Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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r DODGERS, 19 TO 4
kftfo Makes Twenty-Three Hits,
for Total of Thirty-Five Baiet,
Ag&init Brooklyn.
fenOOKLTN. N. T.. Mny 14-Chlraso
triad twenty-three hlta for a total of
trty-flve burl off three Brooklyn
gMtdhors today ana won. by the cor
of 1 to 1 th season' record score for
Jabots' field. If not the national league.
Twelve Cuba went to bat In the see
fcmd and hammered out eight riin off
lx single, and two triple. .Wll llama
Jilt to dees left for a home run Ui the
ilnth. Ptandrtdge was effective ixcept
in the fifth, when two passes, a single
nd Myers' triple rave Brooklyn three
run. A alngle and n double accounted
Tor tba tally In the ninth. fV-ore:
rvyara. aa.. I
ytraiti, aa. 1 a ik. i
Seminal, 1. I I
rf.. I 14
ht. It. I 1 4
'riotettaw. to. i 4
Vnn, ft ... I 1
-. n it
ttHrtrtT. .. I 1 1
wwt. e. I 1
Allchlaan. a
:alr, .,.. a a
Apaleioa, . 4 1
AS H O .
I SfSalaa. JV. T I I I
I FlrMT. aa. .. 1 I I I
a !. . if l i t
a r,iirreae, Ikl I I I
Iftaler. 114 4
Mrl.arrr. lb I 4 I
1 1 William. e. 4 1 4
nr.n.lm. I 1 I 1
a Hrfr. c. 1 I II.. 4
tKtandrtag, 4 I I
Tetslt ti II U 1
V 4 ' - ' I
Ill X H I I I I
Transylvania Due to
.Enter German War
Zone Saturday
NKW TOTtK. May 14. tf the anchor
line ateajnahip Transylvania eq'iala Ita
record time on Ita present trip acroaa .he
ocean It ahould enter the Oerman war
tone late tomorrow nnd If It passes
throUKh It safely aho lid do-k In Llvrr-
pool early minriay. ar coining to me cm- (
culntlona of Anchor line official given
out today because of mnny Inquiries re-
, far ding the vecael.
Inqulrera at the American line wrn
told that the steamship Philadelphia,
which aalled under the American flag
on May . probably would arrive In A-
eruool tomorrow afternron.
The Arabic, which railed from Liver
pool May S. waa signaled late today.
It waa announced by the White Star
line that word had been received thnt !
the Adriatic tailed late todny. It car- I
Tied forty-three flrtt cabin. 101
cabin and 16 steerago passenger
ChessTourney at
Omaha Chess Club
A handicap rheaa tournament open to
any player In tha city eiarta Saturday
evening at the Omaha, Cheat and Checker
Huh, in the Continental block. I'lay will
ocetirr on Mondays, Fridava and Satur
day! regularly and on other ntghta to
suit the contestants. The conteatante
will be divided Into groups according; to
their ability and appropriate odda will
be established between the various
a roup Valuable prtic-a will b awarded
the wlnnera In the tourney.
State Officials Will .
Attend Unveiling of
Oregon Trail Marker
HEBRON. Nab, May 14.-Rpeclai-Tha
Meridian road and Oregon train
crossing win be marked with appropriate
tervlcet by the unveiling of the new
monument Monday. May 24. The parade
will at art promptly at t o'clock and march
east on Lincoln avene an north on the
county road to tha tlte of the monument,
two mllee north, th threo wings polntnit
on Lincoln avenue.
The atate officials. Pauehtere of the
American Revolution, county offlciala,
city official!., 3rand Army of tha Repub
lic. Relief Otra and cltlsone will attend.
Owing to the fact that tha program will
be long It la planned Ur have a second
meeting at the opera house In Hebron In
the evening.
It la protniacd by the governor of the
atate that he will be present In peraon
and also a part of hla ataff. and ha haa
promised to order out a company of
national guarda for thla apecial occsjnon.
The evening meeting will be prealded
over by Hon. C. L. RJrharda and the
program for both eierctse are Included
In the following:
Selection by the Hebron band.
Invocation. Jra B. Carney.
Presentation of momim-nt. Robert Hsr
vey. preeldont Oregon Trail commlaaion.
Acceptanoa on behalf of county. C. 1
Unveiling. Mrt. C. H Aull, Omaha,
atale reaent t-aughtera of tha American
"Star Bpancled Ranner." Hebron band.
SaJJte to the flag school children, led
by Adjutant- General P. U.Hall.
