Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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    THE lira:. OMAHA. FRIDAY. MAY 21. 1915.
Except for Some Slight Recovery
Ho Featnrei of Interest
NEW TOnVT. Msy iw. Kxrept fop some
slight rmvprr from Its extreme letharsy
of recent setnns, toiler's etiwk market
developed no festures of Intereat. Trad
ing waa of the same narrow and profes
sional rhinirlfr snd such artvsnoes as
orrarred were mnlnly due to covering of
short contractu. Foreign contracts were
more than ever a factor of Importance,
the news that ltalv had practically de
rided to a I Inn Itself with the allies being
accepted as a foregone conclusion. Week
ness In the various markets for foreign
xchange offered artdli tonal Interest of
the uneasiness existing In london and at
all continental centers.
Demand sterling on Iomlon aold within
a fraction of the low cuotationa made
some month aso and francs actually es
tsbllshed their lowest price since the war.
Rate on Rome and Pet ne.rad stiffened a
trifle, but these Quotation had no sig
nificance. It declared, because, of the
nominal market lietween New York and
those capital. German exchange waa
steady with iom business to Berlin and
lomeetln condltlona played a part In
the low prlr railway eherea. tTiesa
peake Ohio and Mleaotitl Heclflc being
unusiiaJlT active because of Impending
eventa effecting those propertlea. Tlie
fste of the Mlaaoiiii Pacific extension plsn
Is believed to rest largely with the
Oould Intereats, while Chesapeake A
Ohio's dividend policy waa atlll an un
known ouantlty at the market's close.
War shares occupied a place of rela
tive Importance In the day's slim busi
ness, Bethlehem fteel rising points.
lth I to 4 point as Ins in other parts of
the group. Standard stocks, Including
Jiish-srade railways, scored one point
advance, but fell hack later, as did also
Vnlted 8tatee rUeel.
Total salea of stock amounted to Z7V
CfO shares. . .
Another 11.1)00,000 gold shipment from
Japan, making a total of S,37r.O0O re
ceived from that source thus far this
year. h!ed to awell the recent Inflow of
the precious metai. Loss of .v.l"0 Sld
by the Hank of England for the week
waa partly offeet bv purchases In Lon
don's open market for that Institution.
Bonos were heavy, with material re
ception In Bock Island and Missouri Pa
ctfi junior Issues. Total sales, par value,
were 11 .471.001). . .
United "tates registered and coupon a
declined "4 and S respectively cm call.
Number of sales and titin quotations
a Slocks wars as follows:
klulil OnM
Aae.lsate4 Opaer ....
j inertias Be Buss
Aa-erfawa B
Awerleaa B. A a ...
Artras S. R. P
An fr Raflntns
Aneiiraa Tel. Tel
Aaarhw Tohaon.
Acrn4a Ml alas
Raltlniora Ohle
ftrankira Rsplii Transit.,
rsllforsle Patretauas ....
I'anaillaJa fcino
lanlrat Uaathar
i e.aapaaae a Okie......
htrCO O. W . .
Ijfiirad t. A
1"l.nso A N. W i
I'hliie cfceTier
;nnu1s rel troa....
eiorste Helher
Pnw Bta r'le
XT.rr H. O. p'd
Piulllers' aeesrlllea ....
tieMTSj Electrto
)ra. Nortl)' M
ret Na. Ura ctlv. ....
Ouscenhlra Kiplorstloo..
Illlicl Ontral
Interrmroush Met. pfd..,.
lirlratloa rwT
InletiMitlonsI Hsrrwaer ..
Kikm r tultiera....-
1rhlih Vll7
Ixilanlle NaahTllls...
Mxlcaa reiroleua
Mlxnl Ceever
niaaouri. K. T
Hinr.arl rvltta
NXineel Klarvlt
Nhllonel leaS
Nrrt Cepeer
New York t'entml.
N Y . N. H. II
Krrf'ilk WeMars
Northern Psolria
I'arlllc Mill
l'.-ric Tel. A Tel
PnnTlvsiils .....
faiimas rtlun Car
ftey ros. istpper.
