IS THE BKK: OMAHA, HATH I PAY, MAY 15, 1015. By MELLIFICIA. Friday, May 14, 1915. T' HE orange blossom crop In growing la turning n urn be ft Jnst dot. An engagement of interest to many will be abpoanred very 'noon. Cast your eagle eye on the column that knoaa several days benre , and you will get It. . , A very good looking brtinette la confiding to her intimate frlenda tout her 4ays of ainglenese are soon to be over and Incidentally abowlng them aa mnnmally beautiful diamond ring. Her father la greatly Interested In the affaire of aute and for the last two yeara ha been living between Omaha and Washington. The affair la the culmination of a long standing romance. The man ia with hla father In the Insuring and land business, and la the older of two brothers. These young men,, with their mother, vera caught In the war (one a year ago. The wedding Is to be celebrated soon. HEW BOULEVARDS TO BE STARTED SOON Connecting Links Between Omaha Park! on" North Side Are to fie Pushed. HEAD OF WOMEN'S LUTHERAN Jjj.qq WOLTlCIl Weill t to nave lnree-1 ear Tot for Their Own EACH .IS OVER A MILE LONG Luncheon for Mr. Kent. Mr. E. 8. Rood entertained at lunch eon today at the Colonial In honor of Un. William Kent of California, who was the speaker at the Equal Franchise society tea at the Fontenella Thursday. Peonies brightened the luncheon table. Covers were laid for: fedllm- Mauds mee WllUam Kent. C. W. Huaeell, Bdward U Piirke, Halleck Hose, J. M. Metre If. E. M. Kalrfteid. Z. T. Undser, E. 8. Rood. To Honor Hn. Gnnther. Mrs. Arthur Pinto entertained at lunrh eet Thursday In honor of Mrs. B. W. GuaUisr, who eaptured the top-score pin at 'Mm whist tournament, held recently In " Boston. The ruests were seated at one long table, which had a denoratlon of bridal Arreath and asparavua fera et-tendln- the whole length of the table. The pleoe sards carried out the white color scheme. Oarers were placed for: 'Vfeadamea Mesdames E. W. Otinthsr, Jamee C. Chadwtck, J. -J. flultven, Harry Jordan, Oeofwe Heverwtlok. I'M lip Potter. W. J. Ooodrtoh, Charles Pweet. C. K. Content, John Harts Arthur Pinto, Morrison, Miss Nellie Wakstey. At Fontenella Park. A number of the Savred Heart (Iris atvwt aa sotoysbla plcnio at Fontenella park on Thursday, May It The day waa spent In the usual ptcnlo fashion. The party waa chaperoned by Miss Claire MctCsnna and Miss Margaret Bolan. Those present: were: Missus MUees Ttelene McKanna. Pallida Hoern, Hose Elliott, Adelaide 0'Nal, Nora O Nelll, Catherine Maker, Sernadette Connor. Helen Swift, Gertrude ItnKenna, Mary Romm. Rose Komm, lir(irt loUn. Anes Coffey, , Claire McKenna. On the Calendar. Mrs. B. A. MePermott will rive a brklse party Tuesdsy afternoon of next week. The class of 1911 of Cretthton univer sity will hold their annual banquet and class reunion at the FontcnelleTVsdnes day evening. June S. The Coronado club will give a dancing party this evening; at Chambers' academy. The second subscription dance of the Seymour Lake Country club will be given this evening at the club house. . The Pagaleo club will give a dancing party Thursday evening, May M, at Krug rrk. , For House Guests. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton lavs a beautifully appointed dinner last even Ink ut the Fontenella In honor of their house guestr, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barber. A hUh silver vass of Klllarney roses end pink shades candlelabra decorated tbe table and the guests entertained In cluded. Mestra and Mesdames Jaok Hurber. J. T. Mewert, W.; K. It. Kprsgus, Glrnn O. Wharton. Mleere W Inure tivv cuHle, Fllaaleth Davis. Monte Itavls, Messrs Meters I.swrenre Brlnker, Fen Uallngher. Robert Burns, Collegiate Alumnae to Meet The annual meeting of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae will be held Sat urday afternoon at the home of Mist Ethel Tukey. Aside from the ei.'tun of