Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 10-A, Image 10

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Federal Tire Company Establishes a
Safety First Department for
Benefit of Employes.
A decrease In accident of approxi
mately TO per cent la the striking; result
of the netrly organised Welfare and
Safety Ftrat department t the M: Mil
waukee plant of the Federal Rubber
Manufacturing company.
"Our ratnpaiim of education alonir
snfety flrnt linen amonf Federal eirv
ployea hag brought really surprlelns re
sults," Myi M. U Patteraon, who rise
iharfe of the new department.. "Al
though we have carried on the work for
comparatively ahort period, we hare
already aurveeded In redurtnf the num
ber of accident due to carelessness to
the minimum. Not only haa every means
been taken to esfeguard all danieroua
machinery, but .every man In our em
ploy la pledged to report dangeroua con
ditions or practlcea on the part of fel
low workmen.
"We commenced our r-AmpaJgn by
poatlng placarda In prominent placea In
the factory warning the workmen n
the folly of taking chance. Thoto
rrephs of accident cauaed by careless
ness were even more helpful along thla
line and were aleo placed on the bulletin
hoarda. Following thla w Instituted
the "workmen1 aafety committee,"
made up of men selected from the vart
oua department. There are about fif
teen of thee committee in the Federal
plant, and their duty consist of report
ing weekly any dangtroua condition
which may exist In their department A
email an Item a a broken board In a
paaaageway may reault In an Injury to
n employe, and la therefore promptly
reported; or the custom of savins tlmo
by taking dangeroua ahortcut through
machinery-filled rooma la condemned nd
prohibited by our aafety commltten.
"In addition to the committee we have
an Inspector who makea a weekly trip
of Inspection through the entire plant on
aafety-ftrat work.
, "The lateat step In our welfare work
ha been the organization of the Fed
eral Rubber Employes' association. Hy
payment of a nominal rum each month
every Federal employe la eligible for
membership and the benef Ita to be ob
tained constat of enumeration In case
of alckneaa or the payment of. ineurance
to relatives In caae of death.
"Our experience haa proven beyonl
doubt that the great number of nVnor
accident which occur In a great indus
trial concern are due to carelessnea or
Ignorance on the part of new workmen.
With every man a aelf-appolnted aafety
committee, the chance of . aeeidente on
this core haa been almort obliterated."
more, Coun II Bluffs; , O. M. Alder,
Ewlng: U O. Hynet, Miller; Ed
ward Hughes, North Bend; fUiatton 4
Hanson,. Wahoo,. A. R. Townr. Hast
ings.; Peter Krcdrlckson. Dannevlrke; A.
H. Ulnae. Hamburg. la.; M. A. IThto,
Lincoln; O. A. Roung, Omaha; Paul
Lvanna, Etella; C F. Conrad, Baaaett;
A. T. Snover, Warner; P. T. Belden.
Rhelby, la.; Frank Pandall, Shenanuoah;
R A. nyder, Tork; Kd Toung, Fall
City; A. F. Houten, Gothenburg.
1916 Empire Auto
is Now Announced
"The demand for the ll Empire in
Omaha territory ha been such that al
though we hate been' delivering the new
modela for two weeks, yet no announce
ment haa been made until today. Witn
the below purchaaed cars delivered In a
little over a week' time, simply from
specification, and perhaps a personal
letter whlih I have written, them, these
buyers have selected this car simply
because It liaa proven satisfactory and
because of It rlaaa, sice and power,"
sav Mr. McVlcker, manager of the
Omana dlatribuling house. -
With an average of almoat a carload
of six a day, factory shipment have not
met our demand for thla car sufficient
to warrant me to make It announce
ment public up until this time. Unless
some other car with an exceptionally low
price come on the field In the next sixty
day, I believe the aale of this auto will
be beyond any previous record of thla
daaa of car. Dealer from territory
where we hive retailed some of these
have plax-ed 'Jepoalta In advance because
of the talk and demand . for them. A
Hat to whom these new modela have been
delivered I a folio-: F. I. Conrad,
Long Pine; F. Hcaston, Lincoln; Al
Heaaton, Lincoln; C. R. Rumsey, Red
Oak, la.; hurt feymore, Kearney; Joseph
Johnson, North' Bend; Kmll Pokorny,
Clarkaon; Joeeph Bcott. North Bend; A.
T. Smith, Lincoln; Miller Wllch,
Schuyler; I1illlp Crlnk, Washington;
Oeorge Sticker, Corning, la.; Rot Rena-
Sidles and Party
Drive to Okoboji
H. K. Sidle, president of the Nebraska
Bulck Auto company, accompanied by
Mr. Sidles and Mrs. Lee Huff or the
Omaha ofrVe, have been touring through
the western half of Iowa and to Lake
C'koboJI for the week end.
