i Hj (l.ll.lllik . H . DR. DERNBERG WILL QUIT UNITEJ STATES Kfciier's Unofficial Spokesman Takes '. Hint from Washington to Ceaie Speech Making. MAY GO TO SOUTH AMERICA Wool Grower Kills ( . Wife and Himself ! In his life. The shots were heard by ln one-armed soldiers how to cam a llvlns Two were established eomo time ag'i at Berlin and HMdoiber. and new one has Just been reported nt Dresden. The Dresden school Is In charse of a one-armed man, who has hlmnelf has a successful, htislnesa Ufe. as owner of a saw-mill.'" Already eighteen soldiers are taking Instruction. .9f . various kinds. Some are learning.' sltVirt hand, atlicrt to use the wrlline: machine and various ar tleen employment,. ThTt- I a spei 111 organisation which look out for employ ment for the men after their trslnln has been finished. ANTI-FLY CAMPAIGN BEGUN BY BRITISH GOVERNMENT carry the germs of epidemics from Ilia eaetern theater of war to the weatern t n lcNs i.rompt measures are taken to c terminate the larvae. The army will he ordered to clear up and burn or destroy nelirhbert, ho Invent luted and found both dead. Friend ay they know of r.o reason for the act. Correspondence of the Associated Frees ) IjONHOV. Msy II. Files are considered s. dangerous a foe that a staff of ento moloclsts hnve been engftg-ed to Inaugu rate an anti-fly campaign at the British front. It Is feared that the insects will ORRKV HIVFR. Wro, Msr 1R -William Helm, a wealthy wool erower of this city, shot anil klllml hit wife, agej year, yeetenl-ky afternoon and then tirned the revolve,- upon himself, end- CRIPPLED SOLDIERS TO BE TAUGHT TO EARN A LIVING BEIIL1N. May 1ft Various municipali ties have now started schools for teaih- all rubbtah near the camps, which Tnigh ( Ilea la a Reromea Pr. Pitcher Bob rtlneon. who msde ,i arret reputation twirling rr the Ks'es -tlne tei.m. hae been signed by the Manchester .lib. serve as fly breeders. Apartments. flat., ftuees and cottagea can be rentedaulckly and cheaply by a Bee "For Bant" (WASHINGTON, Majr 1 5. Dt. Bernard Dernberg, rten referred to at the official spokesman of Kraperor William In the United Stated, ban made plans to leave the country of hla own loltlatlve . within a short tin. It became known in official quar ters here today that in view of the intimations that President Wll&on and. the cabinet were displaced with Ir. Dernberg'a speech Justifying the sinking of the Lusltania and some of his other public utterances, which they believed might be calculated to array sentiment of Germans in the United States against the Washing ton government, friends of Dr. Dern berg here have persuaded hliu to tear the United , States. . Juxt when Vr. Dernbere would leava or where he would go was not mle knowa, but K was believed he would sail tor Cuba or South America. Or. Dernberfs activity In tbe United Htatea since the beginning of the war hat been closely observed , by the president and ether hl-h officials who cams to be lieve la the last wer that a continuation of hla speeches and statements mlrht. In the' event of a critical turn In relations with Germany, menace the domestic wel fare of America. It' has been repeatedly 'denied by the German embassy, as- well as Vr. Pern-' bare, himself, that lie was a spokesman for the Oerman government or that he had any Official status. In view, how ever, of the fact that Dr. Dernberg waa formerly colonial secretary m the Oer man foreign offlre and has become promi nently" active In behalf of the Oerman ' eauae since the outbreak of the war, of- I ftelala here believe German-Americans attach official weight to his utterances. Dr. Dernberg himself tasued a state .., ment last, night, declaring . he had never dtaruaeed matters that had arlaen dlplo- ' matlcally between the United State and Germany.. Officials here made no eenv '.. nient. on .that beyond . point lug to Dr. Irnbergs Utterances In Cleveland and ' New Turk recently, seeking to Justify the , attack on the Lusltania. ' Dr. 'nerafcerc la JUIeat. ; MEW TOWC. My.U.