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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1915)
TIIFi BF,E: OMAHA. SATURDAY. MAY 15. 1915. PIXLEY NOW ON CITTPAY ROLL In Publio ImproTement Department Robertaon in Knftl'i Branch of Oorenunent BRUCKLR IS UNDER DREXEL Ijsw Tiljr, en ef the prominent workers for th Blx Fix during the cam pal im, has been alsnd to the posi tion of paving- and curbing Inspector by CommlsaloTMr Jardlns of the publlo lm provemant department. Ed Robertson la said to be slated for a plaoa with Commissioner Kurel. of tha department of polio and sanitation. Commissioner Drexet aa dispensed with the services of Special Motorcycle Officer Ford, who has reported tack to Chief of Pol lea Dunn for reirular police duty. OooAley . Brockor.- former city councilman, will tveceed Mr. Ford, but will not use a motorcycle In hla duties. Mr. Bruck'er wilt "handle complaint 're lative to interim- t stret. ' Although it U mere than week alnee the election, the offices ef tha clly torn mlasloners continue, to be "tha seen of unusual activity .' by peraona who are anxious to get thelr-namee on the ;dty payroll. Cbmmisaloner Jardlne believes he has met more than " peraona thla weak. Tha mayor's office Is tho center of the Job-seeking brigade. Some tele phone for positions and others write ap pealing letters. I s Elect Directors of Y, M. 0A. Monday Annual election of directors of the Toung Men's Ctirtstlan association will be beld all day Monday at the associa tion building every member being en titled to vote for man nominated by a rommittae. J. H. Dumont. Thomae F. Bturgess and E. U. Oiaff, directors, whose terms ex pire, have been nominated for re-election. E. H. Hoel and E. It Burke are the new men nominated to fill vacancies that have occurred during the last year. Ten directors, now serving. will con tinue In office, and with five to ba elected Monday, will form the board for the next year. It will meet for reorgan isation Tuesday. NORTHSIDE SCHOOLS TO HAVE MEET AT KQUNTZE PARK Boys and girls of the fifth, sixth, sev enth and eighth grades of Lake and Lothrop schools are practicing for their tnterschool competitive athletic meet to be held 'Wednesday morning In Kountze anrk. Thoro will be TOO In the exercises, which will consist of wand drills, equipment relays, volloy ball, long ball, playground ball, high jumping, fifty-yard dashes and relay raoes. R. X. C'arns, supervisor of athletics, will have charge of the contest. . Lake and Lothrop schools have been foremost In athletlo prowess ' among -the pulJJIc school and there is a strong feeling f rivalry between these contestants. The program will ba called at 9 a. m. From Our Near Neighbors Valley. Miss Frsnrls TVWtmore spent the week end at Lincoln. Mrs. Kopp and trls were shopping in Omaha Tuesday. . Mrs. Oalnes snd Miss Myrtle of F.Ik Clly visited th Valley schools Friday. Mrs. N. W. (lames of Fremont tpent ?tnrdsy and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Butts. Manfred I.llllefora came up from TJn- coln to spend the week end with his mother. Mrs. Kopp was called to Fremont on Thursday by the Illness of Mrs. Dr. J. C. Aver. Mrs. Bronson. who has spent two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Smith. In Ben son, returned to Valley Tursilay. Miss Helen Kennedy gave a very en joyable party at her home Thursday eve ning for the members of the eighth grade. Mlsa Cook and the botany Has of the Mah school spent Monday afternoon gath ering specimens on the v. it. Thorns island. Mrs. W. B. Weekly left Monday to spend the week at Harttngton In attend ance upon th atate convention of the MEStern star. . ' Mrs. W. . Eddr rave a social for the Junior Christian Endeavor society at her home Ttday evening. ADout forty chil dren were in attendance. Mrs. Cecil Moore, asalsted by the mem bers of the seventh grade, gave a party at her home Wednesday evening for the members cf the aixth grade. The funeral of Itobert Baumgardner, who died Saturday, night after a linger ing Illness, wss held from the Preshy- terlsn church Monday at 1 o'clock. He v. A. Murrman conducted the services. The