Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 3-B, Image 19

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Wirt strtet The nrosmm for the meet
ing will be on "rtsh." earh miml-er giv
ing an item of suffrage news of I'tuh.
Miss Daisy Hlmrtns will give original
mimical compositions.
Y. W. V. A. Xatea.
At the vesper service today at
Rev. Charles Cobbev f the First Chris
tian church will ink i-n "Friendship."
Mrs. Seelsy will be the soilolst. At the
S'Mial hour which 'ollows. Miss Jennie
Brandon, the hustess, Tins arrnngod for
Miss Mildred White to read.
The building en Sunday Is open from
t until 7 o'clock
Most of the clirtis are raising money to
send delegates to the sun.mer conference
at Ijke (loncvN, Aumut li to o.lnes-
whethrr thoy nre niein1rs of the ssso
cintlon or nut. '
On Thursday evening. Miss Ijiuranre
nnl the srtrl s work t ommlttee sre to
entertain the nieiiil.rrs of the "Win My
Chum" club of the South Omaha Hlali
school This club was crannised pot long
go by Mls l.nuranre. At their meeting,
one week they have Bible study and the
alternate week a speaker gives thrm
something on vocation! guldnnc or a
topic of Interest to girls tn high school.
Summer Mill frm opens May JO.
May the Month for Colds.
Harden your system with Bell's Plne-Tar-Honey,
It kills the cold germ. Cures
the cough. Only 25c. All druggists. Ad
vertisement. d-iy morning from. 7 t' 9, the linsltiess
tilrls' rluh Is to sere hr.slfnst st the
main bulldlnir. The tickets inn be se
cured from inemlH'rs of the club.
Mondsy nlsht will be the monthly as
sociation party. This I ailed a "sense
psrty" and the committee Is arranging
some clever and nm-.lslng stunts. All
young women f the illy are invited
Women Are
Doing in the World
TIFE OMAHA SUNDAY ttKlv. MAY 1(5, 1!13
C'lab alradar.
SVNfJAY Youns; Wompn's Christian as
sociation vesper srrvlcwi. 4:30 p. m. (k
mkn Women's Hllfs-Vcreln, May fes
tival, Oerman Horns. ..Ink fla Tii1ltiA
Rosenberg, hostess.
TUESDAY Sermo club. Mrs. O. T. Llnd-le)-,
VEUNK.-DAV Story tellers' section, As
sociation of Collegiate Alumnae'; Misses
Coffroan. hostesses. Woman's club,
railway mail service, Mr". Curtis Cook,
hostess, rtouth Hdo Mothers' club,
Castellar school, 'i p. m. Husines
Olrls' breakfast, Young Womcn'i
Christian association, 7 to a. m. Ben
ign Foretun Missionary society, Mrs.
E. 3.. Whitler, hostaas. Aimiro-iiei-rrlan
R1 Cross ice croam social, Mrs.
Henry Pollack, hostess. . Hold day.
Bronell Hall. Woman's Alliance,
unitarian church.
XHUKSDAY-Chapter E. P. E. O. sister
hood, Mrs. F. K. George, hostess. len
son Woman's club, Miss Cora Totman,
hostess. Benson H. L 8. rlnb, St.
Bernard's hall. Woman's Missionary
Federation lecture. First Fresnytenan
church. West Side Women's Christian
Temperance union, Mrs. R. f-tevens.
FRIDAY Benson Women's Christian.
T......-n nnA linlnil tlH MnttlUni' I' 1 1 1 fl.
Mrs. R. S. Bnasley, hostess, umana
North Hldo circle, Child Conservation
lea sue. Monmouth Park school.
(Notices - for this column should be
mailed or telephoned to the club re
ported .before Friday novu.
ITH the advent of warmer
days, the club season is on
the wane. The Omaha Wo
man's club year closed sev
eral weeks ago and the an
nual meeting of the Assocta
tlon dt Collegiate Alumnae was held Bat-
'urday. The mothers' clubs, study clubs
and other circles are announcing their
lust meetings, and at the Omaha 8uf-
I frag association tea Wednesday after
noon the question of disbanding for the
i summer will be discussed. This will be
a decided change from the arrangoment
i last summer, when the suffrage cam
paign was In its heat.
The .cessation of, other club activities
mill give the temperance women full
away. With the dlstlbution of the Initia
tive petitions for state-wide prohibition
i Wednesday, when Mrs. M. M. Claflin,
the state president, was here, the cam-
'paign opened. The propaganda meetings
of the temperance workers will replace
the activities of the suffragists of last
summer. . .
