THE HKK: OMAHA, TI1UKKIAAY, MAY 20. 1915. ALLIES LAND MORE TROOPSJN TURKEY Dispatch from Athens Say Freih Forces Debarked at Xnm Kale, es Asiatic Side of Strait. TURKS GET KOBE AMMUNITION LONDON. May 19. An Athens dispatch to the Esrhftnge Telegraph ccmpwr, dated yesterday, un it in reported at Mytilene that the allle disembarked freiih troops Monday night near Rum Kale, on the Asiatic coast of the Dardanelles. It also ha been learned there that the Turks on the Oalllpoll peninsula, who for week have larked artillery ammu nition, hare obtained an abundant supply of shells In the last few days. bells Itamal Traassvorts. CONSTANT! Nr!,. Turkey. May 1. Vla London.) The following official statement u Issued hare touay: "On the Dardanelles front. n'r AvI Bumu, there have been very small ar tillery and infantry et.gsgemnls. bnt no Important 'Hons. Pome smell transport snipe haw been (lama oil by our shells. 'Our troop on the right wins have re taken,a hel,4 t 300 meters from our ooai tlona. "A Yenh rrulser yesterday landed near eWekale, west 6f Mekri, on th southern shore of the Outf of Bmyrna, sixty soldiers, -who flr-d when our coaat guard replied to their rifle fire. Other cruisers landed about 16 soldier near Herat, west f Tenlka. Oil the night of May 1&-1S, two enemy snipe which wars cruising near the Frayrna force, retired after being damaged by our batteries." AUSTRIA AND ITALY ASK UNITED STATES TOACT FOR THEM (Continued from Pas One. atated Uiat on May 4 the duke of Avorna, Italian ambassador at Vienna, ax-Una under Instructions from his government, notified the Austrian minister of foreign affairs . that Italy considered Austria's declaration of war aa-alnst Perbl violation of th triple alliance treaty. Ha adJed that the negotiations started flrat by Germany and continued by Aus tria with a view of giving Italy compen nation for maintaining neutrality, had reaulted In . Italy resuming it complete liberty uf action both because the Aus trian offer were totally Inadequate and beeause Italy ltuat!on had become In tolerable. Austria made no reply, hut continued the negotiations offering addi tional concession. . RelattH. drained. It KHUN. May 1. Vla Loadoft.)-"Teu are aware,' said Or. von Bethmann Ifollweg, the Imperial chancellor, speak . Ing la the Itk-hstag today, "that the re la lion between Italy and Austrle-Hun-garjr. within the last month have been strongly trained. "Frora th apeech made yesterday by Xunt Ttes you will have gathered that the Vienna cabinet In a sincere effort to ensure enduring peace between the dual monarchy of Italy, and te teits into m count th lasting great vital Interests of both, empires, had resolved en far reaching concession to Italy of a terri torial nature. "I consider It proper to Indicate tbese concessions to you. i First. I'art of th Tyrol Inhabited by Italians, waa te be ceded to Italy. "ocend. The western bank ef th Isenso, Insofar as the population waa purely Italian, and the town of Oredlsoa, likewise te be ceded te ItaJy. Trleete a Free City. "Third. Trieste waa to be made an imperial free city, receiving an adminis tration which would Insure tbe Italian character of th city and have an Italian university. "Fourth. Italian sovereignty ever Av elona. a seaport ef Albania and a sphere of Interest belonging thereto, to be recog nised. "Fifth.' AiMtre-Hungary deolared her political disinterestedness regarding Al bania. "Bixth. The national Interest of JUliana In Austria te be particularly re epactad. "Seventh. Austrlu-Huagary te grant amnesty te political military prisoner belonging te the ceded territory. "Elghtn. The further wishes ef Italy regarding the general question to be as sured every 'consideration. "Ninth. Austria-Hungary, after the con elusion of the agreement, to give a sol emn declaration concerning the eonre. don. Details ef Coaseaala. "Tenth. Mixed committee for th regulations for the details of the con cession to be appointed. "Eleventh. After the conclusion of th agreement Austro-Hungarten soldier, na tive ef the occupied territories, shall not further participate In the war." "I can