TITE BEE: OMAHA. .'.;.;.'.'.. MAY .'. 13 IS. exaii estate aronxn REAL ESTATE XORTH REAL ESTATE NORTH REAL ESTATE NOiYtH REAL ESTATE XORTH REAL ESTATE NORTH REAL ESTATE NORTH w. -CO HOME VIEW 1 RXjXL, Is Your Opportunity Sale Starts 10 A. M. i Saturday May 15th SHADE TREES In Front of Every Lot All Streets Parked .... i . j l . : : ' -V x. " ,--"""" ! . .... . . f - . . , . " . ' ... , : - : ' ' 4 ' ' ' v v ' ' ''- '' . "... .'-...'...'. .' ' . ' ' . ' J'-' " " ""SSV,v.. . i- i ':: '..S '!'. .. 1". .. i .' rs k x i-r .2f v $1 CASH and . $1 a Week ; No Interest i.. . ... and no Tax Until 1917. , : No Payments "When Sick. , Immediate Possession. A Warranty Deed and Free Ab stract For Every Lot 1 10S& Disooiint -For Cash, Sales. ' ; S ' ' .Vi s .4 - h f i. J i . , 1 ! I. . J I ... j-' r ? Li ' Li ? t !' t . " ' .'- r F j .1 1 1 i t fv ' ) .A 'V -. . .-. f a : "'"TTT tW-V;: -j: VV"-::';v ";v Prices: $100 to $325 Bring Your Dollar With Tern. Sales Cloned ftt Branoh Office. High and sightly Overlooking Bea tif ul Fontonello Park '-with ' its 12fe Acres of shade and play grounds SVa blocks form Central Park $100,. 000 School. Same distance from car Surrounded By New ! Homes v Come out and. talk ; with the satisfied home ; bwnera in this addition. i A number of liew houseo now being erected here. Central Park School and Grand Avenue Car How To Reach Addition Take Grand Avenue car to 42nd and Grand AvenueoK the Nortli: 24th: St ; car transferring at Ames Avenue." Ad dition 3 blocks northwest of end of car line. If you can't come Saturday tome Sunday, Asquare deal for all - Seeing Is Believing - Come today. Bring your family.- This invitation car ries no obligation to buy. . , Our motto is to develop all of our additions so that theyv will, reflect credit after all of our lots have been sold.', , f , : , Your Profits Ar0 Sure Omaha's greatest development is to the NORTHWEST. Our addition is right in the.:path' of this growth. 25 years experience in servingino home buyers of Omaha. w. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Sole Agents 1320 Farnam Street K M. CHRISTIE, Manager Real Estate Department FOR RETT! - Aiiartmt.u. SPLENDID NIW FURNISHED APARTMEaJT For rent in tn ELEOaKT, cool aM front; t roomf with porch, MO. . The Roland. Web. 823L 3909 rOUQLA9 ST.. room. tl.bO up. COOI. room.. 12 week. Ogdent BoteW Coiinrl! Bluff. tot a WTH 6L, nice cool room; private home; for gentlemen. IXJUOLAS. tm Hontmour, beauUfulljr (urnietted, cooU ouUlde roomji. afaower Vtha, plenty ol bot water, boexd U de-lred. . H.HMI end Cottaejee. FREE TO MAT JOTH These houaea, aleo fine rardenin lota un to aero. In .rU oua parta of town, t&S K. Vth St., t-room, citr water, tit a. ngnts, Jia Howard Bt. (corner) walkinr diatanoe, all modem, I ran., ih and Kediua; Ave., i room, like a bungalow, 4 iota for cardan, ohloka, eto., free, 663 K. 134 Ave., 6 to tt-room buniralow almost new. 4 lota free, 107 N. 27th. Couple above may be had by col ored. Moat all papered and painted new. Call to W or U to 1. or adareae. OT Parton Blk. Charlee El Wllllamaon Co. : Bew &eaaa 1 BTSG1& iwim, aouth and weal ex poeure, with board; for rentlemen only. Uu St. Mary Ave., "The' KeUman," gouglaa S80, PiarnlakeA Jtetoaaa PODQE 6T.f 170771en. modern rootna, S