Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 5-B, Image 21

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After Touring Europe, Dr. Vander
kleed Believes America Will
Be Able to Capture For
eipi Trade.
(Cocrepondene of the Associated Press.)
BERLIN, May 10. The war af
fords America an opportunity to be
come the drug and chemical center
of the world. In place of London and
Amsterdam, If America but knows
enough to grasp the advantage, la the
opinion of Dr. C. E. Vanderkleed,
chief chemist of a big Philadelphia
manufacturing and biological cheml
cal concern, who has been touting
Europe for several months.
This possible leadership may come
Vnvr nnlv In riM American
. . . .. ..... . '
chemists aeveiop tne aouuy 10 mane
synthetic chemicals as Germany al
ready has done, out of the raw and
crude materials that come largely
from South and Central America, and
that now, because of danger of ship
ping, are being sent In huge quanti
ties to New York, Instead of Amster
dam and England.
Oiv-e America achieves some of the
highly specialised German ability along
this line, he believes, it will be abla to
compete for all time" with the rest of the
world, and attract to itself the lion's
. share of the raw materials so cloae at
Market for gemma.
Dr. Vanderkleed's travels through Ger
many, Austria, Holland and Denmark
have shown him that there is a scarcity
of riorums in practically all of the coun
tries at war, as well as a scarcity of
some opiates. There is consequently a
market here for every ounce that can be
made in America and shipped over.
Practically every laboratory in Europe,
. he finds, is manufacturing to the limit
of Its capacity serums for tetanus, dys
entery and spinal meningitis, three of the
great war eco.irges. Bach fountry, how
ever. Is hampered by two things the
length of time that is necessary to pro
duce serums of the requisite strength and
a universal shortage of the high grade
horses used m tho manufacture of the
medicines. '
A comparatively small quantity of
tetanus serum, when injected very soon
after a soldier has been wounded in
such a way that the dreaded lockjaw is
liable to set In, will save him. says Dr.
Vanderkleed. But in case there Is delay
In the Injection something that 'fre
quently happens because of the exi
gencies of warfare it takes an infinitely
greater amount of medicine to offset the
disease. And under the present clrcum
stances, and shortage, he believes, no
country has a sufficient quantity on hand
to be able to dose Its patients with the
necessary liberality when there has been
great delay.
Plenty of Vaeclae.
In contrast to the shortage of serums,
; Dr. Vanderkleed finds that all the nations
seem to be fairly well supplied with the
necessary vaccines, which can be and are
being prepared - In great quantities, and
In a comparatively short time.;
The" time difference between making
the serums and the vaccines Is due to the
essential differences in the characteristics
of the two medicines. The vaccine is-but
a quantity of the dead bacteria of a
given disease, which, when injected Into
the blood, causes no harm, but does
stimulate the growth of live anti-bodies
that ward off the disease If It comes.
Tha serum, on the other hand, takes
from three to six months In preparation,
and consists of a quantity of live anti
' bodies that have been painstakingly
; brought up to a standard of strength.
: They are created by inoculating sound
' mad healthy horses with Increasingly
large doses of bacteria1 of a given disease,
' The animal, less subject than any other
to the disease, gradually and Increasingly
generates a powerful antl-tosin, and
when In the proper state of health will
eventually yield from three to four quarts
of the serum.
Vaccination Compulsory.
Germany and Austria, Dr. Vanderkleed
finds, manufactured great quantities of
typhoid vaccine, and have on hand plenty
of vaccine for cholera, plague and other
diseases to which the soldiers may be
liable. Following the example of the
United States, these countries have, dur
ing the war, introduced compulsory vac
cination against typhoid in their armies.
With the single exception of cecalne,
Germany at least possesses all the opiates
it needs. There are quantities of chloro
form, ether, morphine and opium on
hand. The cocaine Is coming In from
New York, which pets It in turn from
South America.
To Kino extent also there is a market
here. Dr. Vanderkleed. believes, for chem
icals out of which can be made materials
for combatting the insect pest that Is
such n factor In the esst.
