Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 8-A, Image 6

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Rip? Bank i Accused of Speculat
ing and Making Loan to For
mer Treasury Officiali.
WASHINGTON. May IS. - "errutsry
McAdoo and Comptroller William filed
In tha district suprem court today an
answer t th Injunction suit brmijht by
the nirt National bank charting them
vita conaplracy to wrfxK the institu
tion. Their anawer la a eipln denial
f all the, bank'i charges.
Both official presented lone affidavit
that they did not combine nor conaplre
1 Injur th bank, that their action, i
fetch war at forth aa ground for thai
tank rbarrea. were taken In the e-glve up their boat lines by Dec tu
rret of proper discretion and becaueber 1. 1915.
tf It managsmcnt. the proprl.ty and ' Th1i la th, f)rit c,e involving attenaiva
cm. times the lawfulner of whlnh lhy , .i,amshlp propertle un Jrr th new law,
questioned, which ha bn derldrd (falnat th rail.
Make oaater I karae. road. The Commission held that none
Secretary McAdoo In hi affidavit made 0f tha lake Una aervlre maintained by
thla oounter charge: tlia petitioning railroad " being oper-
"I chart and aver the fact to be that a tod In th Interact of th pubtlo or la
tr.y Inclusion In th ault I du to ulterior of advantage to trie convenience or rem
and Improper motives and resorted to men e of th people,"' within tha mean
o!e!y for th purpoee of thereby uttering i Ing of th Panama cann: act and thai
and publishing grossly fsls and libelous J permission to allow thrlr operation by
statements under th prlllrgea and pro
tection of Judicial form and fre from
th legal accountability that would oth
nwla b Involved"
Mr. Williams In lit sworn statement
ay examinations of the Rigs bank by
h!a office dlicloaed violation of th na
tional bank act. that It waa not ao much
e commercial bank aa one which tent
much money on atock collateral which
was used In speculative ventures; that
som of Ita officers and director mad
fala statement under oath; that dummy
loans war sometime mad the proceed
of which went to officer; that some
iff leers wer' engaged In real estate
transaction, and that other thing wer
lon beyond Its power.
John Burks, treasurer ef the United
Stale, th third defendant, submitted
an affidavit relating to the retention by
Mm of ts.floo Intereat on government bond
rf th Rlrt bank deposited with th
treasury to aecura Ita not circulation.
Mr. Burke said he acted In accordance
with law.
Iwsai to Cfflvtata.
A number of table and other statla'.i
cal data wer aulirr.ltted with th
anawer. On rlvea a list of loani
th bank to former secretaries of tho
treasury, asslstsnt secretaries, a former j
comptroller of th currency and national
bank examine. Th name of lsll
. enaw. wimam . nwgeiy. I A. l,
Ceolldg and other appear in th tlt. j
Secretary McAdoo said in hi anawer 1
that h ha nothing to do with th pen-
alt, a-e.sed by Comptroller -Williams.
H W I f k Ik, l. ll aaU t jm. 1 I.
ahlch th bank seek to enjoin, and that
he know of only two reasons -which
might cause th bank' to b hctlle t
him. On waa that h refused 01m of
Ha agents a desk In th comptroller's
of fir and th other aa that he charged
Interest 00 government deposit. II with
drew government fund, h aaya, be
cause h believed they should b In a
bank doing mora commercial buainess.
Comptroller Williams, In great, detail,
denlea that he had conspired to Injur
th bank and charge that It baa violated
th law and been "guilty of Improper
practices" In atock brokarag transac
tions, exoess loans, atock Investment ard
other transaction.
Dial Nf Threaten Itaak.
Messrs. McAdoo and William and M.
,C. Elliott give their version of a confer
ence In McAdoo'a office, at th conclu
sion of which, th bank alleged In It
complaint, McAdoo said to President
Okwar of th Rig m bank: "Mr. Olover,
you know what this mean to th Riga
National bank." Th bank averred that
to b a threat and In a promise would b
fulfilled later by withdrawal of govern
ment deposit.
McAdoo aver he made no such remark,
but warned Olover that the then delicate
financial situation her might be mad
worse and that all tha national bank In
th city would suffer In cor.soquence.
Th affidavit which are th anawer
are designed In part to show th rela
tion between th Itlgg National And th
National City bank of New Tork. Mr.
McAdoo swears , that Vic President
A Ilea of tho Rings National received an
annual salary of 112,000 from tha National
City bank, that four other Identified
with th Rlgga bank received aalartea
from th National City, all totalling $18,740
a year.
further, Mr. McAdoo aweara that Mr.
