) 20 Tflh IMIK: OMAHA. SAM 1,'DAV. MAI UJ, 1!.K. 3 ' OMAHA LIE STOCK MARKET Visal Friday Cattle Trade Price. Steady Sheep Valuei Show Little Change. BIG HICKEL ADVANCE IN HOGS BOVTH OMAHA. May Jl. 191... Rfx-elrt varo: Cattle Shr'tJ. Official Mnndar tL7 II. Mi .-2T "trirlnl Tni"ly Orrtrliil Wrrtnvsita)-. Official Thura-iav .. Kslimate KrMay ... 4 nr. i.u:r MX if...' 4l (Vi iA'.'O tin ret-ipt i:.w 2i.n :sb.l 10 Hw day thin wck is,7v air dajs last fk 1.-1J fame days 1 k .ntn.Si.M? Sam flays, 3 ks hvk 'l Smi dayn 4 kj nK.:i.T: inc Mriioi. in lame hlinwe 'r of cattl.-. hn( and slurp at the 8o itn Omaha live nork market fT Hie year 10 oaie, aa compare! witn last year. Ili li Inu. iMsf- Cattle n.7'K T.V'C Hog I. .; I.r:..4l7 127.111 .h-ep l-Hi.'K; )7S.:70 W.M The follow to j Ul.l chow tlio' average prk-e for hnan st the Houth Oman II' look market for tlic laat few Oi.i, with nmixkrianna: Data. litis, 1914 I1813 18I2. ?1TI i niO ;i. Mar .. Mav Mar J.. Mar a.. iay .. May 10. Mar 11. Ma 1 May U w-y 14 Mar 10- Mar 17. Mar m. May 13 May jn. May ill i iH'ti tw'.tnlm t w n 7 14" 8 si. h: 7 4-Jl ,laa 2 ' 7 a; 77l 18 7 ?4'i I 24! 7 5v :i !! 6 - 7 8 IB 7 HI i M. t XSj 87 7 8 181 8 14 I i Xi :r., 7 l 7 az'J 8 18! 8 If.) 7 ! 5 87 i 8 10: 7 M 7 11 i' 8 rji : Vi I S:'l 7 Mar IS. I 7 4k' 8 Mi 8 22! 7 far t ! ( I II n 3PI a 2 .v !v r ""1 I 8 B! 7 1,1' 5 W, 8h; 7 l 7 Wl i Mi 44! 7 1 8 231 8 i 79, 88 W 8 ! 8 ,'iv 7 W 73 8 ' 8 24' 8 7 I 411 7 01 T P4 7 in, 7.2T, 7 81 7 J. Sundar. Rflpta and diapoaltlon tit Ilva atock at th I'nlon 8tork Tarda. Houth umaii. far twantr-four houra nuli at t p. rr raatrrday: REx:5irrrs-rAR8 Caltl lloa.H;ir, p.ll'wi. M. ft. P 1 1 .. . MlaaoUli Pacific... 1 1 .. .. :nlon I'arlflo b .Vi . I 1 X. W aat ... 1 4 N. W.. w-at... 1 I :.. ft p., M o. 1 1 1 H. (J . raat ... 1 I'l .1 C , B. Q., wi-at.. 10 27 2 .'.. R. I. f., f IV. R. I. P.. wat. .. 1 Jlllnole CVntral 2 ,. .. .. hlcaKO UL Went.. .. 4 Total PKfptai ... II l' la rnarallr xncdd that It would tak mrat raj good cllpwd to no nvrr r i'. or to vfn hrlnn It A fw had that aliowod lip todav f ont at $7.i, hut theip waa liartllv mo'.'h hra to niakw quotationa. in fart, that haa Iwn mora or la the for the Ihm t- wefka. ToilfH" a n-eipta wrro awkll'd aome hal hv Vilnflv ritar lit a alorin, hli h held ba, k part of the atuff whlrh ahoull hae coinfl Iti ytHerdny. and Hie offer lfa rere tho larreat of the rw-k aln'e Mondnr. twelve i ara, ahout 3.'""' heurl, lirmK eaiiiiat-d. Total for the five dava la l:.T.7 head, aa aaalnrt 12,S.lr) lt week. two wei?ka bko. and r,no for tlm coi reoml,n rliHl laat year. Thla woek'a inn la the am.'illeat for aomethlnn like two yenra. yuolatlon- on aheep and lamha: Ivnil. llkhl. Il l Hofill in: lamha. heavy. 81" 2nit 1:.- Inmlm. ehorn. 8 T.Vi9.;S: anr'lna. Ilaht, f z.V?.7."i: tea--llna:'. heaw V Cli 8.S.. wetheia. ond U. 1 hoh e. 8 .VtnW-. wi thera. Inlr to oort. i K! 8 "o ; i-wea. (Ioo to rhnt'-e. tv.O-'o . cwea, f'i'r to H'Mtd. 87 .fuS i; hoi n eve.. $. 