TUT. BKK: OMAHA. AVKDVF.SDAY. MAY 10. VM Why Should You Tolerate a Poison In Your Home? Never Let the Bk-nll and Crosebones Past Tour Threshold It's the Only Way to Be Safe. Of i"uh." you frequently reed n pow erful antiseptic and Rermlclilc nearly all f.in-.tllrs do. That Is why "Bonetol'- has tui-t with such Instant succpjs. ENTRIES CLOSE IN BIG ATHLETIC MEET Over Twenty-Five Athletes to Take Tart in Big Event at Creighton Field Saturday. HIGH SCHOOL IS FAVORITE Vow Home ! n't Safe With Poison Aboat. Put "Fenetnl" is absolutely harmless whetliar used externally or taken inter nally. And strange as it may aecni. 1. 8. Rovernment testa show It to le much strnnaraT as a germicide than even pure carbolic ucldl Put a bottle of "Benetol" In your med icine cheat and throw away any mercury tablets, acids or other poisons you may have around. Then use ynur "Benetol" In any way that you have previously used the others. IneteeJ of ever harmine; you, "Benetol" will always protect and help you. Gargle with It for a cold or sore throat Wash out the nasal passages with it to cure catarrhal affectlona. Sweeten your stom ach with a mornlnK swallow. It will sterilize and keep your bowels and kld imys In the best of condition. le It for the Instant relief from cuts and burns. Teach the children to use it. Nothing will ever take the place of "B.etol" in your home after you learn of lta wonders. If vou have never tried it. let us send you our trial combination of "Benetol" liquid, ointment and tooth cream. Tl.ls combination Is not sold by dealers, but Is seat direct on receipt of 11 cents to pay pontage and packing. Buy "Benetol" in 2.1c. 60c and $1.00 size.". In nearly all drtis; stores. Made onlv by the Benetol Company, 144 Benetol Builrilnsr, Minneapolis. Minn. Sold, recommended and guaranteed in Omaha by leading drug stores. Khtrics fcr the first annual mitiloor ( inih athletic meet dosed last night with the list totalling the names of nve seventy-five athletes The Omaha Hlnh rrhoil will enter the larsreit squad, six teen men. Coach Tommy Mills submitted the nsmes yesterdav Just before the entries closed. The Omaha Youn? Men's Christian association. Pellevue. the Triple A and the Council Bluffs Young Men's Christian association have also entered Mg squads. A number of Individuals who are proud possessors of gleaming records in the ,ast are also entered and they are ex pected to annex a few points which will not be gathered tip by any of the teams entered. Art May, former Cornhusker Mar. la one of the dash men who is picked to start something In the sprints. Postlen, an old orthwestern man. is anotiir sprinter who should show some form. Baxter, a half-mller. who has carried the. "lors of Partmouth and the Chicago Athletic club, Isthe favorite In that dis tance run. A. A. Marshall of Kansas Is a ten-second man In the 100-yard d.tsh and the odds favor his winning thst srrlnt. M. F. Jones, an old Crlnnell man. Is entered In four events and his records at co.lege prove he has a good chance to carry away some honors If he can ihow any of his old-time form. Jones In entered 111 the 100-yard dash, shot-put, high and I. road Jumps. Illarh School la KavorHe. The nigh school squad la running favor ite ns the showing Mills' crew made, in the Missouri valley and state meets, both of which were won by the local schools, show that the Interscholastlc lads are a well balanced aggregation. Al Newton Is a favorite In both the high and broad Jumps and Fullaway la honors. Carl Iutes Is favorite In the expected to carry off the pole vault shot-putting event. Preliminary heats In several of the events will he held in the morning, due to the large number of entries. Prelim inaries In the 100-yard dash, 130-yard dash, hlh Jump and hurdles will be started at 9:30 Saturday morning. The finals in these events as well as all heats in the remaining events will he staged In the afternoon. In addition to the open events there will he two Junior events, a five-yard dash and running broad Jump. There will also betwo relays, a half-mile relay and a quarter-mile relay. The meet will be staged at Crelghton field and tickets are now on sale at the Young Men's Christian association, Beaton Prug company and Townsend Oun company. WEDDING and GRADUATION PRESENTS ON CREDIT If Tea hare been thtnkln of baring a Diamond, Watch. Wrist Watch, ar