi
7 m l 731
7 02
7 81
i 281
4 38
4 92
4 M
7 01
Jny a)
4 24
4 M
7 43
May J2.
4 li
4 aj 7 4fc 6 44
I 7 00
Receipts and disposition of live stook
at the L'niou Htoca Yards, Bjuth Omaha,
for twenty-four hours ending at t p. n-
,'C. M. A St P....
caiue. tiogs. Sheep. H'ses.
... 11.. 1
Missouri 1'acifio ....
Union Puclnc
C. A N. V., west!.
44 2
t.;., et. r., M. AO..
C. 11. & U . eaat...
C, R. L A- P.. east
C. R. I. 4 P., wost
Illinnia r..ln .1
Chicago O. vV.
Total receipts ..
11, Hi; .(
),;. 2,i2
10,9 L14S
6,; 11 vo
J0.SSH2 2,5M
ti.W 0
0Tl9 12.2411
4,732 1 2.M
6i.1 2L'.K4
6S.4P4 22.5.'5
gj,m , 123
,4,827 24,f-'i
CatUe. Hogs.
Morris Co ,
Swift and Company.
i-iraany 1-acRinjj Co..
Armour A- tv..
Hchwarta A. r
J. W. Murphy
cwin, irom Texas
Cudaiiy, from K. C...
10,886 234
CATTLL -As Is generally the cose on
Haturday there was nothing of any con
sequence In beef cattle on sale and prices
wei-e nominally unchanged. For the week
receipts nave been a lltu over l,o head,
or aoout 1.000 more than last week and
fully 8,00 more than for the third week
head, ueing the heaviest on the board,
inge has been very good all week, the
percentage of Immature stock being com
paratively small.
Trade in Blockers and feeders has been
very quiet. Supplies have been ania.ll and
on account of the rush of farm work the
demand from the country has been very
limited. Trend of values has been stead
ily downward and compared with two
weeks ago the bulk of the stock cattle
and feeding steers show pretty close to
60c decline. Some fancy yearlings or
choice fleshy steers would sell about as
well at any time, but the outlet for the
general tun of stockera and feeders is
very narrow.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
yearlings. fg.4Oi.0O; good to choice corn
fed beeves, $8.264 66; (air to good corn
fed beeves, $8.(1138.33; common to fair
eornfed beeves, $7.60&8.00; good to choice
heifer, $7.Otx8.0O; good to choice cows,
H6W7.40; fsir to good cows, $6.7&ff4 80;
common to fair cows, f3.75iy6.7b; good to
choice stockera and feeders, $7.otr7.W;
fair to good atock ers and feeders, fl.VIXd
7.60; common to fair stockera and feed
ers. fti.OUari.OO; stock heifers. 44.007.00;
stock cows, $5.7&i&.76; stock calves, $4.50
6460; veal calves, $4. 0010. 76; fat bulla,
stags, etc.. stock bulla Ij.OCh
HOOH Supplies were even larrer than
yesterday, the run of 178 cara. or 12 100
in May a year ago. Quality of the offer-
j nis is tne Heaviest Saturday run since
three weeks sgo, and with that excep
tion since In March. Total for the week
ia 70,719 head, being 24.000 heavier than
a week ago, and a gain of 16,000 over
a year ago.
Trade opened out In fair season, and
In view of the heavy reoelpta. In pretty
decent shape. Shippers bought rather
sparingly on a nickel lower basis, making
most of their purchases around $7.45. and
acme as high as $7.40. Packers tried to
buy hogs nearly a dime lower, but In the
"tin me most ot toe ortenngs moved at
figures that were no more than a nickel
off. Heavy hogs, which have been in
such disfavor the Isst two weeks, con
tinue to sell at the bottom of the string.
Today packers discriminated more than
ever attains t the rough, weighty kinds
with the result that they were alow
sellers at prices that were about 10c
lower. As has been the case nearly
every day of late, there were a few
heavies left after the bulk of the offer
ings had been cashed, and this made the
wlndup slow, but a pretty fair clearance
naa Deen maae Dy io:ai.
Hulk of all the sales was made at 17.V
7:30, with some rough heavies as low as
47.10, and tops at $7.40. Lor the week
prices are mostly 20c lower, which Is
not so ' bad considering the size of the
offerings on most days. Bulk a week
ago was selling at $.4f07.6u, with quite
a springing as mgn as r'.ao, the top.
sve i 1 iiuuivr Bates
47. ..