officers, a home for nest year will he discussed, as well as the establishment of a bureau for vocational guidance. To Honor Visitor. Mr. Charles Hamilton entertained at dlnnr Thursday, evening at the Fon tenelle complimentary to Miss Harriett Bobbins of Ortnto, Neb., who has been the guest of friends In Omaha this week, Covers were placed for four. At Scottish Bit Temple. ' The Scottish Hfle Woman's club met this aftereo-n it 1 the cathedral. Mrs. Frank Pktton WS in charge of the pro gram and Mrs. Frank Rudolph the host ess. To Honor Bride. Mrs. D. Cohn entertained at lunoheon today at her 'home In honor of Miss Ooldle Alplrn; a brlds of this montn. A large bowl of yellow tulips decorated the table and oovsra were placed for tin. Personal Mention. Miss Amy Palmqulat returns Saturday evening from a two month' trip to Cali fornia. . , , . Jeff W. Bedford.' who has been suf fering with an attack of malarial fever for the last. week, expects to be at his desk about the first of next week.' Congressman And- Mrs. William kent of California, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. fcdward 1 Burke during the week, leave tonight for their home, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waltman have gone to Hanover. Miss., to visit their son, Waltman., who Is there a student at t)art mouth collet's. Mr. Waltman will return home with- bis -parents. t,- r - - 8 i MRS.O. D. BALTZLY. Commiseloner Hummel of the park and boulevard flepartment an nounces that -work will be started soon on two new boulevard projects which w.-lll be connecting links be tween Fontenelle park and Miller park and Fontenelle park in a south westerly direction to the Happy Hol low boulevard. A survey will be made soon from a point at Forty-third street and Ames venue, fust toUtstde of Fontentlle rark, around Fort Omaha to Thirty-sixth and Curtis avenue, and thence to Millet park, connecting with the Florence boulevard, a distance of m mile and a half. The other link will start at Forty-sixth street end . Military avenue st the south en trance of Fontenelle park and will extend to Miller park and oil has been ordered toward the southward to the Happy Hoi- for the southwest boulevard system. low boulevard, also a distance of about Dolores Rowell, I years old, is the Issue In a contested divorce suit between Mrs. Valberg Rowell and Charles Arthur Rowell on trial before District Judge Redlck. Three women, her mother and two grandmothers. Mrs. Charles H. Rowell and Mrs. Minnie Hansen, are anxious to have her custody. Earn parent alleges that the other Is unfit to have It Dolores Is willing to live with any of the three. Mrs. Charles Rowell. who, according to the evidence, has had the care of her for the longest period of time, testified that she adored the child. "I worship her," waa the answer she gsvs to an attorney's question. Mrs. Howell aoouees her husband of cruelty. She testified that be used bad language and tore the telephone from the wall after accusing her of talking with other men. rtt will be used for the purchase of pic-J The program follows: PART I. Welcome Robert Coufsl Vocel Duet Amanda Tebbens. Grace Poole Old Rover Gladys Petrie Dramatisation of Pocahontas CHARACTERS. Pocahontas Clara Pesse Captain Smith Roland Seott Powhattan Merle Jones Medicine Man Helnrtch Heine Other characters School Music Bruno English. Howard English Booh Margaret Blttner PART II. Scottish Reel Thelma Blark Sketch "Mother Oooee" CHARACTERS. Mother Oooee... Mary Dalley Jack Homer John Jackson Tommy Tucker Wslvm Kurts Mies Muffet F3sa Schaefer Jack and Jill Bruno English Brown Betty Vocal Selection The Hollyhock Color Fairies Fifth and Sixth Grade Girls Good Night Evelyn Fluhr a .mile and a half. Make Savveys Tkls Spring- Ordinances covering these Improve ments will be offered soon and surveys will be mads this spring. The land along the route wilt