Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 13, Image 13

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eTtaey Watches at Bdneln's. j
M Frist It Now BHran Pres '
Blsuaile ras Rurgras-aranden Co. i
ttl T, K. a JL on the special '
sammer nmbrMp plan. Then use it I
t&M. I
BWs. SCdAto Wuti DiToroe Mn I
Margaret MoAvoy hu filed suit for dl- '
ore against Thomu McAvoy, alleging '
fcmoksr la roatpoaed The Antelope I
society f the po in of fire employes has '
postponed Ita smoker until the evening I
of Ma? n at the Rome hotel. i
Todays Complete Movie rrefTam' j
elaaaifled aectlon today, and appeara In ;
The Bee EXCLUSIVELY, rind out what ;
the various moving picture theaters offer, j
timed for Bpeealnf For exceeding j
the apeed limit with hla auto, while j
Motorcycle Officer Farrand was nearby, '
R. Carson was arrested and fined 15 and
costs, which he paid.
eektnr SCr. Xroosveldt Ernest Van
nesta of Union street, London, England,
signing himself as a wounded Belgian
soldier, has written to the city clerk to
learn the whereabouts of Jan Beslee
Loesveldt, eald to be a butcher residing
Improver to Meet The Bemla Park
District Improvement club will meet next
Tuesday evening; In the assembly hall of
the school building: at Thirty-sixth am
Franklin street The principal speaker
of the evening: will be Judge Eatelle, who
will discuss the "Relations of a Greater
Omaha to a Greater Nebraska."
VOeUgaa Mo tores for the Fublio
The general public la Invited Tuesday
evening to the Omaha High School audi
torium, where the Michigan alumni will
present moving pictures of the scenes
s round the University of Michigan
campus and also show moving pictures of
some of the great foot ball games of last
fall. The pictures will be presented dur
ing the afternoon for the benefit of the
High school boys.
Billion Dollars
Will Not Coyer
Damage to Poland
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
Y WARSAW. May 1.-The amount of
Riemage directly Inflicted upon Russian
Poland by the war up to January 1 Is
estimated at 1.014,668.000 roubles (1507,334,
000) by the Polish central citizens' com
trrittee, which has just finished a thor
ough investigation of Poland's losses. Of
this amount 608,767.000 roubles ($349,383,500)
is called a direct loss, and 215,901,000 rou
bles (tl57.9Tj0.RW) la attributed to damage
austalned indirectly during the course of
the war.
In the occupied portion of Poland, 27.000
I large and 10,009 amall estates are In vari
ous stages of destruction, from superfl-
cial defacement and mutilation to com
' plete ruin. The damage done to furni
ture and other moveable property, ex
cluding live stock, amounts alone to 51.
800,000 roubles (125,600,000). The loss on
buildings Is 47,500,000 roubles (123,750,000);
live stock, 156,069.000 roubles ($78,034,500) ;
If rain. 141,763,000 roubles (170,881 ,500); the
loss toi destroyed timber. 81,680,000 roubles
115,840,000). Over 8,000,000 roubles' worth
of dairies, and an equivalent value of
distilleries, are a total loss.
Delegates -Named
To Ad Club Meeting
A. 8. Bonrtum, R. B. Wallace, Vtotor
White and Charles R. Docherty are the
four delegates appointed by the Omaha
Ad club to attend the convention of the
Associated Advertising Clubs of the
World at Chicago June 19-22. These del
egates were appointed at noon Thursday
at a meeting of the directors of the
Omaha Ad club.
A transportation committee and a con
vention committee were appointed to
work Jointly la making the arrangements
for the trip to Chicago, as some fifty of
the advertising men of Omana besides
the delegates are expected to make the
trip. The transportation committee Is to
take up the matter of which road to take
and whether to arrange for a special
train. ' Henry Browning, Tom Devaney
and Sidney Ranger are the members of
the transportation committee. Victor
White, A. S. Borglum and Harry Ma
haffey are the members of the conven
tion committee.
Alfred Samuetson and C. C. Rosewater
are alternates appointed on the delega
tlon to the convention.
