THE HKE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, MAY 22. 1015. Nebraska SCIENCE ACADEMY WILL YISIT FOREST Members to Pay Viiit Today to the Largest Tract of Virgin Timber in Nebraska. HOLD FIRST SESSION IN LINCOLN (From a Staff Correspondent) ' LINCOLN. Neb., May 21. Fpolal Tel egram.) Holding Its quarter-centennial, the Nebraska Academy of Sciences spent a portion of Its session this aventnr In a memorial to the late Dean C. E. Ueesey, of the University of Nebraska. At the morning session Mayor Bryan welcomed tha delegates at the Temple theater and the response was made by "Prof. C. J. Elmore of Grand Island col lege. Prof. B. II. Barbour, Father Klgge of Crelghton university and others talked to the delegates and In the evening Oeorge T. Moore of Mitsourt botannlcal gardens delivered the principal address. Tomorrow a vlMt to Fontenelle Forest near Bellevua is planned. Dr. A. A. Tyler of Bellevue college in on address today gave somewhat In detail facta about the forest and plains to preserve it in Its beautiful and instructive wtldness. In closing he said: All these facts were set forth flrwt be fore the state conservation congress of 1B10, which voted Its approval. liraduai development of the plan has gone on since. An examination of the tract ha been made by the United States forest service with favorable report. There has been consultation with the United States Biological Survey and the Hureau of Hthnology. and with officials of the New York end Missouri Botanical Gardens and Lit rh worth perk In western New lork. Finally as the most practicable method of advancing the project the Fontenelle Forest association was formed and chartered by the state legislature in 1913, Including in its membership many of the most prominent cltlsens of Omaha. This organization has been pressing for ward with Its plan as rapidly as cir cnmstances have permitted. It should, receive the heartieBt support moral and financial, not only of those who are li terestedin the great scientific Importance of the project, but by the whole com munity because of their love of nature and because of the deslreabillty of main- gaining beautiful places of resort for pur- I poses of recreation. f The recently made recommendations of the Nebraska commission on foreetatlon sre In full accord with plans of this kind and the commission urges that Nebraska make an effort to retain Its rank with its sister states In the treatment of forest .Ki.r- in dnlnv this every citizen of Nebraska should take pride an should tie willing to oo nis snare in unuems about. Veterans Favor Consolidation of Soldiers' Homes MIND-. Neb., May . (Special) The Grand Army of tha Republic state ep camnment. which has Just closed here, favored the consolidation of the Soldiers' Home at Grand Island with tha one at MilXord. A resolution passed almost unanimously favoring suoh action by tho state end it is suggested by Dr. Spauld ins; of Omaha that the Grand Island Hnmt be converted Into a home " for enlieotlcs. Csitlsism Wis mads of . the board of control for Its failure to make the neces sary repair on the home at Grand Island, for which appropriations were made. The main building. It was said, is in a dangerous condition. The lack or san itary facilities at Mllford were also criticised. A committee was appointed to present tho grievances to the board of control. The campfire of Wednesday night in v.- i,,iinriiim was a rousing time. Old n stories and speeches were delivered and enjoyed by those who partook jf tho real fight and those who had neir seen real semloe. DISTRICT COURT BUSY IN MADISON COUNTY MADISON, Nab., May SX-tSpexlal.)--Tha grand Jury continued to grlud away examining -witnesses, chiefly fom Norfolk and Newman Grove. Tha personnel of tha witnesses appearing before the grand Jury Indicates that It Is probing Into the charges of alleged graft of certain Nor folk officials, and shooting scrape in a Norfolk resort recently, also the alleged, sals of mort ged property In the west part of tha county In district oourt Ralph B McKlnney of Norfolk wss gra ntsd a divorce from Deli McKlnney, Mra McKinney being restored to her maiden name of Delia -ri j . m-A iu nlotnHff navlnir tha llHnUilui f r - w b costs. The case of George C. Lambert and Heary B. Russ against John Klug was dismissed. Dora Clayton dismissed at her own costs nor case asking for a di vorce from her husband. Arnold Clayton. The case of