be condemned In the usual manner, f appraisers appointed and as sessments ' made gainst the abutting froprrty for the payment of the land acquired.' Mr. Hummel believes that the routes will be determined, land acquired gnd assessments .made this year, so that work of. actual Improvement may be started next Season. - He - regards these boulevard links as Important parts of the general boulevard scheme contem pt Med for Greater Omaha. In an address thla week to members of the Newport-Belvtdere Improvement club at Thirty-Sixth and Kansas avenue Mr. Hummel .gave . assurance of these Improvements. . The John A, Crelghton boulevard from Thirty-eighth and Hamilton streets to Ferty-eecond and Sprague has been com pleted, with the ' exception of a aubTai under the Belt Line tracks at Thlrty flrst and Sprague streets, which will be finished within a few days. This boule vard will be thrown open for trafflo within the next week. When developed this boulevard will be an attractive drive way, the commissioner states. Florence boulevard has Just been oiled ORIGINATOR OF MOTHERS' PENSIONS TO BE IN OMAHA Judge Henry Neil, father of the mothers' pensions idea, will be in Omaha In a few days, on his way to the Mothers' Pension congress at San Fran cisco In July. Judge Nell ii lh first person to advocate mothers pensions, and his plan has been adopted In twenty tve states, Including Nebraska, WARTENDYKE IS BADLY BURNED IN RESTAURANT Arthur Wartendyke. 1915 Webster street, an engineer at the Calumet restaurant, was scalded about the ohest this morn ing at 11:30. A steam oock In the boiler room waa turned on while he was leaning over It He Was given emergency treat ment by Dr. H. M. Fllsglbbons and taken to a hospital. VINTON SCHOOL PUPILS GIVE A FINE PROGRAM Toe pupils of Vinton school gave a program yewterday afternoon and evening la the auditorium of their school. Proceeds received from the sale of ttok- OITTBsT XT AT aWTTWiru MTIS TOV X011T tOc box of Java Rloe Faoe Powder, all sbaxasa. out to Mennen's Msssatta. or Williams' Talcum Powders for 76c slae Kri. Plnuad'a Lilac VsgetsJ Toilet Water for tOo and some 75c Toilet VTatsrs, all odors, cut to Sic Tlx, Coloctds Compound or Allen's Foot Ease,' for tOc sits of Pure Peroxide of Hydrogen, about 14 ounces for ... All 2tc end H6c Tooth Brushes out to 10c Shlnola Shoe Polish, tan or black, for I-a Trefle, Axurea or irjer Kiss Face Powder for 11. BO Bottle of Orlentsl Cream Gourad's for 11.00 alie Sal Hepatlca, Saturday, at Ivory Snap, 6c else at five ( bars for U00) Dr. Hlnkles' (fescara Tablsts or Phenols Wafers for. tl.!S values in Oil Tanned Automobile Chamois Skins for ... tl IS slae Feather FkWre Robber Rponaes, out to is on fountain Hvrtnges and bottle, out to . ase . .100 . 80 . see ..ISO . .I8o , .10o .. .So . .830 . .890 ..SO ..18c ..lee O XT TIM'S, double cream whipped before freesing. Ioe Cream ta Gotten eo en away from It and remember you are Gotten popular that there is no Gette this our ATTravDAY caarDT frosen delicacy with its great hypnotic powers for the same price at iiiors are ietten ror tnetr ce cream. our rountatn ss our oomp' gOrJOTSTi Oe ValmMra Walpwed Oream caoeolatee. B9o OUT PRICE DRUG STORE Waste TeaTe gore of Oettea What the Xtoetoe OrAr letB ad Keward Ste., Phone GETTE N Prompt aad Free Delivery. Alice Grobeck Fay Ackr Miss Bnlln .Margaret Nielsen rrr Window Shades Cleaned MIDWEST SHADE FACTORY . Keaafaotvere and Olsaaere. ISIS raraaca . Benalae as as WHY Is Oan son's Cafe the beat place In Omaha to eat? BECAUSE I PRICES ARK REASONABLE and I Here you get the best coffee In I the city, and pastry that will I make you forget the pies that m mother nsed to make. Our 33c lunch and 60c din- I ner need but a trial to make you a regular patron. e STEAKS AND CHOPS THE I WAY YOU WANT THEM. MUSIC j Ganson's Cafe 150S-10 HOWARD ST. To the Women of Omaha Here it Your Opportun