Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 15, Image 15

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he B e es Horn e TMaaz i ft e P a
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The Awakening
I love the tropics where sun and rein
00 forth together, a Joyous train.
To hold up the sreen, gay elde of the world.
And to keep earth's banners of bloom unfurled.
1 Iota the scents that are hidden there
By housekeeper Time, In her chests of air;
Strange and subtle and all a-nfe,
With Tsgue lost dreams of a by-cons life.
They steal upon you by night and day,
But nerer a whiff can yon take away;
And nerer a song of a tropic bird
Outside of its palm-decked land la heard.
And nowhere else can you know the sweet.
8oft, "Joy-in-nothing" that comes with the heat
Of tropic regions. And yet, and yet.
If in evergreen worlds my ways were set
To see the wonder of waking trees;
To feel the shock of sudden delight
That comes when the orchard has changed in a night
Prom the winter nan to the bride ot May,
And the harp of spring is attuned to play
The wedding march, and the sun is priest'.
And the world is bidden to Join the feast.
Oh, never is felt in a tropic clime,
Where the singing of birds is a ceaseless chime
That leap o' the blood, and the rapture thrill,
That comes to us here, with the first bird's thrill.
And only the eye that has looked on snows
.Can see the beauty that lies in a rose.
The lure of the tropics I understand,
But, bo! for the spring in my native land.
T1 1 i The Most Imposing
he Uoddess Story Ever Cfeated
Don't Believe in
Fairy Tales, Girls
Dorothy Dix Warns Young Women Workers to Beware
of Dreams and Fiction Princess Face Truth and
Work Up with Man in Own Sphere of Life
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osing Motion Picture Serial and
Read It Here See It at the Movies
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Scientists Abandon
Nebular Hypothesis
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i no scene in tne woods atter the little girl has been stolen . Stilliter is with her, also the nurse, and in the back-
. ground a guide.
If J eould Say one word more meat
than any other to working- girls, It would
h tbl:
Don't believe In fairy tales, (Irla.
The story of Cin
derella and the
Fairy Prince U .
fiotlon. ' It nerer
happens in real
life. It never hap
pened to any alrl.
It aeeuredly Is
never coin to
happen to you; eo
gvt the slllr Idea
out of jrour head
and get down to
the real builneM
of life.
Do you know
why the working
arlrl so easily falls
a victim to the
wllea of any well
dressed mam? It
Is because che sttl
believes In fairy tales. t
Bhu. reaQy Uvea In a romance that h
makes uo for herself. In It Home god-
like male creature, who in a happy com
bination of a matinee hero and a philan
thropic millionaire catches a glimpse at
her at her counter, or In her cashier's
wtcket. or over her sewing machine, and
he falls madly in love with her, and mar
ries her. and takes her off to live In a
golden slae on Fifth avenue, and she
Become a a society queen, and has her
pictures la the newspapers every day.
That's tha stuff the working girl's
dream Is made of, and she's so anxious
to find thta Fairy Prince that she flu
his oaa on every man she meets who
looks like what she consider a "swell."
He doeen't even have to be a deep, dark,
ubtle villain to deceive her. She de
nelvea heraelf into believing that a street
flirtation meana an overwhelming pas
sion that she has Inspired in the man's
breast t and that a few Joy rides and a
dinner or two at a reataumnt. and a sum
mer etcuralon meana marriage in the
Many a gtrl haa wakened up from her
dream of the Fairy Prince to wlah that
she had never been born, and to find that
her hero bad Juat been amuelng an idle
hour with her, and when he had tired of
her, had thrown her anlde like a broken
toy, careless whether he had wrecked
her Ufe.
Quit dreaming, girls. Wake up and
fact the truth, and that la that men
rarely marry out of their class. They
may find the workiruj girl pretty and
piquant, and her very unconventlonallty
diverting, but when a man of family,
and wealth, and tradition marries, he al
most always picks out for a wife a
woman who knowa how to give dinners
and run an establishment, and who can
add her fortune and her social prestige
to his.
Of course there are exceptions to this
rule, but the average working girl haa
Just as much chance to be elected presi
dent as aha has to marry a millionaire.
Look with suspicion upon every man
above your own grade in life who offers
you attentions, girls. Ninety-nine times
out Of a hundred he is a wolf in sheep s
olothlng, and he has exactly the same
intentions toward you as a hungry wolf
would have toward a defenseless lamb.
Another great harm that girls' artless
fatta In fairy tales does la that in look
ing out for the Fairy Prince, who never
mil, they only too often overlook the
honest young suitor who is on the
ground, and who would make a 'million
times better husband than any romantic
hero. Naturally. If you were expecting
to suddenly be snatched sway from your
daily grind to a atate of luxury you
would turn up your nuse at the prospect
of a little built for two.