Julius) F. Redman against tha city of Norfolk, asking that ths city b snJolneC from assessing and collecting tke paving tax. was dismissed at plain tiff costs, to all of which plaintiff ex os pis. Tha action of Thomas Bryant against Jacob and Emma Long to recover I3.6U0 on promissory notes, was dismissed by plaintiff at plaintiffs costs. Florence J. Johnson was graiitsd a dlvoroe from her husband, Thomas O. Johnson. William Wand was given a decrve of foreclosure against John Coan and George Tewksbury for $9,665.10 end nJe ordered. GOVERNOR M0REHEAD COMMENCEMENT ORATOR rom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, May il. (Bpectal.) Governor Morehead left this afternoon for Nemaha City, where he will deliver tha com mencement address before the high school graduating class of that city. On Sat urday ha will deliver a like address at Douglas. On Monday he will go to Hebron and on Tuesday to Alexandria to be present at the unveiling of monuments marking the old government trail. On Wednesdsy the governor will de liver an address before the bankers' con vention at Grand Island. Xctfi from Reward. SEWARD. Neb.. May fl. (Bpeclal.) Memorial day exercises will be held here May SI. The principal aJdress will be by Hon. C. Petrus Peterson of Lincoln. A special election will be held June 1 to determine the location of the new tbe'.OOO high school for which. iK-nds t ro recently voted. The committee lias received lion e of ) the dates for the 19LS Bewsrd rhsutauiju. which will bs held in the lt funk July M to Auguat S inclusivs. Jacob Ztnky has sold hts farm on Lin coln creek to Henry Wlnkelmann for U&0M. Nebraska State Will Resist Royalty Demand Of Bridge Builder (From a Btaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, May Jl. (Special.) Attor ney eGneral Willis Reed Is making an at tempt to discover whether the state of Keb-aska ran be held for a 10 per rent charge or royalty on all state bridges erected which use the so-called Luten reinforced concrete arch In the con struction. He believes that the patent Is not legally binding and that the Institution r a suit to ompt'l the si ate to pay the amount claimed because of the construc tion of the Superior state aid bridge need not be paid. The fact that he suit was brought in the district court of the United Plates of Northern Iowa Instead of In Nebraska is not pleasing to the at torney general and the Intimation In a letter sent by Luten to Representative Dalbey of e Bat lice and forwarded to Mr. Reed, that the attorney general Is not hunting trouble, is not setting well on the legal representative of the state. He replies that the case might as well be transferred to Lincoln, in which can the state will not plead sovereignty, but will test the bridge Idea on Its legal merits. Hydro Electric Company Reports (From a Btaff Correspondent) LINCOLN, May .-(Speclal.) The re port of the Grand Island Electric com pany filed with the State Hoard of Irri gation shows that the company has spent the following sums on the hydro-electrla plant on tha Middle Loup river In How ard county: Completed a S3,(W-volt transmission line between the power plant and Grand Island, a distance of twenty-five miles, for 170,000; machinery for plant, $36,000; sheet steel plUnr. 117, COO; miscellaneous material, $6,000; labor, etc., on dam and power canal, $2,600. W. H. Thompson and Judg MoHugh of Omaha met with the Stats Board of Irrigation this morning for tha purpose of seeing what could be done regarding a consolidation of the above plant with the one applied for yesterday on tha South - Loup river. The Middle Loup project, has a clause in Its contract for bidding the transferring of Its right to any other company, and the company would like to have permission to fix the matter up some wsy so the two plants could be consolidated. SC0TTS BLUFF SUGAR BEET CROP UNDAMAGED PCOTTS BLUFF. Neb., May 21.