HIE BEE: OMAILA, SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1915. OMAHA POLICE FORCE ON THE DAY OF THE ANNUAL INSPECTION Upper picture showi the entire Omaha police department on the steps at the central police station. Lower pictures shows the motorcycle squadron of the Omaha police. )r"' If, 1 it ' " - T r Til II IRISH CHIEF WON'T ; BECOfilKjiiimsTER Redmond Exported to Have Refined , to Enter Beorganited Non ptrtit&n Cabinet. BELIEF FOR EARL KITCHENER LONDON, May il.The national government, which Is to golde the British empire for the duration of the war, Is now In process of for mation. The leaders of the political parties were In conference through out the day, arranging detail. . No statement has been made ai to the personnel of the new ministry, eicept that premier Asqulth and Foreign Secretary Grey will remain in the pot which they now hold. Thus far, all the statement an to tha allotment of officer have been based largely on surmise. Inmf Cprl -h. ' It appears certain, however, that there will be a new civil heed of the admiralty enu war offee. respectively, ar.d ioslbly changes In the professional heads as wall or at any rate, a readjustment of. the responsibility. Kail Kitchener, the secretary of w.a, It Is generally screed has too much to do In the direction of the war,, raising new armies and the organisation of the output of munitions, and some ef these tulles will be shifted to other shoulders. Chancellor Lloyd Oeorce end Andrew J toner U. lcaler of the apposition are about equally favored for civil head of the war office, and A. 3. Balfour is men tioned for a similar position In the ad miralty. In the latter caae, there Is some daubt as to whether Mr. Balfour would consent to accept this position. However, there Is to be a complete cbance In the whole government Includ ing not only the cabinet, but the under secretaryships as well as the posts, will be distributed amonc the liberals, union ists, and laborlties according- to their atrength in the house. Irish Stand Aetile. The nationalists. It Is understood, have definitely doclded to stand aside. T. P. O'Connor, in one article ef his weekly newspaper, says that the John Redmond, the nationalist leader, respectfully re fused the offer of a seat In the cabinet and adds: "I have no deubt he felt that such a refusal was Imposed upon htm by the conditions of Irish public life. The Irian jby , denunciation from the bench of a party has a tone unbroken tradition Be hind It of single-minded and self-sacrificing devotion to the cause of Ireland, and probably many of Mr. Redmond's countrymen might think he would have broken that tradition or he would at least be charged with breaking It were he to take any office until home rule has been established." It has boen suggested that the oppor tunity Is a cood one te Include represen tatives of the Dominion la the govern ment, hut as this would Involve a very great rhang It Is not likely to be -considered. "v-a -f . i - ' ! r. : M. S"S N W.-S - J : HAYE HOT TIME AT THE RIGGS TRIAL Judge Rebuke Lawyer Who Threat ' em to Leare Cue and Then Calls Foe Militate.. COURT PEEVED OYER A REPORT . . WASH INQ TON , May 21.Argu ment became contentious and bitter today In the rase of tha Rlggs bank against the - secretary of tha treasury, th comptroller of the currency and tha treasurer as former Senator Bailey presented to Justice McCoy the bank's opposition to the motion to. dismiss the temporary Injunction granted 'against ' the treasury offi cials, .i '! Mr. Dailey's argument began with a claah between himself snd Justice Mo Coy, which led to the lawyer's threaten ing to withdraw from the case after a rebuke from the bench. ' litiro'vra lime Warm. Later, as Mr. Halley continued, he was GERMANS TAKEPORT OF RIGA Dispatch to London Daily News from Copenhagen Says Great City of Czar is Captured. TEUTON READY FOR NEW FOES - LONDON, May 21. A dispatch to the Dally News from Copenhagen says:v - "It la stated that the Germans have captured Riga, on the Gulf of Riga, In northwestern Russia. "A private dispatch reports a big naval battle Jn the Baltic" Read Rattle Port. Riga is Russia's principal port on the Baltic aside from Petrograd. The torn lies at the head of the Gulf of Riga, 812 miles southwest of Petro grad. It is an Important industrial and commercial center,' its Industrie being the manufacture of machinery, railroad cars and to"bacco. It has a population of about 300,000. -many of whom before the war were Germans. Interrupted time after time by ftamuol I Beally Vote for Wir ITmLMi... ... . ..i , i 1 Anv Mmilnln. Kama . t. TI.1. ' 1 ... j wr w . . uiior i iur v ii wipnq- . ...... w ........ . . . m j wvum ants, who dlnputed his Interpretation of maintain Its neutrality waa abandoned the facts.; The Interruption of several tlila evening when ths Italian chamber cases precipitated rather heavy heated I conferred upon the government eatraorw exchangee. Before the arcument started ths at mosphere had been charged with tmslpn newspapsr report, of yesterday's proceed Incs, which Justice McCoy characterised ae Incorrect and "deliberate If not ma licious." i Mr. Bailey, after declaring that Mr. t'nt. rmyir ycsturcTay had mlSBtated "prao tleally every fart Involved In the case," proceeded to reply In detail to Mr. l.'n termyer's argument. lis occupied ths entire dsy In his discussion, and will conclude his argument on the law of Ithe case tomorrow. Justice MoC'oy let tt be known during the day that he probably would take the case under advisement for some time. Germany's Answer To American Note Almost Complete WAHIIINOTON. Msy H.-Oenneny's reply te the American note, sent a week age todsy, ss a coneequence of the Iual taiila tragedy and other violations of rights ta the war sone, la alraoet com plete, according to advteee which have reached here through diplomatic chaa nel. The return of Emperor William from the eatm front is said to be awaited by the Impertod chancellor and tbe min ister ef foreign affairs, before the docu ment Is ' put Into final form' for pre sentatioa to Ambassador Oerard. It may teach here neat Tuesday or Wednesday. Ths laeuanre today by the British for eign office of aa explanation of the de tentions of Ainertcaa cargoes was re ceived with mm-a Interest 1a official juartere, but without comment. ,Wblle the memorandum explains some of the points taken up ta a note under prepara tion to be seat to Great Britain, It was e14 by some official that the United Htates bad not yea obtained a aatisfao tory explanation of Its original Inejniry with resfeat te England's right to heJt any cargoes of aoneontrahs aa. Including cotton, consigned to neutral ports, which cannot be blockaded under lc tarnation al law. Neither tha State department or the Oermaa or Austrian embassies bad any positive information as to the tone or tharacaer of the German reply te the American note. Trial of Charlton Fixed for July Eighth YMO. Italy. Vay H. Vla rrts. May i Ths trial ef Porter Chart too, the Amerigo who Is charged wtth having :nun)ered bis wife and cast, her body adrift in Iaks fomo la a trunk, bas been Austrians Continue To Collect Slavs By the Thousands VIENNA. Austria. (Via London) May a. In an official statement Issued by the Austrian war department today the an nouncement was made that CMM mora Russian prisoners were captured yester day la battles along the upper Dnelster liver in Gallcla. The text of the statement folio 'To the east of Jaroslau and Btenlawe (In oeutral Qallrla) strong Rue slsa attacks were repulsed with severe lueses te the enemy. "The allied Oermantc troops art gaining ground In the eaat and -southeast of Galicla. We captured aa additional l.too prisoners In battles along ths upper Dnelster. In one sector to the north of Sambor the Russians were drtvea from their mala defensive positions. "Ws stormed a village sis mllse south west of Moeviska. "Along the Prut line the situation Is unchanged. "In a brief counter attack te the north ef Koiomea. we eaptured L0S prisoners." All Aliens in Italy Ordered to Register BHSBSBBSSaS ROME. May 3 -(Vla Paris. May - A rejral decree Issued this evening pro vides that all foreigners In Italy must register with the police within three days from today. Failure to meet the require meats of the decree will be punished by arrest sad fine. ITALIANS SEIZE GERMAN SHIP LOADED WITH RICE PARIS. May U -A Haves dlepatch from Rome says the Naples customs authori ties have eelsed a atsamsMp carsro of dlnary powers in the event of the out break of, war. Thl Is considered a vote in favor of war, for which the government has made