Old Metals Go to
The Melting Pot
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
BiatLIN, May 10. So great has been
the flood of eld metals for melting pur
potes, that the war ministry haa had to
issue a statement, thanking the donors.
but declaring the lack of metal 'a not
sufficient to necessitate such sacrifice.
"Of late," says the ministry, "there
have been accumulating In the raw ma
terials of the war divlaoln of the minis
try, metal objects of all kinds from the
housltold and the factory, even church
bells, for the use of the army. It Is lm-
p.slh!s tc thank each sender for his laud'
a Mo interest, so the war ministry te-
speeks in this way it gratitude.
"The army authorities do not wish t
take advantage of this movement, be
cause at the present there is no short
age of old metal Aside from this fact,
the less well-to-do circles of our popula
tion would be apt to compete In a spirit
of sacrifice in giving to the fatherland
their metal, while In the ease ot a real
trcagtheaa Bare Baek. Help Weak
Take sis drops of Sloan's Liniment four
times a day and apply to small of back.
It kills the pain. All druggists.-Advar
Apartments, flats, bouses and cottages
can be rented quickly and cheaply by
Bee "For Bent" Ad.
HKN Charles B. Hanford, the
eminent Shake speerean actor,
beglfca Ms engagement on
JWnday afternoon. May 1, for
one week at the MrandelS
theater in that thrilling pic
torial drama of human sacrifice and de
votion, "The tTnrtylng More of the Ex
pedition of Captain Ttobert Falcon Scott
to the South role,' the patrons will see
a drama from the book of life, the liv
ing record of the most daring and bril
liant adventure of modorn times and will
know Just how real, not Imagined heroes,
act in life. Tragic and thrilling are
many of the scenes, hut of absorbing
Interest, which is heightened by the in
spiring narrative given by so noted aa
actor as Charles B. Hanford, who was !
personally selected because of his dis
tinguished position on the stage to give
this story of heroes of our own lay.
As you sit in a comfortable orchestra
seat you will travel far from your homes
to the Uttermost South, the land which
for over ISO years baffled, eluded and
circumvented every effort of man to
open It to ' the knowledgo of the world.
Tet in this drama of astounding adven-
ture you can see the very Uttermost
fha lanJ of tnl Qreat su.
ence. Just as It actually exists and was
seen by Captain Scott and his compan
ions. This Is due to the fact that Cap
tain Scott was the first explorer to make
the art of photography a separate part
of an Antarctic expedtti-m and took with
him Herbert O. I'onttng, Fellow of the.
Royal Geographical society, as Ills offic
ial camera artist. The records are all
animated and are authentic, which adds
much to their worth and include the
views found on the bdy of Captain
The drama begins with the sailing of
the Terra Nova from Prtrt Chalmers, New
Zealand, a terrible storm at sea Is en
countered, then come the giant Icebergs,
looming up grim, white and majestic, as
tho South Vv)ar continent Is reached.
The unloading .f the Terra Nova is
shown, the "erection of the winter quar
ters and the daily life and work of the
men of the expedition Is seen. Climbing
giant Icebergs on skis is viewed as a
fast If somewhat dangerous means of
locomotion. Then there are the various
methods of transportation, by dog teams,
motor sledges and ponies'.
The beauty of the scenery of the Great
White South is seen Illuminated by the
brilliancy of the midnlpht sun. Then you
6tart and travel to the very south pole
and see the actual location of that Il
lusive point and make the terrible return
Journey to death and glory with Scott.
Scott's loyalty to truth In giving Amuna
den full credit for hla success will im
press you. Then there is the irresistibly
funny comedy furnished by the fantastic
penguins, the Antarctic comedians.
