Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 4-B, Image 20

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    THE 0M1UIA SUM)AY BEE: MAT 16, 1915.
Xany Omahani to Attend Commence
ment Exercises At the Various
Eastern Colleges.
EASTERN corrnrGEirr is large
(Oontlnued from Pajre Two.)
One of tho Early May Brides
nrentn at th horn of Mfmrt, Nelson.
After short business sessions of ths two
(luiwi, game and tmulc entertained tha
ruest. Tha two cIimm hold these meet
ings monthly during th winter at th
bomi of the member, and vary th
profram In summer with outings and
out-of-door affair. This meeting waa
planned by Miss Omo Shearer, tha presi
dent of tha Philathea elaaa and Harry
Nelion. the secretary of tha Baraca rises.
Gnestjor Wedding.
. C. Buck of Waterloo, la., la
visiting hor parent. Mr. and Mra. C. J.
Lron. Phe will spend tha balance of the
month here and be present at the wedding
of Iter sister. Mlii HimI Lyon, to Mr.
R. Kllwood Pratt which will take place
Thursday evening, May ft.
Entertain f.t Cards.
Mr. W. Lincoln Byrna entertained at
card at her homo in the Urtoana apart
menta on Saturday afternoon In honor
of Mra. Preaton Davlaon, who la eoon to
leav for Chicago, where aha will make
her future home.
The decoration were la pink. Tho
preaant were:
Mlretre Mlrses
tllanrhe Deuel, Kthal Ftillawav.
Crebbe. Emma Fullawar.
Meedame Meedames
ralcn, Kdwarde,
Edward Chamberlali Cummlnga, .
Bradnar, Davie,
J. Fred Kein.' W. L. Byrne.
Dinner at the Henshaw.
Mr. and Vrs. FYank Ola will giro a
dinner today at the Henshaw In honor of
Mr. and Mr- fharlea E. Olaa of Cleve
land, parent of Mr. Frank Olaa. Covr
vlH It pleaoad for:
Maaare and Ma-da mee
fharlae B. Olaa, R J. Patt.rlea, ,
BMward A. Ola, Frank Ola.
Mr. Edward A. Ola. ... - ' I
Eounders' Day at Tassar, '
Miaa Mona Powell, who ha hn visit
ing In the eaat. attended the Founder'
day exercises at which tha 'new art gal
lery building waa dedicated. Thl build
ing waa donated by Mr. and Mra Pratt,
whoa generosity also waa tb mean of
erecting the library building. At the exer
etae the lecture waa given on art by Mr.
Blahfkld, the well known mural painter
of America!
Musical This Afternoon.
The madamea of the Sacred Heart
convent will entertain tha alumna at a
musical Sunday afternoon. Mr. Henry
Cox and ercheatra wtU give the entire
Among the Visitors.
Mr. C. A. Hull baa her mother, Mr.
E. P. Holme of Lincoln, with her for a
few day.
Mr. Collin of Sacramento, Cal, ar
rived last week to visit bar daughter, Mr.
Oaorg Shirley.
Mis Mildred Chapman of Rutland, Vt,
la the guast of her uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mra. O. W. Updlk.
' Mr. Augustus XounUe' of K"TcS
wa the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Chart
Kouatse during tha week. " '
, Mr, 'aeons Sparling, who ha bees
visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. O.
Phllllppi, returned Wednesday to Saska
toon, Canada. ' ' "
Mr. IS wood Bailey of Dixon, HI., whoa
wif ta (pending soma time her with ber
parents, Mr. and Mra PhUllppl. la her
for the week.
Mr. Walter A. Fleishsr and smalt son
of Philadelphia, who bave bean the
guaau of Mr. and Mr. Bernard Kobn,
left for their bom Thursday.
Mr. Albert Brown and Mr. Albart
Fletcher of Boston, nnol and brother of
Mrs. Wilson Law, arrived Thursday and
era guest of Mr. and Mr. Low,
Mr. Myr Frldsteln f Chicago, who
haa spent tha last two weak with bar
parent. Mr. and Mr. 8. Hera-man. will
leav thl evening for bar bom.
