Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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Bringing Up Father
Copyright, lew, international
Newi Service,
. "rue yr . .
TO PfJIv-p
FOR o:
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
rEer THE
ii. tin
ovm r-y
ln,3 HUtCAMO
f HAVDMPfN' II w - - . n S I
7 fW u
' K
Hogan Is Chased from Mound and
Tnraer Is Easy, with Result a
Win at 17, to 5.
Tickling the pill wKK their war blud
geons at frequent and apropos Intervals
th well, known clan of Rourke raked
isbell'a crjerty . crew, for , and aft in a;
moat relentless taamon yemcrasy arter
noon and slaughtered the hostlles, 17 to
a It waa considerable battle and 1,200 (air
fanettea with the blood lust in their ayes
lamped the contest and applauded up
roariously whenerer a home hoy clawed;
the ball (or a saie clout. ,
A youth by the nam of Hogan waa the
first victim. "Whoever told Hogan he
could pitch is a kidder. Blx safe knocks
ware wrenched from Mr. Hogan without
any noticeable difficulty la a couple of
round and after ten runs had counted
Xsbell yanked Hogan and ordered him to
the stable. Hogan lingered a moment
in the . bull-pea ' whereupon the wrathy
Issy chased him the rest of the way. .
t , ! ",, Tnraer Also " Kasyv '
gink named Turner came next Beven
run were made off Turner which Is not
, and- jua atnietesj cava aeoaea not 10
' hastate In position near the second
ni iiAinn in? ioiuw ma no cnuou w
" takes, mn en a ten-run lead.
i - - I H-.14 AMHAWAjt AnAtVA iHlrflW
. 1 1 I F I .DlUUHOft.1. -- , m ...p. Vfeva
.T. . ' . -
rsurted the game ana nurien tnree in
i Taltigs. X Omaha had twelve run Krug
. rtJ .. Ik. l.t a him
. 4am ..i.k.P omA aAAfft TTa will Ttmb&blT
-W .... VmHfrtii Aft 11 Ail iirwtn
iand be obliged during th-remainder of
the oombat He was not toncjted, until
'the seventh. In that frame and thaub
emat one he wajLBlcked-for five hits
and as many runs.
Knjg Leads Hlttlaa;. V
; Marty Krug led the sluggers) of . the
i matinee with three blows, one a swell
'triple which occurred in the opening
,'etanaa and gave Mr. Kogan good start
! en his way. Smith, Porsythe, Krueger
and Whalen contributed two safe ones
ieach. Blodgett made a ripping double
;ln the third end cleared the track- of three
.Omaha runners. His blow ended the
career of Ilogaa.
- roltb and Thomaaoa made a eonplo of
; circus catches of line drive and Whalrn's
(fielding at short was of the nifty variety.
; Turner evidently took a dislike to Earl
j Smith for on two occasions be pitobed the
pill smack Into Earl's rttp. However, as
i Turner is no waiter jocnaon
' giggled and took his free base.
The same teams play today. Game will
. be called at 1 o'clock. Score:
' AE R. II. O. A. E.
..3 S 3 10 0
Halltnan. p. ....... 4 1 0 0 0
TotaJa U "1 1 1
AH. R. Ft. O. A. E.
Pajre, 2b. 4 1, 4 1
Fok. S 0 I t O S
Watson, cf S 0 2 0 0
M. Patureoa, lb... S 0 1 U 0.0
Britton, lb. 4 0 114 0
Williams, rf. 4 0 10 1
Ewoldt, as. 4 ' 0 0 . 7 0
White, e. S 0 S 0 0
LamkMirtt p. 10 0 2 0
Jackaon, p. 0 .. 0 O 0 0
W. Patterson I 0, 0 0,
' Totals . SI 0 4 S4 IS 0
'Batted for Lambert In the eighth.
Hious CSty 1000010!
tit. Joseph 0000000O 0-0
Two-base hits: McCormlck (.21, ' Le
Jauno. Double play: Brltton to Page to
.Patterson.. Innlnga pitched ? By Urn
brt. 7; by Jackaon, 1. HlU: Off Lam
bert "4; off HaUman, S. Struck out:' By
Lambert S; by Hallman, 6. Wild Pitch:
Lambert " Passed balls: White, Crisp.
Base on balls: Off Lambert, 4; off Kail
man S. Hit by pitched Iwll: By Lam
bert (Kant). Thner t:28. JUmptror Caeiek.
