10 THE BEE:. OMAHA. I,,',,,, MAY . , 1115. ? To neglect to read the Furnished Rooms advertisements in The Bee may mean V (? ifi that you'll pay more than is necessary and get less than you should have $ L AjjEMhatyou-Upay WANT ADS Want ads received at any tlm, but to Insure prsprr i lasstficatlon must he Pre sented before 12 o'clock noon for evening M it Ion and 7 30 p. m. for morning anl Sunday editions Want as reeeived sftr uch hour wilt be tinder the heading, .Too Late to Classify." ' CASH RATES. Seven cnecullve times, 1 cent word enrh Insertion. ... Throe time within on week. PA cents I word each Insertion. One tlmt, t rent a word. CTIAROE RATES. Seven consecutive times. cent a line fce"h Insertion. . . Three times within one week, 10 cent lire each Insertion. One tttne. 1? rente a line. Ciunt six sverage words to a line. Minimum charge, a cents. An advertisement Inserted to b rn tint II discontinued must be stopped ny written order. A'l clelma fur errors mint be made within fifteen days aftr the last Inser lion of the advertisement. Tou ran place your went ad In The Bee by telephone. TELEPHONE TTLKR MOO. Unclaimed Answers to the Swappers' Column." Hundreds of other answers havs 1n railed 1"' "d delivered during the last week. It Is reasonsble to euppoee that II of the people below have mule the t'cssreci swaps, mereror ao nm he balance of their answers. Bee warn as sure got results. i so C. 8.C. sr. sc. 44 f.".l HO MI tM C4 MS W7 871 7J l m 700 70 711 714 7n T?7 717 HC. 745 7V) 7fl7 7:JI 7 7;& T 00 HS04 S2 g?7 W Wl K tan fM2 41 S7 MH 8.1 ' B at 41 el! U MIS Si S20 2 ?9 1 433 414 4 4T 4 4M 4V 444 4?I 474 47i 47 60 608 f 6 fit no K7 6? 632 6.1.1 64 638 640 Ml Ml 643 h: 667 61 W4 K7.-I 678 6M 66 68 IJtH WO 610 1l 814 ?4 6?r, ;) t2 ug Ml ri mo 005 m t is 17 ns M4 rZD R1 Ml M4 !M7 Ml M KWt Kf.J DEATH AND Fl JfERAt, NOTICE. BCROF.KS Mrs. Albertlne Hlnhold. wUe of Wilbur L. Buraess. Wednesday night. May in, at the Methodist hospital. Kunerel services will be held at tXll houth Thirty -second avenue, on Friday afternoon at l.M o'clock. Interment, For- rat L4iwn cemeteiy. IM'RROWS Miss Sarah Jane, slater of 11 r. J. Ji. Millard, died Thursday morn ing. rvlcea will be from tho home of Mrs. J. H. Millard Friday at 4 p. m. and will be private. Kindly omit flowers. TFET,K Katharine, aged a years. Maw 1. 1015. Funeral Friday afternoon at I o'clock from N. P. Hnanson's chspel. Seven teenth end Cuming streets, to West Lawn tunetery. Brotherhood of A merit n Yeo uieo wlu have charge of service. "WEBTOATEf Richard , Bnwraon. aged 7 years. The funeral will be held from the real dance, 3m4 Charles 8t., Wednesday af ternoon. May ID. at I o clock. Jntermont at Pleasant HU1 cemettry. BIRTHS AND DEATH. Births Walter and Delia Jackson, 4o.Tl (Charles, boy: Atlolph and Molly Koubt irk, 1.M2 I'oreaa, boy; Frank and Mar garet Keschnor, South Omaha, boy; Oae tano and Lucia Cannla, 1136 South Thir teenth, girl; Oeorae and Mange Lancas ter, 20.7 Miami, boy; Elbert 11. and Vera Knapp, Carter Lke club, boy; Michael and Johanna Everts, hoapllal, boy. leatha Charles Casaon, 44, hospital. MAHRIAGH Lit KHKg. The following persons have been licensed to wed: Name and Rmldence. Age. Clarence A. McKccvi. Council Bluffs.... M Ida Frhr. Council Bluffs 12 (luy Parmenter, Wahoo over 21 llukota Knopp, Yutan ever II Edward D. Uarell. Omaha 1.1 Jauie White, Omaha M sIIbs Stonebraker. Nellgh 23 Myrtle i- ivoat, Ncllgn ti Peter Tilly. Omaha 23 Joale Neiuels. Omaha 24 "Walter I Butts. Dearborn, Mo 57 Beulali U. Carden. Qutlman, Mo 23 RtlLDINU PERMITS. John Krepcik. 171 Hickory, frame dwel ling. JlMo; Mrs. Emma Kngstrom, ts houih Fiftieth, frame dwelling, !.'; Nor 1s & Norrla. frame dwelilnits aa follows; . North Twenlyfourth. l.iIO; RloU Wal nut. $l,i"0; Wia Hickory, 1l.bH; XH24 Pine, II.OUO; C. Frt.ke 8 South Fifteenth, frame dwelling, tl.Srx). TODAY'S 430MPLETK MOVIE P1100HAM8 Exclusively In Tb Hew- LANTERN slides (or movies. Send your copy tu us. We can reproduce photos er will prepare your copy. We will color as directed. Bee Photo Dept. 10S Bee Bid. Owwat Ta.a ELITE NO. 2. 1318 FARNAM ST. The Ring of Death (Crane Wilbur). Lubln drama. The Face of the Madonna (Alice Jovce). I-reel Kalem drama. KAHNAM. lus iHJUULAh. Farnain Theater Special 1 Mutual mas terpieces a week. Thureday and Sunday our special days. all P TlikJtTa.lt. Utki AND HAitNJt.1 Uome of Paramount Pictures. lUHAL. Their Hour, I-reel O. Seal. il alter of Parentage, Powers. kipper Simpson's Daughter. Joker com. PARK. UkeioitTH imTli'rT Blood of the Children, 2-reel Bison. At His Own Terms. Big U. Taking Her Measures, Nestor comedy. PAKliOU, lOCUlJta7. The Imlov of the Ughthouae. 2-reel Vita graph drama. The Fable of the Unfet tered Birds. Eaeanay comedy. PRINCESS. 1317-W IXtUOLAU. 