"America." echool children, led by
County Superintendent A. T. Holtien.
Addreeeea, Mr. Warren Terry. Fair
bury, pent recent Dauihtora of the Amer
ican Revolution: Herbert M. Puahnell.
Unecln, prealdcnt bkwie of the American
Revolution- John H. Moreheod. governor
f Nebraska: John U Webater. Omaha,
prealdemt State Hletorlcai aorlety.
Benediction, Rev. 1 J. Lewis.
TilUla M 14 17 15 4
'Chicago 1 I t h 3 0 1
Brooklyn 0 0 S 0 0 14
Two-baee hit: r"chu1te. Oett C), Wheat.
Three-bane hlta: Phelan, Slnndrlduc.
fpchulte. Baler, Myera. Home run: Will
Jama. Stolen baae: Brhulte, Sal'i.
laher. Stengel. Karned runa; Chicago.
;-3; 1'rooklyn. 4. Double playa: futahaw
Mn lMubert (2). Klrat f.aiie on eirora:
p'hlcagn. I: Brooklyn, 1. Raaea on ball.
K)ff Allchiaon, 1: off Cadora. 1: ott Ap
kpleton, 1; off StandrMge. 4. Hlta: Off
tAltchiaon. 4 In one and one-third Inning:
oft Cad ore, 4 In one-third Inning; off
-Apple ton, 14 In aeven and one-third tn
linaa. Struck out: Dv Altchtaon. 1: by
aAppleton. 4; by Standrldge, a. Umptret:
OUgler and Hart.
Ciaata Defeat Reaa.
NrjW TORK- May J 4.- Tha New Tork
7atlonala made it three out f four
from cannclnatl today, winning the laet
lM of tha eerlea, 1 to L Teareau pitched
ateady gam for New York, while tha
OlanU bunched hlta an lear. Boo re:
'Rev C Franklin Koch
Rev. C. F. Koch to Be
Installed Sunday
Rev. C. Franklin Ko-h will be InaUtled
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at a ao
rta te pantor of Kountae Memorial Luth
eran church.
Rev. Ir. Holmea Dyeinger, president
of tha Weatern Theological aeinlnary,
Atchlaon. Kan., will deliver the addreaa
to tha aseoctate paator. '
Rev. Dr. O. D. Ralttly, . paator of
London Teutons Ask
Consul Skinner to
Avoid Deportation
LONDON, May 14 Oermana and Awa
trlana again bralcgcd the American con
aulate today, reeking the aid of the
American oftlclela to prevent their being
repatriated In conaeouence of. the deci
sion of tha government announced yea- i M,ry
Theaa persona enplained that for years
their homra had been In thla country
and that their deportation would be re
garded by them aa a greater calamity
than Internment here.
Tha American consul general. Robert
P. Skinner, took their atatementa, but
waa unable to prom lee any action further
than tha transmission of their requeate
The new tennis courta at the Carter
Lake club have been completed and an
nouncement cornea from R. A. Newell
that play on them will begin Saturday.
There are five new courts at the club
by the lake and aome Sl.Bftt) was spent In
. , I . -II T-. . I . 1 .... w .1
Second j rwnpirui umi. hit i.iiui" rwiwn j
I the Carter Lake club la a large one this
yeur, and aome playera who win give
the statu cracks a battle In aome of the
tournaments thla summer ahould be developed.
Twenty-first and First Avenue First
Christians of Counoll Bluffs against
First Chrlstisns of Omaha, I o'clock.
Ralston Ralston Methodiata against
First Methodists. 4 o'clock.
'i'hlrty-flrst and Ames Avenue Hirst
i Mcniormls acsinst St. John's, I o'clock.
Walnut Hill Methodiata against Bt.
Kountae Memorial, will deliver tha ad- t0 th- proper authorities.
Iwk, (.... 4
irnk, lb..... 4
n-vmnbl'y. If I
r.rlfdih, rf.. 4
Vasoor. to.. 4
4ru M... t
V-KolaUs. as I
MollwlU. Ik. 4
4'lark, I
Kllllfer .... t
Urowa. 4
m.t, a I
VlBge a.,., 1
a 4 0 I Burn. If... 4 4 4 4 1
4 1 I ItMrl. to... I 1 t I I
4 I I 4lhrt. Ik.. t I 4 4
I I 4 Klchr. as. 4 1 I I 4
4 4 4 4 KaMrua, rf 4 II 4 4
114 4nrlnr4, lb I 4 14 4 4
4 Maror ... title
ITS 4 Murray. Of . 4 4 4
I 4 OTaaraaa. f)... I 41
4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 TeUls W T II t I
14 4
dreaa to tha congregation and conduct
tha Installation tervlcet.