A lies five day befor he resigned aa
assistant secretary of th treasury and
took the oath aa a director of th Rlgga
National depoalted f7.S0O.00A of govern
ment fund In that Institution, making a
total there of'O which drew no In
terest, aa waa then th custom.
Mr. McAdoo say that aa h went to a
hoepltal for an operation early last
March, th imposition of fine by Comp
troller Williams, on that officer's refusal
to approve th Rlgga aa a depository for
otber national banks, were not brought
to hi attention.
Helelader from Bank.
Th bank issued a statement taking
issue with many of the allegations In the
answers. It says thst while Mr. Williams
swear that he Intend to xct no met
penalties than th on for tuno, he orlg-
inany auempiea 10 impose penalties sg
gregating tliO.0. The National City
bank, under the law. It ears, docs not and
ould not own a share of atock in the
atigga and that the two are not connected
tk any way. With referenc to loans 10
officers of th treasury and the coinp
- treilera office th bank's statement eays
that It loaned also to officials In all otm-r
government departments and to many
members of congress, feeling that ac
commodation to a person with credit and
collateral ought not to be denied because
h waa a public official. It declare tha
the tt.KO.Ouo deposit by Mr. A lie a not
taken from the treasury, but was tri
ferred from the National City bunk .iy
th direction of Secretary Hhaw. Tin
bank declares thst in the nineteen cars
of Its existence Mr. Wlllla.-iui had found
only three loans which he could charac
terise as "dummy loans." although each
"wa wholly free from deception or
fraud." waa lawful and amply secured.
Tbe charge that the Rings bank had con
ducted a brokerage and reel estat loan
buatata and falsified or Juggled Its re
port "to conceal UUgal oneratlona" la
declared to be an "unqualified falsehood."
tsirrlraa lsekt Kameae HrrrLrd
WASHINGTON. May U.-The Am. ri-
cius yscht Ramer.a has been wrecked off
th Mexican vest coast, near Tnpopa.
orth ef Guaymaat without loss of life,
according to a report to th Navy dr.
parUot-nt from Admiral Howsrd. who
rent th cruiser Raleigh to pick up th
reeeued crew. Tli cause ef th wreck
a et reportsd
Companies Operating Craft on Great
Lake Matt Dispose of Them by
December First
WASHINGTON. May 16. Tha ap
plication of the Pennsylvania, New
York Central. lhtgh Valley and
otber railroad to retain ownership
or continued operation of boat lines
on the Great Lake, despite the pro
hibition In tha Panama canal act,
was dented today by the Interstate
Commerce commission.
All tbe railroad applying must
railniad "1l prevent, exoiude and re
duce competition on the great lake."
Th decision Is regarded aa Of great
Importance to all th pcrta on the lakes i
which are reached both by boat and rail
road llnea. Th fact that th.y are reached
by both these agenda of transporta
tion, th commission have," "estaullahea
a case of competition (listing between
th owning railroad and ita boat Una."
Th railroad, th commission ears,
through their control of th boat llnea
"wer able to and did dure alt Inde
pendent boata from th through lak and
rail transportation."
"Having disposed of real Competition
via. tha lake, thee boata are now held
a a ahteld agalnt potstbl competition
of new Independent." th eommiasloii
German Societies
of Grand Island
Pass Resolutions
UIIAND ISLAND. Neb., May 15.-8p-
,tlal) Th prealdent of th Uederkrana.
i,attdeutach Vereen. Bona of Hermann,
Kriegervereln and f tha Oerman Alllanc
.ave adopted the following resolutions
,, behalf of their aocUUe. numbering j
aU 4bout 1,309 families:
vVhereaa. ThB sinking of tha I,ultanla
a aildnl another chapter of horror to
Kurotean war; and.