7TI7.2.'. 4 'oloVrfOo lamha 88 rull Inniha 8 aliorn laml Ji ahorn lml W aprltih lamha IS flipped Intnl. 'X rull ahorn l:i-iiha yt fed ahoni lan-h fed ahorn h niha 144 c llp-d lamt x It rlipix d lamlM 2 llhpel laml a J14 flipped lamha 3 Pull lumha inn ti.o stock mhk ft and butcher. 7..VS(7.7t; eood heavy, 7.i t71 8I1KFP ANIl I.AMH. Recelpta. 1.) head; market lowr; clipped mutton, 8 W 4j7.0; flipped Inmlm. iX.W.; ollptwd yearlinara, I7.7.'4i.l0; apt inn lajnha, $10.'i f2.i0. BR ITftr.F.T, TBtDR RKVII'.U M 7 4rt 7 7.7 1; f 41 40 11 ( 9 1 M 7 7 a 7- i 8 ( hr: ai) T". H 8 f 7 mi 8loc Itr Mre 8 tort Market. SIOUX fTTT. la . May 21. ATTL.K Jlffelpla, : head: market ateady; na tive altera, 7.WKfr""; hntfher. T 75'd" 1). eoaa and helfera, 8S.0'i.i; bulla, at.na. ef . KWal.tr. Hi Mil llerrlpta. B.wn iad; market 5 'llv higher; heavr, t7;jC..tn; mixed, $;:('. Ilnht, t7.2T'a7.3i; hulk of aalea, 17. JO -'i7 r'i. SHI-JKP ANI lyAMBfi Receipt a, Vfi head. l otion Market. NKW YORK. Mav I'l OTToN-Spot, inlet : mlrhlliiiv iiplanda, 8 7.V. No aalea. fotton fitur'a opened firm: May, "t 41'. ; July, 8.ti;c: txtoher, pa-; I 'ecemher. 12.'.,; Jnnuati. lO.ir. The rotton maiket eload ateody, n.-t six polnta lower to 3 poihta hlKher. M KRI'IMU May 21. ( rT'l'HN . pot, l -niiv: K'Kxl inhldllnK. ' 70-1; midilllnc ",.:vir; low mldillinn. I.8d. (taU-a, 5lU haletf. faa1ltlna Movr A Ion a l.enerally ' Favnrald Llnea. . NT5W YORK, May 21 -Rradiref to morrow will aay: ! While trade and Industrial conilltlona continue to move alona: gon, rally favor able llnea. the week'a development dla rloae aome Irrearularltr. On the one hand, wet or cool weather haa rherked dla trlhutlve trade, and eapei tally retail bu4 neaa. and at the aarne time unaettled In-tei-riatlonal political matters tend to (a use wholeaalo buyers In actne llnea to go alow, while tha annie fartor hold up certain apeeulativa projecta. Hut on the other hand Induatry I moia aetlve. employment la InTeaalna; and war order continue to ranee x traonllnarv ihh at a numler of centera. Johhlnit trade In essential ntaplea appears to ho on a par with, if not above, last 'par . Mail order houses are doing well. Mlarh prl'ea for eereala Insure prosperity for fanning; fommunltlea, and frop coti (litlona iiotwithsnandinB' fTactcerated re porta of Inesrt damaarea to winter w heat, are unuauaMy b'od. Rillwav tiattic ' InrreMaina bnvin of eteel by the rall rt.nda la lnrKer, hank rlearinpa, though UsThter than Inat week, display ftatna over one or two year ago. and in om9 placet follei tlon eem to be better. Hank clearing! for tha week. .1.3b8,3.000. t attle alow Hoars Weak hep j Firm. ! flifi'AOO. ay ?1.-r.VTTI.K IU-e;pt 1 i.ofjtl head: ms'ket alow. oaMve -.. , ateera. 