THE OMAHA SUNDAY HK1I: MAY Hi, I'M 5. 7 A WAR ZONE ACTUAL GHARNEL FIELD Thousand of Bodies of Men Killed 1 iii Battle Strewn Through the j Marshet of the Saint Gond. -j COMTNQ OF PESTILENCE FEARED j (Correspondence of the Associated Frss.) PARIS. Arril 22. "Reven month after the beginning of the retreat of the nor ma ns," says Dr. Ioliy, deputy for the Prpartment of the Ardcnnoa, "unburlpd dead are being found on the battWIeld ot the Marne. In the center of a visage on tlie banks of the Marne, where the sanitary department 'was clearing away the debris It brought -to light a body, that was' beyond Identification, either as-German or French. Hundreds,' If not thousands, of bodies aro supposed .to be lying more or lea ku b merged In' the St. Ooud marshes,' where tho Prussian guard was thrown becjc. lt havLtitf had.'nelther the time nor the meana to Sava those who fell there." In order to avoid! the pestilential' effects of Warm, weather on the -nnburled corpses; IT Dolzy thinks It will be necessary to explore 4h entire swampy region with the; aid of -dogs. ' ) ' I - llodlra In Wells and Sprlnaa. Kodles are also belnc found constantly umler brtfah In ditches and . abandoned trenches! Thoy are found not only In ditches, . -trenches " and . excavations ina by shells,; but Iti wills, springs and all the little streams of the region. In many ' (-laocs w her. It was possible to bury their dead, bodies were Insufficiently c.ov- 'etcd with earth and were frequently burled lit .too close proximity to sources of water supply. These conditions exist over a Bone 230 mllos long and from ten to forty miles wide, with.- a total of from MOO to ,000 square irillesof .territory,' a' considerable part of which required thorough disinfec tion to prevent the outbreak of epidemics. Hcsldcs the bodies of men, there were in hi sone thousands of bodies of animals, part of them killed by shell fire and many of them dead from starvation, having been abandoned by the fleeing popula tion. ',' ' . ;.. This vast work, of MstnfeHoh is veeV under way. JAJr the oVbrls! frorfi ,b6mV barded build4n-is"' being cleared'aWay and the ground1 saturated with a solution of lime. The floors of every building. that has bepri ocrupled by troops, elUier 1- m Kuuiy Bcraea,; then washed in a solution .of hot; water and carbonate, of1, soda'; white the ' walls are all newly whHwaahe4. Wherever any! odor remains after.these precautions have' been taken more 'drasle measures are re sorted to; -1n some, enscs the. building Is burned. , . All yards and gardens around buildings that have sheltered troops are sprinkled with chloride,' of ' lime. All: ;wolls and springs are thoroughly cleaned and the use of the water- prohibits until analysis hows it to be absolutely unpolluted. The authorities have also to solve the serious problem of sheltering the popula tion that la. gracJualSy;.. returning to the TOO Inhabitants, that was almost . com pletely destirrhgwal9&frte.v lurnea ana are living mostly In the Cel lars of 1 demolished '''houses, and T under conditlam- that- constitute a menicre-' to health almost as serious- as the presence of unburicd, .or . inauiflclenily, - burled dead bodies.'.,.. . ,' . .... ' v s Wives of the Men. v At' the Front Ar6 Organizing Army UVERPOQL, -May -10. An army of women, 1,000 strong, ,. is '.quietly drilling at Liverpool. It.- is composed of soldiers' and sailors' n-Jvca who are tired.. of sit ting idly' at- home; thinking of their ab sent husbands. - ' ' , , - The commanding, officer Is) Miss. Phylis Jovell. '"The government plans to enroll some of the women as orderlies in local hospitals' , ; . V ' ' Princess Juliana . Starts.;to School (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) TUB HAGUE, Netherlands, May 10 Princess Juliana, only child of Queen ViIhelmlna and- Prince Henry, her con sort, began her schooling on her sixth birthday, April 30. The queen has decided to have a regular school class composed of childiey) of the samo age belonging to Aristocratic Dutch families, and during Hie studies-no difference Is to be made between the princess and the other cliil dr n. , . Only one reservation has been made by the queen, and that Is that the religious instruction of the prince shall be left entirely to her 'majesty. The little princess is becoming a pro ficient linguist and the utmost attention I.