Rev. Mr. Koch graduated from Pacific
unlveralty. Forest Orova, Ore., In KM. Ha
etudted law for two year In tha Uni
versity of Oregon law achool and waa
employed for a year In the offices of
tha Southern Pacific railroad, and for
a year by tha Portion J Merchants' aa
aoctatlon. ,
Ha entered Wittenberg" Theological
aemlnary, Springfield, O., In the fall of
1912, graduating May !. 1916. and be
ing ordained the next day In tha flrat
Lutheran church, Springfield, O.
Ha apent tha Christmas holldaya of
lust year In Omaha and became well
acquainted with tha people of Kountae
Memorial church then.
Large numbers of persons affected by
tha government' plan are surrendering
hourly, rather than await being arretted
under the Internment order.
' Ttele...Ja I M 10 ft
Han for Clark in ninth.
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 1 n 1
iew Tork t 0 0 1 0 3
Two-base hit: Mollwlla. Stolen baae:
Jxjbert, Earned runa: New York, 1: Cin
cinnati, L Double pSays: Heraog to
Jlollwita, Doyle to Bralnerd. Firat baae
on errors: New Tork, 1: Cincinnati, 1
IHaaee on balla: Off Teareau, 1: off Lear,
I; off Brown. 1. Hlta: Off Lear, 7 In
even Innlnga; off iirown, none In one
Inning. Struck out: By Tasreau, 7; by
Lear, I; by Brown, 1. Umpires: Byron
and Orta.
Palis Wla front Pirates. .
vroama a lead of three runa, which
were secured by Pittsburgh on errors, and
won today's gams by hard hitting In
the seventh and eighth Inning. Two runa
'Vera aoored off Mamnux In tha seventh
on four single and three ware made off
Adams In the eighth en Cravath'a home
iun, alngle by Whlttad and Dugey and
doubles by Niehoff, and I-aakerL Wcore:
AB H.O A g AB H.O.A B.
rf. 4 114 Bancroft, ta. 4 1 I 4
jfciMUB, lk I I 4 4 4Hrrna, to..., 4 1111
Jl.lra. 4 t 1 1 I 4R4Khar, It... 4 14 4 4
inankma, ri 4 1 4 eOamth, H.I 14 1
bot, aa.. 4 4 I 4 lWhlttf. Ik. I I I I I
Vim. lb 4 4 14 tNlaholl. lb.. 4 ft I I I
tirrhor. th... I 14 1 4raakrt. CI.. 4 114 4
tv hi, a.... 4 1 Klllltar, s,.. 4 4 4 1
imu. .. I 4 41't.almara. a. I 4 4 I
.AHuma. .... 4 4ltliy. p.... 4 4
Laatalle ...1 4 4 SMarar, p...,t 4 4 4
" w, ir ,... a t
ToUka...Maa t at 11 Isomer ...wll 4 4
- Totals 44 II II 14
flatted for Adams In-the ninth. .
'Hatted for Chalmers In the seventh,
batted for Klxry In , the eighth.
rittaburgh I 0 0 1 0 0 V-1
l'hiladalphla, 0 0 0 0 0 9 1 1 i
Two-baae htta: Carey. Niehoff (Si. Pas--kart.
Home run: Oravatli. Stolen baaee
Hnlrd, Ocrher. F.arnel runa: Philadel
phia, S. Flrat baae on errors: Pittsburgh,
2. FUeoa on.-balls: Off Mamaux, I; off
Chalmma, 1; off Rlxav, 1. lilts: Off
MamauK, T In seven innings; off Adama,
. 4 In one InnUig; off Chalmera, In aeven
' Innlnga; off lilxey, none In one Inning;
off Maver, 1 In one Inning. Struck out:
, Uy tlaittaux, i. by Chalmers, 4; by Mayer,
i A. Lmilrea: Kleirt and limslie.
Cavels Iteat aoalat,
BOSTON", May 14 -Held to two htta and
without runa for eight Inninga talav, St,
ILouia In the ninth overcame I tost on 'a
lead and won, I to I Five slntlea, an
rror by Maranvllla, when a double play
Shlch would !, retired the aide with
eait score, was poaelble, and two mla
plays by Cat her, contributed to tha visi
tors' airing. Score:
rr, Lorm. sobton.
