Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 16-A, Image 14

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    16 A.
1 !
Railroad Man Estimates that but
Fife. Per Cent o( -Wheat
On mwtt of the official of the Great
Western, Assistant General Freight Agent
Chlmm 1 Fathering: data relative to the
quantity of grain on hand end the crop
conditions In Omaha trade territory. By
nmmunlratlhg wtth grain dealer! and
levator men, he ascertalna that hut S
Ter cent of last year's wheat crop re
main In storage and In the hand of the
Thiers In more corn on hand and In
Arprag than of any other kind of (rain.
It la estimated at per cent of the crop
of last year; oata. 10 and rye t per cent.
A to the acreage, Mr. Oilsam learn
that 'n the territory tributary to Omaha,
wheat la per cent more than the nor
ms I. nith oats 4 and barley. 1 per cent
. Hut about one-half of the corn being
.plinted It haa baen lmpothle t. ascer
Inln the acreage, but It la thought that
rt will be considerably In excess of laat
year. '
From th data secured, Mr. Chleam I
Inclined to the opinion that In aome rare
Instance winter wheat hn been slightly
injured by the hot weather of the laat j
iew any ana ne I aio or ine opinion
that the ITeislan fly and chinch bug
bave injured wheat In some of the field
cf thl southern counlle of Nebraska and
the rountlea of northern Kansas.
The cltr roi'nc.l nct wrk win take
up the matter of th" city furnlstilnt cb-c-trlc
current for JfO lamp Installed by the
Field rluh district r sloents. who have a
lighting system or tr-elr owr .design v.l
r-urchss. Thoe resldcn' bllovc the
city shot d ay for the rurren. but th
cnmmlest tart tire Inrllned to trtkc tie
opposite vie
Unrlna; Coaaka and 4ol Dana-erea.
IXn't run the risk, get a BOe bottle of
tr. King' New Plaoovery now. The
first dose help you. All drugglM. Ad-yertlaemant.
Morn Autoists
Are Yanked Before
the Police Judge
Another bunch of aiitoista en lined up
In poll' court Saturday end warned by
Judge Hrltt to nhrve the law govern
ing city trect traffic. Including vehicle
light, speeding, auto light dimmer and
eo forth. Mont of the offender were up
for the fir: t time and were discharged
with promisee of proeecutlon If brought
In again. O. F. Hubell, Myer Orosflcld.
John H. Chpenhaver. C. . Hearn and
C. T. Reese were each fined ti and cost.
Judge A. I.. Button. It I understood, will
deny tlmt the ("booting wa ion In hi
Newsboy Run Over
and Hurt by Auto
The trial of. Juan Parrel, a Mexb-en,
on the chare,' of flret degree murder I
growing out of the shewn.g of Defective
Thorn Ring January 15, will begin
Monday. .
Pnrral' companion wss shot and klllo-1
while resisting arret by a pose of offi
cer. A p'stol waa found on Parral which
I believed to have been the weapon with
which King waa killed.
Parral, who la repre.ented by former
W'ril'e ruMiIng to a j.rosie.-Uve cus
tomer at Fifteenth and Harney street
Friday atternoon. Marry Sldossey, an 11-ycar-old
newhoy wa run down by an
auto driven by V. P. tllynn. team uper-Intenib-nt
for Sunderland Bros, company.
The Ind'a thigh was badly lacerated and
he wa taken to St. Joaeph's hospital.
Ill home is at 1113 North Seventeenth
Commt'Sloner Butler, who Introduced
on of the electric light and power rat
ordinance, declare h will not vote to
change the ordinance which the counll
raased on election day.
"If t would be for any change it would
te to mnke the rate atlll lower. If the
company Insist upon fighting this ordt-
insnee I would b for a physical valuation
of the plant to determine what reason-t-ble
rate should be," declared Mr Butler
Bee Want Ada Produce Result.
Militiamen to Go
on First Practice
March of Season
Companies A, B. C and P, Fourth regi
ment, Nebraska National Ouard. tinder
command of Major Eleaswer. will meet
today at the armory at Twentieth and
Harney streeis and march to East
Omaha. Thl will bo the first practice
march of the season. At Kast Omaha
lunch will be eerved. On the field the
men will execute a aerie of regulation
army maneuver.
Yeiser Admits His
Injuries Are Not
: to Be Permanent
John O. Yelaer, lawyer, ha brought
ut In district court against Mr Anna
J Fitch, hi next door neighbor, fo 15.000
damage for personal Injuries auitalnnd
when he ran into a post In his front yard
at 0022 Cass atreet the night of April
Tools day. 1914.
' The,' post wa placed In the aldewalk
which, partially .overlap Mr. Fitch
Yopcrty without hi knowledge, and a
a result, he assert, a severe collision
tetween himself and the post occurred.
The filing of this petition revea'ed t
llalntlff In a personal Injury damage
tult who admit that hi Injurlea are not
. Th; filing of thl remarkable Individ
car petition waa said by judge and
attorneys to mark a distinct advance In
moral' progreaa of the human raca, in
that it ahow It to be possible for man
lliid to produce a person who will tell
the wliola truth In a lawsuit.
