Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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    J UK OMAHA. .sA'i'l'KDAN , MAI SJ, VJlb.
;CES3G3i 11 A!
A Special Showing of Sashes and Girdles
Grecian Belts of narrow ribbon, trltumed with rosebuds very pretty
for the summer frock or evening wear. Also Shower Corsage flown,
Fancy HMr Rand and many others School Collar a specialty.
Pee our special sale of Ribbons for Saturday.
Three Extra Special Offerings in Gloves
Women's 1-Buttnn Milanese Silk Qlov
fine quality, pure silk. Special, pair ...
Black or white. All
Women's Two-Clasp Fine Silk Olovea Oiia.rnteed. White or
either plain or with heavy embroidered backs black on white and
vice versa. Fair ,.
More Showings, More Spring Things, More Economy All Over the House
Vmlli ...inilllMiimMiii I ,,,, miihiimimim .mi.,,,1. .n i i i " "'" " '' (
May Sale of Ribbons
Values that ex-el in quality anl dp? ignis all previous
Lot No. 1
6 ' and 7-tnch Moire Ribbon -
Heavy quality. In light and dark col
or 6 and IVj-luch Fancy Warp Trims -Moat
beautiful designs In grosgrain
and satin effects. Light and dark
V color : . . . J
Lot No. 9,
Worth to
A Yard
Worth to
A Yard
17 c
A Yard
6't-inch Taffeta Ribbon With
niolre edces. A new and attractive
ribbon for hair bows and . sashes.
While, .pink, light blue and other
popular shndes .,...
5 and Sli-lnch Fancy Warp Prints
Stripes and pretty floral designs. .
' Lot No. 3
4 to 5-Inch Plain Taffeta and Moire Ribbon Fancy
warp prints and Roman stripes. Yard
A Yard
Wonderful Collection of
New Blouses
Never has our Blouse Shop
shown a larger or prettier
selection of blouses.
New Georgette Crepe
mouses . . .fii.on to, $0.50
New Net and Lace
Blouses .:i.D5 to 812.08
New Crepe de Chine
Blouses . . .f 3.0fl to $5.05
New Lingerie Blouses
at Si.oo to $0.50
New Taffeta Overblouses
t . $3.08
New Radium Silk Blouses,
t S5.00
New Quaker Collar and
Frill Blouses
All new colorings and styles.
Most 'of this merchandise
has arrived In the last few
days from New York.
Delicious Candies
In the) Pompelan Room
Main Floor.
Our Delirious Chocolate and
Vanilla Cocoanut Bails
Rolled In pecan nuts. Spe
cial, lb. .. . .2Se
Freeh Cream Peanut Nug
gets Vanilla, chocolate and
strawberry. Saturday, lb. 15c
Black Walnut Taffy Patnr-
day, a pound Sfto
Freeh Toasted Marahmallows .
Special, pound 100
Ttollclous I'ompalan Chocolate,
Bitter tsweeta and Bwlaa Ktyle
Milk Chocolate J-Yult and
nut MDlert. found BSe
Fresh Maple Confections ev
ery Saturday. Pound , ...SOe
Five Extra Specials in
. Roller Skates and
Velocipedes for
v Saturday
Cast Iroa Bates el oa Boiler
bat Worth uo. Bpeclal
rres.ed Steel Bit.neioa BoU
la sjkatea Keaular SI mini
Ity. tipectally priced, gQQ
riae Bail ' Baerina-' ' BoUa
Bkates Worth II. fcU. -RprcM
SSr"':..: SI. 1 9
St eel Triad Valoolnade.
Worth 13.60. "pedal I AO
aturday, each w I U
Busbar Tired
Keular t.6
Hal price, Heturday
Vale.. 4 OQ
American Beauty Rose Bushes
On account of ', many requests of
customers who .were unable to se
cure American Beauty Roso Bushes
at the last Bale, we have been suc
cessful in securing another lot for
Saturday. The recent rains nmT
cool weather makes it ideal
for setting them out. Sat
urday, each.
Hosiery and Underwear
Women's Pure Dye Thread 6111c Stocklugs-AU fancy shades
and black and white. Full fashioned, wide garter silk tops;
others wltb lisle tops, spliced heels and toes, double 'C
soles. $1.00 and $1.16 quality, pair ... OOC
Women' Fiber 811k Stockings
Fiber to the top. Black,
white and colore. High spliced
heels and toes; full seamless.
Regular 60c values,
a pair . . . ,
Women's 611k Lisle and Fiber
Boot Stockings Fashioned
and seamless; double soles,
heels and toes. Regular 36c.
quality.. Special Sat
urday, pair
Women's Sheer Lisle Union 8ults With dainty, cluny
yokes; cuff and umbrella styles. Regular and eitra
else. Regular $1.00 values, suit...