Florence School Head
Gives Parting Shot
J. T. McLane, superintendent of schools
of Florence, startled school patrons last
night svhen he paused before distributing
diplomas to the graduates at the annual
commencement exercises and scored three
members of the Florence Board of Edu
cation and the county superintendent
who. he said had displaced him as head
of the schools because he ran at the
primaries for county superintendent.
In a bitter speech of some length Mr.
McLane attributed his dismissal to con
nivance between County Superintendent
Yoder and Members O. R. Spencer, W.
II. Thomas and M. C. Coe. At the primary
election Mr. Yoder defeated McLane by
a large majority. The latter haa been at
the head of Florence schools for ten
Dr. A. A. Tyler, dean of the faculty of
Bellevue college, first vice president of
the Nebraska Academy of Science, will
be In Lincoln today to deliver an ad
dress on "Kontenelle Forest" before the
twenty-fifth annual meeting of the acad
emy. At this session, also, the president
will be elected to succeed Dr. Bessey of
the University of Nebraska, who died
recently. Dtun Tyler has been president
of the organization before and was In
line for the presidency thla year, but
because this was the twenty-fifth anni
versary of the B'xHety which Dr. Beasey
had been very Instrumental in founding,
he continued as vice president and Dr.
Beasey was chosen for the presidency.
So, In all probability. Dr. Tyler will atep
Into the vacant place.
Saturday morning the academy will
come to Kellovu and Dr. Tyler will lead
an expedition through Kontenelle forest.
The Fontvietle Forest association, of
which Dr. Tyler has been the active head,
will make the trip "f exploration. At
noon, the whole party will return to
Bellevue college, where dinner will be
served to them in Fontenelle hall.
' Join the T. U. C A. on the special
vl insimif membership plaa. The use
Saturday, May 22, 1915.
, All the Best Tleter .
feeeores all the Time.
.Bselnstva Areata In Omaha,
for Qbiekertng Flaaoe.
-Phone D. 137
Good " Pickings "
From the Great Sale
of Jewelry at $1.00
T1IK ptoek is too diversi
fy 1 for description, suf
fice to say that you'll
find about everything in the
' lino of novelty .jewelry in
cluded. Intended to retail for $1.50
to $12.50.
Ia valllemci, tierk chain, brace
lots, solid gold rlnirn, hat pins,
vanity raxe, brooches, vtatt'h
folia, coat chains, ear tings,
locket, rnff links, Ivory novel
ties, menh baas, pretty hair or
naments, scarf pins, eilverware,
bar pins, locket chains, rlilne
stone set jewelry, etc., etc.
Borgess-Basb. Co. Main rioor.
Real $1.00 Values
We Have Made Some Strong Statements
About Our Lines of Men's Suits
at $13.65 to $40.00
TIIEY'KE the 16-button
length, pure fcilk, tricot
w eave, plain white, a super
ior value.
Burgess-IT ash Co Main rioor.
Handkerchiefs, 6 for $1.00
WOMEN'S fine sheer linen
handkerchiefs, hand em
broidered InKlal, box of 6 for St.
Auto Bonnets, 53c to $2.00
SPLENDID selection, very prac
tical, good selection of colom.
Burgess-Bash Co. Main rioor.
Neckwear, 25c and 50c
MANY new novelties, including
ostrich ' feather collarettes,
mallne ruffles, new crepe de chine
ties, etc.
Neckwear, 50c to $3.50
Flat collars, quaker sets, fine
sheer organdy, embroidered ba
tiste and filet combinations.
Burgess-Hash Co. Kmla rioor.
Sale of Bare-Foot SANDALS
a Very Special Purchase
HlILEY are made, of plump tan calfskin with
solid flexible double oak leather soles.
"A new pair if tie
wearer is not satis
fied." Sizes for boys,
misses, children and
Sizes 5 to 8, Saturday, only 85c.
Sizes Sy2 to 11, Saturday at 95c.
Sizes 11 to 2, Saturday at $1.15.
Sizes 2Vi to 6, Saturday at $1.35.
And no better wearing sandals made.
These New Models of Women's
Pumps Just Received
And specially priced for Saturday. A patent pump,
with short tongue, button ornament, light welt soles,
new opera heels, pair, 94.50; same in dull calf at,
pair, $4.50.
