The urc way to satisfy your wants is through use of the want ad pages of The Bee. Try a Dee want ad. Omaha Daily TT ii A .sua THE WEATHER Fair VOL. XI ,1V NO. 285. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNIXfi, MAY 17, l!U,'.. Om Trains and at Hotel Kiwi Steads. So, KIXHLH COPY TWO CENTS. .Bee VICTORIOUS ARMY OF DUAL CROWN AT PRZEMYSL GATES Tenth Corps Before a Great G&lician , Fortress and Efforts Will Be Made to Betake It. BUSS FLEE ALL ALONG LINE! Vienna Announces Slavs Are Still Continuing Movement Be- fore Teutons.' ALLIED FORCES ARE ADVANCING LONDON. May 1. In the east ern war sone, the most Interesting struggle Is going on near Prsemysl, the great fortress in Galicla, which the Russians captured on March 22 after many months' investment. The Tenth army corps of the Austro-Hungarlan army is now in front of this fortress, and all efforts are to be put forth to retrieve the defeat of its former defenders. lenna Statement. VIBNNA, May 1. tVIa London. ) The following official statement wi lasued by the war office today: , . ' 'Th Ri;ieian armies In Poland and Galkla continue to retreat along the whole front. From Nowemlasto. on the rillea river, tc! south of the Pnelster, In the district of Dollna, the llld army la advancing. "On the Sun liver pur troops have cap tured Rudnlk and lnysk. The Germans have occupied .laroalau. At ;te of City. ' "In middle tialicla the Austrc-Hunga-rlan Tenth army corps Is standing before the gates of Its native town Pruemyal. Partner south, lobremll, Ftary flambor end Boryi-itJ ire again In our hands. "The allied army under General- von UnsliiRen hna reached the helg-hti south west of Dollna. "On the Prutn line, the Russians ara still attacking. In severe fighting In the north of Kolomea lnfnntry from Carln tlila and Styrla have repulsed all Rus sian attacks." Sees Preaching of Protestants Cause Of Revolt in Mexico HOUSTON. Tex., May W.-That one cause of the present revolution In Mexico was the preaching; of the gospel bjr mis sionaries of Protestant churches, was as serted by. Rev. J, p.. Chaatatn "of Du rango, Mexico,' In a speech before the" Southern Baptist convention here today. 'Tho gospel gave Uie people there a knowledge of their' Individual rights," he aid. ' " ' " A committee recommendation that southern Baptist churches should faster strictly Baptist classes in their Sunday schools, rather than the classes of Inter denominational affiliations, with par ticular reference to the Baraca and Phll athea movement, was debated today, and appeared likely to go over until Monday. The report of the executive committee on the Baptist Young People's work, which announced progress In that di rection, was favorably recommended by the committee which took It up for con sideration, and was formally adopted late today. Special memorial exercises will be held tomorrow. New Millionaire to Build Warship to . Avenge Lusitania LINCOLN. May 16. - Special. (-Lincoln's newly discovered millionaire, who waa found working as a section hand, pro poses to build a battleship, as soon as he gains possession of his fortune, and to avenge the sinking of the Lusitania. Ho will be the captain of the warship. It has been discovered that this latest subject for the Income tax collector-ia a, man of considerable Importance, whose; real name la Captain. James Alfred Tre- i villylen Bourne, and that he served as j an officer In the British army. He' Is a! descendant of Baron Rathoe and entitled to the title. Reside the f7.500.0O) which : falls to htm In Australia, he W heir toj other estates which total over tlOu.OOO.OUO. Robbers Hold Up 50 Men in Billiard Hall UETROIT. Mich., May 16. Sev.-n high waymen, three of them masked and all of them armed, entered the billiard hall of Curro A Kessler, less ttiaji a mil from the city hall, shortly before mid night tonight. They lilted up fifty men and escaped, the police say, with more than M.500. The Weather Tenpera tare at Omaha Yesterdar. 