Ptpuhlit- Iroa A sXeel....
Hiak lUui
lUik lelHnd . prU ....
HI I. A H. F. M pill....
H st hero I'ni-lflc
riiulharn Kilr
TnniMM Clipper
T&es I "wnTpeuy
t'l los ItHI
t nine fr. Ill pti
t'uli4 Htetee rHMl
V . Svol pid ,
t'lah 4iper ....
TValwuh prs
nw l atea M
. l'eaiinskmiae Elactrlo
afintaita lowr
Tula! aulas lor lbs dur
llMt H-
1. 7"S
ana S
- 11
11 4
l .
tm 14 i
71") 1M
i 11714 1171
tn J lit,
lew) 7H H
"i,a ' '
S00 141 1404
' '" it
l.lil 14U
7IM Uli 14 iov,
""() '" ii"
" joe it' ii'
IK) ii u
"i.9 ioi" iinii
'"Hi W im
fn IM lu i 34
.t 141'i 141
J Wa WV4
t "
alXI V W
l."0 i4
11.7 l:i
o m
. ns
lim S44,
l.iao l
3"fl asit
itt4 l;s
X7a.0S slums.
New Y'ark Meaey Market.
FA 'F.H It'yut per cent.
day hula, 44.7Uju; for cables. S4.iju; for de
ans nd. (4 V i).
HllAtK-Bar. 74c; Uexk-an dollars,
lONDS Government, weak; railroad,
.VlMB teOANH-Firm; sixty leya. t4fjs
ier cent; ninety ! e, S per vent; six
tuonth. iP4 per cent.
, CAUL. iiONEY-teady: high, t per
cent; low, 1 per cent; ruling rate 8 per
tnt; last loan t par cent; closing bid,
IN per coat; offered at S per cent.
CSoshag quotations on bo nits toOsy were
as fellows
Ml. B. rat. at, rsg.M T Mo. ran. r. la.
causes ......... n. i. i g. .. 7H
V- M. a r-. lua'iN. Y. CVy v,a lout,
saais -I '. T. that .. !
B. a. 4a. rag 'S T . N, U, 4 H.
I 4o eoiBi 1 a. s KHU
'Psaams la Ksasa..lutjNe. Itsclfls 4a si
lAam. ataaaltans .....101 So a i
I A. T. a T. . 44aa.lw0, S. U sat. as.... ss
'.nnmir aV V 4a.. SlfcHaa. T. T. as.... IX I
i Attbaws xaa. aa.... M 'rasa. soa. 4a.
Jti. a miio aa...... 1 aa ooa. afes. ...... iest
baa. Ohio 4k sKaadiu s. ta..... a
". P. 1 1 4a ... va h u H. r. r. 4s M
OHtlFl 4Ua.lto. rmo. n. 4s..... Wai
4e crt. ta ltd S ra(. 4a. 17 ,
CI. a 44. ret. 4Ha... 4 . ta. v
T a K. is. rac aa.. 4TiSo Hsllv. (a.
'lOrf cm. 4a . m l alua fscihe ta.... ',
la. Kiaotna aa U'i dn rr. aa M
M. Ka. iat 4Va.... H I'. . Kvbbar Sa....lOV
Sil. aa ra. 4s 7fet'. H. ritaol la loiu
K. C So. nt ta... Ha,Whask lat ta lc
K H sol. 4s..... 4Waa. luisa 41,a... nu
M K. T. lu 4s.. taWaac ISao. o. ta..luu'A
Bli. 0Iaf4.
Vmn Steele Market.
! IiOrNDON, May S). Arnertran securi
ties on the oto k market oened a shade
under parity, droixt from lack of sup
Krt ami claed easy.
PILVKR Ksr. M-16d per ounce.
MoNKV lai. per cent; discount
ratoa for short bills 2 pvr cent; for
ibreaj montba. I U-l21 per cent.
Metal Market.
riiilet at U VniZs, apelter not quoted.
;u-per. Qtit.'t ; elix'trolytlx, llDOO; raat
Ins, IH.'jo'ilx.Tt. Tin. uuiet. but steady,
.,7 U. l. : Iron, slesdy auid iuu'luiiisl.
