Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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    YHi; 11KK: OMAHA, SATURDAY. MAY 15, 1915.
American Consulate Afford Protec
tion for Hunted Germans in
Capital of England.
LONDON. May 14. The commis
sioner of police of London tonight
issued orders for the arrest of all
subjects of enemy countries of mili
tary age. It Is expected that all
these will be arrested or roluntarlly
surrender w'thln a few days.
LONDON. May 14. The state
ment of Premier Asqulth in the
Mouse of Comons todsy, that all
aliens of enemy countries of military
age. between 17 and 6. would bs
interned and that this applies to
those naturallxed against whom there
was any suspicion, and that the oth
ers would be repatriated, has satis
fied those persons who were agitat
ing for some drastic action.
As a result the riots in London and
provincial towns have largely gub
. sided. Such rioting as did take place
I today aad tonight waa carried on by
mobs of boys, girls and women, who
jw.r. out for fun or bent on looting
German shops, while men stood
by laughing or encouraging their
youthful Imitators. The police
strongly reinforced by special con
stables, were better able to handle
the situation today.
Seaie teat Jell.
Follow! of the wild sons of rtrday
nd UU lest night some K or more
acttv participants In attacks en German
hope appeared In the police court of
London today, and the maglstret. read
them severe lectures snd Imposed heavy
penalties la most case. Some o( the
wore culpable were sentenced to Jail
terms at hard labor, the sentences reus
ing from a month to four months. Oth
rs, ohleriy women, were fined. When
men of military age appeared before the
magistrate they were told sharply that
the beet way to get revenge on the Ger
mans was to enlist.
In this latter connection the Wnt
Ynln4r Oaxette stld toAaV:
"People who hunt alien snd assault
their persons and loot their . shop are
tint the people who ere going te help
us right our wrong. They are loafers
and shirkers who are not going to wsr,
and whose vlolenoe has no pa'.rlotle mo
tive." .
It Is notable that no complaints her
tn reoelved of aliens ' Buffeting from
personal Injury. Of the many hundreds
who appeared at the American ombaasy
end consulate today neeklng protection,
none showed signs of having been en
gaged In encounter, . but they desired
compensation for the damag done their
property and assurances that there would
4 no repetition ot the attacks,
Mmmt Hake Brparatla.
.. 'Under English law the taxpayers ef
localities wher the shops were wrecked
and goods destroyed must pay icomnen
'eelton for the damage done In the note,
so that In many esses the very people
' who took pert In the demonstrations will
fcsv to pay their share.
At South End the authorities took a
too re serious view of the caae, as many
or the men arrested were prominent
nitlaene, who were angered by the recent
7.enl!n raid. They were remanded for
a. week end heavy ball was demanded.
Naturalised Germans, Austrian snd
Turks were today aiming oeolaratlons
repealing their oatha or allegiance to
Oreat Britain. One memorial from men
ctf ti ls class In ths city of lxindon has
been sent direct te King George. Other
memorials hove heen handed to the may
ors of various cltl.' In alt the me.
raortals the men .reaffirm their oath ot
sllegianoa and express abhorrence of the
flerman methods ot warfare.
Seek 1'. a. PrteleB.
i Streams of Germans poured Into the
, American consulate all day. The consul
general. Ilobert V. Skinner. we unabl te
do anything for them except te make an
appeal In their behalf to Scotland Tsrd,
which promised to do Its utmost te pro
tect them.
Few ot the Germans who went to the
, consulate havs suffered peraonal Injury
.and many of tliera have not been mo
lested In sny.way. They applied to Mr.
' BV Inner In the hope of some form ot
protection tn rase ef further outbreaks.
About twenty Oermans, among -whom
were a number ef weeping women and
children, called at the American em
baaey. They were advUed to apply to
the German branch of the American em
luy at Carlton House Terrene, the for
mer location of the German embassy.