A new oxford with patent vamp, white calf quarters,
side laces, an exceptionally dressy street shoe; Satur
day at, pair, $4.50.
Burfeas-sTaah Co Mooond rioor.
Drugs and Toilot Goods
An Opportunity in
Women's Suits
WK place on sole forSatrrrday three
splendid lots of women's suits.
Included are many of our best models
of Hie season at prices which are con
siderably less. There are about 150
exceedingly smart suits in colors and
chocks selected from our regular stock.
At $14.75
In this lot are suits which
were marked $20.00.
At $22.75
In this lot are suits which
were marked $30.00.
At $29.75
In this lot are suits which
were marked $45.00.
Fr Summer Outing
and Drees Wear
notable selection
In silk taffeta or faille
In palm beach cloth
In summer weight serge
In tweeds and mixtures
In t?olfino in white and colors
A host of new fashions, $12.50 to $50.00.
Bargees-Wash Oo -SJeooad rioor.
Charming New Summery BLOUSES
Priced H .50, 2.50, 3.95, 5.95 to 15
EACH vieing with the other for feminine fancy and every
one of tliem crisply new and fresh.
Georgette Crepe Chiffon Voile Batiste
Cross Bar Voile Organdie Tub Nets
Crepe de Chine Handkerchief Linens
Novelty Chiffm Laces Tub Sills
' tl ill j
Reveral New Style in Wirthnior Maims for Which We Are Ecclnsir
Representative for Omaha Heady for Saturday at 81.00
Borgess-BTash Co. Beooad rioor.
WE ask no man to accept our judgment as
final. But we are anxious to have it put
to a practical tet. Let an unbiased judge of
men's clothing examine these suits; let htm rompsre
them with any offered around town within the name
range of price and let the result tell the story.
New arrivals during the week bring the assortments and
varieties to a fine degree of completeness for Saturday.
For Saturday we featnre
They Are Equal to Any at $22.50.
Strictly hand-tailored throughout and buUt to con
form with our strict specifications, and we commend
them for their correctness their splendid fitting qual
ities their beauty of finish, their staunchDoea of ma
terials and the high standard of tailoring. Suits abso
lutely supreme at this price.
Glenn Urquhart plaids, tartans and shepherd
check, worsted, flannel, silk mixed worsteds, plain colors
and hair lines and stripes. Every else. or H silk
lined, athletic cut vests, wide and medium rolling Ispelt.
Every wanted shade and style.
Bnrgesa-STaan Co. rout moer.
More of Those
Sample Trunks at
)j Underprice
The trunks are the samples
from one of the largest manufac
turers. Every one a good one,
heavy canvas covered, with
weather-proof, oil finish painting.
Some fitted with heavy leather
straps and extra tray, braBS locks,
heavy brassed corners, linen and
fancy pattern linings. Three
Haiuple Trunks, all CA QC
sizes, for JT,70
Sample Trunks, all CC QC
sixes, for 4Oe70
Sample Trunks, all djQ QC
sisen, for ipO.70
Sample wardrobe trunks, high,
grade, at $6.60 to $10.00 under
the regular price.
Barges. Bash Co Toortli rioor.
Boys' Suits That Were $10.00
to $18.00, Saturday, at $6.95
Made of the very best materials, strictly hand-tailored through-
ont, blue serges and fancy mixtures, for ages 6 to 18 years, valuee
$10.00 to $18.00. Bale price, $0.05.
