Miiiags,, THE BEE: OMAHA. SATf'KIAV. MAY I'.'l r I SWATTERS' COIA'MN TYPEWRITER Will trade Remington TiMble No. 10 for Bmlth Premier No. 10. Webeter 1411. WANTKIfc-Tc trariv painting nnd pater hanging for printing. grotcr coil, feed r anything I ran use. Will Investl rate anything. Addrea. 8. C Vi; Ree WILL rxchanre. snm" furniture tor Cypher's Inruhator. I'JO -egg or lareer. or seme heated Indoor brooders Harney STM. FOB KENT ApirlMfili sad Fin,, T. OEOROB e-room apartment, redeco rated throughout. 11 N. list Ave.. se lect West Farnam district. Phone Web sterl74. CENTRA I No equal price or quality! I-roora bonHi 4-roorn flat 210 N. 23d. TWO six-room, modern, rleamheated fiats. Can be rented separately or to gether" MO summer, $:5 winter. Conrad Young, 322 Krandcls Theater. Doug. 1J71. VERY choice 4 or S-room ataam-heated apartments on Weat Kamam atreet. JOHN W. BOBBINS. lrj KARNAM ST. 8-ROOM heated apartment. The Maaon. 31it and Meson Sts. Reduced rent. Con. rad Young. Z22 Rrandeis Theater. IX 1571. SEVEN-ROOM. 31:2 Cass; elegant com dltkm, modern, go.4 location. Wal. 3w2. 1 WUGLAS ST.. rooms 3 W up. COOL FOR SL'MMKR. Choice S-room apartment, with fine, large screened porch, oak flnlxli. large living room, large bedroom, dandy kitchen and bath, in Nathan apartment on Sher man Ave.: also fine 4-room apartment, screened porch, in same building; S-room rents for J32 W; 4-room. $J7... wljter and summer. Rest valuo In city. Pnone us for Inspection. Phone Iouglaa lftW. SCOT T V H I LL COM PA NY. SIX-ROOM flat. S bedrooms, at 2513 Charles St. New brick, oak finish first floor! white enamel bathroom, with porcelain fixture; good shadea. olectrlo llxtures; .newly decorated. Key at office T HAVER BROS., Douglas 1153. ""5 Om. Net. Bk. Bldg. . 8-ROOM heated apartment. The Chula Vista, ith arid Poppleton Ave. Vacant June 1. Conrad Young. ZZ2 Brandeis thea ter. Douglas 1571. THREK rooms and bath and toilet; close to car line. $12.M. T. SULLIVAN. 218 Brandeis Theater COOL, rooms, $2 week. Ogdent Hotel. Council Bluffs. Faralehed Apartments. SPLENDID NEW FURNISHED APARTMENT For rent in the New "Traverton" FIREPROOF. 24TII AND LAN DON COURT.. Catering to people of refined tastes. Apartment completely equipped fop housekeeping, up-to-date and comfort- able. TRAVER BROS., Phone Douglas llo3. 706 Omaha Nat. Bk. Board and Rooms. wXNTED an elderly lady to room and board, one who neeilM a good home and care. Private family. Best of refar etices. Hanscom park district. H. Kit. NICELY lurmshed room, with or with out board, for 2; nice neighborhood, West Farnam district. Harney ?70. 06 CAPITOL AVE. Nice cool rooms. Walking distance; good board. Doug las 7370. BOARD and room for man and wife, or two men; private family. Web. KM. WALKING DISTANCE, OOOD MEALS; meals 4, at ir&6 Howard St, TWO largo attractive rooms, with or without board, reasonable. 63C S. 2th Ave. Housekeeping Rooms. NO J4TH 4768-Threa Urge steam-heatsd unfurnished rooms: modern conven iences; detached houss; spacious lawn lour dollars. Adulta FARNAM, ZKSi, two nle housekeeping rooms, elsctrlcity, gas range Faralskad ltooma STRICTLY modern, large nicely fur nished front room, facing Turner park, lovely neighborhood; walking . distance. Harney 3M1. THE KELLOGG. Omsha's NEWEST and t-EST. strictly modern, six blocks from business district jion'h, gardens. 2454 Harney. 2423 CAES Nice cool rooms, modern, walking distance. Very reasonable. tW4 NO. 37TH Cool front room, private family, reasonable. Red. 474J. ' ,S. 23TH ST.. 408. Large south room for 2 or 4 gentlemen,- 26 month. H. 6n14. Evenings and Sundays. S NICE, large, cool rooms, modern, new furniture, nice neighborhood. Doug. 8431. NICE cool room for one or two ladlea, very private, modem: board tf desired. Nice neighborhood. Harney 3X17. TWO nice rooms, modern home, walking distance. Tyler 2178. 3 NICE, large rooms, close to Hanscom park ; private family. Harney 44'J2. THE Colonnade,. S474 Harney; choice cool rooms. Summer rates; breakfast free. S12 N. 23D t nicely furnished rooms, modern; housekeeping rooms also. KARNAM, SoU Nice, new, strictly mod ern rooms; shower baths. Single or double. A NICE, clean, all modern south room in private family; suitable for 2 young men; $12 a month; breakfast If desired. Ik14 Cass fit. fr'aralsaed tloasekeealag; Rooms. TWO new, modern, nicely furnished rooms, ideal for couple, i'lfi N. 2th Ave. Harney bitl. COOL rooms, with alcove, kitchenette furnished. Ogden , Hotel Co., Council Bluffs, la. Houses and Cottages. North. WEST FARNAM. FLNE NEW BRICK. Living room, dining room, kitchen and sun room, S bedrooms and sleeping porcn, hardwood finish, newly finished; No. 118 North With St.: rent, 4f. . AKMSTRONG-WALH COMPANY, Tyler lUis. State Hank Bid. FOR RENT 2020 Bancroft St.; 6-room cottage; water, gas, large yard for gar den. Tyler 1478. NIX-KOOM, modern house, located at 1710 Decatur St; will be vacant May l; ttt per month. Phone H- t4iU 1STH AND LATHROP, 8-room malorn house, In good condition, inquire Web ster 7U. FOR RENT 7-room bouse, all nodern. ?v Paiker St. LA ROE modern brick residence. 