othrr Jewelry for jxr.nn.l waar or fnr wedding, birthday or anniversary sift, thle la your opportunity to save money. HEW WRIST WATCHES, THREE-M ORE 3. Pendant, or Regular WatchC i; SO Bracelet ran be entirely detaches, so watch fan be worn as a pendant, or an regular watch. Fine gold filled, email popular alee. Full )VRuby Jfseleit nickel movement, pendant set, elth aft Jeaeled nickel movement, penitent Bet, either white or gold dial. Guaranteed M years. Itmrelet can be an:umpd to any eice. aa each link la e- EC d tarhable. We hare cut the price wl'Jiuw to "bed rock." and otter this latent 1,1 noclel Wrtet Watch at V. Terms: $1.50 a Month . Ladle Diamond Ring. 14k aolla golf 7,7 Men'a lAftls 1 Terfee- CCD mend Ring. . po tion" mounting ,."w Tih mounting, -7 e 5 Month Mk eolld gold . . . V W 17. M a Month 0n Diilf Till S P. M. Salnti'. Till 9:30 rail or write tor catalog No. SV3. Phone lloualas 1444 aud taleainaa will call. USt BROS & CO. ! h "th . THE NATIONAL 'CREDIT JEWELERS The Brightest Women Find sometimes that they are dull in mind, depressed in spirits, and that they have headache, backache, and sufferings that make life seem not worth living. But theso conditions need be only temporary. They are usually caused by indigestion or biliousness and a few doses of PILLS will quickly, safely and certainly right the wrong. This famous family remedy tones the stomach, stimu lates the liver, regulates the bowels. Beecham'8 Pills cleanse the system of accumulating poisons and purify the blood. Their beneficial action shows in brighter looks, clearer complexions, better feelings. Try them, and you also will find that they May Be Relied Upon Direction of special value wit weary fcer. Sold everywhere, la basse, 10c., 2Sc. New High Power Car I Built by McKeen is , 'Able to Travel Fast The new high power gasoline motor car, built at the McKeen Motor Car works In this city, hag bean tried out and haa been pronounced a success. The car and its success Is the consummation of the ideas of President Mohler of the Union Pacific, for which road it has been constructed to go Into service on the Kearney branch, operating between Kearney and Stapleton. , Borne months ago President Mohler di rected President McKeen to construct a motor car that would be just what the Union Pacific would want for its branch line passenger service. Mr. McKeen laid his plana and worked to them. Yesterday he put the machine out on Its trial run, carrying a party of railroad men and engineers from Omaha to Valley and return. In the party was General Man ager Ware, Superintendent of Transpor tation Lincoln, Mechanical Engineer Fet ters, Assistant Superintendent Carey and several others. The run to Valley was made In forty five minutes and during the return trip, several times, a speed of fifty-frve miles per hour was attained. The new motor Is of 300-horse power and on the trial trip hauled one of the heavy steel roaches. It is the largest and heaviest motor car ever constructed. Its weight Is 85,000 pounds. The motor car Is seventy feet in length over all. In the front end Is the engine and back of this a compartment for mall. This In equipped with everything found in the modern mall car. KUU farther bark is the space for express and baggage, thus combining three cars In one- It Is of all-steel construction and rides as smoothly as a passenger coach. tn tlie new motor car the engineer is In constant communication with the con ductor, a telephone svatem connecting the compartmenta. It Is equipped with a complete heat and lighting system, which at all times is under control of the engine man. It Is sufficiently power ful ao that In the event It should lx necorsary, It could haul two or three of the heavy steel coaches of the Union Tactile over any grade on the system. Mau Leaves Body While He's Asleep Irving P. Cooper of 9a 1 Kranclscn lec tured last evening to a Ugn audience at Thcosophlcal hall In Tne Ilee bulldliitf on "The Mystery of Sleep" He dwelt on the Inadequacy of current scientific theories regarding sleep contrasted with the logical and lllunilnnthe explanation of theosophv, which la that man. him self, leaves the body cm h time he goes to sleep and during that time Is many times more active than n hen In the physical body. This evening lie will continue big lec tures with the subject of "The Unseen World and