up. raralaJkeel Hwiw. ONB fully furnlahed I-room houae, one ' half niook from Normal, with or with out claao. Will aeU cheap for caah if taken, at once. Mra. XL Uaralltoa. Fre mont. M0. nrHNlAHfJ) HOUHH FOB. RUNT. - T-room, atrlctly modern, nicely fur nlahed. Leaae to Oct. 1, 36 per month. Tel. D. TM or Walnut 18S1 . ' 'NO VTH 7&B Three large atoam-heated uafuralshad rooma; modern conven ience: detaohed houae; apaoioua lawn four douara. Aduita. a2K Harney H.kg. A aleeplny rooma. mod. FARNAM. xwt Two nioe houaekeeptns rooma; eiectrKnty. aa range. . rmUktd BtiwkMBlic DAVENPORT, WIS TWO OR THREK rlICKL.T rUKNlUHED FRONT 1IK.PU. ; ROOMtf. fEW riT, I reef aaentinent ITU Farnam. COOL, rooma, with aloove, kitchenette funUahed, Dcdea tiotei do, Oouaoil Bluffy ta. , quipped VtAs hall In Omaha, BIW aiao larae mooera aaaoe nau, d.mi Geo la BUT. Druid Ha4 .MU-U-ll Aue Ave.. Web. 1900 or W.b. TSi. A IX. etaM. M .mi CalUtajes. anoath an. iOT Pajrtoe. iri-k a a f. sri . tea Paemo, 1-r., all modern houae, M knT Oraoe. k-r. part. mod. cottage, 115. ' Howard. a-r.a part. mod. houM. 17 W U K 1Mb. -r . part mod. flat, MA ALFRED C. KKNNklDT CO., Tel. D. 723. Ut Nat. Bk. Bidg.-o ilOCERN -foora xittage, tJ per mo. JUti lratt. umana tteaity . rm'i PARK AVS.. 82a -room. atrlctly mod era home; large, Himinii, an. ay i.wn, Kawly deooraled. eak floora; KXjO. Loyal tloUl. (oom ave. ItR RENT FOB RENT-$65.00 Dwelliug, 414 So. 38th Stjtiled vestibule, reception halL front and back parlors, dining room and kitchen. 5 bed rooms, 2 bath rooms, hot water heat, garage. All in first class con dition. Location A-l. Bcnj. & Baker. Phones D482, H317, 8-R. BRICK, 113; part nvxfern. ICxtra vholoe. U South lath. K. o . WBST FARNAM SPEJCIALv 1M Routh Mth 8t. I rooma: beautlfuttr decorated: Itrat-daaa condition through out; garage equipped for either ga or electric car. Mice, H! W. PArNE) at BUATER CO., 1 Omaha National Bank Bidg. K18 JONEH. e-room modern. 30. H. J288. TWO Dundee bouaea. 7 rooma and all modern, with aleeplnc porchea. at M each. , W. L. Selby & Sons mate Banc mat. uouriaa laia. FOR REXT Hoa.ra mmtl Cottaaee. I-R.. mi A. th, Han ace m Pk.. modern. water paid. S2&. HA8TING8 HBTDEM, 1814 Harney St 7-R., aid Emmet, ldral home, modern, yard, garage,' 130. HASTINGS A HKYDKN, .1114 Harnry St FOR RENT t rooma, 1-atory. (U a tlat ULi .team heated, modern, walklna dlat&nce; can get .more than rent from 2d floor. T For Rent 1 rooma. 1-etory. tf . JBth 8t: ateam. heat, modern, walklna; dla- tance; can get more than rent from td noor Inquire Jamea Neville. t0 KerlU Blk. Phone Douglaa ttfri. NEW, atrlctly modern 7-oom houae. his b. lutn. rntme u. mi ror par- tlculara. 2623 CAJD W ELL 4 good rooma on one floor, modern except heat 11 100 two de alrable tenenU. WebeUr rk MOUSES FOR RENT. lt-4-r . 411 a. rth Ave. 1JS 1-r.. 2119 Capitol Ave., mod. ec ht ,;fl.Bo--r.. z-CW Url.tol Bt modern. APARTM KNT AND FLATS. ll?-0-r.. 2614 N. 16th St, mod. ex. heat I.USO -r., M4 S. leth Ave, modern 1(2.40 8-r.. 6i2 8. 2th Ave., modern. I e-r., 610 Park Ave., modern. K6 -r. and bath. The Harold, nth and Ja. kon Bta. irr bo T-r., tow a. wo. moa., jan. m 41.10 4-r and bath, Warren, 121 8. Sth. 4A r., l S. Uth, mod., jan. eervlce. H5 7-r., SIX B lath, mod., janitor aervloe, $.so r. 12t Harney, mod., fin location. 