Bringing Up Father Copyright, ms. International News Snrvlc. 7 iW IlJl 111C 1JLC LV VJI VWJL AUViiiwv.w ar as as m m - - m m aa saaaa a si bp s u ai mi sr s a -rZJ4 h: little x V-x- "Tl ' jztflA f 1 vVb v-1 b& . .-X p".'! "4 SsNT" N FATHER WW 7 JtoJ ' O A.ROOND S VT HERECOME V ? ' , 0" xJV AROUNOV ) COCO a peach.- j ' COLD POTS BLINK OM THE BALL GAME Rourkei Take a Much-Needed Beit After Swallowing Two Defeats and Are in Swell Shape. TOFEKA WINS ANOTHER FEAT What i the Rourkes Intended to flo to Wichita yesterday will be dona some time when the H. V. D. code (or mider AVerfe pastime here again and I will be )rt of a bargain bill when the bugs will net to lamp two alleged exhibition! t.t the well-known pastime for the frlc of one. Too cold wa the verdict Iraued rnd Pa Rourk slipped with Wolves the lorty-buck guarantee. Iaet year when a game waa called there waa no guar rntee to be paid, ao magnates who enjoy tood business at double-headers wera irons to cancel combats, but last winter omebody slipped over a joker calling for the guarantee to be paid play or not, o there will be less postponement this year. Due to this fact that the fan had i.othlng -se to do, a flock of rumors ere put In circulation. All klnda of flrst-haml' Jnfo -of the confklentlat tort was scattered to the effect that 1'a had fired three pitchers and tlffned an out lieldcr. ..They may air be true, but Pa's ('mi bureau forgot to' mention the faot if Ihey are: . ' Trt-ka Win Affala. . While Omaha waa resting Topeka ran i.I.e harpoon Into the oit n5 gathered Ft other half game In the percentage ta I hi. Alao Dee Moines took a fait out of tet.ver. wltli'the result that the Boosters f-assed our athletes. While the OrUallrs 1 1 II into fourth Place. All of which goes to show that the Western leagua race Irn't nijih a' worse one. After the wallopings administered by ' Lies Motrws and Wlrtilta, BvincU. and Jiondny, undoubtedly the Ilourkea Deeded a rest yesterday. A pulmotor probably aould have helped to resuscitate 'em. Unity Kru;, however, has no Intention of letting Wares get away with any more of his high-handed staff this series, t the frays today and tomorrow should t e added to Omaha's win eolumn. lUlph Willis will probably be called upon to art on' the mound today, al though Bert Iarson may be ; K rug's choice.. . The game will be called at I o'cloi'k- If It Isn't snowing. ioi x rrft iikr" it is ' air Topeka Make r.Uht Haas la Hath laalac. KIOWX CITY, la., May W.-Sloux City pMrhein went to im-e In the sixth in iii sul Tolka trade eight runs, wln DiiiK tlie second game of the series, 10 to SIOCX CITT. . ab. n. A1- ' 0 1 A. B 'nui., s 1 u 0 u 1 0 i l i o 0 tjurke, if ,. .'.lii 'orniK k. If Knnu, JU ; I. ij'une, cf 1'avl.tMin. rf.-lf.... t'tillAlmn, !u II. ih.IIhk. ob. ....... 