That's why many a girl turns down
the good, honest-hearted young aaeohaoiu
w aterk, who can offer her only tha lovo
of his heart and the work of his hands
and the ohanos to build up in life with
him. Her silly head la filled with fool
dreams about being a mlllionalre'a bride,
and by the lima she wakes up from bar
dream Mer ohanos of rent bapplneaa haa
Still another harm that believing in
fairy tales does sir Is la that It paralyses
their effort. JEvery employer will tell
you that when a woman rets down to
business, and gives up her mind to it. she
oaa out circles around almost all of her
male competitors. Nobody can find out
as much about a subject as a woman
oaa whsn she really set herself to In
vestigate it Nobody can remember ao
many details. Nobody la ahrswder than
a woman, or loves ts bargain better. No
man can be as fanatically Intent on one
subject as a woman can be.
All of the special aex peculiarities of
women lend themselves to auccess la
business; yet, in spite ot these qualifica
tions, women are generally paid less than
men in business simply because their
work Is worth lens.
And the resaon for this la that few
women think It worth while to ever learn
their business thoroughly because they
don't expect to follow it except for a
little while. ' They are depending on
somebody else to come !
Port them, and bestow upon them tha
money they want. Instead of earning it
It's the fatal belief- in run. t.i-..
again, and U tha time aver comes whsn
sins realise that there's going to be no
magle wand business is thai... ..
the only way that their serge suits will
cnangoa into spangled robes, and their
street car into a limousine. Is by their
own good work, then we shall .nt k...
to pass laws securing a minimum wage
for girls. They'll earn a living salary.
With frills on it. for themselves.
Do You Know That
In labrador sealskin w
for the dogs, which, attached to sledges.
sreat speed over the rough loe
na neea soma protection for the feet
A paper chlmnev rtftv t-- 1,1.1.
- .iran
fireproof, la a curiosity to be seen at
Breslau. "
Wood ensravinaa of lnh ,.1...
made almost exclusively nr hnnH --a
the large blocks are made of small pieces
'"lrnm logeuier. The engraving is dono
across the end of the grain. Japanese
woon print are made an innt,.iu
tlon of cherry wood parallel to the
A considerable source of profit exists
in the feathers of the goMen pheasant,
which are used In salmon fishing. These
bird, which are natives of China, are
tha hardiest of the nh....i .. - -
are not at all troublesome to rear in this
One of the moat durahla mmAm 1.
eycamore. A atatue made from it. now
in the museum of Olxeh, at Cairo, la be
lieved to be nearly ,0u0 y,ars old. Not
withstanding this great ate. If U ss
srtted that the wood Itself Is entirely
sound and natural In appearance.
The amount of gold or any other metal
eolued In Paraguay is so araell that It
can with safety bo entirely exoluded
from consideration. None whatever la In
circulation at this time and the very
few coins of Paraguayan origin outstand
ing are held as curloslUea
It Is believed that the first pineapple
forced in England was grown by Cluwles
the Second's own gardener and was cut
by the king ntrosclf. .
It hsa been found that a bat can ab
sorb and d'ueei in one nlglvt food three
times tlio a eight of Its own body.
Cremation establishments under the
control of the government are to be
found la all the chief cities of Japan.
aj Tommy Barclay
m The Oeddesa
Written br
Gouverneux. Morris
(Oaa af Moat aTotabU.Flg.
twos la. Asaarlaaai Idsaratnro)
Dramatised Into a Hi ote-Play by
Author of
. Ro Ysma of yaaUss"
Tha Sxplolts of Xlaias"
(Copyright. ISIS, by Star Company.)
She never afterward recalled anything
of the Journey to the north woods which
she made with Prof. Stilliter. Tha long
automobile ride, the Montreal express
held up between stations, the long drive
into tha woods, and after that, when they
had come to tha end of the road, the
long, toilsome up and down hill tramp,
through which she rode first on the
shoulders of one man and then on the
shoulders of another, until the party
came to a wild spot at the foot of the
clff. Here, in the warm spring sunshine
on ledges of rock a number of drowsy
rattlesnakes were colled In a horrid mass.
She does not remember that here, as If
waiting for her, were three men who
wore black masks over their faces.
When the men who had brought her to
the foot of the cliff had gone, with the
exception of Prof. Stilliter. the three
masked men removed their masks. 80
that when Prof, atilllter. withdrawn a
little so that aha should not sse him
first of all and be frightened, told her
to wake up, she looked Into tha friendly
faces of Barclay, Hemmes and Sturte
vant Barclay advanced with great ceremony,
dropped on one knee' before her and
klswed her hand for all tha world as If
he had been a princess. Then Sturte
vant came forward and did likewise, aad
then Bemmee. -
Although Prof. Stilliter had told her to
wake up, the spell of the crystal waa still
upon her like drowsiness after sleep. To
reduce her once more to a complete state
of hypnosis It was only necessary for
him to say quietly, "Oo to sleep again."
