Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Sixteen Battleships and Lester Craft
with Crews Lining Rails Steam
. Past President's Yacht.
NEW .YORK., May 18. The big:
fleet of warship which has been at,'
anchor In 'the Hudson 'river fer ten j j
days steamed oul-toea at 11 o'clock I
lodajr yilk president Wilson review
Ing thV fle-mle 'line as It' passed
the Mayflower off 1 the Statue of
Liberty.'- "'- ' '
Headed by the superdreadnauaht
Wyoming, Admiral Fletcher's flas
Kh!$rthe sixteen big battleohips and
their train or leew fighting craft
steamed past the presidential yacht
at a speed of fourteen knots, each
ship with. Us sailors and marines
standing at the rail at attention. As
each craft neared the Mayflower its
slx-pounders, fore and aft. let loosd
white pnffs of smoke, and over the
harbor there roared the thunder of
a presidential salute of twenty-one
Tens' of thousand of persons viewed
th treat marine procession. Along the
' water front n both Idee of the Hudson,
the piers were black with speitetors, the
windows" of down-town sky scrapers were
full, and Battery park, southernmost tip
'of Manhattan, was thronged, ,
Traffic Hadeost Kaepraded.
'Traffic on the Hudson was suspended
Between the Manhattan and New Jersey
Shore hall an hour before the . fleet
sailed Ferry boats, excursion stesmers,
tuts and other rrst lay at dorks with
many thousands of persons, who had
eotne to Watch 'the departure. - t
Th sky wss overcast, but through the
clouds the sun shone at Intervals. The
sir was chilly. ' '
Close by the Mayflower lay the tl
phjn, (he lets and the Yankton, with gov
eminent effMala. member of the cltl
tens', committee, newspaper men and. In
vited guests aboard., fwlnglng at anchor
the' llttl reviewing squadron tf-ssed out
streams-6f pennants 'and bunting. ' .
As each battleship passed the May
flower, with the crew lining raits and
turrets with a fringe of blue, the ship's
ba,nd pi red the national anthem. There
1 was ilMla cheering tn response. In bid
ding rood by to the fleet, the crowds
seemed to be In thoughtful mood.
' War tiaeaa leia at Newport.
Leaving New VorX, the fleet made for
Newport, the rendevous from which will
be fllirctod maneuvers 1 In the war ism
ale ng the Atlantic coaxt. ' The president
and most of his party hid, arranged, to
rot urn ta Washington 'aboard the May,
flower, the notable exception to the' pro
gram being Secretary Tumulty,' who was
to go back t the capital by train. ' , .
The fieot is due off Newport .'at mtdt
night on Wednesday, to beula its share
In the naval game, which bestni at that
hour, and win attempt to cherk an at
tack from an "enemy" fleet sinking i
.landing on the Atlantic seaboard . any.
wnere iro castport.- ta tape Hst-tr-ra.
-Mr-. - - ' ',
' (Continued from Page One.)
Iiaron Von Jlachhio, the Austrian am.
bassador, fd hl., staffs ,.
foreign M1nlftr , Sonnlno , conferred at
leurtN I this afternoon ' with the Brltisli
ambassador and the lturoahlan minister.
former' Premier '.OlolatU. whose dra
matic' appearance hv, Rome precipitated
a ministerial crisis because of bis avowals
far peace, smarted today; for his home tn
the vftiakr of Cav'our, accompanied only
by bis : son-in-law. Deputy Chlaravtgilo.
IHfore leaving a expressed to friends th
hope that he soon 'would be able to ex
plain liow greatly he had been misunder
stood and how ardently ha desires the
auccesful maintenance r th. .
tlm fAttrland to which the remainder I "0'1 to whether there were any
of his nfe's effotts will be devoted. ether bidders exnapt Mr. McCarthy and
Tba cabinet council today was ene et Lrun ccenpanyT'
the ' longest on record. At its close a " kn","r. t course, there were ether
brief .eommunioatlom waa tssued stating biddofa." .
that the colnlstsrs discussed the state- "lHi yoa lt,,ow hr w" dlffarenoe
meat ta a made bafore Parliament Ko btwn V '-" and, McCarthy .bids of
further latlfnatloa was given as to what ,I0 T" v ,
action, wee takea. , , - ( "I did not Those figures eurprtee me."
