Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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War Industrials
Slump Sharply on
Stock Exchange
VEW YORK, Vsy H.-Prnld.-nt Wll
snn'i nots to (nrrnny ovrrshsdowed all
othr considerations In th tKk market
today. Ill poiibl effort u not eJto
rthr apixurnt at tho outset. pries
yiMdJn onlr rllehtly In th so-oallcd
war shares and almllar pnrlaltlta, which
tfnlded a point.
Larrr, howv the pntlr Itt bfm
UTUtrttled. standsrd railway, aa writ aa
other dividend patina; atorka. toalrvr 1
to 2 pnlnta.
Union Pacific. Onadlan raclfle. Read
ing, United States Steal and Amalgama
ted Qprer, which constitute the moet
aottve epecMlatlva favorlt, war
ofTnred during tho first half hour,, but
farmed to he confidently taken.
Aa the acwion pmreaeed, jr ahares
oontlroicd to weaksn. Bethlehem Steel
and New Tork Air Brake losing I to S
point. Many a tor a were correspond -lnsly
lower, but rvpresrntaliva laauea
held at their quotations of the flrat half
hour, with her and there a substantial
The decline waa without any of the
mnanUonal feature wtilch attended tha
xaovement of a wrek sjro.
A canvass of tha leading banking and
broker (fa hotiaea ah owed a condition of
outward calm. Then waa a general dla
position to belleva that Berlin would ra
oetvw tha prealdent'a eoraraunlcatlon In
conciliatory spirit
B&lea tn tha flrat hour amounted t
OtifiOQ shares.
German-American Press Reaffirms
Loyalty to the Stars and Stripes
The following la comment on lbs Amer
ican note to Oercnany by tha Oerman
Amerlran preaa:
MiliHiike (Wis Abenpoet; Wt do not
remember ever having written an article
with heavier heart. While we compoaa It
we are under preaaura of the moat cruel
altuatlnn whlrh an American cltlien of
Oarman sstraction may have to fare,
that which alway appeared to ua not
only aa direct calamity that could befall
ua. but also aa moat helnoua crime that
could b committed against rlvllliatlon
haa apparently at leaat become a poee
aibility a war between tha two countries
dcareat and neareat to our hearte. On one
aide there la no aentlment more natural
and mora beautiful than the loving at
tachment to tba country where our cradle
tood. On the other aide we are
American citlsnns who under all condi
tions have to conaerve their loyalty to
the great country of their adoption.
W can only expreaa moat ardent
hope that the Oerman government while
fully conserving It legit I mala rights,
may yet find In Ita anawar tha tone that
will apare tha worst
St. Paul (Minn) Volkaieitung' The
aland taken by the prraldent aarve no
tice on our own ao-eallea leaden and
the Irreaponalble Jingo preaa that thla
country will not go to war without full
W are glad to aee the prealdcnt take
auch a atrong atand for upholding the
r:ghta of American cltlsana. We alncaroly
trust he will demand that hereafur all
countries will reapect our rlghta to the
aacred freedom of the aaaa
Whatever tha outcome, no matter how
great the Buffering and mental igony
tnat Oerman-Amertcana would undergo,
there can be no queatton about their loy
alty to the stars and atrtpee.
(Continued from Past One.)
American Colony
: Near Esperanza is
Attacked by YaquiSj
SOQKVT&, Conor. Kay 1 Wtfh BW
Mexican soldiers and a band of armed
Americana reported trying to reacu
them a colony of atxty-flva Americana.
Including women and children, were gtrlv
li.g deaperately today to fight off Yaaul
Indiana from their homee near Eaper
Ataa. smith of Ouarmaa. Their condi
tion waa reported aa arlUoai
rsovomor Maytorena, of Sonora haa
promise Frdrlr1c STmplch, American
coneul here, that ha will make STsry
effort to drive back tha Indians.
Tho relief troopa are proceeding to tha
all of the Americana with difficulty, aa
the railroad over which they ar travel
ing Is only partly repaired.