The: last meeting of the music section
of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae
will be an evening muslcale at the home ot
Mrs. Herbert C. Woodland, Monday even
ing, May 24. Mrs. Frank Warren Johnson
'Will be leader of trie program, those tak
ing . part including Miss Avis Roberts,
'Miss Alice Fry. Miss Elizabeth Fry. Mrs.
I Roy Savell, Mrs. Harlond Iiester
'Mossman, Mrs. Roy Docherty, Miss Irma
Jones, Miss Hcndrickson and Mrs. Wood
land. Mrs. A. O. Scott was re-elected presi
dent of the Clio club Thursday at the
home of Mrs. A. N. Eaton. Mrs. M. E.
Lease and Mrs. F. C. Bhepard were re
elected vice presidents. ' Mrs. Ralph Rus-
,soll is the new secretary and Mrs. W. M. j
McFarland treasurer.
, The Bay View study course- on South
.America, Mexico . and .. Panama I was
iadopted. for next year. A picnic for olub
wmbers and their families wijl be ar
rauged duringthe summer, - -pi
Mr. ' Charles Zlebaxth was re-elected
president of . the North' Side Mothers'
olub for. the third time. Mrs. H. Fair
to, vice president and Mrs. Q. R. Gilbert
.secretary -treasurer., There -will' be one
more meeting, to conclude the club year
on Tuesday, Juno 8, and several picnlo
meetings will be held during the sum
mer. '. A . May day party will be" given at the
home of Mrs. Curtis Cook Wednesday
'afternoon by the Woman's club of the
railway mall service. The decorations
w(n be suggestive of May time and
there, will be flower games for the mem
bers.; A musical program will be given.
-Trie affair ia In charge of Mrs. A. c.
R&wson, chairman of the program com
mittee. , .
Rev. 8. Levermore of London will give
a fpopular Illustrated lecture, "Ten Thau-said-i
-Miles with a Gospel Wagon In
Fanpe," at the First Presbyterian
cluirch Thursday evening. The lecture la
given under the auspices of the Woman's
Mjsslonary federation. ,
The; Benson Woman's club will meet
at' the home of Miss Cora Totman Thurs
day afternoon, when the annual election
of "officers 'will take place. Plans for
net year's work will be discussed.
The Benson Foreign Missionary so
ciety will meet Wednesday afternoon at
the. home of Mrs. E. J. Whistler. The
regular program will be led by Mrs. P.
A. Ltfge.
The Bcnaon Women's Christian Tem
perance union meets Friday at the home
of Mrs.' R. 8. Beasley in Council Bluffs.
The Mothers' club will meet there at the
tame time.
The Benson B. L. 8 club meets Thurs
day af Bt. Bernard's hall. After the
regular session, a card party will be
given. .
The West Side Woman's Christian Tem
perance union will meet Thursday after
noon at the home of Mrs. R. elevens, 914
eoutn r orty-elghth street
The Omaha North Side circle of the
Child Conservation League of America
nas arranged, a ' Mothers' Day" program
for the last meeting of the year, which
will be held Friday afternoon at the
Monmouth park school auditorium. The
progiam will Include a paper, "What
Constitutes a Modern Good Mother," by
Mrs. W. O. K.lholm; paper, "A Woman's
Duty to Herself." by Mrs. F. A. Miller;
paper.. "A Woman's Clvlo Duty," by
Mrs. J. H. Crouch. Mrs C. A. McKenzte
has sriinKed musical numbers to be
given by Mrs. Pansy Kelpner, Miss Emily
Lear and "Cyro," "The Sweet- Boy
Singer." Roll call response will be quota
tions on "Mother."
Tills Will conclude the circle's first year
of work. An Invitation has been extended
to all North bmaha mothers to attend.
At the last moeelng Mrs. Karl R. Ogdcn
was elected president; Mrs. .Charles J.
Mo.'.der vice president; Mrs. C. A. Mc
Kenxle. secretary; Mrs. J. H. Oouch.
treasurer, and Mrs. W. O. Ed holm, press
. The Clio Study club meets at the home
of M'sa Pauline Rosenberg Monday even
ing to plan next year's work.
Mrs. F. K. George will entertain chap
ter K of the 1'. H O. sUterhood at a 1
o'clock luncheon Thursday. The hostess
will be assisted by Mrs. W. 8. Hogua.
L (
SW " kirt
Pubis the luncheon prngrum en
famous queens will be given. Mia. .T. A.
r.ryon's 'vlll reud a paper on "Josephine";
Mrs. M. 8. Funkhouorr on "VUtor.a."
and Mra. Robert Grant 3n "WUtelmlna."