8" 8" 5i'. .2r,: weateni aleet s, (A 2G0T ! .; i-ow 4 and helfera. ;t.:.V"8.7"; falvea. I K.nOfie ft!. ' III HIS Recelt ta. ir,, head; market, weak n otil'V advnin'e; bidk, 7.S' ji',' 7S; I rht t7 4',7 i: mled 87 V f'i 7i".: l-en'-v. tT.rn.to; rotiah, I7.aw7.:: nlits. tfi.dOd 'silFIvP AMI I.AMrP-Rei-ei' head: market firm: ahoep. 7.K'8.40; lamh.i. $7.7Mf1Mi. r " i..i a,r.n , m rmiiiin 1 - i r iiTrii..n.i in 1 11 1 1 i. n linn 111 i. mi - 111 1 j ..Eat More.. l18l'OHIT10N-H r;A I . Cattle. Iloaa. Hhe Kansas fit l.tvr ""fc MeeKet. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. MV 21 - CMTTIK Recelpta. head: market strona: prime fed steeia, (8 7M)9 :f;. dr. s-ed beef steers, tX.Cs,H.7fi; western steers. t7.7Mi8 7r(; atork ers and feeders (0 tVi(S.44; bulls, V76i" 7,"e: falvea. Ht.OfHilO rti ITOtJ.-Rerelpta. 3 head. market hlvhor; bulk. IT.:oti7.07Vj; heavy. 87.S"p 7 do; packers and butcher 87.riOff!.fcV-i; llptht, 7U7.flf: pla. 8.VW7.2. HHKBP AND UMBS-Recelnta. t"0 head, maiket hlher; Inniha. PWI.f,; yearllnrs. S nfr,(.7S. wclhera, 87.0VriS.iv; ewea, W.rAlw.'A Morrli 4- Co , Swift Co I'udahy Parkin- Co.... Armour V Co Sihwarli A t:o .1. W. Murphy X. O. Parking Co i'udahy from K. C swift from U. Joaeph. Hwlft from Ft. Worth.. K. H. lewla J: H. Hull U K. Husi .'ulllvan Bros Kothachlld Mo Kan. Calf Co. ISM 2tt 113 212 IK 4 4 ( I Huffman 22 Meyna 4 ilaaabera; 2 Tanner Km 23 lohn Harvey ., In Cllna 4 Othar buyers , (1 i.;2 2 4.M 1.741 2.216 441 l.llK S3 2f.l 44 Ml. I.oala l.lvp'Btock Market.' HT. l)i;i8. May 1. CATTIjK Re- lelpta, fniO head; market steady lo luc lower: native beef ateera. 87.Wf(80; year- HlisTs, steers and helfera, 8i.K.30; cowa. Ite.inj4f7.fi0; sto.'kera and feedera, (Hiiki, H.2f,; southern ateers. n Zi4i.V; rows and helfera, l.unilit; native mlvaa, lft.0ttH8.0u. Il(i8 llovPlpts. S0) head, market hlnher; plka and IlKhts, "..2fr7.7u; mixed ICE CREAM it's good for you Tt contains as a basis, snprar and eroam, two of the host tifpue lmildors and licalth producers in the whole range of food. So, when the Kiddies ask for more and more DELI CIA JUE CKEAM, srive it lo them. (Jive them plenty of it. And take plenty yourself, but be sure that it's Pure, Delicious and Wholesome Totals t.lO 10.378 , 1 CA rTl,fc-Thcr waa the usual small Friday's run of rattle and offerlnKS wern more or less Indifferent in point of cjtialitM na a rills. Hunollea for tha weak havf. been about head, or nearly 1.0"0 innra thaa laat week and the aeperal ohatweter of thn recelpta Indicate that eaitlei romlnir now bava bean on feed for lour to six months and sre consequently very desirable from the parkera' atand polttl. There was a healthy demand today and prli-ai were fully steady all around, lest yearling selling around t. j((rs.7f', and chili heavies at 8H.4orrf.tlo. Com I sid with a week ago the desirable yearlings and handy welrht steers aia l.it''K: higher, while the advance on tha heavy cattle haa been IPtilAc. In the main It has been a very healthy and satlafajctory trade and thero Is a strong undertone to the market. ows and helfera