Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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    THK HKK: OMAHA. SATl'liDAV, MAY 22. liir
Lenocker Re-enlisU in Navy After
Deliberating on Subject Tout
Months in Five States.
Not all men who hesitate are lost.
. Curtis C. Lnocker hesitated about re
nllattnf In the United States navjr.
Ha hesitated for four months.
He hesitated In five states.
And now he la not lost. .
On the contrary. he has "found him
self Ha la araln a member of the navy,
having been enlisted at the local recruiting-
station under the auspice of Chief
Yeoman High and Lieutenant Tipton.
Do' sun's Mate IMxon and the "doc."
Lenocker wrote to the department frojn
Olenmont. , O.. February I. lie wroto
aaln on April 1, and wanted to know
whether he could enlist at Omaha, where
ha had enlisted the first time In 1910. Ha
wanted to be sent to the Paclflo coast,
that'a why he wanted to enlist In Ouiaha.
On April 17 he received word that he
could, enlist at Omaha.
On May 11 he presented himself hero,
having paid, hla own transportation f rem
Ohio to Omaha.
But Mr. Lcnocker was hesitating
A couple ef days later he reappeared
and stated that he hadn't decided. However,-
he said he would undergo the phy
sical examination.
And the doctor discovered that Ie
nocker teeth were In bad condition.
"Que we'll have to reject you," said
the "doc."
In that Instant Ienocker' hesitation
vanished. Now,' It was hla dearest wish
to Join the navy.
The authorities consented te write to
Waahlng-ton to see' If the Navjr depart
ment "wouldn't waive objection on the
teeth, Lenooker besought a telegraphic
reply. This wag Saturday:
Monday came a letter from lnooker
at Stewart, la., stating ha was visiting;
friends- tfcara and to let htm know the
minute word came ' from Washington.
Tuesday cam a letter from him at Pex- Ia., asking 'that they' telegraph at
hla expense when the longed-for word
name. Wednesday came a telegram from
him, and about the same "tiros came a
telegram from Washington bringing; the
Klad news that the navy would take
him, teeth "attd' all.' ; ; ' . ' , v
' A wlra W Pextw.i a train to Omaha
and happy reunion. of old' Father. Navy
and long-lost child, Curtis C. Lenocker.
He'll be ' fireman, first class.
ltirrf An T inn
Announces Many
Changes in Trains
The Hnrllngton s passenger train sched
ule made necessary by the establishing
Of through train service from Omaha to
the Pacific coast In connection with ,ths
Cnlon Pacific, beginning May 30. hag ne
cessitated numerous changes In the 'ar
rival and departure of other passenger
Trains Nos. 1 west and 10 eastbound
Letter.Travels but ;
One Bloclc Each Hour
Within City Limits
'.'A fearful and wonderful thing Is tha
United States postofflce," said a man
who called at the office of Postmaster
Wharton Thursday.
i He 'lias Just had thiol, question;, an-,
i swored:
"If 'It takes a letter forty-three hours
I to go forty blocks, how long will It take
a letter to go from Omaha to New
The answer was:
"It will take a letter thirty-five hours
to go from Omaha to New York."' '
In othar ords, a letter will-travel the.
1.400 -miles between Omaha and the
metropolis in eight hours less than It-will
travel tha forty blocks from Twentieth
and O race streets to Forty-third aiid
Dodga streets. j
The Irate visitor to the postmaster's of
flcs had mailed a letter At Twentieth and
Grace at 6 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. At
30 o'oloek Thursday morning It had not
yet arrived at its destination. Forty-third
and Pod ire streets.
Why Is this thus?
It was oaplalned ' to he" man that the;
letter slumbefed tn the mall box 'peace
fully from 6 p. m. Tuesday until 10 a. m.
Wednesday. Then it was collected by
the regular mall carrier, who arrived In
the course of Ume at station A. Twenty
fourth and Ohio streets. .He arrived just
a little too late to catch the mail dis
patched at noon to the central office.
.So tha letter lay In Station A until evening-,
when It was delivered to the central
station. ! t -
It was than taken to the Walnut Hill
station, where it spent Wednesday night,
and was taken by the postman Thurs
dsy morning, and was due to reach
Forty-third and Dodge streets about
noon. .j..-. ... . ...
"A little less than a block an hour!"
grumbled the man as he left the office.
"Some speed 1"
Little Bennle Cotton is found. In fact
he never was really lost, although his
mother, Mrs. Lucy Cotton, of the Colonial
apartments didn't know of his where
abouts all Thursday night and bad the
police and a host of friends searching
for him.