The South Side Mothers' club will hold
Its last meetinc before the school Taca-
tlon We-.lneday afternoon at I o'clock at
Oatellar school. There will be a program
folliwed by a social hour and all mothers
In the vicinity have been invited to at
tend. The Misses lilsr.che and Olive Coffman
will entertain the last meeting of the
story tellers' section of the Association
of Collofriate Alumnae Wednesday after
noon at their home, 4220 Harney street.
Election of officers will take place, fol
lowing which stories will be told by Miss
Melon Thomas. Miss Hasel Howard and
Miss Mary PhiUippl.
The German Women's- Hllfs-Verein will
give ft May festival and matinee dance at
tha German Home this afternoon. There
will be Karnes end prises for children and
their elders.
An I co cream social for the benefit oH
the AuHtro-Huniraiian Red Cross fund
will bo lven at the home of Mrs. Henry
Pollack. 4201 i:odgo street, Wednesday
The Sermo club will be entertained at a
1 o'clock luncheon Tuesday at the home
of Mrs. George T. Llndley, 1S23 North
Forty-first street. Mrs. P. A. Theman
son, the presiJent, will read a paper on
"Dorcas" and Mrs. R. B. Hawley a
paper on "Adeline PattL"
All offieera of the Dundee circle or
the Child Conservation Leanue of
America were re-elected at the last
meeting for the year: Mrs. N. K. Sype la
president; Mrs. J. H. Boaton, Moo p.csi
dent; Mrs. I. A. Arey, eocretary, and
Mr F. 8. Martin, treasurer. The mem
bers of the club voted in favor 'of a
state federation. It was decided to have
a picnlo on June 4, at which th hue
bands and children of members will bo
guests. The first meeting next Tall will
be held September 13, at the home or
Mrs. P. J. White.
The Whlto Bhrlne will hold a social
meeting following the business meeting
and Initiation of new members, Thursday
evening at Masonic temple. Mrs. Cuth
bert Vincent Is head of the White Shrine.
The Tennyson chapter of the Chau
tauqua Literary circle will meet with
Mrs. J. A. Sunderland, Monday alter-
noon. Mrs. R. E. Parroit, Mrs. E.. Bene
dict, Mrs. W. L. Halterman and Mrs.
Jessie Dodder, will take part in the program.
The Dorcas club will mtet Friday aft-
ernoon wttn Mrs. j. i noutnin m
North Thirty-first avenue. There will
be ono mors meeting following this one,
the first week in June.
The Omaha Suffrage- association will
decldo whether it will continue its meet
ings or disband for the summer at a tea
which will b given Wednesday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. George Co veil, H1
We are showing the
best value In Bracelet
Watches In Omaha. Here
they are:
Small alee, 16 jewel,
14k solid gold, with gold
dial, $25.00.
15 jewel, small sire,
gold filled, warranted 25
years, 91B.OO.
These are the Hallmark
production and are beau
ties. Also large stock of
higher priced watches.
Come In and let us
show you our graduation
Diamond Merchants,
E X. XV. Corner 10th and
1'amam Kts.
A II rtl.ft
I 414-16-18 S. Sixteenth Street 414-16-18 S. Sixteenth Street
The Home
Our Invitation
to th yount pople ttarting owl fo
tfio$t rpltnUhing.
ic i net is you to torn to IAii tUm.
tr t'nvtVf you to talc a much of our
Urn ft i you r;t'r.
tr invite you to k our advice, and
because ol our long yari oftxptriene
ire feel conp&lent to give good advict;
other tell us it ha proved so.
u 'nii( you (o tee the many neve
thing c have to thow.
and uhen you have come, u ar
arepleattd if you buy only when you
are tatitfitd tr; nan ervt you beet.
ieautiful Can be Accomplished Economically,
Satisfactorily (Si Easy at Orchard (Si Wilhelm's
Everything in furniture everything in floor covering everything
in draperies, gift pieces out travtlinj equipment everything for th kitchen.
andt those who so desire termt inviting an I accouvn J.itirg.