-, being given to this hranch of her edu- at ion. Slio has frequeut conversation lessors from governesses speaking Kreti -h Herman and English. . . German! Helmets Rare Trophies Correspondence of the Associated Press.) GK-VERAf HEADQUARTERS, th-ltih Army, France. May 10. German helmets, liotwlthstanding the thousands 'of Ger mans who have, pemn Killed, wounded and iiptured, vsrt still' rare trophies at the 1'ritUm frout.' ; There are two chief rea sons for tnia, , The first. i; that the Germans of late I avo been wearrng.'eaps; the second, that the dead and Bounded between, the lines, on whom most of the helmets are to be found, are In no man's land, where It is el most sure death to venture. . . The HrltLsh soldier appreciates that these helmets are bringing fancy prices In Paris, London and New York and be is loath to part with any trophy except tor a good sura. A regular clearing house for them has been established and hundreds are being sent to England for Sfcle to dealers and others. SUNDAY, MAY 16, 191&- TT. s. MiTorncr. Man? rx-ooa tcti BURGESS NASH STORE NEWS FOR M0NDAY- cxct,trrs lOTim to Til UXICKIbVIMO pisnosj- PHONE DOUGLAS 137 Grrsitir Bars Mara Cattos. (Coi respondence of the Associated Press,) AMSTKKlJAM, April XL Telegram from iothenburg, fSweden, to the IM rlln Tage blait states that the hurbor of Gothen burg Is overcrowded with cotton stesmers or their way from America to tlci-many. Over nsa.tASi bale-t ff 'Oltn have pantM-d through Gothenburg lor Germany since the Vanning at the, war. Burgess-Nash Ideals sen'p you as ould bo servel. Vt)U To perfect for ttfat ser vice au orgauisitiou prompt, ffficieut and courteous. To house that orgauizHr tion in a building that's dean, airy, oomfoi"table and convenient. ' To demoni?trate - that SERVICE, COUBTE SY,. CONVENIENCE and COMFORT art', aft er all, only secondary to the vital principle. ' Reliable merchandise at the right price. ; ; BUROEB3-NASH COMPANY. Dennison's Crepe Paper 'Demonstration Continues 17 REE inBtrtlctlong by Burns, an expert Is this . Come, It's free to you. Burgess-Brash Co., stain anoor. Bales?. Organdie or Batfs v.c Flouncings at 50c THE proper thing for graduating or woddinc dresses, 27 to 40 inches wide, very fine quality. Severr.l very pretty new desigu from which to select. The values range to $1.00 the yd. 18 to 27-Inch Lace Flounc ings, 25c Also ail-overs, net ton, ah ado w and silk chantilly, beautiful new patterns, specially priced. 18 to 36-Inch Lace Flounc- ing's, 50c Including all-over In white, rream and blaclr, also two-tqued "effects, consist in (? of embroidered nets, silk chantilly and shadow. Lacs Formerly to 25c, at 9c Including net tor edges, Venice edges and hands, silk laces, point Paris and .Normandy vals., real linen cluny, etc. Embroidery Flouncings Monday at 25c Voile flouncings, all-over em broidery, dainty baby flouncings and fine corset cover embroidery flouncings. 18 to 36 inches wide. Bargsss-Hasb, Co. stain floor. What Is Your Favorite Summer COAT? $16.50, $19.50, $25.00 to $45.00 THE modish styles that women of discrimination desire, for social afternoon and informal evening ;wear, woolly white coats, exquisits ly lined for instance,, or the gaily hued or smartly practical types for the beach or in-town. " ' In an assemblage such, as this, yon'll find choosing a pleasingly difficult prob lem. An extensive collection of youthful belted 'and flared models deserve especial mention. Distinctive' Silk Coats in Taffeta and Faille at $25.00 and up May Sale of NEW BLOUSES Are Prettier Than We've Ever Before Displayed ONE will find here, In profusion, do ens and dosens of new novelties and odd originations In blouses of a- be witching