. King Victor Emtnanael spent the entire "D1 ayv,tba contract ' from Mo
lay la granUner aadleaoee to government Crt "for r antr tt WM wr
otflciala and, I the eoeatderatlon of mill- "Mr' " U me an4 aaked
"rjr.aBd PoUtif.1 Muestlona, . ... . j " J
, . "1111 yei. tall -Mr. Davtes you wanted
' Vr t'lfrwtl-n. Vnntlntir. ' ' n tha contract awarded to kome persona or
The SPfriersl staff continued with rorpn-atton in Albany that haM a prtnt
fevertslt ' acmtty Its preparations for Ing establishment rathr . than to, Mr.
eentuJltlee,- i McCarthy; who had no adequate plant in
There were further demonstrations and ahlch to do the workf ,
rejoicing throughout Italy at the aolu-1 -I did."
lion of tbe ministerial crisis. In Rome a "Von said yesterday you told Mr.
great crewd climbed the Capltoline bill Davtoa you hi pod J Lyon would $et the
to llsUa to a fiery address by Oabrlel contract."
D Anaunile. who was carried on thai "I said all those things "
snouioera or the people. He declare war
was sacred, purifying and exalting. The
enthusiasm waa Increased by aa address
by Prince Colonns, mayor of Rome, in
which hs emphasised 'the necessity for
Italy to participate la the war.
la ea article summarising the situation,
the Tribune says, "The die Is csst. the
rublcon Is crossed snd the triple alliance
has beea denounced."
Woman Sluggers of '
Boston Better Than
(-pi T XT 1
1Q0S6 01 WftW YOTK
NEW TORK, May U.-OperaUons of
the gangsters employed by officials of
labor unions to Intimidate the employers
In ctutaLng trades strikes extend from '
New Tork to Cleveland. Philadelphia and
other large cjtles, according to evldeuce,
the aubetunce of which was disclosed by
District Attorney Perkins today. Much of
this evidence was given In the confession
of "Dopey Benny" Keln.
The district attorney, it was slated, has
tracked one group of gunmen from tha
headquarters of a union here te those of
a unloa In Clevt-land. where there was a
strike in tha clothing trade In l'U.
The dUtrkt attorney has learned that
women as well as men were sent ta
Philadelphia to attack womro strike
breakers and that after the end of the
striks the unions rompistned thst ths
women were not ss efft-nt ss the men.
Tbe wosien aere then taught by Feta
how to use umbrella weighted lth lead
slugs, and hatpin ui-oii Iriiins. Boston
w&m a bued for Intimidation purpttevs
wera considered superior to those from
'sw Tork, according te Fela.
-r -.
GERMAN DISAPPEARING SUBMARINE GUN, so mounted as to permit folding under
the decks when a submarine is running submerged, now in use on the newest German sub
sea boats blockading the English coast.
v j ' ' ' "'' '''l
I V, ::i-y.y:.-;: :AS- Y'j; ':V ::.irv ' - j
.... ' 11 - , i.f i
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4: - ' ' ?
Plaintiff in libel Suit Telia of
Printing; Deal in Which He Made
- 'Several Thousands..
SYRACL'Hti, May lS.-The last of the
evidence In WlUlom Bsmes' suit for libel
sgalnst Theodore Roosevelt- wss' pre
sented In the supreme court here today
Counsel will . sum up their respective
cases tomorrow.
SYRACUSE!, N. T.. May 18,Wll
llani Barnes, resumed the witness
stand in the supreme court here to
day for further cross-examination In
his $50,000 libel suit against, Tbeo-
5 ore Roosevelt. He was Questioned by
arnes Bowers, chief counsel for the
colonel, who at one reverted to the
McCarthy printing contract which
Mr. Barnes purchased from the. bid
der, who secured It and aold to James
B. Lyon for 120,000. ' 1 '
In . response to questions Mr.