According to Lee Huff of the Nebraska
Bulck Auto company there are a great
number of 1815 Bulcka scheduled to leave
here during the month of June for the
Panama-Pacific exposition, which goea
to ahow that the ever present confidence
in Buicks is on the Increase,
The Nebraska? Bulck Avto company re
port the following sale for the week: H.
J. Bruenlng, Humphrey: Oeorge Menk
Ing, Kennard; Dr. B. R. Tarry, Omaha;
C. W. Daegea, Portsmouth, la.; A. L.
Jackson, Dow City, la.; Charles Sturm.
Lenox, la,; J. B. Romans, Denlaon, la.;
Bert Seymour, Bennington; M. Martin,
Lewis, la.; C. Huleebua, Harlan, la.;
Carroll Motor company, Carroll, la.; A.
F. ' Woodard, Shenandoah, la.; Mr. Oar
side, Atlantic, la.; H. E. Betre, Stan
hope, la.; MUledge Pehraon, Red Oak,
la.; Mr. Maude M. Jones, Omaha; . A.
10. Engle, Glenwood, la.: T. H. Pollock,
Victor H. Roo, the local Harley
pivtdaon, distributer, ha just delivered
another Harley-Davldaon motorcycle to
the city water board. Thl make four
Harley-Davldaon that they, are now
using la the service department
Turns Down War
Order With Profit
of 0ver$7,000,000
There is a man In Detroit who slit open
a cablegram from London the other day
and saw S7 ,000.000 in realy profit atartng
him In the face About all that he had
to do to grab It was to seize a pen and
write- "yea." But Instead of that he
wrote "no" and "Old Man Scruples"
won a rare victory.
The new column of the dally paper
have carried many stories written with
much elation and so indlng rhetorical
cymbal, about the huge war orders that
American manufacturer are filling, but
only, occaalonally, very occaaionally, has
there been . in announcement of the re
jection of uch order. In two or three
Instance "Old Man onplea" flopped
In, and thl Is one of the rare occasions
when he was numbered among those
Frederick E. Wadaworth, prominent
among the manufacturers of automobile
accessories, stationary engines, motor
boat and canoe, la the man who had the
hardihood to turn down the profit of
17,000,000 on a war order.
Among Mr. , Watowrth' enterprise
are the Michigan Steel Boat company and
the Detroit Engine worka. In connection
with ' these Industries he ; run several
large machine ahopa. His London agent
knew all about thoae machine shops and
their capacity and resources. As a mat
ter of fact, they are being used now to
fculld 60,000. abetter tenta for the British
army. So the London agent got buay and
the reault was the cablegram Mr. Wada
worth received. It was an order from the
British war office for 500,000 rifles of the
Mauser type at $29.00 per rifle. Such Im
plements of war can be bought here) for
116, and the profit on th.e deal would
mean at least 17,000,000.
Twenty per cent of the total sum was
to go with the order and $12,000,000 of It
were' guaranteed by English banker.
Deliveries need not be' completed until
December and Mr. Wadaworth knew that
he could easily turn out the rifles. The
barrel of the gun, the only part dif
ficult for him to handle, he could con-
tract for In the. east and alao in a city In
I Michigan. But he cabled "no." Within
twentr-four houra after his rejection of
the order Mr. Wadaworth iii In receipt
of nearly 100 lettera commending him for
the stand he had taken.
' fl ' " "JLZZZ" "
Z s?r?ZZza ' """" .
4, :
1916 Model
Months ahead of "all others in its announcement, a fuU year ahead in the value it
offers, conies the 1916 Empire Model 33 touring car. New models have no signifi
cance if numbers alone are changed the Empire Model 33 is an advanced car through
out, the result of exhaustive experimental work and a year's testing. We had not
intended announcing this new model for months to come, but the demand of Empire
dealers and customers' took every one of our 1915 models before March 1 took every
.car we had to offer. This tremedous demand for the Empire gives the car buyer the
opportunity of securing this wonderful 1916 model this spring.
In thii latest Empiro r combined many new feature. There la that attention to detail of body do.
sign and general finish heretofore considered impossible in a car selling for less than $1,400. Eiie,
power, quality and equipment, considered separately or collectively, give the Empire Model 33 rank
above all cars of Its class. It retains the sturdlness, ability, economy and easy riding qualities that have
made the Empire famous and this now to an even greater degree. Note carefully these refinements.
BlTKer la every way than any previous Empire the
wheel baa U 113 Inches, No other car selling for
$875,000 haa such length. Thla long wheel base
with longer, especially designed spring makea the
Umpire the easiest riding car la the American field.
Larger four-cylinder motor developing SS horsepower.
Increasing again the reserve power for which the
Ejjjplre can are noted. Weight well below 1,(00
pounds, assuring economy of fuel and tires.