141 10 7-r.. 1021-24 Arbor, modern, new. O EX) RGB! A COMPANY. Tel Dong. 784. U( City Nat Bank Bidg-. FOR RENT tore. a.d Ulflaca. DOWNTOWN SHOP AND DWELLING F014 RENT. Four rooms above, largd aliop below, aultable for oarpenter, plumbnr or atora of automobllee; tW per munth. J. H. DliMONT CO.. 41-11 EtaU Bank Uldg. Phone Douc. FOR R1LNT. Offloea In Continental block, ttth and Douglaa Rta. ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO., Tef. U 722. h lat Nat Bk. Bidg. OFFICES SAM PLB ROOMS. Deairable apace In Webater-tiunderland Bids., Wth and Howard Bta. OEOKQH COMPANY. TeL Doug. 764. m Olty Nat. Bank Bidg. Warehoaeea. WARHHOU8H WITH H. R. TRACKAO& Two atortaa and be Miami t. 4xfl feet, wltt ahlpplng platform, eleotrto elevator, heat In office, water and electric llghta. Will rent all or part. Inquire of . H. DUMONT CO.. 41f State Bank Bidg. Tel. Douglaa 0. FOB BENT Ilt00-I6f4 No. lth St, S-r. and bath. 11&.00 !A Bo. St., 4-r. and bath, til SO tb71 upalding St.. 4-r. and bath. fflMll Bherroaa Ave.. 4-r.. all mod. We have a lame li.t of good hnu.a PAT N B IN VLSTalKNT COMPANY. Douglaa 1711. Ware Block. o kU CALDWELL Walking . dla tance; 1 rooma, modern except lieat ' flrat-elaaa oondltloai rent reaaonable. veb. f'M- irnut CA IX" W If. I .L til x. rooate. partly mod ern, 114; adulla only; walking dletance. Webater 57 . atrlctly tnodorn; lot and location moat deairable; g'jod value at fcfc. For fa. W .tnr JIM, or LHiualaa I'll tu 8. 11TH BU t-roo.m houae, modern, 11X60. Weh.ter m Globe Van&Storage Stores, move., pat ha. ahlpa; t-horae vaa and 1 men, ILS per br., atorajie 42 Pr u. uaa 4t 1 y. ua. mo. atl.(actka guar. 7-ROOM modern, oak flnlah, UI-j. Park Ave. 4U and 44A 11. We have a eomnlete lurt of all hoaeea aBartmenta and flata that are for rent Thla Mat can be seen free of eharire at Omaha Van at Storage Co.. . 14tb St JC RPPfl Pe'-'tlniT'i StoTlat t rarnam. r. ai. Hnrrinn Van Co '&SS2. Tei. D. SM or Web. Da N. 11th St 111 SIX-ROOM, modern houae. located at 1710 Deoatur 6L: will be vacant May 1: ta per month. Phone H Hal TV If 3' y "! "torage lVIUggdlU bhmatr'.no'v: Inc. packing, cblpplag, tTli Wabata St lJuuala. 144. 8f E the Central Furniture Stores, FREJ RF.NTAIj l.IHT. FOR RENT t room houee. all modern. 749a raiker Bt. ilnilua Crelah Bona ec Co.. Bee Bid. I" all pane of tbe city. htorea Ottlee. NEW modern .tor. room. (OS North 14th atreet; low rent Conrad Young. $tt Brandela Theater. Doug. U71. WAJfTED TO BUT Tale b'.'ya everything lA hand. Tyler Hit OFFICE furniture bought and eold. J. C Reed, UU7 Farnam, Doug. 4144. WAITED TO RENT ROOM In private family In eichange for piano leaaone. Addre.a A 417, Boa. FAMILY of 1 wlnh rooma In private horae, outlying dlatrlct Phone JJ. 11W. REAL ESTATE FARM RANCH LANDS FOR MALE REAL ESTATE FARM RANCH LANDS FOR SAL BUT CANADA LANDS. The opportunity at preeent to obtain acm bargains are given by a lumber company operating 44 local yards, They have been compelled to take ever several farms, each being half section and ail improved and now usier culti vation. Crop proapeota now axoell.nt I'urcliaaera having opportunity to buy these farms for the amount of tha claim of the lumber company. Anyone Inter ested, write the head offloe of Tbe Lum ber