ruled shout steady lolav and have pot shown much change ell wrek. Hupplies of she atmk have iierti limited and there has been a good outlet for practii ally all grades. Oond light cows ami heifers are In the neighborhood of l'tll": higher than a week ago, but on the general run of butcher and fanner stock values have not chanced inalet tally in the laat two weeks Veal calvva, bulls, stags, etc., find a freo outlet at fully steady fltruns rlxht along. Hualnrae '.n slock caitiff and feeding atear waa vety quiet t. day and has shown vety little life recently. Itotli supply and demand have been limited and the trend of values baa been steadily downward, folk of the stork cattle soils fidly &0c lower than ten days or two weks sgo and volume of business has bn imutil. (quotations on pallia: Oood to chuico yearlings, 88 4o-iJ0; good to choice corn led beeves, f'0 81; tair to good coin led beeves, J.Ut,.('(.; co.mnon to fair romfed peeve. 7.d0t(.0l; good to chub's helfera. $7W"tt8O0. good to cliolie rows, .iwal); fair to good cowa, tV7.Vutili; conunou to fair cowa, 81-7.ii. ii. good to , hoice stockers and feedera, 87 fl; W; fair to good stockers and feeders. $7.00 7,isl, common to fair Blockers and feed ire, tAwu'i.UO; stock heifers. to.uuttf.W); Hock oows, li.7tUti.7N: stock calves, 8u .'i0 veal ralvea. 88 arld7: fat bulK slag. t-. 4.Wtf7.! slock bulls, tV.vVjf ;.. Kepiegentatlve sales: BERK BTEERS. Ko. v. rr. No. . Pi-. tart 7 ft t. liK 8 t li .last 8 M 11,1 is 4...........KH4 I 10 (4. Ul I 44 tt im 8 it t iwn b 8 I'M I 89 It IIM 8 BTLKKU AND HEirtHH 3 AM i :i U (It 8 41 114 T at 17 77 8 8 ...11M 8 W 8 at cown. ... 811 4 88 3 M U 3 11 8 M 8 114 74 I..... io4 t Tt 3 m 3 w 3 1s 3 li 1 IIO 1 V 1 IIU 8 18 3 IW t M 8 8 3 HE1FKR4. 3. .. 8H 7 80 I...., BUIJA t... ........ 8T8 tt 1 cALvr.s. 1 ri3 8 eo t t 171 10 M 8 1 fViOCKKHH ANI1 r KKI'KKS. 10 at IN 4 : 1I HOUH A liberal Friday run waa on hand, some 171 car, or ll.&uu bead, being reported In. The total for the five days this week Is U 117, ttie Isrgeat for any recent week. Im Ing over 2I) larger than a week ago. tn.uu beavirr than two week age and li.OMl larger than for the corre sponding period of laat veai The in crease In hog receipts over 1V1 la grow ing every week, and now amounts to over 377,800 head. Trade opened out strong and shipper lald geneiallr ''-al- higher prices for Uieir droves, msklng the bulk of their purshaaes around 37.4. Parkers started out nearly this good, buying the big end ef tit offerings on a Pig nU-kvl higher basis, but one killer buyer laid nut. and the trade weakened off toward th clna the last end of the supply going at p; ices J that were little better than traterday's , average. On the hol( prices could he quoted ss a big bv higher, closing with the advance mostly lost Karty trade ! "a falily active, but the movement, slackened up late, and It waa well along; u ute lorenoon petore a dtceol viusr ance waa