Karri Wto from Jobber by Five to
. Fomr etre.
TOPEKA. Kan., May 11 The locals
gained on the breaks of the game today
and defeated Wichita, S to 4. IMaputing
with the umpire sent Jackaon and Wide
man out of the game. Score:
AH. R. H. O.
..4 0.0 0
.. 10 0'
.. 4 0 0 S
..3 10 2,
.. 1 0 " 1 1 0 !
.. s 6 o
.. s i - 10
.. 1 - 1! if-. 0-t
.. . to .o, a
Canto Starts in lively Fashion, bnt
- Columbus Early Loses Lead .
to the. Visitors.
Standing of Teams
Talllon, ss
Trainer, If.....
Mayer, rf
Lattlmore, 2b
Jackson, of
Hoche, b
Cochran, of........
Rap pa, lb
Monroe, o.
Wide man. p...
Dashner, p
A. E.
'I. 1
0 0
0 .2
0' 0
1 . M
..29iS..t! 27
ab. n, . r. o.
6 10 2
.4 o
4 . 0.
...... S ' 1
Nicholson, tt
Wares, 2b.....
Charles, lb...
Rapp, 2b
Tydeman, rf.
PownaJl. cf -.
Henry, of 1) 0
Hoep, aa- 8 l 2
Gray, e- --;
Baker, p....w..k- J -Hlrtiflth
............ 0 0
Qeist -1 . 0 0
1 11
2 To
V: t
- 1
" s
Smith. If. ......
-: Brem 2b
:Toreyth. rf. ...
i Krueger. o. .....
Krug, Sb
'.Thomaaon. cf. ..
iSchllebner. Uv
. Whalen, iss
. n.
' Dverdon, p. ....
. TbUl
26 IT 14 27 12
Hah, rf. ..
Hunter, cf.
Jones, lb. ...
Bills. If
Bawyer. 2b. .
Hartford, ss.
Tannehlll, 3b.
Price, c. ....
Jlofan, p. ..
Turner, p. .
Mogridge ...
AB. R. H.
. 5
. 4
3 '
ToUls S 24 IS S
Batted for Turner tn ninth. .
RunT. ....4 O S 0 S 2 0 0
HIU XJS04S01 14
0Kunl.,!T7. 0IMHK4-I
Hit 100000SSO-S
. Three base nit: Krug, Hartford. Two
baa bita emltb, Krueger (2), tUodgett.
rwhalen. Hunter, eitoien base: two,
Xruager, Tbomaaon, Kchllebner. Sacrifice
hits: Breen, tverdon. Base On belia:
Off Everdon. S; off Hogan, S; off Tur
ner 2. Struck out: By Everdon, J. by
Hogaa. 1; by Turner, L Wild pltoh: Tur
ner. Hit by pitched ball: By Hogan
tforaythe), by. Turner teimltb. I). Left
on basre: Omaha. 2; Pea Moinee; .
HIU: OCf Blodgett, 1 In three innings;
off Everdon, t in six lonlags; off Uogan.
- In two tnnlnaa; off Turner. 3 In six
. innings. Double plays: Whalen to Bohiiob
' nrr Breen to Whalen to 6chlebner,
Hartford to Jone. Time: 3.1. Umpir:
, Uejaei.
. laata)' Give Hlaa SToanr Bnaat aai
Win.' ,
SIOTTX CTTT. Is., May lt-Ohlti"
Hailmaa was la altoOrt farfet form to
' day and held ac Joaaen to (our hit, one
. of which wa decidedly atntehy. and
' no runs. The fnoiaaa managed to give
' Hallruan four run winning th gime.
' rior': aiotrx ciTT. '
; AB. K. H. . Q.' A.' ft
fcchipke, 3b. S 4 I S
larke, K I 4
Kane. lb. J J" ' 0
)m, cf. .....4 3 3 4 0
McCormlck, rf. .... S S 0
( allahan. a J 0 fc 0
UMPu 9- H-ifi t ! I f
Total.. ...... 4 T 24' U . ,
Batted for Pownall In fifth.
Batted for Baker In ninth.