'l.i, Jlalliiian. p iiliy, p.. ru. j, f yr, p Totals SI I 11 J7 U TOPEKA. AB. H. 1 1 4 1 4 0 11. O. 1 0 7 1 1 10 5 0 V A. E. 1 0 t- 0 1 0 X 0 0 Tallion, s 'rruliK-r. If Auyvr. rf i ailutiore, ?b. .I.i t kon. cf... i:oche, h Hajps. Hi Ti.'niieinsin, c. t nit-iusu, p. , t'io-r, p 4 6 4 6 4 & 0 0 4 0 It 0 V Totsls .: 'hi.ix City Tw ta To-iw lilt a ... 10 14 J 40144400-J .0 V 1 I I 0 4 0-14 Clarke. Jackson. Bjche. i uniu-inan. taorlfke hits: ilenalitig, 'ii iimr. ritnln haaes: Tallion. Jacaaon. l-ouil: )layn: Tallion to lltlmure to ::.!!!..: Voijng to CklUhan to Kane. In mi a plli iK'ti; By Hallman. hvg I none out i.. -ixim: by Keed one-third; by ieer iliif HC.d to-ttilrda; by Wideman. lsht '; ;.v tiu.ver. one. Mils Olf Hallman. 10; i; P.i mi. I; off tieyer, 1; off Wldeiuan i.. i.a.Ha m balls: Off Mailman, 1; off !. I; off (lexer, 1; off W Ideman. 4; ot( t'lovt-r. 3. Miruck om: By Hallman, 4. ' v iyir. 2; by Wlrieman. 4; by Urover Ull.l plli he: liallmvn. !; Widernan. : Kved. It lilt by jjik hrd ball: Hy A'.ie:i!Kii. rnvui.ii. Balk: Hallman. Tiun.-: Z '12. Cntptrt: Vanaycle, nooTr:H4 wi., Tt. To TWO tra-llaara birrs Mlaerabl by Hates. riaort I.KK MOINKS. May U.-Arellane waa nil hani and received mUerable supin.rt t .lav while Thonms ke,,i the M.ltotV hits 'Vtr "'"n1". 10 to Z. DEfl MOINE.1 AR R. It o. t 1 A. ( ii.n. n g 2 uuRLer, cf 8 Jofu-ii, lb , i n. if., ....:.. i HarUor l, aa .. Taring-bill. lh.. Hi-run, c 'i nomas, p Tola's S3 14 10 17 11 iJtNVKR AB. K. S 1 4 0 4 0 4 II. r i 8 A. K SO" 1 11.--'. I r.'. v ' i!u. t.-ll. if .. o..." I" Standing of Teams WE8T. UKAOl'E. NAT. M2A0L K. I W.KPrti W.L.lTt. Topekix ....1R 7 .tSXSlrhlla 17 .M lies Molne..U 10 .&&! Chicago 11 M ()mha ....13 1( .S4..I Ht(in .It II .MO leuver ....10 Hmiiklyn ..M 14 .41 HI. Joseph.. 11 1I .f24i I'lttshurKlt ..IX .t Lincoln .... .474: rt. I onln 13 17 .4.-1 Hloiix City. .10 14 .iwr,i Cincinnati ..11 15 ,4:'J Wichita ... 14 .. New York. ..10 U MM FEU. IjKAOL'K. f AMER. L,K(iVf W.UPct.l W.UPct. Pittsburgh, ma .uiiNew York. .141 S ,t7 Newark ...IT II .BMlj Chicago ....! li.wM Chicago ...17 13 .S(.7 letmlt .....18 11 .hit Brooklyn ,.1 IS .5f.l V aehlngton.12 14 4i Kan. City.. 16 13 .Mii Hoston 13 9 . Ht. Louis. .11 14 .-' Cleveland ..II 14 Mfl Baltimore. .11 Is .4"0 I'hlla 1h .m Buffalo ... I .iiKt. Louis. . .10 li .316 STATU! LEAQUK I AilER. ASSN. W.L.Pct. W.UPct. Kearney ,. I 1 .'iM Imllanaplls.'.IW 11 .M Norfolk .... 1 I w Uulviiie .I6 14 .iM York 8 I .b Milwaukee .) M .bM rtilrhury .. s ll.Ht. Paul 14 14 ,.V0 O.I. Island. I I ..v0 Columbus ..iom.m Hastings ..1 3 .tMi Cleveland ..1M4.4M Beatrice ... .IKan. City. .14 11 .440 Columbus .; I 4 .3X Minneapolis. hi U Ma Yesterdar'a Reealts. WEflTEKN LKAOl'E. Topeka, do; Bloux Pity, I. Wichita-Omaha, cold, l.lncoln-st. Joiteph, wet grounds. Denver. I; Ie Moines, 10. AMERICAN LEAOCE. a Rneton-Cleveland. wet grounds. . New York-lVtroit. wet grounds. Waahlngton-elt. Louia, wet grounds. Philadelphia, : Chicago, 11. NATlONAli LK.VQUU. Chicago, 1; Ts'ew York. d. ' . . tt. Loula, e; I'hlladeiplila, J. ' Plttaburgh, J; Boston, 1,1 ? ' Cincinnati, 0; Brooklyn,- . - - ., : , - FEDERAL UEAUUE. ,, , Bltlmore-Chlrao. wet grounds. 