These peraons, however, evidently feared
te go to this address, for E. Q. Lowry of
the embaaey staff, who Is In charge of
this branch of the work, reported that
he had received no complstnt. ;
nieta at Uraveaeaa.
GRAVEPKND. Kngland. May 11 -Anti- j
German rlota broke out here this evening.
The mob visited the riemlaea occupied
t y Germans or persons bearing German
tiftmes, wrecking the ihops and throwing
tselr contents into th tlreets.
I r v
Mrs. Smith Bares Her Back to Show
Judge How She Had Been
Carved by Rival.
Charles Perrigo
. my - eworo
Bible in Nixie Department May
Mean . Death of a Citizen
of Idaho.
At the nlxte Oepsrtment of the Omaha
rostoffloe has been received a passage.
that If It could tell its story, would prob
ably give the details ef an American
who died on one of the battlefields in
Pranos during the present European war. I
The nlsle Is a small Hew testsment, J
with this Inscription on the Inslds of ths
front cover:
U Paugherty, born April 7. 1MX My
alfs, Mrs. it. L. Dsugherty, Parma,
Idaho. One boy, 4 years old, James
Dsugherty. Tenth British Infantry. No.
On ths fly leaf In the front el the
testament, printed with a rubber stamp,
l the following:
"Presented by ths' British and foreign
Canadian Bible society to ths Csnsdlaa
soldiers in ths war, lrit. B strong and
sf good cheer."
Accompanying the enclosure Is a letter
the poetofflce directory snd finds thst In
Idaho there Is a Parma snd ths psoksg
will be sent there.
The presumption around ths poatoffloe
Is thst Dsugherty was a c.ltiaen of Idaho,
sent across th Una and enlieted end
wltJh Canadian troops was sent to Fran6e.
The postmark on ths package indicates
that It was sent from France, but ths
name of the office has been obliterated.
There waa nothlne of tc hrlnklns
violet about Mrr. Amy Hmlth. r41 Pa-lflr
Strref, dll!e her botmt In police court
that he hurt, never been arretted before.
Mr. Kmlth I n amlllng and very comely
i young mulatto woman. A Moody cut
! niarreil her smooth right rheeh, entendlng
up under the hlgh-nllcl hair of her head,
liter f'lmv waist waa eoaked with Hood.
rhe wa the comr'nlnlng witness as-nlnet
Mlas Carrie Green, en ebonv-hued young
woman living at 211 South Twenty -eighth
Miss Green, between her sons, told the
court thst Mr. Hmlth had stolen her
loving msn swsy.
phe sdmlttcd that, meeting the purlolner
of her admirer in company with him,
ah had proceeded to cut her up with a
small penknife. The acarlet arar and the
Moody waist bore wltnes to Mlaa Green'
shinty ss a csrver.
"I live wsy up by Fsrnem street, an'
h 'Ives over te Pacific atreet. an' I
don' see why ahe got to come up where
I live en' ateal away my beau," said Mlaa
Green. " 'Specially when ahe'a got a
huxhand an' child of her own."
Mrs Smith bubbled with scornful mirth
while Miss Green gave her teatlmony.
Iter Haebaae A war.
"Have you a husband?" Inquired
tld and had resided In this county sine
about l70. Its served four years In the
ear of t!ie rebellion end was a mcmoer
of the Grand Army of the Republic. He
la irvlved by e widow and one daughter
and four aon. The daughter Is th wife
of I I Beverldse, formerly of Omaha,
with the Carpenter Paper comrsny. hut
now f fV-attle.. Wash. V'red Whltomore.
a eon. of Kansas City, Is a traveling
a)eman. Harry snd Pay sre termers In
Oklehoma. The other son reatdea here.
But Incidentally He Declares that
the Tariff Will Be the Issue
Next Tear.
Monarch Manufacturing Company
Suffers Loss that Will Crowd
Twenty Thousand.