Topeka i HOUOtM
Wichita .......... 0. a. 11 t.( .1 04
Home runf Wideman. Two-base hits:
Hoclie, 'Tydeman (2. Bcertf lc -fiiee:
Hosp, Orlfftth. Douhie play: Wares to
Charles. Stolen bases: Rapp, Hosp. Kits:
Off Wideman. S in four and one-third in
nings. Base on ballal Off Wideman,
3; off Baker, 1 Struck out: By Wide-
. . . .... T-i- A. U-lr A U'lM
man, , vy smmii ' , i- J - i
pitch: Baker. Hit by pitched ball: By
C . n.i.... ft Vs. Ik T1
man. Tim: iia. Umpir: Van Btokie.
Poavtnro Are Uovae Ran by Ipavh
aad Wbalea. -
DENVER. May 14. epahr and Whnieiv
each with a home run. featured the gam
in today s contest with Lincoln and the
local won, to . .score:
AR B, H. O. A. E.
Bpencer. cf S S 4 . S 1
Dell, rf 3 1 2 S 0 1
Whalen. 3b , 4 11 O S 0
Mitchell. IX... 4 0 4 0,0
Kslleher, ss..:.. 40310
Matthews. HO..,.. 3 0 1 S 0
FiahM, lb.....'. 3 0 0 - S 0
Bpahr. c 4 3 2 S 0 0
KUaranoes, 3 0 0 1 I 0
Gaskell. p.r. ... 1 0 0 0
Total .83 " "l 37 U "I
A.B. R. H. O. A. E.
Wolf. If 4 1 S 2 0 3
McOaitlgan. ss S 1 1 ' S . 3 0
WlUUiM, , lb 2 1 0 0 0
Mclntyre, rf 4 0 1 S ' 0 ' 0
Dalley, 2b S 0 S 3 1
Bchrelber, cf. ........ 4 0 0 6 0 0
Krueger. m 4 0 0 0 S 0
Vants, c 4 1 1 0 ' 3 0
Ehrnan, p 8 0 0 0 1 0
H Kohrelber 1 11.
.Da'wson, p 0.0 0 0
,", Total -33 " 9 2 10,, 3
1 'Batted for Ehman in ninth.
Two fut when winning run scored.
Lincoln 1 tltUMM
Denver S 1 0 1 0 0 14
Stolen bases: McOafflgan, Bpencer. Baa
liftce flltut rxll. WUL.ama. Balk: Ehman.
Hit by pitched ball: Mclntyre. McOaXfl
gan. Home run: 8phr. Whalen. (Struck
out: By Ellarances. 3. Bases on balls:
Off Ellarances. 4; off Ehman. 3. HIU: Off
Ellaranoea. In eight and one-third in
ning i off Ehman. in eight Innlnge.
Time: 1:40. Umpire: Parent and Ueyera
NORTH PLATTE. Neb., May U- Spe
cial Telegram.) North Piatt defeated
the Kearney Normal today. to 7. The
gam wa won on erros. Score: R.H.E.
rworth FlatUl I 11 I I H M I I
Kearney oaaewavw v- u i
Biitterrt North Platte. Orlffln and
Oanae; Kearney... KandoJph and Heliler.
Haaes on naus: . un uniun, en
Rauidolph. nous,' Twe-baae hlta: Muck
luvaki. bandaL Struck out: By Orlffln.
7: by Kandulph. k. .Double play Kobb
to Warebam. Time: 3:06. Umpire: Tiley.
Aswrleaa Aaaoctatloai.
At Kanaas City . R H E
Loulavllle S 11 S
Jteneaa City S 13 1
Batteriea: Loulavllle, Taylor, ficanlon
and demon; Kan City, Allison aad
At klliweukeo D HB
Indtanapulla S S 0
Milwauiiee - 3 S S
BattArtna: Indianapolis, Tipple, fichardt
and BiarklMim: MUwaukee, Hovlik. biap.
nick and Hugh.
COLUMBUS. Neb.. My 14.-8pctal
Telegram.) The opening base ball gama
played here today was easily captured by
the rmirbwry team. 7 16 I Most of the
store closed for the 'tfccaslon and about
1.000 fan attended. Fairbury commenced
the lead In the first Inning by caotuiing
two acor. Smith' homo tun In the third
Inning, with on man on tied th score.
The visiting team broke th tie In th
fourth Inning, capturing two mora scores,
continually adding mor run, and had
th Pawnees at their mercy. Columbus
started to rally In the last half of th
ninth lnnlpg. hut failed to reach the goal.
Two-bagger wer mad by Thlnsslng,
Corey and Lamb. Score:
r-AnwrRT. couvuravi.
