12 TIIK UKK: OMAHA, THI.-KSliAY, MAY L'O, 19i:. NEW YORK jTOCR MARKET kion of Exchange Altogether Repetition of PreTiout One. rSXCE CHANGES IRRQETJLAR XKW TORK. My W Todr stock market " altwther a repetition of the previous seseton. Deallnes r of the lunt Ultht and Inattfluflr.ant rhsrarter nil ertoe Chan were aaaln Irreirular and narrow. International liere were on mora th. chief Influence, the ltne Unn In Italy end the relation htreen tMa country and Grmarr overehartow tn all other developments. Ixwtdon's market reflected the concern fell In that quarter rerardln th ln pendlnir chanaea In the British ministry. Incidentally, London reported the releeaa of t"O0iO at Ottawa for shipment to this center. Americana were without fea ture aboard escent for Isolated etrenrth In Canadian Pacific. The stock market as such calla for no detailed co tn moot. Prices wera generally hlaher at the opening, yielded before the end of tneflrwt hour, rose a rain after middav and fell back sllshtly towards the rioae. Eaioept for SDectalties. ex treme fluctuations were within a point. Mexican petroleum weakened on rumors f fir -damae to the company a piop erty and war share roe on to three points on eatremely lht sales. Secondary railway snares, like Mis souri Pacific and Chesapeake aV Ohio, were heavy, the former becauee of a re ported slip In the plan to extend .000,000 of nous maturinc June 1 and the lat ter on rumors that tha forthcoming divi dends la likely to be suspended. Short maturities of these companies and other under similar financial pressure were weak. Total sal of stocks amounted to 1M.0M shares. Tha weekly review of oondltlona In the steel trad lays stress on tha fact that the war has played no conetilerahie part In that industry to d. It Is under stood that some larva domeetio contractf have been filed. Tha forelsn excharuja waa as In fev etiah. francs and rubles deenendina; to lower quotations. A shsrp advance In sterling remittances at farts waa re warded a en outcrowth of Franca heavy obligation tu London. The local bond market was steady, aside from weakneea In Wabash . which fell two points on heavy otfennss. Total sales par value assresated tl.U6.0n0. I'ntted rotates coupon and reclstered 8s advanced and H per nt, respectively on "ell Number of sales And reading quotations on stock were a follows: him 111(1)1 Lew. Clee. Alae. OaM tuemud Coerw AeMrjoes Ba4. eusar. . Aeier4a i'a . AaxTtoaa . A R l.3 t l4 Hw s " 44 , H MO St h 10 lMlf title lit Tl ' M, 1 lH H 11 4Mb IM'l 4 M 4 li HH 1S 114 ! i 140 wst 114 liiti lit Mi M aeerira a R art Am. Suamr Reflates nrlua Tel. Tel..... lt lit Amertraa Tahaaa. ' Anemnea Klnles HHiim ' ft itt more a Ohio ja.rwlva HapM TraaaU.. Oll'orttla fetraleiua .... C.aa4taa Jartfla ........ ont rJ Leather ...... Chaaaaaatea A Onto..... (Mo O. W .. CMnw, M. St. P.... eil'asn a K. W 'Mnt Copper Cfrale Kael A Trna.... I'olnraee A Mouther rtanrar A IUo Onu4e.... l.ftrrar A R. O. M p'Mlllenr Bactjrtllas .... Art lrTal Rlaotrlo 44raat Nncthar. pM reet Ne Ore !( Ovfaeehetm E i store! lea.. IlilfMe 'entl Invrboreesh Met. (... I. MS I.400 It S4 lit H1 Tt l,em K 4 ltt Jit" m iirii 11 tta 1M 1M n m ' ne "iei Implratlon tmeper 1 International Harreeter kauna lir sesieera.... W HH Wi Ionian vatiar I ui.lll A Maatirllls M.ik-ao Petruleaat K.W 'Miami Oeaer Ma) m eH "wit MlMourl, K. A T.. Mlaanart t-erlfle .. 'National bialt .. Kiii 'iiti National !aa Ut Naria PPr Nav Yark t entral N. T. N. H A II MS MH its m Nnrp-lk m waatars. Ninlwn HaUie .. Wrlttn Mali I'aclflr Tal. A Tel.. V Vitnarlvante ati v-'-i J . l.CM KHi lftlH llMj . .. ..... ..... SSHi H , , teo ,l7i4 iM ie4 Pullman Paiat-e rnur Wtt JM T.aT "tm. i.m 2 n 11, Hi', 141 4 .Rending Kapubllr Inn Steal... Hoc alanl Co Hick Ulaitil o. pl.... hi u a H. r. M nfn.. -Stuthara I'aclfWi ......... cntlMm Hallway TiMttieMMe par Tnna i tmpiir 144 W i 1U "i.m 14 144 tt ss t nlr I'.-ltlc II. St 1x414 12144 1(4 t i l'. Farlrte VM , K5 I'nltaO Htalaft Steal 11.404) (9 tl V H. tlaa SM , ! 1( t tan Cbypar ten S44 t.1ta ro.n p(a .' l.Tna n, i ttarn I slue l.On 44 VsllnaliiM Klaotrto ., ll.H Mi I7Uj Xt.aa K'war ; Total salaa tar the ar. UK.SM shana. 