Women's Fine Cotton Union
Suits Cuff and umbrella
styles. Reg. and extra
sices. 50c values, suit.
Women's Fine Lisle
V neck, narrow
straps. Worth! Sc.
Saturday, each
Big Jewelry Sale Saturday
Fontenau ft Cook of Altleboro. Mans., were forced to retire from business. We bought this
stock at .":! on the dollar. We also bought from a big New York house a large stock of watches,
clocks, solid gold Hnd diamond Jewelry at 60c on the dollar. Here are Just a few of the wonderful
bargains hundreds of other articles of equally good values:
Men's Watches'
Men's 16 Kie fiolil Filled fane Guaranteed for
20 years; "-Jewel Elgin movement,
negular price $11.00; sale price....
Men's 1 Slw Solid Nickel Case 7-
Jewel Standard movement. Regular
price $6. SO; Kales price
All of Our Genuine $2.0O and Inftereoll
Watchee (Midget and Kclipwe) Extra f fj ff
special at J 1 eUU
Genuine K. Howard Watches In 25-year gold
filled cases Open face or hunting. t1 Q ff
Regular price $37.50; sale price... iJjlOeUU
On Howard In solid nickel case, J 5 00
910.00 Genuine E. Howard Watches
Ladies' Watches
IjadieV O 8ie Gold Filled Open Face and Hunt
ing Case Guaranteed for 20 yrs. ; 7-Jewel Elgin
movement. Regular price $12.50; t"7 QO
aale price J .IO
I.adleV Open Face and Huutlng O Kize Gold.
Filled Case Guaranteed for 20 years; 7-Jewel
Standard movement. Regular price JC OQ
$10.50; sale price apOaiO
Indies' O Klzo ttold-Filled Case Guaranteed
for 20 years; 15-JeWel Elgin movement. Regu
lar price $20.00; CI 9 QQ
sale price 4Jlaea0
Ladled O Kize 14-K. Solid Gold Case 7-Jewel .
Klgln movement. Regular price COfs Cid
$35.00; sale price PaUeUU
Men's Gold Filled Watches
Men's 12 and IS size ("Sold Filled Caee xuarantee.l
for i!0 years; 15 jewel Klgln movemnt. Open face
and hunting. Regular price 124.00: CQ Qft
ale price VJJ.VO
Men's li else Thin MndeJ Oold Filled Cae, siiaran-
teed for 20 years: li-.1ewrel fc,lsln nove-s
ment. Regular price $l'2.50: sale price..
fcsjIiM II iMlilfalMlWsMaslWaVsi
Diamond Jewelry
Solid Gold Ring: Set with genuine
white diamond. Regular prices $11.00
and $12.50;
sale price
Oiaiuond Scarf Fins Regular prices
$10.00, and $11.00; CtQtt
sale price . ,. J4Xe0
Solid Gold Genuine Diamond Scarf Fins
$5.50 to $10.00 values;
sale price
Solid Gold Cuff Link Set with genu
ine cut diamonds. Regular prices
$9.00 and $10.00
sale price
Solid Gold Jewelry
oUe Oold Unas Regular prices $3.98 to (I QO
15.00; aale price lsU
olid Oold Brooehee Set with genuine
pearls, to. 00 to . 8, values; sale
oUd Oold Brooch.. IS. 91 to $5.00 values:
aale price
olid Oold Srooeaas 12.00 to 13.00 values;
sale price .'.
olid Oold Soarf Was $2 8 to $3.98 values;
aale price
olid Oold carx riae $2.60 to I2.HS values;
sale price ,t . :
olid Oold Vroat Salaks Home are hand en
graved. Kea"iilar prlc. tt and $1.60; aale price.
olid Oold Sim TauiWH ueguiar prlc
$4.00: aale price
Xwt TalUaraa Solid gold pendants. on 1-10,
. filled chains. Kegular prlc. $2. so; sale
Oold rront Xflaka Regular prices 69c
and $1.00;' aale prlc.
Xdaks Holld gold except post ' Resrular
crlce 1.1. 00: aale nrlcs
olid Oold . X.avalU.raa Genuine diamonds, 0Q QO
Dearla and cameos. 17 to 18 values WUiUU
Gold Filled Jewelry
atonea and
14-K. gold
Vvarr lac. Onarantaad for Tlftean Tears.
Tbla is all from tb. ront.ii.aa as Cook stock.