Barnes said be had retained an fll.
00 interest fn the Mctarthy contract
and tlJftt, this waa lateV plld, lie ex
plained that he transferred 'the $20,-.
000 td the Albany Journal company,
of which bo waa tbe head; and when
Mr. Lyon paid him the 111,000 it
completed the transaction. ' He de
clared ha bad done nothing which
Justified Mr. Lyon in paying him a
salary. An entry -In tba Journal
booka indicated the f 10,000 waa tor
salary paid Mr, Barnes.
Wltaeea Qaestloned at Leapt.
The 'wltn-e Waa questioned at some
longth about his connection with Attorney
Partes., who, ws a member of the state
printing board ' Mr. Barnes said he bad
gone to see Mr. 'Pavles about the printing
contract at -the request of Mr Lyon.
Mr. Bowers aaMr. '.'Do yot mean to
say you went to see Mr. tavlea and told
him you hoped Mr. McCarthy weuld not
aet the contract when you had no
I Mr. lowrs thsit reintroduced letter
that peed between Mr. Barnes and
Governtr Rooeevelt. These letters
plai-ed in the record early in the trial
and wire later atrlcken out along with
other evidence arout printing offered In
LONDON. Msy II The announcement
made yeeteday that King George was
bout to discontinue racing is sstri today
nva Men erroneous. The king
scratched ene ef his tandliates for the
jiVrby, Krlsr Marcus, snd this news was
given out yesterday. From It the esump
tloa was made that hie majt-sty waa go
ing to stop racng, and other hors own
ers began to follow his example. Today
it developed that tbe king atlll has bam
maroo entered in tha Derby.
ERADHHAW. Neb.. Msy U.-SpfHel-r.orte
0t.Urn ef this plsre and Mrs.
Fhrader of I.'tioa were married Saturday.
Ths groom is a veteran of tha civil war.
Tl year old. The brio is several year
hi Junior.
Th Be Want Ads Are Boat Business
Baral Delivery fteates.
W ASHINGTON. Msy l.-(6prtl Tel
egram (Rural free delivery route will
b eotabllMtied oa June W a follow to
Myonuna: Chugweu-r. Halt county,
length of route thirty-four mllra. faju
lliea served, and llvl.lo, leranite
ount, Unsth of rouu. twenty-etsbt
mile. famtJtee served . elcrhty-fixe.
. (Continued from Page One.)
this afternoon Issued the following stste
inent on the progfrss of hostilities:
On the terrain to the west of tha Tser
canal conquered by us yesterday and the
day before yesterdsy' the Germans left
about 2,W dead and a great number of
"During tbe course of the engsgements
oi" .yesterday we made some further pris
oners. "To the east of the canal w h,ave con
structed positions recently taken by ua.
"During tha night the Germans under
took a particularly, violent counter at
tack preceding this action by a bom
tsrdment with artillery and bomb throw
ing. They were repulsed.
"In the region to the north of Notre
fsme De Lorette, on the road from Alx
NoUlatte to' Pouches, we checked eom
rlctely by our fire twe ether German
counter attacks. ' '
"As for ourselves, we captured a a re
sult of a night advance a group of houses
r.esr the Cemetery of Ablaln. Along the
front to tbe north et Arraa tho artillery
Sighting Is continuing by day. and by
night. The Oermans have bombarded
Arraa with particular fareclty.
in the region of ville-au-Bols, near
Perry-au-Bac. the . enemy yesterday un
dertook a fresh attack, but he Waa easily
leputsed." r ' "
' : RassUai Offletai Report
. PETROUitAD.nMar XSWVia London.)
rAn- official statement, issued by the
Russian general staff, admits that A us-tro-German
columns "puraued" Russian
troops, which moved to a new position
between the Pllloa and the upper Vis
tula. It te eontended. however, that at
tacks against the recently ocoupled front
in- the direction ef the 8try and Dollna
were fruitless, as were assaults along the
The communication follows:
"Since the morning of the 16th In the
Shavll region, tha battles have continued
to develop favorably for us. Our troops
crossed the Rublasa and attacked the
Germans ' gaining possession of their
trenches and capturing several hundred
prisoners. Between the Plllca and upper
Vistula enemy columns pursued our
troops, which moved to a new point
"Near Ghlllneff and Russklbrod our
sudden counter attacks inflicted severe
losses on the enemy's advance guard.