104 LadWhoBorrowed" Auto Waives Police - Court Examination John Qoodi.ll. It-year-old son of Frank (loodall. 27tt California street, arrested with three younger boy for "borrowing" autos. has walred preliminary examine- .trn in poMce court and haa been bound ..over to the district court on the charge or grand larceny. lie was released -untit r eV ball bond signed by his father. ' The other boys, Alfred Donahue. John 'and Raymond Murphy, being under 17 jnrars of sge, were turned over te the juvenile officers. ' BUSINESS GIRLS ENJOY ; . THEIR ANNUAL BREAKFAST ; T!:e annuad breakfast of the Business Olrls' emit wsi held yeaterda nt-.nilii at the Toung Women's Chrtatlau tittsoclo 'tlon, from T until t o'clock. The proceeds will be used to send a delegate to th Xske Oeneva conference of the Toung ;Womn's Christian association In August The delegate will t chosen next month. fostmaster John Wharton followed hi usual custom of entertaining a party from the postoffloa and Toung Uen's . Christian association men made up an ; other large party. Over 100 were served. All pronounce the breakfast the best they bad ever eaten. Hot biscuits, "like , mother used to make;" shirred eggs, ; wafflna, creamed potatoes and coffee, the best ever, made up the prandial festival. FAMILY BADLY SCARED WHEN STARTER BURNS UP W ith the notiM filled with amoks, C. C. Vie lawn. 17U? Bancroft strata, awoke about 1 o'ct'Kk Monday night and hastily had his wife and four small children dres and prepare to Jump from the second story window, if ne pessary. Ma noticed, however, that the smoke .did not lr.case and when be a arched . the house dlsooveired that ell the amoke rente from a motor in the lissom ant used to run a small printing press. Hornet ritng had fallen from a shelf above and had accidentally hit the motor etartaf and burned out the starter box. The enly other damage eras from the rmuke. ESTATE OF EDWARD TILDEN HOLDS BEATON & LAIER STOCK la the stocks end bonds listed by (he aUt of Edward TUdwn, the ntlllluaalre mctvt packar, who died not loner ago, as priuUd ia tha Chicago newspapers, ar tr aharea of the Peatoa at lier PVr nilure compear of Omaha, which fat 01. tr that Mr. Tildrn wtv lutarested letd as aa tnvsctor. Tha executor making the Inventory scheduled this stock Hut r share and rated as m4 -I COtlllELL AND DAIRY INSPECTOR MIX IT Bonie Objects to Health Commit ioner't Criticiim of the Milk Output LETTERS SENT TO DAIRYMEN The city health department is ntlr red to Its depths over this question. "What Is the difference betweei milk and soup?" Dr. R. W. Conneli, the health commissioner, know that milk in a lacteal fluid taken from milch cows and used extensively for domestic purposes, and he also knows that soup Is an Indefinite mix ture of edible elements suspended in water but be Is in doubt whether he knows the real difference between I milk and soup. Dairy Inspector Bon- sie has questioned the ability of the health commissioner to dlstingulph between the first form in life's bill of fare and the first course of a re spectable menu. "Jled mm Carpet. As a consequence of this situation, the health commissioner and the dairy In spector are hooking each other just Ilka two bellcoee bovine. Tha health commissioner, who la the nominal bosa of tha dairy Inspector, called his subordinate on tha carpet, locked the door, closed tho transom, doffed his -ooat and asked Inspector Bossle, "What about ItT" He ver be rations of emphatic sentences percolated throuirh the -chinks of tho I door, Indicating- that Burope ha no monopoly on war. When the door waa reopened and tha atmosphere had suf ficiently cleared to distinguish the pro portions of the health commissioner and the dairy Inspector, a sudden calm per vaded the health department. Neither would make any statement rntarrilnjr the outcome of the fray. Inspector Mosaic, however, admitted that he did say this. "If Doo Conned aald tha dairymen were putting water In their milk, h doe not know tha difference between milk and water. I said thla, on Tuesday under tha neat of passion, but did not think my remarks would get out. I am, however, right In