Loss thst will spproxlmste more than
I2fCfl waa Inflicted on the plant of the ;
Monarch Manufacturing company. Kouth
?lxth street end Eleventh avenue, Coun
cil Bluffs, late yeaterday afternoon by a
fire which followed a gaaollne explosion
on th shipping floot. "Su of the em
ploye, Iwls Moore. J6 South Twelfth
meet, snd .1. B. Hennlgsn, both living
In the Bluffs, were painfully burned.
Moore's Injuries Involvs both arms from
the finger tips to the shoulders, his fsce
snd neck snd one leg end foot. The ex
tent ef the bums msy csuse fetal re
aults. Hennlgan was but slightly
burned ebout the hands end face.
The- fire Involved more than Sno.fye gal
lons of lubricating and all grsdes of ma
iMne 'Mis, all ef which was poured Into
the haaernenft. A acor or more of heave
"Oh, ysss. I've got a hushsn'. but he s jesploelons occurred when barrel of kero-
eway now," amtled Mrs. Smith. "Her
friend ain't married, an' I got a good a
right to him ss snvone else, ain't I?"
Mrs Smith seemed quite sstiafied that
this argument on morality was unanswer
able. "How badly did she cut you?" ssked the
And before anyone could stop her, Mrs.
Fmltli had stripped off her wstat and
leaned calmly end smilingly back against
the Judge's desk, displaying hsr back.
Poor Judge Brltt! He Is a .modest man.
A blush crimsoned his cheeks. He stam
mered and only recovered when Mr.
Smith had heen Induced to dreea again.
Alas that the court csnnot restore
"lovln' men" thet have been stolen swsy!
The court eould tsl'-en no cognlxsnca of
the fact that Mrs. Smith wss herself
srmed with a rasor which she carried In
her boaom. It could only fine Miss Green
110 end costs and congratulate her thst
the penknife with which she marred Mrs.
Smith's back wss not long enough to
reach to her hesrt.
ARE OVER $4,500
Wleetion '?ommtloner Moorhead has
sdvlaad cityi officials thelitis expeese of
the recant election wss IfUO.I? for the
city and 11, 77o.8l for the school board
bond proposition. , ,
Appellate Court
Refuses to Deny
Thaw Jury Trial
NtW YORK, May 14. The appellate
divielon of the supreme court decided to
day thst It would not Interfere with the
plsn to have Harry K. . Thaw's mental
ststus placed before a Jury for determi
nation. The court dlsmlased the prohib
itory writ which, If sustained, would have
enjoined the supreme court from sub
mitting the esse te a Jury next Monday.
sen and shipping tsnks of gaaollne let
ro. Ths oil room and shipping depsrt
ment of the plent wae entirely destroyed,
but the firemen saved the meln building
with Its enormous stock of oils In ship
ping case snd permitted the employes to
get out all of the valuabl property In
the office.
It ess one of ths most stubborn fires
the Bluffs firemen have been called upon
to control. Plvs eorapanlee re ponded to
the alarm, which waa turned in et :)
o'clock, and nln streams turned on the
biasing oil.
The fire started when Moor. Hennlgan
and others were engaged In transferring
fifty-three gallons of gasoline from a
tank to another vesael. It slipped or
something heppened thst permitted the
gasollns to pour out on the floor and
down into thebesement, where a steam
plant wae in operation. An explosion
followed that filled the basemant and the
whole room with flames and blew out the
south wall of the building.
On the second floor immediately over
th shipping room were eight tanks
twelve to eighteen feet In diameter and
some of them nearly twenty feet high,
each containing more than 10,000 gallons
of lubricating oil- When ths wsll were
Mown out theee huge tanks wort released
snd crashed Into the besement. Moore
snd Hennlgan were enveloped In flame
at the first flssh, but got outside In
time to eecspe being crushed by the fall
ing tsnks.
Enthnaed with crop prospect out In
the atate and mors anxious to t.tik sbotit
them than polltlca, Congreman C. H.