AB H.O.A.B. AJf.H.O.A.B.
HtllTbrea, tt 1 t epirooaa, St., 1141
Lamb, lb ... I 1 3 0Rt. fb I I 3
Oonlay. Ik... til OPmtt. rf S 1 1
B Brown. If . I I 0 OSchmldt, lb. S 4 4 3
ThlMlnj. tt. t 3 4 0Ramar, It.. I 114
Purtoa. ... 4 4 4 1 at lit I 4
Conlsr, lb.. I ItUntr, rf... 3 1 1
nontk. 3 1 3 Outiner. lb. I I 1 I
btaboo. .... 11 Corr, 4 14
' Wataw..U nu'i Totals.. ..J H 37 US
Falrbury S 0 3 0 1 1 0 1 T
Columbus 1 0 10 0 0 0 0 11
" Stolen baae: BUhor. Payton. Thleatng',
Conley.- Sacrifice hits: Con ley, Booth.
Two-base hlta: Thlealng, Lamb Corny.
Home run: Schmidt: Hlu: Off Bishop. 10;
off Corey, 1L Struck out: By Bishop, S;
by Corey, 10. Bases on balls: Off Bishop,
I; off Corey, 3. Wild pitch: Corey. Hit
by. pitched ball; By Corey, HUdebrand.
1'aaacHl bail: Booth. Ttmo: 3:25. Umplie:
t Haatiaa- l.oaea upener.
GRAND TSLANT. Neb., lliv 1A Hha.
clal Telegram.) Two home runs, a
double and two singles off Krnlth-In the
seventh-ended the battle with Hatln
which, up to that time, was one of
pitchers. Grand Inland won. S to 1. Presi
dent Miles opened the season, declaring
e was hero a a neutral, and mtroaucea
iayor Kyn. The latter otti-hed and
PrtMldent Miles eauarht the first bull.
Manaser unnnet or llaatirm was lined
if in the fifth for crabhtng and In the
aixin waa piit out or the grounds lor
lampooning the umpire. The drive over
the fence Ty Varney and Boasen with a
alnftl by Croaby between, and the steady
twirling of Hofinan featured the content
The game was preceded by a parade and
L2u0 people filled the grandstand and
Dieacners. score:
AB.H.O.AB. A. HO. Alt
Wataoa, as.. 3 1 frayaek, ...
A. Moore, it, I 1 1 I OKobaa. lb... 4 4 14 1, rl. 4 Urr. K....I I I
Rllr 1 4 4 OVtnur, ef.M 4 3 3 4 4
MeCake. If.. 1 1 OoabT. 1 11 I
Vrvmm. lb . 4 1 -OBoaaea. If... I 11
Rkloore. Ibi I I ei'Uira, lb... I 1 4
tKlehrda'a, t It 4, .!.. .1.0 4 4
Obat, lb. .... 111 OHafmaa, .. 314
Hk, w llr
Tota!,....S7 inUl
Tetela I 4 14 1
Hastings 1 0900000 0-1
Grand Island 1 0000040-S
Earned run: Haatlns-s. 1: Grand Inland.
4. Two-baou hits: Smith. Clair. Three
base hit: A. Moor. Horn runs: Varney.
noaaen. eioien eaiea. Lyefc, varney.
Basea on balls: Off Hofmsn. 3: off Hmitn.
S. Struck out: By Hofman. ,10; by
Smith.. 13. Left on bases: Hasting. 4;
urana uiaaa, a umpire: aauyr.
' Kront Starts Well for Kearaey.
KEARNEY. Nab.. Mar 14. SoeciaI Tel.
egram.) Kearney opened the State leaaru
season here toaay by defeating York. The
game waa fast and snappy, and the crowd
f nearly XlM In attendanoe thoroughly
enjoyed th opening. Musi wa furnished
by th ntata industrial school bend
throughout the afternoon and the first
ball waa thrown by Acting Mayor Loew.
enateln. Ekyok Played good ball for York.
ana Kionts held the vuitor to live bit
witn no exertion, score;
AH.H.O.A.E. lil.Kl.l fl
Murphy, ef.. 1 1 I 1 Carrts. If.... 4 14 0
rue, as.... I 4 11 IJftnuA, lb.. 4 1 T 1
iu, as... a e i l lsniui. in.... s ill
WmmI. rf ...I 1 4 amaball, a 3 111 I
watsei, rr...