At a. m., Bonnie, who la years of
age, was found curled up, fast asleep.
In a dark back hallway of tho Colonial,
where he had fallen asleep the night be
fore. He had been "mad" In a childish
way Thursday evening, and wouldn't
apologise for something when his mother
; insisted. Instead, he hid in the bark
i hallway and had the whole neighttornoud
: and 109 policemen worried.
Bonnie la a grandson of Mrs. Herman
KounUe. and his mbther Is a neire of Mr.
and Mrs. John H. Brady.
wit! he restored and wilt handle the coast
business. No. 1 will arrive tn Omaha
from Chicago, reaching the station at 7
o'clock In the morning and leaving ten
ni'nutee later. At Denver Its sleeping
ear equipment will he taken over by tha
I'nlon Paclflo and hauled west. No. 10.
the corresponding train eastbound, will
take equipment from the Vnlon raclflc
at Denver and bring It through Omaha,
arriving at 1:10 In the morning. . 4
Coming eaet the Omaha and Chicago
equipment off the Timings train will ha
switched to No. 10 at Uncoln Instead of
being brought on to Omaha on No. as
The early morning train out of Omaha
for Lincoln will leave here at T.V In
stead of at T:2 o'clock as now. It will
arrive at : o'clock, going onto a sldlnt
to make room for the passing of trains
Nos. 1 and 1 Train No. 9. getting In
hers from Chicago at 1111 In tha morn In,
will carry through Pacific coast sleepers,
which it will deliver to the Vnlon Pa
clfto at Denver to be hauled by that road
and the Pan Pedro te Los Angeles.
tsir atewMlr iBdlarestloa Cared.
Tour stomach '. and bowels need clean
ing out Dr. King's New Life Pills give
quick relief. Only Sc. AH druggists.
Double Track for
Postoff ice is to Be
Installed at Onco
Complete reconstruction of the drive
way back of the post office, laying of a
double track In place of the present
single track for tha mill ears, the plac
ing of two switches, tha enlarging of the
platform for shipping and receiving
mall, the erection of a new "marnulse,"
or awning and tha complete repaying of
the driveway are Included In voluminous
; government plans and specifications with
i blue prints .lust completed by the gov
ernment. Custodian Cadet Taylor has
advertised for bids for the work, bids to
be opened June 4.
The grade of the driveway will also be
changed In the course of tha roeonstnir.
tlon, this being done to oorrect serlnus
defects In drainage.
The double track, with its two switches,
will supply a long-needed facility for the
handling of the mall cars. The Increased
business at the Omaha, rfflce has been
so great that it has mado the Improve
ments absolutely necessary.
Bee Want Ads Produce Result.
Th Jacksonlan club Is even throw-Ink;
down the bars now and Inviting tha pub
tlo to Its free rotirse of educational talk,
the first of which Is to he given at thai
quarters on the Sixteenth floor of ths
City National hank building Saturday
night W. H. Ore-en la to talk on the tisri,
of sn Auditorium under municipal owner.
shp and also on Omaha's need t,f a ne-v
charter. This Is to ba tha first of s
series of talks that are to be given a(
the club for some weeks by various;
speakers on Omaha and public quea
fit tj-fTtrmn"T"' "!' , ... , -,-.-. ,.ih
ULAYrfl ? M a
sn n Abo,
i n Vst&L' .......
i lit i f Untrimmed Hats
I ' sell to $2.00
I I y or tans; big
Inspectors sent here by State Food and
Drug Commissioner Harnian have been
at work for several days Investigating
the purity of milk supplied by the various
milkmen and dairy concerns of Omaha.
A number of complaints have been made
: concerning milk that is deficient in but-
Complaints will be filed against a num
ber of dealers whose product the In
spectors' have found to be deficient.
Oar Jitney" orrer Tats r be.
lMa't mlii this. Cut out this slip,
enclose with bo to Foley A Co., Chicago,
Til., writing your name and address
, elearly. You will receive in return a
; trial packayntaalng' Foley's Honey
and Tar Compot'Vi', for roughs, rolda
and croup; Fley nTJdney Pills, for pains
ia sides snd back, rheumatism, back
ache, kidney end bladder aliments: end
Foley .Cathartic .lahlets. a wholeaums
and thoroughly rleanaing cathartic Stout
people enjoy them. Said every whare.-i
$1.00 Auto Caps 50c
In vrry fine popUn .with ? Untie hand and
at raps for veil, the best ntp cap made.
