THK HEK: OMAHA. SATUHDAY, MAY 1TJ. YORK SECURES NEW TRIAL United States Court of Appetli Ren ders Decision In Cue of Colfax Grocer. 1E0R MADE AT THE TRIAL (From Puff Correspondent. DE9 MOINES, Is.. Mar Jl.-'Ppeclal "Tlirrmnv A new trinl has nen granted I'f th United Mtat court of appeal In th re of Oeorgs H. Vork. Col fax grocer, convicted of white lavry, ad sentenced to year and a der In prlsoa at Leavenworth. Tork. attained tnach notoriety In connection with the culctde ot Cashier Whetlock of Cotfas. Ota-ens' bank and lb ffort of officials to connect Tork la war with tha financial troubles which led to the sui cide. The failure In Ihla oaee led to action a a tin t htm on a white slave charge, which bad nothing to AO with th bank. Tha new trial U becans of refutal to jtormK testimony of attorneys, who had telked with tha prosemitlng witness In 1h ma. At Work Ralli-Md Cases. Chairman Thome of the state railroad comitUaalon la at wnrk on tha arfumenla in tha western rate cave, and Messrs. anther and Wilson, the other two mom Wa, have been out In tha stats looking at eroaalnx complaints. Thla week they will undertake to gt together on a decl ion Mtot number of matters that have been held up for a lone time because of the work on the big rate csew. Decision. In soma of thi-ee, eaaea would h of great Importance. There la amre 1mratlenca on tha part of the complainant. Amona the caeea waiting for determination are these: Tha Caarmde narrow gauge wldenlnt demand In Dubuque and Jackaon coun ties; the only narrow gauge railroad In tha atate. Tha Milwaukee company 4aJma tt would coat almost aa much to widen aa to build aa entire naw Una and tha bualneea will not warrant tne aama. It la doubtful If an order will be Issued. The Council IMuffe union depot demand. The railroad com pan lea inalat that the commission had not he authority under the law to orrer a union depot and tha fact that tha legislature tried, but failed to ohenire the law giving authority. Ii evidence of recognition that tha law it not bow strong enough. The branch line passenger train serrle. On the Algona branch of the Northwett nln rlther a third train la wanted or an extension of the distance run by one train from Pea Molnea which doe not go over the whole trench. The Oalmar Una of tha Milwaukee hai but one paraengar train a day ar.d the patron desire, two, In accordance with the law or the state as to what shall be deemed adequate sr vtee. Te Eatertala Liberty ell. A committe of Dee Molnea business men la engaged In preparing a special program for tha reception to tha liberty bell July C Tha ball I to arrive In JHa Molnea at o'clock In the evtnlnif nnd leava at midnight going west. Aa the bell will not be removed from tha ear 1 which It Is rerrled whatever ceremonies will have to ba near tha railroad track Special patrtotlo serWea of gome kind will be framed Up. mi te Ke. bearaatlne. It le announced by the animal health department that on June U the last of the quarantine restrictions on live slock In Iowa will te rtmoved. the remaining rilra aa t five or alx eastern lowa fountlea to be cancelled then. nr. I. u. raiton, wha ha been the representative of tha federal government in Iowa, will retire from the work at that time and i-etura to Washington. The fight ha Iwn a long' and egpetislve one for th atate and the federal government, but it la believed ail dsJUtr from foot an-1 mouth disease Is now at an end. Keptera talta Tattercaloele. After nine years of unrelenting warfare on the great white plague A. B. Kepford, elate lecturer, department of tuberculosis, lias tendered his resignation to tha Board ,f Control to take effect July 1. Ir. Kepford was tha first lecturer In tha morld on tuheratilosls that Is, be was the first man to oovote his entire time In an effort to exterminate tuberculosis aa a diseaaa of the masses. Plnee entering the field he has seen a decrease in the mortality from tuberculosis In the sum of Iowa ot Practically a per cent In the pulmaaarr form of this disease. He has traveled aeverai hundred thousand miles In the state, delivered mora than I.00Q lectures, ta say nothing of hundreds of conferences and parlor talks, and be has aPttken ta aver eOO.OOO people. His efforts at listed greatly la the establishment of th state sanitarium at Oakdele aud tha staMlahlng of the department on tuber culosis under the Board of Control. Iowa was the first atate In the union to have such a department. Many other states meanwhile have emulated lowa'l exam pie. The assets of Dr. Kepford have been Indomitable courage and unremitting eu rgy. and &4 haa ao definitely Impressed Mmaolf upon