add." continued the Imperial c.anrsllor. "that Oermany, In order fur ther te strengthen the understanding be tween both Its allies, undertook, with the full agreement of the Vienna cabi net, to give a full guarantee for tho loyal fulfillment of the offer Oermany and Austria-Hungary herewith formed a res olution which. If It should lead to re sult, would. I firmly believe, rind an overwhelming majority la the three na- Ucn. 1 "With Its parliament te Italian peipi will now 4actd whether it will reaili th fulfillment of U national aspiration In th widest extent In a peaceful manner, or whether tt will plunge the country Ut wer and tomorrow draw the sword esalnst It allies of yesterday and today. "I will not give up the hope entirely that the seal of pear will be buavler than the aeale of war. but whatever the aacision or Italy may be, we. toejier with Austria-Hungary, have doa all within th bounds of possibility to up port an a!llnr which was firmly rooted among the Germs a people and had brought profit and good te the three em pires. Knew Hew to f"sv It. "If th alliance I tor by one ef the three partstera. we shall know, lgttnsr with th, other partner, how to meet the liew dancers with taunilru and Kiur.i. " The Imperial chancellor' etrh we loudly applauded from th galtsrte. Th various seeretarte of Stat, were present. It. pF .i h - .1.. i . . . . . iZ J sin.-t.stag Kl-W ut W boti) ur ortt Iiidrltl mill, fulltkni ka. . tonnd.e which Is justified by lb. ourse of ,v.u up to the present, with, cut nlt,-, tui wit. steadfast deter- LOVE LAUGHS AT THE LAW Although he was en joined from courting her during the period of her divorce procedings Mr. Cornelius was one of twelve men who were mentioned in the injunction. Mrs. Cornelius is the daughter of William T. Stillwell, president of the Mapos Central Suifar Company, said to be in California. s f I Ih MQ wfc wycow initiation, which has It root In unity and the Justice of our course. The Ger man people are looking forward quietly tt the future, which must brng the de velopment of all our forces for tlie good and greatness of our beloved fatherland.'' DEFEAT OF RUSS . CAUSES GLOOM IN GEEAT BEITAIN (Continued from Page One.) troops than they can muster as long as the present activity on the western front1 continue. Thl I the only road to allied victory, but let there be no miatakc-th rod Is a very long way elf. rrearli Official Heport. PARIS, May U.-Th French War office thl afternoon gave out a report or. th piogresa of hostilities reading: ' ''The bad Weather continue. There h been no development on the front during in night, with the exception of some miliary exchange at various point. I aiso to in eaat or the Taer two at tempted attack on th part of th en cmy were checked by our fire." Italian Military Takes Charge of Railroad Stations ROME. Msy It. 11:9 p. nv-(Vla Parts. May 1, . W IS a. m.) A royal decree, under which all railroad line and ta tlona In Italy are placed under the super vision of the'mllllsry authorities, I pub lished by the Official Uaaette. ITnder the provision of the decree, military off Ids Is wre given the power to prohibit suspected persona from travel ing on the railroads or even approaching th line. All traveler are warned that at certain points they must not look from the carrlajcs windows. bit must keep the shutters closed. Any person approaching a tunnel or bridge will be Imprisoned for six months. If war Is declared when the offenm Is committed they will be court-martialed. Boldier and th police are entruated with th enforcement of the decree and are to fi upon persons who violate Its previsions. Switzerland Must Arrange for Care of Million Refugees " GENEVA. wttserland (Via Paris! May 1 -There are nearly 1.000.H Americans. LnglUhraen. Frenchmen. Russia. Itsl-, ian and Perbisns now in Kwltxee n1, who will receive protection from lho Swiss federal government in the event -t Italy s entrance to the war. From aj military standpoint all four Alpine-ewls border will be rloeed. Although th. government ha. received onnai guaranties mat Be Is neutrality will not be violated It has Uken stringent meeaurea to safeguard the frontier There is no thought, however, of a gen eral tswia mobilisation. Tbe most im portant question corn-ems the food sun- r" r ,h" '0W4C lron who ''m surrounded by a wall of . ronu- Hop expressed that the" I '"ssrnl government will giro their aid. i'. Veara far fekallHar wife. SIOI'X KALOJI. a D.. My l.