Horn- It la Explored. " The entire choir of 5t. Andrews' epis copal church will sing under the -11-rectlon of Trot. Joeng. YENOM SHOWN AT RIGGS MIT TRIAL Lawyers Rage at Hearing. But Court Says Not Laboratory to Test Bad Blood. H0GAN ARGUES FOR THE BANK WILSON TADNTED BY SUFFRAGISTS "Greatest Little Evader" is Term Applied to President by Two Women at New York. THEY CAUSE A SCENE AT HOTEL NEW YORK. May 1R. Mrs. Stan ley McCormick, vice president of the National Woman Suffrage associa tion. In a statement declared that the National association had no sym pathy with the act of the two women suffragists who today caused a scene by trying to reach President Wilson In the hotel where he was the guest of honor at a luncheon. They were taken In hand by secret serv ice men. but prior to this they had suc ceeded In delivering to Secretary Tumulty a letter for the president. It waa written on the stationery of the National execu tive committee of the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage, and appealed to the president for his "powerful aid to remove the political disabilities of women." 'Greatest Mule reader." The women suffragists eluded the heavy guard stationed In the hotel and succeeded in reaching the floor where the president wan and managed to see Secretary Tumulty and gave him a letter to be delivered to the president. As Mr. Tumulty was walking away from the door, one of the women exclaimed: ' Mr. 'Wilson is the greatest little evader I know!" Mr. Tumulty told the women they were impolite and would receive no answer to their letter. The women went to the lobby and waited. They told reporters it would ba useless for the president to attempt to eludo them. "If necessary we'll hire a tug and go out to the Mayflower to see him," one of them said. When the president left the room where the luncheon was held the two women, who had returned, stepped out of an anteroom, and, confronting him, ex claimed: "Votee for women! Votes for women! Mr. President, we have a message for you." They got no further In their appeal. Four secret service men selxed them quickly and took them away. The presi dent smiled. I'reTfa Votea for Women. WASHINGTON. May 17.-Votea for women was urged as the remedy for In dustrial unrest before the commission on industrial relations here today by Mrs. ChrystaJ Eastman Benedict of New York, representing tha Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage. Mrs. Benedict declared the commission should Immediately report to President Wilson advocating a federal constitutional amendment for national woman suffrage. Commissioner Lennon suggested thai the commission could only report to con gress, and that congress would not be in session until December. "I had thought of that, too." said Mm. Benedict. "Make the report to Wilson. Wilson ran do It. If you would make him understand that the future of tha democratic party depends upon this issue we woul 1 get suffrage. You could let him know about It without making a formal report " WASHINGTON, May IS.--Argument on motions by government counsel to dismiss for lack of Juris diction the In.tunrtion suit broupht by the Rlggs National hank against Treasury officials began yesterday In the District of Columbia supreme court, Ptank J. Hogan. for the bank, occupied practically the entire day opposing the government's conten tions, and will resume tomorrow. An Indication of the bitterness with hlch the litigation lll be fought de- velored soon after the rae was called. The opposing lawyers engaged In a heated wrangle over publicity methods employed In the proceedings, upon which Justice t , ., ... .11. . presiding, caned a halt with the announcement that "this court Is not go ing to be ued as a laboratory to test bad blod." AsW golf lie DUnilssed. tiOiils Brnndeis. Samuel Untennver n.l assvioiate counsel for Secretary MrAdon. Comptroller of the Currency Wtltlnms and Treasurer John Burke who are charged with consul' Ing to wreck the Rlirta l.nnu filed briefs In support of their mutton to dlsmlM proceedings. They nialntnlnel tnat a suit Involving the property of the United Mates Is a suit against the United States, and that the government ennnot bo mad a parly to a suit without Its consent. the officers In their dealings with the han't, it la declared, acted In their official onpaelty and within the Ihw Til" right of the