1 Newark, ; PtttaliUrgh, 0. Brooklyn-Kansas CUy, rain.. ' ' ,. ' AUKKICAN A.ionATtON. Columhus, ' 0; Ht. Paul, 1. , ' ' Louisville, I; Milwaukee. C . pf. ' 8TATW LEAUt'E. " ., Beatrice, 11; Cnlumhus, t i i-'alihury, Norfolk, 1 . ' llasUdgs-kcarney. rain and snow.' York-Orand jeland, rain and allow.,. tlautea Today. Western lague-Topeka at Sioux ICty, v Ichlia at Dmaha, Lincoln at St. joeeun. Denver ai lea Moines American LengueUoMon at Cleveland, New York at Detroit, Waahtngtoa at St. Louis. Plilladrlphla at Chicago. National league Chicago at New York, Ht. ImuIh at i'hlladelphia, I'lttaburgh at Boston, Cincinnati at Brooklyn. Federal LenKUMliltlmnre at Chlrago Newark at Pittsburgh, Brooklyn at Kan sas City, Buffalo at Ht. Louis. Nebraska fltata LragoeHeatrlre at Co lumhua, Kalrbury at Norfolk, Hastings at Kearney, ork at Urand Island. Kellehcr, .. Klxher. lb Mathews, 2b. rtpahr. c Arellanea, p.. ,l I 1 ' S 0 1 4 0 0 1 "3 1 ft 1 n o 011 .. 4 , Totals 11 lenver 4) 0 0 1 A 0 1 0 1 Dea Moines 4 0 1 1 1 11 liome run: Breen. Two-base hits: fiHiio4-r, Sawyer. Sai'rlfloe hits: tJeil. Hunter J, Jones. Thomas. Stolen bane: Bills. Btruck out: By Thomas 1; by niriiiiiri, . rua on nans: iht 'rnomas, I: off Arellanea, I. Wild pitch; Arcllanes. Time: 1.3a. Cm pi re: Myers. Stecher. and Cutler to Grapple Here on. Morning of July 5 Joe filer her, pride of Nebraska, atnd Charley Cutler, claimant to the Amer- V loan heavyweight title, will wrestle the morning of July.l at Rourke nark for the championship of th world. Plans for th big match were consummated Mon day through the efforts of Gen Metady, vnthuatastio sportsman of Omaha. For several years Cutler bas flaunted his declaration of w rent ling superiority, and by some manner or other has man aged to defeat his every opponent, itecher has been after him. but Cutler had no desire to take a 4. Th at 0 0 traction of a big purse overcame his cau tion, however, and the match la oit. Stecher will be an easy favorite with the Nebraska sportsmen. Amertraa Asaswlat lea. At Bt. Paul; R U E. Columbus ...o i 1 Ht. Haul l l Batteries: Davis. Ko hens berg and Cole man; Hi eels ana Joliueon, At Milwaukee; RUE. Ixiulsvilla 1 4 1 Milwaukee i 1 8 Batteries: Northrop snd demons; 11 latcka and Brannon. Baaalasloa Defeats Valley. B R KN I NtiTON Neb., Mav 15. irlue c'al -lionii(na'on defeated Valley In an elrven aiaine by a score of 10 to . Mi-Cknry and i'avn both pitched gnod bail, Mit'leary striking out thirteen and Payne twelve. BVore; Bennington .0 44144014 J lo Vallv 104444440 1- Batteries: rVnnlngton. Mcfleary and T'eterscn: Vallev. 