T1IF, I IKK: UM.VIIA. KKIhW. M Y Jl. I'M.'i 1) FOR ItENT Faralshe 4 part meats. fPi.RNinn nbw ITRNISHKH AI'AHTMKXT For rent In the "Traverton" FIREPROOF. X4TH ANM LANDON roiT.I' Catering to people of refined tastes. Apartment completely equipped for housekeeping, up-to-date and comfort, able. TRAVKR Phone Douglas lut. BROS.. ' iimiilit Nat. Hk. Bisnra ana Enni, WANTED an elderly lady to room n.i board, one who needs) a good home and care. Private, familv. Best of refer ences. Hanscom park district. H. fniA2. NICELY furnished room, with o.- with out bogrd, for t: nice nelghlMirhood, West Farnsm dlatrlct. Harney 637". SiCAPlTOl, AVE Nice cool rooms. Walking distance; good board. Doug laa T370. BOARJD and room for man and wife, or two men; private family. Wih. 62!6. WALKING WSTANCE. GOOD .MfeALci; moala 14. at MA Howard St. Heasekeeplaa Hoonna. NO NTH 476S-Thre large steam-heated unfurnished rooms; modern conven lenoee; detached house; cpacloua lawn four dollars. Adulta. FARNAM, 2MC. two nle houaekceplng rooitu, electricity, gas range MUl'HHN, cool, clean housekeeping and sleeping rooms; gas furnished; $2.6u and, q 78. Red "4ce NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms on first or second floor; very reason able. 3Mt Dodge, Harney 7077. Faralshea Kwoaaa 8TRICTLY modern, large tileciy fur nished front room, facing Turner park, lovely neighborhood; walking distance. Harney 321. 2423 CA88 Nice cool rooms, modern, walking distance. Very reasonable. CM NO. 2TH-Cool family, roasonaMo. front Red. room, 1741;. private 3 NICE, large, cool rooms, modern, new furniture, nice neighborhood. Doug. 8431. NICE cool room for one or two ladled, very private, modern; board tf desired. Nice neighborhood. Harnev 3337. TWO nice rooma, modern home, walking distance. Tyler 217g, 3 NICE, large rooms, close to Hanarom park; private famliy. Harney 4422. THE Colonnade, 2174 Harney: choice cool rooms. Summer rates; breakfast free. WU N. 13 D S nicely furnished rooms, modem; housekeeping rooms also. 1TARNAM, 2661 Nice, new, strictly mod ern rooms; shower baths. Single or double. Fernlsferal Hoesekeenlna; Rooms. TWO new, modern, nicely furnished rooms, Ideal for couple. 216 N. 2MLh Ave. Harney 577. Light lloasekeeplag Rooms. COOL rooma, with aicove, kitchenette furnished. Ogdeu Hotel Co., Council Bluffs. Ia. Heuaea sad Cottages. North. FOR RENT 2020 Bancroft St., 6-room cottage; water, gas, largo yard for gar den. Tyler 147g. DUNDEE HOUBK. " First class six-room house. W. H. THOMAS & SON. Douglas 1648. m State Bank Bldg, SIX-ROOM, modern house, lovated at f71fl Decatur Bu; will be vacant slay 1; $28 per month. Phone H. wa 1122 Ho. 32d St., -r., all modern house. Ho.' J23 Paciflo HU, 7-r., all modern house, f2A. ion Grace St, 6-r., part mod. cottage, JI&. sJ7 No. 32d St., 6-r., part mod. house, $10. ALFRED C. KENNBOT CO.. Phone Doug. 722. 20 First Nat. Bank. o liTH AND LATHROP, -rooni modern house, la good condition. Inquire Web ster' 74. FOR RENT 7-rootn U.H Parker St. house, all -nodern. LARQB modern brick resldenoe, ' isiul Capitol Ave., $40. Telephone H. 4S84. t ROOMS-AU Hamey H. modern. . tieniia park. Soath. FOB RENT-$65.00 Dwelling, 414 So. 38th St. ; tiled vestibule, reception hall, front and back parlors, dining room and kitchen, 5 bed rooms, 2 bath rooms, hot water heat, garage. All in first class con dition. Location A-l. Benj, a Baker. Phones D4S2, 11317, PARK. AVE. 2 U-room, strictly mod ern home; large, beautiful, shady lawn: newly decorated; oak floors; H-o0. Loyal hotel, room 424. WEST FARNAM lIHTRICTr-7-room modern house, log S. 86th St. o NEW, strictly modern 7-rooni house. Mis 8. 10th. Phone D. 470 for par ticulars. M laeellaaeoas. $14 4-r., else, lights, well, cement base ment. 115 6-r., modern except heat. 117 6-r.. upstairs, with heat, all modern. 131 6-r.. modern except heat. H17.60 -r.. dougle house, sleeping porch. 126 7-r., modern except lights. VA10-r., modern residence. ijS Store room. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY, Douglas '13. Walnut 3037. SIX WXIM8, MODERN, Fiill two-story s-juare, nly ono blorU to 24tn line. O'KEEPE P.EAL ESTATE CO.. 101 Omaha National. iiglas 713 ' Maggard's Van and tilorags Co. Call us for es timates for mov. lag. packing, shipping. liU Webster L Dougli glas Gordon Van Co. S?: IV N. 11 th St Tel D. $S4 or Web. 1SS1 FINE 6-room cottage, hot water heat, all modern, nice home, $20 icr mo (in cludes water). Move in and If ynu like It ami surroundings will sell it for $w per mo. payments. 4710 N. . Key first dour north. C W. EATON. IMS W.O.W. Bldg. D. 1022. GlobeVan&Storage Stores, mover, packs, ships; i-hor van and I man, $1.26 per hi.; storage 12 per mo. Eatlafactton guar. P. ZM Ty. 2TJ. HER the Central Furniture Storea. FKEB RENTAL M8T. TTnuaca Crelgh Sons ft Co.. Bee Bidg. UVUBiB , all parl o( ,Q Cty. FOR KENT Ws have a compute list of sll houses, apartments and flats that are for rent This list can be sesn free of charge at Omasa Van ft Storage Co.. tot e. lsth St. MEDICAL HL'PTURK cured In few days pain. Cal! or write Dr. Wray, Bldg., Omaha. Kstahllshed lui. without jA Bee o PILES AND FISTU1.A CITRKD without Sl'IUlU'AL OPERATION or PAIN. NO DETENTION from BUSI NESS. PAY when CURED. A wrlttnn ijUARANTEK given in every case treated. Patients must come to the office, 406-9-lu Omaha National bank, 17'.h aud Fsrnam 6ls. DR. WILLIAM CREIQHTON M AX W ELL. Twenty-eight years In Omaha. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medb al college New YorkJ'ity. N.Y. A KMA NO - Really heips get rid of that. pain in tne hack, l-ucn of rneumatlsn,, nervousnasa. tired, sluggish feeling and brings back that lost appetite, purifies the blood and bui'ils up the entire ays. tern. Just et"! a postcard to the Shella- " " r-jur.-i. ri.-ii ia ll r.r u. Dr. K. R. Tarry co-es pile tutula and other rectal Diseases without surgical aperstlon. me suaranl-e I ind no money paid unlll cured. Write for Imok on rectal diseases with testimonials 11L E. R. TABU Y. i40 Lee Bid.. I OH RK.VT lloeaee a a tetfaaee. MUrrllatron. J. C. Reed g I p. rax, BOTtnti arklng 4k etoiese, JOT Fa mam. n. 4144 MOUtHV (-room cottage. fJ6 266S iTatt. Omaha Realty Co., ied mo.; 063. i FIDELITY FKKE rental Phone Douglas 2S3 for complete Hat of all vacant houses and apartment. also for storage, moving, packing, shtplng. jm ,M modern storeroom. 60S North lti street low rer nt. Conrad YOUng. 3J I iPrandnls Theater. Doug. 1471. WOUHHN office, opposite O I. Strbhlns. Loyal Hotel; liiw rem Nice Cool Office With Vault Near Hie Elevator am. Ktaitl'J:.1!?' 'J .."'It1 "i .?n,1 "m.- Electric Lieut Free - - - - ; The Bee.Building Co. Superintendent's, Office, Room 103. WAXTKD TO BUT Isle b-ys everything .'d hand. Tyler 111 OH tic b. furniture bought a no sola. 4, C ReaJ. larj Karnampoug 1M REAL ESTATE FARM er H4KCH I.AKU9 FOR SALR t'aliforuta. Live Oak Colonies, none Better. W. T. Pmlth Co. Itia-U City Nat. Rk. D. S1. Call torn In. CALIFORNIA LAND. .All counties; catalogue free. Write C. "' Wooster Co., I'heian Bldg., fian trsn Cisco. Kstabllshtd 30 years. HAVE TOU a'JIhM son BALE? Write a good description of your land and sand It to the Bleux City. la.. Journal. ' H?"1 Powerful W ant Ad Medium. Twenty-live words eveiy Friday evening, t-aturday morning and evsiy Saturday evening and Sunday morning tot one month, giving elxteen aos cn twsive different uaya tor H; or 60 words, f!j or 76 worda $. " Largest circulation of anr Iowa news, paper, 0,lM readers dally in four great states. Minnesota. 40, M OR 100 ACHES, good heavy soil. In well settled Bart of Todd roumv u.-r. . good roads, nvhools and churches; price 616 .to M per acre; terms. 11 per acia cash, rnilaiice $i per acre a year until land la paid for, 6 per cent interest SCHWAB BKOS.. 102S Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. Mbwarl. GOOD Bouth Miaaourt land on railroad. In well selUed locality. HI per acre email or large farms on easy teruia Literature tree. D. Merrlam, Ellis, Ben ton. Kansas City. Kansas RCOTT-8 ULI KK IRRfOATKH LAND. No. 66 - 80 acres of good luand. all prairie, no improvements nor fences. Place is somewhat rolling. Is practically all Inl :atK and is a mighty fine place for a man who wonts to go to work and fix up an Irrigated form according to his own Ideas, it is only two miles from a good town on the Burlington Railroad and is In a splendid nelg)Uorhood. Price o per acre. ill consider exchange for good town residence property. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. "tre Flock. Omaha, COUNTRY HOME, NEAR OMAHA. 111,000 buys a highly improved farm, consisting of about 61 acres located on one of our boulevards out from the city, only a 40-mlnute's ride. Good water sys tem, small amount of fruit, some alfalfa, tame hay, nice large beautiful shade trees and all klnda of shrubbery and about 10 acres of natural timber, making a beautiful park. This Is an Ideal propo sition for handling thoroughbred stock of any kind. Living spring fit pasture. . C. R. COMBtf. 115 Brandelg Theater Bldg. Omaha. P. FOR SALE-ISO acres In Perkins countvT Nebraska. M. Murphy, Owner. Larch-wood.- la. ' KINE CATTLE RANCH, 3.130 acres of the best rsnch land in Nebraska, not n rod of sand on the place, all good hard land, a little more than 4m acres In cultivation, balance verv best of itaature and wild hay. The piace li well watered nnd has good timber shelter for stock In the winter. Hpltiulld set of new improvements and another set suit able for tcl'ant. This place is onlv 11 miles from Gordon, Hherldan county, a fine town on the Northwestern rallroaJ. and !s one of the beat cattle propositions In tho country. Owner will consider a farm In eastern Nebraska or western Iowa In exchange, or will make good terms for cash. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Ware Flock. Omaha, Newt urk. NEW YORK FARM. . 18 acres, only mile from CaiiHiv dalgua. Ontario county. Tills beautiful farm Is in the garden spot of New York and Is a splendid well-krpt-up, fertile farm; &i acres are In timothy, 75 acres In a splendid stand of alfalfa that brings about double what alfalfa does In Ne braska: 20 acres in oats, 30 In field peas. 17 in beans. 25 acres wheat, 4 acres corn, J', acres potatoes. Tim buildings on this farm look like a little village and cost not less than 12O.U00. This Is a fine home farm and a big moneymaker and ran be bought on good terms for $150 per acre. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Ware Block. Omaha. M I aeel laavfeona. TO SELL LAND quickly and profitably, you must reach those whe are at the present time lucst mterestedl In farm lands. The Iowa farmer la today the best farm land prospect in the United State The Dcs Moines lapltal with 24C.&I0 dally readers can put your proposition squarely before a larger number of these live cicspects than ny other Iowa news paper. Our circulation ia guaranteed tti lariekt In Iowa. We will Insert a to word nil lo davs for onlv tl.'M (add 6c for each additional word). Our regular price Is lo per word per day. You save 60c on this offer. To xell your land tomorrow, send your ad lodey to THE DKS MOINFP CAPITAL, 70S WALN UT ST. DES MOINES. I A. REAL ESTATR LOANS WE ARE always in funds to make good farm and 'itv loans PBTKRS THIJ8T CO., 18i2 Farnam Ht. FARM LOANS 6 PERTKNT. TOLANU ft TRUMBULL. 443 Bee Bldg. IKO TO llo.Oiw maoe oromplly. F. D. Weed. Wead Bid.. IMh and I'arnani Sta CITY and farm loans, a. 6vt. 4 per osbL J. 11. Iiumont ft 41H .Stats Bsnk. OMAHA hoioeb Kaat Nebraska faruia ' O'KEKl' E RKj 1l Omaha Nstlnnal O-KEKFE KIlAL BMTATK CO.. l-hene OouKlas fTll I WASTED-1 Itv loai.t and warrants. V. FsrnsT Smltli ft . 1.12ft larnam St. tl'E us fh'tt for farui loans 11 Neb. UnltiHl StMtea Truat Co. eujltrrn Omaha. CITY LOANS. C. O Carl berg, Tlft-a',2 Brandela Tneater Bldg. j jCITY , W. proper! y. II. Thomas, Large lt,ans a xpe, lulty. , 2jh State Bank Bldg. ' HOSKY on band for city and larm loans H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg REAL ESTATE WANTED LIST real ratats snd rentals with ELSON P.. E CO.. 301 'm Nat l pox. Bank. R EAI . ESTATE A t R E A (i K A Bargain & room modern hungaiow, hot water heat, electric lighted and bath, shades IIH-lune,. isrse garage, 1 acres grapes and 2 acrea 111 small fruits Fi 1 )arllcuiars ana pric e can iienson 243. . V lAmea Ave. I Sl MM Ell HKhOIlTS Manfr Rriorli. RIVERMOOR A SELECT COIAONY ON THE SOUTH SHORE SCITUATK. MASSACHUSETTS This lovely shore resort Is located at the etui of the road on the southerly end of Third Cliff. tcltuate. Mass. It Is a' out a miW from the station and toe iwn. airecuv on me ocean ironi. ami icomn - atids an unobstructed view up and li.v... .,.. , ,.. ... H-hee ;ir iir, iu.lan.ts .11 mini, I and bills 'in the distance. lloattuK. betbuig and fishing may be en.lnyed and Cannes and , motor bums are used on the North river, whero trips up the river for fifteen mile tmny l" taken. A branch store and post office arc located here, and many of the 'cottsfes have telephones The town has good stores where all aup- r oil.. .... ,.T,Min,l lVh fish and .-nitiiii'i iinin pit , i.r innn n , . , i " ' 1 J hotir and the livery stable service Is good. ! .Ml the co'tascs are new. with modern .conveniences, inc'iidlng excellent town I water, baths, fireplaces, sleeping porche 1 and rses. The houses are large, with I large rooms having windows on two and . threo stiles. ' All floors are of the best hard pin. well Mnithcd. The rooms are fully fur nished exrep for bed and table linen and sliver J he furniture la of the plain mis sion type. All beds sre of plan white Iron with best National springs and combina tion mattresses. Klanketa. guilts ' and pillows are supplied. The pantry and kitchen are generously furnished, the range Is a Cabinet tlienweod. and Ue china a set of matched willow ware. , There are no houses to compare with these In cleanllnesa, equipment, comfort and convenience. Rental range from $.100 to J"ft. for a four months' lease. No dissatisfied tenants have ever sum mered here. The houses will be shown at any time. Apply to the Owner. GEORGE F. WELCH SCITUATE. MASS. o KE.Ui ESTATE ACREAUK 2 Acrt'S, 4-ltoom House Joining nenson. between Msiu street and Military avenue; fine road, rl :h gar den land: all In alfalfa (heavy crop). Price, II. W0, SlOO cash, balance IIS per month. HAHTINOS HEY DEN. 1614 Harney St. REAL ESTATE XOIITH SIDE BAttOAIN IN HiailT-KOOM HOUSE This house is beautifully located, right on car line, on a high, beautifully ter raced corner lot. facing east. Plenty of Urge shade trees and some fruit. , , House is heated by hot water and Is otherwise mndnrn throughout. TKRMS: PK ANCtl LIKE CAKH. RE-NT. BA1,- Call Walnut W2 tonight after o'clock. Cull Uouglas 2& any time today. k. r. wricmt, New Bungalow North of Bemis Park 3510 Reward St.; new, modern, complete; hardwood finish; cleverly arranged; good sized rooms i plenty of windows; beat plumbing, heating and lighting equip ment; full cellar and high attic; attractive within and without; on high ground on paved street; south front lot 40x132: only two blocks from Harney car. Price $:i,50. Terms. You cannot beat It for the money. AKM STRONG -WA LSI I 00. Tyler I63t. Plate Bank Bldg. Five-room house, all modern except heat; has all been remodeled and In good condition; will sell at a bargain. Located at 4003 N. 3tith St. Call for ap pointment and will show you this. Phone; Residence, Webster 4sK6; office, Douglas 11W. Traver Bros. 06 Omaha National P.ank Bldg. 8-ROOM SNAP All modern home, 5 rooma down stairs, 3 bed rooms on id floor; cemented base ment; first class furnace; storm windows and screens; paved street; paving all paid; fine location, I blockg from lothrop echool; price t2,7W, $M0 cash, balance easy payments. C. G. OARLBERG, 372 Brandrls Theater BldR. 6 ROOMS, all modem. In the north part of the city; $2,hoo. Terms: $160 cash and $26 monthly. Walnut 1400. 