Commercial Club
: Getting Back of the
!' Good Roads Trip
A stood roads trip win probably be
l-onducted by the good road oommtttea
of the Commercial club aoma tlma aftar
the first of June. Th committee la ooo
sblrrlng th matter now.. The tentative)
plan la to go into th North Piatt ter
ritory. ,
Falls from Swing
. and Breaks Arm
The Mehth grade rlaa of Long school
held it plitilc In Klmwood park yester
day afternoon. Harry Jones, one of the
member of th class, residing at IT1S
Charles street fell from a wtng and
gustsinod a broken arm. HI boy chum
got him lntn an automobile and had him
brouuht to the city, whera Dr. Tyler art
the broken arm.
Work Farm Expert to
; Speak Here Monday
F. n. McDonald, superintendent of the
Minneapolis city work farm, la to speak
at the publlo affair luncheon at the
Commercial club Monday noon. Omha
business men want to get come informa
tion aa to how such a farm la operated
and how th plan. I worked out before
Omaha get ready to Install it plant,
whleh th legislature made possible.
Danish Ship Sunk by
German Submarine
: -mil II
IjOMjOK, ,May IS. -The Danish attamer
Mtrtha waa torpwdoed and aank off Abor.
Cim thla morning by a Uermsn ub-
marlne. it orew of eighteen wa saved.
Th Martha's net tonnaae waa T2i It
a !33 feet long, waa built In 189. and
aa owned In Copenhagen.
C. a. rturnhnni. vice president of th
Burlington system, in charge of traffic,
ta drlishtrd with crop condition through
out Ncbrarka and, th whole of the cen
tre 1 west. In from the Pacific coast
h arerts that from the mountains east
to the Missouri river, he never a amall
griln look better. Thero are aomu locali
ties where lb crop Hra aufferlng on ac
count of a lack of moist ur.
Mr. Burnham note a revival In busl-
and la of th opinion that Mny will
be better than any cf th previous
months of the present year.
The Wetrn Bed men's association hcM
Its annual meeting Saturday at the R jui
IkiUI. indlng th greater part of the
business seesion boding fur rain At
least, that is what II. T. Wlndhetm of
the Nebraska Beed company said they
were doing.
; Do you think it win ralnT' Mr. Wind
he i in was assed.
Well. ' hs sald. weighing hit words
carefully, It always ha-"
In This Proposition All Plain
Thousands of Dollars to OmahaAll Cash
Will Bring
Handled by Reputable National Bank of Omaha
to be
LJyX. jj rjii
Zl "tSr ?f4::i "SLlMSTQNg AND SAND FOR MIX 'M.
yXy- 2. MILE. DOWN GRADt HAULy ef7mi1faXTS$
sbrnitt votttt "- J r '
fiRA GYPSUM ? -.'.Tss
. - . . , . , 1
( . ' '
Will Erect Big Warehouses Here- Greatest Plant of : its Kind in America
Other Plate Glass Company's Original Stock Sold at $100
Per Share and Was Raised to $280 W.thin Couple of Years
Greatest plant of its kind in America. This is a strong statement but we can prove it
Here is a chance for live wires to invest in an honest proposition and make a fortune. .
Omaha chosen as distributing point on accaunt of adequate shipping facilities our main
offices and all moneys to be (and are now) haniled in Omaha.
You Never See Plate Glass Company's Stock on Board
of Trade or in Backet Shops For Sale There is a Reason
WHY once acquired it is too valuable an asset to let go of all eastern plate glass oonv
pany's stock is held by few families and their relatives,
WYOMING-alao the state chemist of Wyoming, Wilber 0. Knight, said: "LARAMIE. THE
Where Plant is Located
Th property on which these minerals are deposited is located at
Laramie. Wyoming, a city of 9,000 people, on the main line of the Union
Pacific Railroad, and on the Big Iratnle River, 573 miles west of Omaha
and 163 miles north ot Denver.
Plate Glass Industry History
Up to forty years ago all the plat glass used on this continent waa
Imported front Europe. For the forty years past, th greater portion of th
supply used her haa been Imported and up to the close of the year 1911
alraoBt fifty per cent of our supply came from Belgium and northern
France. Since. th war haa been going-on, we have been unable to import
this product. The factories of Belgium and France have been demolished
and those ot Germany closed down as the consequences.
Mu Mtnna Meyer, daughter of Mr. and
Mr. Morlts Meyer, leaver this evening
for New York. Miss Meyer Balls neat Sat
urday for C'hrUtlania, Norway, whar ber
marries ta Flis Zreter will b cele
brated. Th young people met la Berlin
wiiile Miss Mayer waa continuing ber
nuaickl work there. Kti will be aucom
paoied to Kw York by her mother, who
will remain eaat for several weeks,
United States Exports Now
Just before the beginning of th present year the I'nited States, with
a fifty per cent deficit, began to export plat glass to Europe In large quan
tities. To aemand is bound to uecoui greater and greater each year
For many years after the war Is over w will be called on to supply the
world with this product.' Th factories of our country have enough orders
lor Plate glass on their rues to keep them busy lor three years to coin.