Mr., lwranoa Phtppa, Jr., of Denver,
will arrive In Council Bluff tha Utter
part of next weak to vtait bar father, Mr.
R. W. Hart, until after tha McFerren
Stewart wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Leilla Hlldreth of Bvana.
ton. 111., are tb week-end guasta of Mf.
and Mrs. Osgood Eastman. They are
en route home from a trip ta Honolulu
and California.
Mrs. Ouy Howard, who has been the
guest of Mr. and Mr. T. L Rlngwalt.
returned Tuesday to Molina, accompanied
by ber daughter. Mis Helen Howard,
who paaaed through Omaha that day from
San Francisco, where aha landed last
week from tha Philippine.
In and Out of the Bee Hire.
Mrs. Walter rag returned Thursday
from tha east.
Mr. 1. da roreet Richard left Satur
day for New York. '
, Mr. and Mra. Fred Mats are ependlng
a few day in Chicago.
Mr. John A. Monroe left Wedaeeday to
Join hi wife In California.
Mis Mary Burkley ta visiting Miss
Fleming In Burlington, la.
Mr. K. O. McOUtoa want to Wisconsin
Thursday to visit her mother. -Mr.
and Mrs. Oerrit Fort left Friday
to tak up their residence In Chicago.
Mr. and Mra. Joatah Petty of Perry,
la., are visiting friends and rotative In
this city.
Mr. and Mra R. L. Huntley, who went
to Belt Lake City Sunday, are expect d
home today.
Miss Lur-y 11 arte la spending this week-
id in Lincoln attending th Kappa
Kappa Gamma banquet
Mr. Harry ON'eil spent the week-end
with friends In Omaha, leaving Monday
for a few day' stay In Kanaas City.
Mlsa Helea Clark will leav soon for
De Kalb. where aha will be tha gueet
of Ml as Louts Lewi for several vreska.
Mr. and Mra. R. L. Ltndly motored to
Lincoln to spend th week-end with Mr.
and Mra Burdlrk.
Mr. C. C era In left Saturday for her
home In Springfield, O.. after two week'
visit her with her mother, Mra E. Wake
ley. Miss Marion Kuhn leave Nashville,
Ten., where ah baa been visiting for
the last month, and starts boms tomor
row. Miss Harriett Bobblltta, who baa been
tha gueet of friends In Omaha for te
weeks, leaves for ber horn In Oconto,
Neb., Monday.
Mr. and Mr. John Tarwood of London.
t'nrUnd, who were tha guesta of their
a if', Mr. F 8. Hamilton, toft for Bt
Paul. Minn- Friday.
Mrs. W. J. Greens and daughter, Kath
l n Pa.illrw, leave this afternoon foi- a
to iTwntl.a' vUlt In Chicago, MUnaukee
nd uttr points In Wisconsin.
all CUu"l Harris leavea Monday for
fv' : M Kenb JJ
1 t- , r - . i
i- ", ."' ' ' ...- '.-'.
L J)
1 - 5
r Wirt
and la just returning from a lx weeks'
concert tour of the coast, whsr h
Played at Lo Angelas, San Franoisoo
a nd other cities before various clubs.
Saturday afternoon shs wa heard at
Mrs. Charts Kountsa's at th tea given
in her honw by Mrs. Kounta and Mrs.
Fast man.
Omaha bank clearing hava mad an
other big gain during tha week. This
year the advance over last year waa over
t ',000.000. Clearings for th week were
!lt,77,8S1.7&, and for th corresponding
week a year ago tlt.BX,T9T.ta, .
Omaha Motor Bus Association Asks
Ordinance of Regulation for
Jitney Traffic.
A representative of the Omaha' Motor
Bus association ha submitted to Sup
erintendent Kugel of th police depart
ment a proposed ordinance far the
regulation of the jitney bus traffic.