regular monthly meeting of the Busy Bees was held at the Presbyterian church Wednesday. Three new members added Mrs. Gardiner, Mrs. Mc Donald and Mrs. Kopp served lunch. snlldstlng with the Nfhsaka High school. Pli-k Steffena Is In T.lnroln thl week sltenrtlng the grund lortae of the Knights of Pythias. I Mrs. Pna Pollard la dangerously sh k and relatives at a diatame have been telegraphed for. John Whitman went to Lincoln Tues day as a delegate to the grand lodge of Ancient Order I'nlted Workmen. Mr McDanlels and Pu Carper of Fairfax. Mo., were here Wednesday to attend the funeral of le Carier. Harry Duckworth of Charlton, la., baa returned home after a two weeks' visit with his brother Cherlee ana Tamiiy. Mrs. Wallace Pittmnn of York and Mra will J'nrtcr of ITnlon wore here Wednesday to attend the funeral of their brother, Lee Carper. John t. Tiong has traded the Nehnwke News to Rutlege & Son of Clarke Neh for the Clarke Knterprlee. possession to pass June 1. Glenn Rutleg will edit the News. i'lntnr-senlne receipt on of the iah Mirli achnol li olaoe on OMAHA, GETS. NEW TRAIN y QYERTHE BURLINGTON Tmte.. card makers of the passenger de partment 6t ' the Burlington and Union Pacific are still at work on the schedules that' will become effective when the train changes are made May 30. vThe changes on the Burlington bar been worked out to a point where the Information la given out that Omaha wlU have one new train f romt the northwest. According to the new card en the Bur lington. No. 44, the Billings train, and Ko. 10, the Denver train, will both come to Omaha from Lincoln, arriving at 1:10 a. m., to ba consolidated here, ' and leaving for the east ten minutes later. Hereto-, fore neither of these trains have coma by way of Omaha. '.' ' CHAUTAUQUA TO BE STAGED FOR OMAHA BUSINESS. MEN V. F. Dolan, who has been made gen eral manager for the business men's out-' ing and Chautauqua In Omaha thla sum mer, has arrived In Omaha from west ern Nebraska. He is here to make pre liminary arrangements. The tent will I robably be pitched somewhere around Carter lake, where among other Chau tauqua features there are to be bust lies talks for the benefit of the busi ness men. Dr. Bell's Plae-Tar-Honey. Get a 25c buttle today, keep It for your cough or cold. Good for children, adult and aged. All druggtsta. Advertisement. SCHOOLS CUT AT NOON BECAUSE0F THE HEAT In anticipation of the afternoon's tem perature being above 90 Superintendent Graff, dismissed all schools Friday noon. Join the Y. M. C. A. on the special summer membership plan. Then use It. .50. ffrlafll4. C. E. Bmlth went to TiUiem to see his daughter Gertie last Saturday. M'ss KiUa Bates took her department In the si hool to a picnic Wednesday. W. E. Bates visited hla brother. Dr. It. 1. Bates of Stanton, over Sunday. Frank Coyne made a visit to Sterling, Neb., thla week, the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson of Sooth Omaha are vla'tlng at the home of Jamea Ansm. W. W. Dow fell from a scaffold twelve reet and sustained painful injuries last Friday. The Junior-Senior reception was beld at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Ball Friday evening. Mrs. M. A. Roberts baa mowd back from Omaha, where she. has been since last September. The George Flllngwood Joy meetings at the Congregational church this .WMk havaa had large attendance. John Schaal and wife are arranging a trip by auto to the Panama exposition. They will start about June 1. Mrs. Graoe Mllstead and children, who have been visiting at tha Hnwr home, left for their home In Peru Tuesday. The Adventlsts will commence meet ings here on the th. Rev. G W. Moore of Charleston, W. Va., will Conduct them. Ross Whitney of thla plsoe. who la lu the abatract business at Jefferson, la., was married to a young woman of that place last week. . L. C. Johnson, C. D. Mstln. John Vot tleman. W. O. Post and W. J Ann strong attended "the Lodge of Borrow" at Omaha Sunday afternoon. William Jacoha, who was found dad In a ireek north of Lincoln thla week, was a brother of Mrs. A. Simon of thla plsie and at one time a cillsen of t!r