1-ove and Notes (Rlllle Ruchlei. L-Ko. From Italy's Sliorea. Strong t-r. draxua. el-t Muriel Oatrlche). Drama. Newt aw ALAMO. I4TH A NO FORT 8T8. His Last Serenade. Leuunle drama. In and Out of Society. L. Ko. comedy. Oltve'H Pet. Sterling comedy. ALHAiSbitX U14 NORTH 4TU. A Touch of Leva. Aiuertoaa drama. The Rent Jumpers, Keystone coinedy. The HlKh Blndnra, Maeatlo drama. ' LiF'iifN, Miliary Ave. aad burvleile. Weekly, No. U. A Day That Is Oone, Majestlo drams. Ambrose Flurry. Keystone oomedy. diamond; "ujT lak o if. Love and Handcuffs. Powmi drama. aught By a Thread, Neator comedy. Blood of Ilia Brotber, t-rexl Bison. FKAN K OS 24TII A NDF RAN KLIN 'lie oi( from the Taxi. t-r. Kal. dr. 'I ho tairi Engineer. Kalrin drama. "tt a l.eok at Jake. Luoln comedy. U-.OI.1C. i4Tll AND hi'HAOl E. Ladder cf Fortune, i-rerl Rex feature: bet a l4venxe, sterling comedy. 1'aiung Cue Otcr, mg U diaiua. TODAT'8 CTOMrLETK MOVIE PROtiHAMS EicluklTely la The Bew. Korth. 4RAKD. "Theeter Beautiful." 1-Plnney. Kxplnltn of Uleine. eplrdn No. M. The ttill of the I'oppy. 2-r. l)ra. iiinlee Tied to Trouble. Kt-y. iflPI-Ol'ltoitE. TH and clm in7. tri the Mrlnk of the Klibeeye. a-r. Tl:n haueer dra. in Wron, Hoyel romeily. 7 People Vaudeville. 4 reele of 7 plrturee. IVY. 1KTH AND Bl'llKETTK. The Bnrus Bandit, Kerrigan Vict. Kaey Money, JL-Ko comedy. Itceert Breed, 1-reel Hueh Rex. IIYAL,. " CAUJVMXU The Hidden City, i-reel Blaon. Hie KmMhln Career, Htertlnr comedy. Animated Weekly. Courare, Ml U. liOTHROR 24TII AND 1THRP. The eioelnir of the Circuit, J-r. Vita, dra, feminine Wit, Allna comedy. The Kere at the Curtain, vama. 1'AL.AChl U'l DAVKNl'OKT. The Hhktown Rivals, Joker comedy. Rider of BUhouette, -reel Rex. When Bnlta waa marrlaged. Hterllny com. BUBLRUAN. 14TU AND AMES. The Terrible One. Lubln drama. Ilia Phantom Bweetheert. Vita. C. dra. Koalas. AIRPOMFJ FAVOIUTH. 171 VINTON. The Umen Idol, I-reel Reliance. Vlntii.l wvi Katty'a Chance Acquaintance. Key, com. ARMOR. 3D AND AKHOll. The Only Way Out, l-r. tib. dra. Fable of 'The HtruKRla Between Pereonal lib erty and the Ware of Reform," Ee. com. COtTl'MBIA. 1710 SOUTH 10TH. The Hnow Burner, I-reel Fesanny drama. Ttta ITn1rlklir'B 1 Tnrl - mm W1 ram. On the Dawn Road, rnnay drama. COMFORT, 24TH AND VINTON, The Art let a Model, 2-reel drama. ler Urandparenta, Majestic. Movie Fa na, FaUitaf. FAVOR if H, 171 VINTON. Mr. Jan's Matnetlo Friend. Vita. com. An Opal Ring, t-reel Kaeanay drama. One Hundred Dollars, Blograph drama. OEM, 1258 HOITTU lJTIt Black Box No. 10. i-reel special. J iy at Han Dleiro Fair, Joker comedy. rates Allnf, U'mitiin drama. lY HIC, 117 VlNTON. Black Box No. i, 2-reel special. In the Hills Beyond. Powers. Pokes and Jabs, Sterling comedy. PASTIME. 23D AND L.EAVEN WORT1L Ilia Wife's Husband. Nestor comedy. Klsck Box No. 8, 2-reel special. Alhld of the Mist, Rex drama. VatttEaVlA. UU aK. UT11 At. Four reals of Mutual plcturwa. Weai. , MOXHOB, 2ii65 FARNAM BT. Kllloii Against Orders, l-r. Kdl. drama. The Lkivs Whip, Vltagreph coinedv. The Test of Sincerity. IMograph drama. AIRDOME. 26TH AND FARNAM. Hueh Things Really Happen. L,ubln dra. Done In Wax, Essanay comedy. The Heart of a Waif. Edison drama. A IOLIXJ, The Return Ess drama. iKH LEAVENWORTH, of Richard Neal, I-reel Boohley'e Haby Vita comedy. grsrae. - BENHON, 5KK MAIN ST. The l,ittle Olrl of the Attic, two acta. Over the Bounding Waves, Joker com. Tiny Hands, Powers (Sydney Ayresl. 4 oaaell Mlafl K.UTB NO. t 646 BROADWAY. The Girl and the Bachelor. S-r. Kal. com. Ingomar of the lluls. Uaaanay W. dra. Mother of Pearl. Lubln comedy. NICHOLAS, M7 BROADWAY, between the Two of Them, fc-recal Vita graph Dom. drama. WIMIe Whipple's Dream. Kalem comedy. ROPER, M BROADWAT. (trim Messenger, l-r. Big U. Artist and the Vengeful One. Victor. Two Hearta and a Ship, Nestor Comedy. BB8SE. 24TH AND N BT8. Frauds. S-mel Essanay drama. Ham's Easy Fata. Kalem comedy. MAU1C. I4TH AND Black Box. Ncx 11. -reel Special. Baby, 2-reel Victor comedy I'ei(lny"s Trump Card, Imp. O. Vaaaevllle. ORPHEtTM. 24TH AND M 8TB. Ood ". Love. 2-reel drama. No Quarter. Comedy. When Empty Hearts Were Filled. Dra. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Be Comfortable- Yourself and Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building Superintendent'! Office, Room lu3. Investigate Y.M.CA. out'g park, summer, KNoXWEED kills the Danedlions. AUTOMOBILES NEW Ford auto deliver bodies of all tylea, open or dosed, alwaya on band. Our price will save you money. See Joiineon-Dmnfortli Co., 162e-31-Kl No. leth. lll Cole , mi Pullman. A. A. Ahlma ..IttTti 112 Cadillac ,...fw4 ,..M75 lsll Bubk t--7t M Famam. Tel. D. 3&J6. C. EIA.Vb.'-KH, expert radiator and lamp repairs. Ty. 700. lea venwoitn. AUTO Clearing House, Sv Famam, buys and sells used rare, mono oougias nio. Overton's for leaky radiator. 