At Ixnlon: Spot, fllll t!. Spot
tin. Iitttm: fut'ireaj, iloO lie; srtUnoo),
UK-ijlU.. lead, inlaid; spelurr, t'.O.
Dry CisMaala Market.
'otun goods were steadier and allglitly
more active today, iiroadclollis, whlu
i rds and Hedrord cords sere In better
dtmand In dress goods markets. Yarns
were steady. Kaw silk waa easoler.
Kravwrwtea Aaale. aea) Driest ratls
Afl'UKl Hull.
1K1KD K kl' ITS Prunes, easy. Apri
cots and pearlies, dull and easy. Raisins,
iu)rt, but steady.
Tbe prospect of Jla:y becoming In
volved In tie European war strengthened
wlieat and til the Omaha market It mas
old up VuK', prices miiiing from $1.40
to per buedel. There were twenty
erloa.4a on the market.
Corn was don ' cent and then it took
aa upturn. adan in v c-ut. cioeing tesr
the top. Reos'sts weis fort-flve tttioad.
The oaU .aaiket was cent off.
Leing 4s to 44'i cents, with eleven car-
t tiered.
I Steady Rtin Since Tuesday Night ii
of Great Benefit to the Grow
ing Crops.
The official thermometer ftood a(
15 to ? Thursday morning, which Is
a return to something like normal
temperature. From the weat came
news of continued cold. At Cheyenne
the. thermometer Rtood at 21 and In
northern Wyoming and the Yellow
atone Park It waa still snowing. Rain
fall here Wednesday night wan .Kg of
an inch.
Rain continued to fall over the en-
t're state of Nebraska all of Wednes
day night and yesterday it was atlll
raining, soaking the ground most
thoroughly for the benefit of tua
growing crops and also beading off
a possibility of frost.
Wintry la the Writ.
Winter has returned to western Ne
braska, Wyoming and Colorado, accord
ing to morning reports to the railroads.
Tha Northwestern reports that at Bel
mont, In laea county, snow Wednes
day night fell to a depth of twelva
Inches, coming on top of ten Inches al
ready on the ground. The temperature at
Belmont this morning waa down to 29
degrees above sero. From Crawford west
and through Wyoming the new anow
ranged from two to six Inches In depth.
Lighter snowfalls extended east as far ss
Long fine. From there east, all through
Nebraska and over Into Iowa It rained
moat of the night.
ftaow at Other Places.
The Burlington reported new snow from
one to four Inches In depth most of tha
way from Broken How to Bherlilan on
Its Billings line. Kast of Broken Bow
there was a steady and drenching rain
all yesterday and Inst night. Over the
Union Pacific Nebraska and Kansas main
lines and over the branches there was a
continuous rain since early Tuesday night
verywhere east of a line drawn north
and south through North Itatte. West
of this line there was snow as far weat
as Rawlins, Wyo., ranging from four to
six inches.
East of North Platte on the Union Ta
clflo and Mi-Cook on the Burlington the
rain was gsnoral, the precipitation over
Nebraska and Kanaas having been one
to two Inches during the . twenty-four
hours ending at 7 o'clock this morning.
Generally through the territory along
the Nebraska railroads this morning there
war indications of clearing weather. The
rain was lighter than during. the night
and at numerous places there were rifts
In the clouds. A rise in the temperature
was becoming apparent.
Outside of the area covered by snow,
according to the railroads, there was no
frost, the rain and clouds having kept
it away.
Jardine to Start
Repaying Campaign
Commissioner Jardine of the public Im
provement department Introduced three
ordinances to provide for tha repaying of
Thirteenth street. Howard to Mason
streets, and from Mason to Martha
streets, also Pacific. Sixth to Tenth
streets. This Is the first action taken by
the city officials under a new paving
law, which gives the city council the
right to order repaying on any street
within 7,(Oo feet of the city hall. In these
eases the expense will be assessed to the
adjoining property owners. From How
ard to Mason, on Thirteenth street, the
stene blocks will be relatd and from
Maaon to Martha it is believed that brick
block will be laid.