2601 Capitol Ave., t0. Telephone H. 6664. ; ROOMS AO modern. Bainis park. Harney H. J-R. BRICK. 12; PART MOD. choice. tuW g. IStb. R 4902. Extra SEVERAL & to (28. Tel. eve. Wal. 2.-S7. For Rent Dandy new houses. 6 rooms, all mod ern, built-in effects. 3008 to 16 Dswcy Ave. Open Sunday. American Security Co. Douglas 6013. Walnut 8007. MEDICAL, RUPTURE cured In few days without pain. Cal! or write Dr. Wray, 3uS Boa llldg., Omaha. Established 14. o PILES AND FISTULA CUREli without SURGICAL OPERATION or PAIN. NO DETENTION from BU8I NES3. PAT when CURED. A written GUARANTEE givsn In every case nested. Patients must ronio to Uie office, 40-s-lO Omaha National bank, 17th and Farnam Sta. DR. WILLIAM CREJGHTON MAX WELL. Twenty-eight yesrs in Omaha. Oraduats of Bellevue Hos4(sl Medical uuilegs New York City. N. Y A KM A NO Reuily helps get rid of U.at pain in tns bark, toiicn of rheumatism, nervousness, tired, sluggish feeling and brings back Cat lost spetlt. purifies the blood and builds up th entire sys tem. Just send a postcard to the Sliefta harger Co.. Mfi;. f hur West Liberty, la. PILES, FISTIXA CURED Dr. E. It Tsrry cm is pile fistula and ether rectal diseases without surglual operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book en rectal diseases with testimonials 'IjR i- R. TARRY. 340 bee bldg. FOR RENT Heasea aa4 Cottages. w;pt farnam special. b S Jhth 8t.. t rooms: beautifully decorated; flrst-rilasa condition tlirough out. Oarage equipped for either gaa or e'ectrle ear. Price. $ij 8" PAYNE "LATER CO, Kit Omaha National Bank FMg. FOR RENT-$65.00 DwelliDg, 41 4 So. 3Sth St. ; tiled vestibule, reception hall, front and back parlors, dining room and kitchen, 5 bed rooms,' 3 bath rooms, hot water heat garage. All in first class con dition. Location A-l. Benj. & Baker. Phones D432, II317, 17 50 1,h- frm. cottMe: water lM. Owner. 3665 bvtni St. Web. 5K4. PARK A V E. 28 R-room, strictly mod ern bon.e; large, beautiful, shady lawn: newly decorated; oak floors; KJ.W. Loyal hotel, room 4.'4 MODERN 10-room house snd good garage, located at 111 8. :Vith Ave- Possession June 1. Phone Douglas SKU. anv week dav. Itoasea and Cottages. M Ueellaneoas. HOUSES APARTMENTS. FLATS, til on-i-r., 14 N. ltn St.. mod. ex. heat ii.io--r., 41S a 27th Ave. $Jo.tv-7-r.. 8.108 Howard St.. modern. M'.60--r 2 Bristol St.. modern .. 6-r., IV S Ziith Ave., modem. M:.o e-r., MB 8. 2th Ava., modem. C.60-.r., 117 8. Stith St.. modern. tao.oo4-r. Apt. In the Harold, 27th and Jackson Pts. $37.60 7-r.. 7u7 S. lth 9t, modern, Janitor service. l37.60--r.. oi S JtRth St, modern, fine repair, garage. $2 60-4-r. Apt., "Warren." 63 S. 28th St. 42.rA-.7-r, ifr.t Arbof St. new, modem. Mi.OO-6-r.. 619 S. 16th St., modern, jani tor service. 46.00-7 r., MS S, 16th St.. modern, hot and cold water, lanltor servlon. M).0O-8-r., 33 Harney St., mod., tst-dlsss. 108 W-i-r., JM 8. 10th St.. modern. GEOROE A COMPANY, Phono D. 7M. 902 City Nsfl Bank Bldg. 14 4-r., elec. lights, well, cement base ment 16 A-r., modern except heat. . 17 -r upstairs, with heat, all modern. 'J0i-r modern except heat. 37.60 6-r., dougle house, sleeping porch. lift 7-r modern except lights. ho 10-r., modern residence. JJ6 Store room. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANT, Douglss mi. WalnitS037. NEW 6-room house. 4708 Bedford Ave. electric llshts. two Iota for chickens and garden. Bargain, 11". 704 N. th Ht.. 8-r. modern. Will put In good condition and give one month's free rent. fJ). C. C. "CLIFTON. H1S-14 City N. B. Bid. DottB. 2t.- ON WEST FARNAM. No. 4226. rooms, all modens. Qulnn, Hotel plasa. o Magganrsgvafe'B Storage es- mov lag, pacKIng, shifijilag. 17U Webster at Do uglaa las 1496. Gordon Van Co. S5; B N. lHh St Tel. D t?4 or Web. lfc-1 FINE 6-room cottaae. hot water heat all modern. 'nice home, (20 per mo tin cludea water). Move In and If you like It and surroundings will sell It for (26 per mo. psymcnts. 4715 N. & Key -flrot dour north. C. W. EATON, 1108 W.O.W. Bldg. D. 1022. Globe Van&Storage Stores, movor, packs, ships; t-borse van and 2 men, tl.26 per nr.: storage 2 pet mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 43S A Ty. 230. (KB the Central Furniture Stores, FRES RENTAL I.I8T. TTntiOf a Crelgtl Sons & Co.. Boo Bldg. 3US Mason St., 8-r., all modem, 40. i'tt'i Franklin St., 13-r., all modern. 135. 619 N. lth St., 9-r.. all modern, t. 513 N. 22d St., ft-r., all modem. 130. 2o24 Maple St., 7-r., all modem. J fi. 1736 H. 17 lh St, -r., all modern, (25. 620 N, 22d St., 6-r, mod. ex. heat, 28. 3fj0H Hamilton. 