-Dr. Demhard : Dernberg declined today to discuss the tatsment from Tl'ashlngton " that he would soon leave the country of his awn Initiative. Remaining secluded tn bis apartments here, he refuted to see newt t paper representatives. In answer to a note enclosing a copy of the Washington j dispatch be returned the reply: "No comments." ; ; " A Bodies of Americans Will Come ome on ; 1 'Steamer New York ' NSW TORK Kay 1. The bodies ef - nine ef tbe Lusltania's dead. Including ".. tae bedr ef Charles frohman, are to be brought to New Terk aboard tbe Arner ". loaa line steamer New Tork, which will -. leave Liverpool at o'clock tonight, ee- cording 4a eablegrasa received here te . 6ay from Liverpool by thai Una. The dead aboard the New Terk. the v' reMf e stated, arei ... Charles rrohmen ef New Tork. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A., Plaioondon ef . CMceeo. T. K King of New Tork. Prodrli'k of Boston. Trumbull. Bridgeport, R. Foly, Trenton, N. ' J. Conn. C. T V: F, kfiaa II. Kills. L Thomaa. Ont Mis McOrisht. address not given 1 The New York la due te reach this port May 3. ' ' "DANIELS ANSWERS CRITICS OF HAYY (Continued from Page One.) la etuuiant eul in pared for war; that our sblpe are well manned; that the sup ply ef ammunition la vastly larger than ever before and the eskpaclty of eur plants has been practically doubled; that the last congress authorised a naval reserve which Is te greases ef -organisation; that we have seventy-four eubmarlaae author Ued built or building, which an tbe equal ef those of any ether country, and that one flotilla of submarines baa Just completed teraarkable long distance run; tbat we recognise the need for Store fast light cruisers; that we have lately ordered eight aeroptanea and a dirigible out ef a snillksa dollars spe claJlr appropriated . by the last eengrees for aviation; that within the laat twe yeers the navy' a mine' eejulpment has btcn more than doubled; that we are eddlng yearly to our foroe of auxiliary craft, while more time haa been devoted this year to target practice and maneu vering than In many years past. We are proud of our navy as It la. We are re paired te give euy co-operation In making it better and greater.' ' f HYMENEAL arkseaelerRlaa. ALBION. Neb.. May i. peclal Valine, iteaei. daughter ot . B. Morw , heed., wss united la marriage Friday - evening at the home of her parents te Milton li. Kreuee.' Rev. Herbert J. Hln. man. patir ef the Congregational church ' officiated. The bride Is a graluate ef th 1 reya Normal1 school and haa for a aure ' bar of years teen deputy clerk ef the district court of this county. The groom - la one of the leading members of the firm of P. A. Kreura A ons ef this elty. Tfcey loft on an extended trip to tbe Pa cific coat and weatern points. - Markeeaeler.Rtsae. - WEST POINT. Neb.. May U.-t8peclal.) . On Wednee-lay morning at ft. An thony's chuirh, Bt . Chsrles, Joseph Marksmeler was me it ed to Mlae Theresa PI see. Rev. Peter tirobbel. . pastor, cele brating live nupt'al mass The young people wi .make their o4ive on the old Maraaweier farm oa th west side. DEATH RECORD. ' Mre. Iwktl Raatwood. ; UisERT V. Kb,, May S.-8iMai.v-Tha funeral of Mrs. Isabel Uaetwood waa held at 10 o'clock Friday from the.Mte- . aloe) Creek I'nlu-d I'raabyU-rlaa rhurcta, Kav. Feed KeUey. pastor ef the church. I.svliig chrf .if the aervlrea. Mra. set wood was the widow of the late John t t-stwood and ws one xr Pswiiee coun. W S esrlieet wttU-rs.' -AC .vw IV V ef l Vv JAY S w J III V M A- I -e a. "I 1 M II AW : J.l t II - , m jl ,1 i a Li 1 CbTXV w-,.r An Exhibition of Correct Modes for Summer Wear This is an event of unusual importance coming as it does just before the opening of the country clubs, besides being none too early to prepare for the summer outing. We have selected the coming week as best fitted and most timely for a comprehensive exhibition of fashionable wearables for the warm outdoor days of the summer season. IVs a series of displays worthy to uphold the superiority of the fashion service developed by this establishment. A service which renders conspicuous aid to women who care about what is new and stylish. We cordially invite you to attend. Exclusive New Hats for Dress and Sport Wear Combining d i s tinctive style, cor rect materials and . H. general utility to a satisfying degree. Meeting a constantly increasing demand for Hats of this sort. V . Specially Priced from $2.95 