1 REAL ESTATE SOUTH HIDE Exchange Your Cottage or Lot Brand new, strictly modern -r. bunga low; LIVING room across front of houae; DlNINO ROOM has window sest. plate rail; panel wall and bookcases; Hi' N" room has four windows; can be used sa bed room; LAKOK KITCHKN: TWO 'BED ROOMS and bath cn second floor; rooms finished In oak; oak floors through out the house; FULL CEMENT BAKK MKNT. with laundry faculties and floor drain; guaranteed furnace; DANDY COR KBH LOT. 60k13S; paved street: close to Windsor school and car For price and appointment to see this dandy bungalow, see Rasp Bros. 106 McCggue Bldg. l.'ougias P&(. A BARGAIN In West liunscom Tark, bungalow. Si rooms and enclosed aleeping porch, ' nesriy finished, oak finish first floor, . pine and birch finish second floor snd 1 f. replace, houae all complete with storm 1 windows and screens and lighting fix- 1 turee. for S3.jiaj. Make on at polntinent with owner and 1 builder to see It. Harney 7618 Apartments, flats, houses and cottages ran he tented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent" Ad. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE Beautiful New 7- Room House Near! Country Club For ; j Sale by Owner. ' j Reasonable First j j Payment Balance ! ;Like Rent. , Tills house is modem t hrougnoiit snd l I buill of the best materials: the principal ; room arc finished in oak: the living room, wl.lch la veiy l.irge, las a Uauii ful brli k flret lace There are luill-in cioacta. canineis ano ci.ests all oyer the house; tie baseuunt has a K'mmI cement floor; ttie House is neateu ny furnace. of I There is Plso an automatic 'ir ! heater. Tne house facea ra gas hot water eaat. 4a '-j block from est and I located in one of mm ha a most beautiful new residem districts, for fuller Information telephone Wul. 1343 after t:3 p. ill. thia evening or tomorrow. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Reports of Crop Damife in Indiana and Ohio Send Wheat Prices Up a Cent. CORN WAVERS ON T1IE EDGE OMAHA, May iO. U'16. Crop damage reports from both Indiana and ' hlo tends wheal market up Vfilc. Coin sella ,c higher to We lower and oat unchanged to Vc higher. Instead ot a loss f fcn.utMM) bushels of wheat In Kansas, and which was claimed on Monday and Tuesdsy of this week because of the dry weather, seme of the crop experts In that state believe that the deterlorttlrn for tho hole crop may possibly amount to W.iW.iio bushels, woult mean another bumper crop, tak ing the winter and spring wheat yields on the wh le. A meevage from New York in referring lo the export atoatlon there paid that some of tho exporters who wre good holla a few davs ago are now wavering in their belief and that there Is wheat In various poaliion. offered by exporters who eru desirous of eelltna It Slid taking a chance of securing wheat a Utile later at a lower price than now prevails Clenranc ware: Wheat and flour equal to l.'.Tl.OvO bushels; corn, 2N,X bushels; oats. 1. 125,000 bushels Liverpool spot: Wheat, unchanged to Sd lower; corn, unchanged to Vd higher. Primary wheat receipts were hM.Otiu bushel and shipments bushels, sgatnst rwelpts of STK.ono bushels and shipments of (KS.OiO bushels last year. Primary win receipts were &4.000 bush els snd shipments Hi.0U0 bushels, against receipts or 414. OHi bushels and shipments of !! bushels Isst year. Primary oats receipts were iAi.Onb bush els and alilpments 7J1U10 bushels, against receipts of A.iUKJ bushels and shipments of 47,iO bushels last year CARLOT RECE1PTH. W heat.Corn.Oats. Chicago Minneapolis luiluth Omaha Kansas City ..... Hi, I .on Is WlnnliH'g 4.1 11J II l ;l sn irj 46 IS S5 ID Males reported today: Wheal No. 3 hard winter: 4 cars. $1.47H: cars. $1.4' No. II hard winter: 1 cars. $1.4tP. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car. $1.46. No. i spring: 1 car. $1.41. No. mixed: 1 car, ll.V.Vi. No. 3 mixed durum: t car, $1.46. Corn No. 3 white: 1 car. Tl4c; 1 car. 71c No. r white: 1 'car. 704c. No. 2 yellow: 1 car, 72c. No. S yellow: i cars. 7lVkc: J car. 71c. No. i mixed: 1 car, high color, 7Wo; 6 ears, 70'n. No. 3 mixed: I cars, near white, 7tHo; T oars. 7k No. 6 mixed: 1 car. !'v. No. mixed: 1 car. near whit. tV4o; 1 car. 68e. tats No. I white: 3H cars. 4,c. No. 4 white: 1 car, 4ac 1 car. 4'c. Rample: i car. 464c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. t Turkev, ll.4Wgn.48H; No S turkey, $l.47 147H; No. 1 hard. 1.4i.4j)l 47W: No. hard. 1.4j'lfl4'-4: No 4 hard, tl.40tjri.46; No. 3 spring, I.'.I4; No. 1 durum, $1.44 X146; No. S durum, 1.4Jtfl.44. Corn: No. 3 white, 71'y&,Wc: No. white. 7ly7H,o; No. 4 white, 70ty7lc; No 6 white, TOVfi 70V4c; No. white. lOfJOe: No. 3 yellow, 71tr72c; No. 3 yellow, Tl3TlHo; Mp. 4 yellow. Wtgnc; No. 6 yellow, 70;j'?W;c : No. i yellow, 7tlOV4,; No. 3 mixed, 70 70ifcc; No. 8 mixed, UMi'frTOr; No. 4 mixed. W'4l4kc: No. 6 mixed. tiHtc; No. mixed, QWc. Oats: No. 3 white, 4Vfafr 60c: standard, 40 wst'e ; No. S white, 4'uM9i4c; No. 4 White. 