neighborhood. Bellevaie. Mrs. Ralph Hallman of South Omaha spent the week-end with Ml Jane SYent. Mrs. Wilbur Cockrell entertained Mr. Frank Andrews oi Ralston last Saturday and Sunday. The Intermediate Chrlation Endeavor held an outdoor party last Friday evening at Fowler's Hollow. Mrs. Butler Hart and her two small children of Edgar, Neb., visited Prof.J and airs. Aioen fnara rroin ruaay until Monday. , Miss Wrtna' Findley of Beillovue lectured on "Missionary Work In Alaska" at the L Platte Presbyterian churvJi last Fri day evening. W. N. Paxton led Senior Christ lan En deavor last Sunday evening, speaking on the topic. "Why I Am Proud of My Denomination." Mls Jane Trent entertained twelve couple at a sard I party last Saturday evening;. Miss Jessie Jonee won the first prise, a hand embroidered dolly. Rev. H. K. P. Cornish of the Inter denominational., church at Thirty-eighth and Q streets. South Omaha, filled the pulpit at the Presbyterian church last Sunday morning . during the absence of Dr. Phelps. Tr. Stephen Phelps-, pastor of tha Pres. byterlan church, went to Denver last Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Phelps in answer to a telegram-aummontng them to the- bedstd Of' Mrs. Phelps' brother, Horatio M. Miller, 0, of Denver, who is seriously ill. Mehawkau John Stoll has gone to North Dakota for thai summer. Henry Hubner of Cedar Creek was in town Wednesday. Al Hughey of Nebraska" City waa In town Wednesday. D. C. West and wife of .Wyoming were In town Wednesday. J. I.. Long returned W'ednesday from a business trip to Clarke. -.'.. Charles Kellberg of Minneapolis Is vis iting relatives this -week. State Superintendent of PrhoolaThomai waa in town Wednesday night to attend a meeting of the representative pf four rural schools who are talking of con- IrTlnertoii. Mr. and Mrs Hackman were Omaha visitors Thursday. Jim Scanlan left Saturday ror mw York to )oln the navy. - Mrs. John Ttnrrdrlrkson visited relatives In Fremont Tueexlsy. vi -, Mr s C. Brewster were OmaM visitors Thursday, vti-a Tlo VTacne visited from Saturday till Tuesday In Wlnelow. Neb., Mr. and Mrs Wvens and ramiiy wore Benson visitor Tuesday evening. The Willing Workers met at tha Georg Fremsn home for dinner Wednesday, WaWer Sundall left Monday for Raw- Una, Wyo., to work on his uncles rancn. Mr. snd Mrs. Spring and Mr. ann Mrs. Peals motored to Blair Sunday to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Laraxm of Omaha ware entertained at the August Pamp home Sunday. Harold Lee of Phelton visited a 1 days last week at the home of hla alter, Mrs. Hackman. Mr. and Mra Walter Madson ana Jim Madaon of Klmballton. la-, vlsttea at tne Deln home Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Fred Paulsen and family of Bennington visited Friday evening at the Nele Roamuasen home. Mrs Clarence Brewster and children or Benson were entertained at the S. R. Brewster home Saturday. .Ittagrn, . . Mrs. Chris Rhoodes Is quite III. unaries n w vhm., Monday. Chester Frya and family wera callers here Thursday. ' , . H .A. Nolte Is home from hla rancn ata Broadwater. Neb. . ... A. Misses Hilda Meyer and Mellnda Komer rs)d Mrs. Mabel Hofeldt were In Omaha Thursday. Dr and XIra. B. B. Baldwin came from Omaha Kunday to visit the doi-tor's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Baldwin. Mrs. J. N.'Wyatt and daughter went to Harrlsburg, Neb., to visit her parents until their home is ready for occupancy here. Mrs Amv Carvert returned from Lin coln Thursday, where she spent the week with Mrs. J. D. Mickey and other friends. Charles Wltte went to Lincoln Monday as deles-nte to the grand lodge of Knights of Pvthlas. Mra. J. A. Gibbons also went as delegate to the Pythian Sisters temple. B. B. Baldwin and family will move to their new home m Omaha the first of the coming week. Oharlea Deoreon has purchased the Baldwin borne and will move as soon aa vacatao. and Mrs !Rue on Tuesday and she will spend some time here at the lRue home. Van Boyce and family of Adrl. la . are guests at the home f Mr. Ho aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mra Wl II. Van Clev. Tha Tekam inursoav even ?i