The salient provision of th ordinance,
re: Applicants for licenses shall stats
their experience n tha business of trans
porting passengers for hire; shall have
two resident tsx payer for references,
such references to state whether sn ap
plicant Is addicted to alcoholic drinks or
drugs; definite routes snd schedules
shall he maintained; not more than one
passenger on front seat; applicants shall
pass an examination regarding travel
snd traffic rules, geography of tre city
and knowledge of the mechanism of jit
neys. There are minor provisions, such as
permission to deviate from a reguiar route
in case a psasenger wants to be taken
to a location not on the route.
eat Bond Assoelatloau
R. M. Bwttcler, attorney for the motor
bus association, suggests th formation
of a mutual bond association among the
jitney drivers, each member to pay an
annal' assessment of 130. the monty thus
received to be used as a premium fund.
It I proposed under thl plan to furnlah
th eity an Indemnity bond which would
yield SS.000 for one person In one scol
dent and $10,000 to mqr than one person
In on accident It 1 also declared that
the passage of the proposed ordinance
would reduce the basard of the business,
thereby laoreaslng the pcsslbtiry of se
ourtng Indemnity bonds.
It Is also proposed to hava a tegular
Inspector under the direction of tha
superintendent of polio.
KaTl Takee V Matter.
Commissioner Kugel eight week ago
wa directed by th city council to 1
vasttgata th jitney bus situation and
offer recommendations. Tha Hanscom
Park Improvement cluh publi affair
committee have been Insistent that a
Jitney ordinance) ahould be passad.
Mr. Kugel will confer with tha city
legal department and la all probability
will adopt soms of tha suggestion of
fered by tha Omaha Motor Sua associa
tion. '
Tha forty-fifth annual meeting of th
Omaha . Association of Congregational
churches will be held at the Plymouth
Congregational church, Eighteenth and
Emmet street, Monday and Tuesday of
thl week. Included In the association
are th church of Omaha and South
Omaha, Argo, Arlington, Boemar. Blair,
Dodge, Fremont, Howell, trvlngton,
Sciibner, Springfield, UehUng, West
Point and Wlsnar. Each church Is en
titled ta representation by th pastor
and two laymen. Th program fellows:
At 7:80 Devotional, sacred organ ro
ot tL Ktnar Andreasen, organist Ply
mouth Congregational church. ' '
At 1:00 Words of greeting from Ply-
mouth Congregational church, Arthur
Response, J. C. Noyce of Irvington.
At S:8 Association sermon. David Tu
dor of West Point.
At 8 45 Communion, lad by J. M. K.OK-
jr and R. Hllkerbaumer.
An ousting win d tasen at mi service
for the ministerial relief fund.
At S:S9 Onransiatlon. eleouon of of
ficer and business.
At : Devotional, E. I. Qrlnnell.
At i0:vtMPrepartIon for the Sunday
vangUUo campaign. Rev. O. H.
Fisher, and others.
At 1D: "Oo-operwtioo of Pastor In
Soul Winning." W. H. Bus of Fremont.
General discussion.
At 11 JO "l&xperiencea In th Every
Member Canvass," A group of Laymen.
At 11 00 Luncheon.
At t Devotional, J. P. Preston, Flor
ence. At 9:00 Written reports of tb
churches, limited to three ramutae.
At S:S0 Ten-minute report from de
partment, secretaries! eta
"Our State." S. I. Hanford.
"University Pastor," V. W. Lsavltt
"Sunday Bohool." & H. Buelt.
"The Missions: Council," F. T. Rouse,
At S:S0 "Ths Woman' Home Mission
ary Union." Mra. H. H, Hoaford. presi
dent. Crete.
At 4:00 Woman's board of tho Interior.
"News From Our Mlsaonarls," Mr.
Ralph Wast. Omaha,
Vocal Solo Story. "Ths Legend of th
Bleeding Heart," Mra J. w. Metcalfe,
At 4:30 Business.
At S.-oo Automobile rid through tha
At T:S0 Praise and prayer aervtoe, M.
B. Harrison, Scribae.
Address, "Reuben Oaylord and Congre
gational Beginning In Nebraska," S. L
Hanford, Lincoln.
Address, , "World Wlda Kingdom." R.
A. Waits. , pastor First Congregational
church, Lincoln.
'" """
Be Want Ada Produce Result. - :
t niA'
I i
n, - t t
Hairklk 'JbobMk
a southern trip to be gxme a month. Bh
will go to Nw Orleans, returning by
way of Florida and Washington.