60o, dnelera Want an auto. C. J. Canan. McCvgue bldg, 1 nd ut rial Oarage Co.. foth Harney Sta. NEHKAHKA Bulrk Service Station, lilt Famam Ht. Phone Douglas Til. two REWARD for any magneto we can't repair. Colls repd. Baysdurter, 210 N.U. w RU8INESS CHANCER Very Dudi ruble Hpaco for Printing Office Light, water and Janitor service free. Cheap power Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office, Room 10S FOR BAI-K Bakery Wrt Y 614. Hee. In good little town. blUNH, show earda. Claik s Son. D. 1371. VHEATEKa iuy, ieaaa wa u your the' aur, Diachlne and supplies tbrousa Theater Excbanga Co.. lets) Far sacs St. ix'usiaa lain. juui icj.x- riLitnia anuw for sale in a good Colo, town or .ouQ; ntust sell on account of beaith; doing a fine buatneea, and will stand cloaest iuap:Uun a ainall gold mine for soiue one. I'rioe 62, Ml. Ad drese Y 627. Bee. VUIY RKNT? Will Uo-acTo farms In Red lover valley (Minn.), erect build ing, supply cows and hogs on pa) meat ot 1M0, and 40 yeaxs In which It pay balance. This offer not good after June W. W. G. Templeton. sui Bee bldg., Omaha. TO GET to or out of business call oa CANGE3TAD. 404 bee b.clg. Doug. 1(77. BISINKSH CIIAXteS IIAVK 18-rmim modern honee, eultehle for two families, to exchenKe for euto and vacant lota to the valnu of lA".1 What have youT W. Kl. Templeton, A nee Miog RF3AT, estate Buelneea plaeea supplied or iand!ed: all atates. F. V. Kmeat. Cmaha. VAIl'ABI.Fl coal mine, north Missouri, Only mine In county. Cheap; eaeh or t1,M down end irood clear property. J. A Vnnn Milan 14a WANTI.'D Partner In a money-maklnj proportion; rmnll capital. Inquire L t'hrln, 124 North 1Mb Ht. RHimla( Hoaeee for tale). 11 ROOMS, well furnlahed: always rented, for quick sale. $r. Call at 2223 Farnara. EDUCATION Ali Boyles College Day School. Night School, complete, biuunesa course, complete ahortnand or stenoiype course, complete telearaphy course, civil aervlre branches and Kpb llnh. Students admitted at any time. Write, phone or rail for W16 catalogue. DOYl,ES COtrl-WIE, II. B. BOYLJCH, ITealdent. Tel. D. IMft. Boyles Bids;., Omaha, Neb. FOR aale the follow In acholarahlpa la fL flrat clasa Omaha Duslnese College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited eu-riocraphle course. One three months' business or steno graphic course. Will be sold at a discount at the offloe of The Omaha Dee. pon BAIA Karallere, lloajsehold bsoti, Hit. DT-lNrvSl boBht and sold. J. O. Reed, LEAVINO city. 1400 upright mahogany Piano, t.iiO Edison cabinet phonograph, 116 gas range. Roberts. 14 California Apia, 17th and California. SACRIFICE Orocery relrlgeralor, holda WO lbs.; gas stoves, Iceboxes, all sites; household goods. 17i N, 24th. FURNITURK BA ItUAINH-60 beds at 11 eocn; taoioa, kitchen and china cab inets, &4 Ice boxes, 38 gaa stoves, Si dread ers. J830 N. 24th St. Webster 1W7. Foil SALIi Holler top desk and swivel ciwur, cneap. fnone walnut B)4i Live stork CoaasatoalOB Mtrtkssta MARTIN toP.Ot CO.. Excnatui Bidg, Harera aad Vesilelee- BUYS 1,101Mb. mare-mule, good worker. 'Hii Harrison St. Telephone South 3u2U, South Omaha. E111P live stock to South Omaha. Save mileaao and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Maaleal lastrasavMU. Slightly used high grade piano. D. 201T. Peeltry, k'.ara ss4 HfiiUn, 6TE1USOTY Ph) metrics make the beat and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x3 Inches, stronger and mora durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 75c a hundred at The Bee offloe. Small wheat. 100 lb. 12.25. Wagner, 801 N. 11 THOROUGHBRED White leghorn hens for aale. A. H. Baker, Benson, Neb. R. F. D. No. 7. Tel. Benson 747 Vf. Tysjewrttera. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Kxc. llw Farnana. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. Butts Typewriter, im Farnam. u. stm. Mtsretlaaeoaa. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of ail kinds; eaay payments. The brunswlak-Balke-Colmnder Co., 407-4 8. 10th St. XT 2d-hand motors, dynamos. 1 f VA magnetos, etc., mechanical " ' ' repairs. La Upon Klectrla Works.Slg-20 S. lHth St. o LUMBER 2x and sheeting. tools. sahovels, picks, Jack screws, window glass; 2 carpenter benches, 1 each; I kitchen cabinets, fl each: 10 match ma chines, 60q each; 1 rug, 12; 1 lawn mower, 11.60; i gas arcs, 13 each. J. C. 1S1L Phone Harney 243k TPS R. 31st Are. H-hand machinery. H. Oross. 21 and Paul. WE bought 66 Dcs Moines bar fixtures, rront tiara, oack oar a. mirrora. Nat. rash resist era. ciaar and wall cumi ia. For sain like we bought them CHEAP, imnn Fixture and supply Co.. u4 So. 11th Ht. FOR SA LE Carload fence posts, out from dry cedar. to i-m. t ...i..... Address Bog 18, Pembina, Wis. HELP WANTED Fit MALE 4 lertcsJ nasi office. STENO. and Bkpr., Implements, 146. Experienced law stenographer, 170. Multlgraph operator and steuo., 140. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERtfNCM ASSN. Ul-20 Woodmen of World. NO FILING FEtC. BEST COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. ROOKRS REF. Co., 62i-i State Bank. APPRENTICE girl, dressmaking; no wages. Apply Monday, S-H. K4 Caaa St. WANTEI Young lady to act as cajhler and aiuuographor in office of an old eatubllHhed wholesale concern. Applica tions will be conaidered if la handwrit ing or applicants, giving age. city refer- lues from paat employers and salary t'ealred. Position permanent with chance mr advancement. Address F 46. Bee. Housekeepers saa Dome lira. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework: no washing. Mrs. M. B Nets man, 3620 Howard St. HOUSEKEEPER wanted on a farm; mual be good cook and neat: no rh !,. tlon to widow with one child. Dane or German preferred. Reference with flrat eiier. j. uanaeu, M. j. iiox S4, Boelua. Neb. WANTED Neat girt to wait on table and help in country. Apply Brownell Hall. WANTED A glri fur housework, houao MAID for general housework In lamuy ui iwui inuii anow now to cook. Mrs. 10. R. Lefferta. Hirn,v Mil h u Kith Ave. YOUNG girl for light housework; no cooking. 17Q4 lads St. Wrbater 23K1. (XH)l cook. Jus 8. 3.id. H. Iti47. WANTED Glri for general houaework, .J';H,d...w?,efor .rtsfht person. Harney 7l. 115 No 35th St WANTED Girl to wait tablea In our Soda I loom. Cwl Drug Co., 16th and Harney Sta. WANTED Aa experienced girl for gen eral houaework. 1 In family. Red fcioO WANTED At once, a young girl to aa slat with houaework; good home; small family. 11. :&. MODERN, cool, clean housekeepina and sleeping rooiua; gas furnished; 1160 aud IL.7K. Red 74d. WANTEli ajlrl for general housework. &1U4 Davenport. II. IMS. WANTED Girl for general houseworki must be competent Cook. Doug, tell tea 30M Caaa St. NURSE, expert masseur, wants position, country preferred. Mrs. B. Rlnnniaa. iJU N. 1 St A GIRL for general housework in a fam ily of two; good wagee. St Bristol ht. WAN1ED-A gut for general housework; no washing. Sjoi Wuoiwortu Axe. Phone Harney 47142. GULL f'ir Eviieral houmwutk; no laun dry. 4-6 N lh St- Phone Harney 1. WaNTHD A girl for general housework. Sli !ewey Ave. II. lata. ANTKIV-Compett'iit girl to assist uh ItuoHHWork and baby; mual be good la'Jiidresa: good ttases and good buiue to naht patty. 2S40 Capitol Ave. HELP WANTED FEMALE Mo Barkeepers aad llomeat lea. WANTED A competent white girl for general housework. 3t13 Famam. Phone Harney H8. M laeelaeua. TOUNO women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women s Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th BL, where (hey will be directed to suitable . board ing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's guide at Union station. 118 WEEK, expenses advanced. Women to travel and appoint agents for con centrated food flavors In tubes. Reliable Mfg. Co., 490 I?omo Bldg., Chicago. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and Olftce. STENOGRAPHER, ready June 20th, ITS. This Is temporary, for two weeks. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. iaue-20 Woodmen of World. i MGR. and salesman, salary and comm. r-sjestnan. city, salary and comm. Stcno. and Bkkpr., out of town, 185. Steno., lie. Steno. 1H0. Watts Ref. Co. 840 Brandcls Theater. WANTED Bright young man for gen'l. office work; must write good hand; quick In figures; salary to start. too Store clerk wanted at once. Apply MIDWEST BONDING CO. 313 Bee Bldg. SALESMAN (LKOCrA 1"0 OFFICE, MGR. (INVESTMENT) ....1 STENOGRAPHER, I (0 SALEbMAi 86 TIIB5 CANO AGENCY, rtO BEB BLDG. SWUAKE pLGet LN SQUARE HOLl'IS. Ve tirul a poajtlon tnai fits you, CO-Ol'i.nA ilVE KiF. CO.. 1015-U CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDG. WANTED Experienced drug clerk with credentials as to honesty, competency and slauuity. Sherman MuConneil Drug Co., loth and Dodge Sta. General oftloa clerk, railroad, t. Apply Aiid-vveat Bonding Co., 813 Bee Bid g. HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. WEST. REFERENCE at BOND ASSN. 7t Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Agents, salesmen tu4 solicitors. LARGEST firm of its kind In America (with local office): offers exceptional opportunity aa resident salesman and manager for line of specialties. Well established business with wonderful pos sibilities for new trade. The articles manufactured are necessary attrlbutea in ail well managed hoteis. factories. In stitutions, schools, cluLs, etc. Appli cant must be high clasa salesman, ex perienced and able to approach all classes of business men and beads of institutions. To insure attention, state details of past experience, age and other particulars which wlil sllord an oppor tunity ror gauging your sales value. Salary 1125 per month, commission and expenses. Address Y-626, Bee. WANT a live wire salesman for Ne braska to carry our manufactured line of men's neckwear on a commission basis; we offer a good proposition to right man. In answering this ad state line carried, territory covered and length of time with present concern. Address Y 682. itae. EXCELLENT proposition for two good men In Nebraska. Call or write. Mutual Benefit, Health and Accident Association 411-28 City Nat'! Mank Bldg. WANTED, AT ONCE, EX PER lenced and capable retail furnl- ' ture salesman; extraordinary food position. State Furniture o., 14th and Dodge. Tel, eve. H. 67. WANTED Men with experience pre ferred, to do house-to-house canvassing selling tea and coffee, and establish routes In the city and vicinity. This Is a good chance for live wire to take charge of territory and develop himself for man agership of store. Liberal proposition; big Inducements with sales. State age, experience and reference. Bond required. Address The Great Atlantio fc Paclflo Tea Co., Kansas City, Mo. Factor? and Iradea. Drug store snaps; Jobs. Kneist, Bee Bldg. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition 115, on account of big trade. Wages for 6 and 10 cent work. Electric massage taught Hydraulic chairs. Catalog free. 1124 Douglas 8: , Qmsha wan i ,! tvxperlt-nced bosom press operator. Kimball laundry, 1611 Jackson. Moler Barber College Largest barber college west of Chicago. Special summer rates now In effect. Catalogue mailed free. 110 8. 14th St., Omaha. XOlT MUST THINK We give you expert auto training, cam a real salary, big money for our trained men. Como right now and get our freo course In Elea. Lis-. & Start's systems- free catalogue. Amer. auio iviiewe, su r arnam tc. umana. Mlarellaateoaa. WANT ten five and ten-team outfits to do scraper work In South Dakota. Fre transportation. Edw. Peterson Co., 14 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Names of men, II or over, wishing government Jobs. 166 month. No pull necessary. Address Y 460, Bee. GET WISE A thorough, practloal automobile edu cation at minimum cost. Ask for cata logue "C" and explanation of our get results method. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE BCHOOL, 141K17 Dodge Street, Qmsha, Nab. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted. 176 month; pull unnecessary. Write immedi ately tor full partclulars. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. 721 D.. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED l.ouo men to eat ham and eggs, liic. Coffee John. 14th and Capitol. WANTED Good dentist, registered In Nebraska; must be refined and strictly temperate. Address. E 464, Bee. SITUATIONS t ANTED hW ANTED Evening work, or Saturday atiernoun. by a young man. Can op- erate typewriter. Te ei. i 64. WANTEI Evening aud Saturday aiter- noon work in an amusement park, young man, of good education. Best of references. Tel. D. 64. WOMAN wants day work. Telephone Douvlas 4MJ. HOUsEKE1:PER wants position on farm near Omaha Telephone Harney 74M. TRUSTWORTHY young man of ability" desires position as cannier or clerical work; Is college graduate and good pen man; will consider out-of-town lob: very anxious to go to work and wants perma nent work. Phone Douglas 846L or ad dress L-:iU2. Bee. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. Tins applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee offloe or telephone T ler luul. YOUNG man wants work, restauianC hotel, as bull boy or porter, or will work for private family; wants to go to work. Address. P 44. Bee. PERFECT washing, expert Ironing. Lace curtains our specialty. Web. 4J&L THE roan who knows' how it the nuui who gees the work and money. Elec tric, hydraulic and steam elevator op perating. Steam stationary or tractiou and automobile repair work. License and reference If desired. Address C-461, Bee. LADY wants a good place as house keeper; references If required. Si6t Grant. Web. 3&. YOUNG man wants work, restaurant, hotel, as bell bov nr norter. or will wor for private family: wants to go to work. Idities. P U't. Bee. Hol'EKKt:PKH, cUl and re-flucd. Uesirvs poaitlou. I'hune Harney 27ju. SITUATIONS WANTED COMPETENT. well educated young man, 25; good business and executive ability; at present assistant circulation manager of an eastern newspaper; de sires to locnte In this city; will entertain any proposition offering a single man a livelihood. Address O 4.rii, care Bee. LOST AND POUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUKFrt STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the of I Ice of tho Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Dong. (. LOST A brlndle and white Boston bull- nog. ai. IM!). LiiDerai rewara. LOST-ime gray 4-year-old horse, weight about lain Phone Wnl Ml 4. Rahr Broth ers. Wth and Qrover. Reward. LOST Child's spectacles In black leather case, between library and 16th and Far nam Sta. Reward If returned to C. G. Carlberg, 310 l.randel Theater Bldg. PERSONAL YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women s Christian association building at i;th BL and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's aid at the Union station. INFORMATION WANTED-As to ad dreee of J. N. Brlggs. formerly of Oak land and Chadron, Neb. Believed to be running store In N. W. Nebr. To his ad vantage to be located at once. Address Y-613, Bee. THE Salvation Army industrial home so licits vnur old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect, We distribute. Phone Douglas 41 J"! and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. PET STOCK FOR SALE Beautiful two-year-old St. Bernard dog. Mrs. Jn:a Westovor, 1221 Rose St., Lincoln, Neb. SWAPPERS' COLUMN BASE BURNER No. Radiant Home base burner, good condition except fire pot; will sell for 14 or trade for almost a nythlng. Address S. C. 1013. Bee. cleaning done. H. 33o. 1302 Park Ave. WILL trade Bruno bnnjo, Washburn mandolin and cash for high grado banjo. Address B. C. U'iS. Betf. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile' classifi cation. ROTARY, Nejetyle copying machine typewriter, accounting system comput ing scale. Will trade for groceries, meats, or what have you? Address S. C. lOJ'i, Bee. BUSINESS CHANCE I have hi Interest In a fine Omaha business paying 1100 per month. I have other business and must sell my Interest: I4O0 cash, or will trade for auto or anything reasonable. Give phone number. Address 8. C. 1016, Bee. BUILDING and Contractors' course com plete, with lessons and six technical books; coat 1130; for anything I can use. Address 8. C. 1003. Bee. DIAMONDS Three diamonds set in ladles' ring worth 146. What have you to offer? Chickens, typewriter or eloctrio fans, or whst have you 7 8. C. 1007, Bee. DOG Have fine white male Spits dog. months old. What have you for him? Address 8. C. 1024, Bee. ELECTRIC VACUUM Edison phono graph or bike to trade for used 28 by ft inch tires; give phone No. Address 8. C. 1021, Bee. ENGINE S-H. P. combination gasoline engine and air compressor, cylinder 4Hx 44, air capacity, 20 cu. ft. per mln. Suit able for power and air supply, - for gar age or shop. Cost 1260. Had 2 years' in tatrmltient use. In excellent condition. In- tcrested In trade on light weight road ster or touring car. will put in a little money according to condition of car. Address 8 O. 1014. Bee ENGINE Practically new, 4-H. P., single cyl., engine for Indian motorcycle, com plete, with carbureter. Bosch magneto, free clutch pulley and muffler. Paint and plating In fine condition. Price 137.60. Might take your old engine in on trade, or will trade for something I can use. Address B 1012, Bee FOR SALE or trsde brand new crave nette rain coat Will fit tall man. Ad dress 8. C. 818. care Bee GARDEN HOSE Brand new 60-foot gat den hose, never been used; paid 66 for It. What have you of equal value for trade, or will give discount for cash. Ad dress 8. C 1010, Bee. GOOD business property, leased for a year. Price 12.600; will accept good roadster aa part payment. G. A. Kull, Oakland. Neb. HIGH grade hard oak wood refrigerator, capacity 90 pounds, only used short time, and four-burner Eclipse gas range. W hat have you? Address p. o.. iuii. nee. HAVE two sewing machines. Trade or sell one or both of them. Address 8. C. 1030. Bee. HAVE small American typewriter or writing machine. What have you lor it? Address 8. C. 1022. Be. HAVE guitar to trade fot mandolin; also other articles. Address 8. C. IOCS, Bee. H-INTEREST In established office build ing, paying from IHO to 1160 per mo., for quick sale, 1760 cash; other business at hand, will consider a trade, lot or used car. Address S. C. lOuS, Bee MANDOLIN Good as new and never used. Want a kodak or what have you? Adoress S. C. K. Bee. MOVING PICTURE MACHINE A new Edison moving picture machine, will trade for a good Ford car and PV cah difference. Box 23. Oakland. Neb REFRIGERATOR, SO lba. capacity, for electrlo fan; also for cash. Address S. C. 1017. Bee. FOR EXCHANGE Six almost new In side doors, as good as new, including double folding uoors, with track and ball bearing rollers, will trade for chlrkens or sell cheap for cash. Address B. C. 10v2. care Bee 6-PASS. Overland; splendid condition; would exchange for runabout or small csr. Address 8. C. lttv, Bee. FOR EXCHANGE One almost new eleo trlc fan. used I weeks, will exchange for chickens or sell cheap for cash This Is a fine fan costing new. Address B. C. lool. csre Bee STENOTYPE I have a practically new sienotype; will sell or trade. What have you? Address S. C. 1018. Bee. SERVICES 2 drsftsmeu. mechanical and architectural, will trade their services during their spare time for like service of other tradesman or anything of value. Add reel S. C. 1015. Bee. TYPEWRITER Will trade Remington visible No. 10 for Sinltli Premier No. 10. V enster Hli. WANTED To trade painting and paper uansuix or pi iniina, iiw"-!, "- feed tr anything I can use. W ill investl- gate an: tiling, auu'w. -'. WILL exchange some furniture lor Cypher's incubator. 2J0-egi or larger, or some heated indoor brooder. Harney &fc4. WEI J. established cleaning business. 