Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE HEE: "OMAHA, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 191."..
Jrttn.y Watobas at Xflholm's.
eve oot Prist IV Now Beacon Preaa
Bleotrte I"aa Burg-ess-arandtn Co,
"Today Complete KotU rrocrem'
classified portion today, and appaara In
The Baa EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
the various moving- picture theaters offer.
aff XMsoontlane Meeting Trie
Omaha Suffrage association at Ita meet
ing Wednesday at the home of Mrs.
Oonre CovelL decided to discontinue
meetings during the aummer. A plrmio
meeting lit June will close the year!
Waata Work for Seaf and Bomb X4
Handicapped by the infirmity of being
deaf and dumb, a husky youth, living at
the Salvation Army Industrial hotel, la
unable to get a Job. Captain H. H.
Xllne of the army recommends him at
an excellent worker and is trying to find
ivory, for htm to do.
To Protaot Boulevard City Com
missioner Hummel haa offered an
amended ordinance to provide for the
protection of the boulevarda In caaea
where excavation arc made, the neces
sity being to Insure that these cuts ar
properly tamped In and the surface pro
trcted by those making the cuts.
Mora Scarlet Paver Four more caaea
of scarlet fever have been discovered by
the health officials in the Pacific school
district. A few days ago five children
of the sama family were attending this
school with evidences of convalescing
: from this disease. There are now thirty
five cares of scarlet fever at the City
'Kmergeney hospital.
Pined as Mashers On charges of
being "mashers" and and addressing en
dearing - terms to respectable women J
'whom they did not know, but passed near
'seventeenth and Chicago streets, W. H.
llti'hle and Tien Thompson were arrested
hy Police Serjeant Dillon and Officer
Hrlnkman. The men were fined 3 and
costs each by Pollco Judge Brltt.
Collegiate Allunmae Meeting The
Aofational guidance committee of the
, Association of Colliiglate Alumnae,
headed by Miss Klizabeth Bienlzer, will
' hold Its first meeting Friday afternoon
at 8:30 o'clock at the Young Women's
Christian association. An educational
campaign, prior to the establishment of
a bureau for vocational guidance, will be
EvangellaUo lcsetingi Dr. J. noug
hts llorben, the New Kngland evangelist,
who Is now pastor of the Mount Zlon
Uaptlxt church at Sioux City, in con
ducting a scries of evangelistic meetings
at the Grove Methodist church. Twenty
second and Seward rtrceta, where he is
mooting with marked success. Dr. Her
hen is known as the "Black Billy bun
idny." Twenty have already been con
verted. Kerweglaa Lutherans to Xxpo The
largest party of exposition tourist to go
west aim stop over in Omaha will arrive
at 8:30 o'clock next Wednesday morning
over the Great Western. The party is
Vmado UP of 209 Norwegian Evangelical
Lutherans who are traveling on a special
'train and are en route to Kan Francisco.
The party will remain In Omaha until 1
o'clock in the afternoon, taking lunch
here and going out over the Union Pa-
1 - " t
Gould Sieti of Greater Omaha Com
mittee Says the Injunction Suit
Was Expected.
TIST TTC?Tn'T trr errPTY.
School Kiddies Are
. 'Taught to Be Kind
; to Dumb Animals
Boys and girls were taught today In
the city achoola that they should be
kind te the dumb animals.
Masterpieces like "The Dog of Flan
ders," "Black Beauty," "Beautiful Joe"
and John Mulr's "wtlckeen" were read.
It was "Humane day," so designated
by Superintendent Graff in response to
a request from State Chairman H. S.
Mann of the national committee of the
American Humane association. I
This Is "Kindness to Animals Week"
throughout the country. Mr. Mann ha
written to the ministers of Omaha re
questing them te make reference to the
subject next 'Sunday, or even to preach
their sermons on the subject. Names of
the ministers who do tills we to be. men
tioned in a publication now being pre
pared by the association
The Greater Omaha committee 1
not going ty quit because of the suit
filed Wednesday to hold off the elec
tion June l on the consolidation of
Omaha, South Omaha and Dundee.
Speakers have been named to start
the campaign Saturday night and
every effort will be made to get out
a large vote.
"You may say for the Greater Omaha
committee of Omaha. Dundee and South
Omaha that this injunction trick will
have no effect whatever on thi oommlt
tee'a plans for getting out the full ote
for consolidation Tuesday, Juno 1, ;iald
Gould Diets, chairman of this committee.
"This Injunction play haa been antici
pated all along. It surprises no one. It
is Just a part of the petty personal oppo
sition to be found In a few well known
Marphy and fteltty Sponsors.