-(Spe-clal.) Manager Edmund Simmons of the Scott's Bluff Sugar company reports that the 90,000 acres of sugar beets planted In this vicinity have not been damaged any, but will be benefited by the snow which has covered -them nearly two feet deep. Much alarm prevailed among the farmers. who are counting on a $2,000,000 crop of sugar beets this year. Mr. Simmons' favorable report comes as good news to them. Scott's Bluff Is to have a farmers' co operative creamery. The farmers met In this city Tuesday and after summing up the result of their previous work found that they had enough stock signed for and the cream from enough cows pledged to Insure the Installation of a creamery to start operation about September 1, 1915. George E. Johnson, state engineer, at tended an Informal meeting of representa tives of Irrigation Interests Wednesday. Mr. Johnson's visit wss made for the purpose of becoming acquainted with the men who are conducting various irriga tion canals of western Nebraska and the problems with which they are confronted. BODY OF JAMES JUDGE BURIED ATBR0KEN BOW AN3ELMO, Neb., May 3. (Special.) The body of James Judge, who ws killed In a runaway accident near Whitman on Monday evening, was brought here on Wednesday night. Funeral mass was celebrated at the Catholic church early Thursday morning, after which the body was taken to Broken Bow for Inter ment, where his wife, who died a num ber of years ago, is burled. Mr. Judge was 68 years of age. He came to Custer county In 1SS8 and sctttej on tho South Loup, near where Callaway is now lo cated. Later he entered the employ of 1 the T. L. V. ranch and remained with them for a number of years, ill was universally liked by all that knew him. (He is survived by three sons and four daughters, James of Lushton, Thomas of Pullman, who was with him when the acoldent occurred; Joe ot Arnold, Mra W. V. Harvey of Culbertson, Mra H. E. (Woodruff of Georgetown, Mrs. Anna Fagan of Lakeview, la., and Miss Lizzie of Anselmo. DR. LUCIAN STARK GETS PLACE ON BOARD OF HEALTH (From a Btaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Msy 11. (Speclsl.) Another republican head dropped in the official waste basket last night when Governor Morehesd appointed Dr. Ludan Htark of Hartlngtoa to the place on the Plate Board of Health, which is now filled, by Dr. r. P. Dodson of Wilbur. Dr. Ktark is a sou of former Congressman W. L. Htark of Aurora, who held down the con gressional Job In Washington as a populist July 1 is the date when the new men appointed will take their posi tions and when Dr. Dodson and Dr. Wilson beheaded last week con seek new locations. LIEUTENANT GOVERNORS WILL CONFER IN JUNE (From a Btaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. May 2L (Special.) Lieute nant Governor Pearson, who stated that on June 30 ha expected to go to Ten nessee to attend a meeting of the lieute nant governors of ths different states In which Vice President Marshall was ex pected to bs present SEVENTY-SIX COUNTIES . SEND IN REMITTANCES iFi in' n Staff 'tti rerx-n.l--r:t TJN'OLN. Vay SI. itfpectal.t Peventy xi ro'imle have relented stid have -m! in th u monthly i eminences of slaie money to the stats treasurer this month, tho totsl remlltsnces sinountin tn ... "J. Nebraska DOOMED PRISONER IN COMSTANT FEAR South Omaha Man Who Killed Wife Mistakes Film Camera (or Electric Chair. ROBERTS STAR ON BALL TEAM (From a Staff Correspondent.) , LINCOLN, Msy 8L (Special Telegram.) Emil Muttk. a South Omaha convict. sentenced to the electric chair September j 6, nearly had a fit last night from fright as he was taken through the dining room, mistaking a moving picture machine used to entertain the prisoners, for the electric chair. Muslk killed Ma wife by cutting her throat with a butcher knife. Roy Roberts, sentenced from Lincoln county to die in the chair June 4. Is an other man in the prison doomed to meet thst fate. Roberts appears not to be worried and spends a part of the time playing base ball, being one of the stars on the prison team. The electric chair has not yet been bought. Notes from Beatrice and Gage County BEATRICE. Neb., May 21 (Special) A stranger whoso name was not learned. was found lying unconscious under the railroad brldne east of Wymore Thursday evening by City Marshal Lytle, and It is supposed that he was struck by a train and knoclaV off tho bridge, fla was brought to tne city for medical treatment nd Thursday night had not recovered sufficiently to give any account of the accident. He Is about X years of ag. Following the threat of John Zimmer man to bring action against the city for establishing a pest house on his fsrm near the city water works northwest ot Beatrice. Mayor Mayer Thursday settled the difficulty by agreeing to build a fenos around the pest house. Three more smallpox cases were reported to the health officer Thursday, making the total number eight. County Attorney V. W. Mesa ore has been choaen to give the Memorial