Mra, Jrom Magea returned Monday
from Chicago, and will be he, re two or
three week with" her mother, Mrs,
Kounts. Mr. Magea ha gone eaat.
Mr. W. A. C. Johnson left Thursday for
Chicago to meat Mrs. Johnson and Miss
MoCormlck upon their return from tha
east, They will all be bom Monday.
Mra. R. McCaffrey R last night for
Ei Paerj, Tex., where shs will visit her
daughter, Mr. J. W. Murphy. Returning
home ah will com by way of tha Pa
cific roast, stopping at tha expositions.
Mr. Charles Meta and Mra Fred Mots,
with their daughters, Miss Gertrude and
Mia HanrUt, and Mr. John A. Kuhn
and Miss Marlon Kuhn, wlU leave Wed
nesday for th Mats ranch near Cody,
Neb.. Mis Harriet Meta expects to stay
about a week, but, tha other will remain
Personal Kention.
. Mra T. 3. Nolan, who underwent a
surgloan operation at St. Joseph' hos
pital, la Improving and will be taken to
ber home In two week.
' General E. F. Test has gone to Santa
Ta, N. M., to join his wife, who ha been
there all winter with her son. Lieutenant
Fred Teat, raring for his Infant daughter.
Mra C J. Oreene, who has been spend
ing this week with Mrs. U. W. Brecksn
ridge. .goes today to Bt. Paul, Nab., to
vslt hsr sister. Mrs, Templln, until tha
end of tha month.
Mrs, Helen Abbot of New York City
will arrive Thursday to spend three days
in Omaha, tha guest of Mrs. J. M. Met
es If. Mr. Abbot Is enroute bom from
th western coast expositions.
Mr. William E. Martin will go to Den
ver the first of June to make arrange
ment for a serivs of lectures to b
glvsa there by Mra Anthony Merrill of
Chicago, whose auucesa here waa so
great that the Denver women are anxlou
tc have ber also. Mra Martin will b
with Mrs. Lillian Jacobs during hsr stay
in Denver.
Mra Hjalmar Oleson, formerly Mar
garet Pratt of this city, landed Wednes
day In New York from Sweden with ber
brother-in-law, Mr. Henry Magea of Chl
rago, and la expected In Omaha shortly.
Mra. Olsson has only been back to thl
country onoe since ber uarrlag in Swe
den ta UOt. and her jnany friends will
welcome her.
Mrs. Rufu Eastman ef New York City,
wba arrived Monday on her way from
tha west and is th gueet of her brother.
In-law, Mr. Osgood Eastman, and Mra
f-astmn. Mrs. ilufus r-astreaa Is a
1 layer of that rare Instrument, th harp.
Leak-Proof Inner Tubes
Goodyear Laminated Tubes
14 Heavier 20 Lower
Layer on Layer
Here It something erery motorist
should know.
Goodyear Laminated Tubes are not built
of one thick piece of rubber. They are made
of many thin layers each of pure rubber- vul
canized together in one solid, extra heavy tuba
In a thick piece of rubber, flaws may be
hidden. And the flaws may go clear through.
In these thin sheets, any . tiny flaw shows up
and is at once eliminated.
These thin, perfect sheets, wrapped layer
on layer, make a tube that can't leak. And the
valve patch can't leak. It is part of the Tube
not stuck on.
, Please remember that Many a tire trouble
is due to a leaky Tube.
Price Cut 20
On February 1st, despite this added thick
ness, we cut our Tube prices 20 per cent.
Now these Laminated Tubes, built extra thick,
cost about the same as others. There is not
even a price reason for taking a lesser Tube.
Always Gray
Goodyear Laminated Tubes are gray, the
natural rubber color. Pure rubber must be
gray. A colored tube has much mineral
matter in it, and that holds friction heat a
Tube's worst enemy. We do not adulterate.
Made Extra
Goodyear Laminated
Tubes are also extra-thick.
They were always so.
But this year we have
added an extra 14 per
cent on the average -all
pure rubber.
The result' is, these
Tubes far outwear any
a"" Muun,vnm
laminated Tubes
Extra Heavy Tab Uiacalsraa!