1'ayne and Milton. Doable-Header Toaay, KEARNEY. Neb.. May l-i Special Teiesrara.t No game waa played In the state league between Kearney and Hast ings today on account of rain and snow. A double header will be played Weriove day. ' . i faast lea e. R.H.K 1os Angeles 1 4 1 Oakland 8 t Baiurtre: Mrogcina Rvaa. Ive and DruoKs, Abies aud Kllioii Braartl III. II ASTINOS Neb . slay g -.ipecia Telvgraui I- Manager 1 avinerd Bennett of ,tr.e Haalinas Herts la I'l ailh niunionla laaU Diay b Lnabla to play (or two weeks CARDINALS SLAM DEMAREEOFF HILL Bit Him Oat of Box in Five Inningi and Take Game from Leaden of League. SOAK HTJELS FOR ST. LOUIS Bill LA DELPHI A, May l.-8t. Louis defeated Philadelphia here today, S to 2, the visitors knocking Damage off the rubber In five innings. They bunched of their hits, which Included a triple end three double, and scored all I heir runs In the second and fifth senalons. loak held the liome team to one bit un til the seventh Inning when two runs were scored. , Score: BT.'LOtil. PHILADELPHIA. AH H O. A E AU H.O.A St Hugsln. hi I I OBmu-roft. m. I e sea llerk. Il 4 I t Oily roe, lb.... 4 SIT I'ol.n. If.... I OSS etMrker. If... I 1 4 Millar, lb... 1 1 t S Si'rtrtlh K. I i I I ions. rt ...4 SIS OPukert, lb., I W 1 Wllnn, cl... 1 4 ONIrhotf. 2b.. 1114 0 Huller, M...4 'l I IWalxr. cf... I t I KDfder, c... 4 t 1 OKIIIUsr, C...1, P ....1 1 t I Sllurna. e 1 1 S I 1 lmre, p.. 1 S Touts 31 Z7 tlwher, ?. !lnmrilnr. p 0 t iiut l e o . H(uck 1 t ( e ToUl . . . S 4 17 14 Batted' for Demgree in fifth. Batted for Oeachgerln In seventh, ft. Lonl M l. S 0 0 0 0-4 Philadelphia 9 0 0 0 I o 0-1 . Two-baae hiU: Beck, Butler, Ooak, Cra vath, burns. Threa-baae hit: Miller, l-'tolen base: Miller, t'.arned runs: at. liilx, 1: Phllndelphin. 1 Double ilayst llugglu to Butler to Mlllor: llock to Hug-, ulna to Miller: Myrne to .Nlchofr to Phk- , Vert. Ba-re on ball: Off Uouk. f: off1 I'emnreo, 3; tit Clenchner, i 3; off -Bautn rartm-r.'l. Base on. errrs: Jtt. ImiIb, t. I lit: ft Hemareo. 8 In five Innings; off Oeechfter, I in two Innings; off liaum cartner, 1 in two InnlflKS. Htrin-k out: By LHak, 4; by Pemarne, I; by Buumgartner, 3. Umpires: Byron and Orth, . Brave Trias .Pirates. BOSTON. Mav 1 Doubles by Con nolly and dowdy In the first and second Inninas were factors in the first three run. whKlj gave Boatoa a victory over Pittahurah today. I to 1 Wagner stole second and third bases in scoring one of tho visitors' tallies. Uerber fielded well. Score: . . . PlTTsmiRoii. norroN. AU. H.O.A. I. AB.H.O.A.B. 0rT. If ... 6 OS eMoran, rf ... 4 1 t 0 0 Johmton. lb i 114 lKian. tb....4 4 1 1 Hurt, cf.... 4 14 1 oD.'llly. It. 4 t 1 HlB.hrnn. rf I t t 0 Umf. cf.... 4 4 4 4 W.n.r. SS.. 10 1 1-V.iralill. lb. 4 10 4 4 Vlo. lb 14 14 VOSmltb. lb.... 4 1 1 t (lerbar. Ib... 4 1 4 4 lMtranrU, w. t 1 4 4 1 Ri-hans. 14 11 eoowdr. ... 114 11 Harmon, p.. i 4 4 4 ejamai. 14 14 Oolllsa .... 