the state at Urge that so ciety has been largely reformed aa a re sult of thla propaganda. In the rapidly declining; death rate from tuberculosis tt would be difficult to establish the vast Influenoea exerted In other directions. The death eurve front pneumonia also hss been rapidly downward, and many great Industrial, educational and social reforms have resulted. He retires of his own ac orl. Dr. Kepford will engage In evange listic work. It la understood he has or ganised a party who, together with him self, will do union tabernacle wofk. Will Probably Release Lindsay. Tha State Hoard of Parole went to work today on a large list of the applica tions for parole or commutation of sen tences, and some of their cases that are before the board for recommendation to LI" .' .-' :l i?: ; : " " " . has nothtag whatever to do with other. lJ n(wl 4ppo(Dled America.. Mmne One of ta. life caa that It - expected M h. returned to Pekla after will be recommended to the governor nr of the principal business center favorably U that ef Earl Lindsay of of Contrary to his expectations. Jasper county, who at the time of his M found th, w,r ha4 uot rtously af. Incarceration was ensaa-ed In making fly- f,otd Chinese oommerc. In fact, many log machines. J Un of business have been greatly bene- rtee Awewere Headereoa. ' filed aa a result of the war. J. U- Pierce today filed hU ansaer In j The price of antimony, of which China ourt today In the libel auit of Robert j produce a fair quantity, has risen four . Henderson, state printer. In which he I fold, and cow hides are now selling for virtually declares the substantial truth Of all the various published allegations whluta are said to bo libelous. He ef fere te prove the same and make good la uourt. He also Insists that the manner lu which the matter of handling the state printing and binding Is a political graft and ha been regarded aa political pat lonage. ' ar mm vVeeterw Otoefc.. . roLrXBIA. Mo.. May ).-A pro vtakiiial duarentin agalritt all IK stork rm tne slates f Artsona. 'eltfoiwia. Nea4a. Oregon. I tan nq WaoKiiistun d ljd bv tbe MUeouri Hoaid of Agriculture tnuay. Vine. :,( Me.ierey. BROWNtfVIlXK. Tex., May . Villa jh.i t.ave evacuate Minuerey, ua ef ttiMtto Ifeon. MISS RUTH WATERS A PRINCESS Prince Ludovico Pignatelii d'Aragon and Miss Ruth M. Waters, Philadel phia heiress, widely known in society in New York, Palm Beach and Narraffanset Pier, were married at S. Ignatius Loyola Catholic church. The parents of the bride were in ignorance of their daughter's marriage until she an nounced the tidings over the telephone. 1 LUDOVlCO PlGKATtUl rW v WlK V V.. f am a '0 If . I I ii i i.' ' i ii Is ' 11 I ' ' , 1 1-:1 ' IS - . - l ii, .... V FREE TiCETSFOR DEN SHOW Twenty Thomand to Be Giren to Tourists Fatting; Through . Omaha to the Coatt. TO SPREAD IITZ&ATUKE, TOO TuurUts In ,Oor towns east of Chlceao are to retelv Omaha view booklet. "sto-ott-ln-Omaha" llteraturo, and Ak Par lvn admission tlekeu aa a result of arraugementa tomploUd by E. V. Par rlsh, manager of the bureau of publicity, who has returned. Mr. Parrish has been on the ce4 for a few weeks during: whioh time ho held conferences with th proper rf antiatlona In a dosen eltiea to Insure the proper distribution ef this matter during the summer. II visited Chicago, Detroit, i Toronto, Buffalo, Cleveland. Pittsburgh, Columbus, Indianapolis, Day ton, Cincinnati and 8t. Louis. By a systematic method of distribu tion H Is ptsnned to get this Omaht lit erature into the hands of tourist only. The matter la to get Into the hands of those who are contemplating trips both by rail and by uutomohlie, although thai oalculaUd to reaoh the auto tourists Is being sent out largely through the co operation ot the Omaha Auto club and th Commi'.rrlnl club. Twenty thousand Omaiia view books are golna out Tha Ak-i-ar-Men admission tickets are to admit any vUltor to th den It h chano to be In Oniaha on an evening when a uen show Is In progress. If a large delegation of eaeutrn tourists chances to stop oft In Omaha any night than a regular den show night arrange ments are to be made to glv them a special performance. War Does Not Hurt Commerce of China (CorreBdenoeofrhe Associated Press ) WIPIflNfJ. ltv IB lulean H Arnold. : over twice aa much aa they brought prior to the W sr. Most of th purchase are i being made by the Japaneee, who are leather and gsaeral equipment for the Russian army. Trad la the British colony of Kong Kong has suffered severely, owing- to the fart taal from M it M Oer sent ef aB ! business done at the port was througTh German firms. Canton, bring the near est Chinese port, has ooa4uently suf fered also. Nevertheless there Is great confidence amoaa business men there. In Hankow and haa-hal t bar has been a very good bualueea shewing (f 1 . . . . . . . ; , ! . CHINA REVIVES WORSHIP OF SPIRIT OFDEAD HEROES (Correspondence of the Associated Presa) PEKINO, May 1.