8-r., mod. ex. heat, XJ.bO. 2603 Chlcagv St. 6-r.. mod. ex. heat. t20. .I'M Lothrop St., 6-r., all modem. 18. SZh Emmet St, 7-r.. mod. ex. heat, (18. 1006 Pacific St.. 6-r., mod. ex. heat, 115. B1RKETT A COMPANY. 423 Bee Bldg Doug. 633. JC Rffl! rAlng sto "ws AW.wU ,r-. r. tjsosrlnd, store a e. i. a VJ per moiith up. i . axton. MODERN S-room cottage, M par m. 3tM Pratt Omaha Realty Co.. Red 2. FI DELITY PHEB sTcb Phone Douglas 288 for comDlete list of all vacant houses and apartments, also ior storage, moving, cacauig, Shlplag. FOK RKNT We have a complete list of all hnnsna partnenu and flats that are for rent This list can bo aeon fraa of eharxa at Omaha Van 4 Btorags Co.. S0 H. ltk St glares Offlooo. ' Downtown Shop and Dwelling For Kent Four rooms above, - largo shop below, suitable for carpenter, plumber or storage of automobiles, 14) per month. J. II. Dumont & Co., 416-U State Bank Bldg Doug. 6S0. :'2.io-2016 Sherman Ave., 15x60 feet; baaement. 7,0.00-707 8. 16th St., 20x80 ft, full base ment, steam heat. 75.00-214 South 20th St., new storeroom In Harlev hotel building. li'i. 00-1611 Howard tit.. 20x90 feet full basement steam heat. GEORGE COMPANY. Phone D. u6. 962 city Nat. Bank Bldg. NEW modem storeroom. 60a North 16th street; low rent. Conrad Young, 21 Brandeis Thaster. Doug. 1671. MODEvRN office, opposite Loyal Hotel; low rent. tl. P. Stehblns. Nice Cool Office With Vault Near the Elevator and Stairs Electric Lifcht Free The Bee Building Co. Superintendent'! Office, Room 103. OFFICES. SAMPLE ROOMS. Desirable space In Webstep-Sunderland Bldg., 16th and Howard 8ts GEORGE a- COMPANY, Phone P. 756. tnt City Nat. Bank Bldg. HsnkmiM. WAHEHOUSE WITH R. R. TRACK AO B. Two stories arid basement Mi feet with shipping platform, electrlo elevator, heat In office, water and electric lights. Will rent all or part Inquire of J. If. DUMONT Ic CO.. 416-41S State Bsnk Bldg. Phone Doug. o. WASTED TO BUT IN or near liemis park district, 6 or -room bungalow or cot tags. Price must be less than t3.2u0; few rash, bal. ji monthly. Add i ess L-l4. Bee. a Sell your real estate at auction. Write fur terms and dales. IsjWD AUCTION CO.. . Famous Real Estate Aurtionsers. IU&- 16 W. O. W. Bldg Omaha Red 83 o Isle b-ys evsrything M hand. Tyler 141. OPFICa, fumlturo bought and sold. i. C hex, n rarwam rmua (let The Boo Want Ada Ax Best Business Boosters READ FHTATK FARM RAXH 1. V tin FOK HAIR. tollforaia. CALIFORNIA LAND. All counties: catalogue free. Writ C. M Wooster Co.. Phelan Hldg.. Ban Fran ft to. Ketabltahed 30 years. Live oak Coloniea, none better. W. T. Pmllh Oo, W.-M City Nat. Rk. t. IM Colorado. Sacrifice -M arres. nesr Denver for II. per acre, will make easy terms, host of soil. In splendid location, lays level and I biggest bsrgnin in the state Act quick tf you want It. W. T. Smith Co., Cfty National Bank Pullillng. HAVE YOU a'faHM TR SALK? . Write a good description of your land and send it to the Bioux City, la., Journal. "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium. Twenty-Uvo words every Friday evening. Saturday morning and every 6aturday evenina and Sunday morning (or Otis month, giving sixteen ads oo twslrs diffeient days lor U. or 40 words, H: or tf wurda H. Largest clrcuiatkin of ear low news paper . KO.tNU rsudtrs dally IB four great state. Bflaaraota. 40. (0 OR WO AC REM, good heavy soil, la well settled part of Todd county, Minn.) good roads, schools and churches; price lib to (a per acre: terms, 1 per acre cash, a'ance (l per acre a year unlit laixt Is paid for, t per cent Interest. CHWAtf BROS., loat Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. arsrsika. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY Land department. Hss Just put 'on the market about X acrea of bottom and second bottom Farm and Alfalfa Land, sd.olnlng the Town of OGALLALA. NEBRASKA. Ogallala is the Cointv Seat of Keith County, and Is on MAIN LINE of Union Pacific Railroad. WILL SUBDIVIDE. PRICES: $30.00 to $70.00 Per Acre. TERMS OF SALE: ONE-TENTH CASH-";" payments with Interest at 6 per rent. For further Information, address or call upon, J. A. GRIFFITH, Room 109 Union Pacific Bldg. LAND COMMISSIONER, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, OMAHA, .NEBRASKA. Farms FarmsFarms II u.l. - I . .... , . . . , , . - nuutii v'ic imur suiumouiin riae oi (Omaha. BARGAINS. Let us show you belling farms Is our specialty. vrw.Ti r. ji cnniuu .;tJfti'iA p r , N. E. Cor. 2ld ar.d M 8ts.. South Omshs n COUNTRY HOME NEAR OMAHA. $11,000 buys- a highly improved farm, consisting of about 6144 acres located on ana of. our boulevards out .from the city, only 4 40-mlnute's ride. Good Water sys tem; small amount of irult. some alfalfa, tamo hsy, nice large beautiful shade trees and all klnda of shrobberv and about 10 acres of natural timber, making g beautiful perrk." This la an Ideal