pnally made bulk of ail the aeiea was quotably tl Wvftl.VJ. and tops sold up to 37 Current pries are a big dime below the close of tut week, sng In tht ca of tops allow a l&c decline. Representative sales: ThaDrexel Kid ,Hays: "When It comes to shoes there Is only otio kind that' Hteel Rhode. Osd Is strong for era too." SHOE. ECONOMY la not buying the cheapest, but the bPHt. Ther. lg ho little dlfferprrce in the price and bo much difference In the wearing qualities of TEEL HOD HOES That they are the cheapest Boy' 8hoea on the Market. They outwear two pairs of ordinary boys' shoes. Rut ton and blncher. Roys' 1 to 6 fei.ao. Uttle Gents' 9 to Ut. K2.U5. Iarcvl Teat l'it rexel 1419 FARNAM D ICE CREAM Got it at all leading drug ptores and confectioners. Fairmont Creamery Co. 12th and Jones Streets 0. i&jf a ( vt-k is; fZua.ji W j ! t ' ' . I Shampoo Hints i- It's not the soap thai you put on your head that hurts the hair its the soap that stays In the hair, the remains of the 8oa kv suds that penetrates hair fibre and scalp pores. Lu i Liquid Shampoo Cleans itstlj out too. The purer the soap the more likely to curdle la hard water. Use rain wster or distilled water for the "lather-up." A few ounces suffice. Any clean water will do for the quick rinse-off. Don't use hot water, Its too soaky. Oily or greasy hair takes more shampoo than dry hair and more need of soft water. For etcesslve dandruff, falling hair, scalp eruptions, etc., use Lee's Liquid Tar-Sulphur Shampoo twice a week for a while, then ute regularly Lee's Liquid (green) Shampoo, once a week and you will have no more hair troubles. Lee's Liauid Shampoos clean Quicker, dry quicker and leave hair and scalp in better condition than any other. Sold by druggists, Accept no substitutes. Omaha, Ncbr. GEO. II. LEE CO., Laboratories' J They Can't Keep Up! Who? Would-Bs Competitors. Old Oow, full quart, H year, old, alltf3 value --OSl Clark's Kye, M yeexs old, full quart. value 084 Home Made Grap Wine, full gallon SI. 25 Mall Orders Killed the Day Rewtved. Ask About Free Coupons fur Imported C'hlnaware. stsnai! Ieaw rgii, 121-123 North loth St. WaCIUOy IJrOGey "The quality liouae," .I.MMII.I....L.I.B.IL ... ! S, ......I. MI..H. .11 . tit t tj .148 7 13 . 17 18 as 11 1 . Ss. kg. Pr. Me. at. Rk Pr. 8 ... 7 88 M a, 8 7 0 i ii ti ..mi ... 1 ? U H ti 8 li 8 T STw " 8 7 11', it ..... JH 4 t Sit ... 1 8 44 Pj3 144 t 4 tHEKl-A duccnt ridy supply was re.ved. iool cf tits offerings being bf shorn lainba. and prices held about slee3 y. There Kii.td lo be a good out let for what sijff showed up, and a cleai-ence was luaue lu ood asii. Nu reel guvd laiiiba, ut direlrabie welghla abowt up. toe best tier bringing wi.lla some .'od welshtv stuff lar.d1 rt 88 4a A h'l.s punch of native spi l .t.-ei- uvuani iiiw, a no a load of cuintiilo feeders that e ah d a lime kctl -r iua.ii fifty pounds brought 87 . 