BwUt Layer mm Layer
By tb Maker mi Fortified TV
Whatever tire you use, get Goodyear
Tubes. They will out
last your tires. And
they will convert you to
Goodyear Fortified Tires.
No man can use a Tube
Like this without wanting
his tires built by the same
Any dealer wi3 sup
pty you Goodyear Tires
or Tubes. am
Beautify your household linens with edg
ings and insertions crocheted in permanently
lustrous Article 80S Klostersilk Cordonnet,
Special, sizes 3 to 150, with hooks No. 4 to
13; also for lampshade, combing- jackets, boudoir
caps, and th fsshlonabl ornaments crocheted over
button molds. For bedspreads, in "popcorn," "knot,"
"tufted," r any other popular stitches, and for In
sertion to join squsres or "blocks" for bedspreads,
as sis S or 3, with books No. 4, 3 or 0.
Article SOS Klostersilk Cordonnot Special
Made in Whli-3ii I Co'or.- i
1 )0 40 S 30 t9 70
S IS BO UsMBle Red
S 20 SO DHBiw Yellew
S 30 70 Piak Black
SO 100 1 BO Uwtw Creaaa
rcra.eia. 3. B. 10. IS. 20. 30. 40. BO. B0. 70
"White tiaat ataya wbite-celere that last"
Clip ths Klostereilk Bhorpln Ut, snd sak to aee Itluetrated
book a st your dealers. KJostaraiUi far aele everywhere.
Tho Thread Mills Company
Thread Sales Department 219 W. Adaaae St CMeaaw
Shopping List
Handkerchief tdr
Inra, inxrtiont and ut-tln-1
um Art. Bof Cor
donnet Special, balls.
fowel adsinra, and
heavy crochet, Art.
804 Perle, larre balls,
or Art. tea Feria, large
ketni. . .
Boudeir cap, mhy
booteae. Art. sio Sana
liloM, white, colors,
Inianti'Jucket, Art.
;c, Crochet t'locha,
white, bells.
For EaabroiderlBS
Croat stitch, initials,
ArtTST Moaliae,colore,
white, akeios.
French knot, rieivy
Initials, Art. 800 Perls,
colore, white, ekeine.
French embroidery,
Initials, Art.78tFloche,
white, skeins.'
Eyelets and Mono
frame. Art. fci ftroder
Special, white, ekeine.
Peddinf and solid
embroidery. Art. raf
Jeaanetie, white, balls.
Shadow work, Alt. -T5
Flocha, white, belle.
Towels, pillow eases, '
Art. sat, Iwiiy White, ,
ekeineor Art. white,
Colored embroidery.
Art. St, India or Art,.
11, Rope, bolder. '
Our Mr. McFarlane
is personally acquainted with
the gentlemen in charge of the
Eastman Kodak Co's. exhibit at
the San Francisco Exposition.
A personal letter of introduction
given to Fair visitors will assure
them of the best possible Kodak
service you will receive all the
pointers that go with good
When you leave do not neglect
to get a good supply of Fresh
Eastman N. C. Film put up in
the yellow box1 and your letter
of introduction.
r-r". ...' , .'"
':-.v '
Wishes to see every Kodaker get the best
possible pictures.
1813 Farnam St
308 So. 15th St.
The hair goes right back into its old
' training quarters after using Lee's Liquid
Shampoo. '
No soap is left in the hair to make it stiff and
arbitrary; brittle or breaky. It cleans quick and
dries quick. Beautiful transparent green, pleas-'
antly perfumed.
V cC, M ot sad tLM Slses At droits tellvrd
C&O. H. LEE CO Laboratories Omaha, Nobr.
Peelae'eTw Self aw ataasae
Hotel Gr is wold
Tt most modern snd bomellk hostelry
la Detroit. Located la the center of the shop
ping district snd within short walking dlstsnc
of all the theaters. Come where TOU will b
properly taken care of at
Reasonable Rates
SL8O and up. Furopesn.
Finest Musical program In the city; dancing
every evening. YOU will have MT personal
Let The Bee get you a good job.
"Situations Wanted" ads are free