propo sition for handling 4Jiorouhbretl stock of gay kind. . Living spring In pasture. v;. n.' lvmsb, nS Brsndels Theater Bldg. Omaha. D. 391. FOR SAt-E, 1W acres In Perkins county. . - -1 , r l . . s- ' , xeurasKia., iuurpiiy. uwuvr, iarcn wood. la. htlseellaaeoae. . TO SELL LAND qulokly and profitably, you must roach those whe are at the present tliua most iiitarrstedl In farm lands. The Iowa farmer Is today the best farm land brospoot in the United' States, The Dos Moines Capital . with 240.0uO daily roadera can put your proposition squarely before a larger number of these live crisDecte than any other Iowa news paper. Our circulation la guaranteed the largest In Iowa. We will Insert a SO word ad 10 days for only $LM (add 6o for each additional word). Our regular price Is la per word per day. You sava 60c on this offer. To sell your land tomorrow, aond your an many iu THE DES MOINES CAPITAL. 108 WALNUT ST. ' DE8 MOINES, IA. Apartments, fiats, bouses ana cottages eaa bo rontedqulckly and cheaply by g Rao 'Tor Rant", bbaXj estatk voAm WE ARE always In funds to make good farm and city loans. PUTTERS TRUST CO., 13 Farnam St FARM LOANS. ( PER CENT. TOLAND TRUMBULL. 448 Bee Bldg. Sl TO llO.Ouo made promptly. F. D. Wead. Weed Bid., lKth and rarnani Stg CITY and farm loans, 6. 6W, per cant i. H. Dumont Co.. 416 Slats Bank. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska fariua, O'KEKKK REAL ESTATE CO., Wit Omaha National. Phone louulas fTVk WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co.. Iltt remain St BEE ua first for farm loans la eastern Neb. United States Trust Co.. Omaha, 6ft CITT LOANS. C O. Carlberg. 110-811 Brandeis Theater Bldg. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas. 228 State Bank Bldg. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans H. W. Hinder, City National Bank Bldg. REAL K8TATE WANTED LIST real estate and rentals with DON KLSON R. . CO.. SOI Om, Nat l dank REAL ESTATE FOR ' EXCHANGE1 For Scale or Exchange A very deslrsble 7-room l.ouse and large lot, on paved street. In Kod ne'gh borhood. Price, 6.fi00. Will exchange for vacant land in Nebraska with good soil or for a smaller house In Omaha. J. H. Dumont & Co. "6-18 Stat Bank Bldg. Ilione poug. il'.s. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE BARGAIN IN EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE This house is beautifully located, right on car line, on a high, beautifully te -raced corner lot. facing ea.t Plenty ct Itrge shade trees and icniu fruit. House Is heated by hot water and Is Otherwise modern throughout. TERMS: jh CAsilf, BAL ANCE LIKK RLNT. - Call Walnut -' tonight aftar o' lock. Call Douglas 2VJ6 any time today E. P. WRIGHT, I MOOMsl, all saodorn. lit Ute burlh part of the city; 12 . Terms: cash and $3 monthly. Walnut 14jo. RKAL F.8TATK HOI TH H11K Field Club We want an nffer for !t'4 P. 36th Ft , facing east st corner of Marcv St. This la a fe-room, I-story modern houso, newly painted. In good condition throughout. Asking 4,;.lft, but we want an offer. Easy terms ran be arranged, but cash Is an onjort. Key at our of fire. Act quick it you want a bargain. Glover & Spain SH-20 City National. intone Douglas JSsfi. 5 Rooms South 4 blocks to car. near paved atreet. good barn, rlstern. cemented cave, all modern except heat; lot 6"xl0 feet Price, $i.lW. Terms, $4X) down. American Security Co. IVMIsisi MIS. Walnut irr. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUJU?, southeast corner of 26rh and Maaon. nearly new. ready for orcupany now. PRICK RIGHT. Will pay you to iuvrstlcate. Se. owner. M2 8. 36th St.. or phone Tyler lirS. A BARGAIN In Weat Hanscom Park, bungalow. 6 rooms and enclosed sleeping porch, nearly finished, oak finish first floor, rlne and birch finish second floor and fireplace, house all complete with storm windows and screens and lighting fix tures, for tX.fV. Make an appointment with owner and builder to see It Harney 7619. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE Beautiful New 7 Room House Near Country Club- For Sale by Owner. Reasonable First Payment Balance Like Rent. Tliis house Is modem throughout and Is built of the best materials: the principal rooms are finished In oak: the living room, which is very large, has a beauti ful brick fireplace. There are built-in closets, cabinets snd chests all over the house; the basement has a good cement floor; the house Is heated ly furnace. There is nlso an automatic gas hot water heater. The house racee east la block from car and I located m one of Omaha's most beautiful new residence districts, for fuller information telephono Wsl. 1343 after 6:30 p. m. this evening or tomorrow. Snap iSi) will buy modem 7-rooin house, fine residence district, 2 blocks Farnam car line. Full sized lot, south front Will make terms. Owner leaving city. W. T. Smith