"Henry Murphy and W. L Belby are
the Injunction sponsors. . It is only fair
for the voters of the three municipalities
to know something of the motived ae
uating these gentlemen. And our com
mutes will try from day to day to ex
plain them.
"Both gentlemen act from purely self
ish motives. Mr. Kelby states in his pe
tition that he Is concerned as a taxpayer
of Dundeei and Mr. Murphy professes to
represent the taxpayers of South Omaha.
Mr. Selby is the legal representative of
certain Interests in South Omaha that
are opposed to annexation and he is act
ing antlrely as their agent In this mat
ter. Mr. Belby'a career touching matters
of assessment and taxation In South
Omaha haa been an active and notable
one, and It is easy to understand, there
fore, hi activity now.
Marpha- an Office Holder.
"So far as Mr. Murphy la concerned,
he Is simply an officeholder fighting for
his Job on the one hand and a lawyer
trying to serve his private clients on the
other. .Ho is city attorney of South
Omaha, as well as attorney for certain
street paving contractors who are opposed
to annexation. Mr. Murphy does not rep
resent South Omaha In this fight at all,
as any one can find for himself by talk
ing with South Omaha people.
"As the campaign progresses it may
be interesting to review the active part
Mr. Selby has taken In South Omaha
politics, especially in city 'council affairs
in years gone by. This may serve to
explain the more clearly his attempt in
trying to defeat (he will of the people
on Tuesday. June X."
( .. .
4 V'-i f Vh.-"
Building and Loan
Men to Boost Omaha
Savings and loan association men of
Omaha propose to give a special boost
to the "Stop Over in Omaha" movement
ting summer.
Tho annual meeting of the United
Mates League of Local Building and
lxan associations will be held la San
Vranclwo the last week in July. The
local committee has taken steps to Invite
eastern delegates to select the Omaha
route, stop over In the city, And enjoy
tiio hospitality of the association men.
I'ersonul letter and appropriate liter
ature will be sent to prospective dele
Kate, and the responses will determine
the plans of the committee, which met
at the Commercial club.
Members of the committee are. Thomas
J. Fitzn-orrls, George F. Ollmore, James
J. Fitzgerald, John O. Brandt, Irving Q.
Uarlght and L. I. Spalding.
The city council confirmed the follow
ing promotions made by Superintendent
Withnell of the fire department: Martin
J. I'lneen, first assistant chief, tilOo a
year; Oconee A. Crager and John Coyle.
senior captains, to second assistant chief
at SI.) each a year: Fred Vaverka and
tieorge V. Cuslck, Junior captains, to
senior captains at Ills each month;
Michael Quinlan and Jonas H. Frauds,
firemen, to Junior captains at H0O each
a '
Commissioners Are
Whipped When Bine
Opens Big Law Book
City Commissioners Hummel and .With
aell impinged themselves against the en
tire legal department of the city, but
their line was thrown back and they were
routed in disorder. At a meeting of the
council theso commissioner contended
that an expense of 1275 for a sidewalk at
the engine house at Nineteenth and Har
uey street should be taken out of the
intersection fund.
Backed by the corporation counsel, city
solicitor and assistant city attorney lty
Attorney Rlne opened a large la book
and read therefrom words which caused
the militant commissioner to hoist a
white flag. '
The money will be taken out of h
miscellaneous fund and the walk will be
Uld. ,
Monday the officers of the Nebraska
State Historical society and the Daugh
ters of the American Revolution, at a
point three miles north of Hebron, Thayer
county, will unveil and dedicate a monu
ment. The location of tho monument Is
on the Oregon trail. It is expected that
a special train will be run from Lincoln
to Hebron, over the Burlington.
Quiet Thief Again
Robs Sleeping Girls
Polloe have decided that an expert Bur
glar Is making a apeclsJty of quiet'? vis
iting house In the residence district
where young women room and of robbing
them while they sleep. Two young wo
men lost valuable that way Tuesday
night, and three more had the same ex
perience Wednesday. None knew of the
burglar' visit until they awoke In the
morning and found their rooms ransacked.
Miss Esther Rouse and Miss Fay Lowe,
rooming at 2037 Dodge street, discovered
vhen they woke up that a burglar had
raised a screen, opened a window, noise
lessly closed the door between their bed
room and sitting room and had carried
away SU worth of Jewelry and 12 In
When Mrs. Joale Jolls. landlady of the
house, awoke she found that the bur
glar had reached right over hor head
and had stolen a purse that hung on the
bedpost in the corner.