1 4 4 4 4 Totals 1 T 17 14 I TnUll 94 4 24 24 S 'Halted lor Harmon in ninth. Pittsburgh 0 1 a 0 0 0 1 0-1 Boston I 1 0 0 0 0 0 -B Two-hase lilts: BaJrd, Connolly, Oowdy, Maranville. Btolen bases: I laird. Wag ner :!, Vlnx. lXHihle jlaya: Oowdy to Hchnildt; Balrd to W miner to Schang. Bases on errors: Pittsburgh, 1; .Boston, 3. Basra on bulls: Off James, T. Hinick out: tty James, 4; by Harmon, I. Ura- jplres: Blgler and Hart. Ilnalaere Trim Heds. . BllOOKI.YN. May 11,-lfeffer pitched shutout ball today and Brooklyn beat i inciniiaii, 4 to u cutahaw a force of Wheat. Myer's triple and a sin six bv Schults scored Brooklyn's first brace of runs. In the sixth errors by leach and Schneider and three hits scored two runs and nl rVhnetder to the bench jliiown held tli lo:ala hltless for the r- niainuer or me game, lue' urooklyns l.umhl their five hits In tho two Innings they scored. Bcoro: CINCINNATI. ' BROOKLYN'. AU H.O.A E Alt H O AR Lak. rf ... lltr., M..4 4 4 1 I I 4 O'Mars. aa.. 4 0 4 4 I VOaubart, Ib. I 1 4 41 ansa!, rf.. 4 1 Wkeat, II ... liiiliko it. 1 I 4Mrrra, cf.... I I .-ciiulia. Ik . 1 OMii'arty. c. I 4 Pt'frfl.r, ... 4 4 Kinmr it., a ink lh... 4 I 1 t Ilnflllh, rt.. .("'. Wmso Olaea. tb. ... t M..II.IU. IS 9 Diisls. c 4 a i Toui it inn Irlliial4er, p t hrun. p. ... I VulKvlBHa. I e 4 as Total II I H It I Hatted lor Va.m-r in sixth. Batted tor Brown in ninth. Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 Brooklyn 8 0 0 0 8 0 0 4 Three-baa hit: Myers. Stolen bases: llerso. Kamed runa: Brooklyn, t. fKu blo plays Oroh to W'aaner to .Moll its; wanner to Mollwlta; Cutshaw lo lis li ne rt Bases on errors: Cincinnati. 1: Hrooklvn, i Baae oa balls; Off Hchnelder .'; off Ifcffer, 1.. lilts: Cff B. Iinenler, & in five and one-third in nings; off Brown, 0 In i and two-thirds tnnuiKS Struck out: Bv Brown, 1; by l'feffer. 4. l'nuirea: Qul'glsy and !soib I aba ghat Oat blasts. NKW YtUtK. Mav 11 Chicago evened Its series with New York, winning the a.i-onn game too ay. i to u. u waa a pitrhera' battle between Humphries and Ttsreau, in which both pltchrrs revived pcrieci supuon. It was suffrage day at the Polo ground. The eyual auffrage campaign coinnitlte rHlvetl a percantag of the rt-uns. r-acn player acorlug a run waa promised .s but BVhulte wa the only 'ajrr aoie iu laaa auvaniage oi in oi ler, score; , CMIi AilO. NgW TK. . ?. Aa. H.O.A K raaian. a.. a m a s usuras, ir.... s e r inr. aa .. 4 14 1 li.ul. Sb.... 4 S 1 I prnuii ii .. a a a a vuobarl, ab. . 4 4 1 I S lianun, Itil I I I SKIaulia, raa. 4 4 4 4 4 fcaier. lb.. . I 4 1! ORaaarla'a, rf 4 4 4 Wllliama. rfl I I 4Uriar4, Ik 4 4 4 Hraauabaa 1 4 t Maicra, a... 8 4 4 1 4 Kaiarir rf , 4 4 f 4 Wivr,,. ,( , t 4 4 H siaartas, 4 4 4 4 l l anau, p.. Iola I S S 4 S Totals ...14 4 K 14 4tkaaer, .. 4 4 ... ., . Tu,u 4 n 5 "i Balled for Irarruu in eighth. Chicago ...i ... .. 