"la the district between Wtersbnlk and
Qpetow, as well as south of , the latter,
Impetuous attacks by us on the lsth
drove, back the enemy's . leading columns
more than ten vereta (six miles).
"On the Baa there baa been violent
artillery (Ire from south . ef Wislok to
PrssmjsL , .. - -
'Tn the direction of the 8try and Do
Una the enemy delivered fruitless at
tacks against the front whloh was re
cently occupied, losing several hundred
"On the Pruth on the loth the enemy
delivered repeated attacks lit close for
mation, starting from Delstyn and Kolo
maa. We repelled him auocessfully. cap
turing four, more heavy guna and throw
ing our advance guards beyond the
WASHINGTON, May , .-Suprerae
Court Judge Hendrlrk signed an order
transferring Harry K. Thaw from the
Tombs to the custody of tho sheriff In
Ludlow Street Jail.
TM was done in response to a request
from Thaw's counsel, who had. com
plained that Thaw waa suffering from
rheumatism and throat trouble and did
not obtain sufficient exercise In th
Tomb. Thaw's counsel made the re
quest in event there should be further
delay of the Jury trial to test hi sanity.
Th stats attorney general ha secured
a stay of the trial until Friday at least.
Thaw will m.t be gven a Jury trial
until June 7. Justly Hendrick today
postponed the case until thst date in
order that ths appelato division mav
hav time to render a decision on the
nea- attempt by the state to prevent aueh
a trial.
NEW TORK, Mav l.-More than
passenger wer booked to sail today on
board th Otinard Jlne stealer Ordnna.
for Liverpool. A few wer registered on
ths passenger list as from New York and
two from Chicago. It was reported thst
th Orduna had on board a Urge cargo
ef auppllo' tor th lirltUh gov eminent.
There waa aot aa Ameriraa among th
t paener when the Orduna aailed.
Captain Taylor said h wss not worry-
lag about ubmrina
. Apartuianta flats, houses and Cot Lares
can be rentad quickly aad cheaply by a
lie 'Ter Real" Ad.
- FOR 00,000 MORE
(Continued from Page One.)
of , Windhoek, capital of German south
west Africa.
The military abHIty displayed by Gen
eral oBtha has been of a very high
crder," the secretary said, in this connec
tion, "and has confirmed the admiration
felt for htm aa a commander and a leader
nf men."
Indian soldiers were utterly routing the
Turks in Mesopotamia, the secretary as
serted, and were gradually clearing the
whole country of hostile forces.
After referring in eulogistic terms to
the men in the new army. Earl Kltctw
ener concluded-
"I raid 'I would let the country know
when more men were wanted for the
'war. The time has come and I now call
for 300,000 men to form new armies.
- Cboaldn't Leave Work.
"Those who are engaged in the produc
tion of war material of any kind should
not leave their work. It Is to men who
are not performing this duty that I ap
peal and I am convinced the manhood of
England still available will loyally re
spond. "In 'V first speech in your lordship's
house I pointed out that this war would
be a long one and woild demand great
sacrifices, Those sacrifices have been
cheerfully made by. tha people of thla
country, who not Only responded l-.i vast
number sto the Summons td create tbe
new armies required, but havs slnSe cott
tlnbously supplied a constant stream of
recruits which has enabled ua to main
tain the forces In tha field and lu train
ing at their full strength and with ef
fective men. , ' ,
- Dlftlealtles la Way.