$1.85 Aato Telle, Tboa full else silk chiffon
veil. In tha most popular colors; remarkable
v special.
ISc Handkerchiefs 7c
A big Una of pure linen, beautifully embroid
ered and extra 'large cambric handkerchiefs,
rexuiar 15c to 20c values, at . . . ; 74
B9c Tooth Brashes. 10 All new goods, all perfect;
greatest value ever offered; regular I6o value lOe
Ladies' Neckwear
Saturday we will show a complete new line
of Novelty Neckwear, including Veelees,
Collar and Cuff Sets. etc. In four very
choice lota; at -...It, nae, eo and TBo
An Immense assortment from which to make
your selections.
U j
$5 Trimmed Panamas
f nf t.bftm. it1l bpnutifuUv trimrnwl: cro on ,
thorn, all benutifully trimmed; go on
Sata'rd.iy morning at just ftbont half
ar jirico ,
y of artistic" dpsigns.'trimniod in flowcrti,. ribbons and
city etick-up effects: every. lint worth $3.00 and up to 5.o(.
Untrimmed Panama Special $ 49
250 to select from, penuin Formosa bod- B
ies; regular $2.50 values. . . .
$2.00 New Ostrich Pompons The very
smart ostrich orapons (illustrated)
made of beautiful long ostrich flues, very
full -with ,two feelers, fin
ished with small ostrich
ends; black or white, at. . .
- Mude to
black, white
assortment, 79
Children's Hats Choice of
our entire stock, mark d to
sell to $5; at one price, 98
Wonderful bargains from one of the most advantageous manufacturers'
we ever made. Don't miss these. .
Solid, Gold Top Jewelry, La Val
Jteres, , Cliff Link,' , Broaches.'
Pierceleag Ear Screws ftc!, to 1
values, Saturday ......... . 25
Bterllng SUver Hat llns, to 60c
values. Saturday 10
Pearl Necklaces, to 11.00 values,
Saturday 25c
.Khlnestone Barrett and Pins, to
$1 values,' Saturday ....... 25
91.00 Alarm Clocks, at .V. -50s?
Silver Teaspoons, regular fl val
ues, per set of 6, at ...... 50
(1 6oUd Gold Baby Ring . .50
75c Sterling Sliver Thimbles 10
Silver PUted Knives, Forks and
Souvenir Spoons, at lO
Children's Darrettes, plain or
fancy, snaps at 5
Collar Buttons, 4 on card
Vanity Card Cases and Mesh Bags,
snap at 5Q
On Main Floor
Bevy of Charming Bargains Women's Apparel
$20.00, . $22.50 and $25.00 Tailored Suits. '
Over 700 to; select from ; on Q ft
sale Saturday at, choice. . . . . .yfU
Com in most 'wanted wool fabrics, in- '
eluding n splendid line of .nobby check
suitings, also n good assortment of the
popular Palm Uenches. All sizes, both
women's and raises'.
Beautiful New Silk Suits. .. .$25.00 soil at; .$33.00 and $40.00. A
claasy a lot of designs as one could wishj
artistically tailored. Come in taffetas, .
silk failles, also ii fine ' assortment of ,
Wool fabrics: choicest lot of values of
tlie season. , ,
Nobby Coats 185
of them, in silks,
corduroys, coverts,
serges, poplins, etc,
$18 to $22.50 val
ues, big assortment
at $10.00
Beautiful Waists,
in Georgette,
crepe, silk crop
de chines, laces,
novelty silks, etc.,
all colors, $5.00. to
$7.50 values; your
choice . . . .$3.95 .
Elegant New Dresses, $19.50, $25.00 to
$50.00 -7-Broad asortment of exquisite
designs for all occasions; surpassing val
ues at each price,
Children's Summer Urease An. Immense showing of Dresses for the
little tots, wnd older ones too exceptional values.
White Dresses, sices from 1 to 14 i Nobby Waah Dreeaea, Immense as
years, at prices from 31.50, aortment. at 70s, 8t.45
S1.05 up to ..... .,,.-810.00 land 81.05
New Dreaa Bklrta As classy a lot
as you ever looked at, In Silk Taf
fetas, Failles, Plaids, Novelties,
etc., unusual valuea at sale prices,
83.05. 85. 87.50 810.
Hat Department.