What looked like- a portion of solid
cliff rose suddenly, without any aound,
and disclosed a black passage that ap
peared to leap to the bowels of the earth.
In the mouth of this passageway stood
a handsome woman, a little under middle
age. There waa a diamond star In her
dark hair, and she wore a white garment
that fell from ber shoulders In stately
folds Uko those of a Roman toga. Bhe
came forward, caught the little Ames
bury girl up lovingly In her arms, turned
and, without a word, walked hack Into
the passageway and disappeared. For a
long time the sound of her sandled feet
upon the rocky floor could be heard.
Then the moving portion of the cliff slid
Mowly and noiselessly back Into place,
und the four men who remained without
turned somewhat slowly to each other.
Barclay waa the first to break the
silence. "Gentlemen," he said, "fifteen
years from today she will leave that
cavern and bring the world to her feet
and to ours."
(To Be Continued Monday.)
Petty Jealousy is Worst Fault
Advice to Lovelorn
By Beatrk
Be Friendly hut Firm.
Dear Visa Falrfaxl I am -years old
and employed as a stenographer. There is
a Iso a young man working In the office
who persists In attentions, such as- taking
me home, eto. I dislike him vsry much.
Now, Mls Fslrfsx, will you pleaao tell me
how I can let him know I do not care
for his attentions without hurting his
feelings? I O.
Tell this young man In a friendly, qulot
way that you prefer to go home alone.
If ha ia a gentleman he will not force
his attentions on you further. If ha still
persists, tell him that you dislike being
disagreeable, but that you will ask your
father or brother to apeak to him If he
does not stop.
. Too Self-Centered.
Pear Miss Fairfax: I wlnh you would
tell me why I am not or csnnot be popu
lar with the fair sex. Am U4 years old,
good looklmr, good reputation in this
community, like to talk on politics, poe
try, paintings, classical music, current
events and subjects that leave one bene
fited. Can tell a good story and Ilka to
hear them. Like to attend parties if
every 0110 arts ordinary, and thoroughly ,
democratic. I have daeldad dlsllk
Popular music, "knockers." drinking and
dancing, a I oould not dance till mid.
night and do a good day's work, tha next
ay. n. b,
Perhaps you are a tit prUrtisn.
seiE-consoious, or over righteous. I am
sure that you are a man ot fine princi
pics, but maybe you have a way of trying
to force the conversation around to your
Interest. Inatead of thinking for your
self, suppose you try studying soma girl
her likes and dislikes, her Interests,
her peculiarities and desires. In learn
ing to please one girl you wilt come to
have an unselfish liking for her sea that
will probably win you Its regard.
Take Her Se tho Theater.
Dear Miss Fairfax: About a month ago
I becsmn srnuslnted with a young lady
two years my Junior, whom t liked Im
mediately because or her winning ways
and rsdlsnt smile. How rsn 1 entertain
herT I have a good position. C. K
Why not invite the girl to the theater,
and, after you know her better, to dinner
with her parents' consent.
I linve answered many Questions In r -gard
to the nebular hypothesis, but still
fhev come. Hero Is another one from
Han Fmnclscio:
"I recently said that Prof. Campi'dl
of the IJck Obnervatory had refuted the
nrtmlar hypothesis, ststlng that stars
(suns) wero not evolved from planetary
nebulse that Mare (suns) came first,
this having been demonstrated by the
speed of the nuns the old er the star the
swifter Its motion. I should Ilka to an',
the following questions:
"1. How did the sun first come Inlo
"2. Ts tho earth a part of the sun.
throm off Into space, gradually coollnB'.'
"3. Io you think It possible that tlT
universe, waa crcateil by electrons (elec
tricity) electricity forming atoms ami
atoms forming matter, the formation of
all" which being directed by the Mntr
The nebular hypothesis of t. Place
has been abandoned in favor of the me
teoric hypothesis of Lockyer, and plsn
itesmal hypothesis of Chamberlain. All
suns, planets and moons, by these tw
nearly Identical theories, were made hy
tha falling In from spaoe of small co
mloal bodies, such as the meteors now
falling on the earth.
Trillions of years ago there was a me
teor moving In space. It la now In the
center of the earth. Another meteor
Joined this by collision: then another; and
this falling In Is now going on at a vastly
diminished rate, ao that oomparatlvely
few are now coming In, as may be seen
oti almost any clear night.
t No; tha earth nover was a part of
tha sun.
. My "pet theory, so-called by hun
dreds of my eorre pendent within four
years, la that mind created electrons.