4tiV4Me. Barley: Malting. OajjTOo; No. 1 fted. 6t7c. Rya $1.07(6 1.07Vs; No. t, $L0tlMttfl-W. REAL EHTATF WEST SIDE Only One Left Brand new 5-room bungalow; living-, dining and sun room finished In oak; sun room has windows; 3 nice bedrooms; full cemented basement, laundry connec tion, floor drain; furnace heat; east front lot: all sodded, paved street. This bun galow Is built for a home. Easy terms or lot taken as first payment. Located near lr, Hi and Leavenworth. Let us show you this. Rasp Bros. 106 Mcc'ague Bldg. Douglas 1663. REAL ESATE INVESTMENTS 7 Guaranteed Investments For Smaller Investors Profit Sharing Plaii We are offering a limited number of shares preferred stork In our cor poration, paying 7 per cent semi-annual guaranteed dividend earnings and a division of the pronts at the end of each year. This makes one of tho best snd safest permanent Investments you can get whereby you are assured at least 7 per cent dividend earnings and a division of the profits which, together, have paid not leas than 10 per cent for a number of years. Shares are $100 each and are secured by alt real estate, mortgages and contracts owned by us. Authorised capital, $100,000.00. Htastings & Heyden 1614HARNET ST. REAL EST ATE MISCELLANEOUS VERY FINK HOME LARGE GROUNDS 100x124 MUST BE SOLDI : Tile vestibule, hall, parlor, with fire place; llvrg and dining roooms all fin ished in hardwo'Mi; oak floors both up stairs and down; gas and electric light; , four bedrooms and tine bath on second floor; flooreo attic: best of plumbing, i wllh city and soft wster; hot water heat; full basement, with cemented floor, laundry. Would lake cheaper plate for part. W. H. GATES 647 OmaliK Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1204. WANT AD ORDER BLANK THE OMAHA DEE. Omaha, Neb. Enclosed find $ in payment for publishing the following advertisement for days in THE OMAHA BEE as per rate quoted below: NAME AND ADDRESS COUNT A8 PART OF A I). Give mine and address on ad It possible, ag test results are obtained tola way; If, for any reasoo, yon do not wish your name to appear tn th ad, wa will d key number tare of Bee. AN8WEH8 FORWARDED TO YOU WITHOI'T EXTRA COST. RATES One Insertion, in Daily or Sunday, 2 Cents a Word. Three Insertions, Cents a Word. Seren Insertions, 1 Cent a Word CASH OR STAMPS MUST ACCOMPANY ALL ORDERS t Hit t.O (,Rt AMI CHIItlMOXK Kratnrea of tke Trsillni and 4 loalua Prteea an Monral nt 1 male. CH1CAUO, May iSl. Chances or black rust todajr tended to make wheat ad vance, but the talk of a declaration of war by Italy formed something of n check out h ebulls Them arkct closed unsettled. Njflc above last night. Coin finished with a net gain of 'a'uc to V, oats varlng from a shade on to ijc up snd provisions at a rise of 10trt3te Kansas reports that owing to nccsslve rain the development of Mack rust was only a step distant received attention from wheal speculators snd was largely Instrumental in causing the bulge that Marted almost as soon as trading began. Around Wichita 111 pellicular, red rust w as said to be common. Worse crop dam- ! age reporta from India than any here- I tofore did much to Increaae bullish senti ment. Highest prb'ea of the day, though, came after the Issuance of an official bulletin announcing that the crop pros pert for Missouri had been lowered 2J points slni Msy I. Italian war talk had most effect on the wheat market lust before the close. A good deal of selling took place owing to apparent likelihood of nn outbreak of hostilities overnight. Corn responded to the wheat bulge and to the fact that the weather had become a little adverse Besides cables were firm ando ash demsnd somew list enlarged from the east. In osts the smallness of country offer ings tightened the May option. On thai other hand, auspicious crop reports weakened the later months. Italv's probable entrance upon war had exactly the opposite effect In the provi sions market than was the esse concern ing wheat. Provisions went sharply higher owing to the belief that a heavier exoort demand would result Futures rsnged as follows: Article! Open. I High. I Low. Close. ITes y. Whaatl 1 61 ! 1 52S 1 2ft I 1 :i May. July. Corn. May. July. J 61 1 2t I I 73',i 76HI I 61 I t'il 1 6.1 1 1 tfl I TVi 76l 61 1 M 1 :'o' "3S 7,tJ 7:1', 70' Oats. May. July . I 61 4T4 61 60 17 !-" 1H 22 S ISO 3 ,' rork I I July. 17 sfi U 30 is a IS (6 ) 17 7.il It 22VV Pept. I 18 27 SI IS 66 Lard. I July. I Sept. I Rlhs. 1 65 1 TTv H. I J 75 gift! 10 00 I 7l 10 00 10 62h1 10 no j 10 624I 10 no 10 76 I 10 Hi I 10 K'V 10 Nft I July. Sept.l I 10 41 I 10 71 Chicago Cash Prices Wheat; No. ! red. No 3 hard. tl.H1tl.64. Corn: No. 2 veliow, 7Sc; otnera nominal. n. o.,. wnlte. 6&(f62i,'i standard. 6:V(1"-Jc. Bye: No. 3. $1.1. Barley; TSUWSc. neeu: umoiny, KmSR- clover $K 6uiirlL76. Provisions. Pork. .17.85:. lard. ".Bt; ribs. t.7W . ,,, T. ,.w,' io.in4. iu;ttkr 1 Higher: creamery, ilfl.'.c- KOOSIcwer: reoeliita, l,."s. ease l Ik eases Included, iiiiisc; oruiiiau firsts, 1ktl7c: firsts. l.iilo. POTATtW.Blxlwer; iwtiiup, ! Michigan and Wisconsin, red. Jfiaic, Michigan and Wisconsin, white, .cm 4-w 10U1.TKY Alive, unchanged; fowls, l.n. Cofsi Wheat Regrlon Holletln. At Omaha, for the twenty-four hours ending at 6 a. m.. 76th meridian time. Wednesday. May . 1916: STATIONS OV OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. tiain DlMtrlot. High. Low. fall. Sky. Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy 'loudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy loudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Foggy Raining ( 'loudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy twelve-hour Ashland, Ntib.. 44 4.1 Auburn. Neb... 47 40 .24 .64 .26 .M .41 .04 .30 .32 2 .20 .). .14 .13 .73 .M 1.66 .At .3 .47 .KH .35 112 for Broken Bow ... 39 36 Columbus, Neb .. K Pulbertaon. Nb. 41 31 Palrbury, Neb. 48 Z Fairmont. Neb. 4:1 r Or. Island. Nh. 41 S:i Hartlngton. Nh 47 X, Hastings, Neb.. 44 :tk Holdrege. Neb. 41 :w Lincoln. Neb... 44 40 No. Platte, Nb 3(1 34 Oakdale, Neb.. 42 36 Omaha, Neb ... 44 f Tekamah. Neb. 46 as Valentine, Nb. 34 32 Alta. la 44 XH Carroll, Ia 44 37 Clartnda, la.... 47 40 Blbley, la 43 37 Sioux C3lty. la, 42 42 Ijowsst temperature period ending at I a. Temperature Is m. slightly higher throughout the corn and wheat belt. Heavv and killing frosts occurred in North Dakota. Rains -were general In all portions of the belt during the Isst twenty-four hours, and falls exceeding one Inch occurred at a number of sta tions In Nebrsska. Kansas. Iowa, Mis souri Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky. L. A. WKIjSH. Tjoral Forecaster, Weather Bureau. New York General Market. NKW YORK, May 20,-SUQAR-IU w, firm; centrifugal, 4.83c; molasses, 4.islc: refined, steady. Sugar advanced ltiS points early on buying prompted by the firm spot market. BUTThIR Firm; receipts, 4.4 tubs; creamery extras 182 score), T7V-; cream ery (higher Scoring. 2tJ 23V i firsts, 26 4 27c; seconds, 2b(l'4lc. 10OGS Demoralised; lecelpts. 24.(Ul Csses; fresh gathered extras, iU4u'22r; storage packed, extra firsts, 2tiClc; firsts, 1WUUK-; regular packed extra firsts, 19V'l JIN'; firsts, UHu'lBc: nearby hennery whites, fine to fancy, 22&24k-; nearby hennery brown, 22c. CUKES 10 Unsettled; receipts, 3.44T.; state whole milk fresh specials, ttVttr 17V,c; slate whole milk, average fancy, 17ai7'4C. POl.LTRY Uve. fit in: chickens, .broilers. Saroe''; fowls, 19c; turkeys ,12c. Dressed, dull: western froien roasting chickens, 174122c; fresh fowls, Icel, 14fl7c; fresh turkeys, Iced, l.'Kfl"21r. Kaasas 4'lty firaln and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. May 2O.-WHF.AT-N0. 2 hard, tl.47HWI 4; No. S red. 31.46; May, $1.40; July, tl.lfS(rl.l!e; September, $1 14V CORN No. 2 mixed. 734fi4i ; No. 3 white. 74tec; No. 2 yellow, 74Vjc; No. 3, 73H4f74p; May, 71c; July, 73V; Septem ber, 7r7,c. OATS No. 2 white, :HMVjc: No. 3 mixed. WitUX MCTTFH Creamery, 2bc; first. 4c; seconds, tie- packing, !. ECUS-Firsts. 16W. ; aeconds, lie. POULTRY Hens, 14c; roosters, turkeys, 'V. lOo; Ht. I.oals liraln Market. ST. LOI'IS. Mo., Msy 20. Wll F.AT No. J red, tl 4ftfi1.4K,; No. 2 hard, tl.621rl.6-.; May, $1 15V,. July, $1.21. (ViltN-NV. 2, 7f.Vr-; No. 2 white. 77"; Mav, Ke; July. "6S OATH No. 2, 4ic; Nu. 2 white. 6S4c COPY OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Good Rim of Cattle Finds Ready Sale at Higher Prices Than Lait Week. SHIPPER HOGS A NICKEL HIGHER tOl Til OMAHA. Msy M. 1M5 Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. 84heeP. Official Monilay .(! 11 H.7 6.37 Official Tuesday 6 .- IMA' 2,"2 Official Wednesday.... 4.om W.'t 1.74-H Ksllmate Thursday ... 2.7UO k.l r our .:iys this week. 1H.WJ 47.i.'l fame davs last week lT.K'i 3i.0l 11.!5 fame davs 2 wk ago.2l.7: 40.2ST l.Wt Hame days 3 wks. ag.:ti4 4!.'.xW I7 i'lnn dava 4 wka ago.JO.TTl 37 .W4 ,.! Name days Isst ear..l0iW2 W.2T7 .'l...l The following table shows the receipts of rattle, hogs and sheep at the Ho itli Omaha live stock maiket for the year lo date, us compared with last year: lUI.Y 1sl4 Inc. Ie-. Cattle 4?.Tli X'S.IOJ 74.0 Hogs I.'.M.SW I.Uw.KM 22:1,330 .beep DIl.ikM e!.673 6s,5 The following table shows the averAgo price for hoga at the 8011th Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with comparisons: Date. I liio. 1314 112 1H2 . 19ll .HHP. l". Msv 7 r4kl H 24i I I 631 tUi UUI Msy 7 2f,Si 3 r 3 261 6 Kt 1 7 00 8 Ml T7I t 4 Msv Msy May May Ms Msy Mav May iy Msy Mav Msy T 11, a m 7 UWi ' I 14 7 44 1 an IU IK t 97 t 3 M T Ml I 7l! 1 6 1 77! 7 221,1 I in I 30 7 rti T N'l: I 16 3 34 7 6A 7 7 it 1 n 7 7 oi 7 2D4 t lW t 14 I 6 061 3.1 7 11 16i 1 44 t ; So 7 04 ? 4."N J t S 66 M 7 o 7 4K1, I S3i 2' I 7 601 R IM1 1 11 J 0 t IB W M s 2il 3 241 7 t (M t 30) 2 2fi g W 7 Sl w .May 1H. Mav IS 7 27', 3 301 7 6 t 4! 44 7.26 H 33 In 3l 6 7l 33 T 31 I $ IM 3N 7 60 6 73' 3 May30. Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stook at the I'nion ntock Tarda, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p, n. yesterday; RTCEIPTW CARS. Cattle Hogs. Kheep.H'ses. C. M. A Ft. P. Wabash Missouri Pacific t 1 1 30 6 23 3 3 6 I'nion Pacific C. C. A N. W., east... 6 ft N. W.. west... 27 rt. P., M. O.. H. Q., east... 4 H. 4k asst... M It. 1. P.. east. 1 Illinois Central 1 Total receipts ...121 S6 P1SI"08IT10N II KAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris 4 Co Swift ft Co 376 T23 SIS &27 7(3 1.164 1.407 1.047 364 930 Cudahy Parking Co.... Armour A Co Sch waits ft Co .1. W. Murphy Morrell Lincoln Packing Co.... W. B. Vansant Co Her. Ion, Vansant & L. .. F. H. Lewis J. H. Bulla 670 16 31 4 I 14 HI M 25 11 3 41 12 11 11 12 3 S3 120 I.. K. Hubs Kellogg Sullivan Bma