Ph. Pr.
Av. Mi. Pr.
.. U
MO T 10
14 1 at
is m
... J r?,
... 7 rs.
... 7 ao
m T at
1 MHa
T as
1 14
1 40
7 49
SHEEP Recelpu this morning eon
slated of two loads, or about 6u0 head
that came clrect to a packer, so that
Here was nothing on sale. The week's
total amounta to aomethlng like 12.708
head, being a few head amaTler than for
the oorieapondlng daya last week and
only about half as large as the supply
for the same period a year ago. This
week's total is the smallest since the
third week of June, 1U1J.
Aged sheep have been In very light
supply, nothing but a few clipped ewes
showing up, and have ahown a generally
lower tendency. Prices at Chicago are
quoted at 6Vi&c below last week and
It is conceded that any swes offered
locally would sell at least 3660o under
laat week's quotations. There have been
no yearlings or wethers of any descrip
tion here and as the season changes
from the wnoled to the clipped atock it
is next to Impossible to say where they
would sell.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs
shorn, light. W.We.7i; lambs, shorn!
heavy, $8.76t0 40; ewea, ahorn. $4.76t?.J
St. Lewie Live Stock Marker.
BT. LOC18, May 22. -CATTLE-Re-celpta.
aOV n-ad: market steady; native
beef steers. $7 .s3.0C; earl ins ateers and
helfera, 480uv.3o: cowe. $.0uoj7.6o; atock
era and feeder 4 uj.; Taxaa and In
dian ateers. 46.2&O8.60; cows and heifers.
$4.ovtmW; natavs celvea. 4.0urt.
Htxic Receipts, 4.0U) head- market,
ateady; pla and 1 1 grit a, fa HanjT.'.'X: mixed
and butchers, $7.6&Mf7.76; govd heavy, f7.M
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recetpta, none;
market steady; clipped mutton. $4.6o4
7 W. clipped lambs,; chuvd
yearlings.; spiing lambs, flv.00
t. Jaaeak Live Ste-k Market.
reipta. lin head; market ateady; ateera,
f;.7Uu.; cowa and helfera,;
calves. 47 SOwe-tOi
HOGS Receipts. $.000 head; market
lower; top, 47 66; bulk of sales. 47.4p7.aO.
KliKEl' AND LAMKrl-Recelpta, 600
bead; market steady; lambs, $lu butflLOu.
Kaaaaa City Live Stack Market.
KAN 6 Ad C1TT. May H. -BATTLE Re
ceipt, SO head; market steady; pn tne fed
steers, 6 Tir; dreeeed beef eteere. $8 tat
O 76; wwstara steer, f7.7isjs.7t. a UKera
and feeders. $4 7iO.tO; bulls, f5.7r?7-4Q !
ciitves. $i n 10 00.
HOtiS Receipts. 1.600 head: market,
ateadv; bulk of aalca. f7."i';.6S; heavy,
s7.4u.SO; tsckere and butchers, $7.60jf
.nc: ivtn-.. i.t.-1'i..',
6HKKF A"ND LA MBS-Receipts, J,hJ,
head; market ateady; lambs, fSttotfll 2b;
yerltna-. 48.Wa9.t5; wethera, f7.0utg8.76;
ewes, $.5&.0. ,
Cattle ateady Megs Weak 'keep
CHICAOO. May 22. CATTLE Receipts,
100 head: market steady; native beef
steers. fS.Wul.iS; western ateers, f.St9
00; cows and heifers, $3.268.70; calves,
HvX Receipts. 11.000 head; market
weak, &. lower; bulk of aalea. $7.f?7.70;
llKht, fi.4Wf7.76; mixed. fl.iW,.TQ; heavy.
f7.16r7.B; rough. S7.1VtT7.30; plga, $9iJi7.35.
SHEEP AND LA MB 8 Receipts, 1000
head; market steady; sheep, $7.4fJJ8.40;
rttlcaar- Lire Stock Market. -.
CHICAGO, May 22. CATTLE Receipt",
100 head: market steady; native beef
steers, fS.90rD.26; western steers, M.26j.
7.90; cows and heifers, f3.20u8.70; calves,
ffl.FWa 36.