1 044440-1 Ni-w York ... . u I I t I 4 00" hit: KUher. ' Stolen baaf: r- nulla, .inimerinan. Kamed rui.a: ( hi btc". I Bases on 111; of! Ilamohru.. 1 Tllils: iff Teanau. 3 In clulil Iniiinua: off r' -in-oer, in one innlnM Ktrin k out: llv Tf.KU. 7. by tii-linuer, I: bv Hutu ihriea. 4 I'mrures. Kl.-iu an! Kmalta. FA1RBURY WINS . IN FIFTH All Rum of Game for Viiitori at Norfolk Are Made in One Inning. PLAY CARRIED ON IN THE COLD . NORFOLK. Neb., Mgy II. Opeclal Tel egram.) Two errors,1 three singles and a double by Fairbury In the fifth Inning1 netted alx runs for the visitors who took the second game of the derlea, 4 to 3. The three Norfolk scores came in the seventh Inning, when Purcell walked four men.' He was replaced by Bishop, who hit the first man up. Two forced tallies and a single brought In the third score. The weather wag extremely cold and only a few fans ventured out. Score: FAIRBURY. NORFOLK. AH H.O.A E. AB.H.O A B. Ttil.lbr'sit, r! 4 4 0 F)fo4'rl-k, lb I 1 I 4 1 Unb. lb..., I I 4 1 IDra. aa 4 4 14 1 Cnnlar. 1b..t 1 11 4 OMalker, tb..4 4 111 B Brrrtra, If. 4 1 2 0 OKempln. If.. 3 X 1 S 0 1 1 1 0B Hrown. lb I 4 IV 0 4 0 1 1 OR Brown, rf I 1 e 4 4 1 1 1 e-illlli. c 4 4 4 11 0 l Tticlalns. of. 4 1 1 Partr.0. aa. . , 4 S nnnoy, id. . a Boatha. C....4 4 T 4 SWallw'rth. pi 4 1 14 Pnrrall, p... 114 4 Tn 1 4 4 0 4 Blahop, p....l 4 4 4 4Clark 1 4 4 4 4 Totala..... 1 17 1 1 Totals 11 4 17 14 4 Fairbury 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 Q-t Norfolk 0 000000 01 Two-baae hit: B. Brown. Stolen basea: Hlldebrandt. Conlev. R. Brown. Double plays: Thlaalng to Boothe to Broderlck, OUils to B. Brown, Dye to Broderick to B. Brown. BOses on balls:. Otf Percell, ! off Blahop. 1; off Wallworth. 2. Hit by pitched ball: Olllls, by Blahop. Struck out: By Purcell, 4; by Bluhon, 1; by Wall- worth, . Time: 1:00. Umpire: Shuster. Mllksklaamera Wis Easily t COIAlMBl'8. Neb.. Mav . !. Soeclal Telegram.) Beatrice outhlt Columbus to-. aay, winning earliy, 11 to IV 'Score: BBATRlcg. cptrvMBt'g: ritlman, lb. J 1 4 PrM. ' rf..,. I o 0. 4 BrsniKHl . t 14 1 llrlflll, t .K I 4 14 4 Black, rf.... 4 4 4 0S.H,Ht. lb. 4 t ' 14 Naff, .J.,.,4 114 IMsnaar. lf- I 4 14 4 nrowa. If.... S ...1 4 14 'bit e-114 v 4 4 Jb 4 , 1 i I , Durham, ib.. I 4,14 ataofcwlta. P. A. just-jciiiis-joy against your palate! No matter whether you pack your old jimmy pipp brimful or roU a makin's cigarette, Prince Albert certainly will make you feel like a two-year-old on the , tobacco question justassoonasyouhitch it up to a match. And that's a fact! You can't anymore is just, from talking about it than you ' can judge the depth of a well from the length of its pump handle. You get personal information dug right out of a tidy red tin or toppy red bag quick as you can conveniently beat it to the nearest shop that sells tobacco. No matter how much you think you can't smoke a pipe, or roU a makin's cigarette, no matter how