Several of tha Americans hava been re
ported Ultf and wound to the f'ght
Ing. Preliminary reports from ' ; American
Consul aunpich at Nogalea maka no
mention of the reported killing of Wil
liam ' Ftocker In tha American colony
under attack by Taqul Indians south ef
Ouaymaa. but tall of tha deaths of John
jWllson and W A. ray. and plana an
other American, ' J. J. Donovan, among
the mlsatng. '
Oovernor Maytorena haa promlaed to
protect the refugees aa far as poaslbla,
Tha Navy department, aooording te a
moaaage " reoelvod hare today, haa In
JatrucU4 Admiral Howard to sand a war
ship to Tobart bay. Maxloo ta iwM
. the Apisrlpaa. oolany at . Eaparamca who
nav. naon auatxaa by Xaqiil Indiana,
S German Aeroplane :
. Attempts to Sink a
. Dutch Fishing Boat
IXWDON. May la. A fteutar Aln.k
from Traulden says tha Dutch trawler
Bgravannaga raporu that a tauba aero
plana aomlng tram tha waat, dropping
tlu-ea bombs en tba fishing boat Wadnas
day. in spiu of tba fact that It was fly.
" ing tha Dutch flag. Tha bombs fell into
tha soa, where they exploded.
Kenyon Believes
Kaiser Will Yield
KORT DODOSX la.. May It-Senator
"W. B, Kcnron today tnM ik 1 i.u
Proaa ha believed Praaldant -Wilson's ds-
manaa la tna nota to annany win ha
compiled with. 'Tha nratMaitr. i.
s olear preaentaUon of our country
tnwuiun, sain ua ssnator. ."Oormaay. be
n's a juai nauon. nuit
force. I believe tha prealdent'a demands
wui do compiled with. He can bo certain
the nation la with him In m..
ha dnema beat Ha will never lead us to
war ir it caa be honorably avoided."
Romance Brightens
Lusitania Tragedy
LONDON. May la-A romance of tha
Manama developed yesterday, whan &
glneer John Welah and Miss Carta NeU
aon. a roilllnar, wars married at Man.
cheater, the home tit tha hri. ,
They mat Uboard tha liner and became
ensagao. Tha bride fell from a lifeboat
into mo sea and was rescued by Walsh.
Dwin ware picKe4 up by a Uawlar.
CHETTNNE. Wyo.. Ma ltSna. I.I
The flrat monthly remittances from m-
ployera of labor eut-ifod In extra haaaid-
oua work due under Wyoming's new
workmen'a compensation act will be pay
able tomorrow. ,Tha Union Pacific Coal
company will be tha heoWat contributor,
paying tl.917.10. which represents 8 per
cent of Its monthly payroll. The com
pany employs 1.174 minera.
The second largest contributor wilt be
the Superior Coal company, which will
pay t&fe tt. In the cuuree f the J tar
tha Union Pacific Coal company will ray
into the comprnaatlen fuud about T0cn.
or only liOOO ! than he etate's appro
priation for IndiiDtrial tnavranca. No In
. auranca yet haa been pakl to tnl ued cm
floyea under the new act.
AMCT. la.. May 14 (Special Telegram)
-Theft of r and a watch from tha Iowa
tmiveralty baae ball plarera, who wnr
tiers May 11 for the Amu game. Is
thought to ba solved In the arreJt of an
Amea youth. The boy had stolen prop- j
erty on him taken from Transportation
t all and Kaep IeU snc-lety hotiaa. The j
roblr paeaed up 11X0 in bllle belonxlnx
to Coaili Kent of U'wi ahea ransacking j
the gymnasium of the vlalting varsity I
l.ker room when the tun was going oav j
rules of falrnoaa, reason, jusUca and ho
mantty which all modern opinion regards
as imDoraiiva." i
This waa taken by naval afflears varaod
In International law and diplomatist to
mean that not only during tha present
war, but In future International confer
ences to amend tba rules of marlUms
warfare, tha Americiut government would
bo found aligned against tha use of tha
submarine against merchantmen. Another
feature of tba nota which caused much
comment among diplomatists was the
statement In It replying to tho Oorman
circular to neutrals which arrived hero
on Tuesday and agrees to express regret
and give reparation for any mistaken at
tache on neutral vessels by Submarines.