saying that tha poor quality of milk, as alleged by tha health commis sioner, may be due to skimming the milk, and also to the poor quality of gnuis at thla tie of the year." lias Tho Hoaaes. Inspector Hostile added that he Is work ing under the hi-ailh commissioner and Superintendent Kugel, who Is head of tha health -department and he said that ha reostves conflicting Instruction from these two head. ,' "I have nothing to say," was the state ment of tha health cominlsalcner. Tho upshot of thla atralnod situation was the action of tr Conneli who sent , out a l.t of letters tr dairymen, based on tests mnil" ty the tlty chin 1st Jt ssmples of milk. In one of thei-e cases the lieelth . c-omnilsnlfncr wss of the opinion that the milkmen "adulterated" their milk. The dairy Inspector further belleven that Innam-i'-h as the city chemist I under the mnyor's department the dairy Inspector should likewise be In that department Kugel Has Ideas for Regulating Jitney Business City Commissioner Kugel, who as head of the police department, will take the lead In the drafting of a Jitney regula tory law, has outlined what he believes should be embodied In an ordinance which will be drawn by the city legal de partment. In substance his views are: "I find that the small Jitney operators take In about t n day for a four-pas-sener car, which would amount to about I2.41 a year, and, figuring an occupation tax at i per rent, the eamo aa the public service corporations pay, I would say that 72 a year for a four-passenger Jit ney snd $18 a year for each extra seat would be about right. "I believe permanent signs should be displayed on these cars, so WiM they cannot be a Jitney one hour and then compete with taxes the next hour. Regu lar routes and schedules should be fol lowed snd a limltstlon should be placed on their operation on busy streets hav lag car lines. They are like files on Far nam street, for Instance. Lights should be supplied Inside, hut I would not Insist upon heating Jitneys. "Fixed rates should be maintained and no special hauls should be allowed by car operating at Jitneys. As for bonds, that Is a serious matter which the legal department will have to work out. The examinations of Jitney drivers should be sufficient to Insure safety to tho public." This matter will be brought up for discussion next Monday morning before the city council committee of the whole. Osr "Jitney" Oflcr Thla and Se. Don't miss this. Cut out this slip, enclose with Ke to Foley Jc Co., Chicago. III., writing your nam and address clearly. Tou will receive In return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney rills, for pains In aides and back, rheumatism, back ache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartlo Tablet, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic stout people en.loy them. Bold everywhere. Advertisement. I HEAVY RAINS OVER THC GRAIN BELT CUT PRICES It was a weather market on the Omaha Oraln exchange and the heavy ra'na re ported from every seotlon of the grain belt forced prices down. Wheat was off tVtfts oenta, corn Vtfl'lH and oats !ff. Wheat sold at tl.tlVfil.tMi,. corn Mj72c, rat atfiOo per bushel. Iteoelpta for the day were: Wheat, it oars; corn, 28 cars. and oats, cars. Ask almost any man what he had for breakfast, and he'll say, "Oh, the usual thing toast, coffee and breakfast food." But give him KRUMBLES then see what he says! KRUMBLES is the first Wheat breakfast food with a natural, satisfying flavor. Serve it with cream or milk. If the folks ask for sugar, tell them to taste KRUMBLES first Today is the time KRUMBLES. 