Floan of Geneva la among the prominent
republicans who came In for the party
conference st Hotel Kontenelle Friday
While heatltatlng. because In public of
fice, to talk about the gathering of re
publicans of all shsdes of opinion for the
purpose of party organisation In the state
for the next campaign, he nevertheless
gave the lmprelon that he wss glad
to see the spirit of unionism, co-operation
snd optimism that prevails smnng
Ms fellow republican.
"Tsrlff for protection or revenue only
is sure to be a big lue In the next na
tional compaign," he declared, ".lust as
sure ss it wss a lesdlnir isaue In 1312, It
Is certain to be one In WW. Tho demo
crata won In 191J on the rrinclple ef tariff
for revenue only, they enacted tho terlff
laws they promised, hn.l now the coun
try I feeling the result snd will nslurslly
Ceclds st the next election whether or
not that result la appro ed. ,
"Prom over 100,00O,u0n at the beginning
of Wilson's sdmlnlstratlon, the national
treeaury surplus has dwindled to only
S17,000,one todsy, In spite of the avowed
purpoao of the democratic tariff end war
war tax legislation. And, mark the fig
ures, of the $17,000,000 surplus that is left,
$33,000,000 csnnot be used to pay debts
"If ths former tariff had remslned In
effect, over S60,000,iM mare revenue
would have been added to the treasury
surplus Just from Imports Into ths north
west alone. It Is quite evident that the
tariff will be a big Issue with the great
northwest ss well es with other parts
of the country.
"Among other issue, I expect there
will be business leglslstlon, the currency,
canal tolls, foreign policy and the entire
leglslstive record of th present ad-mlnlstrstlon."
Department Oraera.
WASHINGTON, May 14. (ripeclal Tele
gram.) Dan 1). Meyers wss sppolnted
poatmaster at Thunder Hawk, Oaron
county. Houth Dakota, vice F. Pi. Bolton.
The following rural free delivery i-otites
will bo established cn June 16 In Iowa:
Anita, Cass county, route No. 4: Macka
hurg. Madieon county, route No. 2; Sioux
City. Woodbury county, route No. 3.
NVbraaka pension granted: Sarah E.
Paker. lied Clod. 112; P'lle Mead, Has
kell. S12: Sarah Brlofi. Ewlng, 112; Ellen
rittenger. Lincoln, IL2.
H. J. Whiten re.
'At'Btmv. Neb., Msy J4,-(SpelaJ.)-Benlo
X Whltemore, an old soldier and
early' settler, died this morning at Jila
home very unexpectedly. He was S3 years
Friday. Hottest
Day of the Year
At S o'clock Friday afternoon in Omaha
ths temperature was 96, which wss the
highest for ths year. Ot 4 it was H and
at S the. bulb Indicated S3. The tetnpra
tdrs'of 0 st 4 p. m. was the same, as
Thursday at the same time. .
All schools wsre dlemlseed In the sfter
noon and Palm Beech suits were In order.
Infants nod Invalids
Tits otiaitut
The Food-Drink for all Ages
Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form.
For Infants, invalids ssi growing children.
Pure nutrition, upbuilding lis) whole body.
Invigorates nursing mothers mi the aged.
Mora healthful than tea or coffee.
Untom you may "ItOmtOITS"
you Ktmy got a mubatltutom
We Are Offering
Comfort and Good Looks
Possibly you have
put off buying that
Spring Suit until Saturday; the
very day on which ce are featuring a
large line of flannels and light weight
early summer models, that will mean
not "only elegant appearance, but com-
fort to whoever wears tnem.
Samuel W. Peck takes care of the .
young fellows, while Stein-Blocb is
the mature man's specialist.
$15, $20 and $25
Are high water marks of value
A blazing sun in the middle of May
i means a tremendous bnsiness in our
Straw HatDepartment
SAILORS in high and medium crowns, with nar
row to medium brims, made in Rennets with straight
and saw edges, rough or smooth braids,
$2, $3, $3.50 and $4.00
Italian Leghorns and Milans
Hats that have all the advantages of the old-fashioned
Panama, with none of its disadvantages. Shapes
for men and young men.
