12 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 23, 1915. D 1 JWHBIMW 5"WB MHV aSamawsMsaa sUnwgsi "Kayser" 16-Button $1.25 Silk Gloves, $1.00 The gloves are made of havy quality Milanese "Ilk and come tn black err white. They are full 24 Inches Ion and turn the elbow several inches; all Mates 5' to 7, plain or contrast back, every pair gur- an teed by the maker and by us; a pair SI. 00 ',IIM,M M - . . . ., - r I- ..u.,.., .-...a.. ..,l-...,,l.uJ...i '" -.- .u Mifc.Hwa .!. Mii.aiiMfai.in .i , L B W oederf ill Reductions 3 Women's and The Sale of Jewelry and Watches will be continued this week. Just to remind" you. thin stock was pur chased by ua st 33e on the dollar; is all standard, reliable goods and we bare placed such prices on the articles as will move everything quickly. This Is the best opportunity of the kind you have ever had. 7 Tailored Suits and Coats r ttt rrt?.-? :u : n lanaaaiafcsaaja Your choice of our silk and wool suits and coats in this great money-saving event. All smart (styles and combination; all modinh fabrics and shades? plain or trimmed models. All fizes for small, medium and large women. For Women's ;ind Misses' Suits worth to $22.50. Made of fine ga bardine, screes and fancy tweed mixtures and checks, in the newest models nnd shades for present wear. For Women's and Misses' Tailored Suits worth to 130.00. Fine silk poplin, garbardino, serges, fancy worsteds and checks, In the Jaunty flared and belted and plain tailored coats, with pleated and flared skirts all new desirable shades. For VHiu'nV and Miescs' Ooaia worth to $12.50. Fine serges, gabar dine and fancy worsteds and plaids, plain or trimmed styles. Light or dark shades. All sizes. For Women's and Misses', Coats worth to $17.50. Fine taffeta and silk poplin, gaburdino, serges, chin chilla, coverts nnd fancy mixtures and check 9, light and dark shades. For Women's and Misses' Tailored Suits worth to $40.00, in fine silk . poplin, serges, gabardines, fancy checks and worsteds. All the - deslrabi styles and shades for present wear; plain tailored or belted and trimmed styles. M ASS For Women's and Misses Coats worth to $30.00. Fine chinchillas, gabardines, corduroy, taffeta and silk poplin, coverts and fancy mixtures and checks. Light and dark shades, for outing, auto and evening wear. fl u a II IX fl 1-4 D Marvelous Fresh New Laces in a Truly Wonderful Sale mmimm sssM-aMswassMaMsa . "mm mmimmm mmm . aMsMMMBSMssMBMaMi.MawM The result of a purchase just made by us of thousands upon thousands of yards of fine laces in most fascinating array. The values are unprecedented this. s.ile stands alone in the history of our store. Worth $1.00 and $1.50, Special Monday, x A Yard. , 18 to 30-lnch Silk Shadow Flounclngs White, cream, cru and black. 18 to 36-inch. Fine wnite Filet Flouncing. 18-lnch Cream Shetland . ' Flounclngt. .18 to ; 24-lnch Craquela. and Tosca Mesh Flounclngs. It to 24-Jnch White and, Cream Oriental Net 'Top . FlouncingB. 18-inch Black Silk Chatt tilly Laco Flouncing. 3-tnch Silk and Fjne Cotton Shadow Allovers White, cream, ecru . and black. 40-lnch Black Silk Chan- tllly Nets. 18-inch White Venlse A Hovers. A wonderful Sale of Fancy Laces, suitable tor. gowns, separate blouses, boleros, etc. Worth $1.00 and $1.50, ; Special Monday, 59e A Yard. A Beautiful Assortment of French Novelties in Black and Gold, 40-ln b. Allover Nets, Dewdrop Chiffon in white and gold, a large variety of Flowered Chiffon very suitable for veiled costumes. Wcrth up to $2.00. Very Bpeclal r?f Oe7C Monday, a yard 27-Inch Beautiful French Voile, Dainty Nelgeu and Sheer Organdy Flounclngs Very pretty lacy effecu and floral designs, with scalloped edges. Very desirable for graduation and confirmation dresses. Dainty . Sheer Organdy Alloveri f for separate blouses. Worth to $1.00. Special Monday, a yard.. oUC , ' 27-lnch Dainty Batiste aud Swiss Em broidered Flounclngs Hemstitched, ruf-'. fled and scalloped edges. . Very pretty designs. Worth to 75o a yard, QQ. at oyc 12 to 16-lnch Cambric, Organdie and Swiss Flounclngs and Corset Cover Em broideries neat patterns. Worth . to SSc. Special Monday, a yard. 19c ... i. l$-lnoh Cambric, Nainsook, Organdie,' Batiste., and 8wW Flounclngs and Corset Cover Embroideries a beautiful assortment In dainty floral, eyelet and Q C conventional designs. Worth to 60c, a yard ............ . OC Beautiful Embroidered Swiss and Nain sook Kdgva and Dainty 8oam and Ribbon Beadlngs worth to 12 He; spe cially priced for Monday, yard, - 5c -Dainty Sheer Organdie E tnbroldery Edges Up to 6 Inches wide. Very pretty ror collars and rurned effects. Worth, to 15c. Special Monday ! yd 9C Cotton Lace . Band From i to t In.. wl'U.. Whlta and cream. in cluding Normnndla V.lii., Hhnilow an1 Emrllih Net, ulinble frtr Irtinmtnic ' wati trina. hYenoh. (iprman nd FtUt Val I'.dgon ami Inrrllon Worth to 13Vo. cr yard ....OC 18-lnch Shadow All-, .over .Lacea .White, cream and ecru. Very handsome new designs a large assortment of pattra, .. many In tha f llttiuitnviujiinl meah ao fuhlonble Jvr blouaea, airfveo, te. Worth to ' 11.00. Monday, yara . ......... . 39c 18-ln. Shadow Flounc ingWhite, cream ana ecru. Beautiful, dainty designs,- some in filet and tosca mesh, suit able for mart Bummer frock and blouxea. Worth to 86c, Sporiai yartds.y;.r.; 39c IS to 27-lnch Shadow Lace Flouncing The quality usually cold for 4 Sc. Sale price, yard, . . . . ...... 19c 18-lnch Oriental Embroidered Net-All-overs Very fine quality nd . dainty de signs. Worth to 75c. Specially qq priced, a yard................ OtC New Lingerie Blouses Just Arrived Dainty lace and embroid ery trimmed models, oth ers fiemi-tailored; lon or short sleeves. Fifteen - " styled to select from. "Special ly prieedjfroiu $1.00 to $6.50 9 i S ... Entertain at Home M ith a T r o u b a d o u r Player-Piano. "We sell the very best player-pianos made in the world at one price to all Our Player Music library will be "opened about June 10th. Mem bership may be arrang ed for now. Piano Dept 3d Floor. .. .' V. tJ. Jl. ' Ill- U . - . . . i Ik i ' i I -jgnsttJ I Notions for Monday iso-yard Bpoola of Good Daat- ! ln TlireaJ bpool ..IC 7c lc 3ic ....... 5c 5c P. r. C. Mereartaed Croch.t Cot tonSpool I-yard Bolts of Ta-Black and .whits., toll Baa-Silk AU colors. ripooi lOe and 15e Fklrt Belting Yxd FlrTe Uwn Blaa Tp 11 yards to bolt, for , On. Blif Lot of HllRhtly Dam- OI aaed lint Comba Each JC HtMl Croch.t Hooka lch Extra liravy Skirt Marki valuta, each Faat Colored Waah Edslns- lard , Button Jdolda Buno.li tSo -All kinds.' All aha pea and 2ic 10c He lc ..2ic ...5c ..7U ..10c . Pernlan Ivory Nankin Holder . tn. with InltUJ. cli WC He.t Rul-Proof I)rt Claapa t-'urd . . . . L , . . . Burkla Forma aikea.- Kavh Tattlna- Shuttle. Each . Largr fish Net Shopping; Baca t.m. h . , St. SO Notion Boxea Kach lc Dress Forms oamnzi: cm Full, Forms AH slses. Collapsible and may be put away la small box when through using. 0 CQ .15 00 value.. JeU7 "Acme" 18-Sectlon Dr.as Form. ' Best forms made, can be adjusted at any rait. ' Regular $15 tfJQ'fifl . Talues. Very special, each 3O.UU "Acme" 4 -Section Dress Forms Adjustable at the neck, bust, waist and hips. 18.00 Talues, for $4.49 Special Clean-Up Sale of Iace Curtains, fVrlms, Cnrtaln Boniplcs, Voile, Marquisette, Madras, Ktamine, Coloi-cd Ikladras and other Drapery Good at price from one-third to one-half redactions. Here are a few of the big bargains for Monday: fllii : .-III L:1 i tf i 100 Pieces of 40 and .r)0-inch Mercerized Marquisette White, ecru and Ivory. r Regular price 40c; jr iale price, yard...7 Five Cases of Fine Lace Curtains Doz ens of patterns. Val ues to"$2Spe- OQf. cial, each. .... .017C All the Regular 40o and 50c Etamino ' With wide ribbon and fancy edges, q r Irory or eru.Sf Cholc Monday, yd. .-wv 2500Traveling Men's Sample's of Lace Cur tainsWorth to 50c. Specially; priced, each; i One Lot of Duo CurtainsThese are lace eur taius with colored side curtains of Sun- o fast nets. Values to $6. Special, set'..'. .' 