THE BEE: OMAHA. MAY 1915. Uononoaononooononononononononononononononoaoaonoaonononononononouonon onononoaonouauonuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuLJuiJui-iuuu- o 8 You must decide how often you shall "Try again" in advertising Real Estate, remembering Br I that persistent advertising of really worth-while property has never failed. Use Bee Want Ads for speedy results, jj lonooonononononononono nonoaononoaononoaonononononoaonono Doaononononononononononononononono aoaoaoaonoiJOboaononoaonononononoao D IS WANT ADS Went eda rar'lv.d et 117 nm,,1,lL2 J.--. 1 tnuat b pre- toanroproTer classification muet itod before 13 .'clock rwxrn f r r.rJT W. """'. . - .... t,.atlnSL if ltAira wli: pours will oe maw "To UHN Ulaaairy. . .O emmitlM tin-. 1 wt,ra atevwTl ch In ch Insertion. k n. Three times witnm eno 4. word ch Ineertiom. M Om time, I cmli a word. CHARGE F-ATFS. ftwvon consecutive time. o" -rfirU'.m wlthln on. week. U I Una each Insertlor.. On time. 1! cents aline. ,, Ooutrl six (Tiriiie wrdito ft Ho. Minimum charge. 3 enf. , An .nVerrlaemeTrt trr4 2 (mil loontlnud mut b topv y 'Written order. be meM Mil r.i Kim. iot- itivib . r Claim for I wltSra fifteen daye eft? th 1U tien ot th ad Tertl semen t j Ton eta pi your want ad tn To Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column." fear been called for and delivered fc week. It 1 reasonable aavtnJ. tttl r sire4 rw! pa, rnereioro " - "; oi their anwr. Bee not ibe balaooa o da nn aea PC. BC. 7 74S 7M 7ST 7 7a 70 mo 44 m 21 19 Ktl K R84 Ml Ml g7 Ml P30 'Si rt MS 400 wo M7 rn til 17 411 tu M4 M S1 Ml M4 M7 943 M (". T S3 ." V 404 41ft H 4"J 474 4T 4T 4- (00 P IV to tna til 11 12 in t& MO Hil Mil P420 S47I -am ,4M 14 4t7 U3 eKl 'dBATRI AND rCSEElL WOTICBi. . MTmjPHT-Jeremlah. ajrad B8. May U. ' runarairrora resldrnoe. Caas straet, Friday, at $. a. m., to . John's church t a. m. Interment Holy Sepuchre. IfrtOBB-Wanaoa N, a (ad 7t Wednesday, Mar W, leaving a wife and fire children. David. WI!L John, Louisa and Mr Franoea Walter. . . Funeral from Dodder' chapel. Inter- rnant forest lawn. I p. m. Friday. irlawd Invited. BIRTHS AND DEATH. Birth Jam and Belm Andfon, rioapltal. girl: Clyde and Floras Baker, gUal North Twenty-first, boy; Balvatore rid Carmela Catania, 1 PacJflo, girl; fWllllam and Parah Diamond, 17M North frwentr-aeventb, boy; Rajrmond E. and Mabel tlenanian, M.W TetnpUton, girl; Kdward and Mary Hamilton, M24 North Thirty-first, girl; Frank U and Mabel K. MoAllUUr, COt North Hevanteanth, srlrl; Isaao and Ann Ottotengua, 3711 North Twentieth, boyi Klmer and Nora Oliver, lii Chicago, girl; Rooert and Minnie Gammon, toil California, boy) Cnrta A. and Haael Traey, UU. rH. Mary's venu. boy; Harry and Lurjy Ulmar, MOT (North Twenty-eighth avonu, girl; Mr (vsi B. and Ret Wilkinson, 1411 North Twenty-second, girl. 1 Deaths Uuatof Wiodrlch, CS, 115 Far. ram; Jeremiah Murphy, 64, VJ& Caa. Qiernadette M. Tomln. 46, hospital; John F. Oloe, 62, C27 North Tblrty-eaoond, JPeatrtc lioush. I month. la North Fvntenth; Wallace N. . Bobb, TO, Z74t ACansa avenue. MtnnUOB LICBNSJB. Th following marriage llenea have ten granted: .Name and Residence. Ago. feul Werner. Omaha SO Marie N a told, Omaha..... U Robert F. Orlw Omih...M,...,.. M CHlrtam Keeler, Omaha. li 1N.Hk V 1ir..k.l . m vw . , iiui, r 1 mM u.i ...... a,.,,.,.., H Kmroa Brabeo, Weatoo.. U Anth-tny Balkia. South Omaha a) retronnala Buckus. Mouth Omaha. t BCTILDINO PKBHIITP. E31a O. Palmar. Ill anutk iv.u.ji frame dwelling, P.fcO; Jacob TrawlchL 8f.l4 South Taanty-flfth, repairs. aoo; John Koa-alewakl. 17(9 Dean, frame TODAY'S OOMTLETE MOVIE PROURAMS Exclaalvelj in Th Be. tAN'i tKN glide for movie Bot yonr eopy to u, We can reproduce photo r wta prepare your copy. We will eolor Ps cllreeted. Be Photo Dept. UU Be Bid. BLTTB NO 1 IT! FARNAM. A Rao for Crossing. Kalem drama. a Pillar r namea, x-r. vita, drama, Feminine Wtt, Mlna oomedy. farnam. rijTDoTTsrrr t'arnam Theter B pedal 1 Mutual ma. isrpiace a weak. Thursday and Bunday our special day HIPP TUKATER, UTH AND HARNKT floea of Paramount Picture Idhiau J'r.elr Hour, l-reel O. fleaL Matter of Parantaaa. Powi li'per PI m peon e Iaugbter, Joker 00 m. FAJtai. 614 NORTH 14TH 8T. tikacm 01 la t ntiaran..i-reet Bison. At Hie Own Tarma. Bis 11. f aking Her Meaaurea, Neator comedy AKUOR. um amgiaesr. akaieni orama, .ha Conspiracy at tha Chateau, kc, dra. Ibe Taming ef Rita. Vita. Olri Engl Klog Bassnt In Th Coraloaa brother Alexander Duma Famous tnorr la 1 aot, Nothlag Bver Happsoe Klght. Joker ootn. UUa UTH AND roT W l.eo the Oodg Played Badger Oame. B. A Bit Heaven. EtJ. Avenging . 1 u k.i. . win. viifvi xree Airalr. AIHAMBRA. 1314 M. MTH. ' 7 rim nu nan-, Mao, x U. The eklnfliut. Prta. drama, p tootor Jim. Ma), dram. . CLIFTON. Military Ave A Bordatta. Tl II Otvas a Pmeker, Kom Mm. Wbakly. Ibe Forged Teatament, MaJ. drama. LXaMONDT ' Kl LAlOSj Wanted a rhaparen. f reel O. SL H ack Boa No. 14. 1-raai fcpiMtai. FRANKLIN. MTH gf FRANKLIN. 