And the letters came in so many lan-
guagea from so many parts of the world
that I can translate tho word "pat" only.
Then electrons either formed every atom
and molecule and object In the entire
unlvera, of their own mighty knowl
edge, or were directed by a mighty
knowledge from without.
Blnoe I first published this four years
ro I have thought of ovary possible
phaaa of tha problem. I here assert and
state that electron know when, where
aad how to wheel themselves Into atom
of matter of their own volition and most
astonishing wisdom, or are directed by
an Incredibly wise external force.
All of my publications since advocate
directivity. Tha external excessively wise
director I have called mind, and have
used tho word men to bis, now incorpor
ated In many foreign languages aa writ
ten mentalds the most Important word
now confronting man.
Nobody loves a fat man with a lean
pocket book.
As a rule, tho sinner ha to expertent'
a physical and financial awat before re
morse aver grips him. ,
Tha greater tha distance between us
and tha old homestead the more attrac
tive It at way a seems.
If some one was around to crank their
up occasionally a lot of fellow thst
know would prove to be useful citlxeni
If we must llston to the trouble ol
soma one, those of a woman are gener
ally more Interesting than the woes ol
Copyright. 1MB. star Company.
Whatever your profession or occupa
tion, cultivate a aplrit large enough to
make room for others In your same line
of endeavor. Nothing Is so belittling to
the human mind a
petty jealousy. You
will resent the In
ference, of course,
that you can be
guilty of petty Jeal
ousy. You will think
your tendency of
criticism of others I
merely the power to
"discriminate," and
that the ridicule you
heap upon your com
patriots and compet
itors arises from a
"keen sens of
But whan your
compel Itors turn
these same weapon
upon you the situation seems altered.
You call It Jealousy snl petty carping
criticism. If you are a poet, an author,
an artist, a musician or an actor, look
for things to praise In those who are
striving for the same goals which you
are seeking.
So surely ss you cultivate this quality
of seeking for the rood and the admir
able In others, so surely will the good and
the admirable develop in your own nature.
Your work will Improve, your capabilities
increase, (ienerosity In thought bring
generosity In Judgment from the world
at large.
Mean, paltry, petty thoughts and im
pulse create a corresponding condition
In one's environment. So, eveu from a
selfish stsnlpolnt, It pays to bo big and
broad and generous minded. It does not
mattur if those whose work you appre
ciate and praise repay you with crltlslsm
snd ridicule. Others will repsy you In
your own pure gold er.ln aa you pas
Nothing matters la tbia 112 mush as
the wading out of everything mean and
the dceloping of everything noble and
great, bo surely a yog reach this con-sclouenct-s
and proceed along thla mental
course ycu will he assisted by the In
visible, helpers and given new power to
It Is not expeoted that you should find
everything In the work of your rival ad
mirable and worthy of encomiums. In
all human endeavor we find good, better
and best , poor, had and worst work. But
you can pass slightly over the latter trio,
pausing only to encourage the tollers to
better endeavor or to turn their atten
tion to other employment wherein there
is greater hope of their succeeding; and
you can siv the force of your thought
to ths good, better and best.
If In your secrot soul you know that
they are better than your own effort,
you will lose nothing by the open oonfea
slon of the fact, and by that confession
you will mount a stairway which leads
you to a Isrgs outlook where greater
forces will cme to your assistance and
help yuu to lilfrher attainments.
If yoj are g mother, teach your child
ren to look for some good thing in every
one they mmt, and for some hsppy event
in every 'lay. and to speak of these
things before tney sleep.
There is no greater kindness you ran
show your offspring; than to train them
in this mental habit.
lie gin when they are first able to talk,
and keep at the effort until they are
firmly established In the happy method
of finding lifo a picture book with a
bright spot on every page.
Kven your grown-up children may be
directed by you in this manner. Instead
of complaining about your life, of your
Inability to do what you wlah for them,
begin to talk of your hlesjings and of
their blessing.
When they are Imllned to find Vnll
with destiny, try to divert their minds
with seine amusing Incident until you
see tneni laugh Than remind them that
It la a great blessing to be able to laugh.
It la a wonderful thought, thla mighty
Lbflueuua ttt nother.
flPBaiSSOfln ' FBEB
OST of us tire quickly of little things;
Think a minute. Have you anything
around your home or office that you
don't want, but that somebody else may want?
Then why not get rid of it right off? The chances
are that somebody is in just the same fix you are
in, and a swap may make you both happy. Go
over what you have, and think of a few things
you would like to have. Put it all into a little
Want Ad in THE BEE and watch the results.
You will get rid of a lot of useless things and
profit by getting things you want. And it's great
fun to swap, too. When you get home or to the
office today, think of something and call at THE
BEE office, Room 104, Bee Building, and let us
explain the advantages of being a member of
t :
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