Mr. Jardine states that Jackson street,
Seventh to Ninth, will be repaved soon.
Under the "main thoroughfare" feature
of the law mentioned. Military avenue
will .also be repaved. Heverat petitions
have been received, asking that Military
avenue be repaved without dolay.
White wearing a pin and trying . to
sell a watch that were stolen from the
home of O. T. Kneneter, Hi North KOr-
tleth street, Sunday nisht. a youth giv
ing tha name of Edward Mrlndoor, New
Home hotel, was arrested Wednesday
by Pawnshop Officer Kd Morgan who
recognised the- valuables aa having been
reported missing by Mrs. Kpeneter.
Morgan found a total of 1130 worth of
Jewelry on his person, which Mrs.
Kpenter Identified as having been, taken
from her homo. Thu young man Is held
in Jail as a suspicious character.
ssk rieartaaja.
OMAHA. May Psnk clearln
iks for
Omaha today were t3,24.;iM.Ki and for the
corrvspotiUiiig 'Jay last year j..Ti,j,o.vt.
Itched and Child Scratched. Could
Not Leave Them Alone. Some
thing Terrible. Used Cuticura. In
a Month Child Was Healed.
Msrle Beach. Mich. "My little dsugU
ter was nearly two year old when she had
Litis plaiplrs come on ber face. Iteasjuat
a II i tie red bunch when it
ftret started. I think tbey
must have itched for she
would scratch tbem until
they would get to be large
eurea. Dearly as Urge as a
ten-rent piece. It seemed
as If the poor gtri could uot
luere them alone; If we held
her hands she would try to rub her face on
something eUe. It aa Just terrible.
"I used moat everything I could think of
and everyiblug anybody told m. to use
and nothing would help her. I decided to
get CuU-ura Kuap and Ointment and before
! I had used them one week I could see thry
' were healing, before a month waa up you
i would never know tbe child bad evr had
; any enres ou her face." ttiigued) Mrs,
I leeis While, June 2i, 1 U 14.
' Sample Each Free by Mall
i . s-"p- ' ou mjiMr-t. Ad-
I-" - tr - . LwiHura, uapi,
teavH Bold Uiroughout the world.
rti i hn.ijtal
Cut the Rates Now
Ai wai ineritable, the "electric
lighting; company hat secured a
court order enjoining enforcement
of the rate ordinance rushed
through the council for political ef
fect on the eve of election, in total
disregard of the conditions and cost
of service.
Explaining the move, General Har
ries again expresses the desire to do
the right thing by electricity users
in Omaha.
The company has already ad
mitted, in announcing acceptance of
the reduction previously proposed,
that the rates here are unjustifiably
Whether the ordinance is perma
nently enjoined or not, nothing pre
vents a voluntary reduction.
Let the company show its good
faith by making the cuts to which
we are entitled not next year, not
next month, but now.
Jardine Submits
Jitney Ordinance
With Heavy Bond
City Commissioner Janllne has sub
mitted some points he would have In
corporated In the prcpoacd Jitney or
dinance, the chief feature being a slid
ing bond scsle as follows: $5.ii00 far first
passenger, $4,000 for second, IW for
third and S2,u0f) for other passengers up
to capac.ty of the Jitn.'y. On this basis a,
four-passenger Jitney would be subject
to a bond of $14,0, nnd an ciiiht-pas-
would be taxed f 73 a year and an eight
passenger car would be asaessed (146 a
year. It Is also proposed to assess each
driver $15 a year for "expense of ovcr
sectlng the operation of this business."
Another recommendation la that trans
fers be furnished In ca3es where owners
have ears running In opposite routes. Mr.
Jardine suggests that routes be estab
lished from city limits to the center of
the city and no deviation be allowed and
would require that hand baggage be car
ried without extra charge.
Other provisions are the same as sug
gested In three ordlnancea already sub
Upon recommendations of Superinten
dent Kugel, the city council confirmed
the appotntmeut of the following police
men, subject to me usual prnomiunury
period of six months: George doss,
Ueorge H. Thomaa, William II. Lel'age,
Alexander McCleneghan, Tercy Pmbler.