qualntness In design; and In a riot of gay colorings different from the usual Bloattt for ttrett for calling for tht tta dantant and many "day drtu" affatrt $2 JO, $3.95, $5.95 to $25 00 Bnrgsss-Bash Co. acoad Toor. rag9 iniiniiim9 miiPteY Thousands of Yards of the Season's Most Desirable Wash Goods From the Hargadine-McKittrick Stock of St. Louis in the Basement Monday at Way Below the Regular Price 'TMIF, stix-k of Hargadine-McKittrick (.impany, doing a wholesale business in St, Tjou'ib, was sold through the Ely & Walker Company of the same city. We were fortunate in securing a generous portion of t,hi splendid stock of waeh goods, and offer to you this remarkable .buying advantage. . . ' , ' ' 12c and 1.V llt lMo-limlt y-Mull, 7 r A great variety of patterns, light medium and dark colored grounds with figures, dots, Rtrlpes, floral and conventional designs. Plenty of the desirable black and white ef fects. The widths are 2 7 to 2S Ins. Price 7ltc 2lr Woven Part Silk Tissues, l.V Woven from silk and the finest Egyptian cot ton. The colorings are beautiful, every want ed stripe, check ami small plaids are to be found. The lengths are Just right for walsta and dresses. A very deairable half silk wash fabric, at. jard l.V Fast O"lor liliie Apron (ilnghant at. Sc ' Kven aud broken checks, one grade undei Amoskeag. Sale price from the bolt, yd. Hac Silk hi f foils at IUc Yard Pretty floral and black and while effects that are bright, fresh and new. The same fabric would sell elsewhere ut ;i&c yard. Sale price Monday, yard Ic JOc Xalnsook, 12-Yard Itolt, 7c English nainsook. 36 inn. wide, specially soft finish, 12-yard pieces; usually 10c yard; by the bolt, only 7lKi 15c White Persian l,avnn, at 7ac l2Hr Dress (itngliani at Wc Real Seal Ginghams are ths best ot all stand ard makes. The colorings are warranted, a variety ot patterns that will please you. Thousands ot yards on sale, at, yard . . . Indian Head Suiting at l(Vc Presses and frocks made from Indian Head have all the beauty of linen without Its ten dency to wrinkle easily, white and every wanted plain color, all are 36 Inches wide. The genuine Indian Head for Monday, at, yard 15c Kaitcy Tvrns and Ilatlstes at 31tr Fancy figured lawns and black and while striped batistes, on sale in 3 to 10-yard leoRths, at, yard 8t- lltaacheil Muslins Monday .at flac True Blue and other blenched muslins that are one yard wide. Firm quality, the right weight for general family use, , equal to lonsdale, etc. On sale Monday, yard ...R4f Burfsse-Vaak Co-eeaomjr Baaamsat. lc White Flaton MoocUy Ioim ( loth. at lOe rard. at BI.75 llolt alnK.k, 10 Yards, $1.19 40-incb Knickerbocker Nainsook, 10-yard bolts, right weight and finish for warm weather wear. $1.76 values. On sale, at, bolt 1. V White Poplin Monday at 7 He White poplin, 27 Inches wide, for separate, skirts or suits, usually 15c. Mon., yd. 7 He nt)e 811k and Cotton Shirtings, 5c Beautiful selection of new stripes In a wide range of colorings, 32 ins. wide. Usual 50o quality, at, yard 83e 2. V Washable TUsne Monday, lc ' Splendid selection of new stripes and checks, good range of colors, 27 Ins. wide: -usually 25c, at. yard '. .lftc 2,V White Novelty fJoods, 12 4c White novelties, fancy weaves; also plain sheer materials for watsta Or dresses, 36 Inches wide; usually 35c yard. Monday, the yard lHc White Persian lawn, sheer and crisp, 45 Ins. wide, 16a value. Monday, yd. . ,7tc White flaxon corded crepe novelties, 27 Ins. wide, usually 19c. yard Monday, the .1c 10-Yard llolt, 5.V. Old Glory long cloth, aoft finish, no dressing, 10 yard pieces the bolt, each, at ftrto AOc Fancy lUtine at lie Fancy ratine In mixtures' and assorted shades, the usual 50o kind. Monday, -at. yard ....... .J&lc Dull Mat Green Jardinieres. 