-B,cl Telegram.)-Prank Koetrrk. a Kluui ralu ho MVraJ wku so ahnt and wounded hi wtf in an effort to , ava v mv I' ieraircj SJUlliy- WfJ ID Uy l . unn of four ye.r. at wa , ,h- loxll jlu Mlt jtlsry. BIG LAND. OFFERS . ARE MADE TO ITALY Austrian Government Reported . to . Be .Willing to M&kav Large , Concessions. J PEACEFUL ISSUE POSSIBLE VIENNA, May l.-Vla London.) Ac cording to the prevalent Impression here no definite Indications regarding the de clrion reached by the Italian cabinet as to Italy's future course har been re ceived by the Austro-IIungarlan govern ment. The Salandra mlntstry may decide in favor of a peaceful settlement Instead of war' under any or all clrcumatancs but this . hope Is believed to be too sIlarM to justify any optimism. The Auatro-HungarUn government has rone o far In the way of territorial con cessions that a peaceful settlement seems. even lo outsiders, to be quite possible If Italy I so minded, but the question at issue appears to be not so much whore leal for the sstlsfactlon of Italian terri torial aspirations can b found a whether tli Italian government already has de termined to enter the war on th aid of the alllea against Austria-Hungary and Ovrmany. . Cefeeaaloa Ureat. "Our concasslous." said high ofiicial today, "are great far greater than most people imagine." The statement of Count Tissea. th Hungarian premier, and Count Andiassy in the Hungarian Parliament wer In tended to assure Italian patriots that the offer was mad In the beat faltn and was In no sense an "Indian" gift. What confidence exist In Vienna la based on the belief the Salandra cabinet, a the ministry possessing the confidence ef the wer party. Is th only ministry strong eaough to enter Into negotiations with Austria-Hungary and maintain peace at t'omo. Teesile Are falsa. The people, like the government, ar lacing th situation with th utmost rMmnees, even approaching nonchalance. They seem to ft that they have tried everything possible to satisfy Italian as rlratlona and avoid war. and that the rest is la the heads of fate. Th Austro-Italtan frontier, extremely strong by nature, baa been converted Into a vast field fortress which Auatrtana prophesy will prove a far harder nut to crack than Is Imagined. The Carpet Mane are a bagatelle, they aay, compared with the Tyrolean Alps Baren von Rajecs, the Auatro- Hungarian foreign minister, today waa oaived for a long time In audience by i r.mperor Kram U J est ph. ' ck neat te Taruala. ; Th Giants have sent Kred Cook, the ,pit her, to tlui Toronto club. Cook reme .nVrn'. Co,unb'"- ! . . - Duffy's Pure NaltVhisKo: 3 ! fbr jn and Strength "DARE NOT TRADE HONOR FOR PEACE" Address of President Hibben Causes Sensation at Lake Mohonk Ar bitration Conference PREPAREDNESS AGAINST WAR MOHONK LAKE. May 19. Dr. John Greer HIbben, president of Princeton nnlvemlty, stirred thfl Lake Mohonk conference on Interna tional arbitration today hy taking Is sue with pacificists who favor dis armament and hy advocating "a wise preparedness of our military forces In tbe United States." "I do not advocate preparedness for war," be said, "but a prepared ness' against war a preparedness which In the event of. the catastrophe of war itself, will prevent tN enor mous Initial sacrifice of human lives whlcb has characterized every war In which the United State have been engaged. ' "No one can be so blind regarding the significance of present condition as to take the position that a grave national emergency I not at least a possibility." Without naming any of the belligerents. Vr. Hibben asserted that one fallacy tending to obstruct the progress of peace was that "this present terrible war has developed certain practices and usage which will revolutionise the accepted re striction of Internetkinal