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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1915)
WADE HASJHE CAR SUIT iTedertl Judje in Iowa Will Decide Cue InTolring Eight to Occupy Dei Moinei Streets. CONVICTION UNDER DOPE LAW (Tmm a Btaff CorrFapondrnt.) rB3 MOINES. My i4(Sp,cl Tlrro.)-Ju(!(f Wade In tVdpral court announced that he will on Monday deride "whather the city of TVs Molne aliall have the rlaht to proceed June i! and remove the alreet car trarka from the eurenta of the city in accordance with the decree of the rilatrl. t coi:rt. which lies been upheld by the supreme court. Bond holder of the company owning fc.OOO.OOS of claims hsive asked that the city be restrained from carrying out the order of th state courta because of the dam- that will be done to their property. The- ettr contend thst the bondholders Invested In the bonda arter the litigation had bean commenced and at a time when It waa being aaaerted by the city that Ihe railroad company had no franchise rights. taw t'onrlrtlss). The first conviction to be recorded In federal court for violation of the Harrl aon drug act wai aecured when DanlM , n 'own.pXtmAAtt 28 on tn American tha new iaw and waa fined txn. niimina. LusblnK br German aeroplane; ths THK r.KK: OMAHA, SA'I CHPAY. M A 1!i:. America Demands Its Rights on the High Seas Be Respected by Germany 'Tleaaa on the minister of for eign affair and after reading to htm this communication leave with him copy. "In view of rcent acta of the Ger man authorities In violation of American rights on the high seas, which culminated in the torpedoing aiid sinking of the British steamship Lualtania on May 7. 1815, by which over 100 American citizens lost their lives, It Is clearly wise and desirable that the government of the t'nlted States and the Imperial German gov ernment should come to a clear and full understanding aa to the grave Ituation which has resulted. Offence Caasplalned Of. "The sinking of the British passen ger steamer Falasa by a German sub marine on March 18, through which Leon c. Thraaher, an American citl- su, was arowneo: tne attack on vessel Full text of the protest on the sinking of the Lusitania transmitted by the United States, through our am bassador at Berlin, to the German government. to Inform the imperial anernmeiit, a formal warning, purporting to come from the Imperial Gorman embas.y at Wash ington, addreaaed to the peopla of th t'nlted Hlate and statins In effect that any cltiien of the I'nlted Htatea, who irxemeca mi rignt or rree travel upon thr araa. would do ao at hla peril If hi Journey should take him within the ion o' water within which the Imperial Orman nay waa using submarine atalnst th commerce of (Ireat Britain land France, notwithstanding tha ranaot. ment has already taken occasion toj'l but very earneat protnat of hi gov. Inform the Imperial German govern- !';nmnt. government of th i'nlted ment that It cannot admit the adop-1 .., 6c bam aaked the clemency of the court. oecianng mat ha la a consumptive and that ho ueed the drug only for hi phy. tal benefit. Xew tinned Is A nlntei1. The governor ha appointed a new stale toard, the Board of Accountancy, for the purpose of examining and Issuing certificates to certified public account ant, aa provided for In a law just paseed. Tha board consists of Emory C. Worth tngton of Dea Moines. P. K Billings-of Waterloo and H o. Prouty of Muscatine Thla board will Immediately meet and proceed to organUe. then prepare to I sane certificates to all accountant who can how they have been engaged regularly In the work for a period of years. After wards all who receive the certificate will have to stand examination. Pro vision Is mad for reciprocal recognition of certificates from other statea. Interior Iowa Rate Cases. It Is expected that within a few days tha Interstate Commerce commission will take up In Chicago the matter of ha reopening of the Interior of Iowa freight rata cases. In which I Involved the Iowa differential on long distance haule in both directions outald of tha tat. The western freight rate case Is now practically at an end and the Iowa i-ommlaslon and commerce counsel will be able to attend to some of the cas? lhat are of direct Interest In thla state. The Interior Iowa case has been thrashed out before th commission once or twice before and Is regarded of vast Import ance, as it relate not only