Co., City National Bank Bldg. . New House Easy Payments We are building a 8-room, 2-storir house fn the cathedral district at 4320 Wakeley ve. If you want 10 buy a new houso In this fine resldental district it will pay you to sea this one. Take a DuiTdee car, get off at 43d and walk 4 blocks north. If you want a real homo see this. It's a dandy.. ... , . Creighj Sons & Co. Douglas J. 608 Bee Bldg. Southwest Corner of 25th Avenue and Dodge St. If von want one of the best close-In properties, suitable for an apartment house or family hotel, you should look at this corner lot. Has 76-foot east frontage on itth- Ave. and 88 feet on Dodge Ht. Paving all paid. Also an additional piece of ground on Dodge St., which has been vacated. There are two houses on this property thst bring In good rent until you are ready to put up an apartment house or hoter. Price for quick sale, W.OnO. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. REAL ESATK INVESTMENTS Investment Close-In Owner leaving cltyj offers to sacrifice on Improved property, close in; east of 28th St.: consisting of frame store build ing with some fixtures; 6-room rottage and a bsrn, with full south front lot on paved strei't. This property la in first class condition, recently painted and It is rented cheap at It" per month-. Owner wants l-'.fw, but will consider offer for quick sale. This Is one of the best small Investments we have offered for some time. Glover & Spain Hi City National. Investment 24th and Cass At 24th and Cass we have two vacant corners. The northeast corner Is 112 feet on Cass bv 1H2 on 24th and 23d Bis. There Is ample room to build flats fronting on 23d and stores on 24th fct. The southwest corner of 24th and Cssa Is lmH feel on Caaa by 118.2 feet on 24th ht. This property belongs to an estate and they have instructed us to submit the best cash offer we can get A. P. Tukey & Son I Tel. Doug. Ml. 1607-S W. O. W. Bldg.-o Apartments, flats, houses and cottages . , can be rented quickly and cheaply by a I Bee -For Rent" Ad. REAL E8TATL SUBURBAN llasdrr, A beautiful corner lot iu Dundee with a 135 foot frontago in tlw Evan' ( 'ir cle. Price !f2,200.00. If you want large lots buy in Evanto?i. Everybody says that these lots are bpinp; sold too cheap, but we are roii to sell every lot. $17,:J0rj.foj. worth of lots sold last week in Hvanston. II. II. Harper iV. (,'tiiiiiaii , 101.114 City Xat'l Maul, ftilildinu. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Confirmed Reports of Crop Damages in Southwest Send Wheat Up One Cent. ACTIVE DEMAND FOR CORN OMAHA. May II. IH. Cash wheat advances i to 1 rent hlKher. Confirmed crop damaged reports irom the southwest sends the wheat market higher. There wss an active demand for corn md this cereal sold unchanged to '. higher. (Hits were also higher, they selling ,. higher than vesterdnv According to advices received from the : seaboard, the export business in whrrt is tireatlv restricted bv tho scarcity of esscl rixitit on tho oc.sn. At least one of tho big houses In .he .wheat trade reports huytng orders In Its hands for goodly lots of old wheat, but much hlKher prices than thoso now pre vailing arc nsked by thoso carrying the 'grain. i This Inquiry comes not only front In i dividual exporters, hut one or two of th. Kovoinmente abroad are aald to be In the market for both, wheat and flour. Advices from both Winnipeg and Mon treal were to the effect that the repre sentatives of Oreat Brlttiln were making strong bids for the old crop wheat Clearances were: Wheat and flour, eniial to l.Osis.OVO bu ; corn, wi.noo bu.; OHta, fkVd.ncW on. Liverpool spot: Wheat, iinrhnngi d to d higher; corn, unchanged to 1c lower. Primary wheat recelpta were .V.4,000 bu. and shipments 7S0,on0 bu.. against receipts of 612,000 bu. and shipments of 276,000 bu. last year. Primary corn reeelpts wers 4.H00fl bu. and shipments 669,000 bu., against receipts pf 410.IMO bu. and shipments of 414.0iO bu. last year. Primary oats recelpta were 4M.000 bu. and shipments 914.000 bu., against receipts of 60U.0HK bu. and shipments of 4791100 bu. Ik st year. CARI5T RECEIPTS. .... Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago k, (4 7g Minneapolis 9 DuliiU 14 Orosha at; m Ksnsas City m 46 14 St. Loula 23 m a 'Winnipeg m These sales were reported today. 1) host: No. 2 hard w inter. 8 cars. Jl 48. No. 4 hard winter, I cars, $1.44. Corn: No. I white. 1 car. 72c. No. 8 white, 1 car. "He; 1 car, 71 He No. t yellow, 3 cars. lie. No. 3 yellow. I car. 71e; 6 cars, TDic No. 1 mixed, 2 csrs. 7tHc. No. 2 mixed. 3 cars. Jic; 1 cars, io'.c. No. 3 mixed, 20 cars, 70c. No. 6 mixed, 1 car. 8Hc No. 6 mixed, 1 car, IV; 1 car (rusty), 8c. Sample, 1 tar. Km-; 1 cur (wheat mixed), tfce. Oats; No. 2 white, II cars. 600. No. 3 white, 4 csrs, 4H(c. Sample, 1 cars, 46io; 1 car, 4Hc. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 tur key, Sl.48inkiit.49; No. 4 turkey. $1.4?Vtl 14S; No. S hard. Sl.47Hai.48; No. 3 hard. SI.46Hei.47; No. 4 hard. Sl.4Vl.41i; No. i spring, Sl.46H4.lI.46H; No. 2 durum, II.44H 4ii.4b; No. S durum, SIH'l 4iY Coin: No. 2 white. 7n.ii';2, No n hii rii.. ii,''J?,0 wmie, tiiWiir INo. b white .lll..(n?OS: n V a m K I .. ... v. J mixed, 70i4r7oHc ; No. 8 mixed, 6!VW 70c; No. 4 mixed. !Hhic : No. 6 mixed, 6!l(lW9He: No. t mixed, tKHfrtiftc. Oata: No. 2 white. 4H, W'Oc : standard. 4ni;i4'iV.. No. S white. 4!"VitMfHc; No. 4 white. 4VW 4le RirlAv XI n jtir.. .cjfTA... i i tv't!Pc. i.ye' No- ' ll OTHdl OS; No. 3! ti.uoia'i.vi. i CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Featnrea of the Trading gad ( toeing Prleee on Board of Trade. CHICAOO. Mav 21. Bullish eron re ports Includlns an estimate that the yield In Kansas and Oklahoma would be 64,000,000 bushels less than was harvested last year carried whest prices today sharply higher. The close was strong at VftlTto net advance. Corn values gumed tWta to 10 and oats '4Tfc In provi sions tho outcome varied from 10c de cline to g rise of 6c. Wheat speculators appeared to give at tention almost wholly to the question of how areat bad been the amount of In- Jury to the domestlq arnp. Despite the acutnness or tne war situation, foreign news waa scarcely conaldered. The first upturn in the market came from advices sent by a leading Chicago expert touring southern Illinois and Indiana. He as serted that a Urge acreage would provo worthless and that In other fields the dnmajre was greater than had hitherto seemed probable. Later tne slashing ot Kanaaa and Oklahoma estimates led to even heavier, buying and to a fresh bulge in prices. Futures ranged as follows: Artlclol Open, I IMgh.l l,ow. Close. lYes'y. Wheat May. July. 1M l 6r 1 2SS 1 IV 1 26 1 f&K 1 2H 1 KM 1 26U 1 26H' REAL EMTATK NOBTII ( Ixt3 Within 4 Blocks of 40th and Grand Ave. Four blocks to car. six blocks to Orand Ave. school; lays high and sightly; have city water; will sell .n terms of Sao down and V per week. These, lots are located in Ak-Sar-Ben Hill addition. HAHTINOH HKYDKN. 1614 Harnsy Ht. $3,250 S-ROOM BUNGALOW. BKAUT1F1L AKKANOKMENT. Tf an unususlly pretty and convenient arrangement, with oak finish and every thing ss complete snd nice ss you usu ally pays $3,600 to $3,700 for, appeals to you we suggest thst you see this. Phone us todav for location and ap pointment. Knundcrs Company, Douglas 3622. 1215-18 W. O. W. Bldg. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE 5.44 Acres in Richland Acres, $'J,(J4) . This Is located north snd west of Hen son; inly H mile from psved rosd. Has running whit; tres; good rich ground; plenty of slope. Will make very easy terms. H AHTINOS 41 HEYDEN, 1614 Harney Ht. WANT yellow, 71!(r2o; No. 8 yellow, il4tr71tr; No. 4 yellow, 7oHl7lc; No. 6 yellow, ;ot J.0l.o: No. 6 ve.llow. TOitiTnUe! islo 5 THE OMAHA BEE, Omaha, Neb. Enclosed find $ in payment for publishing the following advertisement for days in THE OMAHA BEE as per rate quoted, below: 1 ; COPY..-. NAME AND ADDRESS COUNT AS PART Or AD. Git, nam and address on ad If possible, g best results ara obtalnsd this way; If, for any reason, you do sot with your namg to appear In th ad; w will ad key number rare of Bee. ANSWERS FORWARDED TO TOU WITHOUT EXTRA COST. RATES One Inssrtion, in Daily or Sunday, 2 Cents a Word. Three Insertions, 1 Cents a Word. Seven Insertions, 1 Cent a Word CASH OR STAMPS MUST ACCOMPANY ALL ORDERS 1-JJ .1 I' -1 74'.' 7r' ' T4H' 73H 7V 76l 7'd vji.! MH NT,' 60S M TniI, i rn' is I7H l 16 I is j:h 18 67HI IS 17Hrl8 40 i 18 66 . 8JH 77H "t' 7S 10 10 10 00 10 0, H 10 00 10 6mJ 10 17 H 10 ffl I 10 60 10 H7HI 1" SI. 10 Sn I 10 So Corn. ) sis v July Osts Mav. July Pork. .1 ill v . Sept. Lard. Julv (Sept. Ribs. Julv. Sept. W'4 10 00 10 KS Chlcaan Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red. SI.MH: No. 2 hanl, (I Mori .V,',. Corn: No. - yellow, 73',.-; oihera nominal. tiats: No 3 white. n?Vuftftn; standard, My, Rve: No. 2. 1 1H. Barley: 7?vvO Timothy: tu.MKi Clover: K ."rfHi U 7.V. Pork $17 90. iJtrd: $.;. Ribs: M..X7H f1037H Ml rTI.H Higher; rreamerv. lititll lwrr; i-i'celptis. 7 i7 ruses; st mark, cases Included. firsts, i.i'i7c; firsts. 17W; IDTATOWH-Iiower; receipt. rare; Mlchlsen 'ind Wisconsin, red. 3.Va3sc; MIcMgan nnd Wisconsin, white, W-iMJc. l'til'L':'UV Alive, unchanged; fowls, 15c. Corn and Wheat Region Balletln. At Omahn, for the twenty-four hours ending at s a. m , 76th meridian time, Friday, May a. 1!13: STATIONS OF OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rain- District High. Low. fall. Pky. Ashlnnd. Neb.. M 4S 1.11. Cloudy Auburn, Neb... V 4o .e Cloudy Broken Bow ..44 37 .03 Clear Columbus, Nb. M 41 .63 Cloudy Ciilliertaon, Nb. 44 .on Clear Fairbury, Nb. hi 4j .70 Pt. cloudy Fairmont. Neb. 40 40 .72 Cloudy Or. Island. Nb. 4t 43 .41 Cloudy Hartlngton, Nb 61 41 .23 Cloudy Hastings. Neb. 4t 3 .6.4 CUvar Holdrege, Neb. 43 96 .10 Clear Uncoln. Neb... M 44 .