This Beautiful Jacobean Dining Suite
Dining Table and 6 Leather
. Seat Chairs, $50.00
Dining Table is round top 48 inches
In diameter, heavy pedestal base. Din
ing chairs are full box frame with
Spanish leather slip soats. All fin
ished soft brown fumed oak, Arn
chairs and table peJI
l ii .. "I . jm i
Consists of 11 Pieces,
Bufi'ot $65.00
Cliina ('nbinet ..$48.00
Din'uiK Tuble ...$56.00
Norvinv; Table ..$28.00
(J Sitlo Dining Chairs,
oooh ...$12.00
Ann Chair $18.00
Ma-do from host quality
quartered oak, finished
in a noft grey tone the
very best construction
throughout, $275.00
Wei are showing an unusually large line of William and Mary Jacobean and
twist dining furniture eld in suites ar separate pieces. Popular designs at popw
tar prices, i rar inspection tnvncu-
Bedroom Suite
j j
s jor June -
Brides .
Kalo Silver
Tea Wagens
Muffin Stands
Serving Trays
Hook Blocks
Tea Tables
Traveling Bags
Aluminum Sets
i:trio Cooking
Oriental Bugs
Table Scarfs
Ihouiandt of article in thi big heme
furniehing etore that are appropriate
and have added value of being netful.
Oar gift tectimn en main floor it
4eve4 to mrtict for gift
V r J CIa i
Mke lUustmUou. E5?IMSIot?T!
1U . V
Shaded ivory finish a unique and beautiful design Dresser
has separate hanging mirror, seven pieces $199.50
Interior of drawers mahogany lined chair, rocker and dressing stool
have seats upholstered in cretonne, attractive cane insertion In dresser
and chlffonter; suite complete.. $199.50
Bed Suite Charles II Design
In American walnut the popular walnut finish twist design; d HCL
,7 pieces complete .v. ....v....: v ' v
One of our most popular designs; suite complete as above $176
Bedroom Furniture
A showing De Luxe, of Ihe makers' best products the
new attractive suites and separate pieces in brown mahogany
Ivory Enamel Grey and golden oak American walnut. You
would not be serving your best interests if you did not inspect
this most unusual display of medium popular priced furniture
for the bedroom.
DRESSER Brown mahogany, plain rich design with fluted
CHIFFONIER to match dresser, with mirror, 828. Without
DRESSING TABLE Triple mirror brown mahogany finish,
for .
VANITY CASE This Is a large, long, deep center mlr- fljCn
ror. Dressing Case with two side mirrors. i 9JJt ipOO
DRESSEKS Golden quartered oak, heavy design large round (JJOA
mirror PGv
DRESSER Very pretty plain designs, fuU quartered golden CJQ
Carlot TmrohftHes eareful atUmtion to buying-mcan that linoloums purchased
hero will give added yours of service lor tne price paia. xins is it-ui wu.;.
Let us measure your rooms and submit estimates, without charge.
Blue and White Tile Inlaids,
Oil Cloths, Sq. Yd., 25o and 3Qc
A very cheap floor covering in three widths,
1 yd., m yd and 2 yds. We ahow many
good patterns.
Low Priced Linoleum, per Sq. Yd. 40c
A new kind of printed linoleum, made without
burlap back exceptionally fine, surface
many attractive patterns all t ft. wide, per
square yard ... 40
Standard Printed Linoleum, Sq. Yard
6 foot. i toot
50c, 55c, 60c 60c and 70c
Also comes in 7 M -foot width, attractive bath
room designs and often used In bedroom, din
ing room and kitchen a few wood floor pat
terns; reasonably priced. 50 to 706
Very Lowest Priced Inlaid Linoleum
Square Yard 05c
G ft. widths only.
Colors clear through to the back finest cork
and linseed oil quality differs only In weight
from bfHt grades; in many very attractive pat
terns; sq. -yd 95c
Square Yard, $1.10
Very attractive bathroom and kitchenette pat
terns; blue and white, green and white, tan
and white; sq. yd. $1.10
Imported Greenwich Linoleum
. ' Square Yard, $1.25, $1.40, $1.50
A fresh carlot of this famous English make
the largest and best assortment of patterns we
have ever shown three trades; square yard,
at ..$1.25. 81.40 "d $1.50
High Grade Linoleum, $1.50 to $L85
Grades, Special $1.30
Patterns that cannot be re-ordered and short
lengths Imported Wtxdorfer and the fine
waxed hardwood floor linoleum that we sell
regularly for 11.60 to $1.85.
Special, sq. yd $1.30
Plain linoleums, cork carpets, etc., sq.
yd., 60c to $1.50. ',
Battleship, granite, plain colors and cork
carpet, In browns, greens and terra ootta,' for
stores, public buildings and offices.
We solicit opportunities to make quantity
Sold only by
4 ft. 6 ft.
I 1MMr WW Mas
Orchard & WUhelm.