Men's Panama Hats
All latest ; shapes, pencil curls','
optimo, telescopes,, etc., values to
$7.W, at . . '.. $2.95 and $4.95
' " Men's Straw Hats
In every popular late style and weave.
Sennets, Milans,' China Splits,' Porto
Rlcans, Palms, Shlnkl and . Manila
Braids, $1, 81.50. 82 d $2.50
v ' You'll Save 60c to 1.00 Here,
Boys' and Children's Straws
One of the betst and without doubt most
reasonably priced lines shown In Oma
ha. Very choice, values at. 45. 75
andv. ,-.v.i . . i .-. . . . . . . $1 .00
Children's Washable Duck Hats
Detachable and can be laundered easily,
latent out, the best for general wear,
comes in all colors 5?
i. fl.r
Ladies' Muslin Skirts with circu
lar flounces; Gowns with' dainty
lace " yokea ;' x Envelope Chemise
and Combination Suits; choice as
eortment of values up
to $5,00, Saturday at.
Women's Gowns and Combination Suits,
made to sell to $1.50, good assortment,
on 'sale, choice -49c
Women's Knit Vnlon Suite with crochet
yokes and fine knit vests with hand
crochet yokes, all styles, values to fl,
Women's Knit Union Salts, one big spe
cial lot 25?
14 s)e or Cotton Vests, to BOo values,
comfy cut and other styles, at . . . 190
Women's Aprons, big assortment of val
ues to $1.25, In two lots 4390. 400
On Main Floor
Furnishing Goods
In Domestic Room
Men's Knit Underwear Ribbed,
mesh or Balbriggan shirts or
drawers, in alfcolore i and Of
sizes; Saturday at sCitC
Men's Nhield How Ties, made to sell to
25c, good assortment of colors and pat
terns, on sale, each 50
llo)V and Youth' Hhirts, for dress or
work, to 75c values, with' or without
collars, all styles and colors
on sale 39 and 1Q
Corset Department
-. Main Floor Saturday
$5.00 Standard Corsets Newest
stvles, slightly soiled,
$2.00 Lace Front Corsets, medium bust,
extra long- skirt wltb tongue in froot,
at 81.30
1.50 Ktandard Cornets with extra long
skirt, atx supporters, pink or white,
snap at 81. 10
75c Urassleres, big assortment, front or
bark, fastening, lace and embroidery
trimmed 400
Bust Ruffle, lace and embroidery
trimmed, at 100
Hayden's Meat Specials for Saturday
l'lrst quality Fresh Pork
Koast, er lb B'.O
Klrst quality Krah Pork
Iolns. per lb llte
Klrst quality St'fr pot
Koust, per lb. .SHo-iaVie
hirst quality Fresli Pork
Butts, per lb IlVtO
First quality IlindqaaHrx
Ut-nulne Limn, lb.. 174
lioine-Made hausaRc, at,
per ll. . , tVaO
Honie-Mad Haniberirer. at,
per lb laso
10 lbs. best Leaf lr1 Sao
No. 1 Diamond O Hama. at,
psr lb 144a
No. 1 Lean Bacon, lb.l8)0
So. 1 Hai:k Hat on. Ih.ll44s
6o- pali Pure lard Katur-
aav ror SSa
V rurry a full line t
Frank's famous Milwaukee
l-VeHb dressed Oil kerns
Saturday at Wholesale.
Men's Summer Shirts
to $2 value choice 43c
Samples and surplus of a well
known maker, come in fine percales,
madras, penangs, pongee, French
satinettcs and mercerized fabrics
all finely tailored outing, sport, neg
ligee and dress styles .military or
lay-down collars, or without collars.
Over 300 dozen for solec- M
tion: all colors and sizes; L f
to $5.00 values at.
Men's Hummer Hoae, fine weave, guaran
teed. for 6 months.' Six pairs in
box, special at '. . .
Men's Summer I'nlon Suits, to $8.00 val
ues, in athletic and other popular styles,
derby, ribbed, balbrlfgan, mesh, nainsook,
crepes and mercerised fabrics, three spe
cial lots Saturday at
81.45. 980. 090 490.
.Men's Fiiif Hilk Shirts, 3.00 to $5.00 val
ues, in the season's Iteat colors and pat
terns, collar attached or detached; tbree
very special lots for Saturday
83.93. 82.98 d 81.08.