to rates for Iowa, but for other state. The general complaint ta that th railroads . charge too much on moat of. thla Interstate bun . . . .... Rnormooa Tax; Bardea In low.. According to a statement tsaued today by State Auditor 8haw the grand total of taxea levied, lee exemption and de ductions. In the atata of .Iowa fort the year, including all state, city, school and county taxes, was I47,7it.St.:?7. Of this aum tb state takes for all rurposca. Including the. support of the atata Institutions, th mllltla. pay of leg Islators and Judges, bonuses of various kind and salaries of official, H.fiSljTlSiOS. The counties get for siiDuort of mnniv bulne. Including poor relief, court costs and support of Insane.' $3.9S9,T4fi;. ' There goes direct to the citle. 17,309.- lTl.M..,- The road and bridges take $10,136,643.27. Th schools cost S17.272.483.10. This leave i,792.7t. for other pur poses, including tha taxes levied per cap ita and tha dog taxes. Th Increase In aggregate of taxes In one year waa about The state auditor has been authorised by the execu tive council to print a special table show- ing tneee facta as to each and county. every Join tha T. M. C. A. on the special summer membership plan. Then use It. 16.60. torpedoing on May 1 of the American vessel Gulfllght by a German sub marine, as a result of which two or more American citizens met their death; and, finally, the torpedoing and sinking of the steamship Lusi tania, constitute a aeries of events which the government of the United States has observed with growing concern, distress and amaiement. "Recalling the humane and enlightened- attitnde hitherto assumed by the imperial German government In matters of International right, and particularly with reirard to the free dom of the aeaa; having learned to recognise the German views and the German Influence In the field of In ternational obligation as always en gaged upon the side of Justice and humanity; and having understood the Instruction! of Imperial German gov ernments to ita naval commanders to be upon the aame plane of humane action prescribed by the naval codea of all other nations, the government of the United States waa loath to believe It cannot now bring Itself to believe that these acts, ao abso lutely contrary to the rules, the prac tices and the spirit of modern war fare, could have the countenance or sanction of that great government. nr lo Address Germany. "It feels n to be Its duty, therefore, to addreaa the Imperial German gov ernment concerning them with the utmost frankness, and in the earnest hope that it is not mistaken in ex pecting; action on the part of the im perial German government which will correct the unfortunate impreBlons which have been created and vindi cate once more- the position of that government with regard to the aacred freedom of the sea. "The government of the United Statea has been apprised that the im perial German, government con sidered Itself to be obliged by the extraordinary circumstances of the present war and the measures adopted by their adversaries In seek ing to cut Germany off from all com merce, to adopt methods of retalia tion which go much beyond the ordi nary methods of warfare at sea. In the proclamation of a war tone from which . they have warned, neutrals' ships to keep away. Thla govern- tlon of such measures or such a warn Ing of danger to operate as in any degree an abbreviation of the rights of American shipmasters or of Amer ican cltlsens bound on lawful errands as passengers on merchant ships of belligerent nationality; and that It must hold the Imperial German gov ernment to a strict accountability for any infringement of these rights, in tentional or incidental. assumes Rale Accepted. "It does not understand the Im perial German government to ques tion those rights. It assumes, on the contrary, that the Imperial govern ment acepts, as a matter of course, the rule that the lives of noncom batants, whether they be of neutral citizenship or cltlsens of any of the nations at war, cannot lawfully or rightfully be put in Jeopardy by the capture or destruction of an unarmed' merchantman, and recognisea also, as all other nations do, the obligation to take the uaual precaution of visit and search to ascertain whether a aus-1 pected merchantman Is in fact of bel- J ligerent nationality or Is in fact carrying contraband of war under a I .......l tin IT "The government of the t'nlted Statea, therefore, desires to call the attent'on of the Imperial German government with the utmost earnestness to the fact that the objection to their present method of attack against the trade of their enemies I lies In the practical Impossibility of em ploying submarine In th destruction -of commerce without disregarding those rules of fairness, reason Justice and hu manity, which alt modern opinion rcyards a Imperative. It 1 Impossible for the officer cf a aubmarlne to visit a mer chantman at sea and examine it paper and cargo. Foots Admitted. "It la practically Impossible for them to mak a prixe of It, and. If they cannot put a prlxe crew on board of It they cannot sink It without leaving It crew nd all on board of It to the mercy of I the sea in It small boats. These facts, It Is understood, the Imperial Herman government frankly admits. We ars In firmed that In the Instances of which w have apoken time enough for eveu that poor measure of aafaty was not stven, and In at least two of the cases cited not o much a a warning waa received. Manifestly aubmarlne cannot b uaed ogalnat merchantmen, aa the last few weeks have shown, without an inevitable violation of many sacred principle of Ji'stlce and humanity. "American cltlxen act within their In disputable rights In taking . their ships and In traveling, wherever their legiti mate business call them, upon th high and exercise those rights In what should be the well-Justified confidence that their Uvea will not be endangered i by act done In clear violation nt tint-1 versally acknowledged obligations and ' certainly In the confidence that their own! government will sustain them In the ex crclce of their rights. The Formal Warning. "There was recently published In the , rewapapera of the I'nlted States, I regret o not refer to thla for the purpose of calling the attention of the Imperial t-erman government at this time to the aurprlHlng Irregularity of a rommi'nlra tion from tha Imperial Herman embassy at Washington addreased to the peopl of the I'nlted 8tate through the new, papers, hut only for the purpose of pointing out that no warning that aa un lawful and Inhuman act would be com mitted can possibly be accepted as an ex cuse or palliation for that act or a an abatement of the responsibility or Ita commission, "long acquainted, as thla government has hern with the r.iaraitcr of Ihe Im perial German government and with the high principles of roulty by which thev have In the past been actuated and guided, the government of the Unite! Ptatea cannot believe that the com manders of th vessel, which committed these acta of lawlessness, did so except under a misapprehension of the orders Issued by tha Uerman naval authorities It takes It for granted that, at least within th practical possibilities of every such rase, the commandera even of sub marines were expected to do nothing that would Involve the lives of noncombatanta or the safety of neutral ships ven at th cost of falling of their object, capture or destruction. It oonftdently expects. there fore, that the Imperial Uerman govern ment will disavow th acts of which the government of the I'nlted tUatea com plains, that they will make reparation o far as reparation I possible for tn Jurle which are without measure and that they will take Immediate steps to prevent the recurrence of anything so obviously subversive of the principles of warfare for which the Imperial Uerman government ha In the past so wisely and to Tlrmly contended. "Th government and people of th I'nlted State look to the imperial German government for Just and prompt ami en lightened action In this vital matter with the greater confidence because the United Htates and Germany are bound together not only by special tic of friendship, but bv explicit stipulation of tha treaty of 1RB between the I'nlted fltate and th kingdom of Prussia. "Kxprraainn of regret and offers of reparation. In case of the destruction of neutral ship, sunk by mistake, while thev may aatlsfy International obligations If no loss of life results, eannot Juslfy or excuse pra tl.e, the natural and necessary effect of which la to subject ne -nral nations and neutral persons to new and Immeasui sbl risks. The Imperial Derma n government will not expect the government of tha I'nlted Pislea to omit any word r ny act neces sary to the performance of Ita cred