Boys' Suits That Were $5.00
to $9.00, Saturday, at $3.95
Dr. Graves' tooth powder,
50c kind 27c
Monlxde tooth powder,
25c kind 14o
Williams' shaving stick,
25c size 17c
Java rice powder, 50c
size for 29c
Palmollve shampoo, 50o
sixe 2c
Pozzoni powder, 50c size
for 27c
Abonita powder, 25c size
for l&e
Mme. Ise Bell's powder,
50c size for 1H-
Colgate's tooth paste.
large size 20c
Bath salts, 50c size. .35c
Benzoin and almond lo
tion, 25c size lc
Jad salts, 7 5c size... 49c
Beef, wine and iron, i
pint for 42c
. Kondon's catarrh Jelly
f.Oc size, for 2c
Horlick's malted milk,
$1.00 size 6c
Burgess-Bash Co
Hinkle s pills, 100. . .10c
Witch Hasel, 1-quart SOc
Beef, wine and Iron, 1
quart 02o
Pure peroxide, 1 pint. 17c
Mothproof bags, $1.00
value for .70c
Sanl flush, 25c can.. 17c
Borax chips, large size,
for 10c
20-Mule Team borax,
1 lb. for c
Castile soap, large bsr
for 40c
Crepe toilet paper, 10c
grade, 4 rolls for. . . .25c
Crepe toilet paper, 6c
grade, 8 rolls for. . . .20c
Automobile chamois,
$1.25 values 70c
Automobile sponges, $1
values 40c
Absorbent cotton, 1 lb.
for 10c
Liquid Veneer, 25c size
for lc
Aluminum rover colorls
bottle, 34 value, at 91.08
. Mala rioor.
Exquisite New Models in Trimmed Hats That
Are $10.00 to $20.00 Values, Saturday, $5
A special purchase from D. B. Fish & Co.
and Hyland Brothers Manufactur
ing Milliners of Chicago
Brand new conceptions. No two alikr. Every hat strictly
fresh and fetcldngly attractive.
Jnst the kind you want for wear now with pretty summery
White, black and pink. More than three hundred individual
and distinctive models from which to make your selections.
"We consider It the season's greatest hnt buying opportunity.
Borrasa-Bsah Ce. -Second rioor.
Women's Mercerized Union
SUITS Saturday at 50c
SPUCNDID values, made with low neck
and sleeveless, plain or lace trimmed
knw, regular or extra fuzes.
Boys' Union Suits, 25c
Athletic styles, like father's, fine white nainsook,
knee length, sizes 24 to 84.
Borgess-Vash Oo sfala rioor.
Refrigerators, Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers. Screen Doors
Century refrigerators, odorless,
enamel lined, 85-lb. ice capacity,
duffle door, lift-lid style, good
$18.00 value, special S14.IVO
Century refrigerators, 3-door side
icing style. 100-lb. ice capacity,
white enamel lined, ouf No. 2623,
good $25.00 value, at $21.ft
Century refrigerators, white, odor
less, enamel lined, porcelain lined
water cooler, 100-lb. ice capacity,
128.50 value, at BZS.OO: 125-lu.
ice capacity, $32.60 value, at $20.60
No. 6-E Automatic refrigerators, solid ash, golden
oak finish, 60-lb. ice capacity, with water cooler,
$29.60 value, special at S25.00
Refrigerator pan or galvanised water cooler free
with every refrigerator.
Bargees-Bash Co.
8 -blade, Little Shaver style, 14-Inch site fl.OH
8-blade, Little Shaver style, 16-Inch slie $2JU
16-lnch Norka high wheel lawn mower, speclal,'8.60
18-inch Junior ball bearing lawn mower, 4-blade,
$7.00 value 0
20-lneh Junior ball bearing lawn mower, 4-blade,
$7.60 value
Green painted screen doors, 3 sites. Including hinges
and hooks 91.10
Fancy osk finished screen doors, including binges
and hooks $140
Window screens, upward from 23c
60-foot, 6-ply, 4-inch White Mist garden hose, com
plete with couplings and nortle 90.50
Red moulded garden hone, non-klnkable, per foot. 18c
Co. eemat
Uood, sturdy materials, inoludlng serges, cheviots, fancy mixtures,
etc., In the most wanted shades; cut Norfolk style, with two pairs of
knlckerbocker pants: lined throughout, for ages 8 to 17 years; regu
larly $5.00 to $9.00 values. Raturday, $3.9.1.
Every shape, style and color for the little fellows; a splendid rf
line for selection; Saturday, at OUC
BOYS' $L&0 PANTS, 08c
Knickerbocker style, for ages 6 to 1$ years. Including blue rQ
serges and fancy; were $1.50; sale price 70C Oo rourih rioor.