'I uore have been very few aged sheep bero ail week, but prb ea at outer potma are sslderb,y lueer on ewes, end il AT THE FOUR SHERMAN & fiVCONNELL STORES e-2r Where you can save both time and money and always find CJ fresh and genuine articles in both Toilet Goods and Drugs 5tf TOILET SOAPS At Cut Prices Keiry, Ivory or Wool Ho p. 3 cakes ,or He Palm Olive Buetp flc Kirk'e Juvenile go 2S Hgublgant's Rice Fowder,. Saturday... 14c Special Dentonstration 8"srr's Gray Hair Restorer; gas dem. snstratlon gt Oodgs street store. So AUcock's Porous Piasters. 12o 11.00 Bllas NaUve Herb Tablets fr 59 0 J5e Carter's Liver Pills for. . .12c 1& Castorte. OE.Nl'INK 2io 0e Old well's Byrup Pepsin. . . 29 60c Caiitbrog for 29o Colgate's Tslruin (4 odors) 5o 9126 Oude's Pepto-Mangan hoe UorUck'a Malted Milk at...... 390. 60c. t2.74 SSe Hire s Root Beer for JSq fydrogen Peroxide, lb., 14o! . H lb.. 10c: I lb 29c 75 Jad Baits for 49c Standard Cigars at Wholesale Prices We retail cigars Uv the tKx at wholesale price, and In many Instances a whole lot less. Ou most of our cigars we, ran save you 25 per rent. Specials on Manila cigars. Bog or SO Iondres $1.35 Bo of (0 Psnatellas $1.50 Box of (0 Media ReKslias.$1.3S Hoi of 15 Invincible.... $2.50 10c La Marca for 5c 10c Koi Tans Saturday only . 5o Usterlne Be 14c 29 C 59o (Oc Malvlna Cream 29 C 6c Vlasaatta Talcum for 12c (Oe rape's Dlapepstn for 29 0 60c Pebecco Tooth Paste 34q l&c Pond a Vanishing Cream.. 14c 8ai Hepatlca 19c. 34c 69t; 26e Tig tor tender feet 14c VICTOR'H TOXIC l)TIOX-The beet remedy for Tan, Bluckbeada. Ptmploa, Barbers' Itch and all akin affectioD iSOc PHOTO SUPPLIES Films Developed FREE Our assortment la large and tem plate. 9 tubes M. Q. Developer 25c 4 lb. package Acid Hypo 8c Toe Ruby Laropa 49c 25c Mennen'a Talcum (4 kinds), at 12c Mentholaturn 4o and 34o 26c Laiatlve Bromo Quinine. . 18o Welch Grape Juice 1-qt. bot tle, at 34c Liggett Grape Juice Pint bot tle, for 18c Saturday Only. Shermai & RcCtnnell Int Cs., 16th tad Dd:t Owl Drof Cs., 16tk tad barney UtU Phirmicr. LotiI Hotel Hirrir. P-irmicy. 24tk ia. raraua 8P The n eMail Stores Sensational "ut in Prices" in Our Women's Suit and Millinery Departments Saturday The Novelty Co. Millinery Beautiful Hats In our Millinery depart ment for your selection Saturday. New shapes in MILAN, HEMPS, CHIPS and BLACK and WHITE; in three lots Take your pick. Two Bunches Flowers 5c Suit department Any Uoman's Suit in the House Worth up to $35 YOUR UNRESTRICTED CHOICE $1 SATURDAY Beautiful Suits for Vonen and Misses Worth up to $18 SATURDAY Eilk, Messaline, Chiffon or Taffeta Underskirts, $3.50 values. . . . .