- . What MU be the Result?
W must either do without plat glass or pay an exorbitant prlc
for It. Com with us to share th profits ot this industry and build up for
yourself and your children a great fortune which you may not otherwise
We Have an Inexhaustible Supply
V have possession ot an lnwxhauHttbl supply and superior quality
ot all th minerals necessary for manufacturing plat glass. No other
company can say this. Our plant Is th only on west of th Mississippi
river. It will b la cloa range of Omaha. Chicago. Milwaukee. Minneapolis.
St. Paul. St. Louis. Kansas City, Houston, Dallas and will be th sole
supply for th cntlr west and Pacific coast.
Some Advantages and Comparisons
Her ar a few of th advantages and comparisons to which w wish
to call your attention:
1. Th present plat glass cnmpaule are compelled to gather their
minerals from scattered points, some as far as (00 miles away from their
factory, the hauling and transportation entails enormous expense. Bom
of their minerals they must either manufacture or Import, while all our
raw material Is Immediately available and can b delivered to ill factory
by auto truck ready, lor us at one-lourtn the cost of other factories.
The Comparison of Cost , ,
The following is a fair comDarluon of the coat of delivering raw ma
terials to tho western and eastern plants:
Cost To Eastern riant
White Sand for Mix '. f 1.90 per ton
Lime Stone 1.70
Gypsum . . . . .
Grinding Sand
per ton
18.00 per ton
6.00 per ton
per yd
. .28.50
Cost To "Western Plants
White Sand
Limn Stone
Gypsum 2.00
Grinding Sand
"0 per ton
30 per ton
5.00 per ton
per ton
Not a Wild-Cat Scheme
But a straightforward, legitimate money-making and a business prop
osition, which can be proven to your satisfaction by Investigation.
Now is Chance to Bay
.25 per yd.
Total 7.85
Here we have a Kavlnt; of $20.63 on a small demonstrative quantity.
You can readily see that plate glass ran be manufactured at Laramie for
about one-half what It now costs the eastern plants.
Cheap Fuel Big Item
2. Other factories MUST BUY their fuel at MARKET PRICES. W
obtain th necessary fuel and oil for the low cost of producing.' Thla item
la no small one and Is worthy of attention.
Free Water for Power
3. Another very Important consideration Is the power which other
factories must furnish by burning vast quantities of fuel, while w will
have free water power, sufficient to run a dosen glass plants. Th saving
on power alone will be sufficiently Urge to pay our stockholders a hand
some dividend.
The Most Important Thing
4. LAST BUT NOT LEAST, to be considered in this undertaking is
experience and associates. Mr. A. C. Bailey has spent his lit in th field
of th plat glasa Industry and ha associated with him the most expert
man In th business who has spent over thirty years at this profession. H
also haa associated with him men ot fewer years in lit but none th lesa
capable in th modern methods ot manufacturing plat glass.
SUMMING UP THESE ADVANTAGES: Cheaper raw material, cheap
er fuel, cheaper power and equal proficiency, have we not a most wonderful
proposition and would you not Ilk to Invest your money- In such an en
terprise? ,
A stock company has been organised with a capital of $1,500,000.
Some stock is now being offered at f 100.00 per share aa follows:
5,000 shares preferred stock, guaranteeing a 7 per cent dividend,
payable semi-annually t E00, 000
10,000 share common stock 1.000,000
Total Capital 11.600,000
The plant will cost approximately: $1,250,000 and about June 15 of
this year w will start to break ground for the plant which will be rushed
to completion by every possible means. Within nine months we will be
turning out from 150,000 to 200,000 feet of plate glass each month. More
as grinders and polishers are completed.
Profit $100,000 per Month Real Estimate by Experts
Experts say we can produce glass at a cost of from 11c to 13c per
foot whereas it Is now costing eastern plants 19c to 22c- per foot. Our
cost 'of production is reduced about 60 per cent of the usual rate, and with
an output of 500.000 feet per month, a profit of not lesa than 1100,000 per
month will b made.
Factory Will Pay for Self Within Year
Th factory should pay for itself In a little more than on yesr.
As to the Market
Of our production. It is only a wast of time to go into detail aa you
well know the existing conditions.
Many Will Buy Stock-It Will Sell Rapidly
Those who hav already heard of our project are making request for
blocks ot this stock. This Is th first attempt we hav mad to sell any
stock to th general public Gt In on th ground floor prices. Within a
few weeks it will all b disposed of.
Listen You Readers of This Advertisement v
Remember, this is no fake company. If you want to make
a good investment, call and se or write A. C. BAILEY, Pres.
A. C. BAILEY, President, 608 State Bank Building, Omaha,-Neb.