31 rat -Wis No. tt. Tna I'rinca of Peaoa. 3 reel Lub dram. my Money. Vltagraph comedy. I KuLlC. MTH It ePRAOUk? The Ptinh, 1-r. Laemml dra. fee cure. Ji'istle of e Bklrt. nsvraph Co mod y. Crand 'Theater Beautiful," Mth and Bln ne. Matxi and Fatty Simple Life. 1-r. y. The Riddle of the Wooden Leg, 3-r. (11 am- Her O rand parent, drama. result, B C. C. Ml 44 (l Ml 1 .l T iai m IW4 M4 F7R tto 471 M7 IW4 6 HS 471 IM 7t Ml WW 400 M0 1 Wl 700 S14 701 424 711 43 714 4M 771 429 727 EM 717 ea TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE PROURAMS Exoioai-relr la Tb Be. Nnh. HIPPODROME. BTH CUMING. Man of Iron, 8r. feature, Thanhsi-scr. A Man of ill Work. MsJ. drama. Tour Baby and Minn, ReL comedy. 1VT. TTH burdktt AiIt. o' a Seagoing Hark. Hi comedy. Hlil'a New Pal, l.-Kn. comedy. Valor a Reward. 3-rewl KYI. ItOYAI.. 204 ('AIJJWELU The Dancer I.tne, Victor drama. All In the Same B't, Nestor comedy. Adventures of Yellow Curl Paper. 3-recl. IxyTHROP. Twenty-fourth and Lothrop. Eirlolt of FJalM, nrvl rut lie Nea a Mr. Jarr Takaa a NKht Off. Vita, dra., and a ood onmady. PAIACK. X DAVENPORT. 7.1 p and Ilia Oana;, U-Ko. coined y. J he Iaert Hreed, I-roel Rex. Wheel Within Wheels, Big V. 8t7BTTRBAN. I4TH AND AMES. Hearstr-fcelUr No. d The Cloaln of the Circuit t r Vita dra. He Was a Trailing" Man. Kalotn comody. Intk. 1 AHBOR, S7D AND ARBOR. Mr. Jarr and tha tadr Reformer, Vita. Tha Trap lfor, wo-riel Kalem dranw. A NKht In the Junnlea, Sell drama. APOUA IJH:AVWNVOlmI. Thumb Prlnta on the Bale. 2-r. KaJ. dra. Whose H unbend VltaTSph ooroedy. Mytery of the Wlent lath. Kss. dra. rviijHiA, 1710 R. WTlt The Voire from the Tail, X-r. Kal. dra. A Barbareoua Affair, Mtna comedy. The Tyrant of th Velit, hells; drama. OOMKORT. 24TH AND VINTON. CKisaie's Day ef Raat, 2-r. apeolal Key. Rha Walketh Alona, American. The main of Dishonor, Reliance. rAVORTTB. 1714 VINTON. The Whit Maak. street Jxibln drama. A Fortune Hunter. VHsTapb, comedy. nni ! 1 IM 9. UhiL Way Ha Won the Widow, Joker ootnady. Bared by a Dream, two-real Victor. I.Tnm 1S17 VINTON. irk. 1 mv. lifi T . f Powers. Two Heart and a Khlp, Nestor ooroedy. At the Banquet Tame, two-reM imp. PAOTlimL Tin AND LEA VHN WORTH. Mary's Duke, three-reel Victor. One Night, Imp drama. We apecUllae on Friday. VXNF.Z1A. iai HO. HTM r. rnr raaJs cf Mutual ptotura. WaiU MONRO K. Ef p-A-MTlJaa. The Wriunf On the Wall. -r. KaL dr. He Couldn't Eotplaln, L.ub. oomody. Tha Broodlnt Heart. Bio, drain a. iBMa. BENWON. SOB HAUt "i. Pauline Buah In "Th Ortnd." In three Tha Wrong Addree. Joker aomedy. Coanall Bl(f- - The Third Commandment. (Tom Moore.) I. real Kalem drama. Pats Amona the Fairies. Iibln 00m. NICHOLAS. M7 BROADWAi. The Return of Maurice Donnelly, s-reel Vltagraph dram. The Amateur Nurse. Mlna oomedy. ROPER, 681 BROADWAI. Orlm Messenger, t-r. Big U. Artist and the Vengeful One, Victor. Two Heart and a Bhlp. Neator Comedy. OVtVi 4f 24TH at N. Hearst-Bellg. No. 17. The Third Commandment, 1-r. Kal. dr. MAC Id, 24TH O. Father Wu Neutral, I Ko. oomedy. Blood of Hi Brother, I-reel Bison. Vaadeville. ORPHBUM. 84TH M. Bear Affair. Key. comedy. Dough and Dynamite, I-reel Key, Th Burled Treasure, drama. ANtfOUNCEMEXTS Special Summer Membership in the Young Men's Cliristian Association Now $5.50. Inveetlgate Y.M C.A. out'g park, summer 0 If AHA PILLOW CO.. 1907 Cumins uougiaa im. nenovatea leatnare and mattreeees of all kinds, make feather mattresses and down covers. TOUPEEH FOR MEN Hair goods dept. J. L. Brandele at Hons, Omaha. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE -PHONE WEBSTER Ml General Offlc. mth and Manderson Bta. LUCKY wadding 'rings at' Brodegaard'a. Wedding announcemanta. Duug. Ptg. Co. KNOX WILED kills th Dandelion. AMVSKMENT8 WANTED to rent or let concession. One twenty-naasenger launch, one UD-to- date merry-go-round, also other park con cessions Write or call Harry Hauser, Fremont. Neb. t AUTOMOBILES 6-PABSENOER car. excellent condition. one-third the orlsrinal rrloe. veatem Auto Tor Co., loth and Harney. Phone UOUglS OM. mil I'u'irnan Uli 1411 Maxwell ...M76 1U Oakland .... ITS y'A Farnam St. UU Cole 0,5 A. A. AHLMAN. NBW Ford auto delivery bodice of all etylee, open or closed, always on hand. Our prlcea will av you money. Be Johnson-Dsnforth Co.. 1620-31-11 No. lta. 100 REWARD for any magneto we eaa't repair. 1 oils repd. Baysdorfsr. lit N 14. o C ELPAsKR, expert radiator aad U repair Tr.Tr. aol Uansiwtk. AT7TO Clearing House, I2u0 V a mam. buys aa sails used car phone lougiee HI Overton' for leaky radiator. 