Msny long for children, but because of
Some curable physical derangement are deprived
of this greatest of all happiness.
The women whose nam follow were restored
to normal health by Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegeta
ble Compound. Write and ask them about it.
"I took yoor Com
pound and have a fine,
strong baby. " Mrs.
John Mitchell, Mas-
sena, N. Y.
"Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound Is a
wonderful medicine for
expectant mothers. "
Mrs. A. M. Myers, Gor-
donville, Mo.'
' I highly recommend
Lydia E. Pinkham'a Veg
etable Compound before
child-birth, it has done so
much for me." Mrs. E.
M. Doerr, R. E. 1, Con
shohocken. Pa.
, "I took Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Com
pound to build up my
system and have tha
dearest baby girl in the-
world." Mrs. Moss
Blakeley, Coal port, Pa.'
"I praise the Com
pound whenever I have
a chance. It did so much
for me before my little
girl was born." Mrs.
E. W. Sanders, Rowles
burg, W. Va.
"I took your Com
pound before baby was
born and feel I owe my
life to it." Mrs. Winnie
Tiixis, Winter Haven,
'Vf n. v; .:
Stephen A. Scott, who allege that
while in Kounlse Park hospital he re
ceived rough treatment at the bands of
nurses there, has brought suit in dis
trict court for $15,0K daimges against
John O. Nystrom, proprietor, and Jose
phine E. Nystrom and Edith Hansen,
Fcott's petition alleges that his head
" was bumped against a wall and that hla
head was placed under a stream of cold
Diarrhoea dalrkly C'lireal.
"About two eara ago I had a severe
sita-'k t,f diarrhoea whloh lasted for ever
a week." writes W. ('. Jones. Buford, N.
1 . '-1 b ima so wek that I could not
stan, ui'rifcht. A drugslit recommended
'hmler!nin's Oollo and Diarrhoea Rem The l st doae relieved me and
v khln to days I as a well as ever."
d'uitiinaMe evciya here". Advertisement.
Water Board Man is
Given a Stiff Fine
Iloaie Fellman. U-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fellman, 1315 Dav
enport street, proved to be a star witness
in police court against J. Ooldberger, who
is a meter Inspector for the water
board. He was fined 2Vnd costs after a
trial on the charge of impersonating an
officer and threatening the little girl's
'Ho told mamma ha was an officer
and he showed a badge and said he would
have her arrested." Rosie testified. The
badge referred to was Ooldberger' s meter
inspection button, which he was alleged
to have used as an officer's star, while
representing a fellow countryman over
a matter of i room rent. Goldberger said
he would appeal.
top Itching ut Burning Instantly.
There la immediate relief for skin
Itching, ' burning and dlsflguered by ez
sema, ringworm or similar tormenting
skin trouble. In a warm bath with Reel
hoi Soap and a simple application of Raa
Inol Ointment. The soothing, healing med-
jication sinks right Into the skin, stops
Itching instantly, and soon clears away
all traco of eruption, even in severe and
stubborn cases where other treatments
havo had no effect. After that, the reg
ular use of Reslnol Soap la usually
enough to keep the skin clear and
Tou need never hesitate to use Reslnol.
It is a doctor's prescription, that has
been used by other physicians for years
In the treatment of all sorts of skin af
fections. It contains sbsolutely nothing
that could injure the tenderest skin.
Every druggist sells Reslnol Ointment
and Reslnol Soap. Advertisement.
Miss Mary Phllllppl was elected leader
of the story tellers' section of the As
sociation of Collegiate Alumnae, to suc
ceed Mrs. M. W. Diraery. The meeting
was held Wednesday at the home of the
Misses Blanche and Olive Ooffman.
This section will continue te arrange
story hours for children at the Social
Settlement each week during the summer
as it ha done during the winter.
Throat a Laif Traables.
Quickly helped by It. King's New
Discovery. In use over forty years.
tCvery home should keep a bottle for
emergefiries. All drucglats. Advertisement
$25, $30, $3 5 and op
WCmein to maintain our
reputation aa skillful
and leading tailora at all
times be the price of
your garments $25 or $50.
If $25 or $30 is about
what you want to invest
in a suit you'll get full
measure vof value for that
amount at Nicoll's
NICOLIy The Tailor
."W Jex'rems' Sons .
SOU-211 Ho. 15th St.
Store Hours 8:30 A. M. to 0 P. M. Saturday Till 9 P. Mi
urgess-Nash Company
""everybody's store
Thurm), May 'JO, 11)15.