ni R. hi . hn xiine milieu waa toastm ilr. F. V. Paleil rniovMl fin r-: mi' fl-imUv Visit from 111- limthi-r and U fa a h lu at WtlilaniM'iiii,. I'.nn Tlirv eir en- route to the Pacific onPt exivllnna. Vk"l,, Tnvlor snd MIfs tura ildor er united l-i marriage hv the linn Jurige Rlv ado at the home i'f the groom on TYrsilay nfLerinon at 5 o'clock. The Ninth g-ailets of the high S(io held Ihelr atm-.tal Cass party at the home or .losle UihUo'is. The . voting eo le were stornv-hunI and did not get home until the next morning. The lllrarv hoard which has In charge low r in.n cr iim i arniyrle llhrsry pn-t on Tus.liiy evening and axlortcd tlie lots Just west of the Thirteenth street brldpe ss the site for the tuillritna Th loc. t Ion Is Just to the northwest of the '!' imis M..w niiiinina: ami ta on the aiiio man netween Omaha and Sioux City as :t ptsafs through Tekamsh. Avora. ti. P. Maaetnan and wlte were Omaha visitors Tuesday. O. M. Cotton was un fm Anhun several daya this week on business. J. B. Fray and family were her front Burr the first of the week visiting. J. H. Schmidt and family left (1,1a week for Tutan. where they will reside. H. W. Ward and Tamily of near Uniis ville were visiting relatives here Sunday. Th J. Marouardt and ' K c v,ino.. and families were at Omaha Wlsdneoday. Miaa Judith Straub rctnrnl th nr. of the week from a trip to Atohlaon. Kan. - - Mr. and Mrs Fred Hartel loft Tues.lav for Canlfornla. where ti.rv win the summor. Mrs. Williams of Winnebago la hero for a visit with K.r Lester Hoback. J. P. Raamuaaon wa t.inn..i ..... eral days thla week, attending a meet ing of the Ancient Order of I'nlted Work men grand lodge. County Suiierlntendent Mlsa Murqnardt was here Wednesday evening Miss Fnima Marciaedt aas down from liilsvil Wcrlnrsilav evenina, for a visit with her parents. Kohear Dean returned Tuesday even- ins from Mo ind i'l. Mo., where he was ciiiied hy the death of a brotlier. Mlsa Kda Null man was a delegate in a meetins of the FecVrnted U i man's club convention, held st Belhany this week. Gladys ilrahnm, l.uclia Opp, la Mnnnts anil Nl-hnlas TrooK urn the pupils from day with Mra. Kretder's parent at Dun bar. Mra George Tlmhlln has le't for her new home at Hommlngford. Seh. Word haa been received here of the ;eslh of Charlea 'i(llEer at Mi-Cook. Neh The deteased far a former resident here Mr. and Mrs N. C. Halmes and Mr. it l. Kce' ha' e one on a land seeking tr.ur to tha Portales valley of New Mexico. I.evts Stanton has secured the position as bookkeeper at the Klrst National hank to succeed oniah Nntiman, who goes to the tenk of Aoa. Word has been received here of the here w ho will gradual from the Weep- i gradilatlnn of lewis K. Hy. a former ins n irr uign scnooi , i eepina Jesse Neh nenalnaton. Hohl Jeft Tuesday for Ortavla, Tekamab. th-i nimnrnn was called to Wlaoonsln Thursday by news of the death of a re lative. . The members of the Teksroah Woman s club were the guests of the members of the Oakland club last Friday. .ft:i-..i.. ir ff T.n'RiiA. and wife went ko Lincoln last Saturday evening to spend Sunday with Mr. LaRue s sister and hla mother. The mother returned wun.ur. Will 1-onerssn of Florcnre was a vis itor at the Dletk home on Tuesday. A bahv girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius llottsch laat week. W. II. Wright, an Impersonator, gave an entertainment at the Woodmen hall Friday evening. Several members of the local ?anvp of Royal Neighbors went to South Omaha Thursday to attend, the county camp. Henry Kuehl waa taken In an, Omaha hospital Monday, suffering with a ae ere attack of appendicitis. He under went an operation Wednesday. Invitations are out for the graduating exercises of the high school to he held nl Oft's hall Monday evening. May 34. Senator O. M. Hltrhcock will deliver the address. The members of the clues ure Florence Grau. Irene Orau and Mary Dlerks. Weeping Water. Mtsa .1 nsle fJomera waa home from Bethany over Sunday. H. .1 Philips has gone to El wood, Neh., for a visit with hi sons. Memorial Day services will be celebrsted here on Monday. May 31. Will Carter la getting his household 