60c, dealer Want a auto. C J. Canan. MoCagua bid. Industrial Oarage Co.. kith Harney Bt. NEBRASKA Bulck rVrrrloe Btatloo. Ul4 rarnam ml rnont oougia Til. Mtyelew. HARLET-DAVIDBON MOTORCTCT. Bargalna in used machines. Vlotor Roe. The Motorcycl Man." TOg Leavenworth. KUBI5ESS CRAHXTE9 FOR 8AIJ Bakery in good little town. writs Y 614. Bee. CONf KSHIONS at Kmc bark for aale Restaurant, soft drink cigar randy aad box ball alley. Inquire on grounds afternoon Pars, opens May K POR BALtt-Nlcs. clean stock variety goods; well located and well selected. good business; well established. Address Mrs. Lillian Undsay, Petersburg, Neb. B1QNB. anew cra "lark at oa. D. UTt rWIOIJKrlETABLUiilBD drug store at aacriflca prioa In St. Joeeoh. Mo.: In voice 12.600: leas, will discount U tkn before June 16. If you mean bustnsss write B. L. R., 1601 Pen Bt. Bt Jo seph, Mo. THEATER buy, Imm or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theatsr Eic bangs Co. l Frm L ousas l"V'. WHY rent Will sell le-cre farm to Red River valley, Minn . erect buildlnga. supply ooss aad hoga on flral payment of Utft aad 11 per acre and Interest l per ui rarn Mr lu.rr.n.r W. O. Templeto. 401 ibe Bldg.. Omaha. HOTKJ KUKNITfRK AXU I.K.A8E KUR dL.K. For unavoidable reana t will aell at a hanrain my furniture and three-year leaaw In a tr-room modam, briiJK hotel. I doing; a (rood diiMivmi, looatMl In a oounty aeat town In central Nebraaaa of about ima population; must be sold at once; will jIt ponaaaiilan June 1st. Address T 621. Ba. FOR BALK or e"hange, first-class res taurant, aood county rest town, north east Nebrneka; prl e. 7J0 Act quickly. Jim Wray, Hlmix Hly. FOR BAiTivhily hotel, good .oyrn northeast Nebraska; houao lwa,vs full; 12.40) for build, nK. lots ami furniture. JUn Wray, flouxjC'Hy. FJK SALt--)nl- variety store; good lown town l,0o; fine location: ?ood business: rent H.T; price, 11,400. Jim Wray, Sloua 1ty. WB rent, repair, sell needlea and parts for ail sewing machines. Nebraska, Cy cle Co., "Ml( kel's," 16th and Harney. Douglas 1441 TO OKT In or out o' business call ea OANQESTAD. 44 Bee Bldg. Dmig. M77. WILL sell my half Interest In a cleaning and dyeing bualners which la making good money. Reason, moving to my farm. A re ill opportunity to buy good going business downtown. Address A Is. Be. MANDOLIN Good as new snd never uee1. Wont a kodak or what hare you? Addree 8. C. . Bee. RP1AL estate Rtislness niat-es supplied or liandled; all attics. V. Kniest. Cm a ha. WANTKl)-M-rooni hotel: for clear Im proved farm worth pi.000. Will take or give difference. Bjx 41. Omaha. FOR RALE The only second-hand store and general repair shop In good, thriving town, centrally located and wall established. Address T-607. Bee. PIOO DOWN-TOWN clgsr store; fin le catlon, cheap rent, eatabllstied bueine, n. J. tfanan. 610 Mnfaaru Bldg. 11.000 BPOT OAB1I for a money making ploture show that will stand Investiga tion. C. J. Canan, 610 Mof ague Bldg. Roam la si H vases tmv tale. 11 ROOMS, wall furnished: always rented; for quick sale. 1400. Call at 2211 Famam. KDVCATIONAL Boy les College Day School. Night School, complete business course, comolete ahoKhsnd or stenotype course, complete teMgrapny course, civil service orancnea aoa aur Hah. Student admitted at any tlrj. Write, phone or call for till catalogu. BOTLES COLLKOB. H. B. BOY LES, President Tel. D. 1648 Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb, FOR H ALIO At reduction, one eoholar ehlp at Omaha's best business college. Address It Westover. David city. Nei. FOR rale the following scholarships d a first cl.iss Omaha Business cottage: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. On unlimited bualnes eonr. One tnllmlted slenograplilo coura. One three month' businsss or stew grophlo course. Will be sold at a d.'aoouat at th office ( the Omaua Be FOR BALE Farnltare. Iloasehold Hoods. Et. DESKS buht and gold. J. C. R4. L.EAV1NU city. MOO upright mahogany Piano. IJO0 Hdison cabinet phonograph. 116 gas range. Roberts, 14 California Apts., 17th and California. S0i4 WIKT At., hook case, 16; elde board, &: chairs, tables, etc.; no dealer. Web ster .(612 Nat'l Bale & Auction Co.. 127 W. O. W. Live Stork CsmbiImIvs Msra haste. MARTIN BROS A CO.. fCxonanaa Bldg. Horses aad Vrklelea. HIP nv stock to South Omaha. Bave mileage and ahrinkag Your consign menu receive prompt, and careful alien lion. 1 tnx BUYB good big team of work horse. Mth and county line, Mouth Omaha. Maalcal lastraaaeau. Bllghtly used high grade piano. P. WIT. Poallrr, lga a a eapiivs. rEKEOTYPB matrlce make th beet and cheapest lining lor poultry bousw They are 17x21 Inches, etroiiger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 7 be a hundred at The Ba of flo. Tlili eggs you sell make the profit In the noiiltrv business. Welch's wonder ful White Indian Runner Ducks lay more large w hite-shelled, good eating (gxa than hena. My flock averages over . eggs each fur 1 year. Hatching eggs. 11.60 for 12; II per loo. J. J. Welott, Cherrycroft. umana, Men. Benson uu. o THOROUGH nREPw7me leghorn hen for sale. A. II. Baker, Benson, Neb. R. F. 1. No. 7. Tel. Benson 747 W. Bmsll wheat, 100 lb. I? 26. Wagner, 101 N. 14, Typewriter. REr-T an Oliver Typewriter I mo. for M. uuYtr lypewnter Agency. imx rnm. TVrKWKl'ltKS sold, rsnieu. reuairwJ. Ctintral Typewriter Exo. IbOS Famam. All make typewriters rented, sold, tarms. utt Typewriter. 