I,d" toward an e"ltert at.w .fpuC
. .... I k , B
;ll" opinion a reaun mtrwii vm n
Heeolveil, Thet we. aa cmiens 01 ine
f'nii4 fltstes. would nlead with all fel
low cltiiena not to be hasty In rormlng
any fUed conclusion with referenc to;
the Incident referred to until alt the clr-,
cumstancea leading up thereto and aur
roundlng the earn may be known and,
such . conclusion reached with a knowl- ;
edge of all th fact Involved. B It!
further 1 - j
Mesolved. Thst w deeply deplore th
loss of human Uvea regardleaa of th n
Juonulity to which they may belong. Ba J
Resolved, That th question (1) of tha
sufficiency of the warnings purportedly
11 inn nor 1
Issued by th Oerman amoassy to Amr-j
can travelers, (J) of th belligerency of 1
th Lualtanla, (3) the tact or us carrying
munitions of war, and 4 th -regularity I
oi lit iicld Uermun blockaaa, wltnin ,
which the lll-fatad ship waa struck, ara ,
all u.ueatlons th rinteous solution of 1
which we confidently leave lor in tu
Uiorltlea of our land. He It further
Unsolved. That while conaolentlously
differing In some degree from our gov
ernment a view of real, traditional or
technical neutrality, w moot respect
fully submit, aa American cltiiena should
submit, to the opinions of th majorty
so far as such opinion haa brn formu
lated and expressed. He It further
He solved. That wa earnestly request
and petition our honored president and
Nebraska a members of congress that in
thla trying time the recently adopted
position of the I'nlted Mates aa an ad
vocate of th arbitrament of such ques
tions bv reason, rather than by fores,
ought to b of particular value in main
taining tha peaoa uf our land and our
neutrality with reference to the com
mercial war now being waged on Eu
rope's aoli and waters. W ax firmly
of th opinion that It la much mora wise,
and much more patriotic, and much more
honorable to sxsrcUs every effort to ad
list all auch Question by arbitration
than to plunge a land of peaoa Into the
mud and awirllng whirlpools of a war,
all eady too far-reactilrig, and It la to b
feared too greatly departing from all of
tha rules and precedence of what la
known aa civilised warfare. Respect
fully aubmtttlng these our view, w re
affirm our loyalty to tha land of our
adoption, or of our father, as th case
may be, la wt. lever crisis it mar find
Fifty American
Men Surrounded
by Yaqui Indians
LOS ANOELFA May lS.-Flfty Amer
lean men are aurrounded near Ksperansa,
Honors, today by overwhelming number
of Taqul Indians, acoordmg to advice
received her by Charles T. O'Brien,
owner of on of the large ruche In th
Yauul valley.
According to reliable Information, th
force under General Hose, a Villa com
mander, sent to aid th Americana la
composed mostly of Yaq'it and cannot
be expected to fight their brother b
selglng th Americans.
Jose Maytorena, governor of onora,
la said to have gained tha eupport of
the Yequla in his ftght against the Car
ranxa faction by promla'ag them th
Jlanda ortginaly belonging to th Yaqula
isnd now held by foreigners.
Th unrest of th Indians began when
they came to believe the Mexican lead
ers would not and could not redeem their
7.. O. Ktocker, on of th men reported
injured in the fighting, telegraphed bis
wile here that he as well. Vt II I la in
h locker la wounded.
Larson Killed by
Northwestern Train
ALBION. Neb., May l. -(Special Tele
gram.) A passenger train on th North
western, about three miles south of her.
Isst night ran over and killed a young
farm laborer. Louis l Anton, who left
! the horn of W. II. Longnerker In the
' evening to go to C'larkaon to vlut f i lend.
It Is not known whether Larson laid
'down on lh track and fell aslevp, or
j met altu some accident which threw blm
j across th mil a Th nun wss on th
'.rack near a sharv runt and waa seen
by the trainmen, who tried to atop tbe
train before striking hint. The coroner
ha atakea charge of th body.
, . , -
r vi-s V' ""' 1 ft ' t" TV r"' r i t ' . I' 'f "-f suae iShi'iiii'l ' ;
Sensational Values in Laces and Embroideries
Werth 76o to
11. SO Monday
A Tare.
CI to 27-tnch Nat
26-lneh Black,
4:-lnch Black
in-inch Novelty
I for blouses, dresae. tha new bolero affect etc
Worth te 8
A Yard.
f4 to 6-Inch White and Cream Oriental Laces
Shadow lAce Edges
Norman die Vala and All-L-lnen Clunys
Bargain Square
Venice Bands 3 to 5 Inches
wide. White, cream and eru.
Very pretty new deidgns, suit
able for trimming dainty,
smart summer dresses. Worth
to $1.00. Special
Monday, a yard....
In Our Basement Wash Goods
We are showing a most complete line of dainty, sheer
dress materials for cool summer dresses and blouses,
at very special prices.
Woven Stripe Voile Pink,
Mue, green, gray, lavender,
in wide and narrow stripes
fast colors, 40 inches AP
wide. Monday, yard. .