hnnk to sue In equity ala. waa cnnllenged on the ground that it had an adequate, remeJv at law. Mr. Ilognn charged In his argument that a political aspect had been in.lci ted Into the case nnd that SO per cent of the affidavits filed by Secretary MrAdon had nothing to do with the proceeding. He cited authorities to show that offlrliils of the government may bp made amenable to the court n hen they attempt to i siu p authority and asserted thet Mr. MrAdon usurped authority by aasrmlng to be the paying r.f fleer of the United Mutes and withholding !Min Interest on bonds due the Mlgga bank to satisfy penalties Im posed by Comptroller Williams. Heferrlt.g to Comptroller WIIIIhiiis. Mr Higan said. "We htle to the bar an In dividual who has abandoned being n law administrator and become a law vio lator." The withdrawal of the American Hed Cross nnd I'm. una canal flinch- from ile . p. Ml nt the ll'nti National Lank, the at toiney dm hire. I. was br.inKbl !Ih.'H II rough th.' ipflo.'P, e , f ,- irli:ty Mr Adoo and 1 VniKit ollrr llll.-nn-.. "To. gi'ther," he hi I "these men took awny It. 'in the run kink more than $'.'0.rt In di'pott, yi t t'ic siiy tli it the bun' might nit I.. h solvent ns It Is todiiy If they had not ti-1 1-, It " The attorne dwelt al Icnglh upon demands for Informal! n made upon the hnnk by Mr WIIIIhiiis lie said the di te.-tors of tin' hnnk held a meeting last siminnjr nnd asked the comptroller jnut what he desired the hank to do. but thnt no aditi-e or suggestions were iru'lvil. In demanding 1 penalty of !:. from the hank f.d fa'hue to submit a report of the lonnx of the Institution for i-lvht een ears. Mr lloin dc. dared that Comptiollei Williams made an errone ous ciiK'idatlon In older to stipulate Hint amount, which w.is due In Interest to the l.niik tind notified the bank thef It would be suli.iei t to a further and continuing penal'v. ttentit In Rail "We thought he meant what he said." continued the attorney. "It now appears, from W illi.itii... : I t'nt 11 It. th.it I r . is merely attempting t,i bully the offl. e- nf the hnnk lie now shs lie had no Intention of exuding further penalty and lie makes no attempt to enli .ilUo the amount that hnd been Incurred. Touching upon uie statement In Ml Mr Adoo s affidavit tb.it the se rrtarv did not know but two officii of the National City bank of New Vcik, and that lie bad no denllnss with Hint In stitution to arouse hostility. Mr Hogan said the National t'lty bank whs In mo win- connected with this case and did not own n dollar's worth of stiwk In the IUkss bank, and that the plaintiff hud nimle no arnisntlons in regard to Mr. MrAdon a relations with the National t'ltv hank. ' Mr. MrAdon charges that he was not ninile a defendant In this case In good faith," he added, "but In order that lihel might be circulated under protec tion of the law. That Is a contemptible and unfounded aspersion upon Senator Hnlley and myself as counsel for tha plnlntlff." nootlegver Breaks .fall. Wijl.-TKK CITY. In.. May 17. (Spe cial Telegram! - Frank Walts, one of a band of seven bootleggers convicted the last lei 111 of court, escaped from Jail lii't nlg it by sawing off the bars of his ceil He is also wanted hy federal authorities. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Tine W orlds To Mlmle Bra Tea. The Cleveland Players are to wear In dian heads on their shirt sleeves, thus to be reminded of the Braves and the lattera' jump from last to first place. Apartments, flats, houses and cottages ; can be rcntediulckly and cheaply by a ' B "For Rent" 1 Culls from the Wire The two remaining indictments agaln.it C'liarlea K. Sebastian, mayoralty nominee and chief of police of l.os Angeles, who was acquitted nf an Immorality charge, Friday were dismissed. The seventh biennial convention of tha Switchmen's Union of North Amnlca oined at Buffalo with an attendance of 70" delegates, representing 200 unions and a membership roll of 22.000. One rain has cost 5c0.ono in known losses to fruit in northern California, brokers at Hacramento auld. Strawberries and clicrrlea. thttv aald. suffered to the vmoniit and fungus growths are threat eiud. A wireless dispatch received st Toklo as the fire on board the steamer Chiyo Maru which broke out Sunday afternoon aa the vra.iel was nearlng Yokohama has been extinguished. It was confined to a tii-all section of cotton cargo. American textile manufacturers, as well as makers of paper. Ink. varnish, pigments and leather articles, are feeling tlm scarcity of artificial dynsluffs more aiutrly each day, according to Commer cial Agent Thomaa H. Norton in a spe cial report to Scretary Hed field 1 sailed at Washington. W. K. lloruff. M year a old. t p'oyed by Nelson Morris Co. as a salesman at .