Oold rilled Cameo Brooohae Regular $1.50 CQ.
to $2.00 values: sale price U3C
X.arff. Baal Shall Cameo Brooohe. Hlsheet arnd.)
gold nued mountings, tteruiar .a.yo to
17.98 values; sal. price
Xadlea' Finest Oold ruled Bxaclrts
Resrular $5 to t values; sale price
ladles' Oold rilled Bracelets Regular
$2.98 to $3.98 values; sale price
ladles' Oold rillad Braoelete Guaranteed
1-20, 12-K. Regular price $1.98; sale price
Oold Till ad I.oeX.ta Engraved aod stone
set. Regular $1.98 to $4 98 values; sale prlc. 1
Oold rilled tookets Regular $2.98 to 01 CQ
15.00 values: sale price IU
Oold ruled Waldemar Chains Regular
price $$.00; sal. prlc.
Bterllnf ailvar aaausled rrl.ndshlp Brace- 7Qa
lata Rerular price $1.98: aale price I3u
tarUnf mifTee Brooohae Regular $3.00 I OQ
to $6.00 values; sale price wll'
lr-t a l rawj
Alarm Olooks Tlke
rut. Ueaular nrlc,
11. 00: AA.
oUd Oak agaatle Cloeke
K.l-ht-day time; strike
Konft, half hour on cup bell.
, tteguiar price
$5; sal. prlc...
olid Kaberaay kfantle
Clocks L;igtU-1av time, ca
thedral son a. hslf hour on
cup bell, porcelain dial.
About five different styles.
Regular price 9 A QQ
$10; sale prlc.
olid Oak aad aCahogaar
rtni.h Clocks Like cu..
Eight day time. strike
rone, half hour on cuo hell.
Regular price CO Cfl
$1; sale price... Wfc.aU
Hundreds of other clocks
of all kinds at equally low
Women's and Misses'
Fine Tailored Suits
Made of gabardine, serges, silk poplin, fancy tweeds and worsted materials, In
all the newest models .for spring and summer wear the jaunty belted and
flared coat models, plain tailored or trimmed styles, with plain or pleated
skirts. All the new, desirable shades
women and misses. Worth to $35.00
In one special lot Saturday
All sites for
,t.t,.J.5.!.0:. $15.95
Women's and Misses'
Silk Dresses
Taffeta, messallne and crepes, In plain or dainty lace
and net trimmed and shirred effects; light and dark
shades. All sites. Worth to $16.00.
Special Saturday
Women's and Misses'
Street and Outing Coats
Made of fine serges, gabardines. Bilk, chinchilla, cord
uroy and fancy mixtures, in the Jaunty short or three
quarter lengths, plain or belted and button trimmed
models. Light -or dark shades. Worth 3CT7C
to $19.00. (Specially price Saturday atPV.fO
Safety First
Usterine safegusrds
your health. Used
night and morning as
a gargle It prevents
sore throat and ton
sllltis. As a tooth
,waQ it cleanses be
tween the teeth,
sweetens the breath
and retard, decay.
'AH ccts, wounds
and burns should be
- immediately cleansed
and dressed with Usterine. It
prevents Infection.
LUt.rln. has bean uad aud an
doraed bv leading phyaiclana and
eeultata 10 yeara. We recouiineiil
It. fwt Ulaterlne on your shopping
list. '
Hpertal, fl.OO else-buttle, Me
Trixie Friganza
Dear Madame Ise'bell: When
1 tell you I've used your won
drous creams eighteen yeara
you understand how I can go
through the dry climates, like
those of Sen Francisco and the
south, come out of them and
go back to them perfectly
huppy. I'd like to yell from
the housetops: Don't use soap
on your face; use Madame Isa
bel's Turkish Bath Oil." After
an auto trip, in our language,
it la "GREAT," and Skin Food
la my "middle name."
Always sincerely,
Mme. Iae'bell'a Hkln Food ... aae
Mine. lae'beU's Turkish Bad
Oil SJ
Mme. Iae'bell'a Vace Powder. S3
Mme. lae'beU's Natural Pry
Rous. 433
Special Sale of
Wall Paper Saturday
on 2"ic
New lots suitable for kitchen
and bed rooms. 10 patterns to
choose from, regular
grade, Saturday a roll
Whtte back papers for parlor,
dining rooms, halls snd stores
with borders to match. A ftne
selection worth up to 10c, f"
Saturday a roll OC
Plain Domeatto Oatmeal papers
la red. green, brown, blue and lan.
regular lo grade. . aold with out
borJera only, apeclal for 71 r
Saturday only, roll fw
Special sale or Moire calllnra. ttu
colore are cream, white and bluo,
rerular 1 trade for Bat- K.
urday sailing, special, a roll.. w
Annual May Sale of
Children's Wash Dresses
Never In the history of this store were greater values of
fered, or a more complete line of Children's Wash Dresses to be
found, than will be assembled here for this great money-saving
event which begins Saturday. Our entire stock, as well as many
other fortunate purchases, especially for this sale, will be
grouped in special lots at a saving of one-third to one-half their
regular prices.