5 1 - UJ 1 Hour. Deg. , m S 5tS::::::::::::::IS e A 7a m ,60 ST 4 8tr5::::::::::::::S T:1'" J If 10 a. in Wi f.'s ii, ii a. m M V-W "CT) m U "VYT "4 n- m M CtJfcS jt :::::::::::::: 8 7 p. nv..... M Csavratlv . L.aal Heeeird. wis. ;. ism. ii 5S 71 7 24 Highest yeaterday . I'Uweet yeaterduy . Mean temperature . I'recipitation T.mD.r.tur mnA 47 b) S3 l .0 .UO M 41 prexlpitauon depar. tiirrs from the normal: Normal etmierature S3 Ieflri.ncy lor th" day 11 Total excess finre March 1 123 Nurmal precipitation 1 Inch I efK-iencjr for the riav J, In. h To it! rainfall sinre .Man-It 1 !u Itx hes I efteicny since Msrch 1 . .3.75 inches l fl iency for cor. perin.J, 114. .1 H ln ti, s Excess fur cor. pt rlud, U13 Z.34 loi bts , L. A. WUJbH, Local Vorecaater. PORTUGAL REYOLT REPORTEDCRUSHED Wireleit Dispatch from Liibon Beaches Madrid that Revo lution Put Down. CAPITAL SHELLED BY FLEE' nt M.fcTix. DADAJOZ, Spain. May 16. (Via Paris.) The latest news received here from Portugal is to the effect that a general of the Insurrectionary party, commanding 3,000 troops, Is now outside Lisbon preparing to storm the city. . Rt-M.KTI. MADRID, May 15 (via Paris, May The president of Portu gal, Manuel de Arriaga, Is reported to have disappeared. LONDON, May 16. A wtreleas dispatch from Lisbon received by the Fabre agency at Madrid at 11:40 last night says the Insurrection hae been crushed. Captain Martins Lima has as sumed command of the republican troops. There are rumors at Mad rid, continues the dispatch, that the leave of Spanish naval officers has been suspended and that the battle ships Espana and Carlos Quinto have been ordered to Lisbon. It la also stated that two regimenta of In fantry have been sent to Badajoz, Spain, on the frontier. , To Restore HepoMlc. A Renter dispatch from Lisbon says the revolutionary - committee has Issued a proclamation stating that the object of the movement is to restore a real repub lic. They desire a national government and therefore wilt hoist no party flag. They counsel the people not to Indulge ln reprisals, but to trust the national government, which "will act generously towards the vanquished." The revolutionary committee met board the battleship Vasco Da Oimi for the purpose of selecting a new gol rnment. It is . reported that Joac Chagaa, former premier and minister of the Interior, will be the new premier and also minister of the Interior. Lisbon Bosnbardod. A rebel naval squadron has bombarded the city of .Lisbon from the River Tagus, according to further advices from Mad rid received by the Fabre agency. These advices to 'Madrid are described as official and they come direct from Lisbon.' ' ' Th bomtArdment of the warships re- sulted -la-ibe- killing of a number eCrfuvj pie and the wounding of others. - Con siderable damage also was done. , It , would appear that the navy Is at the headof tat rebel movement. Private advloaa reaching th Spanish capital from Lisbon sets forth that ths commander of the -Portuguese cruiser Q. Vaaco de Game, has been murdered.' Th army garrisoning IJsbon Is remain ing loyal to President Arriaga. A dispatch from Madrid to Reuters Telegram company says it is reported that ' Or. .Alfonso Costa, former premier of Portugal, " has been assassinated In Lisbon. . . j - Revolt Cnder Coatrol. PARIS, May 14 A message from Lis bon by way of Madrid to the Havaa agency says that . the Insurrection In Portugal ia under control. President de Arriaga of Portugal aban doned the palace of Belem and went to Lisbon under th escort of th reputllcan government, according to . the Madrid correspondent of the JIavas agency. Hist! Country Full Of 'Spies' Who Read Public Men's Spiels CHICAGO, May lSThat the 1'nlted States Is as honeycombed with spies as any European nation was asserted by spoaiierH at the convention of the Naval and Military order of the Spanish-American war here today. The spy queatloa waa raised in the dis cussion of a resolution by Major Edwa-d Schulse of Connecticut caJllng upon pub lic, men io oease "blasting" th reputa tion of the United States as a power. He said when weak points In the country's defense were found the proper authorities should be notified Instead of th adminis tration held up to rldioule. Opponents to the resolution said the country was so filled with spies that It waa of no consequence what public speak ers said about the country's defense. Colonel Milton J. Foreman, commander of ' the First cavalry. Illinois National guard, waa elected commander-in-chief for the coming year. The Rev. E. J. Vattmsn. a major In the regular army, retired, who celebrated his jubilee as fifty years a priest