Nels J. Hetland, James Acton, t'rnncU
M. Dalton. Oluf V. Thestrup. Arthur
Unglleh and James K. Beacom.
Harry E. Jsckson and Felix DoUn
were reinstated to the police department.
About the time that Chris ruse, a
transient laborer, quit working at K01
North Sixteenth street. Mrs. Mary Iteat
ner, who lives theru, discovered that her
trunk had been broken into and 1245 In
currency stolen. 8lis reported to the po
lice both her monetary loss and Fuse's
departure, and the officers are trying to
find Fuse, to ask him it be knows any
thing shout the money.
aa aaa Wind Briar Out Vgly Spots,
Mow to Asm owe Basil.
Here's a chance. Miss Kreckio-faoe, to
try a remedy for freckles with the guar
antee of a reliable dealer that It will not
cost you a penny unless It removes the
freckles; while tf It does give you a clear
complexion the expense la trifling.
Simply get aa ounce of othlne double
strength from Bhertnan 4b McConnelt
or any druggist, and a few applications
should show you how easy it Is to rid
yourself of the homely freckles and g t
a beautiful complexion. Rarely la moro
than onoe needed for the worst rase.
lie aure to ask the druggist for the
double strength othlne as this is the pre
scription sold under guarantee of money
back If It falls to remove freckles. Ad
vertisement. .-.V'fwW,.
- - ttr
A ferret I What do you thiak of wbea
a rat I Weil, the conspirators found a
or s lory, snd set a ferret into it to find the rst. Thus, s il scooped
through the passage way with the wire about its neck it Installed
the villainous dictagraph thai betrayed all Kennedy's secrets to the
wily Unentslt.
This ia brief ii the story of this week's episode of
Follow the pictures of Psths and read the story ia
Crikte a Hale
Is ise eeaylar
yaaas s c I . r
Stasias Jasaar
sa Um Scao
r a sot ie sasiat
1st Crslt
Kcasaiir. Hia
wufs ia snrsca
tag BStatk ss
Plaua.. 4J Parl
V sus. lie 0
i s e-w kte
tii be 4 w
ksoats as I as
SaaMaaa. bnae
lulla fc lalaa.
Bequests Will Now Go to Hall Fam
ily and Various Religious and
Charitable Institutions.
The will of the late Stephen l.
Bangs, wealthy Omaha pioneer, leav
ing (62,000 to religious and charit
able institutions of this city, and the
remainder of a $300,000 estate to
the family of the late Richard 9.
Hall, a stepson, was sustained by
District Jndge Estelle.
George H. Bangs of Wayne and Otlbert
M. Bangs of New Tork, cousins of the
late Mr. Bangs, withdrew their contest
following discovery of a prior will leav
ing practically all the estate to the Hall
family. The will made tha day prior to
Mr. BanKS" death, which occurred De
cember H 1!14. had been sustained by
county court and an appeal had been
taken to district court by the contestants.
When the esse was called for trial the
contestants allowed It to go hy default.
In the belief that It would be Impossible,
to overturn two wills. The former will
had been placed In the vaults of the
j county court.
Trinity cathedral. Gardner Memorial
parish house, CHarkson hospital and the
Associated Charities will receive a total
of S"S.CJ from the estate. Mrs. Florence
W. Mall. 8224 Farnam. Richard W. Hall.
Dorothy Hall, Janet E. Hall and Jasper
L. Hall will Inherit the bulk of the re
mainder. Heaaty More Than Skla Deep.
A beautiful women always has goal
digestion. If your digestion Is faulty.
Chamberlain's Tablets will do you good.
Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement.
11 rou hare baes thinking of burlng s Diamond.
Wall h. Wrist Watch, or other Jfwclrr for paraxial
aaar or for s wedding, birthday or annirerasry
int. this la your npoertnsltr to sae money.
