Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6
6 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1915 f BARNES DISPUTES FRANCE nintiff Sayi He Did Not Threaten ,to Vote Democratic Riff-Eff . at Republican Primary. ROOSEVELT WAS BOSS IN 1910 M-ftACT15. N. T.. May !. WlllUm PirWI resumed th witness et.nd In th urrn eourt here today to continue, his dtreet testimony In his llhel suit against Theodore Roosevelt. H nilam M. Ivan, first ukH Mr. Fames about the testimony of Iyal W. FYs nee. a. witness for Colonel Rooeevelt, Who . quoted Mr. Birnr as fin In speaking of direct prlmarlee that ha oeuKl ruin the reputation of any fan hjr ,throwln enoush llmelUrht upon htm and that he could vote the rtff raff of the. democratic party In tha repuMloan prtmarlea and ao dletust the people that tney would demand the repeal of tha primary law. What I said to Mr. Ttn," asserted Mr. Hemes, "u that I wu against the primary law at It then atood. I said that the opposite party could Injur any man ta th prtmarlea If It dealred to do ao. "TDid you say the system of direr primaries u aubveratv to party In terestsr "H couldn't be." Mr. Fames aald he recalled when Cor net .Roosevelt went to Afrfca and hi re torn.' During tha Colonel'a. absent Timothy Woodruff waa chairman of the mrntillran Mate committee. Asked what bAfpxned at meeting of tha etat eonv Bitttoe to ch.xee a temporary chairman f ths stat oon'eetittoii of 1918, Mi Barn) said: , I "William )U Ward and Cblonal Rooss Veft were ki a room In a New Tor JboUl Colonel Roorlt told me I took Via direct nomination matter too eerlmiely. "JHe said h did not understand my action in wng tot Vloe President Ehermas aa TOiapmaay ctuktrman aa ha understood I did not appro of aome of th thtnira islon dorta th administration of Mr. Tail He aald h thought I should hay WtdJ for ttm al temporary ohalrman. I !B1 I had read bta apeeoh at Oeawaiomte and tha dootrte of new nationalism and jthat J did not acre with Ma tdeaa. Mr, Barns then explained bow Cblonal JRooaeTsit became temporary onalrman of the aoawratton and aald that In appoint tag tha oommltte of reeolutkms tha dale--tion (ram Mr. Sherman's dlatrlct had 'laotinunaoded a man. but tha' Colonel KauaneaH appointed soma on ale. Mr. Same told of th nomination of Henry BU Stlmaon for governor. Ir. Barne eld ha aomtn&ted no one. Colonel Roos fe!t. mad tha speech nominating Mr. jsjtirason after he had retired aa tem porary chairmen. Bold Holdup Man Uses Sough Means In Bobbing Woman Th earne man who en Tuesday night held up and robbed, four persons In se cluded spot near tha neighborhood of Twenty-fifth and Caa last night at o'clock stopped Mrs. . O. M. Errlckson, I7T3 Burt street, near th Webster Street chooL and. after knocking her down. robbed her of a pair of diamond ear- crews, a diamond ring, II, a watoh and two ether rings. He aseaped I Th robber is described at being smooth shaven, coarse featured, broad shoul dered, full chested and about flv feet ftv tnches In height II talks th argot cf the profeesional thief. Last night lie was dressed In a telescop hat, a blue soft shirt and dark trousers. J His activities caused Captain Dempsey to order sn extra crew of patrolman and detectives on duty and to Increase th hours at th motorcycle pottc. TWO PLAYS TO BE GIVEN BY THE FELLOWSHIP CLUB Th Fellowship club of th -Young Women's Christian association will pre sent two plsys In the auditorium of the Young Women's Christian association tonight There la also to be a curtain raiser by M'sa Clara Oleason and Miss Margaret CNell. ?The Patriot" Is' a drama In two acts, the scene In Boston during revolutionary tint. Th east: ' peneiop Wlnthrop of New York '. Huth Anderson FKmbeth, a maid Mllllcent Anderson SfmH. Katherine Dudley. .. Anna Orapaliv OuNtanc )uovy and Barbara Lul- h-jr, her daughter " ...Olive Larson. Lottie Oehus Mii1 ..Ann Ertrkaon Xi.-. .my Howlend, an American aol- ' ' d!r :..Mr. Craw Sir fc untie Orafton, an Englishmen... ....Mr. Olbson "Th Hlartvtlla Shakespear Club," a (arc ht on act The east: Carolina Oushlngton, th hoaleea . Alice Reed Mxrl Knowltail, president.. Rose Kuslcka I's y Llxhtheart Ida Jacobeon ber of the Club - " ' vrrle Vethervaae....Ruth Dutcher f I:os Bud a Nina Kmbrvy , M1y ..Winnie wnn tora O'Brien, a servant ... tiara Ulescn CIS1NCH BUG REPORTED f BUSY IN NEMAHA COUNTY AUBCRX. Neb., May It (npecial TJ ports ar coming In frm th farmers that the ehlnch bug Is doing much dam age te wheat The advanced spring and xtrema warm weather la favorable to IU work. A cold rain 1 being hoped for. Oft! inertly thla Insect dee not do much dan te to fall wheat. No spring wheat la 'sown her any more. T-ere will be no peach crop thla year, but tha prospect for a bumper apple ttov la excellent. ' Church Howe A Son have finished spraying and most of the Urge fruit growers hav almost finished Tt. apple are too large to b In further dtti.