this week, was chosen chaplaln-ln-chlef. Attempt to Raid the Pacific Cable Station Close to Vancouver VANCOUVER. B. t'.. May 1-Aa armed raiding party attacked th Pacific cable station at Bam field Creek on th west coaat of Vancouver Island early to day. Shots war exchanged between th raiders and a sentry, who roused th military guard. Th raiders escaped In the darkness. The attackers escaped la s launch, which is believed lo have been fitted out in some Puget sound port In the state of Washington. The attackers were almost upon . the entry before they were discovered. Two man penet rated to the space between th main office and the superintendent's residence. They fled when shooting began. The military guard learned that a launch for several days has been ex changing signals with the shore. Addi tional guards have been placed at the station. RUSSIAN PRIEST GIVING soldiers just brought in from I l ooSn'' r n IL I I " v-' " "A r A j -- , Av i . 1 , :. t - V " i - ) . ' - ' ' ? : 1 U. S. MARINES WILL MO YE UPON YAQUIS American Force to Be Landed at Guaymas for Protection of Their Colonists. YANKS AND INDIANS FIGHTING m'I.I.ETI.V. SAN DIEGO, May 1 The cruiser Colorado, flagship of the Pacific fleet, carrying" an expeditionary force of marines and a machine ran for their ' use, sailed . for Mexican waters this afternoon to aid,, it neces sary, American colonists la 8onora who have- been fighting Yaqul In diana. ' J eassaaiaeasais WASHINOTON. May 16. Amer- mnelnas will Ka 1 0 WA tkA at t I Guymas and sent to the aid of Americans In danger because of Taqui Indian outbreaks If the com manders . of warshipa sent to the Mexican port believe this to be neces sary. After a conference today with Secretary Bryan, Rear Admiral Ben son, acting secretary of the navy, said: ' "We hope the Americans will make their way to the coast and be taken aboard the cruiser, but if it Is necessary to send out landing parties, Comander T. C. Magroder of the Raleigh Is authorized to take that action." irt-dered to Gaayanaa. The Raleigh and New Orleans - have been ordered to Guaymas. State department advice from Hermo slllo today confirmed the reported killing cf J. J. Donovan, VV. A. alr anl Jack Wilson and the wounding of Z. O. Stocker, all Americana, in the recent out break in the Yau.ul valley. Secretary Cryan said Information from several sources showed all Americans In the val ley to be In danger. The department, he aid, was making every effort to protect them and get them out of the danger tone. Admiral Howard, commanding the Pa cific fleet, notified the department late in the day that the Taqul and Mexicans till were fighting. Regular Mexican troops, he raid, had refused to advance gainst the Indiana. Still Flahtlag Indies. UOS ANGELES, Cel., May 15. Tele grams received late today from Uuiymai stated that the American ookmlets near Fsperansa, Sonora, still were fighting th Yaqul Indiana who attacked them last Wednesday and that they had sent a re quest to the commander of an American cruiser at Guaymas to send thera a rapid fire gun. The request. It was added, had been forwarded to Admiral Howard, conv n snder of the Pacific fleet. The telegrams of the president con firmed Information that Mexican troops which Governor Maytorens declared he had sent to the aid of th colonists were rot within twenty miles of the scene of the fighting. REICHSTAG MEMBERS' RIGHTS ARE RESPECTED BERLIN, (via London). May 1.-N-wlthstanding th fact that the empire la ruled by martial law, the eonwtltut tonal rlghta of members of th Reichstag can rot be abridged. . This was shown by declarations made by Vtoe Chancellor Delbrueck to the budget committee of the Relchatag In answering que of socialists touching two of their members. Herr Haase complained that action had been begun In a military court against Dr. Karl Liebneck for making statements cf a political nature and that hla com rades had been foi bidden to apeak to I Im under a penalty. The vie chan cellor replied that such a prore.'H mas not legal and that the government had Intervened Immediately to hav It discontinued. BLESSING to wounded the firing line. WAIT FOR ITALY TO POINT WHICH WAY Greece, Bulgaria and , Roumania Watch Neighbor State in Critical Hour. ; assaaiMss BRITISH RESISTING ALL ATTACKS LONDON, May 16. With