Tha communication points out that while
"expression of regret and offers of repay
ration tn case of destruction of neutral
ships sunk by mistaka" may satisfy 'In
ternational obligations If no loss of Ufa
results," they cannot Justify or "excuse
a practice tha natural and necessary af
fect of which la to subject neutral na
tions and neutral persona to new and
InunsaauraMe risks."
Ria-ht of Vlalt auid tsareh.
"In another portion amphasls Is
laid on tha Inability of submarines to
exercise tha rights of rtalt and search
at aoa because of practical difficulties
snaking It tmposstbte for thorn to make
prise of merchantaiea alnca a prise
crew could not bo put aboard, for If
taken, aa a prise, tha ship could not bo
sunk without leaving tha neutral's vea-
ewl erew to tha mercy of tha sea In Its
small boats."
It was this feature the arollcatlon of
tha rules of naval prize law to tha cases j
or neutral vessels carrying contraband of
war onoountared by submarines which
attracted attention when tho Oorman
circular note to neutrals was flrat ex
amined. Tba argument made in tha
Amsrloan nota of today la designed to
point out tho Inadmissibility of what had
been regarded In some ouaitera aa eon
cessions by Germany In tb treatment
of neutral merchantman.
The' citation In tha nota of "Tha .
pltclt stipulation of tho treaty of 1ES,
between the United Mates and Prus
sia" waa regarded aa Important from a
legal point of view. Under that treaty
American ships are Btren tha riant tn
unrestricted freedom of the aeas In tlmss
or war and oven If carrying contraband.
Including munitions nf war. tha ahlns
or cargoes caa not be confiscated, but
may ba detained and tha cargo 're
qulstlonsd." In which avsnt all contra-
bant Or non-oontrabant takan must ba
paid for, Irrespective of Its destination.
Iowa Man Victim of
War at the Front
OTTAWA. Ont, May 14.-A casualty
list of SCO names Issued today Includes
tha following:
Missing, Private John Bwalnsaa, Minne
sota; killed la action. Private Jamaa
Walker. Seattle. Wash.; wounded. Private
Peter B. Hanson. Alta, la.
Join tha T. M. C. A. on the special
Summer membership plan. Then uto
It. 5.e
" I II Tha) Class of Orn&ha I
'I vv ' A Style for Every Head 1
B,JJAi Oct Youn Now mil W
' l'lSflr ' Haye Your Blxa
!M,I!I J jh Everyone WiU Get Under a
Leon lld TWs Sammer
' V v -7 315 South 16th Street
J5o Mennen'g Talcum
SOo Vara-rorta
tie Palmar'g Talcum
. for ,
. . i .100
.. . . . too
Ibe 8aartol Talcum Powder . -10a
26c DoMara Taloum Powder. lOo
11.00 Mothar'a Frlond . ...T9
$1.00 F. T. F. for eciemt. . .fiO
$1.00 Plokham'a VcUble Com
pound, for iwc
10c Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets
for UHc
60c D. &R. Cold Cream Tubs
-for wt
60c Caathrox c
3tc Caatoria .' liro
$1.00 slaa-Ca, tbe fraat stom
ach remedy a3
$1.00 Cooper's New Discovery
for ,Ueo
$1.00 Traxo Tito
$1.00 rrultola ; tim
10c Hays' Hair Health .... .294
0e Kodol Dyspepsia Tablets.aMo
60c Bell's Podolai To
oOc Syrup of Figs 7e
60o Beaton's Effervoscent Phoa-
phate Soda 'Jc
lie Ring Handle Pumice Btone
(or. 6c
$1.00 Rbololdi. for rheumatism.