&or front froet a a.-- y fW ..i?".sW Ml' ':;. 9 '.X0' - -e - 'i What the Leading Newspapers Say in Comment on President's Note to Germany President Wilson's note to Germany waa editorially commented upon through out th t'nlted fist's today with dlstlnTt pre lee and approbation. fOacerpts from editorial of aome of the leading news papers, as Indicating Amerloan aentimertt, follow: , , ..,,,. New Tork Timet: It la the great diplomatic arhlsrttnent f the note that It puta upon Oermany th rhntc not only of what H reply shall be. but of what Is to follow: Th president's eloquent appeal to Its great tradition!, to Hs sen of honor and juktk-a, muat triumph over any warlike Inclination It may feel to puraue a couree that can have but. on ending. Nw Tork Tribune: He (th president) has draw an Indictment agalnut .the German nation which will II for, all ages to Coma, If th kaiser's government faila to meet the demands of the. presi dent of th United Otata promptly, and aompietely. WrOBfed. w bar offered Germany a peaceful solution In th pre ent crisis, ,mit nd th praeldent's mee sa sums It all up we shall owiK neither word aor act nftceasary t th perform ance of ttr eacrSd duty. t New Tork Herald l It might have been stronger; It might hav been weaker; It will serve. Mr. ' Wilson has overcome th Influence' of these members of his cabinet who ar for peace at any price. He Itved up to th vary beat traditions of his character. ' ," New Tork Wortd: It is aalm. It IS re strained. II ' Is ' cMirteou. but with .a cold, eut(lr)grnrteey that gives sdrted emphasis to every word. By th strength of his ease ami tha moderation f his ton, (he president has mad It as asy for 0rmanyto do right as to do wrong. If he I to fall la hi effort It will V In rood con set no and In a good New York Sun: i Th not Is Impecca bly Urban, though not without llttl Ironies In It tone, friendly' In spirit, resolute M Its ; aesertloti of American rtghte and of tb freedom cf , th seas. It reoaBs Oermany oontantloa for that liberty, e e e The president has spoken firmly, Th country, supporting him a firmly, awaits without passion tb Ger man reply. . 1 .1 Maw York Frees: into tha end of hit note to iBertln, President Wilson has put some teeth and . not too many at that Into tha end, because th front of It la filled with thosa graceful but empty rhetorical phrases which long ago ex hausted th patlerma cf Americans, no leas than they excited th derision of th Berlin iDtlltarleta. ' ' , New York American: Tha ' president's letter Is undeniably vigorous,' but It Is possibly dangerous aa well. Th nation desired that IU rightful demands sh6uld be laid be for th Oennan. government, but It did, not anMotpat that th presi dent would go to far beyond th piataly IE V and soundly rtKhtful scope of those de mands as to Invite a rebuff. Hprlngfleld (Mass.) Republican: The government's position In this esse la th country's pnsftlon. It Is not extreme, yet It covert the ground. Huffalo (N. t.) Courier: Right-minded men of Avery party will approve Ita ton and Its tenor. The closeness, the defln Itenott'wlth which thla presentation Is made, can . satisfy the most rigid Ameri canism thtt. views large affaire sanely. It reenia td meet every requirement of American patriotism and honor. Buffalo . (N. T.) Express: Thar has been' no backdown. Let the people's response go out from every comer of the land. We ar all Americans. Albany, (K. Y.) Argus: Dignified In Ita tone, logical In It argument and con clusions, firm Irl Its demands, the United State, note to flertnany reflects the poise of th president. Wood row Wilson, under nvt trying circumstances. - Albany (N. T.) Knickerbocker Preaa: The not places the Issue aqtiarely be fore Oermany for action and on an nouncement .of future policy acceptable to , tha t'nlted. States government par ticularly a policy, of sea warfare, must ot 'long be delayed. I Oelombua (O.) State Journal: How Oermany will-promise to protect the Hves and property of our people In th future, or In what manner thla country wilt, receive lis. refusal to, remalna to be seen. It Ms a grave alternative, and while it 1 not likely to result