(1 Cloudy No. Platte, Nb43 S3 .on Clear Oakdale. Nob.. 47 43 .27 Cloudy Omaha. Neb... hi 4A 1 07 Cloudy Tekamah. Neb. M 44 1 Cloudy Valentine. Nb 40 40 .08 Cloudy Ixiwest temperature for twelvw-hour perh.d ending at S a. m. The weather Is warmer In the eastern portion of tho corn and wheat belt Rain occurred In all districts, and the fol lowing heavy falls are reported: In Kan sasFort Hc.ott 2 22 Inch.e, Hays. 1; Eureka, 160 In Oklahoma Knld. L In Iowa Carroll, l.H; Fort Dodge. 1.S0; Forrest City, l.m. Tn Missouri Mexloa, 1: Lebanon, 1.20; Roll a, Hannibal and Jefferson City. l.M, In Illinois Hoards town. 1.40; Hycamore, 1; La Palls and Htreator, L40; Peoria. 1.90, In Ohio Cltvlevtlle and "omerset, 1.30. la West Virginia Parkersbunr. 1.10. I.. A. WELA1L I.ocal Foreiasl.r, Weather Bureau. New York Oeweral Market.' NRW YORK. May a. 8tTOAR-Raw, steady; centrifugal, 4.89c; molaasea, 4.U0, lleflneid, steady. Pugar futures opened quiet and later advanced g point or two on reports of further saJee of granulated for export. BL'TTBR Bleady: reoelpta, S.9M tubg; creamery ox t re a (S3 score), STHo; cream ery (higher scoring), t028Hc; firsts, 24 H QTIp; seconds, tMTXe. nilOB Irregular; receipts, H.STiO rases; fresh gsthered extras, tlH-frllc; storsge peeked, extra firsts, 20tCle; firsts, lajOc; regular packed extra firsts, 19H9 sou; firsts, lkfildlK-; nesrby hennery whites, fine to fancy, S2H4230; nearby hennery brown, 22c, OH BF.HK Irregular; reoelpta, J.Jng boxes; state, whole milk, freah, gperlajs, 17Vic; state, whole milk, average fancy, 17c. POCLTRY Live. firm; chlokens, broilers, 23Wc; fowls. 19c; turkeys ,11c. Dressed, firm: western frosen rosstlng chickens, 17tr22c: fresh fowls. Iced, Hjpno; freshturkeys, Iced. 1617c. Kansas City (iraln aad Provisions. KANRAH CITY. May 21 .WHEAT No. I hard, Sl.C7Hai.4S; No. S red. $1.4Mtrt H; Msy, $1.47; July. il.21((l.HH: September, $1.16. COUN-No. t mixed, 74o: No. 2 white, 74He; No. ywllow, 74He; No. S. 7JH4r74o; May. 78c; July, T4HfT74Ho; iteptember, 74HHC4HC OATH No. S white, 63c; No. 1 mixed, 49ftlo. BCTTER-Creamery, Sflc; firsts, ' 24c; seconds, 2?e; packing,- 18c. F.Ot IS Firsts. 16Hc; seconds. ICo, ' IOtTLTItY Hens, le; rosters, 10o; tur keys, 16c, i , . Mlnnoapolls Grala Market. . MINNEAPOLIS. May SI. WHEAT May. $1.63; July, J1.47H asked; No. 1 hard, $1.64H: No. 1 northern. S1.67HIS1-83H; No. 8 northern. S1.63HH1.61N. FLOL'R Advanced; fancy patents. 7.S8; first dears. 6.'0; second clears, J4.8a BARLICY-67W4C RYB-Sl.l4fi1.l7. BRAN-2llo. CYRN No. yellow, 7IHV72C. OATB No. S white, 52tf2lc Mverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. May 21. WH EAT Spot. No. 2 Manitoba,, 14s Hd; No. S, lis IHd: No. 1 northern spring, not quoted; No. 1 northern, Duluth, Us M; No. 3 hard win ter, 13a SHd. CORN bpot, American mixed, new, Sa Sd; La lists, mixed, 8s IHd. sit. Loots Oral a Market. KT. IOt'IB. May 21. WHEAT-No. S red. $1. tort 1.47: No. 2 hard, SI. 52441. B; Msy, $1.48; July, II. MH- CORN-No. 2, 76c; No. 2 whlta. Via; May. 74'4': July. 76c. i OAT8-N0. 3. 60c; No. I whits. CSHc Coffeo Market. NEW YORK. May 2l.-COFFKK-Tlis market for futures was quiet tody and fluctuations were Irregular. After open ing 1 point higher to I points lower, the market sold about Hr9 points over last night's prices on covering and a little trade buying, but as soon as the detnsnd had been supplied, prices weskened under realising of liquidation, with the close net 8 points lower to 3 points higher. Bales, 16 Wo bags; May. 6.4ftc; June, 6.46c: July, 6.61c; Aiiguat. 6.66c; September, 6 68c: Oo tolier, 2c: Novemljr, 6.660; December. 6ilc; January. 6.74c; February, 6.70c; March. 4.86c: April, 6.i4c. Hpot, quiet; Rio No. 7 7lc; No. 4, Vc. No fresh quota tions were reported In the cost and freight market, Milrels prices were 75 ies lower st Rio, hut unchanged at San tos. Rln exchange on London was un changed. F.vaporated Apples and Dried Fralte NEW YORK. May 21. EVAPORATED APPLKH Imll. DRLKD FHCTTR Prunes, easy: apri cots snd peaches, dull snd easy; raisins, steady. AD ORDER . stock Attn oxr. Review of Operations an ttk SCx rbanfte Irarlng the Pay. NKW YORK, May 21 -A steady tone prevailed In todsv's early stock market. Issues or all classes showing galna These extended t' a full point In the case of some of the so-called war specialtlM. t'nlted Slates Kteel. coppers and Mexi can Petroleum Joined In the rise end rep resentative rallwsy storks rose sub stantially after temporary hesitation. Chesapeake Ohio and Missouri Pari fir, features of yesterday's seealon rose from material fractions to a point Deal ings were on g moderate scale, mdlrs tlona pointing to a dull day. Number of sales and tn?tag quotations en stocks were as follows: S.I.. Kltli: L. Clms AUefc, lloli AnalsamlM 1V S1, 4S J.7IW 1. 