Lot NO, 1
Glngh a m s
and percales; stripes, checks and
plaids, plain or trimmed styles.
A Res 6 to 14 years. tf
Worth to $1.25. Spe- hUf
clsl Saturday WeV,
Lot No. 2 r'1:;
Fine ging
hams, percales, repps and cham-
brays, in plain colors, plaids,
stripes and checks; plain or
trimmed and combination effects.
Ages 6 to 14 years.
Worth to $2.00. Spe
cially priced st
Lot No. 4
hams, lawns, voiles. renDs and
rhambrays, In plain colors, plaids,
cuecKB ana stripes; piam or
inmmea styles. Ages
6 to 14 years. Worth
to $2.50. at
I f Mrt A Children's Dress'r
-Ul AlUe I"""" brays, repps and
-Fine ginghams, chaiu-
and crepes. In Dlain or fancv
irimmea models, stripes,
checks, plaids and plain colors. Ages 6 to 14
years. Worth to $2.98. Sale price.-
Special Lot of Children's Dresses
Made of linens, repps and fine
RlnKhaniB, plain colors or fancy
pinkie, plain or embroidered, strap
irimmea and combination effect
in white and colors.
Ares to 14 years.
Worth to $6.98, at..
lull riiri i It
Special Lot of Children's Fino
White Lawn and Voile Dresses
Odd and broken lots and manufac
turers' samples, in plain ant
dainty lace and embroidery trim
med effects. Axes 6 to v t 1ft
14 years. Worth to I JJ
IJ.18. Specially priced at V '.
Infants' and Children's Costs
Fine serges, checks, and
fancy worsted materials, plain
or trimmed models. Light or
dark shades. Ares 2 to 14
years, worth
16.00. Specially
priced at
Infanta and Children's Costs
Silk, serres, checks, fancy
mixtures and' worsted ma
terials; llrht or dark shades:
Plain or trimmed styles. Vat
-ues to 6. . Ares
1 to 14 years.
Special Saturday. .
A nig Assortment of Dresses Plaids and flowered effects. In rlnghama
ana crrpe; rrentn wainien ana suspenaer eriects. made In all
the newest styles. Ages 2 to years. Specially priced
Children's Maslinwe&r
One Lot of Princess
Slips and Envelope Combination
Suits Neatly made, with tucks
and lace trlmralnsa. To
he closed out. choice -for
Children's Figured Crep. Oowna
Rerular SOc values.
Special sal. price
Infants' and
Children's Stockings
rriirr awd t7Kxuavsjra
Plark, white and colors.
Kemiiar 36c qualities,
white and oolors.
Special Saturday, pr,
a c
Children's Underwear
Suitable . tor both girls . and
boys. Drop seat, with buttons
sround waist. Ages
2 to 10 years. Spe
cial, suit. .
tnrtos BTtrtTs for
Crm.S and BOY
Broken lots ami
else a. Munstn.
Kssex Mills, Scout
snd "M" KnU
hrands. Worth to
BOo. Sat
urday, suit
Low neok.
sleeveleas; h I I h
neck, long or wine
sleeves. Lillet
and cottons. Brok
en stses. Regu
lar 2 he
each . .
i i 1 1
piano music, wnicn win
enable members to have
use of a wide variety of
Whether or not you have
purchased your player-piano
In our department, we
should be glad to have you
as a member.
Membership may be ar
ranged for now.
Third Floor.
"Troc-Moc,, Footwear
for Women
New smart footwear for the Club House. Golf or Walking
Hirh and low cut. plain or sport styles; nieae wun wnue ivory
soles or Plain. Unllned. Back to nature fit. Low
very new English flat lasts. AU sixes and widths.
Pair $2.oa to
520 Pair of Women's Pumps
Bronte kid. satin, tan calf, pat
ent leather and dull leather,
an rood styles, new toes and
heels. Worth to $4.
Special Sat., pair.
Infants' Fine Dress Ankle or
Roman Strap Slippers Patent
or dull leather; hand turned
soles. Worth to $1.75. Spe
cial Saturday,
Men's Fine Oxfords Tan or dull cair. Button or laoe; angina
flat lasts or high toes. Extremely comfortable and serviceable.
All sixes. Twenty styles to choose from. Special, gQ
r y"tt niMMi i ii $ it iii ii ii ji ii ii ii ii ri i l iv i l n il ATsi i !''g3ciLlZit iwaj i n
pg J" To 'neglect to read Ihe Furnished Rooms advertisements in
that you'll pay more than is necessary and get less than
The Bee may mean y R
Players' Music Library Q
About June 10th we plan on opening: a large and com
plete library of player-