In war. It will bring 'about an emt lty todard Oer many that Will b nil! of anxiety. Louisvlll Ky.) Ourier-Journal: The note to Oermany meets the requirements and' Is, such ss1 th government of the T'nlted' States should eddreas to Berlin. The preirtdsnt' leave little room for par ley . and - none other than mouthlngs or rupture remains for. Oermany . Loulsvlil ' (Ky.) Antelger: We agree with th president that th German gov ernment .mutt' explain the losses of the lived of American passrngers, but we do , not' think that the death of Amer icans gives th president tha right to de mand th cessation of Germany's under sea ..warfare against British commerce so long as England does not abrogate Its starvation '' warfare. Chicago Trlbuns: Whatever the fate of our .relations with. Oermany, the presi dent'' undoubtedly, has voiced the senti ment "cf ths nation- upon the use of the submarine as . to - tha rights of neutrals on tha high seas. Chicago Herald: There Is now po pos sibility of mistaking the position of our government. And it la a position In which th American' people will sustain In thslr government In whatever measures may be necessary to uphold It. Indianapolis BUf: In manly fashion th president's nots doss not shake the logic of his position, but accepts the full significance of his attitude. 8tvul Press: Tht American not has ''" ..... . Ow 10,000 12J0OO Thousands upon thousands of "Nobby Tread" users are averaging 8,000, 10,000, and 12,000 miles This wonderful anti-skid tire properly inflated is constantly - giving these enormous excess mileages over and above its extraordinary adjustment basis of . 5,000 Miles. We would be glad to consult with any "Nobby Tread" users who are not securing these excess mileages. T HTTT3 "ill iwlniiiiiixv: b3 i1--- Today through sheer merit alone, "Nobby Tread" Tires are the largest selling high-grade anti-slddjires in the world. ' Omaha Branch: United States Tire Company OMAHA; RUBBER CO., Agent, 1608 Harney Street 'NohbyTnad" 77r arm oU by Leading rtltoiifeed SfcatesTires V: I;) 7 MuU by tU Unest Rubber CompinT in th- World (Employing 5S.4S4 Men) ful diplomacy. Hoping for tha best, the universal American sentiment will be that America has do,ne Itt duty and tha people will support the president through whatever may be the consequences. Springfield (III.) tate Journal: It 1 the dignified protest of a nation which while feeling that It right and th rights of other neutrals havs been viol ated Is neither vindicative or resentful. St. Louis Die Westliech Post: Fbr tb preea of th whole country there Is at preeent but on sacred duty, to leave nothing undone to avert Inner strife. That we Americans of Oerman descent with a bleeding heart contemplate th possibility of an armed conflict between the United States and the land of our forefathers, no fair minued person will condemn us for. There I still hop for sn honorable understanding on both sides. May Providence grant that the worst be averted. New Torker Stasia Zettung: While th Staata Zeltung makes no editorial com ment on. President Wilson's note today, reached to a wonderful height for foroe It has th following to say, printed In Kngllst-: . . "Nor Is this a time to burden millions of the American people with unjust and unnecessary anguish of mind. The German-Americans must suffer In any con flict between the United State and Oer many, pains of which their fellow cltlxens can never know anything of. It is rather a time for showing them th greatest degree of consideration. They have fought to uphold the flag In the past and .they will do so again, against any enemy whatsoever. They deserve the fruit of past loyalty until they havs forfeited the right to claim them. Then never can be but one flag under which he will ever fight and that flag Is the Stsrs and Stripes." Cincinnati Volsblatt: The note la dls srpolntlng In that It dlsregsrds th Just complaints of Oermany and appears to espouse the cause of Great Britain. We think that the difficulty admit of a satisfactory solution by advising Ameri can cittxens to travel on American ves sel Unwittingly th president shelter British cowardice, which tries to mako British ships Immune to Oerman attacks by taking American passengers aboard. Cincinnati Frel Preese:. Th part of th note dealing with th loa of Uvea In th husltlana catastrophe more properly ought to hav been directed to London. England alone Is responsible (or the Lusltanla's destruction through Its brutal threat to etarve a nation. Oermany can not atop th under sea