the out break of a revolution In Portugal, which according to dispatches from Madrid, Is supported by the - navy. Spain. Switxerland. Holland and the Scandinavian countries are the only State in Europe which are not either naarnd in war or have domestic troubles to occupy their attention. Very little news has yet come through from Lisbon, but It is re ported that the navy hat bombarded the capital held by the army, which remains . loyal to the president, Manuel de Arriage. It is not known whether the insurrection was started by the royalists, but members of that party resident In London disclaim all knowledge of 't. ( Waltlaa; ' Itajy. Greece, Bulgaria and Roumania, where there are pro-war and anti-war parties, are waiting for the final decision of Italy as to whether it will join th allies-e decision which has been delayed by th resignation or Premier Salandra, who, however, is reported from Rome to be back in office. The prediction is made that Halandra will form a new govern ment, with the support of the leaders of the stronger parties In the chamber. Among th belligerents Interest wavers between the battles in Galicla, Flanders and Pas da Calais and the operations In the Dardanelles, from which important news regarding the advance of the allies is dally expected. to far as Galicla is concerned, th po" ,n" m"tho's of Denver and lntr-Austro-German rush seems to hsv x-in"d,at Plns to .divert trsvel from the hauated itself when the river Ban wasrr1 Lincoln highway In Nebraska and reached and all the towns on the west i W yom,n,r to Colorado, bank of that river, including Jaroslau fell Th wy to tne co"t "" to Denver Into their hand This compelled th ' on th" r"lar Lincoln highway through Russians to fall back In southern Poland. wr"torn Ncrsska and Cheyenne, tho so that their line now runs from Plock. 1 ,Ur" d"'r- on the lower Vistula, southeastward to I Te ru,e lo" the South Piatt valley Presemysl. thence south and east through ! 5? Dpnv,r- t,Mr " slmost lmpa.mablo eastern Galicla and Bukowlna to th! Roumanian border. Rasalaas Pursue Ofl At the latter end of this line the Rus sians ara still pursuing their offensive and hav driven the Austrian back In disorder for some twenty miles, but they themselves are being forced out of the Carpathian mountains and are in danger of losing Prxemysl aa the - Austrlans and Germans are to the north and south of that city. in UriUstt appear to have resisted successfully all German attacks on I Jj??' T.h"! th" l"" bttve continued their attack, from the sea to Dlxmud ...u rr,ln , -runner neaa- hull( Mex,COt w, ru,h acrosa the bor way north of Arras. It would appear . ,nto the r)ted Kute, ,t j,,., nio from the long French official statement tomght, aft(r an exclUng chase In which Issued today that this offensive In this i attempted destruction of the bullion I brought Into the world, through pain and part of Pa de Calasls was not intended j a ,k)rmUh unween Villa troops and ! ""Uig. to serve a higher purpose than aa the commencement of the big general j th, tr,, eonvoy and the pursuit of the lht of sacrifice to th greed of nations." movement, but was merely an operation U,,, by villa cavalry were Incidents. I Invitation were received for the oon whlch has been completely successful to AccorAlat to , ,tory from r,.,,,,, ference to meet next year at Nashvtll. rectify their front In which Carrency Htxloo, Rayoui Madero. governor of Tenn- Chicago. Bt. Ixiuls and New York, formed a threatening salient. Neuvo Uton .n fomer )emlmr of q,,,. Nashville was considered the probable They had most formidable positions to villa's staff, sent the bullion without winner, overcome, but after a terrific artillery v'm.- n . bombardment they were successful. They . are carrying out an offensive in th. Woevre and have made further progress' In some sections while in others the Oer. ! mans claim to have secured the advan tage. NEARLY HUNDRED MILLION IN SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS P1LRRK. 8. D.. Me.y l.