JUinaa, e.
r.iu. lk.
Kloa. Be,
Bkrak, .....! 13 iueais. a.... 4 43
Totals.. ... 34 14 3 Tatala.....! T IT 4 I
York 0 0 S O 0 0 0 02
.Kearney 4) 14llO0-8
Earned runs: York. 1: Kmhiw. 1
Bases on balls: Off Swyok. 4; off Kloats.
8. Left en bases: York. S; Kearney, 1
Baae on errors: York. 1: Kearney, 1.
F truck out: By Skyok. 4; by Klonta, la
doudi piay: laniiioeu to J oral ad. Tim
1:64. Umpire: Wood.
Norfolk Oatplny Beatrle.
NORFOLK. Neb.. Uir 14 Rnecl.1
Telegram.) Mere than 1.1B0 ardent baa
nail tans loiiowea tne baae ball band to
the State leegue grounda this afternoon
ana watered -NorroiK trim Beatrix In
tne eoenluc a-ame of the aeaaon. U Is 1
Th thermometer registered more than
l degree In the shade, but the baae ball
enthualasm waa wonderful. Manegor
Flllman of the Beatrice club relieved
Hugglns on tbe mound In the fifth Inning
with Pate In an effort to top th slugging
on ine part or Ban lowite a cioutena.
nut fate was ss eaaur round u liuir.
glna Wall wort b, who pitched nine In
nings for NorrulK. exhibited wonderful
control. He at xoUent support, boor:
AN. H.O.Alt AM.KO.A.m
rilhaaa. So. 4 1 4 4 IBroTrtek. A 1 S 1 1
llreajMa. k I I I 01'T, m 4 3 1
Bit.k. of.... 4 111 lV.lkr, to . 4 111
rr. it a s e e ftoapMii, era IBS
Ixxrkh.rt. if 4 , 1 4 n brxl. If. 3 t S 4 4
BaMwtta, lb 4 4 11 1 rTo. lb... 4 1 I I
wur. a ... I III ea.Brova. rf. 4 1 31
kortna. .. I 1 4 OOlllia. ...! t
Huafiaa, p.. I 4 1 1 4wallwrtk, 4 S 4 4
rt. a..., i i
bror 1 4 4 4 4 TetauV
Xaa 1 1 I 4
W.L.Ptf.1 W.L.Pot.
Topeka 1J 4 .(SWFalrbury ... 1 1 l.Ot
Denver ....) 4 .KJSiOd. Island..! 0 l.iil)
Omaha 11 S .bU; Kearney ...1 0 t"
IHis Molnesl Aid! Norfolk .... 1 0 1. HI'
St. Joseph. .10 4.4-', York 1 ."
lscoln 7 10 .AUIHestlngs ... 0 1 .MO
Mnux CSty.. S 14 .JUrtnUea trloe .... 1 ."0
Wichita .... 4 U .JWICulumnUB ..0 1 .0U0
W.L.PCU ' ' - WUPrt.
Detroit ....ft I .fldiPhlla. ..6...... 16 S M
New-York..H 8 .! Chicago ....15 10
Chicago ,...14 10 ,413! Boston 12 10 .MS
Boston 11 .buoj nttaburgh. 12 14 .4
Cleveland ..11 14 .44U ClnclnnaU ..11 IS .4h8
Wshlngn .10 13 .4. fu Louis.. ..12 16 .444
Philadelphia 3 16 .aHI Urooklvn ..11 14 .440
8t Louis.... Ill . New . York... 4 13 .404
' W.L.pct. W.L'.Pct.
Plttsburgh.18 .eTl Indiana p's-.W .874
Kan. City .14 11 loulavllle.. 16 .V .660
Chicago ...16 12 .664, t. Paul.... 13 13
Brooklyn. ..IS 12 .txxi. Milwaukee.. 13 13 .6i0
Newark ...14 14 .iODj Kan. City. .13 11 .542
Baltlmore..H 17 ..... Clevelend...U 13 .4M
St Ixul..U 13 .ttS) Mlnneap's.. 12
Buffalo .... 8 Jib, Columbus... 7 1 .2o3
Yesterday' Results.
De Moines, 6; Omaha, 17.
St Joaoph. 0; Sioux City, 4.
Wlohlta, 4; Topeka, S.
Lincoln, 6; Denver, 4. -
No game scheduled.