-'all Uir City. Utah, was arrested at I'birago charged with embesallng V, i from the firm. Tha police say thai he coifiMaecj his guilt and attributed his downfall to gambling on horse. , flad from Halt l.aa, City lul June and slnoe then has travwlrd in South America. D0NT WASH YOUR HAIR WITH SOAP When you wash your hair, don't use soap. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali, which la very Injurious, aa it drlea the scalp and makea the hair brittle. The best thing to use Is Just plain mul si fled cocoanut oil, for thla Is pure and entirely greaseless. It's very cheap, and beats soapa or anything else all to pieces. You ran get this at any drug atore, and a few ounces will last the whole family for months. Pimply moisten the hair with water and rub It in, about a teaspoonful is all that Is required. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, cleansea thoroughly, and rinses out easily. The hair dries quk-kly and evenly, and is soft, fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to han dle. Besides, It loosens and takes out every particle uf dust, dirt anl dan druff. Advertisement Exchanged Pianos Nil M'KKiUT Now J75 Kvorett 00 $275 . V. Mueller 81 UO :I75 St oner Nona JRlTaO $J2,"i r.morn $2tH 750 Ntelmvay &400 $J.-)(t Sclimulli r A Mueller 1 T0 $210 8 1 7r 8 1 r si 00 8 81 lr Sti'm-r A; Son. l5tl Kuiili.' 4T-7.1 MaiNhnll Jt Wendell HCKItl Miimlnril $-7.- Vnso .V Not MVi.T ltrailii.nl ! Mti. ller kl'ri $150 ('loiiKh Warren lMnjer for 82U0 $700 StUMCMIIlt rilMH'lll. .$3i)5 $550 Silunnller A Mueller er snro Whs (.KWI) Now $1,000 riilrkerbiK 82(K $1,000 Nteinuny 8 100 $ HOO A. II. Oihsp SHOO $ IHH Weber G."0 Free Stool Free Scarf Free Life Insurance With Every Piano Sold During This Sale lest Pianos 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL To Any Responsible Family Our enormous stock includes the World's best Pianos and Player Pianos, including such great makes as Steinway. Weber, Hardman. Steger 6? Sons, Emer son, McPhail, Schmoller & Mueller, Lindcman & Sons, and the complete line of Aeloian Pianola Players. New Upright Pianos Instruments vt establlHlied reputation, with sweet tone und delightful action. latest style walnut or mahogany canes. Now on sale, only II I sail SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. Oldest and Bast Piano House in tho West 1311-13 Farnam Street, Omaha -1 ! WHINE and ail drug; an4 drink habits over come by the most modern snd hu man treatnn known to mankind. Pall or addraas ua for mora detailed Information or references to cured Patlenta. Omaha Neal Institute 1609 . 10th St. FbOBS Dons'. 76M Make Teething Easy for Baby use Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup A SPLENDID REGULATOR fURELY VEGETABLE-NOT NARCOTIC taw n, :; i;:!i..n . r : : ,:ii:;:ti 1 r ' " : h i : V- i:'l ':: Mv: !;tl.i : ;i r !:; !-" . : ; .'!!: ::!;i!.' :i:iit: Tt:i. 'I::':., r . -n:: :: -i i i: ;i . i I il'l iliiill llli :ii il 'ill: till; L :i ;: Ii. '' ,1- M:.t : I I: : !' ; " i! ii;!"'! :!'.: ji' , ijii ,,i;!ii'i.jl-:!i-i:.Siiii!!:!i;:,!,'l.!,'H;!-:,!,!;:;:"! !::: :4Sl t' lr-i:;!: H, j '. lli bi!!'tlliili!;i:;;i !Hi ..MK,r"t;.i: ' r:: t! UK. U . Ii "i ! : : : . ft :.';!' ' !'! - h' i " i '" i Ml " : : .u. . .r W mmm4 mwm mmm X : ! miUTZ L2. UJ-t:; :---;::; A tLJt-l4M i a A Ml L 1 Pntr'H Ft,-rv-rA r r-eSi?-r3 "Vany 3e(Ii: 1 1 I' Is 1 1 U I. i. M ' , I B- af I sJTIP i;l l. Ii: VS ,i'.. ,tl., .t .jfc as" mim - sasi . ,, ji . .n jijstbv if ' HAS: ITS V :v Si: rs ; ; ' kj'- r H H.:IrV:...ii!i:,;ta.i,:il..ii JfXnri ?-rk H :: saTT jra sTKI JBT 1 K '-SaV- JC "Wi,, ' ...L V .V'll. ::i. i aa fJ cr i i r w mw j.- n sw 11 t iav -sr i.,'.kr.: rw :H:'-ti "i: ijm tat EKa. in. fa 9 AstsKT ... ,1! '' aflVIACV mfaiafl.; -. -a.,'tr- ,.cth...,. ft BJ ':&v4 :i;i!:r:j;,';'!!'Hiii!i!:,iii!Si!!iiii!;;i:iii "" H:' li.: U . mat l.!ii'i-!"i!i:' !iiii;llilill!!ii! ml 1,: I'l IM'nilii iiliii ii : ,.!:iii "J' rtS'V!,!'!;:!!!;;;. "iiliiiili!':!''