White Eponge Embroidered in neat colored de
signs on white grounds, 27 inches wide. A yard.
Beautiful Collection of Colored Sheer Dress Fabrics
Silk Stripe Voile, Seed Voile, Filet, Embroidered Cot
ton Crepe Florals and stripes. All this season's print
ings, in white and tinted grounds; 36 and 40
inches wide. Special, a yard
New Printed Flaxon An endless variety In stripes, dots, florals,
rosebud, plain ahadea; all widths; In black and white stripes. Best
linen thread finish, launders perfectly, 28 Inches wide. 4 O 1
Special, a yard la&2fC
New Domestics at
32-Inch English Shirting Madras
Beautiful shirting styles,' neat
stripes, dots and figures. Soft
finish, fast colors. -t nl
Reg. 15c value, a yard
36-inch Crepella Cloth Bookfold. Neat floral and other choice
designs. Soft and clingy. Tha latest combination vollo and crepa
affect, ao much in demand for aummer wear. Specially
priced, a yard. . .
Genuine A. P. C. Dress Ging
ham Amoskeag Manufactur
ing Co.'s beat dress sephyrs.
In all the choice spring and
summer colorings absolute
ly fast. Positively worth
12 He Special Mon
day, a yard
Beautiful Printed Auto Cloth
combination lace and lawn effect, 1915 latest creation. Reg
ular 10c value, a yard
38 and 40-Inch Rice Cloths,
Seed Voiles, Tissues. Filet. Etc.
Ueautli'ul printings, composed
of Jobs, dropped styles and sec
onds of the regular 26c, 30c
and S6c materials. " nl
Monday, yard IdlillC
Sheets and Slips
Genuine Mohawk Bleached Sheets Made by the Utica Manu
facturing Co.. Utica, N. Y. Equal in wear and finish to the genu
ine mica make. All perfect goods, full bleached, heavy linen fin
ish; 8-lnch hems. Torn and ironed. Kach sheet bearing the genu
ine label. Prices
Stse: I' 72x90 Inches SlsOO Inches I 81x90 Inches
Price: I OSc Each ec Each 76c Each
Genuine Mohawk Bleached Pillow Blip Came renowned Qual
ity; 3-Inch bems, ready for use.
Slse: j 42x39 Inches I 45x36 Inches
Plica: I laa Each 15c Each
Motor Restaurants
On gale In the China Department Monday
These kits are
made of
covered h e a v y
elinl duck; soli?
leather corners,
all heavily lined.
Fitted with good
brass lock and catches, estra strong anil
durable; dust and waterproof. Ideal out
fit for long drives, etc. Prices range from
$3.50 to $33.5Q--le8s 33.
Cut Glass Cream and Sugar Sets
New floral cutting on a heavy lead d4 QQ
glass blank. Special set of 3 pieces.. P 1 eaO
50 Electric Lamps for Monday
Worth to $18.50,
Special at $10
Traveling Men's Samples-
Assorted sites and styles.
Overlaid art glass, finished
In Ivory and verde green,
silk cord and plug and chain
pull sockets. 14-ln. high.
14-ln. shades. Spe
cially priced
Top and Shadow
iw Flouncing White and cream 1 wort
. Bilk Shadow All-overs 91
rss Nets
clng I
White and Cream
Silk Cbantllly Dregg
Net Top flouncing
27-lnch Beautiful New Pattern la Figured Filet Flounclngs.
86-inch Fancy Embroidered Net Allovers Whit and cream.
No. 6 Extra Special
$1.00 25c a Yard
Big Counter of Wash Laoea, In
cluding French and Oerman Vals,
All-Linen Torchon and Cotton
Cluny Edges. 2 to 4-inch Piatt Val
Edges and Insertions Worth to
12Ve. Special Monday, a P.
yard i)C
Printed Voile Large as
sortment in florals, stripes,
borders, coin dots, etc., 10
inches wide, QCi
Special -3v
Special Reductions
Leader Voiles 27 Inches wide.
Beautiful Printings Juey, rose
bud and other selected designs.
16c and 18c value, ini
To cloaa, a yard,... 1"ZC
6-lnch Plain White Voile
Neat fancy hairline stripes.
Flatfold, sheer and crisp. Tha
most seasonable white fab
ric for women's waists, street
and outing costumes. Regu
lar 19o values, 1 Al
yard 1U$C
Sheer, clingy, washable fabric
Best Quality Apron Gingham
Full standard make, compares
with Amoskeag, Lancaster and
other staple makes fast colors.