4oods ready to ship to t'otad. Mrs Cora Badgley wss hereTThm Mil ford Tuesday visiting relatives. Mr. and Mra. Ray Krelder Melted Bun- g v ater hov. from the lsannar City Dental college. Mr, l.averto Strain of Warren. O.. is visiting at the home of her brother, WlU Morse, snd with other relatives 8he Is on her way home from the California ex positions Mrs M J. Wlokeraham waa In Lin coln Monday attending a meeting of the state otficers of the Daughtera of the American Revolution. Mra. Wlokeraham Is atate recording secretary. , Jaiiiew Joyte and wife are visiting at the home of Mr. Joyce's parents here. ?'hey ai-o on their way to California mm the Pinama canal sone, where ,Mr. Joyce has been In the government employ. r Paplllloa. Mrs J. II. McCarthy of Omaha visited last Friday with her son. V. H. McCar thy, and former Papltlton friends. Mrs. If D. rattarson entertained the Kaatorn Star Kensington st her home In South I'apilllon Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Frank Titus and daugh ter. June, of Nemaha, and Mra. Mel An drews of Kanaaa fttv visited with' Mr. snd Mrs. Will Patterson the first of tho week Mrs. G Shafor entertained the Wo man's club at a regular session Wednes day afternoon. The following officers wero elected for Ihe coming yesr: Mrs. K. 8. NirkerMin. prealdont; Mrs. H. A. olllna, vice prnaldent; Mrs Georgo Hoyer, re'orling aecretary, Mlsa Kilnn Wilson, corresponding awrolary. and Mlsa Ida Frnke treasurer. Tlie next meeting, the laat one nf tlv yesr. will be held at the h-mte of Mrs. C. D. Brown. 3 n All WK A T H E R. haa an unfortunate habit of Intruding at a crucial tlma. Tou never can tell under what conditions a fam ily hurlal plot must some day he selected or how much you may some day regret the passing of an oppor tunity that Is yours todav. You ran choosa your weather bv selecting a lot In West Lawn be fore there Is oecaalon for Ita use. Why not now? la there any other season of the year to compare with thla? Ft a glimpse of Nature at her best, pav a visit to West Lawn Cemetery rVrt leases aierr Cat rT VACATION OPPORTUNITIES Via Rock Island Lines . (From Omaha Effective June 1st.) Alexandria Bay. k Y.and return MOAO to 41.0 Abury Park; N. J.,' n& return.: $48.83 to 51.85 AtlantVtJtty, N.;; J ',' nd, return. 31.35 Bangor. Me., and return to t5.2a Bar Harbor.'Me.. and return... 34.70 to 61.20 Boston, Man, and returns.'.; $47.8 to fol.aa Buffalo, N.' Y., and returri $8.55 to $40.10 Burlington, Vt, and return.'..'. $45.40- ChauUuqua Iake) point. N. Y., and return $37.20 Cleveland. O.. and return...:.. $S3.70 to $.70 Cbarlottetown, P. E. I., and return 58.10 to $78.40 Concord, N.H and return., $47.00 to $M.1B Detroit, Mich., and return $81.0 Fabyan, N. H., and return..., $48.75 to $59.50 JIalUa. N. a. and return $50.80 to $78.85 Lake Placid. N. Y., and return $45.20 to $46.70 Moncton. N. B., and return $51.80 to $60.70 Montreal. Que., and return...... $41.30 to $51.5 New York, N. Y and return..... $48.85 to $53.85 Old Orchard, Me., and return $40.00 to $55.40 Portland, Me., and return.: $49.00 to $54.70 Portsmouth, X. H., and return $48.40 to $52.40 Plotou, N. 8.. and return $57.15 to $72.00 St. John. N. B.. and return $51.80 to $62.2( St. Johns, N. F.. and return $78.15 to $05.60 Saratoga Springs. N. Y and return $44.05 to $45.40 Toronto, Ont.. and return $86.20 to $40.55 Yarmouth. Me., and return $49.00 to $55.40 CIRCUIT TOURS New York nd return $54.60 to $58.20 One direction via Buffalo or Niagara Falls, other direction via Washington, D. C. Boston, Mass, and return $58.90 to $60.20 One direction via Montreal, other direction via Niagara Falls and Albany. Boston, Masa., and return $50.50 to $A5.2.i One direction via Niagara Falls and Albany, other direc tion via New York and Washington, D. C. The above is only partial liat of Eastern point to which excursion fare are available, anil many other aUrsvtiva Circuit Tours are offered. ... Ticket carry final return limit of sixty days from date of sale, and very, liberal. stop-overs In both direction!. Chicago Limited at 6:08 P. M. Daily For further information inquire of J. S. McNALLY Division Paaantfpr Agent. 