1 f cent, in the Kellogg 1 vP WAXTITE package, which keeps tho fresh, good flavor in and all other flavors out OMAHA UKI SEEKS LAND FOR CAMPUS Board of Trustee Aiki County to Put Price on Part of the Poor Farm Tract. OUTGROWS PRESENT LOCATION The University of Omaha desires ! to purchase a portion of the county poor farm, located in the southwest portion of the city, for a new campus, a committee of the board of trustees informed the Board of County Com missioners. It requested the board to place a price on about tbirty-flv3 acres low enough to enable the uni versity to purchase it. The plan arose in connection wlia the proposal to sell the poor farm for the purpose of substituting a work house to be located in the country. The university desire to seek a new location, said A. W. Carpenter, spoke, man for the committee, owing to tho fact that It ha outgrown Us present lo cation and I unable to secure additional ground. The county's 1 acres on a part of which the poor farm Is located has been surrounded by handsome residences and is regarded aa an Ideal site for loca tion of a university. Krect Kxpeaalve Balldlnas. "Funds within the next ten years will be available to the university," declared Mr. Carpenter, "which would make pos sible tho erection of fl.WO.OOO worth' of buildings. The university Is growing so rapidly that constant building will be required to provide faclllUe for housing tha students. "Thla year there are 148 students en rolled and each year there ha been a large Increase." Dr. D. E. Jenkins, president of the uni versity, told of the value to the city of a growing university controlled by no re ligious body and providing educational facilities needed by a large number of Omaha young men and women. Favor Proposal. Members of the board were disposed to look favorably upon the committee' proposal. They declared, however, that action upon It would be determined by outcome of the county workhouse plan. Simultaneously J. P. Palmer, member of the last legislature, who was Instru mental In passage of the aountjr work house law, gsv out an Interview In which he dentared that plans for a work house should not be held back for an Instant by tit "Joker" In the law giving control of tha prisoner to tho sheriff. "We had to take what we could get," he declared. "Let us go ahead with plans for a workhouse, "When . the next legislature meets we Should make an Issue of the sheriffs control of prisoners for purposes of mak ing a profit on feeding them and w to see your grocer about Look for this Signature Injure would as readily pass an amend ment to the law as It would an entirely new act " Keep) Bowele Rrtalar. N'othlng better than Dr. Kind's New Lire litis for constipation. Indigestion and sour stomaih. Oct a bottle. Only Xc Advertisement. Jail Feeding Cost in Minneapolis Siiiintendent Frsnk McDonald of the Minneapolis workhouse white In Omaha ftmlshed some Information about C'.st of Jul! maintenance besides what he tcld In Ms speech to the Commercial club "How many meal do you give your prifoner?" "Three meal every day." "What Is your feeding costT" "It cost us Just 11 cent per prisoner r day." "Kleven cents for three meals?" "Ye, that is our outlay for food, but does not Include what we raise ourselves or. our farm, which would bring It up a little bit more." BETTER THAN CALOMEL Thousand Have Discovered Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Are a Harmless Substitute. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets the substi tute for calomel are a mlid but sure lax ative, and their effect on the liver is al most instantaneous. They are the result of l'r. hklwanln' determination not to treat liver and bowel complaint with calomel. His efforts to banish it brought out these little olive-colored tablets. These pleasant little tablets do the good that calomel does but have no bad after effects. They don't injure the teeth like strong liquids or calomel. They take hold of the trouble and quickly cor rect It. Why cure the liver at the ex pense of the teeth? Calomel sometimes plays havoc with the gums. &o do strong liquids. It is best not to take calomel, but to let iDr. Kdwards Olive Tablets -take its place. Most headaches, "dullness" and that tasy feeling come from constipation and a disordered liver. Take Dr. Edwards' olive Tablets when you feel "loggy" and "heavy." Note how they "clear" clouded brain and how they "perk up" the spirits. At 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus, O, CEHIGirVATLEY ANTHRACITE THE COAL THAT SATISFIES More Heat Let Ash-No 2 Smoka Ask C Your Dealer. FINED FOR VIOLATING DIM HEADLIGHT RULE Shortly ffter having hi auto stolen, damaged and then recovered. Dr. J. O. Nystrom