At the Boyd this week the bill will be
Tess of the Storm Country," a play by
Rupert Hughes, based on the novel of
tbe same name. It la a picture of life
among tha lowly, with some very
dramatic Incidents and a number of
really unique characters. The scrota ars
laid in the lake and Umber region of
northern New York, and the persons in
the play are mostly squatters, poachers
and fishermen, almost outlaws, into this
community comes Paul Graves, son of a
millionaire and .a preacher, who has
given up a fashionable pulpit In New
York that he may labor among the
storm country folk. He meets Tesslbel
Skinner, daughter of Orn Skinner, a
leader among the poachers, who has been
accused of murder. Tess, la her rags,
unkempt and untrained. Is beautiful, and
the young man Is attracted to her. He
undertakes to assist her in her fight for
her father's life, and soon she gets a
chance to return his favor In a way he
doesn't realise. His sister, Taola, de
ceived and desperate, has no place to go,
and Tess takes her In and takes the
baby, letting It be thought that It Is her
own. Then matters rush to a swift and
logical finish. The scenes of th i play
permit some very artistic stage settings,
and as the characters are mostly types,
the comedy of the play Is naturally de
veloped. Miss Gates. Is to play Tess; Mr.
Lynch will be the young preacher Mr.
Llndholm his millionaire father. Miss
Keppler his sister, Mr. Price will be
Penn Letts, cause of it all, and others
cf the company will be seen In good
parts. The first performance will be at
the matinee this afternoon, and the bill
will run all week, with other matinees
on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.
For the special attraction on Tuesday
night the drill team of Camp 120. Mod
ern Woodmen, of America, will give an
exhibition drill. . .
The program for this week at the Hipp
theater is unusually noteworthy.
Today, Monday and Tuesday "Hypo
crites,", which has been designated as
the most remarkable ' picture ever pro
duced, 'will be shown. The use of su-
vAi-ji f - I j
Movies at the Omaha Theaters
Members of tho Scott
perlatlves Is fully Justified when speak
ing of this picture.
Mary Fickford, the "most popular girl
In America." will be seen Wednesday
end Thursday in '"Fanchon.'the Cricket,"
In a role tor which she Is' admirably
adapted. It has been a long time since
she last appeared in Omaha and many
are looking forward to her return.
Friday and Saturday, "The Moth and
the Flame," adapted to the screen from
the powerful drama by Clyde Fitch, will
be shown. The -play 1 In tha hands of a
very capable Famous Players cast
The bill at the Empress for the first
half of the week, has one of the - best
acrobatic acts that ever held the boards.
"Scream" Welch, "Big" ' Mealy and
George Montrose present In their own
original manner "Tbe Understander."
Their act, besides being acrobatlo, is a
high-class comedy song, talk and dance
novelty. Pierce and Hoslyn In a "Whirl
of Melody" on a piano, banjo and ao-
corJeon and many song numbers. Camp
tell and Brady offer an artistic novelty
entertainment and Lewis and Norton
complete the bill with a singing skit, en
titled, "In Those Days." An Innovation
Is to be introduced In the photo-play of
ferings, starting Sunday and to be con
tinued indefinitely. A shorter feature
photo-play Is to be shown and an assorted
program of pictures will complete tha of
fering. The management of the Empress
has made arrangements to secure all the
Charlie Chaplin pictures and they will
te shown the first change after released
by the film company. These pictures will
ail be first run In Omaha. Tha feature
photo-play for Sunday and for the first
lalf ot tha week is "The Profligate."
Rivington Street
FEEL moved to add a word to
the Rivington Street story be
cause I know the whole ot It
and M. li. says I may finish It.
Rivington street was one of
my "adventures In content
ment." an alarming number of years
ago. Back of the dignified and beautiful
old New York mansion whloh was the
settlement was a little back yard, per
haps twenty-five feet square (dimensions
are always hard for me), mostly sand
and swings. Eager looking children
waited for hours with tickets for a turn
at the swings, which they called "the
scups." In one corner, by looking care
fully you could discern a faint greenness.
This was always spoken of by us as
"Mikey's grass." No one really knew how
he got the seed or when he planted It,
but he had the gardener's "touch" and
his grass grew for him. Morning and
evening he watered and worshiped it. It
was an event. All visitors were shown
Mikey's grass.
Mlkey was a boy about I small and
pale, who tended the Incessant doorbell
and had one good meal a day at the set
tlement, ile was taken on a great occa
sion to walk on Fifth avenue and when
he saw the little children of the rich
walking sedately In their beautiful
clothes he said, "Well, I guess they wish
they could have some of our good times "
Mlkey miist be about 30 now and I hope
he has a iawn and a garden.