AB H O A C tl.H O A l
Wontna, la, 1 4 4 4 Srtiaaat'k. ft I I 4 4 4
v Moras, rr. ... i v v e
tkaaa. to. ... I I 1 t a
albar. It... 4 4 I I I
HctunKt. Ik. I I I I 1
Smllk. lb.... 4 4 4 4 4
MaraaTll. a 4 I I I 1
l'.Kwar. .... I t s t
SHutbM, ... 1414
Ullbart .... 1444
4Csaaolir ... 1 4 4 4 4
Omaha High School
Track Team Leaves
for State Tourney
The Omaha High achool track team
will leave Saturday morning for Lincoln
to taka part In tha at ate interscholastle
meet at tiiat city. Coach Mllla will tako
about ten men, including Paynter, Kng
atrom, Lutea, Fiillaway, Neville, New
ton, Wll ton, Welrleh, MoreaiHy and Bry
ant. Following th victory of th local
achool In tho Missouri valley tourney at
St Joaeph laat Saturday, Mllla hopes to
be among th leaders In tli atate event.
Survivors of Emden
Arrive in Damascus
DAMASCUS, "yrla. May 14. Vla Lon
don) Lieutenant Von Mueck and a
landing party from the German cruiser
Rmden, which waa captured when their
ship waa tunk In th Indian ocean on
November 10. have arrived her after al
months of adventurous wandering. There
ate fifty men In tha party. .
Hav I won th Iron croas?" waa the
flrat question aaked by Lieutenant
H and tha aailora In hla command were
delighted when they heard they were re
garded in Germany aa heroes snd all had
been awarded the coveted cross. Tha
lieutenant declared all he wanted waa
to get a command In the North Sea.
Von Muecka and tha remnant of the
Emden' crew were reported to . have
escaped from allied patrol ships and
piloted tha schooner Alaha on which they
escaped from Cocoa Island aafcly Into tho
harbor of Llod on March 17. They reached
HodHlda, Arabia, on February 6. They
probably trawled by rait most of th
dletanc from Lldd (Jfddal to Damascus.
a: no ground
Council riluff Iowa School for Deaf
against Omaha Electric Light Company,
S o'clock,
Miller Park U. P. Paeeenger Depart
ment against Ualley Dental Company, t
o clock.
Tiilrty-eeroitd and Dewey Avenue Ne
braska Division agalnat Updlkes, 1
o clock.
Fort Omnha McGrawa agalnat Burns
Hnlaums, 3 o clock.
Fontenelle Perk feeet diamonds)
Byrne-Hummers agalnat Nebraska School
for the I eaf, 4 o clock.
Armours agalnat Alamltos, probably at
itivervicw para.
Chris Lyck Park-M. TS. Smiths against
Midland Olasa and Paint Company.
Thlrty-eecond and Dewey Avenue
City Hall against Hotel Clerks.
Woodmen of the World agalnat Stan
dard O I Company at Fort Omaha.
State Medical Association).
WATERLOO. la.. May 14.- Special Tel
egram.) The Iowa State Medical associa
tion closed Its convention to meet next
year In Davenport. Officers sleeted were
President-elect J. F. Herrlck, Ottumwa;
president. W. B.- Small, Waterloo: flrat
vice president, J. E. Luckeye, Vinton;
aecond vice president, 8. B. Gratiot, Du
buque; eecretary, H. W.- Osborne, Dea
Moines-; treasurer, Thomas F. Dutitgg,
Dea Molnct. Councillors: Flrtt district,
John T. Walker, Des Moines; eleventh
dlrtrict, G. C. Morehead, Ida Grove; del
egate to American Medical society, J. C
Rockafellow, Des Moines; legal adviser,
D. S. Falrchlld. Clinton.
s Omm
Oldest Exclusive Lxdiet Store in Omaha
ExfraoriMFy Sale oS
Tailored Soils Saturday
Y our choice of 300 Women' Band T
Mi0tV Hiah Gradt Suit. inrluA
mg all of that very newest model, fl
Value up to $30, offered Sat-
vrday at only
Thla unueual selling event Is as as a nanaassry
to make room for our vast summer stock
w arriving and will Interest dlsorlmlaatTng
women who desire apparel that will staoa
tha test af service at a low price.
Summer Dresses
at $5.95 and $6,95
At thaae two prloeg we how 20 dlgtlnctlT styiM,
. In coat efT ecu, bolero effects, and trikint on
piece models of pretty stripes or dainty flgurs.