"i'honet J), ittl
Sample Line and Surplus Stock of NOVELTY JEWELRY
From a Manufacturing Jeweler Including Articles Intended
to Retail at $1.50 to $12.50
in a Sale Friday at $1.00
IT'S a sale you will not want to miss, for tho biggest Jewelry
values we've ever offered are included snd thai Is saying a
great deal. too. The stock is too diversified tor description; su(flc
to any, that you'll find about everything in the line ot novelty
Jewelry included. ,
Lavallieres, neck chainsA Choice cuff links, mesh bags, ivory
bracelets, solid gold rings, a- aa I novelties, pretty hair ornv
. . .. .(bTjI I If I ments, tie clasps, scarf pins,
hat pins, vanity cases, P J J faalm , ba? pins, locket
brooches, watch fobs, coatl . . 4 chains, rhinestone set iew-
fiM KAi9n elfy. etc. etc.
chains, ear rings, lockets,
Bnrgess-Xaah Co. stain rioor.
nrgeis-iras. O 3. Mala Floor.
Remnants jof $1.00 Up to $1.50
FANCY SILKS Friday at 69c Yard
SHOUT lengths of the moet favored weaves 1 V4 yards to 7
yards, Mack and nil tho new shades sro represented, including:
SO-inrh chiffon tnffctax, S4l-lwlt blsrlt mtviRnlinrw,
8tt-lnrh natural pongee. UU-tnrh Mack chiffon taffetas,
42-Inch silk poplins, plnln, U'-S-inch atripo tub silks,
40-Inch crH lei rhines, U4-lnch flRured foulard silks,
3Mnch black Mau de hole, :i(Mnch Mtri( messalines
Burgsss-Hasb Co. Main rioor.
Remnants of WASH GOODS That
Were 25c to 50c Friday at 19c Yd.
THE lengths range from m to 8 yards, and the collection includes)
nearly every favored weave for this season embroidered lace,
cloths, fancy voiles, plain ratines, mixed ratines, flsxons, tissues,
ginghams, plain crepes,. Dresden silks, chtffon llsse, etc. The most
desirable patterns and colorings are included in this assortment wash
goods that were 26o and up to BOr, at 10c a yard
aurgsss-Xash Co. Main rioor.
Wooden coat
hangers, 3 for 5c
200-yd. machine
thread, spool, '2c
500-yard basting
cotton,' spool, 3c
100-yard spool
silk, all colors,
BPOOl 4c
Safety pins, 3
cards for ... .5c
Common p i a a ,
400 count, papet
lor 2c
Darning cotton,
4 spools 5c
Hooks and eyes,
card lo
Fancy trimming
buttons, all col
ors, doien . . ,5c
6 bolts of linen
tape for i ... .He
Ladles' and chil
dren's hose sup
porters, all col
ors, pair ...lOo
Twist, all colors,
spool lo
Hair pins, psper
for lc
Largs bottle ma
chine oil ... ,5o
Corset steels,
each lc
Shopping bags,
each lOo
Finishing braid,
white and col
ors, bolt . . . .5o
Bnrg-ess-Weah Co. Basement.
Final Clearaway of Women's Pumps, Oxfords and
Boots, Were $3 to $5, in Basement Friday, $1.45 Pr.
HERE are. Indeed, the season's most remarkable values in women's foot
wear, several hundred pairs that have been taken from our regular
lines on the second floor, at 3.00, $3.60, $4.00 and $5.00. and offered
to you for quick clearaway Friday at 91.45 the pair. The offering Includes:
Tan Russia pninpg and oxfords, were $3.50 to $5. . . .
"White nubuck pmnps and oxfords, were $3.50 to $5 . .
White canvas oxfords, pumps & hoots, were $3 to $5
Black RnsBia calf oxforda & pumps, were $3.50 to $5J
a Pair
If you can wear else 2M, 3, 3H or 4 you will find here the greatest
footwear bargains you've ever shared in. Pnmps and oifords in all tho
best leathers, odd pairs of regular $2.00, $2.60 and $3.00 lines at, pair, 35c.
Ankle Ties and Mary Jane Pumps, $1.35 to $1.75
New lines and all are splendid values.
Bargsss-aTash Co Saaenent.
This $12.50 FIBRE ROCKER
Friday, on the Third Floor, $6.95
CAPE MAY Lazy -Back Arm Rocker, with uphol
stered seat and back; tho sent is reinforced with
Bteol, has extra heavy rockers
gh back; eells regularly
50; ono day only, $6.95.
$4.50 Porch Swing
For $2.25
Four-foot wood porch
swing, with sixteen slats
in back, bolted construc
tion, complete, heavy
chains for hanging.