1st f arnam. u. M4. Mlaeellaeoaa. ONE set of buggy harness. 60 electrio light fixtures lumbar, tool nlumbln supplies, shovels, picks, on penny In 101 wrigning machine, 4; one total aaa Ing rash register, fins condition.' $M; one riding saddle and bridle. $6; 1 kitchen cabinets, $2 each; 8 carpenter' work benches, 11 each. J f ISlf KVITf T1TOV 701 S. 31st Ave. Phune Harney 41 NEW and 2d-hand motors, dynamo. magnetos, etc.. aad mechanical repairs. L Bron Electric Works, 311-20 S. 13th. OMAHA China Hhop. Whit china for decorating fir sale at 4rt4 Brandels Bldg. FOR BALE New and second-hand carom and ticket billiard table and bowling Hay and cceaeortea; bar future of ail kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick- Uaiko-coliender lo, 4U7-4U B. lJth Bt M-hand machinery. H. Gros 31 snd Paul. SOD. Telephone evening. Walnut 3687. WE bought 66 Dea Moines bsr fixtures. front bars. Pack bars, mirror Nat cash register, cigar and wall caaea, ate. roi aale like we bought them OHBXA.P. Omaha Fixture and bupply Co,, 414 So. utn pi. MEAT Slicing Machine for sal cheap (American). Cnlrl Moat Mrkt $10 No. 14th St. BUTTERMILK la wonloda at be Fairmont Crea ruery. FOR BALE Hous to be moved. 1 N. Uth Bt; Inquire 1416. FURa STORED Absolute Guarantee Against MOTHd FlHla. BURGLARS. RKFKRENCLB: ANY BANK, G. E. SUUKEltT, Call for Oood. 4tt S. let St Teleotioo Dovalaa 147 and We Will HELP W A-NTKD PYtM ALK ar4el aad 4Mflo. BTErJOORAPrTERSIJUVB TOUR Business-Men's Reference Assn. IIlt-30 Woodmoa of World. BK K PR. Insurant $S Jictaphona Opr $ Hteno. and Bkkpr $.0 alts Ker. tY.. Mav-40-43 Brand. Theater, COMPETENT stenographer and muttl- graph operator with A No. 1 references wanted. Addreaa I own hand writing. B 46. Omaha. Neb. ' HELP WANTED FEMALE lerloal aad fflce. WANTf:i Mall nroer clerk by local firm, woman preferred; give reference snd experience In reply lo this ad. Address M 424, Hee. NO FILING FKfi. BEST COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. ROOKR8 HKF. Co.. 52V? tate Bank llnsaekeepera and Doineatlea. WANTED Experienced girl for g'neral housework: no washing. Mrs M. B. Newman. 36M Howard Bt. WANTKD White girl who undcrstsnds cooking, for two in small apartment. High wage. Call Apt. I. rjnno. 3Sth Ave, and t'ns. Phone Harney 3709. WANTED Young white-e?lri to assist with housework, no wn sh I n g. Wal. aM. WANTET An experienced girl for gen ersl housework, 3 In family. Red ?V) EX PEJHl KM'BI) girl for general house work References inquired. 4160 Cass Ht WANTED Oirl for renersl housework, good wares for right person. Harney 7. 115 No. 3Bth Bt housework : Small futlllv ,nin WAff.,' irnoH hntn. Call Harney 4A99 inn p 42d pt. A CAPABLE Ctrl for ceneral housework; two In family, fall fel2 Dodge ft. WANTED A girl for general housework. must be good, plain cook, no washing. Vm Wool worth Ave. II. 42. ANTEI-lirl VC N. I4th St. for general Welster7''37 housework. COM PETKNT Klrl for general house work; washing done. Mr. T. H. Mc Cague, M7 N. 41at Bt. Walnut 344. WANTED Competent elrl to assist with housework and baby; good wages and good home to rlsrht nartv: forelan alrl fc referred. Harney J0R4. WANTED A girl to assist with housa work; on who I good cook. Web. RM3. WANTED A white girl for general housework; w Jackson St. Ith good references. 1710 AN experienced girl for general housework- do washing; references required. Call 41M Cass Bt. Phone Walnut S31. IIOLSKKKISPER desires position In re fined home where the work la light; references, Harney 2760. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework: family of two; light work; house cleaning done. H. 42. 1002 8. 36th Kt. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; good wages: small fam lly. 120 N. !Wth St. Harney 4. WANTED A competent girl for general housework, small family. !33 Bo. 38th Bt. Mrs. T. M. Orr. WANTED Good girl for housework. Wall. 88l. WANTED Girl for general housework. H. 2812. Call between I and 6 p .m,a GIRL for general housework: car two children; no washing. Call Harney WW. WANTED Experienced girl willing to m trt TM Unl... T . v Write to 28.77 Kingman Blvd., Dei Moines. WANTED A white girl for gwnoral housework and to assist in the care cf children; no washing or Ironing. Phono Harney 2000. WANTEI Competent girl to assist with nousewoTK ana bahy; must have refer ences; good home to right party; good wages. Harney 30R4. M lacrllsstau, YOUNG women coming to Omaha as Btrangsrs are Invited to visit th Young Women' Christian association building at St. Mary' Av. and 17th St. where they will b directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted.- Look for our traveler' guide Union station HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and Of floe TRAVELING salesman, experienced road man; hardware specialty; splen did proposition $100 Traveling salesman, experienced man to call on druggltta, doctors, etc., X-l position $100 Retail olerk. bright clen-cut young man. splendid opening $ 66 Stenographer, experienced, bright brain and ability will be well paid ' 180 Stenographer, some experience, clean cut, ambitious young man 1 So WESTERN REK. c BOND ASSN. 7M Omaha National Bank Bldg. A NO. 1 SALESMAN, familiar with hard war trade in Nebraska to handle high class position. Salary to suit man. Only high grade man considered. Give age, experience, salary, references, etc. Ad dress E 430, Bee. bALKAMAN, DRUGS S3 SALKSMAN, HARDWARE 76 SALESMAN, GtROCERIES ..Commission CO-OPKItATIVF REFERENCE CO., 1016 C3TY NATIONAL. TYPIST AND CLERK, MUT BE GOOD PENMAN AND QUICK. $40-$50. BTBNO. AND BOOKKEEPER. OUT OF TOWN. $46. CO-OPERAT1VH REFERENCE! CO., 1015-14 CITY NATIONAL. CLERICAL. R. 'Stenographer ... Watta Ref. Co., R. experience.. 63642 'Brand. $" .- $76 Theater. WANTED Bright young man for. gen eral office work. Apply at one. MIDWEST BONDING CO., HI Be Bldg. HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. WEST. REFERENCE A BOND A SSN. 743 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg, WANTED Agent to travel, sell and demonstrate. The B-Z Auto Tire Pumps, In Nebraska. S. H. Booker. Call Room Ml Hotel Harley EXCELLENT proposition for two good men In Nebraska. Call or writ. Mutuai Benefit. Health and Accident Association 423-36 City Nat'! ank Bldg. WANTED Intelligent well dressed man to travel with manager; good opportun ity for right man. Bee Mr. Bpearen, Pax ton hotel, to 1L Factory aad Iradea, Drug store snaps: Job Knelst. Be Bldg. Tri-City Bcirber Colleej Tuition sis, on account of big trad Wags for and 10 cent work. Electrio massage taught. Hydraulio chairs. Catalog free. UJ4 Douglas St.. Omaha. Moler Barber College Largest barber college west of Chicago. Bic.lal summer rate now In effect. Catalogue mailed free- 110 S. 14th St. Omaha. WANTED A good brush hand painter; tat in letter If you can com, should X wire you. J. A. Conrad, Gordon, Neb WANTED An all around blacksmith at once; steady Job, $1 per day; no booier need apply. W. O. C. Wooeter, Falrbury, Neb YU MUST THINK We give you expert auta tralntnc. cam real salary, bin money for our trained men. Come right no ana get our rrec course in tuec. i.ig. A Start's systems: freo catalogue. Amer. Auto College. ZOM Farnam bt.. Omaha Hlaetllastssa. WANTED Namee of men. IB or vr, tailing government lobs. $06 month. No pull necessary. Addreaa T 40. Bo GET WISE A thorough, practical utomobll edu cation at BAlntmum cost Ash for cata logue "C" and xpaaatkia of our get result method. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, Mla-lT Iode Street. Omaha, Neb. ALL ROUND repair man; small part time prefer man who wants to get etarted to owning a noma. Address at once, F 481. Be WANTF.D-l.M men to eat ha-n and eggs. 16c. Coffee John, 14th and Capitol. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted. Vi month; pull unnecessary. Write lrumedl taly for full partciular Franklin Insti tute, Dept 231 D , Roc boater. N. Y. HELP WANTED MALE M laeellaafaaa. WANTED Young mm with motorrvcle for special dellverv: must furnleti fest of reference snd bond. Address ft. 42H, Bee. TINNER who will buy a home from my list. Several slzea; 3 rooms up. Easy terms, like rent; several Jobs on hand now Call to in, 12 to 1 at 607 Paxton Block MALE pianist for concert tour, to ac company noted singer, also concerto numbers Address Musical, General De livery, Kearney, Neb. WANTED 1,""0 men to eat ham and eggs. ldc. Coffee John, 14th and f apltol. 8ITUATIOX8 WAKTEO WOMAN wsnts Douslss 4533. day work. Telephone A MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes a posi tion as housekeeper, either in city or country; farm preferred. Address 807 Bouth 6th St.. Council Bluffs, la. TRUSTWORTHY young man of ability desires position as cashier or clerical work; Is college graduate and good pen man ; will consider out-of-town Job: very anxious to go to work and wants perma nent work. Phone Douglas M61, or ad dreas 1-332, Bee. r.l SINESS men: Young lady, aged 21. desires position; am capable bookkeeper, atcnogranhcr and office clerk: also some aclling ability: earned 3 promotions last Job; good references; will consider any thing above v Answers confidential. Ad drjeja K 3M. care Bee. MIDDLE-AGED man wants work about the house for room and board. Addreaa J 433. Bee. PRACTICAL nurse want position a at tendant, companion or care of Invalid ledy; will travel: best of re.f. Harner f.2. 