law. so that hereafter all immemorial obligations of nation to nation In a state of war will be swept away. Kmerseacr May Be Mear. "In the high tension of International hate and suspicion, the most Insignificant accident may chance to precipitate for a national calamity. And In this great emergency. If it should conw, what will we say? Peace? Teacc at any price' "By all means let us pay any price which can buy peace restraint of pas sion, long sufferance, sacrifice of ma terial wealth, of every personal conveni ence and comfort. Let us sacrifice It all. everything which can buy peace. But. let us not forget that there are some things which cannot buy peace. If wo sacrifice them in order to secure peace, peace thus sought becomes for us the veriest torment of a living hell. We dars not trade honor for peace. cver in the twenty-one year of !t existence had the Lake Mohonk confer ence heard uch a call to arms. Tho Princeton president's appeal aroused In tense Interest and . discussion amon ' more than 3u0 delegates here from a parts of th country. 0ea!aar Address by Mao re. The conference was opened by Danl Smiley, who a usual waa host to all tlio members of the conference and their wive. The president's address wss de livered by John Bassett Moore, professor of- International law and diplomacy t Columbia university, and formerly coun sellor of th State department. Other speaker at th opening session were Theodore Marburg of Baltimore, former minister to Belgium, and John Barrett, director general f the Pan Ameacan Union.-' Bulgarian Reserves' Officers Called Out LONDON. Kay lHAU reserve officer In the Bulgarian army have been called to the color for a month training, eeya a Time dispatch from Sofia. The Turk are hurrying troop, provi slon and munition from Luis, Burga and Keshan to the Oalllpoll peninsula. All slego gim and modern artillery have been removed from Adrian opls end lt to the Aogeun ecest Keshan and Mal gara arc being hastily fortified. If You're Sick, Lay Off! If necessary, go to bed! It' foolish heroism to try to "sUok oa th ink if you ar sick. If your bask aches, or If you ar disxy, or If urination 1 dis ordered. It probably means your kidneys are out of order. That ailment may lead to rheumatlo troubles, dropsy. Bright' disease, etc. Flrat of all. llv carefully. Then, tone up your kidneys with Doan's Kidney Pills. Thousand have found relief through Doan's. Omaha Proof: Kred Horn. S I 4 N. J8th 8t, Omaha, ays: "I had a bad a as a of I d a y com plaint not long ago and did not e a p o t to re cover. Jdy limb and body were badly awol I e n and vn my feet were bloated. Rheu matlo peine al- "I eaat work today." badly. Doa a' Kidney Pill atrengthened my kidneya and relieved th rheumatlo pains." DOAN'SW 50 at all Drug Stores Foe ter-Mil bunt Cax. BufTala.N.Y iT.i a..,,,. 1 1 1 is Tbs thrifty man will surely get ahead. Ou of the greatest helpa to systematic thrift Is a savings bank Ac count because tt gives jroo a safe place to keep your atnfg and enables your money to earn liberal Interest for you. ilf ANNEXATION GOES INTO THE COURTS! (Continued from I'sso On. I to any person in Its Jurisdiction equsl protection of law and prohibiting local or special law for Incorporating cities, town nd village or changing or amend ing charters, In that the statute llmtte Its application to a metropolitan city and one city of the first class. "Frovinod two police magistrate after consolidation instead of one. "Limits application to citiea having city water, ga. electric light", telephone and i street railway service. "Provides second treasury, city Jail, police court and public library. Chance i-clnl I.culBlat Ion. "Provides fire and police member shall retain same rank and pay, but de nte these benefits to those employed by cities which may hereafter be consoli dated. "Ientes consolidation privileges to vil lages located In other than the same county In which Is a metropolitan city. "The election commissioner has no right or authority to hold the election because the law creating his office passed In 1913 is special legislation In that it doe not provide an election com missioner for counties which reach 16O.0H0 population after thirty day from the time the act became a law, providing for the appointment of any election commis sioner only within that thirty-day period, and for that reason applying for all time to but one county, Douglas. "The election commissioner has no right to exercise the functions of his pretended office nor to cause an expense be charged against Dundee for an elec tion." British Steamship Drumcree is Sunk by a Submarine CAHOIFF, WHes, May 19.