I1M Bracelet ran bs entirelr douched, ss antra
" penaant. or as ntular watrti.
rine told Mllad, vn.ll popular alio. Full 16-Rubr
Jeweled nlckal o.onnt. p"lant set, alth si
Jtaalad slrkal moTomant, pandant set, atthor whits
or rld dial. Ouaranioed so raars. Braoalat ess ba
sd'uated to snr alaa. ss each link Is S. . t
iti. i iists cut tha prlr 1 "JiSJ
rm-k," and offer this lalaat I "I
Wriat Watih at IV
Term: '$1.50 a Month
439 Ladles Diamond
j,.,.-. muim Kins. prima
Uoo" mounting Tooth mounting, IS
ISaMonta lk aolid gold.... 9
17.80 a Monta
Cats Dairy till I P. JL Sttwfaii Till t:I0
Call or write for catalog No. tOl. Phono
'fualas 1444 sad aalesmss will call.
IBR05iCa!K.o x "t? at.
100 efficiency that's
what you want when yo
plact an order for engraved
plates. We put snap in
our work, wi have work
1 men th
men that we can rely upon.
you think
rat hole if
k of a ferret? Yes, j
in Kennedy's lab 1
Pendsnt. or Regular Watil
rSMl .ilj """".I1"? ,T
1 Extraordinary
I Organdy French Lawn
f vir t fi rr
I ana wasn Lnitton
45-incU White Sheer Fabrics,
soiled and mussed in han-
idling; qualities sold at 39c
to $1.00 a yard; cut r
from the piece, yd IDC
I White Pekay for skirts and
I suits, two qualities for Fri
day's sale, yard, 15?, 10?
White Erabd. Dot Swiss, Leno
Lace and Bourette Cord, all sheer
white fabrics, Friday, yard 10
Dresser Scarfs, 18x50 alxe, hem
stitched and embroidered, each,
t 25
Table Damac, 70-ln. bleached, ou
sale Friday, yard 4S
Special Seamless Bed Sheets, 61x
90 size, heavy grade aheetlng,
best values, each 65
Special Bed Spread Sale, light
weight summer spreads, white
jacquard patterns, all hemmed
and extra size. $2.50 value", at,
each $1.08
Greatest Bargains Ever Friday
A Big Special Purchase of
New Spring Coats in Dom
estic Room About Price
Coats made lo sell at $8.00, $9.00
and $10.00; checks, novelties and
plain colors ; serges, gabardines and
other popular fabrics; newest styles
good lino of popular dC QT
colors, including blacks. . pfO
94.00 Dram Sklrta, in Sergea and Shep
herd Checks, suspender and fancy belted
styles, all colors 31.08
$1.25 Crene Kimonos, 70c Pretty floral
and conventional designs, also plain col
or". Some satin trimmed, choice values.
Infanta Dresses, 76c to $2.98 values,
slightly soiled, on sale, choice 39
Percale tutd Gingham House Dree sea, all
sites, 36 to 46, at, choice 30
Bungalow Apron Bets, including apron,
cap and skirt to match, fine quality- ging
hams, all colors 59
Rousing Specials in Silks and Wool Dress Goods
59c AH Silk Satin Messalines, Fancy Dress Silks and 32-in.
2,000 yards in the lot at, yard
38-ln. Silk Poplins, also all-Bilk Tub Silks, Bro
caded French Crepes, etc., to $1.25 yd. Q
values, on sale Friday, yard QOC
AU-Kilk Crepe de Chines, In pretty patterns, also
Canton Crepes In good line of new at
prlnta, to $2.00 values, yard jOC
54-in. Black and White Check Wool Suitings and Coverts,
lor separate skirts; special values, yard. . .
Summer weight Panamas, Serges, Crepes
and Covert Cloths, up to $1.25 a yard val
ues, at 38?, 68 and 98
Ifitos. Best Pare Cane Gran'ltd Sagar $1
Caaa Tour On Breas
ts rays.