-telal ) Nearly liOo.tind.OOO In deposit In the bank of South Dakota, is the showing of th stat and national banka In the stats at the call of condition of such banka In March. Of thin the State banks carried much the larger aum wjth Ifi7.496.3r.', and the National banks, fJC.UiO.lM FRANCE REPORTS CONTINUED GAINS AGAINSTENEM1ES Paris Telli of Bepulse with Com plete Success of Fourth Ger man Counter Attack at Steenstraete. C0NSEBVE ' POSITIONS TAKEN British Inflict Serious Check on Teutons and Win Some Tr:nches. ACTIVITY TO NORTH OF ARRAS PARIS, May 16. The following official communication was issued by the war office tonight: "We repulsed this ntternon, with complete success, a fourth Gorman counter attack at Sleenstraete. We have conserved all the positions won yesterday and consolidated our gain, , . . the Importance of which Is emphasi sed ' by the enemy. violent effort of the RrllUh Advance rnntlunea. "Further to the e-uth the British troep! inflicted on the Oermana a serious check and carried to the southwest of Rli-he- bout -L' A voue a kilometer lto-thlrds of! I mile) of trenches. At the sam tlmei1"' repr-sontlng th German I to the northwest of Feat.ibert they took I poaaeaalon of MO meter., of trenrhea. j "This second attack was later pushed In the direction of Qulnqtin street, and I !on a front of wn meters resulted In a gsln of l,W0 meters (about a mile), in which the number of German losaem was very high. The advance of the British troops continues. "in the sector to the north of Arras, we have carried out divers actions with a view to consolidating our new front ur l" nunui newspaper. iara In driving out the enemy from several ! N",,Hnalc- nur"1 hl" can" huah a points, where they were stilt holding j w,n,,ow of tho 'nha He was ar on, our troop gave proof In the struggle, j re"ted' foot hy foot, of great tenacity. j . Pk for War. "We gained If metera on the .lope At a meeting in Borrfheae square twenty which descends from the plateau of i r'"k''r"- mo't of tnem deputies, mado Lorette near the sugar refinery of Pouches. We have carried some addl-1 tlonal houses In the northern n.rt of;"' ",nB " country to be In JNeuvllle, exploded a c.ptlve German b.l J loon to the east of Vlmy and our aviator. have bombarded the station of Foumaln Then i r-h.-. . ., w . Of Vllle-Kur-Tourbe. an ax tlon of . i;tne cabinet inflated on resigning local nature has given to us a very brilliant success. Raplnde Mia. "Last night the enemy exploded a mine behind our first line. Eight Oer- ' r CT.w .'"e, ; themselves on oar positions and ' they j 'nd a foothold la one faiiqnt. . w ; "uv a counter attack and retook part of th lost fround, tak ing seventy-seven prisoners, of whom three were officers. "During the course of the day w de livered a counter attack, whlCh waa car ried out with much spirit with the bay onet and hand grenades, and resulted In our recapture of all of the position. "Tho enemy has suffered enormous losses-e fact which has been established by us with certainty In the trenches and ' on the parapets, w have, in fact, found more than 1,009 German dead, and we have. In addition, raptured 0 prisoners, Including nine officers, and taJton six machine guns. Thus, almost all of tho attacking force remained oltKbr In our hands or on th ground." Cheyenne and West Nebraska Boosters After Auto Traffic flrnvrv nr-i. w , , rramegan I lwtn and Including Cheyenne, Wyo.. amf Big Springs. Neb., met here last night and organised the Western Nebraska and Wyoming Lincoln Highway association, the purpose of which la to op . """" ""'"g .n tne rivor uuuom is aiieciea oy seepage an 1 1 cannot tie maintained in good travelblo condition, whereas the regular IJiicoln I highway, along the main line of the1 Union Pacific railroad to Cheyenne, tat one of the finest atrrtche of natural i roadway in the entire country. Thu as-I orlatlon Just perfected will systematic-1 ally maintain It In excellent condition. j VILLA LOSES $200,000 WORTH OF SILVER BULLION KAN ANTONIO. Tex., May 14 Two , hud'red thousand "dollars worth of silver I bulllon from the M.apPO mltl(!1 , Co.. PrlianU to ,hll,p1, ltlto ,,. ,., p,.,,., . Vm. unsuccessfully attempted to ,t0 (t Taft Is Invited To Speak in Omaha An effort is being made by th. Omaha Commercial club to indue William Howard Taft, ex-president, to visit Omaha some day next waek. Mr. is to be the speaker at a banuuet Tut Knife and Fork club of Kansas City and the Commercial club wlnhea him to visit "r ,he agricultural products will t se Omaha and to speak her either the day,'"1"1 from Butte. Spink and