duly ef maintaining th rights of th t'nlted (State and It cltlsens and of safe guarding their free exercise and enjoy ment." (Signed) "BRYAN." Russia Says German Central Galicia Drive Permanently Halted i? PPrTROGRAD, May 14 -( Via linden.) The Russians have fallen back upon strong strategic posit lie a along the rivar Pan. which run north and oith through central Oallcla, sod now retard tha Ger man drtv as having been chocked per manently. The arrival of fresh Rvaelan troepa, which auece fully engaged the Gentian flanks, has relieved pressure upon the Itusstan center. Thoeo attack on th German wlnga. In which th Rasolan cavalry baa boon supported ffocttraly by mountain artillery, have been prose cuted, with unusual fierceness Th activity no:a in the last few l ; . along th renter of th Polish frcnt. Ir th vicinity of flklernlewlc and Raw. I aald to have been due to Russian Initia tive, with tho object of holding th Ger mans In their position and preventing utilisation of these forces elsewhere. Tne retreat of tho Rusatan center from rupkw la explained her aa dua not tl presaiirs from th German but to tha xposod situation of tho Russian at that point, la view of tho roiling bock of the Russian right flank. This wing rests en tho lower Wlalnka, at Uombtea, twenty mile due east of Tarnow. It Is slrongly entrenched. With th chocking of the Oermana In th Carpathians, there are already indi cation of a new Austro-Gorman offen sive aaalnat th left, in direction of Rfr- ianA tTeaAte RvMmm it thla la In ho traasfer of Oormaa troop eastward through Lupkow. In view of tho new activity, tha Russians Attach great 1m portaaoa to their recent successes further east. In th Trans-Unleater country, where they occupy a forty-five mile front between, Obertyo and Caernowlts. To the north, tho Russians bare been aal to hold tho Oertnen on a lino be tween Mltau and Keloto and hav drives them out of Ragola, midway between kodno and Rosaiena. The grain levators at Ibou ars said to hare bees emptied by tho Oeranaa oo eu potions of that town. fcttWs afar irii Prices 125,000 drug store articles actually carried in stock most of them purchased direct from manufacturers or importers is the reason why you can save time and money by trading at the Sherman & McConnell Drug Stores. PATENT MEDICINES Sharply Cut J W 'obtain these goods. In most Instance, direct from the manufac turer, and thus are in a position to guarantee genuineness and also make the lowest prices. 25o Cartor'a Little Liver Pilla ttto Payne's Kidney PHlV Saturday too Syrup of Figs (Genuine) , tOc Pape'a Dlapepaln, Saturday 11.00 Plnkham's Com pound $1.00 Hyomel, complete, for 25a Castoris (Fletchers) for 14.00 8. B. 8. for $1.00 Fellow' Syrup, for II. ti Gudes Pepto Mangan for Genuine Llstsrine, $1.00 stxe for II 00 Wine of Cardul for Rtuart's Dyspepsia Tablets S4o and 11.00 Plerce'a Favorite Proscription for Boat have Or ay Xalr. Special demonstration of Farr'a Gray Hlr Restorer at our Dodge Street Store. CIGARS Ton can save money on 100 stan dard brands and alxea. 10c La Marcs, box of tO ta.M ISC Chancellor Conchas. Eap Bo Box of 25 Permits to guioke. . . .Too Box of 0 Little Preferenclaa. .$1.60 Box of 60 Manila Media Re galias i-a I2c 29c 34c 29c 64c 89c 21c 64c 84c 98c 59c 54c 69c 64c RUBBER GOODS DEPARTMENT Our Rubber Goods Department Is a large one, and we handle, by ac tual count, over 1.000 items In this line. We buy direct from factories only, and thus are able to furnlsu fresh stock we ran guarantee and at a low price. Trained aaiooladlos la this do part meat. 11.10 1-quart Marron "money back" brand Fountain Myrlng. fja. Saturday for HOC l-quart Fountain Syringe for Good Bulb Family Syringe 29 C $2.60 Ijidlea' Douche ai in Syringe for 9t HI Ic Bus. In long 4 Cm to (4 and oval ehapea UtfU - WO Invalid Ring (cushion) S4 to 4 i:-lnch to lK-lnch s. )) r.enif:.'': 49051.75 Mali orders filled at thess prlcss If accompanied by rash. TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMES In these lines our stocks ars un equalled hereabouts. Our prices tell their own story. :5c Mennen'a Talcum (4 kinds) t elA 49c per can ic 4711 White Rose Soap, cake 2Sc Packer's Tar Houp for Sic Cutlcura Soap, for 2tc 'Pond's Vanishing Cream, for oOc Societe ilyslenlque Soap (Purple wrapper, big cake).. I leading fiOc Perfumes. Katurday at, per ox ROc Pebecu Tooth f'ute. for 26c Lyon's Tooth Powder