$3.50, $5.00 and $6.00
1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET.
Let The Bee get you a job.
"Situations Wanted" ads are free.
Furnfch Your Ionics I'Jifh Furniture of Good Qualify
We are the ex
rluelve agents
la Omaha and
vicinity for
Klluard Ite.
From our Immense asaortmenta of th. many neceesary things thai
help to make g, cheerful horn, you will have but little trouble In se
letting beautiful furnltnre, elegant roge and draperies that will not
only please yon but will also te a source of touch pleasure and com.
fort to you for a long time to come and th. price on this furnltnre of
good quality, tb. .Central kind, absolutely lower titan you are obliged
to pay for the Inferior and cheaply constructed kind.
We are the ex
clusive agent.
Id Omaha and
I e I nlty for
I'Ullty O a a
.See our beautfnl three-room
home outfit; eve r y t h i n g
FALLS C1TT. Nb.. Wsr l.- Special.)
-Ooimneneenwnt wm In Tails City will
ct-n on the evening of slsy tl srllh ths
Leccslaureals sermon In th Cbri.tlaq
cfeur'h by Rev. William Coin
nnemrit exercises alll fee held en the
averting at Msy . Ths aedr will be
by Ion Chsrles Tordycs of ths t'nl
vrlty of Nbrka and th diploma
will I presented by John ijrhty, presi
dent of the Board ef Education. The
la jonnUts of twelv girls snd Bin
Lawn mowers that are guar
anteed to give excellent ser
vice; our price, rtf?
only .....v-"Vi
See our complete line of
porch and lawn furniture.
s a. V
wk mm
Beginning Jun 11 diverse route
tickets tu New York sml tfloa will b
on s.ile aally via Chlrago. stllwauk.
Mt i'aul Railway. The ticket, whUO
permit going on rout and returning
another, ar offered In great variety
and include all th princlual cltlea and
Mace of Intereat in Uie taat. lelight
ful trli. by water en th Ureat IakM.
feii. Iwrenr and Hudson River and
tr Allanttt- Ocaa may be included,
hura to New York rang from 64 It
to ioton from III 10 up, altli finsl
rnurn limit or 0 das snd liberal Hop.
over prf. For snoi complete in-
f'TuiiUoii. foldei. etc.. isll on or ad
dieee V . C Hork, t'iiy Haesrncer
HHii. C. M a fit. '. Ky.. HIT rarnani
bl. lnl). Neb.
Th Ue Mant Ad Ar Beat Busts i a.
it pt" urn.
An escellcDt high grade gas
range, th. I'tlUtv, with four
oue-plece band drilled burners,
heavy cast Iron top and bag.
and a Urge oven guaranteed
to bake, our
lulaiard Refrirerator ar eonntruut
1 on aclentlflr rrinrlt'le. giving a
continual clrculstlon of cokV dry si.
to .v.rv nrt of the box. They are
eoliillv matle. heavily lined and guar
anteed to be economical with Ice, the
ineide rrla aie oulcklv remove.l
wttlcli make It a
to keep i lean; ou
pi Ice
See our beautiful four-roonr'
home outfits;
A thoroughly Bubs t a n t i a I
ewing, made of solid oak
complete with
chains; our price.
We are the etcl.sUe affenta In
Omaha and vicinity for the Rest
well Mattress.
Each Day the "Notice-to-Vacate" Sale
is Fed and Refreshed hy New Items
A lsrss four paaaenger lawn swing, all
part well boiled and acrewed toselher:
sreen rrame witn nat
ural alst seata. very
eubetentlal: our pries.
A apUadid Freeser.
frecaes 1c creatn in
fly mlautea, abso
lutely eanltary. no
older inald
of craam can:
our price....