ail preparations and the prospects of v.l Ich have aroused the greatest entnusl asm throughout Italy. The German and Austrian ambaaaadors were still In Boms tonight, but. according to dispatches from Berlin, their one care now Is to ar range for the safety of their nationals remaining In Italy. A formal declaration "of war. or per haps action without a formal declaration. Is expected momentarily. At any rate, all preparations for naval and military action have been made on both sides, and It is quite possible that while the Italian premier, Bignor Salandra. was ex plaining to the chamber and the world the policy of his government the troops on the frontier and the navies In ths Adriatic had anticipated diplomat lo action. - Italy, naturally will have to look first to , its ' frontier, but It Is) expected that Its entranoe into the war will compel Austria, and perhaps Germany also, to withdraw some? troops from the Russian frontier, where they are hammering at the Russian lines particularly to the northwest and south of Prsemyst, In middle Qallda. This hammering,' according to the Aus trianand German reports. Is having its effect, for they claim that the Russians are being driven back from the liver Ban In the region of Jaroslau and that the circle around Prsemyst Is tightening. At other parts of the front the Russians appear to be withstanding the attacks and In the Opatow region in aouthern Poland, they have themselves taken the offensive. This, however, will be useless to them unless they can prevent the Austrians and Germans from making a further ad vance In Oallds, ' Decisions Awardedv In Peace Oratorical Contest at Mohonk MOHONK LAKn, N. T.. May Orators from ths Atlantic seaboard won first and second prises tonight In the ninth national contest of the Intercol legiate Peace association. There were six conteetants,- representing every sec tion of tbe country and chosen by three elimination contests, held suooesalvely la college, state and group ef states. Their orations were Judged the best of about MO orators representing twenty-four states. The final prises, awarded tonight after a speaking contest before tha members of the conference on international arbi tration, were distributed as follows: First: 1100. Frederick W. Wennerberg. Boston college, r presenting tha North Atlantic. Second: ISO, Wllford Booher, TTnlvei sity of West Virginia, representing the South Atlantic group. Third: 170, N. Earle Plnney, University of Michigan, representing the centnU group. Fourth: . Roy Painter, Washburn college (Topeke), representing the west ern group. Fifth: ISO. W. W. Isles, University of Oklahoma, representing the southwest ern group. Ftxth: MO, Clareneo J. ' Toung. ' Reed college (Portland,' Ore.), representing? the Psclfle coast group.. Movememts off Oeesus Steamers.' Ball. OmiSTlAWlA. GENOA DARCEI.ONA.. NAPLES ArrleM. ..BsrssMftorS.... ,r. M TJstae, . Horns. . D. D. Abreast. Civs Ycsr Children Mett (o llcimlt Quantities . Serve Cthtr Rutri- , Jisus Feods. Children should be given meat only la moderate quantlttee. In the first place. It In overheating when eaten to exceae, it taxes tne digestion very eeeerely and. from an economic standpoint, there are many other foodstuffs that are Just as nutritious. Writing on spaghetti and allied prod ucts, Ir. Hutchison, one of the world's foremost dietitians, saye that "they cjre abaorbed akmoat In their entirety." - This means that practically every morsel of Faust Spaghetti 'Which is made from Durum wheat, a cereal ex tremely rich In g!uten--goea to enrich the blood and build up the body.- Faust Fpaghetii la very easy to digest and easy to. prepare. And the many ways it can be prepared to tease . the palate Is truly surprising. Large packaee lOo. Berve It often, especially to the children. maull, nnos. . 8C Louis, U.S. A. 9 ITS oh SALE OT 8 BBflY 88 -THflH MflUF IBI6E No other store in Omaha can offer you such inducements. Prices have reached their lowest level, and our easy terms of payment are ex-' tended just as cordially as if you were paying the regular prices. immw. si AT.LE Choose from our entire stock of ladles' Suits that formerly sold as high as 22. sHturuay. at, oniy . 