8 ft. 10 ft. 12 ft.
$2.50 $3.75 $5.00 $6.75 $8.50
Made from seine cord, full sizes.
$L50 $2.25 $3.50
Sale Lace Curtains
Embracing the numerous different
styles Duchess, Cluny, Macrame,
Point de Oene, Quaker Laces, Voile
and Marquisette, etc.; both foreign
and domestic weaves at prices un
usually attractive;
The following reductions are only
typical there aro'many others. . .
$1.76 scrim with piquet edge,
for 31.39
$2.95 voile with filet effect Inser
tion $1.95
$2.96 Swiss with applique border
of blue or pink $1.95
$3.60 voile with cluny edge $2.50
$3.26 Duchess ecru Mm. 75
$3.96 Duchess ecru 82.05
$4.76 voile with filet Insertion
and barman edgo $3.75
$5.00 cluny or net 83.05
$6.95 scrim or net with colored
Bulgarian embroidered edKe and
insertion $4.05
$7.75 scrim with antique filet lace
insertion and 2 h edge. . . .$5.05
"Crex" Grass Rugs in Plain and
Figured Patterns
Navajo, Grecian Key and Scroll
designs for porch and bedroom.
Wonderfully practical summer rugs for
very little. Our showing is most complete
In sues and patterns.
18x38, plalu.
24x48, plain..
27x54, plain..
:M)xOe, plain. .
30x72, plain . .
S4x90, plain. .
flxO, plain . .
. 8x10, plain, .
0x12, plain.
, 40c figured 45c
, . .05c f Inured 75c
. . .80c floured 90o
.$1.00 figured. . .$1.10
.! Jt& floured. . .S1.50
.$2.50 figured. . .$2.85
.$4.25 figured. . .$4.75
.$0.50 figured. . .$7.25
$8.50 t igured . . .$9.50
Fancy Nets at Popular Prices
white, ivory and ecru. 120, 15c, 20c, 35c, 50c
by the yard and a splendid assortment qualities that are usually sold for
much more.
Scrims, Voiles. Marquisettes
A profusion of weaves in white, cream and ecru.
vara, is. so 25. 35. 45
For rooms hard to fit with a rug buy "'Crex" Carpet plain or figured, by tho
yard 40 to 60
Comes 27-lnch and 3 C -Inch.
Large Porch Rugs, 9x9 Sire
$10 Quality, Special, $6.50
Waterproof smooth burface, reversible Kattani
rutts vory serviceable; regularly CJC C A
$10; special tills week ipOsO"
AxU, 7HxlO)& and 0x12 alws;
at Hprcial prices aa woll.
Wool and Fibre Summer Rugs
9x12 sizes as low as $7.50
Everybody likes them for summer rugs low
priced, seamleHs, reversible, easily cleaned,
light weUht. Colors and patterns are very at
tractive for bedrooms. Many use them in place
of finer rugs during tho dust and dirt of
Come in ninny ! 0x0 to 12x15
priced $5.50 to $10.
A good heavy quality. 9x12 sixe $0.00
! -i ; I' ; ' "
-i I! -1
7x54 size, hit or miss pattorn,
good serviceable colors; special...
TLii Weak
An attractive
room lugs
assortment of rag and bath-
75c to $8
Sizes 18x3C to 4x7
$10 French Wiltons, Special $6.95
8!zo 36x6S.
Very finest qualities; sample rugs to close oat
S g SlMsflSr
4- 4 4
Curtain Btrtch-
e-rm. tBo, Sl.oo.
118 ,2M9
Eitensloa Hod a,
up from So
Curtain Bin n.
doxeov up from So
Household Needs Phone. Doug 313
ftO-ft. Unrtha aocxl
sar4n hose, $3.78,
M.fio. as.oo, as-ao aJi
"omor4at' Bwoeplnc Com
pound luc ana S5o
Ivory Furnlturs Polish Mo
Mrnltur Cuter, ml
HImmiI Gold MedtU
Lawn Mowers, aood Quality $4j00
Pennsylvania Lawn Mowers Si
Oarbace Cans tOe and SIM
Little Wonder Lawn Sprinklers
t toe
Brsaa Kin BprlnUers .... 1M
Krua Nosslea 400
Buy a Good Refrigerator
Food Preservation
Safety First"
Ve take your old refrigerator for $3 as
the first payment on a new one.
Only the regular price Is asked and you are
buying a HUUKICK or a UIDSON. Abso
lutely reliable.
Then (if satisfactory) $6 monthly on
Detroit Jewel Gas Stoves