Our inex
pensive building
and inex
pensive location
enable us
to make
be im
possible under any
jj W. show a torn-
plete 1 1 n . of
Bllizard Refrig
erators in all th.
different styles;
1 they are priced
iifrom S7.50
We snow a coin-!-plete
line of ft II
ity gas range., Jl
Including a com
plete assortment
ot th. csainet
styles; they are
priced from
$7..V) to S1S.50.
'ss. -mv t'Ji- '
The Myers-Dillon, man who
is supposed to get out items
for these announcements,
was positively bewildered
when asked for ammunition
for today's "ad." "I don't
know where to commence,"
says he, "there are a hun
dred thousand items in this
stock and they are ALL re
duced." So, that's the gist
of it; this entire store and
stock is one vast "Sale"
V t.Tijs-IrtiisiVV,.Vlir. .fiViv J
(IIBiUST I (I ill r s f
Everything from a Liver Pill
to a Fountain Pen One cent
item or Ten dollar item
everything goes. See the
windows see the hundreds
of "bargain boxes" in the
store. Buy here now and
you'll NEVER again speak
of "drug store" prices with
a trace of ridicule in your
voice. This IS a sale -a
"Notice, to-Vacate" sale
All the Previously Advertised Prices Still Hold Good
JAB SAX.TB Tie value
for ea
VAX atXATICA $1 00
value eao
Do value for 9o
26c value for 17o
LAY OBI etc value
for 4Sa
Jftc value for Sis
win oajidui lino
value for sAo
tioTii'i Majroa
CURB 0e value.. 3a
SlOIOftlg :5c value
for IT
(Sc value for o
Tic value for Me
rag rom rxii-iso
value for 16
Br.OaC aVAX.TS I In.
for a
poin kzbbtt nui
bOc. value for. . . .420
1CTZM' ursm rrxjca
100; lac value.... 11
xooB-a Tsirttn -
value for tl.64
arrxmg- lixititi
TlURl-lle value
for ISO
10c vahje for So
T CrAUEB yard.
0o value tor ale
oc vain for....aa
omnauMM ic eaiu
for e
2ie value for la
BXLXSB 11.00 value
for S3o
11.00 valu see
BOc. valu for see
ou Btrrcx euiAJr-
gUBB lo valu To
2e value
JXTOJC ISe value.. ta
OOXeOaUTB )Se value
tor leo
B;otraBB;ox.B a k m o.
a. wuorts for... a
Pints for 3o
for SO
STJBJKD l pint for. 8o
BQBAX 1 lh. for...e
'9TI1 CM UUL 1 qt.
for lae
mnazATio aoxb
1 Plot a
Facts About This Colossal Drug Sale Told Again
For the Benefit of Those Who May Not Yet Know
Tbe Myers-Dillon Drug Co. has sola drugs
on this corner for TWKNTY-ONE YEARS. 1U
very name has been connected up with th. word
"Reliability" during .very day of Its career.
But th. march of progress heeds not prestige,
reliability or priority, and a few wee kg ago
Myera-Dillon were served with a "NOTICE TO
VACATK" by July 2.
So her. waa th. situation that confronted
Myera-Dillon: A store and basem.nt plumb,
chuck full of goods at 16th and Parnam 8u.
and several Harney St. warehouse, fairly over
brimming with merchandise. Th. stock at that
time amounted to about $75,000. Much haa
been sold since instituting this gal., but ther.
still retnalna enough to gtock a young whole
sal, drug house.
Realtxe, then, that th. "NOTICE TO VA
CATE" SALE is a businesslike, sincere en
deavor to move this entire gtock 1a a hurry.
Th. price, ar. cut as drug prices were never
before cut la Nebraska and THERE ISN'T A
phon. wire or writ, for ANYTHING and its
youra at wholesale coat, less than wholesale or
v.n less than cost to maks. (Phone and mall
orders filled on th. moment)
Myers - Dillon Drug Co.,
Corner 16th and Farnam Streets, Omaha. Phone Douglas 150