Men's Athletic Underwear,
Was $2, Now $1.15 a Suit
EVERY man with a need of this sort should
profit by this "special" Saturday." Ath
letic underwear, wrtl
made, good quality,
splendid fitting,
made to retail for
$2jOD per suit, Satur
day at.. $1.15
Waih Neckwear
at 50c and 25c
A splendid showing of all
that is new and novel In
wash neckwear. . Tubu
lar, Manhattans, fiber
wash silks and open ends.
Men's Hose, at 50c, 35c, 25c
"Holeproof" and "Interwoven" hosiery; silk, lisle and
soft cotton, in white, Mack, tan, gray and champagne.
Men's Initial Belts at $1.00
A new line of oxidised silver or gold initial buckles,
with your choice of Initial. Best leather.
"Ideal," "Star" and "Earlfc Wilson" Shirts
Our line of standard made shirts In design, pattern,
fit and finish cannot be excelled.
Silks and fibre silks, $3.O0 to ftfl.50.
Madras and percales, $1, $1.50, $a and ta.fSO.
Bargees-Bash Co Mala rioor.
Sporting Goods of All Kinds
OUR lines of sporting goods have been chosen with
the greatest care every branch complete In Its
These Pure THREAD Silk
HOSE for WOMEN, 85c
A IE Indeed uuutnal values, plain black,
some havp lisle tops, all silk with
colored tips; full fashioned, regular made feet
The manufacturer calls them "seconds," on ac
count of some Irregularities, but you or anyone
else will not notice them, they are so slight
Usual $1.26 and $1.60 quality, at ft&o the pair.
Bargees-Bash Co Main rioor.
Golf Supplies
Everything to make the
game one of pleasure.
Oolf clubs... $2.00 to $0
Caddy bags.....$l to $H
Oolf shoes. . .$4 te .no
Oolf balls.. OOc, 05c, 75o
Ball cleaner, ball Plnt
Featuring one of the best
wheels made, with coast
er brake, studded tires,
spring seats, at...$20.oo
Base Ball
Base ball bats
t 5c to 91.60
Base ball golves
t 25o to 910
Base ball Shoes
t $2.50 to 97.00
Base balls at 5o to 91.25
Lawn Tennis Goods
Tennis racquets
50o to 910
Tennis ball...25 to 85c
Tennis net, special, at 91
nacQuet covers, 85e to $d
Bargeee-Brash Co. Tonrth rioor.
Importer's Surplus of the Famous Villeroy & Bock Din-
nerware at Less Than One-Half Import Cost
AT 8c
THUS famous ware wag made In Dresden, Germany, and was one of the best
open stock: patterns, but owing to the fact that Buropeen conditions make
it impossiDie to replenish the line, the importer disposed ef the entire stock
at less than half Ha cast, rise white glased body, with decorations of
delft blue band, hair line and stippUng on knobs and handles. Very
aeHiraoie snspee. Three groups:
After dinner coffees and teas, mayonnaise dishes,
bread and butter plates, pie plates, double egg cuds
ana saucers, sauce a l sues, small bleed platters, creamers, etc.
AT 1 fin T' DrMkrt n dinner plates, soup plates,
XvFC tea cups and saucers, coffee cups and saucers,
bouillon cups and saucers, large creamers, oatmeal 4 likes, me
dium sized platters, vegetable dishes, cocoa pots, etc.
AT 1 K Covered vegetable dishes, sanoe boats,
IOC sugar bowls, large site platters,
cocoa pitchers, salad bowls, tea pots, large else milk
pitchers, sanitary covered pitchers, etc.
Bargess-Bash Oo roarth rioev.
Tour Films Developed FREE
When orders aro left for print
ing. This is kodak time. Take a
kodak with you.
Barf ess-Bask Oo arsis rioev.
fa. rs iv -j i
Saturday is Chocolate day
Whipped Cream Chocolates. 40e quality. SSo
l'reaii Cream fttnMuela. nut or plain, lb. See
Our flueuUU Hlau-k Walnut Penot-hl. Ib.a&a
Jiome-inaae reanut uniut, lb....
Belted Peanuts, lb.