Another friend of lu, whose playground
f ia IVieub Dowera Tjr
X 1 Hi J I
rrr ' f a VH
South Pole Party
'Herbert G..Pon.tiu
For Thursday and the last half of the
week Is Captain Auger In a comedy
sketch, "Jack tha Giant Killer;" Fred
and May Waddell In a singing and
danolng and club swinging novelty;
Herschell Handler, the poet of the piano,
and Hazel Morris, the wizard of ragtime,
complete the vaudeville offering. A big
assorted program of comedies, dramas
and weeklies, with "The Breath of
Araby," with Helen Gardner, is the photo
feature for the last half.
The success of the dlsnlsy of the Will
iamson Expedition Submarine moving
pictures at the Gayety throughout the
last week has wisely prompted the man
agement to continue this six-reel series
for four more showings today only, start
ing at 1, 3:. 7:10 and 0 p. m.
Great crowds have witnessed the dis
plays during the week and have marveled
at the audacity of George and Ernest
Williamson's daring In securing these
pictures upwards of 100 feet below the
ocean's surface, one of them hrlnir an.
rased In a flexible steel tube, on the ex-
treme lower side of which was a plate
glass window through which the pictures 1
were made. Schools cf fish In their
native haunts, coral beds, beautiful nut- I
rine gsrdens, sponge fishing and all man-
ner of deep sea life are pictured with
unfailing fidelity now for the first time
by a moving picture camera. i
To actually see a life and death battle
between a man and a vil lous shark Is '
not a sight one's eyes are sccustomed to,
yet the Williamson brothers filmed Just. 1
such an event and, It and a thousand j
other Interesting marine scenes are shown
at each display of the films, the very
last chances to see which or our st the 1
Gayety four times today. j
and Mikey's Grass
was the asphalt street (enchanting in its
variety and Its lovely spirit of kind
gaiety) said once to me, with a longing
look in his dark Syrian eyes, "I always
enjoy green fields." If you say that
slowly and with a little feeling it sounds
like poetry. At any rate I have nc-ver
forgotten It.
Thanks to the good Jacob Rtls sll thene
little children-of the asphalt have lawn
and trees and flowers now. Ile used to
come often to lUvlngton Street. Perhaps
It all grew out of Mikey's grass.
Who knows? e. e. g,
t 1
Jastrow Believes
Reserve Banks Are
To Solve a Problem
BERLIN, May 10Dr. J. Jastrow. pro
fessor at tho University of Berlin in an
article commenting upon the first re
port on the new federal reserve banks In
the United States, says-
" Alt hough the report covers only Urn
operations for six weeks. It nevertheless
offers an imposing picture and confirms
In all respects my opinions, earlier er
pressed, that a financial work was being
quietly done here. which promised espe
cially to grow into a rival of unantici
pated Importance for the position of the
English money market"
Mary Pickfonl in "Ffinclion" at the Hipp
'las. T ' M i7V. V.. , .. : , . v:
i ' - I
Club Women Meet
in Convention at
Iowa City Tuesday
IOWA CITY. la.. May lS,-(8pecittl.)-
The appioaching convention of the Iowa
Federation of Women's Clubs, which will
convene here Tuesday, May IS, will bftng
together probably the largest aggrega
tion of women that ever met in Iowa.
At ' the preceding biennial the teports
show that there were 1,M2 paid mftn
Lers in nearly 600 federated clubs of the
Next week at the eleventh biennial of
the federation It wlil be found that there
lisve been many new clubs added and
that several hundred more women are
today members of the 'state federation.
Observation has shown to the officers
that no state has an organisation -, ex
ceeding Iowa, and that few states equal
it, and this has come through the so
cumulated efforts of many past biennial
Tuesday will . be the opsntng day and
Hotel Jefferson will bo' headquarters.
Mrs. B. B. Clark of Red Oak. president
wtll fireside at the sessions, snd the first
board meeting wtll be held Tuesday aft
ernoon at I o'clock. The opening social
function will 'be :Tuesday evening at the
Englert theater, when a Greek play will
be presented by the Greek department
cf the University of Iowa under the aus
pices of the women's clubs of Iowa City.