Rothschild ft Krehs.... Mo. ft Ksn. Calf Co.... Christie II IKS Ins Huifman Roth Meyers Tanner Broa John Harvey Other buyers Totals 3.040 6.180 670 CAl'T(.l-Re-eipte were fairly liberal for a Thursday, but the quality of the offerings was not quite as good as It was the fit at half of the week. The market for the most part wag active and desirable grades, both heavy ana ligni found a ready sale at steady to strong prices. Medium and common cattle were in very Indifferent demand and bard to move at steady figures. Best yearlings sold Ul around 3M.7&. and heat of tl heavy cattle around $.Srt. As compare) with a week ago the good yearlings and lightweight steers are lk'OXa higher, while bulk of the heavy cattle and medium weights show an advance of lOff'so for the week. Notwithstanding the liberal supplies, the demand has been healthy and the undertone to the market strong throughout. Business in stock cattle and feeding steers has been light ail week. Both sui nlv and demand has boen comparatively limited, and, while strictly choice offer ings, both heavy and light sell about ss well as a week ago, the general market for both stock rattle and feeding steers Is rinht at uOo lower than ten days or two weeks ago. Quotations nn rattle: Good to cholre yearlings. Ht.4Ku9 0o; good to choice corn fed beeves, $. 2fi..'i; fair to good oorn fed beeves, $a.00mi.2: common to fair cornfed beeves, $7.6M(.00; good to choice heifers, l?.!i-s.l; good to choice rows, ld.Mfu7.00; fair to good cows, $j.764NU conunon to fair cows, $-1.7.'aft.75: gxd to choice stockers and feedera, $7.jOt7.Ho; fair to good stockers and feeders. 17.00?? 7. bo, common to fslr stockers and feed ers. f.uorrri.M); stock heifers, 36.00U7.00; stock cows, t-',.7f trt.76; stork calves, $660 Ui; veal calves. $8 OW10.76: fat hull" stags, etc., to-6U'(j7.26; itiKlt bulls, t.0t"9 7.UU. Representative sles: No. t... IS... 21... 7... 4... M .. 10... II .. It... 14... II . I .. 3... I.. I .. 3.. 4 .. A. Pr. No. .13.. :.. j . IT.. .. 14. . Av. . . loan ..in . .1174 ..mm ..isst . .1141 IIM 7 11 I V, I I H 40 I , 3 6S 74 1IM 7 311 7 u T H T r. vi I 1 BB till 1141 in .1104 SI.. 24 STEERS AND HKlr EhS. .0M 7 W t AO I U 17., 16 IS. .HIT it .107 . 744 . 677 40 I TU I Tl 2 71 HEIFERS. 1 4 t M T 31. t sos 7 40 CALVES. 540 1. X UC1IM 1 .... 7M 440 7 M , 17 IS HI 1UWU FEEDErtf loou 7 to HIT 7 M STO' Ki'.hii AN I IM 7 Pi I 475 7 24 21 HOOK-Supplie eighty -five cars. were light, only about or 6,7iO head U-itig re- ported. This ia the smallest Thursday run received lor a long time. Total for the four days is 47.023 head, being 16,000 larger than lat Week, and t.Ono heavier tl an a year ago. Shiters did not get In u very heavily this niornln. but whst hogs were bought i w -re lrcv n nickel hlnher. the bulk T ttieli purchases being msile srnunil t7.H(V,i;7.:i6. Although several loads reached this latter figure no one was able t beat It. 1's kers refused at first to follow the lead of the shippers and their early offers were lust strong. Hellers had the advan tage of a 1'cht supply though and In the end packors made their first pur chases fully a nickel higher. Even then some sellers were unwilling to cut loose snd as oomr-etitlon wss keen, prices strengthened up before the close, end some sale" looked ss much as Milr higher. I ackers discriminated against the htg heavy kinds again today, anil as a few binds of this a rt were still un sold after the rest of the stuff hsd been cshd, the trade wound up In rather dull shape. The M string landed at 17.80. but theie was a good showing sa high as I7.3C, the ton. and a sprinkling of weighty bogs dwn to 17 3R. The rsnge was the nsi -rowest fir some time. AT. .44:1 Jt . M CIS Sti rr. Ko Ml 7 Ti an St as. .. m sr. .. t rtt 7. .. iiTi, 77. Sta. Tr. 1SS 7 3s ISO 7 , its 7 ; 1 ... TW, w in Hill 31 nt 7 W ill , t 30 .m7 is IM HI !4HKK.P-Not enough sheep or lambs showed up this morning to make a mar ket, only two loads ot clipped lambs be ing reoelved Tradera did not have much trouble getting together on theni, and they aold before ft o'clock at a figure which compared wllh the price paid for a part of the ssme consignment yetet day aa being anyway a dime higher. One of the loads received this morning wss mad up of the tailenda of a six-load shipment. The big end of the twe bunches moved at to. SO. aa compared with gs.ta for the aame stuff Tuesday and Wednes day. Receipts today were estimated at (Vn head, bringing the week's total up to .iifif head. This la smaller than lam week's light run by over head, and Is less than half aa large aa a year ago. The total for the four days of this week Is the smallest for any similar period since June, 1913. when only .ft7 head showed up. Uuotatkms on sheep and lambs: Lambs, light, tm.smejlj.ltl; lambs, heavy, $10 2it W ; lambs, shorn. x.oft.A0: yearlings, light, $0 26tM.76: yearlings, heavy. t fVii 9.26; wethers, good to choice. l6(rft( wet triers, fair to good. $.(smi.60; ewes. good to choice, good. t7.sXVftg.O0. tn.00Sit.90; ewea, fair to No. Av. Pr. 96 shorn lambs . 6 1KI cull shorn lambs at 7 36 el 8011th Oakota shorn lambs.... ',$ i 18 ekiuth Dakoto shorn lamb.... 74 . 