Manufacturers Yards, Ltd.. Heglaa, Saak. lewa. 43, 40 OR 1 ACRiCd.good heavy soli, la well settled part of Todd eeunty, Minn.; good reads, schools and churches; price lis to tdt par aure; terms, II per aore oaah, halanoa (1 per aore a year until land la paid for, 4 per oent la la rest SCHWAB BROS.. HAVtt YOU A FARM rvA SALCT Writs a food deacrlptlon of your land and aend It to the Bioua Olty, la.. Journal, "lowa'a Moet powerful Want. Ad Medium." Twenty-five worda ererv Friday evening, Balurday morning and every Saturday evxnlng end Sunday morning for one month, giving; alateen gda 00 twelve different days for M; er ID words. Mi or It werda 14. Largest etroulatloBi of any Iowa awa- aw.ww reoosrs aauy m wus great pbper, tat Nrbra.1. a. COTINTRT HOME NEAR OMAI1A. tll.000 buys a highly Improved arm, cou.ietlng Of about 41 acrea located on one of our bouevarda out from the city, eniy a 40-iwlnute'a ride. Oood water aye tein, small amount of fruit, aome alfalfa, tame hay, Dice large beautiful a had. trvea and all kinds of vhrubbery and about 10 acrea of natural timber, making a beautiful park. Thla la an Meal propo sition for handling thoroughbred atook of any kind. Living apiing In pasture. C. R. COMBU, ' nrnndeta Theater Bids. Omaha. D nil, REAL ESTATD ' FARM at RANCH LANDS FOR SALS FOR BALE) or exiihanre, wefl lmprured eaatern rk.aii.ms quarter wmion. ok iiw lend. Will soli on easy terms sos- ohange for Omaha Imptwvad. W. T. Smith Co., Desk B, City National Bank Bid ABSTRACT Or TTTUB lUe Ouarantes and Abatract Biodera abatnaet oxiloe, I7ts St Phone D. tK7. Kerr&s RKttD Alio IK ACT CO. oldeet abelraol offlos In Nebreaka. tuS Brand.!. Tbea. kl-l StaU Bk. bidg. D. !(. Jessen & Morrell REAL EOT ATM 1QAOT WE ARB ale-ays. la funds to make food farm and ettr loans. . PaTTlCRfl ThUBT OO ' 1U1 rarnant St. FARM LOANS. S PER CENT. TOLA N D f HUM BULL, 44 Bee Bidg. D. W 11 u TO llA.OUu made sremuttv. .ed, wr.d hio.. ith aaa rsrnsm oia SEAL ESTA TKJf OTtTH ST&9 Nifty New ' . Bungalow aatlbula, llrlng room, dlniajr tooea stp4 nn room, flnialied; In osk; Mrwm f nt kitohasj fwished in yellow pine, with blroh doors: bath room Is white snaron!; nak floors throughoutl two front rooms have beamed ceillura dining rootn has plats rail, panel walla, window seat ami bookcases: aun room tkas six wUdows. with a southeast exposure); hooas la ovs and one-half stories, but, seoond: floor tan't finished; oould finish thj-ee rooana; MKh -grade fixtures, guaranteed Turn ace. floor drain; lot mnuii; pavwa eurew; u tlon and ittlirhborhood to floe; near lvth and Laird tits.: about PjoO oaah aauVrast montUly, or lot as first payment. Rasp Bros. Vi MoCague Bidg. Phone UouglaaaBl CITY and farm loans, I. tk, 4 per ceat J. H. Dumont A Co.. 414 Btats Bask. WANTkD City loan and warrants. W. Farnai Hmlth Co.. UM Farnam St EBJ us flr.t for farm luana In eastern Keb. United rltatr Truat Co.. Omaha 6 i Call ferma. Live Oak Colonics, none better. W. T. fcmlth Co , Pls-14 City Nat. Bk. D. , Live Oak Colonies Save 25 Per Cent By buying among Nebraska people: beet of soil; improv.d and unimproved; tX dally trains: free literature; prices and ten it. on requeat W. T. Smith Co., Deak B. City National Bank Bidg. . CALIFORNIA LAND. All counties; catalogue free. Writs C. M. Wooster