"Tour lordships have watched the
growth of the new armies and have
noted doubtless the . difficulties which
confronted ua In providing them with all
the material et war- they require. ,
"I cannot apeak too highly of the men
and the devotion to duty they have dis
played, or of the cheerful acceptance of
hardships Incidental to inclement weather
which, have provoked the admiration of
expert officers, who reported to me as
to-the wonderfully rapid progress made
In their training to become efficient sol
diers. "I am certain that In the activities in
the field, which immediately follow them,
these men will worthily sustain the repu
tation they have already attained at
home."' . .
Yaqui Beds Declare"
War Against Mexico
, - .
8AN XlUdO Cal., May U.-Yajul In
diana - who have been besieging white
settler In the state of Sonora. Max., la
sued a proclamation today, declaring- the
Yaqui nation at war with Mexico.
They , have .raptured the pumping ela
tion at Uatanalel near Empalme. where
ax located - railroad shops valued at
110.000,000. .
BOSTON. Mass . May 18. -The Ameri
can Board of Commissioners for Foreign
MInons today received the following
cablegram, dated May 15. from th Amer.
iran ambassador at' Constantinople,
Henry Morgenthau:
"All stations begging relief funda Some
state starvation threatened. Please help
quickly." , ,
The stations mentioned are th seven
teen posts of the board In Turkey.
There ts a new preparation on tha
market that la so entirely harmless and
so easy to use thst there is really no es
wise for any woman (or man) to longer
tolerate gray or streaked hair.
"Brow atone" meets and overcomes
every objection heretofore found to hair
stains and la so cleaning la lu uniformly
splendid results that It has within a few
months made thouaanda of friends who
could not now be induced to use anything
rtromnatone" la th result of moat ex.
Jhauatlv experiments snd is
, guaranteed satisfactory or money will be
It poeltlvely cannot be detected, will
not tub off or wash off. and la harmless,
snd permanent In every a sr.
Prepared tn two shadesone for golden
or medium brown the other for dork
brown or Mark. Also la toe rt sea. Me
and aim.
A trial sis snd sn interesting booklet
will be sent upon re-l)t of W cents, or
we will tl'l your orders direct If your
orussiai insiois uron suosiit uting.
Ineut on "Brownatone" at your hair.
nreeaer a.
blade only bv Kenton Pharmacal Co
IC. Pihe St.. Covington. Ky.
'old and reeommended tn Omaha bv
heruiaa 4 AtokJuuooii UruM oiuroa and
jpiuar loaaing aaaior.
- - .
Exquisite Ksir Tinting
Armenians Conspire to Kill Turkish
Ruler as He Crossed Stamboul
Bridge on Birthday. .
PARIS, Msy 1. Reports from j
Constantinople confirm the dlscov-1
! cry of an organized plot by Arein-
, n ans and Turks opposed to the new j
j regime to assassinate the sultan,
i Knver Pasha, Field Marshal Von Der j
-. Oolta and General Li men Von San-
jders, telegraphs the Journal's
Athens correspondent.
Two Armenians, the Journal says, were
to have blown up the Kara-Keut bridge,
connecting Stamboul and Oalata, on the
sultan's birthday, while the ruler, ac
companied by his commanders, was cross
ing to attend a ceremony at the mosque
of St. Sophia. - '
The correspondent'declarea that H0 'Ar
menians have been arrestd and their
fata Is unknown, while Kurds have been
given orders to burn two large villages
near Van.
Everybody Thinks
Himself Innocent,
.Says, Mr. Darrow
WASHINGTON. . May 18. -Clarence S.
I'arrow told the industrial relations com
mission today he believed the day notj
far distant when Jails and prisons would
be abolished and hospitals would take
their places.
'I don't mean that some people won't
be conflnod," he said, "but they will be
treated for their social ills and not pun
ished. Punishment is barbarism, and the
People generally are beginning to realize
It. Pome day we will try to wine out
the pauses of crime and doctor criminals
instead of abusing and misjudging them.