$1.98 Very new, very smart Jap Silk and Crepe Waists, $2.50 values 98 Beautiful Dresses, street and gcadua- ation; silk, chiffon and voile at $4.95, $6.95 Shoes -and Oxfords LADIES' OXFORDS AND SHOES All new leathers and styles; regular values Saturday $45anii$245 Our Guarantee Shoes and Oxfords For men and young men, in all leathers and styles. Come here for your shoe service $2 anii Sg95 Boys' Solid Leather Oak Sole Shoes and Oxfords '1.40 ,1'1.75 -TIE MMLTY CO. 214 and 216 North 16th Street Men's & Women's While Duck Rubber Sole Oxfords $1.25 Likeable Oxfords for Men Made by the best makers. Their style, comfort and wear ing qualities have won for them an enviable place in mas culine esteem. Evei-y style of sbr-o for every style of man. I mi" r $3.50 $4.00 3450 m j c a m i in im jriiit jl i ii? 'FSHOE-GQ Leading Hotels, Cafes and Restaorants in the United States are now featuring each day on their menus SPAGHETTI CooImhI la one 4f the fifty or aaere 4ellMe ways ra Mcb H can be ngia. TMs tasty aa4 ntrtrirloe feee la Ssromiag very aeawtaf. aersetleaee aa4 re ertU sari a fteitea. nanMfM Skinners BIMkSirMtH rig CO OsaualMi I I 7ne8ret Fmctmry in Aw Hem Call Tyler 1000 If Teat Want to Talk to The Bee or to Anyone Connected with The Bee. IMI'SKUKXTN. can LAKE MAHAWfl 'n ,vr. m-;. 19 Pounds for $1.00 Beat Granulated Sugar. Buy now before the advance. i pounds apeclal coffee 01.00 B Ingle pound S5 Kancy blend coffee. 8 V lbs. tl.00 The best 28c coffee In the cltv 4 pounds for 11.00 Teas, any kind, per lb. 40c to SOo Sugar aold with 31.00 other goodj r.loyune Tea Co. no Doug. ae. oe are. leu an. BUSY BEE BOYS It's lots of fun to play Daddy, long-legs and walk with stilts. We will give TEN PAIRS FREE to the ten boys that bring us the most pictures of the stilts before 4 P. M., Saturday, May 22d. Thla picture of the attlts will be In The Bee every day this week. Cut them all out and ask your frtenda to save the pictures In their paper for you too. See how jnany pictures you can get and bring them to The Bee Office. Satur day. May 2d. The atllta will be given Free to the boys or girls that send ua the moat pictures be fore P. M.. Saturday, May Zli. OFE03S THIS EVENING Saturday, May 22 Arthur ShiIiIi'm Orcheatra. in Ilall lloom. Finn's, Band Sunday After, noons and Kvenlngs. ricuty of Water In the Thla. Season. lake BRAflDEIS"A8IToa5ay!!MI,, THEATER 30 and 6:30. Charles B. Eanford and thr wonderful CAPTAIN SCOTT SOTTTK POX.E RCTTBES Beesrved Beats Trices, 8So.36c.50c. All Next Week 'SiSn'i V".' "THE SPOILERS" Tbe World's Oreatast ICottoa Picture. moss I atats loo) Ergs., too asl goc BOYD 0m1,,,Titar.rrop,,Ur aCatlBsa Today, a :30 Tonight "TIB OI til BTOKK COU3ITBT." egruiiliur Mat. Tomorrow and All Wee All Jimmy Valentine." Matinees Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, 860. slights, 8S-6O0. Tuesday, Society Concert 3flght, Miss Clara Seifken. Soprano, and Colonial Indies' Quartet Between Aota. BASE BALL Omaha vs. Topeka ROUllKE PARK May 21-22-23-21 Friday, May 21, iAdies' laay Uauit-s CaUed at 3 P. M. (RUG PARK Opens Today IsamdAgr to Lamp's Oscneetrs, Skating; Bvink, BoUer Coaster, 38ed hull. Carry. Oa-AU, and many otiter attractloos Ideal lHoeUe tvunds. Tree Mori as sr-lotares. 1 1 i I 1 X