Co.. Pb.lan Bidg., San Ftau rlaco. K.tubll.hed year. WODEHN .tore near corner Slsteenth and Chicago; low rent U. P. BUbblna OOOD South Misaourt land oo railroad. In wall settled locality. Ill per acre Small or larae far in. on easy term Lilaraturs fr.. D. M.rrtam, tlllr, Ben ton. Kan.as City, Kansas. FARM NEAR MILLARD. L3 acres, 10 miles from the Bouthi Omaha atock yarda and fifteen nilo from Omaha, with paved road nnarly all the way: 60 acrea of upland native hay; to In corn; 11 In pasture; no bulldlnga. PAVNK INVESTMENT COMl'ANT, Omaha, lftth and Farnam. ttl.eellaaeeae. TO SELL LAND quickly and profitably, ysu must reach tnoss who ere at the present tuns most iut.restedl In farm landa. Tha Iowa farmer la today the heat farm land pruaoect In the United Statea The Des Molnee Capital with 24V.4U) dally readers can put yvur proposition aquarely befwre a larger uumUer of theee live prciapects than any other Iowa news paper. Our circulation Is guaranteed the Urae.t In Iowa. Wa will In.ert a M word ad 10 days for only ti.ao (add so for each additional word). Our regular price la 1 per word per day. Ysu save in ea thla offer. To kII your land tomorrow, sens your sd today to THE DBS MOINES CAPITAL. 704 WALNUT ST. DEU MOINES. XA. OTY LOANS. C. O. Carlberf, 1)0-111 Rraiidels Tnester Bids. OMAHA bomee. East N.br.aka farms. CKEK B RKAL EST ATI CO.. WUOmeha Netiortal. Ph.ne txiuslaS ITU liONEY on hand for city and farm loana U. W. Binder, City National Hana Uldg, REAL ESTATE nNOnTH SIDE $100 Down r Balance $15 Per : Month Nearly naer 4-room eottare. 6s car tins, northwest part of olty. 11.700; full lot, Snap. ' R. H.r Landeryou S0t Neville Blk. Eveninna: Douglas i74L Florence tM. Close-In Bargain Owner Will Sell or Exchange room house. On oar Una. Within eaar walklna diatanoe. Oood alsed lot V4lcs grass. Paved street Good laonroe property. AmericanlSkainty Ca Doug-las 6011. Walnut 100. $100 Down I'ive RoomsWater Heat Vary praotloal and complete home bar gain. Hardwood floors and good hot water heating plant . A very attractive and economical houae. well located within half a block from ear line. Phone at once for appointment Saunders Company,' ia-14 W. O. W. Dowrla Ot Northside Snaps . 760-1924 N. JJd Bt, rooms, a!) mod ern, full east front lot, with shads anl fruit. tJ.WO SB Pinkney St, f room, tory. an mooern, with oak flnlah. very easy terms Will make Glover & Sprain int-10 City National. Doug. 1981, 6 LOTS WITHIN 4 BLOCKS OF 40TII AND GRAND AVE. Four blocks to car, six blocks to Grand Avs. school. Lay. high and aightly Have city water. Will eel! on terme of Jw down, 14 pet week. These lots are locatrd In Ak-Bar-Hnn Hill Addition. HAHTINOB HKTI-KN. . 1414 Herney St. t ROOMd, all modem, la the north part of tbe oity; gz.wio. Term.; iu ta monthly. Walnut 1VW. 1 TWO FINE LOTS on southwest corner of i7io and Burt Bta, Omaha. Will sell one or both on eaay teima. Corner lot, I". 100; next lot to coruer. 41.UU0. Theee lota lay nkie and are In walking dl.tance. A big bargaia. bee owner. WALLACB BENJAMIN, Room 1, Ftrat Nat'l Bauk bl.l. Council Bluff, la. Phcne A FOR 8 A LB t-room houea, all aeoderu. sacapt knat LsLTfre lot end shads trees. H.7U0. At i'U Meredith Ave. For terms ses H. IL Moalisft abi kit Are.. Council Blufta. Is.