"Most folks bellev themselves innocent
no matter what they do," Darrow
"I believe Rockefeller and Standard Oil
a most evil social influence, but Mr.
Rockefeller thinks he la aa Innocent as
anyone and Justifies himself. Everybody
thinks himself Innocent."
Resistance of military and other con
stituted authority If that authority were
abuse. Darrow urged waa Justifiable, ar
guing that liberty always had bean main
tained by bloodshed. As on of th first
itps toward an ideal social community
ho urged " public ownership of lands,
mlnea, forest and ranges.
"There is no final remedy for unrest
except the grave," declared Darrow.
pOR heavy men
we build business
suits that look right and
atay right. Why be at walk
ing caricature when to
look your best in an ex
. elusive outfit of your
very own will cost only
$25 to $50?
MacCarthy-Wilson Tailor
ing Company,
315 South 15th SU
Bathe yon face for several minutes
with resinol aoap and hot water, then
apply a little resinol ointment very gen
tly. Let this stay on ten minntea, and
wash off with resinol soap and more hot
water, finishing with a dash of cold
water to close the pores. Do this once
or twice a day, and vou will be aston
ished to find how quickly the healing
resinol medication soothes and cleanses
the pores, removes pimple and black
heads, and leave th complexion clear
and velvety.
Realnol ointment and resinol aoap stop
Itching Instantly and speedily heal akin
humors, sores, burns, wounds and chaf
ing. Bold by all druggists Advertise
ment. ,
A STew Xoms Oare That AVayeae Oaa Oa
WlUkOWt allSCOIBIov-l or Mfmw mm
We have a New Method tuu cures Asth-
mi, ana we want you iu rr o
oaperiae. No niaucr wnotnor your co
Is of long-standing or recent development,
whether U la present as occasional or
rhronio Asthma, you ahould seud tor a
rroe tnai ox our mtinuu. itmnr u
what cllmat you live, no matter what
our age or occupation, 11 you n irwu
led with asthma, ear method ahould re
lieve you promptly.
we especially wtm to wrn .o uwa
apparently hopelee caaae, Jrhor all
forma of inhalors, douches, oplura prep
arations, WU., j..v.i. ........ -
k.v. uiad wo want to show everyone
st our own sxpenee. thst this new method
te designed to end all difficult brealUiug,
all wrineaing, ana all inose ternuie pf
oxysms at once and for all time.
This free offer Is too Important 10 ne
glect a single dsy. Write now ana utea
be In the method at one. Bead no
money. Dimply mall coupon below. Do
it toaay.
ua ASTxatA cotrrosr
U-M. Niasara and Hudson eta, buf
falo. N. V.
Bead free trial of your method to
Thompson-Belden ?C-
A Week's Showing
Devoted to Outing,
Travel and Sport Apparel
Trim, exclusive garments that lend .
distinction to your summer wardrobe.
It's a pleasure to serve you,
and for your convenience cool,
pc!ou display room are at
your dlspoeal.
New Arrivals of Pongee
And Palm Beach Suits
$12.50 to $16.50
The Store for Shirtwaists
New Blouses for Summer Wear, Start
ing in Price at $1.00,
m m a aj Pw SU.w-v b
V -e-" .JV.liill-?TrfUI
Hontsty bailt oar business
te one ef the largest praotloae la
Nebraska. . We tell you ea first
consultation Just what you nsed
and exactly what coat of eame
will be.
. yarmis axTBaoriow
Taft's Dental Rooms
Te th vacationist whose tlm la lim
ited and who wishes a complete cha
of aeon and surroundings, tow trips
offer as great attractions ss a cruise
on the Ureat Lakea Starting from Chi
cago these cruises take two or three
day to a week, traveling ever a num
ber of different route aad calling at
nearly all potnta ef Interest tncludinx
Milwaukee, atackinae Inland. (Jeorelaq,
liay, Duluth. Fort William. tMHrolu
Cleveland aad buffalo. Combined with
the excellent tram oorvloo to t'blcv
ottered by the itilceo, Mllwauhoa A
fct. Paul Railway and the moderate
rate aajned, theoe cruisea afford m de-
risk v.