Hosiery r
.Women's ' Kayser -Silk Hose
Made of heavy ingrain thread silk
with "Bui I Nol" tops; comfort,
security and economy personi
fied; black or white; dl r)
at, pair. ;.J)IaOC
Women's Pure I rye Hilk Hoae with cot
ton garter tops, heels and toes, all
moHt wanted colors, regular and out
les 980
Women's Hilk I loot flose, all the new
colorings to match dresa or shoe tops,
splendid values 49c
Women's Mercerised Lisle Hose, black
or colors, some with split sole and rib
bed tops, special values Sat., pr., 350
Women's Kilk Boot Hose, made to sell
at 60c, special lot while they last, at,
pair 25
On Main Floor
Drugs and Toilet Goods
;r, '.'r H f Morr":::: ::
11. BO box La Trcfle or As urea 'powder' 5
11.(0 bottla Oriental cretin .....Me
60o box powder Da Luxe House ...... SCe
60o box Rica powder t. BM
tftfl tuba Ppnarmlnt tooth past vw...,10
60c tuba Pebeco tooth paata ......... .35
I1.2S Ideal hair brush To
- (Oc ot. White Rosa perfume , .S5a
76o Jar Pompelan maasasa cream ....Boa
(Oo jar Auhry Bisters' cream . .39C
15o assorted talcum powders, at, S for a Bo
Lee'a aliampoo for the hair ......... .BOo
iOo bottle PhenOlas Wafers ':.'.'.. BS4
I dozen S-araln Aspirin Ubteta .'. ; .',.BSS
60o Jar Mentholattim
75o bottle Jd Baits
II 00 bottla Pal
Hepatic 6So
$3.60 bottle llHir
lick's malted milk.
for W.7B
26c box Ilorax
Hilps o
lfni lb. 20 Male
Team Borax ..7e
fi 10c rolls Crepe
Toilet I'aptir . . .BBo
........... i-.... ao
for oo
4 lOo bars Peroxide
aoap 85o
1 0a bar Jap Hose or
Witch . Hazel soap.
:3c Auto Sponses
for ... .lOo
11.26 Auto Chamois
at .u o
SGc Tooth Brushes
at "a
Big Special Shoe Sale Saturday
Saturday we place on sale 850 pairs of women's new, nifty colonial
pumps and strap slippers. This lot of oxfords, slipjwrs and pumps
is from one of tho best shoe factories in Ohiotfjo O50 , Cl W
Values to $4.50; on sale Saturday in three lotsyJ- pi
Men's shoes and oxfords, includ
ing a tan calf oxford, rubber soles
and heels, splendid $4 val. $2.50
Big girls' lace and strap Oxfords,
former price $3.00, odd sizes, JjJl
Jiig girls' tan $3.00 Baby Doll
Button Shoes $1.50
Misses', childs' and infants' Kid
Mary .lane Slippers, turn soles;
pnir, $1.25, 75c and. . . . . . . .50
Grovcr ami Queen Quality shoes
and Oxfords for women; Stetson
and Crossett shoes and Oxfords
for men.
Domestic Room
Men's Spring Bull a, f 12.50 J-f
VBlues, Saturday H v
Blue Serges and Fancies, all sixes 84 to
4 4 breast, in Worsteds, Cassltnere and
Tweeds, all wool fabrics, f;ood styles
end colors.
Domestic Room
Hoys' Wool KullH, 2 pairs. flrj QC
of pants Ds4al70
All are this season's nobby new styles.
In most wanted colors and patterns, all
sizes 6 to ltt years, unequaled else
where for lesa than $3.95. See them.
White Mountain Refrigerators, Some Great Bargains
for Saturday's Special Sale
6 O-lb. capacity refrigerator, gold
en ok cade, 2 shelves, regular
price $13.00, sale price $10.7.1
135-lb. capacity refrigerator,
golden oak case, white lined,
"White Mountain," regular
price $24, sale price . ,$22.fJO
100-lb. capacity "Boston," side
icing, three door style, golden
oak case, white lined, regular
price $25.00 22.50
Lawn Mowers, a Few Real Bargains For Saturday
Special Sale
13.16 Ucn Mowers. If-tnrh eul.
three r blades. Warranted. Hal
price Sa.4t
illfh Wlin-I Ball Heal Ins Lawn
Mowers, three blades ...... $.
Illfh Wheel 4-P.lade Hull Beailns
Ijivn Mowers, fully warranted.
If -Inch cut BS.BS
Crass Catchers 3SO
.'."c Orajis Hooks ISO
6Uc tlrans Hooks 4&o
l.awn Kakea 39o
ToasT.nria. ..