of Kountxe Park hospital again came In touch with the police, this time S a violator of the dim headlight ordi nance. He paid a fine of tl and costs. II. K. Lehmer, E. K. Newell and D. O. Ctry paid similar flens for running their cars with lights that were too bright. II. Ferer was fhed $5 and cost for ex ceeding the speed luilt. r.iomcntQiis Future In Woman's r.lind WIT The expectant mother revolves in her mind all we un derstand by destiny. And It Is of the utmost Importance that her physical comfort be our Ant thought. There Is a most splendid rem edy for this purpose, known as ''Mother's friend." It Is applied over the muscle of the stomach, gently rubbed LttnfcV In, and at once penetrates to relieve all strain on nerves, cords, ligament and all parts Involved. It makes tne muscle o pliant that they expand naturally. And at the same time they are invigorated by the absence of harassing pain so apt to distress the mind. Whatever will add to the comfort of the expectant mother Is a great end bel ful Influence ince a calm and peaceful period must have a wonderfully beneficial Impress upon the coming child. Get a bottle of "Mother's Friend" of any druggist snd yon will realise why so many women declare It to be the most helpful remedy they know of. Write today to BradOeld Regulator Co, 701 Lamar Bldg Atlanta, Ge for a splendid book of great Interest and value to every ex pectant mother. Among the letters of Interest In this book one says. In part, "Seven years ago I suffered from Wednesday to Saturday and had to have Instruments. This time I was sick only three hours. I want to tell all that I can not praise "Mother's Friend' high enough for the Tood It did me, I had an easy time and the baby was perfect, I will always peak a good word for It." When Women Suffer No remedy gives greater relief than Antl-kamnia (A-K) Tablets in all condi tions generally known as "Women's Aches and Ills." One trial will satisfy any woman that she has at last found the remedy she has bo long been look Ing for. Indigestion Dyspepsia Are yon distressed after eatingT Do fou have nausea when riding in the cars or on the train or boat? Take A-K Tab lets and get instant relief. Gsnnine A-K Tablmtt naoT thm fi Ssonogrbm. At all Druggist. mmffl mm Notice! The Omaha Bee cheerfully accepts Want Ads over the phone; it is the final detail in making the want ad service both profitable and convenient to you. In return we request you to please settle your ac count the first time our collec tor calls. The account is small and may just as well be paid one time as another. Won't you please be considerate enough to grant our request and avoid further annoyance, and aid the efficiency of our service? We thank you. I - " Moat Modern and Sanitary Brewerr In th HWr. Family trad supplied bys South Omsbn VM. 4ETTER, S502 N Street; Telehone South 83. (hnaha Hlt.O F. UILZ, Uooglas Street; ltiono Douglas 3010. . CotiacU Itluffa OLD AUK ll.Ut. 1012 SouLb Sixth Street; lhoij 8S3. A Simple Way To j Remove Dandruff. -I There Is one sure say that haa nevei failed to remove dandruff at once, art that Is to dissolve It, then you deetro, It entirely. To do this, Just get ebotg four ounces of plain, common Ilquln arvon from any drug store (this is aL you will need), apply It at night when retiring: use enough to moisten th scalp and rub it in gently with the fir. ger tips. By morning, most If not all. ef yont dandruff will be gone, and three ot four more applications will completell dissolve and entirely destroy everj single sign and trace of It, no matt-, how much dandruff you have. Tou will find all Itcltlng and dlgglnr of the ecalp will stop Instantly, an! your hair will be fluffy, lustrotus, glossy, silky and soft, and look and -'fee. a hundred times better. Advertisement KRUG THE EEERYOU II KL COUPONS When you order you not only get a beer of quality, but some valuable cou pons which you can exchange for a great number of articles listed in oar prcm mm catalog. Phone D. 1889. Luxus Mercantile Go. eOtaVfF&vasffpPBl FEED KRUB 6REWIK8 CO. i j V'. i III ' . ' aV. j. ljL'- : a i - 4. iTillHl.v KJ.' ' a SO omama, , ' , -7 ..i