All stse checks. Regular price.
6c; sale price,
rect lints.
imi.-ii ir
Worth TSe to
SO Msaday
A Yard.
worn to aa
I! onder
A Yard. '
Laces Worth to
27 and 4 5-Inch Dainty Sfaer
Organdie, Batiste, Swiss. Voile
and Neigeux Flounclngs
Floral and conventional de
signs, with square edge ef
fects; also dainty designs In
all-over embroidered
effects. Special,
AM our Faat Color Wash
Edging, yard
24-yard bolta of best Twilled C
Tape, bolt oc
Inside Skirt Belting Good
quality, yard v
P. F. C. Crochet Cotton All 7.
number, ball "
Beet Steel Crochet Hooks 2VC
West Electric Hair Curlr 1 Q
6 on card for 7V
C. M. C. Hose Supporters Black and
white, all sizes. Bpeclal Mon- 1 C-
day, a pair
'armen Hair Neta Special. , O C
ft for iJC
Sanitary Aprona 60c value. a
each IOC
Sanitary Belts 25c value, in.
each In
sanitary Napkins Bpeclal, 1 Q-
a dosen
Cedar Paper For trunka and t r
clothea closets, 1 large sheet.. vv
Wsahebl Dress Shields A-
a pair luc
Rubber Sheeting 42 Inches wide.
Best grade made. Regular tl AQf
value, a yard f.
Broom cover For Cleaning ceilings,
walla and hardwood floors; O c
washabla, each lOo, or I for... "Jt'
Dress Forms
Black Jeraejr Covered Buat Forms
All sixes. Regular 11. E0 7?r
value, apecial, each
May Sale of
Wall Paper
Our stock 'of new spring
wall paper is most complete
never before have we
shown such a large assort
ment of medium and high
grado goods. For Monday's
selling we quote several in
teresting lots
Wall Burlap id inches wide.
Red, green, brown, blue and tan. .
Regular 40c grade. Spe-.
clal, square yard
Plain Domestic Oatmeal Papers
Brown, green, red blue and tan.
30 Inches wide. All perfect
goods, worth 18c. Sold with
borders only. Monday, roll.
New Gold Papers Liquid gold
kind, with borders to match
very suitable ror living rooms,
library and reception
halls; worth 25c, roll. .
Parlor. Dining Room, Store and
Hall Papers With 9 and 18-inch
borders to match. A big selec
tion to choose from,
3c Sic
in 2 big lots Mon.
They fit without a
They are made with
patent elastic girdle
and glove fastener
They have many
points of importance
lacking in ordinary
KLOSF1T. pettieonts are showing now in
the correct sprinc; modes modes that
adupt themselves to prevailing styles in
The favored shades, the cor-
All Jersey or Jersey top Klofit ietti
ooats. witO. Me.-alin or Taffeta flounce
or ail silk, S5.00.
Amy Tailor
aW wi ifrjr- I II in i
wrfM w
Important Feaiiui
With the advent of the new si
ent, still more striking becomes
economie's brightest features. -
Our Big Sot
Sale of Eve
Stock One c
most Sensat
Silk Tailor
Perhaps there are saltj j
, nnd did not buy becanSo
to 89. Now the optxrtt
j are worth to $75 theailk
Remember, there ae
suit in stock willbeiolcn
Wool Tailc
Special Showing oi
Specially featured for the openings of
Clubs. Smart dancing frocks, chic afte
cool. Filmy laces, transparent nets, she
19.00, 25.00.
Climax of Our Mj
"We have wirod our New York repreBentative for thoasan
has already far exceeded our expectations. "VVe want you to J
fit of Brandeis' nnequaled power to purchase, which is gwatofj
nale-at lowest manufacturers' prices makes it possible to off ti
New Lingerie Blouses lace and emhroiderj- trimmetl.
Special Mondav. at JC
Jap Silk. Dainty Voile, Organdie and Batiste , (ti AA
Blouses dozens of btyles to select from, at $11 U
Dainty Voile nnd Tub Silk Blouses low or high 4 IC
neck, long or short sleeves V-laitl
Crepe d Chine, Jap Silks, Smart Lingerie and Striped
Voile Blouses seuii-tailored and dressy models. flf QQ
Specially priced . vlatlZ)
Slightly Soiled Blou
Slightly soiled Lingerie Blou-.
Slightly Soiled Crepe de C hinc and Tub Silk &4 Pfi iy
Blouses Values to 3.X, at vlalll