3113 California Bt EXPERIENCED young man wants steady work with private family, honest and sober; willing to work at anything. Ash Oranerl, 1314 Capitol At. Tel. D-MfiO. THE Servant Olrl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get th desired result This applle to resident of Omaha, Bouth Omaha and Council Ylluff Bring ad t The Be office or telephone Tyler 1000. WASHING, Ironing, lace curtain. ster 4283. Web- LOST AND FOUND HAVE you lost your bulldog? Phone afternoon, Webster 5Sl and describe. OMAHA aV COUNCIL BLUFF8 STREalT RAILWAY COMPANY. Person having lost some article would 4 wall to call up the offlc of th Omaha Council Bluff Btreet Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left It la the street car. Many article each day r turned In and the company la anxious to restore U em to h rightful owiser. Call Doug, it. LOST Bunch of keys; 11 reward. D. 6224. NURSERY SEEDS AND PLANTS. ARTISTIC tree trimming; scientific sur gery and treatment of diseases of trees. Call Douglas 803 and our Mr. John ton will make a personal examination free. I. M. Johnson Co., Chatham hotel. PERSON AJj TOUNO wemn coming to Omaha a stranger are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian assooi .tlon building at 17th St and St Mary' Av., where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise aadlsted. Look for our trav elers' aid at th Union station. INFORMATION WANTED A to ad dress of J. N. Brtggs, formerly of Oak land and Chadron, Neb. Believed to be running atore In N. W. Nebr. To hi ad vantage to be located at one. Address Y-613, Bee. THE Salvation Army industrial bom so licit your old clothing, furniture, maga tinea. We collect We distribute. Phone Douglas 4136 and our wagon will call. Call nd Inspect our new home, U10-U13-1U4 Dodge Bt PET STOCK FOR SALE Beautiful two-year-old Bt Bernard dog. Mrs. Johu Westover, 1231 Rose St., Lincoln, Neb. WEDDING STATIONERY. WE show only the correct and prevail ing stylus In Invitations, visiting cards, stationery, etc. IUVIN A. MEDLAR CO.. Printers. 41- 8. 14th St. Tel. Dnu. i"" SWAPPERS' COLUMN AUTO Stanley stesmer, 6-passenger, tires and paint good; will swap for motorcy cle, tot. diamonds or what have worth $3u0, Addreaa 8. C. imp, Bee. Omaha, Neb. AUTO A good 4-cyl.f 40-h. p. RambUr auto for repair work on houae, you to furnish all material, also cement block work for the porch. 8. C. 8M. Bee. AUTO A 4-paasenger Internkllonal, high wheel, solid tire auto, used little; would mske a delivery or light truck; want a runabout or, touring car Address S. C. W9. Bee. BUILDING and Contractors' course coni rlete, with lessons and aix technical books, coat $130; for anything I can use. Address S. C. 1003, Bee. AUTO A 4-pass. auto body, top. wind shield and other part for anything re quiring leaa room or something that man or beast can eat. Can be seen at any time. B. C. 80, Bee BOAT Gas launch boat, A-l factory made, Vk-lnch cypress, 4-sawsd oak decks, oonlng and Inside panels, finaf bra as trimmings. 18 ft. long, 4-h. p. make and break engine, canopy top, cork cushions, anchor, fire extinguisher and brass lamps, fully equipped. For run about automobile or small touring car. S. C. 968. Be. AUTOMOBILES Fot other automobile brgia aee th "AuioruoMle" classifi cation CASINGS Automobile casings wanted, MHx4 inches, also Inner tubea. Will give you good swap In other personal prop, erty. 8. C. 982. Bee. CEMENT Wanted to swap for aome ce ment or foundation work down at tha Carter Lake club grounds. Want some second-hand lumber, 2x4 and 3x6. 8. C. m. Bee. EDISON MIMEOGRAPH. used very Utile. $14 machine. Want kodak or what have yeu? Address S. f. i7. Bee. t uLirV In a larne 7-rooiu house for a lot In north part of city, equity In smaller house or a Ford. Address 8. C, 9C3. Bee. CLOCK What have you to ewap for a nice, artistic parlor or mantla clock, personal property T 8. C. 9M, Bee DiAliONDSThree diamond iiet In ladles' ring worth $46. W hat have you to offer? Chickens, typewriter or electric fans, or what have youT 8. C. 1007, Be. OR SALE 1911 Cadillac. 35-norrpoer, 6 Dsssencer. Just overhauled. All arood tiies or ill trade for lfll Ford runabout In good condition. Y 615. care Bee GENERAL automobile loan, steam en gineer, elevator operator wants work: Tilling to work: no bad habits and good reference Address G 431. Be. HAVE two-hole gss burner. What have you? 'Addreaa. 8. C. 9, Bee HAVE Mollne auto and other valuable property to trade for merry-go-round. Address 8. C. 990, Be. HORSE, wagon and boggy, will trade for Ford- Must b lata model. Web ster 1033 INi'U BATOR and brooder, best make. worth $26: will trade for 8-A Eaauuan kodak, or what have you? Addreaa 8. C tel. Bee. KODAK A $33 Eaatman oamara. 4x6. boat ef lena. for auto, Msx4 raelnga and In ner tubea, or other personal property, tt. C. 986. Bee. PLAYER PIANO Ftrst-clsss condition. used only 10 months, Klrabll. retail prlee $"50. Will exchange for Ford, lot or driving outfit, or wb. have you? Ad dreaa 8. C. 979, Bj Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and" expert service that will please the most critical: ACCOCTTAJITI. E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A... Add 433 Ramge Bldg. Phone DoJglns 74fi6. AMATEl R KI.MMIING. FILMS develored free 1f purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 416 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. ARC 1I1TKCT. Everett S Dodds, 413 Paxton Blk. D. tm. AlCTIOSEEHI. Dowd Auction Co , 1116-14 W. O. W. R. 32RS. BLUE PRINTING. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO.. 302 Omaha National Bank Bldg. BRASS FOL'INDRlt&S. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Bts. CARPEMTERb AMD CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON. i3 S. I2d. Douglas 602.). CH1.NA PAI.NTI.VU. Ruth I.etrliford. decorating, firing. R. 4941 CIVIL KNGINEKRS. M. J. LACY, Ml BEE BLDG . DOUG. 4715. COSTUMES AND LODGE SUPPLIES. MFO. of .lodge regalia and costumes. Theo. Lteben Bon. 1614 Howard. D. 4U&. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, claaalo. D. 1171. Try Mackle s first. 118 Harney. Doug. M4, DRESSMAKING. Tarry Dress mak'g college, 20th A Farnam. MISS STURDY. M14 CABS. RED 7S20. SUITS and gowns In homs. Walnut 2267. DETECTIVES. INVESTIGATIONS carrlel out In any part of United States, Canada or Mexico. 609 Paxton Blk. Doug. 1373. Walnut 1630. JAMES ALLAN, 111 Neville Block. Evl denco secured In all cases. Tyier 11S6. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes, 724 City Nat Bank. Tafe Dental Room, 1617 Douglas. D. 21,. DRUGS. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman & Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating: covered buttons, all sixes and styles: hemstitching, pi cot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. D. 1936. NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate, building coming down; cloaka, suit and dresses sacrificed. 204 N. 16th St. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists, 1804 Farnam St D. 8000. L - HENDERSON. 1611 Farnam. D. 1251. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Ass n. HESS A 6WOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. A. DONAGHT7E. 1623 Harney. Dtug. 1001. FEATHERS MADE OVER. Fancy attckupa, Dora Elsele, 1136 CltyNat Panamas cleaned. D. Elsele, 1131 City Nat LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. niTTJTrT'Nr Thomas. Douglas $519. MOTION PICTURES. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargain. SWAPPER'S COLUMN PAINTING-Want to swap for painting and paper hanging with material; some thing to this ofler. 8. C. 986. Be! FICTURE SHOW Will swap a money making picture show In city for other property. Be quick. S. C. 987, Bee. POPCORN A new artistic, new self vending, sanitary popcorn machine; the latest out: inexpensive to operate: which coat from the factory direct $&0; OoughtJ for the California expo.; zeu aown on concession; this Is a money maker with out personal attention. What have you to offer? 8, C. No. 980. Bee. SIGNS, showards. Clark A Son. D. 1871 VIOLIN Will trade good violin for Un derwood, or other typewriter. Addreaa S. C. 991, Bee. RECENTLY came Into possession of beautiful White Steamer auto. Eight passenger csr good as new. What have you? Address. 8. C. 994. Be. VACUUM WASHERS 26 Vacuum Waah ers for gocd kodak, or what have you? Address S. C. :8, Jfc-e. FOR EXCHANGE Six almoet new In side doors, aa good as new, Including double folding doors, with track and ball bearing rollers, alii trade for chlckena or sell cheap for caah. Address S. C. 1Q"2. care Bee. FOR EXCHANGE One almost new elec tric fan, used 1 weeks, will exchsnge for chickens or sell cheap for caah. This Is a fine fan costing $25 new. Address 8. C. 1001. care Bee. 6-PASS. Overland; splendid condition; would exchsnge for runabout or small car. Address S. C. 1006, Bee. WELL established cleaning business. 3 days' receipt. $75. Equipment for doing all work except actual cleaning Good location, splendid opportunity. Will swap for something can borrow $2,000 on. Ad dross 8. C. 1004. Bee. WANTED Good auto In exchange for cement work. Web. 69P6 WANTED To exchange new $1,000 stock of groceries and queenaware for a meat market of equal value In country town. Addreaa 8. C. 970, Bee. WILL trade our almoin new high grade player piano, with 60 rolls, for good small automobile, or would consider 1 dlsmond as part payment. This player win please you. . c uva. tie POR RENT AssrtswsU and Plata. ST. GEORGE 6-room apartment, redeco rated throughout 113 N. 31st Ave., se lect West Farnam district Phone Web ster 1474, 7-ltOO.M modern apartment Sixteenth and Cliloago; low rent. G. P. Btebblns. Douglas 1161. 706 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg TWO aix -room, modern, staamheated flat Can be ran tod separately or to- C ether- 130 summer, 135 winter. Conrad . oung, 821 Brandels Theater. Dong. 17L FOR LEASE VERY CIsDSE IN, $60. An extra choice 6-room, all modern brick Eierant finish, fixturee and dec oratlona. Four large bedroom Extra attention given the car of thta property. Heady June lat. T."U Capitol Ave. o FIDELITY CTjrpRENTAl, Phone Douglas 868 for oomDlete Hat of all vacant house and apartment, lea for storage, moving, packing, shipping. CALIFORNIA. 8BAV-at rooms, modern," clean, M. MASSEUSES. MISS STAPLES, mass , eleo. bath. D. 713. Open eve., 9 p. m.; Sundays, 10 to 2. MASSAGE. 