day address at Cortland. Graduating exercises for the Clatonla schools were held Thursday evening, the address being given by J. K. Puschlioos of Warn nton, Mo., his subject being "Value of Education." There was only one graduate. Miss Rose A. Heller. Episcopal Council To Meet in Omaha (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. May IL (Special.) Tha next meeting of tho Episcopal council of tha Nebraska diocese, which closed lt ses sion here last night, will bs held In Omaha, according to a vote of ths dele gates. Ths standing committee of ths church, which consists of thrae clergy men and three laymen, ware selected as follows: Very Rev. James A. Tapoock, Omaha; Rev. A. E. Marsh. Blair; Rev. T. J. Collar, Omaha; C. H. Rudge, Lin coln; C. 8. Montgomery. Omaha, and & C. Smith, Beatrice. The "Mankata" plan fixing the sal-. aries of priests in the mission field was adopted, which makes the minimum for single men $900 and for married men 11,200. United Travelers Convene at Lincoln (From a Btaff Correspondent) LINCOLN. May IL (Special Telegram.) The Nebraska United Travelers' associ ation is holding Its annual session In Lin coln, concluding tomorrow at Fraternity hall. Headquarters are being sustained at the Lincoln hotel and there Is a good attendance. Governor Morehead and Mayor Bryan welcomed travelers this morning In ad dresses after Ray. F. L. Wharton had de livered tha Invocation. President Burket of tha Commercial club also delivered an address of welcome and A. Rasdlev, grand counsellor, responded. A short business session was held and thi evening the annual banquet was held at ths Lincoln hotel with a danoa at ths Commercial club rooms following. Ada Swanson Found Dead in Basement Ada Swanson, a young Swedish servant at the home of Jossph Bykes. 2 Spencer stteet, was found dead early last wan ing In the basement of tha house with the back of her head crushed tn and a bloody hatchet lying beside tha body. Police are working en ths case, which is thought to be murder, but as It prob ably happened hours before discovery by Mrs. flykes, and no clues have been found, immediate capture of the slayer is doubtful. Tha girl had been left alone since early In the morning. Loss Ot Appetite Most aasoeasfally Treated by Taking Xooa's gerssparUla. Loss of appeUto Is accompanied by loss of vitality, which is serious. It is common in the spring because at this t litis the blood is Impure and Impov erished and falls to glvs the dlgestlv organs what is absolutely necessary for the proper performance or tneir func tion Hood's Sarsaparilla. the old reliable all-the-year-round medicine, is especial ly useful in ths spring. Oet It from your druggist todsy. By purifying snd enrich ing the blood and giving rttaJily, vigor and tone. It Is wonderfully successful in ths treatment of loss of appetite and ths other ailments prevalent st this time. It is not simply a spring medicine It is mur-h more then thst but It Is ths best spring medicine. Hoxln' Hsrsaparllla makes ths rich red I'lo-xl lh gr etlre organ i-d. Adver- tlWU'Wlt. PXWiCfWl HAIR BALSAM A toiUt ftrcpWsMiua ot wrU. Holt to rJirtw 4n4ruK. For fttriB4 Color mmd BMuiyuCavr - s4iHi Hair v. . at rufwt Nebraska Deputy Attorney General Objects To Jury Finding (From a Staff Correspondent ) LINCOLN, May a. (Special.) Deputy Attorney General rexter Barrett, who has been representing the stats In the litigation In connection with the settle ment of the estate of John O'Osnnor, re turned from Hastings today, where he has been assisting tha connty attorney In the conduct of the case before the grand Jury, which refused te brine in any indictment Speaking of tha matter Mr, Barrett said; "I belle the evidence presented was amply sufficient to have warranted the return of Indictments. The consensus of opinion of the people of Adams county Is that there should have been several In dictments returned and the general public does not at all appear satisfied with the action of tha Jury." Mr. Barrett says Investigations will be continued even mere vigorously than In the past In order te determine the truth as to the death of John O'Connor and tha claims of tha verteus claimants. NEBRASKA SCHOOL NOTES SEWARD, Neb., May 21 Special.) Tbei alumni banquet win be held In the as rembly room of tha court house May 2S, Prof. Woleott of ths University of Ne braska Jectured at tha high school and also at the Toung Men's Christian asso ciation on "Nebraska Birds" yesterday BheaHna- feasea nn la Black IIIUs BELLE FOtTRCHE. S. P., May (Special.) The spring Ismblng season Is well under way through this section and the shearing season is on. Local growers report a good big percentage of lambs this season and ths weather has been very satisfactory for the work. It Is be lieved thai the biggest and best crop of wool aver turned out of this section will be marketed next month. Continuous snow throughout the winter has left tho wool in a clean condition and abundance of feed brought the sheep through with out a break la ths clip. . It Is estimated that 1.000,000 to 1. 