for 'iic Mistletoe Crrairi for 10c Java Ttlce Powder, gen uine, for 10c Dr. Charles Flesh Food for i0 Galatea Massage Cream for nTodloUal Boota, Kerbs, new er, Barks, Owns. Xieaveo, Twigs sad Berries from a early, hotaaieal sources, pot a la 1 oa. aad 1-lb. paokage eompreoaod and loose pressed aad ta balk, at lowest prloaa. KODAKS Complete line of Cameras and supplies at lowest prices. We also develop films free. OMAHA'S LEADING PRESCRIPTION STORES Sherman & cGonncli's 4 Rexall Drug Stores Wirrman t Met an ne II Jmig Co.. 6th and Ixxlge St. U)l Phamuu-jr, IiOjsl Hotel Block. North ItMh ht. Owl lrug Co., 16th anil Harney Ku. Harvard Pharmacy, 24th and r amain Km. Berg Suit Af t"" .i;' i i r 1 1 i it etiu.Ate ' "Stout" Ws Caa rit This rtgwra. "Short' ngTUr. "Lonu" Ws Caa m this) Sls-ars. "Long Stout Ws Caa Trt "RenlarM Ws Cam arts W rig-are. Ktow Cflpmes tine -Whirlwind FSqbsI of the Geo. Pray Co.'s Stock of Alfred Benjamin Co.'s High-Grade Spring and Summer Suits. Saturday ends a sale of fine merchandising selling not witnessed in this town for many a day. Men from all walks of life young and old with true, economic sense, have crowded this store day after jf sf Cents TTV 'Till day, saving their dollars by buying these new fU fl ori W Jcfb rT sssmW sW Wsm dw , flhHgssBB nqp JXXLTUJiJii J-L and seasonable suits at Come Saturday and Get Oim of the Sensational Bargain That Will Cause Envy of Your Entire Neighborhood Pray's Pray's Pray's Pray's Pray'i Pray'i $35.00 Suits, $30.00 Suits, $25.00 Suits, $22.50 Suits, $20.00 Suits, $18.00 Suits, $17.50 $15.00 $12.50 $11.25 $10.00 $9.00 YAssaMsssMgsttaSjgisjaV In Addition to This Great Sale of Alfred Benjamin's Clothes, We Have Made an Enormous Purchase of the "Fifth Avenue Tailors, Hew York' Embracing hundreds of young men's new styles one and two-button, long roll, soft front, wide lapel, patch pockets, skeleton, quarter, half and full lined models in Gkm Urquhartu, Tartanx, Hanjo Stripes, Submarine lilues and Battleship Grays. Suits rnadt' and tailored to sell at $22.50 and $L'5.00, Iwught by us at a cash price that wiabjen us to offer you a choice of this great collection at. : 1 fit) op) Soil Without further explanation our show windows will grive you a fair idea of these magnificent values, and we ask you in justice to yourself to come in and look them over. Astonishingly Low Prices on SHIRTS AND UNDERWEAR Where Quality Is Considered. $6.00 Wash Silk Shirt SH.Uft $2.00 Fine Madras Shirts SI.45 11.50 Fins Madras Shirts U.c fl.00 Fine Tercale and Madras 8htrts Ac Cool, Comfortable Summer Underwear 1.00 Athletic Inlon Suit, knit and nalnaook styles 71c 75c athletic Htyles at 45c $2.00 regular and athletic garments fl.fto SILK HOSE BARGAIN Interwoven Silk Hoas, In all the new colors snd blark snd white 35c Three pairs for $1.00. Double toe and hlfh spliced Hale heels. Extra Pants Several hundred rxtra pant for summer wear, In stripes, checks, plain colors snd fast blue $1S0, $3.50, $4, $5.00 !cyf f"w 'alliums"'" i BOYS' SUIT SALE All odd and broken llass of Boys' aad Children's Suits that formerly sold up to $8.60 will bs di vided into two prices for a quick flrrlsh at and as.5 Saturday Is ths chancs to buy Boys' Suits at a price that u&dsrsslls orsrybody. Norfolks, 1). B. styles. Oliver Twist, Middy, Balkan. Ruaaiaa and Vesteej modela. Site 2 to 18 years. 2.85 and .M.. Waah Knits for Small Boys .A largs) lino of very pretty combinations. In cholo fabrics, In all tho new styles to be had hero from 65c up. Boys' Underwear, 90e -Broken linos of Beys' Union Suits, ankle lenfth. lOo values 20c Broken Lines Boys' Waists 60e Tallies.. t&e PUy Hultr Boy Scoot, Cowboy, Indian, Sol dier, Military, Polic and Base Ball Suits, 0Oe up. Straw Hats, 50c op. SATURDAY IS STRAW HAT DAY The Best and Biggest Assortment Ever Brought to Omaha. Nowhere ran you find such a collection, gathered from tho world's best maksrs. Not an old style la ths entire lot. Everyone s nsw, fresh, crisp model. Panamas, Banpkok. leghorns. Porto Iticana, Seunets, Spilt, 8eaweed. Milan and soft brim flexi ble Yachts. A becoming; shape for every man. Study their exquisite styles and onr great display. $1. $1.50 $2. $2.50 $3, $3.50, $4. $5, $6, $7.50. $8.50 $10 Never before such a complete exhibition. r.:rnrr?.??j-jTj jj .ji. NIflht Wear Soft, Pleasant Night Gowns and Pajamas, ' 50c $5.00 BsBSBBBBCHRCsIs WVJBaMMnsc ?VP'aM