White Dresses
Very Beautiful at $ 1 5
Dainty net and lace Dresses for commencement
and graduation wear. Perfect In fit and work
manship and a big selection to choose from.
New Sflk Skirts
At $6.95 and $10.00
ttasipproacbaMe Tahies In new separate skirts of
high grade aUk taffeta in the newest plaids and
strip wtth or without shirred tops.
Smart Cloth Skirts
Special at $5.00
Made of superior quality men's wear serge, pop
lins, gabardines, etc., In the newest spiral models,
aluea to 18.60, Saturday at $&00.
To Be Featured in Two Special Offerings Saturday
Lot 1 Includes new, charming Blouses, J A A Lot 9 includes many reproductions from
never before offered at such prices, con-?
slating of Tolles, organdies, etc., in both
white and colors, values to 12, Saturday. .
Parisian models. In China silk, fine voiles, J I aJO
organdies and handkerchief linen, silk H -
stripes, etc, dozens of styles, worth to 93.
Perrigo is Chosen '
H. S. Tennis Manager
Th Athletic board of Central High
i I elected Charles rerrlgo tennla manager
it t meeting Wednesday evening. Tcr
4 , rlgo I a senior.
J I The drawing for tha boys' single and
I doubles turnamenta will b mad at one
and the mutches started. A fin tourney
la predicted ' and unleaa aome "miracle
men'' la In th field the finals will likely
rent with Ralph Towel! and Russell
Larmon. -
Curing Cahrrh is
: A Simple Method
to its Source' and
Cure Is Then Accomplished.
ywea. Ik.
hfinl, b...
I-.ia, If ...
Millar, la.,
l'-ua. a...
Vhaua. rt..
Bll"r. ' as..
iir4ar. a. ..
taaaale. a
tiM. a....
4vMaaae, s. 4
Hratt ...... 1
I 4
basclM .
4 4 4
. I 17 14 4
iTeuis.....n I n ii t
HatW for bailee in eighth.
Matted for Robinson In ninth.
Kan. for Unyrtrr to ninth.
' ,Ua4td for Husrhea In ninth
liotted fur Egan In ninth.
-4H. Louis..... 0 IV-4
1xUj 10 4 13 0 ft-4
Two-baae hlta: , Fltx pa trick. F.aan,
tUrmiiy. Three-laa hit: Hyatt. Home
run: Oowdy. Double plays: Hughes to
y tan to tVhmldt, ITgan to alaranvllle to
rmith to Maranvllla, Hugglna to Butler
to Miller. Klrat 4aaa on errors: bt. Lauta.
i; boa Ion, t. baaes nn balls: Off llugliea.
S: oft Satire, Z. Hits: H f bailee, 1 In
seven Innlnga; off ttoblneon, 1 In on In
ning i off Griner. none in on Inning.
Hruck out: Hy Hug net. 7; by Bailee, 1.
Xiiui-lree: Quit ley and Eason.
Coast Laafaa.
At rVanclsco , H H
Portand I 1
LxkUuod 11
Halteries: Portland, Kvana, CovaJeakt
end Garlach; Oakland. Prough and
At Io Angeles R.H.EJ.
ficn f raociaoo Ill I
tv.nlc -. , ill
baiLeriee: Ban rrancisco, rannlng.
IFtauni and rVhinldt. Kvpulveda: Venlco.
JohuMB. DoCannier. llrniey and alltte.
t .lt Lake City RH K
Vina Angelea 10 11 S
fcit leka City 4 S
batUrtea: Loa Anaelea, Ixiv. Kcog-
tlna and Bolea; halt l.eke City, J. Will-
troy and Kofirer.
. LINCOLN. May 14.-(iiclal TelegTanv)
Kills, the Nfbraaka champion, worked
hla way to th third round of th alngle
In the Mlaaourl Vallev conference, tennis
tournament In the cllnmlatton play. K.
Ctiatt, th ether Nebraska, entrant In th
tingle, lost In th flrat round.
Th feature of th day' play waa th
work of Horrr of Washington. Who ta th
most prominent tennla player partici
pating .Is th .tournament. H won his
round, but only after a hard fight.
Tha doublet' and alnglea will be com
puted tomorrow and the winner will be
given tllver cup by th Nebraaka Ath
letic board. '
Sbeltea liaa t'lah Shoal.