. fit" Lotus, 5; Boston. 4. ; .,,
Chicago, 18, Brooklyn.' 4.'
Cincinnati. 1; Nw York, a
PitUburgh, 3; Philadelphia. L
Chicago, I; Pltteburgh, A ,
Newark, 6; Buffalo. 1. . ,.
Brooklyn. 13; Baltimore, 4t f '
Louisville, 3; Kanss City $. ".
. Indianapolis, S: Milwaukee, 8. i
York, 3 Kearney, J.
Hastings, 1; rand Islaad, a
Falrbury, 7; Columbus, a ' ,
Beatrio. 8; Norfolk. .
Games Today,'
Western Leagno De, Motnea at Omaha,
St Joseph at Kioux Cltv. Wichita at
Topeka, . . .
American League New York at Cleve
land, Boa ton at Detroit, Philadelphia at
St Louis. Washington at Chicago.
National LeaguoftSt Louis at Boston.'
Chicago at Brooklyn, Cincinnati at New
Kork Pittsburgh at Philadelphia,
Federal Lea sue Ohtcnuo at Plttnhnra-h.
'Newark at Buffalo, Brooklyn at Balti
state Leacue York at Kearnev. Traf-
Ings at Grand Island, Falrbury at CuTain-
uue, oeamoa at iNorroiit.
Chicago Hurler Overcomes Rebel
Pitcher, Shutting Out the
If... 4 111 Morw cf..., 1 1 S
e....4 84 anellow, lb.., I lll
S....4 4 4 4 IfHta, aa ... 1 1 I 1
3 S 4 1 IMCTrall, rf.. I I 14
n U 17 U I
Totals 44 4 14 14 S
Hatted for Hugglns W ninth.
Batted for Pate In ninth.
Peatrioe 1 1 Q 1 ft
Norfolk 0 8 4 3 i -10
Two-baa hlu: Brannan. Towne, R.
nan. Naff, Kortem. Broderlck, Dye, R.,
Brown. Double plays: Kortem to Fill
man, to Bockewits, lirortertck to Town.
Base on balls: Off Wallworlh, 6; off
Hugglna, 4; off Pate, 4 Hit by pitched
ball: Kortam by Wallwortb. lilts: Off
Wallworth, s; off Hugrlna, 4; off Pate,
a Struck out: Bv Wallworth. 6: hv
Huggina, I; br Pate, I Wild pitch: By
uuggine. t, -lime: s:w. umpir; snuatar.
' ' College Bnsa Bell.
Perdu. 3; Northwestern. T.
Tuft,'4; Dartmouth, ' .
Wisconsin, 4; Illinois, a
PITTSBURGH. My 14.-A pltohr'
duel between McUbnnell and Allen ended
In th ninth Inning today when the Pltta
burgh twlrler went to piece and Chicago
made six run, winning th gam, to a
McConnell had th local batters at his
mercy all th way.' Scor: R.H. B.
Chlcaco 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 44 1
Pittsburgh ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 S 1
Batteries: Chicago, McConnell and Wil
ton; Pittsburgh, Allen and Barry.
Tip Trim Terra ptae.
BROOKLYN. May 14. Brooklyn de
feated Baltimore this afternoon. 12 to 4.
Qulnn retired th first twelve men in
order. Jn th fifth and sixth Inning tho
entire team batted and Qulna wa re
lieved after th first thre men In the
seventh hit safely, (too re: R.H.19,
Brooklyn ....0 0 0 0 4 t tt 011 IS 1
Baltimore ...1 I 1 1 M 11 4-4 1 1
' Batterle:' TJrooklyn. Marlon. IToham
and Blmons; Baltunor, Qulnn, Bailey and
Owens, Russell.
Newark Tauke Oe.aee.
BUFTAXO.4 Way X4BufrsV lot.,U
rith straight .gam today when Newark
won, S to 1. Schult wlldness and errors
by tho lviftel In th pinch threw away
th gam. Scot: R.H.E.
Newark w...0 OfllMl WTI
Buffalo ...4...0 0 0 0 1 0 0 I W II
Batteries t Newark, Moly and Rarl
den; Buffalo, Bchuits, Anderson and
Allen. .......