1 Your choice of all onr Ladles' Butts that formerly sold as high as $30 and 14 5.00, In all sites. Saturday, at, only 7 C J A Pretty Gold Decorated, 31-Piece Lunch Set Given Absolutely FREE Saturday to Every Purchaser of a Suit Values Bp To $25 (V? f?a On t&9 Sitarday, Of .iHD)' w New Summer Waists, SS up. Idlee Pimps, 93.00 up Silk IH-cssra, worth 925, at 90J10. Girls' Ureases, from M np IavHee Hats, worth to fo, at lMc to 92.9 New Taffeta Skirts, 90.00 Kl9 ypiT:!&T BOYS' SUITS am STRAW HATS All the popu lar models, with the va rtous styles of crowns and' brl'n up from Saturday Men's Quit Special for a leader Saturday we offer 17S Men's Itlue Kerss fciutts. In all sixes, rut In the newest eprlng styles, snd guaranteed to give sstUf action. This is oar regular 110 SS brand. Oa sale cUturdey on credit, at ouly BEE) bmMsWs loMssanammel iligi IP bsawwgggsw In both light and dark col ore. In all si see. pries 4 v . up from $3.50 Vcrld's Livctf Credit Clothier Op Till 13 Saturday lights 1417 Douc'ao St. Extra Special Values at Hartman's iou cannot eqnal thesis values anywhere. Comparison will prove It. Sold on the eewtlest of terms to snit your conreTdence and no payment reinred when sick or out of work. Brass Bed. opring and Mattress Complete $11.75 n ri s j MOT J WONDERFUL, VALUE) IK A THREB-PTECE BRAB9 BED COMBINA TION. The bed le well made, jruaranteed, standing ( Inches high. Uaa heavy two-Inch posts and ten fillers, finished In satin. Fprlnr in an all angle iron rrame, neary woven wire top, copper con supports in me cen ter. - aiattrese is maae or sanitary rmre witn sort cotton top, covered with heavy ticking. Complete outfit only M in in c,n" $11.75 Solid Oak Dresser A NEAT DESION IN A WEU constructed Bolid Oak Dresser, has three roomy drawers fitted with wood pulls. The mirror le pattern shaped. French beveled plate, eet In artistically turned stannaxaa. r.asiiy worm 1 1 1.S0 Aiir crlne . . 7 BO OAgtSr, TM A KOSTK 12-Sectioit Adjust able Dress Form ea si&ntiihrad. $6.50 THE OVL.T DRBfl8 FORM ON TtVB MARK 1ST - THAT will positively reproduce any form. Will . Instantly dupli cate any feminine figure Just the thing for fining over old dreeeea. Very easily ad- irsiceft-o. $10.90 morrow st only. . ee tlX CASK. (1.00 A WOsTTS Hawv i gssw mmmmm - --' r a. m - mi a niM r mm VT TTTl TT7 T77 HARTMAN'S GREAT Premium Offering In addition te the many wonderful b st rains offered for tomorrowe sell ing, we give away absolutely free of chars, this beautiful 41-plece gold decorated dinner set with every pur chase of 1(0 or ever, cesit or credit. St Mimteu Q 1 rhTftvi 8 Specials in Our Summer FurnitureDepte ! I WTfkJf I sT VP. JIMP tI TTfT' l" fro Complete Olsvlag ef Jksed aatt Vllrre Tumtturs Ooaelsts ef tne nee Amerioaa aad Xaa. . worked Makaw . -1, t ft I i i i ir-Vtfcl A HIGH BACKET COWFORTABL.B Porch or Bun room Bocker. Frame constructed of hard wood, finished froldsn. Has doubls cane seat, atout y reinforced. A serviceable rocker for outdoor or In door use. Specially prtcid at' auie rocser $15S A IITOH QRADB! WILLOW ROCK ER, suitable for living room, bed room or porches. Finely finished in Dsroniai brown. In high ends tm- baronial brown. In hlgl Crted reed. Well made ana exceedingly com fortable, at J2.69 y: m J - - . fcJf J VUS OUR LAUGH BB LECTION ef roomy Porch Swings, mads of solid oak with alat and (Panel bacits, finished In bt r 1 y English, aru strongly bolted and made with heavy top nd bot tbm rail. They are equip ped with galvanised chains and calling hoog suid meaaure Itaches long, specially priced up from jus V L Onr Famous Special 4 Rooms FurniaLed Complete $99 93.00 a Month Pays for It A LATE MODEL COLLAPSIBLE OO-CART. mads with ateel frame, adjustable back and dash. Large hood, 1 0-Inch wheale and heavy rub ber tires, raids com pletely with one mo tion. Our low price only. $4.95 WHTTE ENAMEL LINED REFRia KRATOR, OF MODERATE SIZE. Full paneled and beavlly limulated. Roomy provision chamber, fitted witn one shelf, 16 lb. Ice rapacity. A big value, only Mr. ntted $6.25 Some Money-Saving Rug Opportunities look Them Over and Note the Special Price. A fine 6s Brussels Rug 6R OR at onlir UiU A remarkable value in en -IxlO-t brussels J9t5 Splendidly woven hlrh pi ??u..,rrsii.7B Heavy Monarch Brussels ftua. else sal! ft., orlsn- tal or floral deelsn ouly $10.98 r le 'WW 7 1414-141G-1410 DOUGLAS ST. ia4 tut Juiy C. I.4O0 tous of rics cvaslgaed ta Germany