for 60o
2 6c Sloan's Unlmeat .......17a
16c Paracamph H
1 6c Orares' Tooth Powder.. Ito
16c Kolynoa Tooth Paste... 14o
60c Jap Rio Powder 19c
26c Rlrart's Talc Powder. .. 10c
16c Bucklin's Arnica Salve. 14c
lie Gilbert's Talc Powder.. 5c
26c Perapino , . . . 12c
20c Mustard Cerate 18c
26c Mentholatum 14c
26c Mennen'a Shaving Cream
for ,..17o
$1 76 Horllck's Malted MUk
for , fa.74
rprr 16e Dust Cloth
riCi with eTary 60o
bottle of Uquld Veneer which
we sell Batarday
15th and Farnan Streets
The Store for
This season we are special
ising on the very prettiest
of middy blorcaei with the
Nebraska and other mono
grains, at 95c
Most stores sell these
qualities for 31.50.
Women's Gaiue Union Salts
Low neck, sleeveless, fit
ted or wide knee,
Regular Price 35c
. Saturday, 29c
Third Floor.
Remarkable Sale
of Hair Good
20-Inch Natural Wavy
Switches - - - - $1.76
24-Inch Natural Wavy
Switches - - $323
23-Inch Natural Wavy
Switches -' - - - - $3.75
23-Inch Switches of fine
wavy hair, VERY SPE
CIAL - C2.75
All-around Transformations
of fine hair - - - - . 95c
4-arocnd Trajirformationa
of fine hair - - - $LS5
All-around Traniiormations
of Natural wavy hair - $55
Important Suit Event
Saturday We Will Close Out 75 Suits
in Black and White "Shepherd's Plaids"
These garments are all new and ex
press the very height of fashion; they
are not garments bought for special
sales, but are from our own regular
high class stock. . l .
These Stylish Suits Are Worth up to $35
Saturday's Closing Price, $16.75
We Have All Sizes From 16 to 42
We Shall Make a Charge for Alterations
None will be sent C. O. or on approval
Aprons, 39c
The largest, longest, and all
around best apron to be
found anywhere,
Saturday, 39c
Three Specials in
Toilet Goods
Arbutus Talcum - - - - 19o
Colgate's Tooth Powder, 15c
Powder de Bis .... - lQo
Summer Gloves
Reduced in
. ... . ,:4 i .
Price Saturday
Long Silk Gloves
In white only,- full elbow
' length,' . . ' 'V, '.
;$1 Quality, ; 79c
: i
Short Chamoisette
: 'Glpyes '"'" '
In white only, all sizes, ,
50c Value, 29c
Saturday, Your Choice of
Over Three Hundred
Trimmed Hats
Hats that were priced at
$4.95, $6.95, $8.95
At the low price of
n uu
1 -
Sorosis Shoes
" . . - . - '
Excel in artistic excellence beautiful stylinggenuine
exclusiveness and are designed to be adaptable to street
or house wear.
For summer wear we are showing a delightful collection
of new and charming styles, which, in completeness of
assortments and wonderful range of really distinctive
ideas ' of fashion surpasses any display ever attempted
in Omaha.
We recommend Sorosis Shoes to you be
cause we known full well how many wo
men are finding, in them, complete
satisfaction and comfort
From $3.50 to
$9.00 a Pair
Thompson Belden & Co.
is the most effective means of enlarging a business. Large corporations, as
well as people of small means, if they are progressive, realize this.
When a man advertises in THE BEE it carries his message to thousands
and thousands of BEE readers in and about Omaha, proclaiming his goods
or what he has to offer in the way of Real Estate, Farms, Business Chances
and a hundred and one other things. In this way he becomes known to a
steadily enlarging public and it meatis new customers and more trade.
No enterprise can languish if you use the Want Ad columns of
Ira i" ip .
TV.m Boo Vast Ads Are ftest Buataeaa