Codington before or th day after he speaks ati1'0""'- "' counties having had th Warms s City. J finest display at th stats fair last year. SALANDRA AGREES TO STAUT HELM Crowds Quiet as They Hear News After Making Demonstrations Against Teutons. ' BURN THE "KAISER IN EFFIGY Rt LLKTIV ROME (Via Paris). May 1. The Austro-Hungarlan embassy has ordered all subjects of the dual monarchy residing In Italy to hold themselves In readlnesa to leave this country immediately upon receipt of instructions to that effect. The Glnrnale D'llalla says this order will be Issued Sunday. HOMK (ia Paris), Mr 1 An tonio Ralnndra has consented to re tain the premiership. As the news spread that Slgnor Palandra would remain In power,' a udden change came ov.r the people. Ah if nhevlns- anmn Rnrrnl nls-n I'ha i . , ., . . . ,. ..I populace calmed down and all the troops were withdrawn. The Infur- lated mobs disappeared and peaceful j crowds this evening passed the Aus- ' trlan ombaaav wlthnut even noticing the residence of the representative! Dcmonatrators this morning parade.! ' nror- The crowd was abl to resist ,n' po,l,H, "n1- fB,h,r urT,n'1''' ,h burned It amid frantic excitement. Klototis demonat rations continued In tw,m during Frldav ilht. They Incieased n intensity hen It became known that the king t,ad accepted Premier Palandra s resignation. One of! the moat violent outbreaks was an attempt of the crowds to approach the Austrian embassy. A member of the -""""- or, war. a reeoiuuon whs passed to the effect that the oeopln J, , .. .1' . " " m"tn " th?'ru " the sacrifice of the na- I tlonal honor." " t" peopie m .Milan heard that potesled with groat vloh nce. There wer j t ries of "down with the parliamentary vamora: "Leath to Hn.ror William!" "Death to Glollttr "Death to Emperor Frands Joseph!" "Hurrah for the warl" "Hurral for the revolution!" "Down with 11 traitors!" I leaflets jreijo distributed on th streets Sesriiig'th ilotds. "Doath to JlolUI." 1114 Klfcar'a !. . , . The count of Turin, a . cousin u King Victor Fnmanuel, left the royal palace or. foot. II was recognised and hissed snd a threatening mob rurrounded Mm, crying "Down with th Monarchy!" "Long live the republic!" fantc Gnrlbaldl, a son of Genera'. RJc clottl Garibaldi, who has been fighting with the French, harMigued the crowd In Milan and declared "If the government icfuses to go to war, my fam'Iy will lead the people cn the barricades. Gabriel D'Annunsio, addressing a crowd yesterday said: "I declare on my honor that the triple alliance was denounced by Italy on May 4." serious sltaatlou la Mllaa. MILAN, llaly. May .-Vla I'arU.V The situation here has become still mora serious owing to the genersl strike which has been proclaimed In Milan as a pro test sgalnat tho course of politic: events In Italy. The military authorities have centered their troops from nearby garrisons and .V lous movement. Th Royal oalara. th prefecture and th German and Austrian consulates are strongly guarded by troops. Much apprehension Is (elt by tne au thorities concerning the coming funeral of a workman named Gadda, a youth of 17 years, who died from wounds sus tained during a riot. StMdeals for War. NA1LKS. (via ParU), May 14,-Two thousand students mad a demonstration today In favor of war. Th police tried to disperse them, and several on both aides were wounded. Mothers' Congress Decries Militarism PORTLAND, Ore., May 1.-At the finul session here today of the nineteenth an nual conference of the National Con gress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher associations, resolutions er adopted de crying militarism and expreasing Its trust that President Wilson may be able to bring about a permanent peace between the warring nations. The resolutions declared "that th Na tional Congress of Muthurs, In the name of the motherhood of the world, hereby voices Its rebellion at the wanton and unneceaaary destruction of our rbildren BUTTE COUNTY GRASSES TO BE SHOWN AT FRISCO BELLE FOURCHB. S. 