$4.50) Wood Rocker
For $3.25
Heavy wood rocker, bolt
ed construction, mission
finish, very durable and
attractive, regularly
$4.50; Friday, at 3.23.
rwmxDmWi amlhi
Barrtas-XTash Co. TWrd lloos
Prices $35.00 to $40.00 at $23.75
AIv opportunity such as this doesn't
come your way very often. A lim
ited number of hiih-grade Sewing Ma
chines, including such makes as: '
These are new machines, sample machines and slightly used
machines. They are all drophead styles, all in perfect condition
and are complete with all attachments every one guaranteed for
ten years.
Terms $2.00 Down and $1.00 a Week.
Free Iieesons. .Vo Mail or Phone Orders
Barfess-B'asfc Sswlnr acaehlae action Third floor.
Short Lengths of WASH GOODS
Worth Wholesale 17jk, Friday 7c
FANCY plaid part silk crepes silk and cotton wash fabrics, fancy
woven crepes, plain and printed poplins, all high cost wash
fabrics. They are odd bolts and small lots of waist and dress
lengths; the wholesale price would be up to 17 Vic yard; Friday,
at 7ac yard. - '
15c Fancy MuUs, Friday at 7c
The new fancy figures, striped, dotted, spray and floral mer
cerized mulls, checked dimities and batistes are in great demand.
The color assortments are very large, waist and dress lengths, lfto
values, 7 Ho yard.
25e Itoceptlon Voiles, Printed Flaxons, 12Je -In
all the different size black and white stripes, also fancy
figures, rosebud and floral designs, at 12Vo ye.rd.
15c Fancy Curtain Hrrim at Be
Thousands of yards fancy figured curtain scrim, the regular
15c kind, 36 inches wide; on sale at 5c the yard.
Neat Cheeks and Striped Zephyrs, Oc
In pretty combinations, 3 to 10-yard lengths, desirable for
making boys' waists, suits, ladles' and children's dresses, a new
lot that has Just been unpacked, at Uc yard.
Remnants) of Wash. Goods at 8 Ho
Remnants ot voiles and fancy printed lawns will be sold at 8 He.
SlilrtlngSt Apron Prints, Ktc, at 4 H o
Fancy printed lljht shirting and apron prints, fast colors,
standard goods; sale price, 4 He yard.
Borress-aTash Ce.-aaa.ment
Reduced Prices For Friday
Heavy tin wash boilers, 14-os. cop
per bottom, No. 8, $1.75 values,
08c; No. 9. $1.95 values. .$1.25
Wooden towel rollers, lOo val
ues lo
Wooden hat and coat racks, 7 or
10 hooks, 10c values lo
Androck's wire bread toasters. Oc
One lot of tin pot covers, all sizes,
choice 3c
10 snap mouse trap for....lOc
Package of Golden Kod washing
powder 15c
Old Dutch cleanser, per can... 7c
Heavy white metal tea spoons, 6
for '. ,Bo
Wash boards, 4 0c value, at. . . 2i)o
Good flour sifters, 10c val., at. 5c
8 and 10-quart
galvanised iron
water palls, spe
cial, at l(k
Galvanized lrot
wash tubs:
Size 0, at.2c
Hlze 1, at.lJftc
Size 2, at.4l)c
Size 3, at. 50c
5- hole combina
tion egg poacher,
75c value, at Kc
6- gallon gasoline
76c value, at
Garden cultivators,
OOv B ss.m.nt.
cans, regular
$1.35 values,
iBurgess-Nash Co. Everybody's Store 16th and Harney,
Hotel Lenox
M ?Sil
i i
One block from Copley Sq. and
Public Library. Convenient to
Shopping and Theatre District.
All Outside Rooms. Excellent
Single Rooms $2, with Bath J.SO and o.
Double " ' 2.30, " " $ 1.50 " '
(Good Garages minutes' walk)
L. C. PRIOR. fcUNAeia
Two minutes from Back Bay Station'
Ten minutes from North Station
iil :
Oaaaka, Mek
Alake Teething Easy for Babj
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
It's lots of fun to play Daddy
long-legs and walk with stilts. Wo
will five
to the ten boys that bring us the
most pictures of the stilts before 4
P. M., Saturday, May 22d.
This picture of the stilts will be in The
Bee every day this week.
Cut then all out and ask your friends
to save the pictures in their paper for you
too. Bee how many pictures you can get
and! bring them to The Hee Office, Satur
day; May 22d.
The stilts will be given Free to the boys
or girls that send us the most pictures be
fore 4 P. M., Saturday, May 22d.