14th and Kainam KM. YV. O. W. Bldg. JOHN A. SWAKSON, President WM. L. HOLZMAN, Treasurer, .1 liie TT3 n Yom Ve Waited For An Amazing Special Purchase Sale that stands without a parallel in this city or state Wonderful Assortments. Hundreds of Men's and Young Men's $25, $30, $35 New Spring Suits aaassasa-asssjBsaasaasse - . MsMsvanM bmmbMsbbI aaaMMsMsW MaSBB&nMaasnawnanansswn MaasMaaw V .. ' On Sale , Saturday at $17 .e Our Sliow "Windows r' "TO. ! ; . i ; Thfe wholesale surplus of America's leading cl ing makers Hickey-Freeman Co., Adler-Rochester and Rosenberg Bros. Co., Rochester, N. Y. Bought by u-at great price ooncoRaions is the mighty at traction this Rale off era. No store in Nebraska has ever made a purchase to' compare with it Never before such beautiful Hand Tailored Suits at such prices. . Young Men's Suits Business Men's Suits No limit to your ranee for selection. The greateat collection of smart atyle ever shown in a purchnae sale. Patch pocket, welt .pocket, one, twov three-button suit. Broad lapci, needle point lapel, long lapel, narrow lapel suits. Gleu I'rquhart plaids, black and whlta, brown, olive, blue stripe, checks, overplalda and fancy mUtm suit. Ueaulifoi pattern and niodeat, conservative weave in all the newest color. AU slaea, 31 to 0 92S, 9.10, f83, new sprinv suiu, Haturday at 917. Men's and Young Men's $15.00 Spring Suits The greatest value achievement we have ever produced at such a price. Every suit in this lot hand tailored and finished by experts. Newest colors; models that reflect the style of high priced clothes. All sizes from 31 to 46. Regular and stouts. A great purchase of regular $15.00 spring suits on sale Saturday at This Greater Store Has no Competition We expect you to prove the above assertion as thou sands of people are protiuc It. This wonderful special purchase sale of clothing offers more evidence of our leademhtp. of Our eager ness to serve you better, of tb real advantages tlist ac crue in trading at this greater store. $3.50 to $6.00 Trousers at $950 -,1 $50 By all odds the moat startling special purchase mm Cllli a Jl ! sal of odd trousers we have evpr announced. No matter wbat kind of an extra pair of trousers you want this sale offers it to you at a won derful saving. Outing trousers, business trousers, fancy worsted, casslmeres, flannels, serges, white serges and flannels. All size. Regular and stouts, 28 to 62 waist. Up to $6.00 values, Saturday at $2.50 and 93.50. Men's $1.50 Shirts-Saturday at $1105 f0 dozen hijrh grade negligee shirts.. Some with collars attached. Soft cuffs. Beautiful new patterns; perfect fitting. All fresh new shirts. Worth $1.50, Saturday at Men's 75c Union Suit Men's 75c Union Suits 1 1 I Or thrm 1 Shirta for 9&00 Athletic style, In good quality nainsook. Com pare with $1.00 values elsewhere. Saturday at 49c, 45c Men's $1 Union Suits ?i69c Porosknlt Union Suits, short sleeves, knee ankle length. Regular value, Saturday, 09c. Fine ribbed union suits. mm ahort sleeves, nkt length. Regular 75c qual- w Itv, Saturday, 45c. Men's $1 Negligee Shirts Smart patterns In percale, irehed 17H. negligee shirts, starched Mf ...r. ml, 11 tn 174. eW Saturday at 70c. Men's Cool Underwear Greatest Showing Your summer's comfort depends upon coming bere for your underwear no Idle statement this because ALL the most celebrated makes of union suits are at your command In our enormous stock. You'll get Just what you want at the price that suits you. Vaasar. Nuperior. Flaxall Linen Mean, ftorwlth, Porosknlt, n. V. I)., Athletic, in scores of weave and all designed to keep you comfortable. All size to fit you exactly. Union Suits 50c to $5.00. Any Man's $2.00 Soft or Stiff Hat . . in the House Saturday for $1.65 Shirts or drawers 25c to $1.00. Men's Soft Collars Rsffular 2 for !So gTsJe, Saturday. 5c Alii OOHUFXT APPAUHL FOR MEN AND WOMEN. Celebrated Arrow brand men's soft collsrs the season's craze. Ke- spring goods. Sale starts Saturday morn ing, when the doors open. While they last, at, each. So, Any Man's $3.00 Soft or Stiff Hat in the House " Saturday for $2.45 if. 4 1 ! ' 4