!;!;:!!!::1!;!!;: i1!ni,i!iis!jj!i.ii:ii!i(l:ii:!i;:f liili .!:i::!!i-:;:::;l;:iii!::ii ii;: ;i .!i!!ti:;"!!;jlji:!!i;i;!ii!iiiilj' Siiiiitflili; 1: li ihii'HIl!: .iiv'.ii;! U.,1.1 i ::ii:r: u : ;-i::;l: VaiVllijii'iilil'-iiiliii'i'iillii" ,'U ' - It.. -v -Ua.M !; ;;'; !. ;.i.;,., 11,11,11,: h. .: 1 . ' 1 ::i 1 11 !.. ,ir :rt '.; ::-; :::::::: -Mi" ! , t- 1 : . 1; . HI rl: i:;.! :.l !ii:i! FOUR 9 Studebaker ROADSTER ... $ 985 Studebaker LIGHT SIX . 138S Studsbaker SIX (7-paasen(er) . 1450 F. O. B. Detroit And it's SUPERIORITY that you can see for yourself witW your own eyes, if youH just take the opportunity to go over the Studebaker chassis in detail. Some manufacturers, you know, who make both a Four and a Six, put the GOOD design into the more expensive SIX. But you take this Studebaker FOUR and stand it side by side with other car, and study it just on QUALITY. And inch by inch, note the Studebaker superiorities. First of all, look at that 8tudebaker-Wa(rner Electric System. Simple Huh balanced almost to the ounce every little detail of the whole system EASY to get at. Haa been used on 100,000 Studebakers with unfailing success. And then, note how simply and cleanly thst Studebaker Motor is built and how ACCESSIBLE it is. Csrburetor sits high on sids of ths motor. Vslves are easily gotten at. And you can make any inspection or adjustment simply by raisins; tha hood. I3uilt to develop plenty of POWER, too but to Disks every last drop of gasoline pull. And just In pssslng, look at the Studebaker Steering Oear. Irreversibls type, yon know, that keeps ths road-shocks away from ths steering-wheel and makes driv ing EASIER and ssfsr. Adjustable for wear, too. Many cars use the old, reversi ble type thst costs less. Then, nots thst simple Studebaker Clutch. It's a cons clutch, you know leather faced, SOFT-gripping. No jerking when you throw it in. And it's to easy to get st for inspection or oiling. Then, note thst ALL ths wiring Is enclosed in flexible steel conduits that protect them from moisture and oil and grsass and damaga from tools. Makes wiring trouble-proof. Observe the Willlard Storage Battery that Studebaker uses. Best that's made 3-cell type. Placed so as to be EASY to ses and gst at for filling. That's Studs baker attention to details. And that Studebaker Brake Equalizer that's mighty important. Many cars omit it too costly. But it makea the cars SAFER stops skidding saves tires. And the only other one like this is on a $5,000 car. Notice, too, that ths transmission is in unit with ths Rsar Asia. Increase tha manufacturing cost but insures perfect alignment, smothers any vibration of tha gears and gets mors sven distribution of weight. Makes ths wbols car ride and drive more eaaiVjr. And nots that Studebaker uses TWO radius rods and a torque arm. Many cars drive thro the springe. But thst necessitates suffer springs. Makes the car HARD riding. While the TWO radius rods and the torque arm that 8tudebaker usee leaves the springs fres just for smothering ths jolts and jars. Makes tha car mar- veloualy EASY-riding. And then, of course, that FULL-floating Rear Asle will interest you. For, with ona exception, every other FOUR ussa ths esrlier type. But 8tudebaker Daee this FULL-floating axis even tho' it's mors costly, because it's so much SAFER and easier to get at. Carries the weight of ths car on ths axis housing and has TWO Timken Bearings in sach hub to take up ths side-thrusts. Axis abaft only haa ONE duty to turn the wheels. Shaft can bs removed, too, in less than two minutes. Nots, too, thst sxle housing. Other cars use malleable castings THIS is a much stronger and much LIGHTER steal stamping with folded edge. And so you can go over this Studebaker inch by inch and find scores of SUPERIORITIES. For Studebaker has built this FOUR to live up to the PROMISE of that name of Studebaker. Every last detail has to represent the latest achievement in engineering and the highest quality in manufacturing. We don't want you to buy the car unless you are satisfied that it does, too. But we KNOW that when you stand it side by side with any other car, youH find that just on merit it's a better buy. And it costs you from $90 to $225 less at the start and less right along in upkeep. See it today. OMAHA FA OTOE Y BRANCH, 2550-2-4 Farnam Street " STUDEB AKEE-WTL60N' Local Dealer, 2429 Farnam Street.