1 sack flour will make
from 5 to 10 loaves bread
4 8-lu. sack beat high grade
Iilamond H flour, suutavn
teed to lve perfect saiis
1 action, per aack . ...i-0
li bars Beat 'Km All or
lJlsjnoud ii soap, for ..o
4 lbs. fancy Jpan ce. loo
quauty, lor
4 lua. best hand picaea
navy beans for ....... S6o
K lba btst mixed emeu
feed, for young cliloka. Mae
t loa. white or yellow corn
meal ., A2
"4 east Foam, pke ..0
K. C. corn flakes. Pk. o
l-lb. cans asaorted l,''us.
for .....TVs'
The beat domeatlo maca
roni, vermicelli or P
KoVderttrVAdVojJ,' poihliiK Ue It. Pk. . .t4
Tall tana Alaska aali
lur .4U
Oil or mustard saraiu .
pun "
7 lbs. best bulk laurwry
. w BoC
4 ruin l'et or
4 cans
St ll II n.
freeu or lima i"
csjis Early June peas ae
a i auUtd packed
S t
V..r aae
Sch.pp'a alueaaea mw"-
or csJtea. per id. -"
irse bottles
Iruce. tomato tulnd0Jr
t-ickiea. assorted ",t''0
Sf "b, cakVa ' laaktM ' ch
No. j"'cw " C"''10
Vriclrens peanut butter
' a, lb.
1 The
I "V:
b. ''.Vtlniiu. lb..
pest i - , .v-n
BlaxaSBBfaBeaBBaxaxsBlaBaa BHaBBaaBBaxasa.fJBBaBk
These ads will start you on the road to wealth
Bargain Offerings for Friday
F" If v rtZ rrr.i ( 1 1
ruwi a
Women's suul Children's
Hosiery Bargains
In Domestic Room rYiday.
Women's Mercerised Iiisle Hose,
25c values, black and colors, snap
Friday at, pair 19
Women's Cotton Homo with tnaco
feet ajnd rib tops, regular and ex
tra sizes, at 12 H
Women's Black Cotton Hoee, to
15c values, Friday, pair..
Children's Parasols
In American Flag colors for Dec
oration Day, also in plain colors,
values to 25c, Friday, at ..10
Men's and Ladles Vmbrcl laj,
$1.50 values, American taffeta
covers and paragon frames, big
assortment, choice 08
Men's Summer Shirts to
$2.00 Value AO
Choice ..... fdl
lu percales, madras, pen an g, pon
gees, chambrays, etc., all sizes
with French cuffs or laundered
styles; plain colors and fancy
stripes, collars attached or de
tached, lay down, military or
s)xrt styles, choice 43t
The greatest lot of bargains ever
shown in any store Friday.
Men's 75c Union Suits, in derby rib
blue or salmon, actual values to 75o,
choice 35k
MfA'n 10c Handkerchiefs, regular 10c
values, in white or colored, at . . -5
Men's Automobile Ilnta or Caps, Silks,
to $2 values S1.00 and 45C
line for selection,
basket fire A T'.ntr.
Hull Breakfast. Uunnowiier
or Sun Dried Japan tea, lb.,
at 39o
f ancy Golden Santos cof
fee, equal to coffees sold
at SOc pound, uor price, lb..
at aoe
Try it and you will soon
be convinced.
Vat Up Tear Maeapples
This Week.
We have a carload of ex
tra fancy fruit, nothing
finer for canning, and thu
frospects are they will not
be cheaper.
SO else, each ......... 10e
Per dosen SI. 10
24 slse. each
Per dosen SI. 40
Per rase, any else . ta.76
The Bast Creaatery Butter.
Carton or Balk.
Fancy No. 1 country cream
ery butter, per lb 880
Fancy No. 1 dairy table
butter, per lb. See
Uood dairy butter, lb. . .S3o
The best No. 1 eKira. poih
Intr finer, per dosen . .SOe
Imported Swiss or Roque
fort rlieeee, per lb. ...40o
The Yss-etable Market (or
the reople.
15 lba. best old potatoes to
the pack 17He
New rotatoea. per lb. So
t bunchea fresh onions . .60
4 bunches fresh radishes 6e
t bunchea fresh aaparacii.
for P
r"nc rtr tomatoes, lb..