Left-side drive with center control greatest con
venience for driver and passengers,
Streamline) flush aide body et eitra roominess. The
standard body color Is Brewster green. New type
upholstery ot genuine leather afford maximum comfort.
FuU floating single bearing rear aile this construc
tion takes all weight from the driving shafts and
absolutely prevents oil reaching brakes.
Five-how one-nian top accurately described by lta
name. Five-bow tops, with Inside quickly operated
curtains, have heretofore been limited to cars sell
ing for several hundred dollars more than the.
lUroy electric atariing and lighting fully guaranteed
for one yearthis starting Installation requires no
intermediate gears or dutches. Silent and positive
In, operation. No other car to our knowledge carries
a i manufacturers' one-year warrant , on electric
Extra large, rounded top honey-comb radiator cells
of expanding type to prevent bursting in case ot
Combination headlights powerful searchlights for
country driving with small dim lights for city use.
Low center of gravity because of the dropped frame
car holds road at all speed prevents skidding and
lessens tire wear.
While the world famoua race driver
are gathering from far and near to
demonstrate their proweaa on .the In
dianapolis speedway, there Is much com
ment In auto circles regarding the dif
ferent favorites. No one, however. Is In
the glare of the Irme-llght HKe the
master driver of the world, Barney Old-field.
Hla wonderful Hat of victories since he
drove the flret American ar acrosa the
line at Indianapolis last Decoration Pay
has made him the most conapcuou figure
In the coming race. '
One of Barney" a most notable victories
was in the race from Ix Angelea to
Phoenix, acroaa the worst kind of west
ern country. Barney drove the entire 6
mllee In 23:35:W. He mode but one tire
change In th entire trip. His tire equip
ment was Firestone.
Barney always uaes Firestone tires,
which, as he states, are hla only life insurance.
No rebuilt pleasure car will ever
erve efficiently aa a truck. Tho
excesalve upkeep cost of the rebuilt
lob would easily Juetify your buying
a COMMERCE truck at $976.
goae Taraam. Boaalaa MOO.
"Facts don't blow out."
Mr. Squeegee
I 4
The people who built the Pyramids did y
a job that has nelver been beaten. .
From foundations to cap-stones they
were constructed to endure."
There was no overweight f where and no
part was too weak or too light to match the other parts. "
Hence the lasting qualities of the Pyramids.'
Diamond. Tires are built, as the Pyramids
were built, to last.
Every. part is made to wear just, as Jong as
the other parts endure.
Consequently Diamond Squeegee Tread Tires
mad a record in 1914 that has never been matched.
Send for our book of letters from dealers who
sold Diamond Tires in 1914.
It tells how more than 99 out of every 100 of
-the more than half a million Diamond Tires sold last
year gave maximum service at minimum mileage cost.
It is yours for the asking.'
Diamond Sqaeegee Tires are sold at Utese
I Diamond e, DiamoQ
Bqueegeo , Squeegee
SO a 3 $9-45 34 a 4 2&3S
30a3VJ 12.20 30x4& 28.70
32 a 3J4 14.00 37 a 5 33.90
33 a 4 20.00 38 x 8 46.00
Positive-' Experts On All
Strahls & Anderson
Red 4473. 2059 Farioam.
' taB9 Iflil f
I,. I, i -i
BUY Direct SAVE HALF the Cost.
From Factor? to Vnr l.M, ' IT TO. ' tU.tS us.
Boat oofora 14 M. M 60, , l an a
Writ for Ktm Sample ana Prion.
Auto 8claltr Factorr. lout 8Ttn St., Cln'U, O.
Wanta swap something for
something else more useful
to you? Uge the Swappers'
column of The Bee.
Stud these points carefully. Do you know of any car at less than 11.400 which combines such points of ex
cellence? And they are but a few of the many Empire extra-value features. As dealers for the Empire product in
this territory we invite you to call and Inspect this beautiful, sturdy 1911 model, and by demonstration prove to you
the capabilities of this advanced car. Deliveries lihout delay.
Jefferyj Omaha Company, Distributors.
2052-58 Farnam Street.
Geo. C McVicker, Mgr. Omaha, Nebraska
' 1 (
New Six
"New Thoroughbred,,
THIS new Six-40 has all of the
Chalmers quality, at SHOO,
the lowest price at which a Chal
mers was ever sold.
But it looks different than any
other car Chalmers or otherwise.
Its radiator is high and narrow, giving
, n smart appearance, unlike anything else
.on the road.
It acts differently.
On account of its new type of engine
lt.gets unaer way instantly.
It can go fast, but it isYasily controlled.
It is just like a thoroughbred mount.
Come and see it.
Quality firat
Stewart-Toozer Motor Co.
2048-52 Farnam Street Omaha Nebraska.
Telephone Douglas 138