The closing' feature on Friday afternoon
will be a May day pageant under the
Woman's Athletlo association under the
direction of Alice Wilkinson Bate. There
will be an afternoon reception at the
home of President and Mrs. McBride.
The meetings will beheld In the Audi-
All ThisWeek Com. Mat. Today, Daily Mats. 3 P.M., Nights 8:20
The Eminent Actor, will appear ami Rive the stirring story with the
actual said astounding modon pictures
With Capt. Scott in tho Antarctic, His Thrill
ing Adventures to The South Pole
A tremendous tale of human adventure More than 7, (KM) feet
1 of soul inspiring motion pictures
ciitertniniueiit. Including views
All Seats Reserved
hpecial Matinee Rate to I'uplls
Kervationa for. any
Saturday Evening, May 22d
Arthur Smith's Orchestra
In Ball Room
. .: - ' "
torlum of natural science building of the
ftate university. The speakers of the
convention wtll include Miss Alice French
(Octave Tlianet), Miss Mary Gray Feck,
Miss Harriet Vlttum, President McBrlde.
Henry Turner Hailey, . Dr.' George D.
Crlssman, Dr. Henry B. Favlll, Havrah
Hubbard, President Seerley, Mm. Klne
Mslnberg. Dean Klingenhagsn and others.
Mrs. Francis Whitley, Webatsr City,
vice president, will preside at the Thurs
day morning session, when the district
chairman will make report and Mrs.
Homer A. Miller, Des Moines, past presi
dent, as general federation secretary, will
prtsldo Friday morning, when the work
of tho General Federation will pass In
The afternoon sessions will open to all
Interested woman. Many Important meas
ures affecting Iowa women and Iowa
homes .will be discussed and will become
sn Interesting par( of the federation work
fqr next year.
M. 'D. Cameron of the Peters Truat'cem
pany was elected Friday evening as a
lay delegate from the First Methodist
church to the Nebraska conference ot the
Methodist Episcopal church,' whloh wltl
meet In Omaha the week beginning Sep
tember 21. Mr. Cameron Is very active in
Methodist church affairs, being, among
other things, a trustee of Wesleyan uni
versity at University Place. .
Tha official board of the church met
and passed resolutions endorsing htm also
as one of the ten lay delegate from Ne
braska to the quadrennial national con
ference of the Methodist church, which
meets in May, UK.
C. A. Goes was elected as his alternate
to the state conference.
Over two hours of remarkable
found on Capt. Hrott's doad body.
Prices: 50c. 35c, 25c
of Hrhools, 23c for best 60c seats.
perforinaiM'u can be made.
rrOif rVmalia'i Most
Popul Thiitir
IW.gln. Mnt. Today All Week
Itulh (intm Kdward Ijrnch
In the Romantic Melodrama
Mat. Wed., Thurs., 8at., 28c.
Kvenlng, 2fle and OOc.
Tango Mstlnee Every Thursday
Between Acts
Horns of firimount Pictures
Tod ay M bnday
and Tuesday
Truly the Most Re
markable Picture
Ever Produced
Wednesday and Thursday
Daniel Frohman Presents
' The Hnpreme Favorite.
Friday and Saturday '
Clyde Fitch's Powerful Prams
"The Moth-S Flame"
' With a Famous Players' Cast.
7V JTfOSf MVS" w I
1 Cmssmm CIA glswsKift
Sal s 1 1 ?)
Tha wrxx.Lajao3r BxnorcxoaT
Actually rheteed la Ola
Ocean's Depths.
bio bhu or uirorB-amA
uoiTi Ain loans,
These are the Identical pictures
reKunllns which all scientific and
leading papera and masaainse de
voted unlimited space.
AmestBaTI Bduaatlonall BatraaetasT
-SUN., MAY 16
Recommended by Mary
Munchhoff, Millie Ryan,
Martin Bqsh, Jean Duf field,
Belle Robinson, Helen Sadi
lek and Max Landow.
Webster 4332.
4618 North 28th Avenue.
Omaha vs. Des Moines
Bourse Bark
tar ls-14-la.ts. I
Friday. Key 14. ladles la.
Ilsll PAI.TiBP 9. Um
i Tess
. I of tho I