-(Via ln don The Prltlsh steamer Drumcree, ehich left Ilarry yesterday, has been tcrpedoetl m the EmrllHh chanr.el. The member of Itn crew have been saved. The steamer Drumcree waa built In aumlerlnnd In 1905. It was of ton net register and 374 feet long. It was owned In Liverpool. IP A TRUSTEE should have not only Vgal knowledge, but tho resources, exper ience und facilities to proper ly execute the trust. The Peters Trust Com pany acts in this capac ity and has all of the above requirements. ' We also act accordinp; lo law as Execuior, Ad ministrator or O u a r dian. . Capital $500,000.00 ji;2fJKM'illiUViUii Sf;Avi?3llj Real Jitney Service Wars a-AT nCIU aVATBat Ws carry you for one-lialf ih'i regular taxi fare. Quivk a.rrice Is ahst builils our business. Try us once. You'll be a booster too. Uniform Bate. Court so a AerTtae. iK)ir.i,As TRS-t MOTOS Bug ABWrn. Thompson-lBelden &Q- Thursday 30 Suits Offered at $21.75 Values $35 and $45 These high grade suits arc aU from our regular stock, and include silk poplins, gabardines, serges and other stylish fabrics. Thursday, $21.75. Shades of Blue Silks That Are Popular Just Now The new Belgian Blue, Copenhagen, peacock shade, and navy blues, down to the deep midnight blue, in Taffetas, Gros de Londre, Faille, Pussy Wil low, Satin de Luxe; very popular for street dresses and afternoon frocks. White Crepe de Chine for Graduation Dresses White silk crepe de chine is an ideal fabric for the graduation gown, pure white, soft, and makes a dress that is practical and beautiful on more than one occasion; some very excellent values to show you. IIIIM res GUGGENHEIMER WHISKEY QQr 8 year old. full quart. 11.25 value, only . fv-r. ... , '.W WW Old Taylor, full quart, 8 year old, S 1.28 value . .f)8f Old Crow, full quart, 8-year-old Whinkey, $1.25 value .f)j$ Clarke's Rye, 8 yean old, full quart, $1.25 value ....... 7. - OSh Mail Orders Filled the Day Received We. Give Shoppers' Mileage. Ask About Free Coupons for China wiue. AAlrlAtr nirvr ' 121-123 North lOtu Bt. VUWlilUy UlW( . "The Quality House." a. ...miiiiii! i . " . J .m.'.' lj "; 'I'Pi'iwn vul ""-""'' w'.'P"'jsHwewl AMUSEMENTS. AMITSKMENTS. j X WILLIAM FARNDttl I . iSv IN THE . Si!S : I Miuf AiASKAN rxWm i rTc?fe 'xl ' 3 -'.x hook ry I k em ffV t fa. Mfal "V H - ee V lit faa 1 M to the mJ Coming The World's Greatest Motion Picture FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. Starting; With Matinee. Sunday. May 23. 3 Exhibitions Dally Mat. 2:30; Evenings 7 to 9 BTrSCXAX BaVAsTSXZS TXB1TIB OaVCXXSTtVA. Dnifr?fs Ketiaee All sat loo. Tsaing alnoay, lOoj Satire XWwer rioor, too. it 0RAE2DEIS Today end AU Week. Matlnea ... .l.AS THKATER Tonight ...:! Charles B. Maaford and the wonder fuJ CAPTAIN SCOTT OtTTB VOX.S VICTtTBB9 Bsesrrsd Xats Trio, it afro BO. All Next Week E&4 V..' "THE SPOILERS" The WarU'a (rat atetJoa rtetare. II aaata, si aiegs sua aa mum BASE BALL! OMAHA vs. WICHITA ROURKE PARK TODAY Two gam flrat rallied 2 P. M. THE OMAHA BE THE HOME PAPER EBBS BOOK BY REX BEACH DRANDEIS THEATRE 1 New fa how Today 1 1MB aad MAT WABBBXVI, i-ievsr . luu jugglers" XABEi, Momais "The Nut from Ni.tlanr!" HTUIELL BTZST1I.XB "foel of the Hiano" OABT. OBO. AOOBB ft CO. "Jack. Th Oiant Killer" Big Assorted Program and "THH BBBATX Or AKABT" With Helen Uiu-aeim. IOC aUseVaaata 1 Aft O O Y D 0m""' r Third Big Taage atatlaee Today, a SO Ti.g or Tata sroag coomtbt Bsat Weekl -Ailaa Jlnaay TaUaUna Taeeday. ooty Bight, Miss Clara aiefksa. Bopraao, aad Colonial Z,adias' Quartette. Mats, aaaday, Wadassday, Tborsday. At-. ase; Bights, 35c50e. 1 .1 A