New cabhaae. lb
Freah spinach, peck of I
hourda oo
Fvesh beeta or carrot
Round Western Washers,
special Friday SS.SS
i 6ft "a K." Washers,
apecial Friday
111.15 "National" Va
cuum Washers, special
We eell "Motor, "Ome.
BUaat.." "Bawd." "Qoal
lty," "Whit. XlUy"
trlo aa "Tees' BleetrlS
ft. SI heavy tin boiler
copper bottoms Me
$1.49 heavy tin boilers,
copper bottoms ....11.11
10-4 Width Bleached
Sheeting, 2Uc Yard
This 28c quality on sale Fri
day in our Domestic Room.
Farmers' Choices 4-4 half bleach
ed muslin. This standard, soft,
natural finish cotton, yd. GH
Shrunk Finish 4-4 Butting, best
fabric for outing suits, skirts and
children's wear, 18c value, at.
yard 13 H
Apron Ginghams, fast color, blue
and white checks, yard ...3Vs
Curtain Scrim and Etamlne,
fancy colore, worth 10c yd., cut
from the bolt, yard 5c
Batista, Voile and Mercerized
Lawns, remnant lengths, 2 to 6
yds., of 12 Ho to 18o fabrics,
yard 5
Decorating Bunting, "Red,
White and Blue," 3c by the
bolt or, yard 4
Half 811k Novelty Wash Fabrics,
sold up to 69c yd., now on sale,
at, yard 15
Huck Towels, fast color, red
borders, 8c values, each .5
Fine quality yard wide Percales,
light or dark, yard 71-
Special Friday
$2.50 Panamas
We have just received a special
purchase of 10 doi. Genuine
Panama Hats in eight different
styles, made to sell at and good
values at $2.60, which we will
close Friday, ,
Choice ........
Just 2 More Days
Of the Great Sale of Men's and
Young Men's
Palm Beach Suits, $1 1
With Every Snrtnir Suit.
$10.00 Suit and Palm M 1 I
Beach J 1 1 1
$15.00 Suit and Palm
$20.00 Suit and Palm
$20.00 Suit and Palm
$21 1
Wash Suits
9 So values, Slightly soiled, 49t
39c Chll (area's Rompers . .25
80c RiwMierea, Friday ...25
33o Sanitary Aprons . ...19
75c Light Weight Corsets, Ba
tiste or nets, at 49
Tub Silks; over
J .... ;
30-in. Chiffon Dress Taffetas, made to sell at $1.25
yd., white, ivory, black, marine blues, OQ
taube, wisteria, navy and glace effects.. OOC
$ 1.25 Mack Satin Duchess, Chiffon Taffetas and
Peau de Holes, 36 ins. wide, a splendid OO
at, yard OOC
in great demand
Black and White Check Suitings 30 and
42-in. wide; 25 pieces in tho lot; Friday at,
yard... 38 and 48
Washing Machines
$1.75 aenuine "Llsk"
tra heavy anti-rust
tin boilers, with heavy
per bottoms 91.3S
fl.SI aenulne "Llsk" ex- I
tra heavy anti-ruHt tin f
boilers, with copper bot-
11.18 aenuirte "Llsk" ex- I
tra heavy anti-rust tin I
boilers, with copper bot- 1
toms gl.79 I
Genuine "Llsk" all cop- )
fear boilers, reduced to I
aa.4i. and ....$3.09 I
Wrlarers, warranted iron I
frame, worth 11.(0. 91.18
Warranted wood frame I
wringer, worth It. M.49 I
II. SS basswood folding I
lronlnc boards 9M 1
Cso common Ironing
boards 4le
Oalyaalsaa Iron
Ismail slxe S9e
Medium slse. savanlse4
Iryn tubs o
Large slse galvanlxxl
iron tubs Mo
Extra large galvanised
iron tubs aae
I Bo full slse sine wasn
boards ..ise
S5c brasa wash boards.
at ae
9-earaer res plates 91.T9
13.00 "Williams" Electric
Irons, fully warranted
at 91-M
"Cross Bar" Gas Irons, a
13. oft value S2.BO
6-r.jece aet Mrs. Potta'
nickel plated sad Irons,
at 714