-In order to revive th martial spirit and to promote loyalty to the authority of the president, Tuan flhl Kal ha Issued a mandate which la In keeping with those recently railing for the worship Of Confuclotis and wor ship at the Temple ef Heaven. Th third mandate revives the wor ship ef th spirits of Oenerals Yo Fel and Kuan Tu, who In former days were treat heroes and gave up their Uvea In loyalty to former emperors. Th cere mony was performed during March by th minister of war, and many other tlltary man. What Do You Pay For , In the Clothes You Buy? "Why, for style and fabric, of course; and that full ' measure of content that comes of a confidence in bein smartly turned out We ask, then, from our knowledge of clothing values, why be content with any but that bearing the authorita tivo endorsement of a well Known name like V "MP" Smart As proof of our belief that bettor clothes cannot be tailored, wc add our label to that of Stein-Bloch in a two name Kuarantoe of satisfaction. You can own a Rtein Bloch for as little as OMAHA'S FASTEST GROWING STORE. k"Yfl"1srT ry mmm envois 4 - 1516-18-20 FABNAM STREET. Mmm Wm MAii DOING THE WORK OF THE MEN Women of Parii Are Now Driving Street Cart, Cleaning Street! and Banning Elerttort. LITTLE DEMAKD FOR SEiVAKTS fCorrespondence of the Associated Press.) PARIS, May 10. Thlrty-two per cent of the work formerly done In Paris by men street nweepera, aubway iruarda, elevator attendants, trolley car conduc tors and telegraph operators la now done I by women. Every administrative district In Paris . hsa a municipal ' employment agency, where employers who want help and per sons who want work register. No other J agenclen are recornlied by law. Tha em-' ploycr must pay the nominal fee. Inquiries at various bureaus show that among laboring claases servants suffer most from the war. Most French fami lies reduced the wares of their servants the week of mobilisation, and many were discharged. There are now long waiting lists of servants, looking for any sort of employment. This category Includes many governesses and private tutore. who, owing to the economy campaign In French families, find themselves out of work. Two months ago there were per cent more dressmakers and tailors assistant out of employment than at present, show ing that with the coming .of spring fashions are again receiving some atten tion. Retrenchment la Policy. For certain branches of office employ ment, such as messengers, office boys and porters, more applications are re ceived from employers than can be filled. The scarcity has led to the Increase In wages from 6 to 10 per cent, as youths are being continually aummoned to Join tha colors with the new classes. On the other hand, highly trained em ployes, accountants, bookkeepers, stenog raphers, office managers and typists find difficulty In securing situations, as the majority of large offices have either adopted a policy of retrenchment or are holding open the vacancies caused by the mobilization of former employes. Hitherto It hss been the custom for an applicant for a portion to state the mini mum sslarv required, also the kind of employment desired. At present many say that they will perform any duty, even the mort menial, and will rely on the bounty of their employer. British and French Crafts Torpedoed; Swede Boats Stop l KTFrtUEAD. Scotland, May 20 The rtntlsli trawler Chrysolite was sunk by a German submarine at a point thirty miles off Klnnulrds Head. In the North Bca. yesterday. LONDON, May SI. The French steamer trawler Bt Just of Arcachon was tor pedoed and literally smashed to piece near Dartmouth yesterday afternoon, thirteen ot its crew being drowned. The captain was the. only survivor. It Is stated that no warning was given th vessel before it was torpedoed. LONDON. May SO. Swedish steamship companies whos boats ply between Stockholm, - Nerrkoplng, London and Mull have decided to suspend their serv ices, owing to the constant Interruption to traffic ea'ised by German warship In th Faille Sea, which have resulted In serious dfclays and made trade Impractic able. MRS. PANKHURST WANTS WOMEN JO GO TO WAR tXNDON. May . "I hope on of the first aots of the coalition government will be to declare martial law and mobilise both men and women for the servioe of th cctintrv," said Mr. Emmel'n Pank