warfare without surrendering Itself bound hand and foot to a brutal enemy. We ar not obliged and have no rlcht to set up ourselves as the itrotectors of British shipping. Ideal f Iateraatlosial Jaatlee. Cincinnati Commercial Tribune: Th strength of a Just man armed Is spparent In the protest sent by President Wilson. Devoid of truculence, breathing the high I f5 -; Miles 99 lFn?3 RtliabU DeaUr. Do not aectpt Miles i , i est Ideals of International Justice thla re markable paper, freighted with moment ous possibilities, brushes aside all for malities and In unmistakable lenguage tells th kaiser' government what the American people think of the series of ln?tdnts leading up to the slaughter of Innocents on board th Lusltanla. Washington Post: The not I framed In nvdorats Isnguage and leave abundant opportunity for th Oerman government to reply In a way that will restore good feeling between th two countries. The question Is now up to Ger many. It Is unnecessary to speculate whether the American note will lead to war or peace, because th Issu rests with Germany and not with ths United Btstes. The alternative la dearly set forth. Boston Globe: President Wilson has not shirked a grav responsibility. The American not clearly shows that Ger many must relent or take whatever con sequences we may decide to adopt Great ad Reaaowabl Paper. Boston Herald: President Wilson had) never written a great state paper more esaotly suited to th occasion. We hop most fervently that In a spirit of rea sonableness Oermany will coincide with the enlightened position set forth with clarity and power by tb president Boston Journal: President Wilson's words ar those of a patriot W can not believe that a nation which la bound by so many tie of friendship to ths nation la so far possessed by war mA r.rsa that It will fall to beed th ns sage. Boston Peat: Th not la all that such a message from a Justly agirrieved nation to the aggreasor nation should be. In It Is ths voles of th American pec) at Its finest and best It Is a powerful appeal to Oennan sanity. Philadelphia Publlo Lodger: Tha ad ministration has spoken, and spoken to the point. The German government can not have the slightest doubt as to Ita meaning. Will Germany listen to th voloe of prudence before It 1 too lateT Philadelphia Inquirer: W hav not always agreed with ths president ef the United States, but when It comes to a question of the nation's honor th presi dent must be upheld. The note Is written deliberately and coolly. There Is not a word spoken In haste. St Louis Republic: There Is not In th not any slightest hint that this gov ernment will atop short of th fullest reparation for the paat and th guaranty cf tha recognition of th full right cf American cltlxena In th future. Eplosion Wrecks Apartment House LOS ANOELB6. Cel.. May 14.-A boiler explosion In an apartment house her last night killed th Janitor and, tearing a hole In the roof of the base ment wrecked the apartment above and severely Injured Miss M. Darling. Un conscious and badly scalded, she waa dragged from the room by Mr. Margaret Lee, an occupant of the same apartment who escaped Injury. $uUtiM 24th and L Streets. Gouth Omaha Qualify High Prices Low list Ono Day Bat Every Day Home Favorite Kitchen Cabinet Well made.J with metal work board, regular $29.00 value, specially priced at HI p vj OUR RUG VALUES BE SPEAK TRUE ECONOMY 9x12 Seamless Brussels Bugs Qfl r ft at, each VW-vU 9x12 Seamless Velvet Bugs at, each . t 9x12 AxmlEster Bogs at, each See our complete line of Wilton and Body Brussels Bugs. SEE OUR NEW DAYLIGHT DISPLAY BOOM. Ft Krug TKf IIUL M I til - I . f VI I Sj iM m I A it rv ii i meiiai, .... ':'-gyM:sMsssssssaas ASK FOB THE BEB AND SAVE THE COUPONS. Phone Douglas 1889. " LUXUS MERCANTILE CO., Distributors mu wim Engravings and tcrvics Wa prist assssltt frsm Omaha Be. EnrraTlaaT Dapt ma. Me Dear Hlrs: 1 Ana Ire to thank you tar tha prsmptna with trhtoh you reapoodsd to mr request for speody aetioa oa u last two order for out. Tour aerrio osrtsioly sari asso-ly all tha adeaatiLava I would hav bad it you ware looatad la Raaiaa. Th work to O. C aad tha sarvto oas aot b bss lon. Toara Ecsrtviafs tad electrotypes Bide by us ire satisfactory THE DEE ENGRAVING DEPT. 150 Dee Dulldlng Omaha, Neb. r vvu (tic ouuwmg a complete line jof these famous ranges wnicn are conceded to be the best made, at popu lar prices. .. .. .. $12.00 $16.00 A Coupons YOU U XL that the printsrwints is) KsaU Hastrnara, Mb, Kay t. mi - Crui. nn w - itri -P-mm ; teckr -1