49c to 89c rrTsssjinillitt!lifii-"J-'aff .qesr ' aoBaat JARDINIERES like il lustration, in dull mat green finish, alaea 8, 9 and 10-in. openings, usually 7Ce to $ 1.50, spe cial Monday at 4c, 00c land 80c. Barraa-sTasa Co. Foarth floor. Silk Crepe de Chines Monday $1.29 Usually $1.50 and $1.89 a Yard i YOU'LL appreciate this very special value, when you realize that the material is not tho light weight quali ty, but a good heavy grade, 42 inches wide, pure all-silk in black, cream, flesh, pink, lavender, old rose, nile, gray, light blue, brown, tan, gold, yellow, pigeon blue, copen, reseda, etc Dres and Suit Hllks, 08c Including high-grade chiffon taffeta and messatlne silks la plain colors, new strlpee, checks, figures and. plaids. Latest colors and de signs, 36 inches wide. . :. . i..t - fl.OO and $1.25 Wash Silks Monday, Ac Neat colored stripes, also satin stripe, all on white grounds, ex cellent for walsta and skirts, guaranteed to wear and wash perfectly, 32 to 36 inches wide. ,, Plain and Fancy NUka at 40c For summer dresses, such as foulards in a large assortment of neat figures and dots, plain tnessallne, fancy taffeta, pretty new shades. 80c Bilk 1'opllns in Basement, 89c Plain colors, both light and dark, also cream and black, 24-lnch. Black Alike in Basement, 60c Including taffeta and messallnes, 36 Inches wide, very special. Borffsss-BTash Co. Mala rioor. A Sale of Sample Trunks on the Fourth Floor Monday at About One-Fourth Under the Usual Selling Price A is opportune offering just at a tune when most every one is planning their vacation trip. . ' The trunks are samplea from one of the" largest Tnanufacturers. . Everyone a good one, heaVy: canvas covered with weather proof oil finish painting. Some fitted tvlth heavy leather straps and extra tray, brass locks, heavy brassed corners, linen and fancy pattern linings. Three groups: Sample Trunks, All Sizes for $4.95 Sample Trunks. All Sizes for $6.95, Sample Trunks. All Sizes for $8.95 Sample wardrobe trunks, high grade, at $6,60 to $10.00 under u the regular price.' Bvae.Baeh Co. roortb. noo. Sale of SEWING MACHINES List wr i ii t-v i ii Price $35 to $40 at $23.75 AN opportunity such as this doesn't come your way very often. Monday morning we are. going to place on sale' a limited number of high-grade Sewing Ma chines, including such makes as: WHITE PARAGON NEW HOME SINGER STANDARD These are new machines, sample machines and slightly used ma chines. They are all drophead styles, all In perfect condition and are complete with all attachments every one guaranteed for ten years. Terms $2.00 Down and tl.OO a Week. Free 'Ia-esons. - No Mall or Phone Orders. BarsssBaaa Bswlar Haehlns ctloji TMrt moor. Many' Every Day Housefurnishing Needs Underpriced Three New Models Women's Pumps from our $5 Lines $3.95 a Pair 1 A patent one-stray) pump, sand color cloth quarters, patent heel foxing. 2 A patent vamp pump, colonial tongue and buc kle, fawn cloth quarters, 3 An all patent pump, hand welt soles, leather Cuban heel, large button orna ment on side. Every pair taken from the reg ular $5.00 lines and every sire Is Included. Co Bacond Tloer. OVER THE COFFEE CUPS THE JUNK IUUDE who wishes to keep her dining room table as polished and perfect as It la now will welcome the asbestos dish mats. (Main Floor.) IT WILL BE A LAZY NAN'S JOB if you get the right lawn mower your lawn will need only the once over. (Basement; WEAR A QUESTION MARK IN VOI R HAIR! Btone set question marka are the latest for wom.n's hslr. Th.r ar. very popular, too. (Main Floor.) "CWL. liOCJEV" seems to be quite at borne among the new tolf clubs, balls and accessor l.s In thn Sporting; Goods fltor. (Fourth Moor.) Modern battles aro being won with the spade. It la the same with gardening campaigns, tha Tinning- spatos are hsrs. (Basement.) There's peace In the air, per haps. There's files in the air, iinqiiMttonnhly ; all th. munitions for fly war ar rttariy. (Basemantl ELECTRIC FANS! 8-ln. Carelton Fans. at . . $7.46 H-ln. Oac listing Dlehl Fans, 13..V Old Kngllsh floor wax, pint can, only 2.1c Climax wall paper cleaner, cans, for .25c Ready mixed house and floor paint, A-l quality, gallon. 91. 