600,000 pounds will be marketed from this point. s ult and Top-Coat values that If i i 4 I 4 V. a L Nebraska NO PORTRAITS SENATORS Secretary - Walrath Decidei Not to Place Them in Official Journal of Proceeding. DELAY IN THE PUBLICATION (From a Staff Correspondent.) IJNOOLN, Mar (Special;) I'lrtures of members of tha state senate will not adorn the pages of the seaate Journal for the session of 1& There was so much objections to the cost of printing rc tures of members sf tha last senate that Secretary Walrath has concluded to take ths chance of letting tha people of tha state live In Ignsranca of what their law- rashers looked like. Secretary Walrath returned to Lincoln this morning for a stay of a couple of days and says that the copy for the Journal has been ready for the printer for some time. On account of tha action of tha printing board in reletting tha contract far print Ing. the work has bean delayed consid erably and the book will not be ready Cor distribution as early aa ha had hpped MANUFACTURERS SEND IDEAS ON JITNEYS Something tangible In the way af Jitney bus regulation has been worked out by tbe directors of the Omaha Manufacttr- ers association. A letter Is te be sent to the city council by Monday bearing tha suggestion of the directors far Jitney reg elation by ordinance. A t per cent tax on gross earnings is to be suggested. Monthly Inspection of tha wheels, brakes and other vital parts of ths buses is to b-? suggested, together with weekly fumi gation of ths Jttneya. The letter will also ask that the ordi nance Include a provision for lighting ths buses at night when tha top Is up, largely for the protection of women passenger It Is to as that tha drive be licensed and pay a license fee. It Is to ask that tha routes be definitely outlined and des ignated, and that certain hears of serv ice be maintained, and that all tha pres ent traffto roles be observed; and, finally, that the companies bs bonded to cover out-distance competition clothes duplicate olsowhoro at $18 $22.50, featured horo now Demonstrating tins gtore'i wonderful value giving ability and at the same time allowing you tbe opportunity to chooee Clothes of the hour at n positive saving of $3.00, $5jOO and $7.60. Styles, Fabrics, Patterns and Sizes to meet every requirement and satisfy- every taste. More than 400 sturdily built Norfolk Suits in smart pat- terns and fabrics, sizes 4 to 18 years, many with two pairs of trousers. A typical KINQ-PECK value, the best you've en countered this season Rubberized raincoats worth up This week 's rainy weather emphasises your need and tills extraardJnary offar potmt t tha great aavlng Ing It Saturday at tkU ator. (90 Raincoat to choose all "R. ft W." make. Every furnishing need best supplied here. It's the little articles that add so much to your comfort or appearance that you can not afford to have them other than just right We make a specialty of "just right" Furnishings. Underwear in every good style Our stock, is now at it's best; and we've some splendid values to offer. Special tl Athletic Union Butt ......65c "Ooodkntt" closed crotch Union Suit at , ft to $2.60 Summer weight Knit Union Bolts SI to S3 Nainsook Shirts and Drawers . ,50c to $1 Knit BbirU and Drawers 60o to $1 Wonderful showing of wash ties that really wash No fading with King-Peck Wash Ties; we guarante the colors fast or a new tie for tbe aaklnc 25c to $1.00 whatever loams are sustained by prop erty or Indlvldusls through accidents. BEST WANTS TO PREPARE tfCf-AFuUSE BONDS FOR V0TF County Commissioner-Best has gone on record ss favoring the submission of workhouse bonds at the primary election to be held In June, llf, at which state and national candidates will be chosen. 