HtXiH Receipts, 11.000 head: market
slow; 8c under yesterday's average; bulk
of sales, $7.ny7.sS: light. 47.40(37.72H;
mixed $7.40tir7.70; heavy, f7.i637.p5; rough,
r.LVri ); piss. $8.0"fr7.36.
BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.000
head: market, steady; sheep, f7.4ftgfl.50;
lambs, f7.75anO.10.
German Emperor
Protects Property
Of French Of ficers
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.
BERLIN. Mar If The Tagellche
Rundschau publishes an article telling
how the emperor generously responded
to an appeal from a French family whose
home was in the French city where the
Imperial headquarters now are. This
family, that of a French lieutenant, fled
from the city when it was occupied by
the Germane. Before leaving they
packed carefully the things they could
not take along, mostly clothing, and left
part of it in their own house and part In
the house of a neighbor, where the em
peror now lives. The lieutenant was later
wounded and desired to go to the south
of France for convalescence, but he and
Lis family needed many of the articles
left behind.
Friends of the officer's parents, who live
In Luxembourg, advised a direct appeal
to the emperor. They ocorfed at the idea,
declaring that the ruler had other things
to do than concern himself with the
clothing of French officers. The friends
Insisted, however, and a careful list of
the things desired was made out and
sent, with an appeal to the emperor,
through his headquarters chief. General
von Plessen Three days later a high
officer appeared at the home of the offi
cer's parents in a headquarters automo
bile and delivered, at the emperor'
command, every article on the list sub
mitted. - t
Dutch Would Keep
Their Cash at Home
(Correspondence ofhe Associated Press.)
THE HAGUE, Netherlands, May 11
Attention is beins; given In business eli
des In Holland to the question ot the
possibility of creating new Industries In
thla country and by this means rendering
the Netherlands more Independent of
other countries in the event In the fu
ture of a similar crisis -arising to that
brotiKt-.t about by the present European
war. Numberg of Industrial men have
taken the subject under consideration, but
nothing definite baa yet been proposed.
The Dutch people In most Instances are
unaware of the poealbutties' In e way
of Investment tn their own country and
goner ally place their capital abroad In
stead of uniting In an effort to keep their
money at home, where with proper or
ganization trio, returns would be juat
as high as those they receive from for
eign investments, while the starting of
home Industries would be useful In pro
viding work for their fellow countrymen,
who are sorely hit by a crisis as that
now prevailing. -
Owing to Holland's dependence in ma
terials from outside, several of the na
tional Industries have for the time being
been ruined and those employed In them
have been thrown out of work. For in
stance, the susrar factories and refineries,
of which there are thirty in Holland, had
been badly affected. In the first place
by the prohibition of the export of sugar
beet from Germany, Austria-Hungary
and Belgium and tn the second place y
the refusal ot England to permit imports
of sugar from Holland owing to fears
that German sugar might come Into the
British Isles in that way.
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
BERLIN, May 18. A great scarcity of
petroleum prevails In Berlin. According
to some reports it cannot be bought in
shops at all. Notwithstanding the
scarcity however, the price has been held
uniformly at 22 pfennigs per litre since
the war began, but there ta now a move
ment on foot to raise tt to 30 pfenntga.
It ia explained that the German branch
of the 8tandard Oil company purposely
kept down the price so that petroleum
might not ne displaced during the war by
gaa or electricity.
Owing to change in state laws
our plant closes Dec. 31, con
sequently we are looking for
a manufacturing business
that has provenMtself; some
thing that could be much ex
tended with additional room,
capital and energy.
Addre Sioux City Brewing Co.,
Sioux City, Iowa.
Rtrikino- r,in. of Brief Session Made
by War Specialties.
HEW TORK, May 22. Judging from
the course of today's stock market, wall
Street, or at least the speculative fra
ternity, la proceeding on the tlseory that
Italy's participation in the war Is cal
culated to ahorten the conflict This
theory ia hardly to be reconciled, how
ever, with the fact that the most strik
ing gains of the brief sesalon were again
made bv the war specialties, crucible
steel and Bethlehem steel leading.
Should the war come to a speedy end.
It Is obvious that demand for munition
and other supplies of like character would
be materially reduced. Crucible steel,
which made a maximum gain of
points, contributed 26 per cent to tho
first hour's bualness.