116 An-sri,an Beet Husar 4 J4 ' 44V, 4 T, M', H', StV, M .' ,1'.". 1V 'le-i JlH it, snivritsn iso Anierlr.n t R Anerlfsn s. M pf4... Am. Purv Rstlnlns Anisiiosn Tsl. g T.I.... Air.rlrsn Tnb.ro. Ai.(Mni. Mining Ate Mt.,n Heliimnre Oble Snv-kiyn hssid Tiwaalt.. ralltnrnta rtml.iim .... ('r.,tiji Pvilfln , 'ntri leather rhMp.)ie a Ohio t'hliwso O. W n.inn ts 4l 1.4SA i.eon H 7J lfl MS. 41w W . ll lif4 lt f 'Mease. M A ft. P.... ana Chlraso N. W ' yo Thlso Cnpesr ..... tAA rolorsiln Kusl turn.... n CVInrsilO gout her it.... i PBVr g Rio Orand. lwnTee A R. O. M SO 14 41', t7H t'txiiier,- Berarlllea ... m. .... (r..rml r.lwtiio ilret Nsrthsra pfd Greet No. Or. eita Ouss.nh.tm Ksplaratiita. Illinois ontrsl Interbnroaih M-t. pf4... Invpiratlnn Coener ...... Intarnatlniul Hamster . Ksnaw 1ir Snta.ra... Ishish v.n.y LftuisTlll. a Noativlll... Mrytosn PstroLun Miami Osp.r Mlnoort. K T MIh,w1 Psclfle ........ NatlMsl niwtitt National gtA N.T.6, Oop.r ......... New Tork iotr1 K Y . N. M. H Kerfnlk A Wnwra Nurttwra Paolfl. 1's.ltlo Mali rsoino t.i. T.l Tsnnilvajita Pnlln-.n lslsns oar Bar Coo. Corp.r Itwidlnf Rrpubll. Iron g fltssl . PiiKk 1slan4 li Kork ll.n4 tx pM at. 1. a I r. M m... snthwa yaelfl. amith.ra Hallway 4.XW 4. IMS l.soe lies 'ion ti 14V, -H HI 11714 M 47 't" t ' N US 1M, 117 IS'i 7 24 St It 1411. 1UV) M 00 U2 141H 11 7.Ss IMcl t.sm 'i.-4vi S 94 V, 1S 14 US H 14 M 41 tS 11 lH 11T 14-s sv H 101 . 1JS 14H see 1.TIW IM isi" .1(41, ..... 'Te', M 1H see 1st . 'i.'fns "iiii si . II Mo 114 14,V4 JtJli atno s ji i7v . M, , " 4 S.4ss s S 1.4HS 4 5 t, .OS MS ITS tl M'4 140 S4S MH 4i, Ill 1, ii,(o ies ims 1 su TnMMMt ( opp, Tsxs. t'nmpaar vnloa rsoirio t'nloa I'anine p(4 fnli4 Puis. Hiasl..., V . ftiMl s'4... Utah "optr Wwbuh rr Wmen UaUia W.MInshnnM mrtri. Moeiana hsnr v,ov fvs U J" 1IM In) , 4.40 44', MI4 l.ano i, C l.tsn ru 4BiZ H.M4 46 44S IMS MS 4 Total sals, for tW day. 4I6.SS) ekarsi Now York Maaoy Market. NEW YORK, May XI . MTTRCA NT TLH PAPER-SHTW Per cent. BTKRIJNU EXCHANOB-flteady; sixty-day bills. $4 .7f.F4; (or cables. $4.TB7; (or demand, $4.7828. BILVBR Bar, 4&o: '. Mexican dollars, 880. BONDS Ooremraent, firm; railroad, heavy. TIME LOANS-fitaady; sixty days, t9 per cant; ninety days, I per cent; six tr.onths, 8H03H per oent . CALL MONEY Weak; high, 2 per txrnt; low, 1 per oent: ruling rate, S per cent; last loan, per oent; closing Hd, 1 per cent: offered at 1 per oent Closing quotations on bonds today were follows: V. a. rf. Sa, reg... rt Vo pas. ev. at... 4t 4a ewapoa 7 !., Y. C. g. H" 7v V. g. a. rg lH7. Y. fu 4VM IK do esasoa lssvtH. Y. guus He 10s V. a. 4s. rsg........lai H. Y.. N. M. g H. do mums US ev. as si Paaam. eoeioa..1iv4Mo. Pasitie 4a 4, AM. Pawltwra 4-....104H 4a u . A. T. T. ev. 44s.lnO. g. U rwt. 4s v. Armour g C. 4s.. S-r.' T. T. Is... 7'I Atrhlaea gas. 4s.... trsn. son. 4s Btl. 4k Ohl 4a 40 oae. 4ts .Kiv, rnm. Ohio 44s.. m w. i,. a n. r. r. 4. O. B. 4). I. 4s,...oemSe. Pae. ev. 4. ill RM g B r ev a... ds rf. 4s ,. hi. . g. eat. 44..., n 4 ... a. s D g R. 0 rat, te,. 47SiS.. Rallwsv s. Ms Krl. gn. -4s 48 tnloa faellle 4s M Osn. Icitrlo Sa...,10lti 4e . 4s i, t. N. 1st 414s.... n. n, Kubbsr 4s...JOj. lit Oil rsf. 4s....T V S. gtMl ...... ..Mil. K. C. f. rt. 8.. IrwWahaaii 1st la jot L. A N. snl. 4a.... t W. rloa 4Hs..i M K. T. let 4s.. 74HWM. SIm. ev. a..ioj'. rondos' atook Market. ' LONDON, Msy 23. American securities in tho stock market opened steadv. hsrd ened a fraction on a few buying orders and closed steady. SILVER Bar, 23 -18d per OuBcr. ' MONEY 1H91H per cent ' DISCOUNT RATES Short bills, 2H per cent; three months, 2 U.U$2Ts par cent. 'Metal Market. .' ", NEW YORK. May 71.-MKT A LeV-Lead Quiet $4.17t4 3. Hpelter, unquoted. Tin Firm, hut quiet; S37.60(q38.6o. iron, oulet and unchanged. At London: Copper, spot,- 78 : futures, 76 6a. Tin. stot, 10; ful tures, 162. Antimony, XllODflit. Dead 20 is Sd. Ppeltor. 71. ' Dry Oooeo Market. NEW YORK. May 31. Cotton goods were steady but quiet : today. Yarns were easier, wool firm. Carpet wools were in good demand at higher prices Domestic growers are declining fanev prices offered by mills and dealers. Bur laps were high and feverish. OMAHA. May 21. Bsnk cloarings for Omaha today were $2,k61, 144.6s and for the corresponding day last year 83,446.- 970.08. MISS BAUER OUTROllS ' MISS NESBIT ON ALLEYS In close and exciting match Miss Tot Bauer defeated Miss Lois Nesbtt for ths woman championship of Omaha on the association alley last night by g score of 734 to 718. Miss Bauer will defend the title against ail challengers. Bcore: 1st. 2d. 8d. 4th Sth Tot. Miss Tot Bauer. .141 148 131 IK 1? 7"14 Miss Lois Nesbit..ll4 136 lit IM) ldl 711! BLANK t '..