'Although the present Isw puts control of the prisoners In the hands of the sheriff," ha said, "the next legislature will readily amend the act, I think, and It would be well to make a start toward a workhouse. It will take years to estab lish an Institution of ths kind we want" Use sf labor of county prisoners In building a workbons Is one plan under oonsMeratlon by tha member of tha board. It la generally agreed that the propo stttnn will rest for several months st least BURLINGTON MAN LETS OUT ONE OF HIS JOKES U W. Wakeley, head ot ths passenger department af tha Purlin Hon, likes to conjure with facta In making Jokes Riding horn to lunch an a Farnan street car hs was discovered carrying a sheet sf window glass under one arm. "What have you got there, LaiciusT" asked a friend. "I have a pans of glaas In that paper and a pain la my chest." (Sounds of ha, ha. ha) Mr. Wakeley then explained his Joke by ssying that tha reoent winds broke a pan af glass at his ham and tne re sultant draft cauasd a pain In his chest By replacing the pane of glass he ex pects to remove tha pain In his chest. NEW BURLINGTON TRAINS CHANGE TIME FOR MAILS J. M. Butler., chief clerk af ths railway mall service at Lincoln, Is In Omaha, con sulting with C, M. Reed, superintendent of ths railway mall service In this divi sion about ths new mall schedules from Omaha to ths wast and vtoe versa by reason af ths resumption of Burlington trains Nos. 1 and 10 between Omaha and Denver. These trains war discontinued last fall owtnc to lack af business, but will be Biased la service again beginning Sunday, May 29, you will find difficult to Choose any $35, $30 or suit in the house now . Sizes are broken in all better grades of this means a clean up must be effected We have assembled all our regular stock (no special purchases) Hand Tailored Suits that havo been selling readily all season at $35, $30 and $25 and offer you your unrestricted choice of the immense lot at. $5 and $6 boys' Norfolk suits in sale Pack War Cuts Down Travel in Germany (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) HAMBURG, May 18. The effect ot the war on transportation and passage out of Germany through Hamburg Is Indicated In figures Just eomrfled. showing that during the entire year of 1914 but T2,S6 went abroad from this city, as against m,TM m 1911. Practically all of the TXOno odd left the city before August L 1914. The war similarly has seriously af fected the number of visitors In Ham burg. Thus there were accomodated dur ing 1914 but 21.299 transients as against 51. V4 in Wl The total number of persons coming to Hamburg stopping temporarily and then leaving, either for abroad or for other parts of Germany, fell from 944,097 in 19U to la 1914. SIR EDWARD CARSON WOULD SHUT UP GAMBLING HOUSES , (Orrepondence of The Associated Press.) LONDON. Msy 1. Sir Edward Carson, who a year ago ss leader of tha Ulster! tes eampalgn against home rule was one of the most talked of men In England, has started a rrusada against gambling houses, which, he aaserts, are finding many victims! among army and navy officers and government officials, snd are thereby hindering the progress of tha British campaign against Germany. SOUTH OMAHA MEN JOIN AK-SAR-BEN'S GAY CREW More South Omaha men have already Joined Ak-Sar-Bcn for 1915 than Joined during ths entire season last year. Borne 10 per cent of the present membership Is from South Omaha, while last year tha percentage of South Omaha men In the total membership was 4 per cent Two hustling teams are working In South Omaha, on In the stock yards and the other among the merchants of the city. The Bee Want Ads Are Best Bnslness Booster. Pick Falls to "tick. The Washlnrton c'ub has sold Utility In fielder Charles Pick to the Richmond club of the International league. Rla Hopkins ls;ae. The Portsmouth club of the Virginia league has released Pitcher Belanger and 8hortton Tally. Sis Hopkins hss Joined the team. and at.... $25 hand-tailored . Suits ; at once. to $15, at C for a Raincoat V to b ma da by aaleet- from, sites 81 to 60, dp Shirts you ought to own Kvery shelf and counter In oar Shirt sec tion contains endless assortments ot smart Summer Shirt, all fabrics and sizes. $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50 up to $5 ALL READY WITH THAT STRAW Greatest Showing in Omaha that felt hat away. H'a time for a now KINO - PEOK straw. Sennet Bailors ...... .ft to $3 Spilt Bailors t to Mllsns I Panamas SA to CIO Leghorns fa to " Hangkoks 1 i