The entire ilat took part In the rise,
which was most active in the first thirty
minutes, after which trading dwindled
with some effect on values. In numer
ous Instances hlkher prices were made in
the second hour, but general recessions
from the beat ruled at the cloae, Beth
lehem Hteel yielding all its advance. Re
ports of an anti-American demonstration
at Berlin caused Some late selling.
Total snJes of stocks amounted to 367,
London was observing a holiday,
the local market was without guidance
from that quarter. Private cables from
London and other - International centers
threw no new light upon the International
situation, hut in local circles the belief
prevailed that Germany's reply to this
government regarding the Lueit nla in
cident would pave the way to a better
understanding between Washington and
The statement of the president of the
Cnlted Htatea Bteel corporation that the
output of the company's plants has In
creased to 75 per cent as against the 40
per cent of January was doubtless re
eponaible for the strength of steel share.
Mercantile agencies alao reported more
favorable conditions in geneal lines
Kantm crop reports, estimating a wheat
yield of 80 per oent, shows a deprecia
tion of almost 14 per cent from last
month's esttmatea
A moderate loan contraction and a
small increase of reserves were the only
features of the bank statement, which
failed to disclose an expected sain of
Bonds were steady with total sales,
par value, of
United States coupon and registered
ta advanced quarter per cent on call
during tho week.
Cle rlnar Howae Bank Statement,
NEW YORK, May 22.-The statement
of the actual condition of clearing hounc
K.t.U a n rl Im.t nnmninlM tnt tk..
shows that they hold 41W.H4.660 reserve
in excess of legal requirements. This
la an Increase of r7.078.330 ovar lul week
Tiie statement follows:
Lioans, etc.t $2,418,024,000
fRes've in ownvaults 430,183,000 2,761.000
Reserve in federal
reserve banks ....
Reserve in ether
Net demand depos
its 2.2TO.890.000
Net time deposits.. 131, 778,000
Circulation 87,71,0U0
Aggrewate reserve... 582,7.0uO
Kxcess reserve .... 1 80,31 4,fV60
lOf which $.VS,106,000 is specie.
Summary of state banks and trust
companies in Greater New Tork not In
cluded In clearing; house statement:
Loans, etc. f374.120.500 42.060.900
Specie 4S,309,00 2,088,200
Legal tenders 4.177,200 119,400
Total deposits 704,683,v0 2,002,700
' Banks' cash reaerve In vault, $10,910,300.
Trust companies' cash reserve In vault,
Hew Tork Money Market.
PAPER 84 per cent
bills, $4 7G60; for cables, $4.7886; for do.
mand. $4.7825.
SILVER Bar, 8c; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
Closing quotations on bonds today were
as follows: - -V.
S. rat. ta, rag... 4T N. T. City 4H, 1M4.104
coupon 1 N. T. Mute 4H...10
V. B. (a. rag 100N. T.. N. H. A H.,
do coupon ....,.,.114 ev. s 10
V. a. a. rag V Northers Pacific 4a. It
do coupe US 4o 4 44
Paaima la eoapea..l004o. B. h. nf. 4.... 04
Am. Braeltar a....1oivt raa. T. aV T. ta.... K'4
A T. T. cv. 4a.UMt4f,n. eoo. 4 7
Armour A Ca. 4s. MS Reading in. 4a M
Atchlaoe a. 4a.... ttS'B. I,. AH. F. r. 4a 44
Baltimore A Ohio 4a 84 8o. pac ev. 4a 4114
Chae. A Ohio 4fee.. do ref. 4a Dm-
C, B. Q. . 4a..lx,fto. Railway te S
C, R. I. A P. c 4a SSVlntoo Pacific 4.... i
Colo. 8e. ref. 4Sa 47fc oo ct. 4a aH
I). A R. O. ra f. 4.. IT. 8. Hubber 4a...l02'i
Erie gaa. 4a lottT. 8. Bt l 6a laivfc
General Electric ta. M Wehaah lat Ba .100S
aoreat No. Vat 4fc.. 17 Waatera t'aloa 44. 1M
III. On. ret. 4 MlfcWeat. Elac. ev. Ia..lt4
K. C. a. rf. 6... 1 8t. U c. cv. U....H
L a- N. ua. 4 71 V . M. A 8. P. c. 6s.ln7
Mo. Pae. cv. 4 II Pnn. con. 4Sa 103W
N. T. Cea. g. .. 7fk
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Fully explained In an Interesting
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