1721 Dodge. Mrs. Steele. "R A mTI?""i mass., alcohol rub. Laura iinniott(ini im p-gmsrn. room 3. Doueias '751. Open evenings and Bunday. BATHS, 214 Balrd Bldg., 17th and, Doug. Clara Lee, bath and massage. Hbuglaa I73L B.Erugman, mnss.,203 Karhack Blk. R. 2727 M. HALLERON. Baths. 223 Neville Blk. Miss X mudlavia mass. R. 224, Neville Blic MISS JACOBS. Mass.. R 224. Neville Blk. OFFICES. OFFICES Vhn m- -' " see tia for office space'. Th beat loca- 'ion and en.ilcst found. .J THE BEE LCILDINO, "The Bulldini: 11 ...j Now. O'Mce, Room 103. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. Peterson, C03 Brandele Bldg. D. 3144. JOSMPHINE ARMSTRONG, 616 Be Bldg. PAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH MTMANUS. 417 N. 40th. H, 8T2S. PATENT DEVELOPMENT. AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 S. Uth Rt PATENTS. v D. O. Barnetl, Paxton Blk. Trt. Red 7117. H. A. Ptursres. 636 Brandels Theater Bldif. PRINTING. WATERS-PA RNHART Ptg. Co, qualify printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 S. 13th St. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 8754. 1 DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. PLUMES RENOVATED. PLUMES HATS made over, cleaned dyed. Perth Kruger, 429 Paxton. D. 8331. SAFE AND TIME LOCK aSXPERTS. O A 1 I !0 Opened, repaired, comb. SA H KLS changed. F. E. Daven KJX - Arfs port, 14oS Dodge. D. 1J1. SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN PROS., shoe rapalr. 211 B. 14. SIGNS AND SHOWCARDS. K. M. CLARK A 'SON. 113 S. 16TH ST. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 S. W. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safe, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, soli. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 S. Uth. Doug. 2721. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 B. 11th. P. S", TAILORS. CHA8. C. LANDERTOTT, 108 N. 16th Bt. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELING STEINLE, 18f Famam St. WINES AND LKAUOBS. ALEX JETBS, 301-1 S. 18th St. Wines, liquor, cigars Plate dinners, 11 to 8, 10c. Globe Hduor house. 434 N. 16th; CaJIfornl wine, $1.25 per gal. Write for price list. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 16th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquor at Kleins Liquor House, 632 N. loth. Douglas 1S09. FOR RENT Apartments and Flats, CENTRA I Nc aqua! n price or quality : 7-room house; 4-room flat 120 N. 23d. NBW. modern 5. 6 and 7-room cottars Apply at 2124 Miami St . COOL FOR BUMMER. Choice 3-room apartment with fine. large, screened porch, oak finish, larva living room, large bed room, dandy kitchen and bath. In Nathan apartment un oiici'iirn jive; also linn 4-room apart ment, screened porch, in same building; -room renta for $33.60, 4-room, $37 VL winter and summer. Best value In city. Phone us for Inspection. Douglas 1009. SCOTT A HILL COMPANY. VERY CHOICE APTS. Lovely 8. 4 and 6-room apt.; cloe la snd in good location. Call Doug. 790.e 6-ROOM heated apartment The Mason, 31at and Mason Sts. Reduced rent. Con- raaioung, m eranaeia Theater. D. 1571. BEAUTIFUL 6-room flat 1808 Emm.t Kountxc Place, strictly mod., choice location, large yard. 127.60. fu hi . HASTINGS A HETDEN. 1614 Harnov St. - N- 2t. m"od. ex. ht. nloely decorated, close In, 121.50 HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1414 Harney St H.. 'Al'22 Cntm iira nt inv, m a - good location iss" """u HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1414 Harney Bt 6-ROOM heated apartment. Th Chula Vista, 30th and Poppleton Ave. Vacant June 1. Conrad Young, 322 Brandels thea ter. Douglas 1571. FOR RENT 6-room douhlit hrlu hn,i... noa . am Dewey. ' All modem; never occupied; built-in effects: nice yards; open Sunday P M AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY, Douglas 5013. Walnut 8037. 4 MEDICAL -i.uP1I'JCAJS'I?F13Tl'LA CURED. NbDETENTIONfAm1USus!: 1.. d nen CURED. A Written GUARANTEE given In every cse treated. Patients must come to the of ncS' J08--10 Omaha National bank, 17th and Farnam St a. DR. WILLIAM CREIGHTON MAXWELL. Twenty-eight years In Omaha. Gradual of Bellevue Hospital Medlca! College. Ner 1 org City. N. Y. t-o RllDtUre Cu.redln, few davs without "H '; pain. Call or write Dr Wray. - -JT mw . cmsna- r.sui.niiane(1 lwH.- . . ' iiu 01 mat pain In tne bark, touch of rheumatism, nervouanees. tired, sluggish feeling snd f n!1 brk !nat lo,t appetite, purifies the blood and builds up the entire sya. tern. Just send a postcard to th Sheila barger Co.. Mfg. phar. West Uberty. Ia. prT.SMa IVfl PIUTIM A r-I.nw. rVJiout SURGICAL OPERATION or ila' N?w DETENTION from BUS!-rr!1i-AJn.whr.n CLRED- A written C A RANT EE given in every case ioT ",l!',t om to the off loe, 08-9-10 Omaha National bank, 17th ani ""ill a7B,sj. IR. WILLIAM CREIGHTON MAX WELI. Sn.,7""ght in Omaha. Oraduat ef Bellevue Hospital Medical collig" New York City. N TV- . l riPlL'UA. CURED. -.u' R ,""" cure pOe. fistula and Stl .ir"td without u7gEri operation. Cure guaranteA and m money paid untU eurod. WrUe tarlnZZ on rectal disease wlXfrJthlg E R. TARRY, s4 Bo 7Jmmnudm