hurst, leader of the militant suffragists tontght. Mrs. Pankhurst expressed the hope that women would noon lie permitted to enlist like men for war eervlc at home. In face of the pen) which confronted the country, she declared. It was no time to think of causes espoused In th past. aootho Veer Coast and Cold. Bull rine-Tar-Honey goes right to the spot. Checks the cough, ease throat, kills the cold germs. Only c All drug--glsts. Advertisement Clothes SO HMiJ sMsnHsaW bMHsI ErfsnaMMti VmsbMbI ST.' M-lJlillWl VUe ay CLEannncE sales This month is the one that marks the changing to summer apparel. We try to never carry any garments from one season to another and therefore offer in a mar velons peries of sales merchandise of quality and value. Our customers, knowing the extraordinary genuineness of our sales should be here in great response. en's and Young en's Suits Fine Suits In two or three button models, pure wool fabric. Regularly $15, at Hand Guits Best of tailor ing, newest of models. Regularly $18, at H $000 Itirchael Shirts, exart copies , of silk shirt MQm patterns HOC I M snBliaLgsnaagBaWKhssW Clearance Prices llooe Special, extra heavr quality silk French nalbriggan Vn derwear, 75c values .... Athletic t'nloa Suits, 75c grade 25c 35c 45o Straw Hat Timo Two Specials Saturday "Guarantee Special" Straw Smart In styles and value, newest 51.90 enape ....... , ireatly ReduGed Prices ON Ladies' Digh Srade Stylish Spring Dear And on llardly-Miss-Thera Payments, Buy your clothes at ths "OSIOX" and sm fully OKE THIRD and in soma instances CSE-HRLF. figures. $00 A WEEK PAYS THE BILL See our Nobby Spring Line of Men's Suits, from $9.50 to $25.00 Men's Trousers all New Spring Styles, at S1.50, $2.50 and $3.50 Union DutfittingCc a m SE.CX)RJ6JL5JCKS0II Swap Anything in MnMMkel LsuskuMBaa Lai LsjsmJ Li i i IL5AENSTEIN Tailored High Grade Suits Ctiatom made from finest materials workmanship tlie Tery best. Regularly $22.50,at $111550 1200 Ell EN'S SILK SHIRTS the entire floor atock S 65 of Vlndex Shirt Co. This lot con sists of woven ftUks, heavy weight material In finest colorings; up to $3.50 grade, all at on price. . Offering 7 do, enff torn shirts, In OCat all gtylea.... on Furnishings Wash Tie, 25c kind. th Tie, 25c kind, 20 for Cooper Cloaed Crotch Union Stilta S1.00 Silk Ties, extra large shapes, worth to (1.00. . is Here Attractive t Straws That have quality, fea turing naw QC- Trfflirftifi 'iHI tiiiirruC ALL- See our Genuine Palm Beach and Sum mer Tex Ladies' Suits, at. . .$11.05 See our Nice Well-Made House Dresses, worth $2.00, at $1.00 All our Ladies' Spring Coats at Half-Price all goods marked in plain -Mim. s i s Ml i i mi Ivan 115- I I OMAHA a the "Swappcr'g Column CLOTHING CO. Cornar 14th ind Douglas SU. Saturday Bargains k Bsaatiful 42-Piect Dinner U We will give away free Saturday a gold scrolled dinner set with each pur chase of $15.00 or over. With every $5.00 pur chase we will give an seven-piece berry set. And with every purchase a beautiful serviceable clothes brush. 15 Suits SATURDAY For BsAurday we have ar rsjnced th, the Oreatefat , Suit v a l -u si ver known at thts store. All Hand mum Tailored Beautiful Vev elty mixture and staple ef fect. Both 1m- : nortea ana ao i raestlo fabrics I In this line, i V i ii These sell tht-j state over foi from 116.00 toV lle.60. Don't miss thla bar- I eJn avent Saturday aaO SPECIAL! BL0E3ERC5 Soils '$ Real value giver for young and old all la. Here's Jnat wnat von want and a 'bargain worth talking about thrrts piece salts of fine all wool blue serge last color and thoroughly shrunk seams Uk sewed all regular, stout and tUm alsea (or men p to 45, and young men age 15 to 20 them. BIG PANTS SALE $1.50 Pants .... $2.50 Pants $3.00 Pants. $3.50 Pant3 Bius and White Overalls No place In the city can yon (Lad Such wonderful values. Tbeaeara ...98 $1.48 $1.08 $2.48 old the country over for 50c; go Saturday at Great Reduction In Furnishing Goods .You gave 33 here. Our Low Krnt is the Iteacton. SHIRT SPECIALS SOO Dotea Bin Cbambray Wort Shirt Collars attached. These are fine quality shirts, ann bsc valuea ever of lered. Worth ontv 2TC Slip Hosiery. SO dosea alv of men's lak, tea aa4 s-rar sua I lfto value, raw onr.... 5c SUSPENDERS. Caa glv lasting ser vto. I5e values esijr. GARTERS. Beg-alar to valae. for. . lOo xiri tTiuno UNION auiiu 59c Ceaapas Wits Ksvn. uur gl.00 (tarmeute. Hinixaciisn loo auaiaty Jblaa-t erg-sia eras Q . ef fere wO UNION LADEL Wi futnrt trtest Unloi-lfidt cosds CoIUtra. Shirts, Overalls, Pant, Hats, Shoes, ftuita, Tie. PALACE CLOTHING CO. Corntr llth ami IViukIh Sis. 39c 5 K . I I T v m :, 1 7c