much you have been tongue-scorched, you can , smoke a pipe or roU a cigarette if you'U ' take a few grains of faith and believe in Prince Albert It can't bite your tongue and can't parch your throat, because the bite and the parch are cut out by a patented process owned exclusively by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. No other tobacco can be like Prince Albert You'U get the quick rue on that! BmjP. A. mmtyt aJUfm4tagap.yrW&aT4. Set tidy rear tins. AsraesW rn AaWors clammy ysassf trrytml-gbimt Fran, e 4 4 I 0 OMerrer. Sb.. 14 111 Krtan. as... S i 0 1 Ktutimar. aa. 4 I 1 I Irtrln, p 4 lit Powra. ... 0 4 4ft Corer. i 4 1 I Totals M 17 11 Uuatua. p..'.. 0 0 0 4 Thltmaa ... 4 4 0 4 4 Totals a 4 17 11 I Batted for Justus la ninth. Beatrice ... 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 311 Columbu 0 00010100-1 Stolen bases: Neff, Bockewltx, Ecun. Korten, flehmldt. Sacrifice hits: t'lllman, Kgan. Three-baa hit: Korten. Num ber Innings pitched: By Powers, two thirds innlne; by Corey, six and one-third Innings; by Justus, two innlncs. Hits. Off Power. 2; off Corey, i; off Justus, 4. Ptru.k out: By lrvtn. S; by Powers, 1; by Cnrey. T: by Juatus, 1. Bases on balls: Off Irvln, : off Powers, 2; off Corev. 2. Wild pitches: Powers ?. Hit by pitched ball: By Irvln, Schmidt: by Corey, Neff; by Justus, Black. Umpire: Monroe. Snow Interferes With First Day of Gun Tournament NOKTU PLATTE. Neb., May . (Special Telegram.) One hundred sports men arrived hero today to attend the annual meeting of the Nebraska 8 ports men's association. No shooting waa done today, however, because of the snow storm which waa In progress here all day. The shooting will begin Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock at the -Buffalo Bill shooting grounds. The sportsmen are belnaT entertained her today by the members of the Buffalo Bill Quo club. Beaaaa Tuaats Tweaty Roaads. DENVER. Colo.', May 18. Stanely Toa kiim Of Denver won th decision over Jimmy Heagan of San Franclseo in twenty -hard fought rounds here last nlBhL ' Reagan, although floored seven timed. Including five fo the count of nine, continued to fight doggedly until the final gong. Yoakum was Unscathed, but was unable to deliver a knockout. Th men are lightweights. . , teU how good P. A. TMT WIS pi , y XTTTSTT TTT C7 II MM II II I Ml II ran the national joy smoke aW tHt AasnjisW. FABER WINS SIXTH STRAIGHT FOR SOX Chicago Hose Trim Philadelphia with Bush on Mound by Score of Eleven to Six. CHICAGO BUNCHES ITS HITS CHICAGO, May 18. Faber won his sixth straight game today when Chicago de feated Philadelphia. 