'D., May ia- I (Special Telegram.) Charles McCeffre. commissioner of Immigration for South Dakota, was in the city last Ftlduy and lie here errsnged to take the butt '"""I """"I.1 f V!"" rcm' w iiu-ii wn. inoRn ti ina male ist iaa 'ei"'' to tn" Panama-Paclfle InternaMonal ""caition. The South Dskot exlilbit mill b dls- !" ed In tli Massachusetts building, U.S.GAPITALSEES ARBITRATION END SUBSEAQUARREL American Government Believed Willing to Accept Reported . Flan of Berlin if Attacks Suspended. HINTED THIS SUITS GERMANY Proposal Discussed to Deny Papers to Munitions Ships Carrying Passengers. HARD TO CONSTITUTE A COURT . WASHINOTON. May 16. Word that Ambassador Gerard had read and presented to Herr von Jagow. minister of foreign affairs for the imperial .German government, the American note sent Thursday as a consequence of the Lusitania trag edy and other occurrences In the war sone, removed all anxiety here over the delsy in transmission and awakened Intense Interest in the na ture of Oermanya reply. In view of telegraphic and cable delays and the probable necessity tor conferences between the foreign minister and the Imperial chancellor. Von Bethniann-Hollweg, and doubt less Emperor William himself, It would not be considered surprising here It the response did not arrive for another eight days. May Report S.arller. Tt was believed possthlt, however,' that Ambassador Gerard might report earlier on the manner In which the American not m-as received by tho government and the semi-official pre.. In the Interim confidence) prevails among high officials and Is shared In German official quarters that there will be no submarine attacks on passenger vessels while the questions at laau are being solved. The Intimation which cam in ' press dispatches today Indirectly from Berlin to the effect that Germany would will ingly submit the questions raised by the American note to arbitration waa re ceived with much Interest, and tt ''was indicated that If there was a suspension ef submarine warfare en merchant ships while th discussion ' waa In progress the plan might1 be given ' serious ' con sideration by the American government. Soaae Held tt Imsrtfeable. ' Arbitration . also; has,, been talked ef here before today's press dispatches err flvedr Pome German Official had. Jntt mated that, although . wlthmit edvirVi from Berlin, thsy were . confident from previous knowledge of th desire of the German government to remain .friendly with the United States, that arbitration would be welcomed. The. difficulty of constituting a court of arbitration at this time, when most of the great powers whose participation might be' desired at war. waa pointed out by soma diplo matists, however, as maklns the plan Impracticable. ! That some way would be found ' to reach an amicable settlement between the United State and Germany was , th growing conviction of many officials' and diplomats today. A variety of sugges tions were heard. One which waa given serious thought waa a proposal to refuse clearances' to belligerent-ship carrying munitions of war or absolute contraband If they also carried passenger. This would Involve no embargo, but a separation of passen ger and contraband traffic. . Staada mn LegaJ Mht. The United States stand firmly en the legal right of Its clUaens to travel en any ships and believes Its position Is In disputable. Germany, however, holds that this has become a debatable ques tion on account of changed conditions, and If th two classes of ocean-going traffic wer separated submarine would direct their attention to contraband ship alone. Th objection to this, however. In th opinion of soma official ia that the plan till would not provide for the humane treatment which International law pre scribes lor the crew of a vessel carrying contraband and making no resistance to visit and search or any attempt to run a blockade. To torpedo without warning or even to give time for th crew of a ves sel carrying contraband' to get Into small boat, it was pointed out. would leave (Continued, on Pag Two. Column Six.) Free Coupon Good for 25 cts. or 50 cts. By special arrangement wltb the management for the bene fit of Bee readers. Observe) strictly the conditions and Urn, tatlons stipulated In the coupon. This lire Coupon Entitles Dearer to ons 25c or 50c Seat For the performance) of "Tess of the Storm Country At the Boyd Theater, Monday Evening, May 17 Present at Box Office any Ume prior to performance snd get a free admission ticket In addi tion to the ticket you buy at the regular price. You must have a Bee) coupon for aeon extra ticket you ask (or.