3 days' leceipto, $75. Equipment for doing all work except actual cleaning (.ood location, aplendld opportunity. Will swap for something can borrow 12.000 on. Ad dress 8 C. 1004. Bee; WILL trade our almost new high grade player piano, wltn M rolls, for good email automobile, or would consider diamond aa part payment. This player will pleas you. S. C. lisM. Bee FOR RENT Apartments aad Flats. ET GEORGE 6-room apartment, redeco rated throughout. Ill N. list Ave., se lect West Farnaim district, phone Wb ater 14:4. CENTRA I .No oqual prtoe or quaili; t-revas bouse; -roua flat. 224) N. bd. Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical: .. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.. a modern abstract office. 306 Bo. 17th St. Phone D. 6487. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldeat abatraet offloe la Nebraska. 20 braadela Then. .lessen & Morrell 201-1 State Fk. Bldg. D. 1292. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. TWORAR C. P. A.,, Address 433 Ramge Hldg. Phone Douglas 74W. ADDING MACHINES. Adder Mch. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. D. 6.W8 AM Al Fl H FINISHING. . FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 41 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. ARCHITECTS. Everett R Dodds. 6l7paxton Blk. ' D. 29SL AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co., 1115-18 W. O. W. R. 1285. Nat'l Sale Auction Co.. 1327 W. O. W. BAKERIES. Z. H. REEIiFR. TWi N. lftth. Web. S2ST. BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1907 Cuming. Douglas 2407. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes feather mattreaaee and down covers. BLUE PRINTING. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO., 302 Omaha National Bank Bldg. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxtofi-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Sts. Neb. Fdry. A Mfg. Co.. 1115 N. 22, Web. 7300 CARPET HUG CLEANERS. Omaha Carpet Renovating Co. Doug. 1671. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON, 823 S. S2d. Douglas 6820. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Burford, 6J0 Pax. Blk. Red 4oS7. CIVIL ENGINEERS. M. 3. LACY. 618 BEE BLDG . DOUG. 4716. CLEANERS AND DYERS. Howard's Piintulorlum. S20-J 8. 15th. D. 6407 CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO.'I Western representative of VELVETILE COMPOSITION flooring. INVESTI GATE 811-12 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1872. COSTUMES AND LODGE SUPPLIES. MFG. of lodge regalia and costumes. Theo. Lleben & Son. 1614 Howard. D. 4115. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic, D. 1871. Try Mackie's flrat 1816 Harney. Doug. 6448. DOWN TOWN RESTAURANTS. Douglas lunch, day and night. 1711 Doug. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dreasmak'g college, SOtb, & Farnara. MISS STURDY. 2418 CASS. RED T8S0, DETECTIVES. INVESTIGATIONS carrlel out In any part of United States, Canada or Mexico. (U Paxton Blk. Doug. 1378. Walnut 1620. JAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville Block. Evi dnncn secured in all cases. Tyier 1138. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes, 724 City Nat Bank. Tafe Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglas. D. 2188. DRUGS. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on flO orders; catalogues free. Sherman & Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov.- Co.. 119 N. 15th. Trm. ELECTROLYSIS, tTloa AUender. 624 Bee Bldg. Red 1055. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pluatlna;: covered buttons, ail sixes and styles; hemstitching, picot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. 200 Douglas Block. D. ISM. NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate, building coming down; cloaks, suits and, dresses sacrificed. 2o8 N. 16th St. EVERYTHING FOR MEN. TOTJPEES FOR MEN Hair goods dept J. L. Brandols & Sons. Omaha. FLORISTS. BATH'S, floruits, 1804 Famam St I'. 3000. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. D. 126, Member Floruit Telegraph Del. Ass'n. HESS 41 SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St A. PONAOHUE. 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. FIRS STORED. Absolute Guarantee Against MOTHS. FIRI0, BURGLARS. REFERENCES: ANY BANK. O. E. SHUKEKT, Call for Goods. 401 B. 15th St Telephone Douglas '.847 and We Will HAT CLEANING. Panamas cleaned. D. Else!. 1138 City Nat ALL kinds hats clesned. liio Harney St AI L kinds haU blocked. 1618 Harrey St. HOG REMEDIES. ATTENTION. FARMERS Don't let hog cholera gel a rootnold on our prem ises thla season. The nature of man Is to look for some great scientific article as s preventive and cure for this detestable dlsisse, but simple remedies are the beat. We have a almple remedy that haa cured thousands of caaea. that you can prepare at a very little cost that will protect ycur hogs from this deplorable disease. For full information address Majestic) Supply Co., 611 W. Washington St.. Cham paign. 111. It E. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE 'PHOX'K WEBSTER 6911 General Office, 13th and Manderson Sta FOR RENT Aoartaaeata nasi Plata TWO six-room, modern, steamheated f lata. Can be rented separately or to- getner ui summer, winter. Conrad Young. tZS Brandeis Theater. Doug. Ii71. 4 ROOMS, new Flo-Lea. i'-h and Can. liol Ave. Light and cool, 1.16. ETKR4 THUST CO. D. 898 e VERY choice 4 or 6-room ateam-htated aDartments 011 West Farnam sire, t JOHN W. ROHBINS. li FARNAM ST. 6-ROOM heated apartment. The Mason, 31st and Mason Sts. Reduced rent. Con rad Young. IS! Brar.dels Theater. I. liil. bEVE.N-H.OOM, iia Cass; elegant coin diuon. modern, goo4 pHk'iou. W'aL 'Xii JEWELERS. LTJCKT wedding rings at Brodegaard's LIGHTING FIXTLRES, WIRING. DURK1N Thomr.' Douglas 2519. 241S Cuming St. MASSEUSES. MISS STAPLES, mass., elec. bath. P. 712. Open eve., 9 p. m. ; Sundays, 10 to 2. Tl A fmiCnd mass , alcohol rub. Laura. 1110 Wilson, 1802 Farnam, room i. Doucias 751, Open evenings and Sunday. MASSAGE, 1721 Dodge. Mrs. Steele. BATHS, 214 Batrd BlcTg., 17th and Doug. B.Brugman, mass.,20! Karbach Blk, R. 2727 Clara Lee, bath and massage. Douglas S751. M. HALLERON. Baths. 223 Neville Blk. Miss X, mudlavla mass. R. 224, Neville Bit MISS JACOBS. Mass., R 224, Neville Blk. SCIENTIFIC MAPSEUR. Room 21 Douglas Blk., lSth and Dodge. MOTION PIcWrEMACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. MoUon picture machine and film bargains. WE rent moving picture machines. Star Theatrical Exchanpe, 640 Paxton block. MOTORCYCLES. II A RLP7Y-DA VIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man." 2708 Leavenworth. MINING ENGINEERS. AVILL pay to consult W. II. Godfrey on mining business. 207 State Bk. R. 4341. NURSERY SEEDS AND PLANTS. ARTISTIC tree trimming: gclentlflo sur gery and treatment of diseases of trees. Call Douglas 802 and our Mr. John son will make a personal examination free, i. M. Johnson Co., Chatham hotel, OFFICES. offices When making your new plana, see us for office sns.ee. The best locex tlon and easiest fsund. 1 .immmtd THE BE fc. BUILDING, "The Bulldin That Is Always New.' Office, Room 108. OCULISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Dra. McCarty, 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Te Pal.rann Una ni....l. T tntt JOSEPHINT5 IRMSTRflNfl 1K VKmm, xnAt, . PAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH MTMANUS. 417 N. 40th. ' H. S73. PATENT DEVELOPMENT. AMP.RICAN Machine Co., 119 8. 11th St PATENTS. D. O. Barnel, Paxton Blk. TeL Red 71T7. H. A. Sturges, 836 Brandeiw Theater Bldg. PRINTING. WATF-RS-BARNHART Pt. Cw., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 8190. 6M B. l3t BL CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 3754. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 844. SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. O A TTTO Opened, repaired, comb. OrVr4 rJC changed. F. B. Daven- SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN PROS., shoe rapalr. HI B. 14. Harley Shoe Rep'r Co., 2004 Farn'm. R.I440 SEWING MACHINES, rent, repair, sell needles and parts We 1 or ail sewing macnines. "MICIvEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Doug. 12. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Bhet Metal Company, 110 S. 10. SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co. Doug. 48M. TORE AND OFrlCE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, a helv ing etc. W buy. sell. Omaha Fixture and supply Co., 414-16-18 8. 12th. Doug. 2724. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 3t)7 B. 11th. P. 838. TAILORS. CHAB. C. LANDERYOtT, 108 N. 18th St. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELING AV BTEINLE, 1808 Famam St. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver Typewriter I mo. for 14. Oliver Typewriter Agency. 1906 Farnam. TYPEWRITERS, aU makes, for sale er rent. Butts Typewriter Exchange, 16u$ Farnam. RENT a "Remington," not Just a type wrlter. low rent. Call Douglas 1284. WALL PAPER CLEANING. PAPER cleaning, l per room. Work guaranteed. George Kyle. Red 7846. WATCH SPECIALISTS. v G. Christiansen, 2d floor Paxton Blk 18 years' experience. WEDDING STATIONERY. WE Dhow only the correct and prevail ing styles in invitations, visiting cards. Stationery, etc. IUVIN A. MEDLAR CO.. Printers, 416 B. 14th St. Tel. Doug. tM2. Wedding announcements. Doug, ptg. Co. WElDlaUs. BROKEN castings repaired. Try ua O1.1 Welding Works. 17Cuinln7 T. ! WHITE CHINA. OMAHA China Shop. White china for decorating foisale at 64 Brand.!, Blcfc WINES AND LI4LOU. AiVJrJE.TES- 301- 8 1 St- Win.. liquors, cigars pate dlnnr. U toj, iScJ Glob H.pjor house, 424 N. liith- Cairnn,. wine. 81.26 pergaL W-rit.for priceX HENRY FOLT.OCK LIQUOR HftTTfau. 15th and C.pltol Avet-en"? Pr.r vo!',r family liquors at Klein VOU RENT A DlrliMr.i. - V14 will arOInietOn Ivn 7 THREE lo cap list mua OUet. cloM T. SULLIVAN'. ?lk RraaA..- sx Utr-v-vy . C f,0,il'.''i.- Ogdcnt Ho7. ' 4'iuna, -w i-OUULAS bT, rooms Uf'