' Soirbls Quantrty aturBay.
10 So Bolls "Gol4 BaBd". aa
10 loe XVolls (Ma Bass" ..aoa
Only 10 rolls to a customer. No
telephone or C. O. D. orders taken.
Read the Big Special Grocery Sale For Saturday
Quality Goods aad a
avlat; of as to 60.
J lla. hast granulated
flii-ar fr SI .00
4N-I. baiks best lilal
(Srade Diamond Ii Flour;
nothing finer for lire.!,
ilea or rakes; uu'k
in hara Laundry W'eeu,
I.enox, Beat 'Kin All or
llainund C 8oap BSo
10 iLs. best White of Yel
low Corumeal 17
10 Ihs. pure New Tork
Hurkwheat Klunr . . Boo
I Ilia, chltk feed, for
youna t'hlrka BSo
rans oil or mustard
sardines BBo
11 o. srs purs fruit
r reserves BBo
2V-oa. Jars pure stralii-l
honey B60
l-lh. cans assorted soiins
at S,s
The best domestic maca
roni, vermicelli or sua-
rhetll. pk T'.S
Tall cans Alaaka shI-
mon lOo
J-anoy Queen olives, ot
at B6
li-ni. ,pkc. rondmised
mime meat TVis
4 rana wax. strlns. areen
or lima beans B6o
4 16-os. rans condensed
milk Bfto
I e-oz. cans rondeuaed
milk aSo
4 Ihs. fancy Japan rire.
10c quality 86e
K ('. linn flakes, ilka" Bo
Krumhlea, all wheat, and
reaxly to eat, pkic Ss
Advo Jell, tor dessert, the
Jell that whips. ika. TWO
I.arae hot t lea Worcester
tauiT, pure tomato cat
sup or pickles, assorted
kinds Site
Jiarshev's breakfast
cocoa, lb Bso
The hest tea sittings. Hi
at 18140
(olden Han too coffee,
ioiinil . BOo
Tbe best Bo. 1 orsamory
Matter, lb 8 so
Kanoy No. 1 country
creamery hiitter, Ih. . BSo
I'ancy dairy table butter,
pound S5e
(Inod dairy table butter.
pound S3c
Tha bast atriitly fieHit
essa, nothlna finer. per
donen BOo
l-'ull cream S'ew York
white. WIsronMlii cream
or Youna Americ a ctieeHe.
pound BOO
Jenny Bros, famous
brick cheese, lb 80s
Imported Hwlss or Hoque-
fort cheese, lb 400
Fat Vp Tour Flaoavvlos
ThU Wssk
We liavo a carload of -extra
fancy fruit noth
ing finer for canning and
the prospects are they
will not be cheaper.
X0 alse. each 100
Per dosen ........ 81.10
24 site, each 13Uo
Per dozen 81.40
Per rase, any elie . BaTS
Too Tsfe table Market lo
tbe VoopU. -IS
lbs. best-oicl potatoes
to the perk ...... ,17Hi
New potatoes, lb SO
ti burii'lies fresh onions Bo
4 bunches fresh rallshe
for Bo
x bunches fresh aspara-
Km for 10o
I'miic v ripe tomatoes, lb ,
at ias
New cabbage, lb. . . l,e
Fresh spinach. icck of 3
tKiUllcts lOo
I- resh beets or carrots,
bum Ii 4o
it Tnv pji Anrr me cineT "
rm I U I aVa tVa tS l3 -3 1 lUv 6 PAYS
Furniture Department
Closing Out Odd Dressers
One Day at Less Than Cost
$25.00 Cirenssinn Walnut Dresser; plank top, 40 inches
wide, 24x3( mirror $19.50
$25.00 Circassian walnut, 42-inch, not plank top, $19.50
$45.00 Mahogany Dreswr,
48-inch plank top, 28x32-in-mirror,
Colonial d e n i k
heavy $32.50
$22.00 ahogany Dresner,
42-ineh top, ewell front,
22x28-in. mirror, $15.00
Small Mahogany Princess
Dresser $14.00
$25.00 Mahogany Dresser,
44-inch top, swell front,
24x30-in. mirror, $19.50
f patterns . golden, oak
Dresser, polished all over;
bold for $22.50, each, $1G
Chiffonier to match, $15
Several odd Malieganv
Chiffoniers .'.SI 5
We have several good !)ressers ou sale
for $7.50, $9.00, $10.00 and $111.50
On Third Floor.