"HELTON. Neb.. May 14. tSoectal Tel
egram.) The Fhelton Gun club gave ita
flrat hnoll tournament under national
auspicea today. The attendance waa all
that could be etiected, but a hard wind
nuule good scores Impossible. In th
amateur claaa (. M. Mortimer of the
horn club ww high with Km out of IfeV,
C. Ien of North I'latt eecona, wnn
115: j. W. Thomnaon of Loup I'ltv tlilrd.
with 1M Three t)i-oresslonaU were In at
tendance: H Kennlcott of Kvanaton,
111., waa high with if; lieorge i aner
of Uncoln. second, IJa. and M. A. Man
ning of Haatliiga, third witn iu.
Th Be ' Want AdY Ar' tett Bualneai
Only those who hav used 8. 8. 8.
for th blood know that catarrh Is lim
ply a blood troubl.
Moat people, unlnatructed In this mem
branaoua dlaeaaa, treat their noaa and
throat a If catarrh waa a local trouble.
It I not so. To treat catarrh It Is nec
essary to go Into tha stomach, th llvr,
th lunge, th kidneys and all ths vital
organa of th body. And It la & a 8.
that at one antera th entire blood cir
culation, all th organa of th body, all
th mucous surfaces and become a
dominant factor for renewed health. It
I a simple method when you figure It
out. Catarrh I plainly an Inflamma
tion of th mucou tnembranee.
And there la in B. 8. B. certain Ingre
dlenta which cauaa theaa mucous aur-
tacsa to change or convert their secre- i
ttona Into a aubatanr for eaay elim
ination. A anerta! book on thla aubleet
will be mailed ta all who write to Th ;
Bwlft Ppeclflo Co.. 110 Bwlft Bldg., At
lanta, Git.
Catarrh Is vary often th reault of t
aome other blood troubl. aome germ -that
geta Into tha blood and multiplies !
beyond tha control of nature. ,
8. B. 8. la th remdy. ro not accept ;
a eubatltute for thla matchless remedy, i
Head tha circular wrapped around th j
bettl. It la Important
1 : Cele:;s : 'I
-tine and I
Jaina, Lar
Wise Trark Meet.
HABTING8. Neb . May 14 -8pectal Tel- ;
Krua.V-Hantluas woit I lie dual track
rrvot wtth lltane college this aiien-.uon. I
M to U The two tenuis were a tie until
the laat eitrl. the rvlay race. I.K h
)iatiiita won by t narrow margin. Hran
lo of roaue el'-ared tie pole In tits
vuJt at ca fet with about a foot to
'! and waa cl.-.l to brmik th
a.bte tniercolleglaie recrd of ten feet
( Irsntiea, but at u its Lie to niak th
Sit, stand, stoop or run in
You will forget you have Springtex
on. The cooUight-weight spring-needle
knit fabric is elastic and form-fitting.
Try a Union Suit flop.
Utka KnltUng Co, Makart, Otlca. H. Y.
Vholeaal Dituributors:
M. E. Hmllh
D- ne aW Hammer
iry taooda Co.
sometimes caffecf
THINK of Joan of Arc pure, delicate, directed by a
superb, all powerful force that led her into any danger,
and you will feel the character that Anita Stewart has
made of "The Goddess."
Anita Stewart has become so imbued with the spirit of
The Goddess" that she is enveloped in an atmosphere of
such divine beauty and inspiration, that to gaze on her is to
be lifted and completely changed yourself.
Her rendition of Gouvemeur Morris' great creation will
become more marvelous to you as you read his great story in
these pages, and follow the girl through her classic struggle
with the forces of evil, meeting with earthly love and direct
ing the world to a renaissance of beauty. The Goddess" is
as you will be glad to know also a motion picture produced
under the auspices of
by the"eminent
Miss Stewart is supported by that well liked Earle Williams, who play
Tommy Steele and by a cast that Includes six of the screen's greatest favor
ites. Ralph Ince Is the director. His 600 successes are ample evidence of
what this, his prime effort will be.
I Nata W S. S'.'.'tf 1 1.' !l IMIIf , IIU4I If, U 1 1 1 ft f 1' 'MS . V J. I u
is a child of nature, for she loves the
open, and as in "The Goddess" her
greatest successes have been in pic
tures of the free, untrammeled exis
tence such as she played in "The
'Wood Violet" Anita Stewart, glor
iously and refreshingly beautiful in
her delicate youth, no film actress
today can vie with her for true
genius! I have seen her hold an
audience single handed for an hour
and then be recalled time and again.
Her manner has none of the theat
rical. She is as simple and unaffected
as if she were all alone with you on
a moonlight night, in a canoe, while
you twanged music to her from a
guitar and sang to her eyes.
Monday, May 1 7th
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