11 to 6. Faber was unsteady In th first two innings, but settled down and waa never In danger thereafter. Bush was affected by the cold and the local by bunching hits and taking advantage of hi wlldneas won easily. Score: , PHILADELPHIA. CHICAGO. AB.H.O A K. AB.H.O. A B. B MurotiT. rf t 1 4 OFelach. of... I 114 1 Oldrlng, If.. I Ptrunk, lb.. 4 fr-hans. c... 1 Mi-Aror, c..l Lajole, lb.. I Walb, cf...4 Barrr. aa.... 4 Boatlck. Sb.. 1 Buah. p 1 Lapp 1 Da via, p.... 4 ORoth. lb 4 lg Collin, 2b 4 OKournier, If. 1 4 J Colllas, rt. 4 OWeaver. as.. 4 1 Brief, lb..... 4 4Schalk, e.... 4 orabar. p 1 1114 Hi! 114 0 I t 1 1 14 4 4 llll 4 0 4 4 0 ToUto.....ll 11 17 1 4 Totals 84 10 14 11 I 'Batted for Burn in eighth. Philadelphia S t 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-6 Chicago 2 0 0 1 8 1 1 11 Two-baao hit : Strunk. Three-base hits. Murphy. B. Collins, J. ColUns (2). Stolen bases: Murphy, Fournler. Earned runs: Bush, t; Davis, 1; Faber, 4. Bases on errura: Philadelphia. 2. Bases) on halls: Off Bush. 9: off Faber. 8 off Davis, 1. Hits. Off Bush, 11- in seven innings, btruck out: By Bush, 4: by Fiber, 7. Umpire: Connolly and ChtlL - . Bwatkera Association. Atlanta. 5t. Little Rock, 1. ?New Orleans, 6; Memphis, 1 j Mobile. 1; Chattanooga, 7. - Birmingham,, 5; Naahvill. . 4. L "' ' Cef r4sja4 ISI4 V.'-' -.T i '.' '. (J'V ' r. fj y t kit A Xm j-Gather round liwiA fcMl i' hereaminute! tfMkMSl : First thing you do next, buy some Prince Albert and have a party. Get chummy with it in tidy red tin and youTl mighty soon graduate to the crystal-glass pound humidor that's a thing of ' beauty and a joy forever. It keeps Prince Albert at the high top-notch of perfection and keeps you jimmy pipe joyous and cigarette makin's happy I Ai R. J. NEWARK SHUTS OUT REBELS Effective Pitching; of Kaiserlingr, with Fine Hitting and Field ing:, Wins Game. SC0R EIS EIGHT TO NOTHING PITTSBirRQH, May 1$. Newark shut out th PltWburgh Federals today, 8 to 0. through the effective pitching or Kalserllng. ' backed up brilliant f leldlnr by Scheer and Boush and timely hitting iv Strand. Scoral R.H, Newark 8 000012 0- 7 1 I'lltsbnrrh oguii(i9w)i e Batteries: Newark, Kaiserlin? and Rarlden; Pittsburgh, Allen, Leclair, Knetscr and Berry. Clabby and Chip Are Suspended by v ' Boxing Commission NEW YORK, May 18.-Jlmmy CTabby of Hammond. Ind.. and George Chip of New Castle, Pa., middleweight pugilists, were suspended today by th New York Stat Athletic commission for, thirty days on th charge that they had not given their best efforts while engaged In a scheduled ten-round bout, which was stopped by Referee Billy Roche In th eighth round here last Wednesday night. T" , l 'V - Kimball Teans Trimmed. POTTTCR. Neb.j Mav 18-Spee!aJ) Kimball's baa .ball team was defeated Bunday afternnon In a slow game, 7 to !. Batteries -. Kimball,- Rodman and -11. Linn; Potter, Votcn and WUlls. Too Mack Material. '- Joe Tinker of Uie Whales, ha,' It Is re ported, offered Leslie Mann, Charley Han ford and Joe Havana iifrh to any Federal league club that wants them. the REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. WuiAtoQ-Salem, Ii C, i 1 i 7.