00 All ftur Regular Stock of Fine Imported Dueh esse Curtains, Point Milan, Tambour, Arab tm rv Ian, Uish Point, Cluny and Novelty Curtains.. : . HII Regular price to $12; specially priced, a pair. .. w v Sale of Fancy Linens iuggcjtive Items for the Jane Bride One Lot of Fan cy Doilies and Center Pieces Regular 25c and 29c val- C ues, each.. IOC Laoe Trimmed Scarfs-With im itation filet mo tives ;alsoThreo piece Renals- m r anee Lace tlrlf 3carf. Choice 45-inch Tea Cloths Trimmed with deep lace, drawn-work centers. Regular price $3.25; sale price, .. VCA each ; ,....PeOU One Lot of an Importer's Sample Line Consisting of Beautiful Drawn Work Scarfs and Lace Tea Cloths, in tbo 36, 45 and 54-inch sizes Values to $2.00. Specially priced, each $1.25 L u n c h. Cloths Beaatif ul lace trim med, in the 54 and 72-inch size. Pretty draw n-work cen ters. Regular $6.50 values, d 4 QQ Mon,, ea. VWO Cluny Lace Scarfs All linen centers, trimmed with fine cluny lace. Size 18x54 i n o h e e. Worth $5.00. Sal.i ptice, each. , Xdaaa B.partm.Bt MaJA Tloo. $3150 New Things in Silks We have assembled all of our short lota of 86-inch Swiss .Taf fetas, Cashmere Silks, Poult de Soles, etc., etc., In the new black and white effects, dice patterns, Pekln stripes, pin checks and many others that sold up to $2.00; to Cf go on sale Monday, a yard.. aj) 1. .iJ V Your next dress should be "Crepe Radium." This exquls- ' ite, supple and crisp silk, will delight you. It is 40 Ina. wide, and we hare all tha want- jt PA ,ed aliadea. Worth . JS I .DU Bpeclal, a yard 36-lnch. Radium "Brilliant" A beautiful, soft, shlmmery dress, fabric In a full range of street and evening shades. Specially priced, a yard. 98c Do not fall to aee the new summer ailka Crepe de Jeunesse, in the popular dots, stripes ' and checks. We have only a limited amount of this delightful silk, worth tf 7Q $2.60. a yard 1 .7 36-In. Black Taffeta and Mcssaline EST 69c 69c Black only. Good weight, soft finish messallne and taffeta. A splendid fl.OO value, yard.. We are very fortunate to be able to announce that we have Just received by parcel post from our Paris office that beautiful and much wanted Suede Georgetta, a much more durable fabric than the ordinary Georgette Crepes; In Ivory, flesh, Copen- J- Qf hagen, cedar and black. Very specially priced, yard, J 1 && $2.SO Crepe de Jeunesse, 9tJtS We have Just received a delayed importation of Crepe de Jeunesse, in the stunning Dresden and jacquard combinations . something new and novel in a full range of colorings. On account of late delivery, we are able to offer you this beau tiful 40-lneh Bilk, regularly sold for $2.50; at, 5 VictorVictrola New Style XI Our Price, $103 Victor Vtrtrola XI has all of th. lataat ' and b.t feturn of th higher priced Victor Vlctrolaa. tncludlot": , Aatoatatio Stop, rutins Moto Improvad Toae CaamlMT, Sorlsoatal b.).s for HoltUna K.OOK ibuaa. Our aa.ortment is fully completa. Monday U1 b. a aood time U -' lo't the caa. that 'mtn m,tcli your furniture. ' Oiur Kr rrloe . ai.ar. rarfMtloa. Baay Itnai It pmir&. f I'll ' Wall Paper Reductions aMBSBagaaaaaaBMsasBBBBBBBB ssssaBasBwessassssaBBB saiasaBSBasjaBaMBBBBsBaBiaBSBBaawBxsBBBaaaaaBaBHaaasi like the following cannot tail to attract the shrewdest buyers and quickly cut down our surplus stock. These prices axe (or Monday only: Offer No. 4 Plaia Domeatio Oat mMU Papera Brown, tan. creen. Offer No. 1 Cooslatins of a Larr Auortmaot of LJcht. and Lark Fatt.rna. very pr.lty de al gna. Full 1-yard rolls 24 r north c. Monday, roll.... Offer No. 1 Including hundred, of elegant pattern of arti.tlo wall papra in deep rreana, brown, blue, etc, with and Ik-ln. bor dera to match eul table for moat any room. Kaulax 10c S4e Yaluea, roll Offer No. I Beautiful New Eprinff Bedroom Paper. A. large election with cut borders and binders. Worth up to 0c. . 6pe ctJ Monday. In two . . Ific lota, a roll Sa mad red and blue e.11 8 (Much . aim-b Sold with bordera only. Regular 16o arade. Special Mon- 71, day, a roll UC Offer No. I New llnee Varnish ed Tile Papora for kitchen, and bath room. A large selection. Ktgular 2io values. 8p- C cisl Monday, a roll OC Offer No. Our Entire Line of Imported Holsrnehl Paper. The season's n.weet goods, aultablo for living room, dining room, re ception hell, and library. Worth to t-Oc Bpeclal Monday. OC a roll Choose a Summer .iome Now ; read Real Estate Ads H D jj a D