B bavtsg tt
H baiMla hs- V
B me Mir orosi
ff o aoeaeoi ot lf -U
atok ot oohaioal W "
B krowloSso oa iht t o
M sort ot the eoauwe- A IjJ
JS toco. It's oolloro la tn E"J
jm yoor yockot to emptor r "T
B exsort tonhalral Msoma- k I .
Sm toa rnah h I u able te TS. II .
rooeor. tw poooo or wnuk n A4.
S, 6. PETIGOUS fffj
MrxiBOr Aatorloaa laotltete Ipk
at wot nil Bostaoere. L f$ 1
laoa w. o. w. aiids;. rf
rboave Dougla aoaf.
f la en of ear new 11m-
W '. euaia taxlaaba with jr .
X th window lowered
aa much aa you like
' rlvea - you plenty of f
1 freah air aad yeur I
I clothes arw aot aotted. I
At f oa per hour, an
te four peaaeaerer.
Teleptvoa Dovuj. 90.
I I Omaha Tailcab Senrlca Co. J
. tie Farmers St. S
1 ligtitfui and reoiful way ot spegJlng
vour vacation. Kbr follers. rates,' re
rrvationa. eta., call on or address V. E
liock. City Vassenger Agent, i M.
let. P. Ry, til? raman et.. Omahaj Neb.
An experienced, efficient
corps of fitters and attendant
to assist yon in selecting satis
factory garment.
k :: it
A Family Riscrt
Peetares f C'ear
Lake that eppaeT )o
aa please the prwg
in a eld,
Band eoneerta twice -i
de? lor every eaa
The beet lake la Uie
eeuntrr for bathing aad
beating. Ahundance ef
game fish.
Clear take Is easily
reaehea from yeur
tetra If edetate prlees '
PVall both as re-
Jards hotel aaeommo
atlona cottages for
rest and all Uvtag sup
pile Deaeea bewtlng. ten
nis end aU forma of
fcarmloae amuaeraants
for the yeeag.
Gel links available
Certo Oorde Country
Leera met ef thla
reaort. Write seerstary
of Oommerete! club
for handsome Illus
trated booklet ef Clear '
' Lake.
. Th "Saratoga
ftk Wft" ,:
Trial Quart
end Leather
Covered Flask
Finest Whiskey
Lowest Price
Wo era not afraid to lot i
ie- mimr faf FiftU Qmrt
Fels 3-Star Whiskey
e QTS. Pull
C9 Measure
expmcss charges prepaid
tnaoamj ,Twm naaqMBM. hardy, leather
omcod Baok tiled with rote Mi Whl
fcf i t ftr Tm anas PYm
Tnol Quut. rotura thiponont ml out ex
P"j a oo oqaol 4uan-
tily of any whMky yog name io tnrt,
so oMW by whom audo or oold-out roo
amy ks the haih roovorad fluk-Vi
r", 5,",Tr. We ore oa Old. bub-
S Pets MM. JliL! '
Today aat aIJ
SBpaa a gea a. Llliseaj UU
THEATER Tonight ...Ixit
Charles B.JSTaaford and the wonderful
orTH pots ncTintsi
eeerred Seato rrloea, S5o.38e.BOe.
BOYD Omaha' Moat rpular
Mat. Today, 1:20; Tonight
tzsb or Tax btosm coubttt
Taag Mat. Tomorrow
Mate. Wed., Thurs.. Sau. J5c.
Nlghta, Sc tOc.
Vest Week Alia Jimmy Valentine
Tura., So-tty ma ut. M.aa ciara JH'.iaen
Soprano, and Colonial Ladies' Quartett-.
Homed Pirarasunt Pictures
The Supreme Favorite of the Screen
In "Fanchon.the Cricket"
May 17, IS, IB an.i 20.
Monday, May 17, Lad las' Bay
Oamsa Called at 3 p. in.
r n 1
1- I