Sonther Asaoelatlea. x
Mobile, t: Little Rock, a
New Orleans, 8; Nashville, a
Birmingham. 6; Chattanooga, a
Atlanta, S; Memphis, a
CAMBRIDGE. Wfay H.-fSpetHsl
Telegram.) McCook High aohool cera
pletsiy outclaraed Oambrtdg High, IS to
4. Rodwelt, th star Jooal pitcher, wa
out of th gam, on ncoounl ef studio.
Th local team won vry gam unto.
Rod well, wa not eligible. To date fee
has struck out e verity men la thirty
three tnniegs.
Itnndolpk teto tne Finals.
nANDOijrr. vh. m ia nii
Telegram.) Randolph Won the seml-flnnl
trom i iainview mgri school in the north
east N"l'rka bam ball championship trw
day. The final gam will be played with
Wakefield in Hartlngton, May Si. at th
annual field meet.
Williams for Randolph wa Invincible
throiiKhout. The lad haa not heen ennred
unon tola season. Ills teammate pounded
tnree opoeing pitchers off tn mound.
Batteries: Plalnvlew, Hocht, Johnson.
Rise and Nye; Randolph. Wlliam and
DeKay, Itm nm: Aegerter. ?Tead, Pe
Hay. Three-baa hits. DwKay (2),
Aet-ertar, Williams. Two-base Mta: HXirt
Wamer, Hammond. Struck out: By
Wliflaml. 1C; by llooht. 1
. Mere Wonuan Win.
spirited match, M)a Moll, Bjuratedt of
Norway won the women' metropolitan
slngiea ehampionshlp here today, derat
ing Mr, iterger Wallaoh ef New York,
4-4. -l.
Logan Trtrn Dvntsost..
LOGAN, la.. Key 14.-flpcJa1 Tele
gram.) I ran High won over Dertfeon.
I to 4, In ball earn her this aiir i
noon. Batteirles: wood aad Brown, boa
wan and Locke.
..1 "
' TBirasi Oil! Mallisravai.
Manager Eiran of Mnacatln lact week
announced th purchaa of EM die Mulli
gan from th Davenport Three-1 teaguw
Hub. t
Rotikford gtira Tr. '
Ro-kf-j1 ha slgnd Pitcher Jnsg Ctnrk
of W air r loo and Rhotide of flrand
Rapid. I , i.
1 Like to buy thtr
; Ghoeo
where Father buy hi.
Our Store 1 for Boy aad Ken.
We giv extra value at Sfopuia
7L S Ailisccn's
314 Gouth 1Gth Ot.
2id. a. rso&pon, lcrr.
Eddie Collins
Drinks .
$25.00 Suit Valueo
. . . e,-.f U.
Oar regular clothes makers havxs closed
out to us a quantity of theit high grade
suits in their $25 spring lines Being late
in the season for spring delivery; they made
as a price concession whch, we, propoao to
, give to our onstomers." ' ' ' ".' '.'
: Many of these suits are in tho one-button
coat style with patch pocketa and 4 and
V silk lined." They are just the pattern
. and cut demanded now. . You have not 6&en
their equal in style and quality at less than
$25. "While they last we eell them at $16.50.
Lcvh 01.50 Athhlis
Undcnvcar SSc
A beautiful barred, very fine nainsook
in knee length and sleeveless union suita--.
made by the best underwear maker in America, we offer
as an extra special at 05c Lay. in a supply for-tha tra.
mer at this attractive prioe, . ' . ,
, ScoOurL,3homStiwHat3: "
54.00 and 0S.OO-
l S. U4h
consider it tho rrcmier, all-'rotmd vholeaom
tHrst-Quencher for athlct. This) cornea well
from one of vhom Comiekey aaicl. after raying
150.000 for Kim "I aecured Kim for the Vhito
Sox fane because I believe he vill prove that he
..kl , thinkinfl and the brainiest slayer la
the game."
Demand th vvuin arul
void disappointment
f?. ' I HE IOCA.-LjOLA.
' in Itrri rtA
We're going to act the fastest pace In th straw hat gama
this Meson that Omaha haa vr known. ;
Tho abolition of our clothing department has given much
additional space such a Is necessary to show a really complete
line of lummir beadwear for men.
Erery conceivable hat style can now be found at this store,
aad If yours bears a 'Pry" label you may be sure that It's right.
In All the New Styles
$2.00, $2.M.
- Panamas
Dankoks -Leghorns
A Style for Every Pnoe
$3.50, $1, 5, SS and f 7.SO.
L rorx rinr -U