50 3-io. pannage or KaiKomo, any ! color, at . ,ac j Patent egg boiler with egg timer attached. Special 23c Liquid veneer, 60c bottle ...7c 4-qt. Peerless ice cream freesera, 12.35 value; special $1.75 Gas hot plates, drilled burner, 2 bole else, 11.70; 3 -hole sice 92.7.1 Gasoline stoves, 2 burners, $4.73; 3 burners $l.t)H Burnaaco oil cooking atoves, 2 burners, $7.00; 3 burners . $U.OO Caloric tireless cookers, regular price $22.26. Special $18.BO Thermal electric Irons, guaran teed, at ; 14.HK Tall, all brass cuspidors, regular $2.85 values $I.KO Barr'-Vash Co. Basement. 2-qt. aluminum rice boilers, reg ular $2 value; special ...$1.00 2 quart round shaped alumi num percolators, long spout, $2.60 value, for Set of sensible sad Irons, 6 pleces, for $1.2 60 ft. garden botie, coupled $3.08 Brass lawn sprays, at Ulc Good grass hooks and Kras shear, 1 'jr. value lOc Lace, Voile and Net Summer DRESSES COOL, crisp frocks, dainty in fabric and exquisitely trim med with delicate laces and em broideries. at $12.00 sheer voile summer dresses in plain white, in stripod patterns or polka dot effects. at $19.50. a ohic model produced through extremely artistic combinations of net and voile, lace and em broidery trimming. at $25.00 frocks for dancing and evening wear mads ef shsdow lacs over net and with girdle of silk. . , at $29.50 new summer dresses of embroidered net over plain net In pastel shades; skirt with corded flounce and medal lions. Barf sis-sTash Oe. ' ood fleer. 41 7 TV tx ri - Madame Dougherty Will Explain the Merita of Anita and W. B. Corsets MADAME Dougherty, who is conceded to he one of the greatest authorities iu America on the little secret arts of beautify ing the form feminine, will give a series of demonstrations of the famous Anita and W. B. Corsets In our Corset Section, Second floor, beginning on Monday morning. We In vite all our friends snd visitors to the store to come and share these besuty secrets snd consult Madame Dougherty aa to their cor sets or other faahlon needs. The ii Anita" and "W. B. models are the daintiest examples of corset craft we have ever seen and ws are sore that our friends will be delighted with their dainty, shapely beauty. Their slender classic lines work wonders in perfecting figures that require Improvement. Exquisite Anita and W. B. models will bu shown which sre positively the dsintlest ex amples of the corset maker's srt, which have vet been revealed to the feminine eye. Come and enjoy the benefits of this speclsl demonstration which has been arranged espe cially for your benefit. Bnrrsss-Wasb. Co. Second Tloor Many a Porch Will Be a Summer Resort This Season i T'S time to furnish tho porch and lawn for Old summer-time" is here to stay. Our dis play of summer furniture for orch, lawn or living room is very comprehensive in dis play and most attractive. The' special for Monday: V. - - SA A I 11 1 4 r DtJ THIS $t.50 PI llll K lUM'KKIt 1,1 KK tt'T, $2.01 Either green or brown flnUh, roll edge arma and back with reinforced seat. heavy brarea on the seat. THIS IDIK'll SWING 1.1 KK I'KTI HK, $2.23 Four foot wood porrh swing with sixteen slats in back bolted construction. complete hesvy chains for hanging. ..V Porch Swing. $S.OO Four foot wood porch swing, mortised and bolted construction, complete with chains for hanging. fta.OO l'orrh Swing. $0.23 Five foot wood norch swine. mortised and bolted construction, j complete with chains for hanging. B Co. Third Floor. THIS $4.34) HKWKH ItOCKEB lilKK ritTlUK, J.93 fibre construction with six sup ports, cretonne cushion and back, brown finish, an extreme value. $4.30 Wood Hooker, $3.23 Heavy wood rocker bolted con struction, mission finish. BRING YOUR FILMS TO Burgess-Nash. We will develop them without charge when an or der is left for printing. Borrsss-Bash Co. Mala Tloor. THE HOOVER A 8 BRIGHTENS bine well as rln. If. an rlectric Cae. el swwper and vuouum clraner rom- Ll :ilvihii- you tha "KOOTBa everybody's store Barceaa-STaaa Third ris4 ii I. it ,c J f t rt i . !ti tt . a H ... - 3 . '. .- - a .9 , ( .tl t ; V J ... . ,. v'U . -. J H , , ; , -1 - . , .1 v.s ,! ....(I 10 V O v -0 T J2' 1