to $15.00 5 1 In the season's newest colors : ; , Clever, Stylish, Popular Prices Women s Summer Wearing Apparel Of the Better Kind SUMMER DRESSES SUMMER SUITS SUMMER SKIRTS SUMMER BLOUSES " SUMMER CO A TS We call your attention to the fashionable summer attire we are now showing. Dainty and exclusive styles for Travel, Outing and Va cation wear in a great variety of suitable models. Prices are moderate. . , ';' - i ' 1 Apparel Sietion Second Floor . This Is to Be a Great Parasol Season Styles for summer are so attractive that you can't help liking them at first sight. The newest shapes, color combinations and distinctive de tails of handles and silk cords will add the last touch to a charming summer costume. Parasols for both Women and Children Just a step to the left as you enter. The Store for SkirtW aistS ( Original ) We are receiving and unpacking new t yl c of distinctive blous . s every day. Georgette Crepe, Crepe de Chine and other choice fabrics are particularly attractive. Summer Fashions as Express ed in a Series of Delightful Window Displays Five great show windows arc preient ing in a summer setting. Correct requis ites for every occasion. Do not miss seeing this unusually complete and at tractive display. Theie windows mirror the beauty of the inside store exhibit and give a partial idea of the thoroughneis of our preparations for the coming season. Wee' Folks and Big Boys and Girls, And Their Dress and Play. Clothes. For Summer. Our Infants' and Chil dren's Wear Sections are really highly spe cialized shops where every requisite is at hand in abundance for all dress and play occasions. The little people will enjoy themselves most if they're dressed properly, and mothers who have seen our displays are not stinted In their praises. Styles Are So Dainty and Well Chosen Materials So Well Adapted to Their Uses Prices So Very Moderate and Pleasing. New Fabrics of Silk for Summer Gowns Although the fashionable shades this season are, as a rule, subdued the nature of the fabrics and styles offers an oppor tunity for lovely color combinations. S ilks with their adaptability to grace ful folds and drapes, are being used ex tensively for summer costumes of every description, ... Tomorrow stroll th rough the aisles of silks and see for yourself how charming and beautiful the new fabrics appear. It's a pleasure without any obligation on your part to show all the many sum mer fabrics. Tailored Suits We have made radical reductions on the prices of our high class Suits. Fashionable Sutts Worth up to $35 M onday $16.75 The suits offered in this sale are first class in everv resoect The styles are correct nA casing while every detail of Jlorinff is such as to Inme. lasting satisfaction. Secure one of these choice garments for wear this summer on your travels. $35 Values $16.75 Apparel Section 2nd Floor Inexpensive Wash Fabrics You 11 Find Us Well Prepared. The airy Dasement salesroom is filled with table after table of fresh, attractive Wash Materials for the needs of summer. The few we have space to mention here will give you but an incomplete idea of the many desirable goods and moderate prices. A personal visit will be a much fairer means of convincing you that we say "well prepared" advisedly. Lorrain Tissue 27 inches wide, in checks, novelty plaids, stripes and embroidered effects, all colors. - -- -- -- -- 25c a yard Zephyr Ginghams Exclusive novelty designs. 32 inches wide, in colored stripes, checks and plaids. - -- -- -25c and 50c a yard Dress Linen Yard wide, in blue, pink, tan, gray, lavender and natural, light or heavy weave, - -- -- -- -- - 40c a yard 38 and 40-Inch Voiles Sheer and crisp, new color combinations and printings, - - - 25c a yard Printed CreoeH 2T inches wide, white and tinted . grounds with designs in color, at - - - - - 10c, 12 1.2c. and 15c a yard Present Styles Give Shoes A Position of Added Importance Wide skirts display shoes to greater advan tage than heretofore necessitating particular care in the selection of the various styles for summer wear. SORQSIS SHOES ' In every fashionable model are here to assist you in choosing your new footwear. Priced From $3.50 to $9.00 a Pdir Thompson-Belden & Co. HOWARD AMD S.IXT EEL NX M SXREEXS