9 9" CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKKT Cattle 4 aaettlea rlloers gtroaa Shee lrrearalar. fUHCAOO. Mar 10. CATTLli Reoeinls. t.dno hesd: market unsettled; native beef etrcra. t6.804iA.26; western steers. 36.1 M 7.M; cows and heifers, $a.2latr3.70: calve. t.60fr36. HOOS Reoelnla 33.000 hesd: market strong. Co higher: bulk. t7.toaT7.a: llsht. t 407.70; mixed, $7 361.70; heavv. 37.154 7.60; rough, t7.l6jrr.30; pigs, t8.vttf".40. Bllt.l'.l1 AN ) LAM Ba itaoeint a g.OOS head; market Irregular; sheep, t7.4n4tt.40; lambs, t7.76isri0.10. St. I.eela Uve Stack Market. ST. LOnS. Msv I CATTI JTi n- celpts, LOOO hesd: market lower; native beef steers, t7.6o7fo.00; yearlings, steers nd heifers, tatuag.30: rows and heifers. f&OPfia.&O; stockers and feders, tH.flOa.16; souMiern steers. t&.3u4a.tO; eowa and heifers, 4 orft: native calves, t.00fr0o. HOteB Becelpts, 7,100 head; market higher: pigs and lights: H.7Mf7.70: mixed snd butchers, $s.604j7.6; good heavy. P W (l7.t0. 8HBKP AND LAMB8- Reeelnta 4.S4I head; market strong: tillnned muttons. t6.60ti7.36; clipped lambs, $il.60(fi.SJ; clip- pea yearungs. gT.eX0W.lo: spring lamb. tlO.OCCj01.60. Kaaaas City Llva Stark Market. KANSAS CITT. Mar 2a CATTI.lO-lie- celpts, L600 head; market steady; prime red steers. H.76trv.36: dressed beef steers. ta.OOraa.76; western steers. t7.764g.6; stockera and feedera, t6.7Mle.06; bulls, $i.;i n.00; calves, trt.6OU0.7ii. tUMJS Reoslpts. 4.000 head; market higher; bulk, $7.4ojf7.60i heavy. I7.40fi7.4fi. packers and butchers, $7.&7.M); light. 7.40r7.60: plgrs, t6-ffif 4. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, i.QOl head: market staedy; lambs, to4Tll2.: yearlings t3.004j.76; wethers, $7.(Ofl4.70; ewes, t-7MiH.60. leag City Live Btoek Market. RIOITX CTTT. Ia,, May 20. CATTLE Receipts, 1,200 head: market steady; na tive steers. t7.36fN.U: butchers, lotWi.li: calves, I7.00fi10.00; bulla, stags, etc.. IS.Solf 6.76. HOGS riecelpts, 3,600 head; market r4t lOo higher; heavy, 37 r."W7.26; mixed, t7.20 7 22S,; light, t7.KKjj7.aO, bulk Of sales, 37.20 7.26. SHEEP AND LAM BS-Not quote.! ' Ut. Joeegih Live Slock Market. ST. JOSEPH. May 30. CATTLB-lle-oeipts, l,4i0 head; market strong: seers. I7.ntti.0fe oows and heifers, $4oirtW.76; cslves. t8 00r$60. IKK18 Itecelpts, 4.000 head: market higher; top, $7.46; bulk of sales, r.664 7.62W. SHICF.P AND LAMBS Receipts. S,St head; market strong; lambs, $10.0011.26. 4 offer Market. S'BA YORK. Msy 20 COFFER-The market for coffee futures opened at an advance of 4 to S points on some scat tered covering and a little fresh buying which seemed to be promoted by the smaller Interior Santos receipts and an Idea that the scattering short Interest had been well liquidated on the recent decline. Rather aggressive selling by one of the local traders caused a sharp break during the middle of the day. but the market firmed up again aa soon aa these offerings had been absorbed and closed net unchanged to points higher. Sales were 34.600 bags. May and June, t.6tlr; July. t.49c; August, 8.63c; September, .5c; October. I.6O0; November. 4.64x Decem ber, .7c: January, 6.73c; February, 4.7c; March, 6 86c; April, fl.Mc. Spot, quiet: Rio 7a. ",; Santo 4a, Ote. Cost and freight offers from Santos were about unchanged, but some of the offers from Bio were reported a shads tower. Mllrels prices In Braiil were unchanged. Kto exchange was l-32d higher. Omaha liar Market. HAY Prairie: The supply on the mar ket Is reduced to thirty care. There Is not a car nn tha market that will grade better than 1 to 3 and very little that will grade that good. Nearly all ef the hay that la here Is no grade. Receipt a are running very light on all reads. Fol lowing la the range of values here: Choice upland, none here. $73 00; No. 1. none here, gl2.0oa2.60: No. 2, W.uufrtOOO; No. 3. t6.otKrr7.00; choice midland, none here. 112.60; No. L none here, tH 60trl3.00; No. 2. tK.OtXnlii.0O: No. 3. t6 0"T7.00; choice low land, none here. $10ncjll.liO: No. 1. none here. tl0.0u10.60; No. 2, t700T.00; No. 3, $4 Xbl.0u. STRAW None on the market. Choice wheat Is quotsbl at t6.6rxfj6.00. ALFALFA Demsnd light. One Tar on the market and about five In storage. Nothing good. Choice alfalfa Is quotable st IIOwy.H.W; No. 1, fi:.Util3.i0; No. 2. t4.0b4rlo.0O. Ittea Market NKW YORK. May JO. COTTON sn,n nulet; middling upland, t.75c. Ssles, '."i bale. Cotton futures opened steady: Mm 8 22c; July. .41c; October. .77c; Decem ber. t.9Hc; January. 10:. The cotton market closed firm at a net advance of from IS to 30 points. Cotton futures closed firm; May. i..Vc; July, it.tlc; October, 3.34c; liecember, H).7c; January, 10 21e. UVKKFOCL. May 30. 470TTON Spot . moderate business, prices steady; goot middling. t.61d; middling, t.ITd; low mlu. dling. 4.7W. sales, 7.000 bales. Mlaaeapolls Urala Market. MUNNKAPOLJS. Way 20 WHEAT -May, $162.; July. tl.44V No. 1 hard tl.elV Nu- 1 northern. Il.ii'.t LiSlU: Nu. 3 northern. tl.sO'Attl.W'a. FIf;l'K I'nchanged. I1ARLKY 77c. KYfc-tl.l40'l 16. KRAN-21.60. CORN No. 3 yellow. Mj71e. OATH No t white. 61861tte. FLAX-tl 324.tH.KtV Liverpool Urala Market. LIVF.KIDOL. May 20. WHEAT-Spot. stesdy: No. 3 Manitoba, 'ts. CORN 14 pot. easy; American mlaeil. nrw. ss 3d; La I'lata. lulsed. ta 14d. Magar Market. NKW YORK. May 2i).-8,.GAR-Raw , firm, centrifugal. 4S?o, moists, 4.L'e i fined, stead) .