ity to Get the Finest of Home-Made Materials at a Big Sacrifice Sale Tomorrow Saturday S3 to SO Xeww Than Department Stores Ask. Imported linens, crochet . Insertion and ends; two rarda lad vr.ou dl 11 lnen crochet and fringe trimming glO.OO table runner with crocheted oluny gt.SO yi Imported! T.lnen imi Piano Scarfs, crocheted -in. butterfly edge, $18.60 fcTTSTGat CnbOTXS) Handsome IS-ln. round lunch cloth; S-lnch hand ' crocheted llnan oluny edge .faa.00 48-in, square lunch cloth, in cut work SlS.oo 48-in. square lunch cloth, beautifully exnbfd, giaso TOM SAJST Dainty hand embroidered Blip and Dreswea SOeto S3 -Flannel skirts; crocheted, tatted and embroidered caps, nlghtengmlee, bootees, hand made felt shoes, towel and bib. KXAOW OAKTC Large assortment of doilies, center pieces, pillow cases and towels. Beautiful Night Gowns, cro cheted yokes and embroidered gaao up to Se.OO Hand made bed spread, crocheted strips set together with linen strips; actual value 190; today. . .$6000 I j Mrs. C. S. Marshall B SS aeBSBSBasBBBBsaBBSjBBBl Address All SCall ZVOaaT BBS sUUDO, Shop Phone X. 379 raoas wu. mm. n. see. u a 1 ' i i i nil., .MMeaaeaaesaaaaesaasaaassaaaisaaasisasasssnsMBiBBii ' I 1 mM "l " " " akraay, May n H IT?0 me n n n re f! eem aft Tf TP aTl a Tl Mpaftnck s Auto Jumps Bank . . and Plows Garden A heavy roadster, bearing three men. hurtling northward at terrific speed on Th!t (y-slith street at I o'clock this morn ing - struck two bumps at the Laeaven worth street Intersection and became ua mer.ageebl. The machine roiled Into a vacant lot on the northeast corner and down a sixty degree embankment where. It stopped In a pile of brush. The vacant lot. Incline and all. had recently been plowed up and made Into a garden by a neighbor, who, fortunately fr the autoiata, plowed deep. ' It wi due to this that tha wbsels sunk hub deep Into the dirt and held the car up right until the momentum subsided. Immediately after the accident the oc cupants called a taxicab and cams down town where they received medical atten tion. Ttie car could not be moved. -rT,e . neighbor who plowed the lo heard tha men tslklng. but could not distinguish the words. He thought that thty mere burying something In the lot I which Is partly shielded bv trees and ! shrubbery, and he called the polloe, who arrived on tbe dead run. Just In tlms to f3 miss the autoists, who passed them on the road i . tly, isn t it h6t! , Just as we sat down and took bur pencil in hand to writs you a few lines, hoping to find you in f avwable mood, somebody remarked behind ns "My, isn't it hot! ' ' and at once H seemed as if our temperature ffot higher anfi higher, and before we knew it we, too, were exclaiming: "Phewl" This power of sureestfon mental attitude, if you please nas wonderful influence over we poor mortals. It occurred to us that we might think up a SALE TOR SATURDAY suited to tbe temperature a temperamental sale, if you please, which would have a cooling effect and oause you to think of us gratefully in the hot days which are still to be SILK SUITS SUMMERY, S1UMMERY, . : SOOTHING, SEDUCTIVE. ' Arid when you have said all this, there is still 'much more to saydean, comfortable, correct; . dust-shedding, non-creasing, light and alrv-don't yo.u feel as if you want one? You will if you come Saturday and glimpso the two lots featured specially at 24.75 and $35) 50. ; . WOdL-SUITS. Yes, we dare mention wool, for you will find many days, cool morris and chilly eves, when wool suit will feel aU right. Perhaps you will seek cooler climes, and then think how welcome an . at tractive suit of hard twisted serge or a neat black and white suit just the right weight for; cofcifcrt, and withal cool looking and seasonable. A very attractive lot for Batur day, not one worth less than $25 00, will be offered yes, will be sold-at $16-75 each. ' ' ' ' ' ' We have dug put a little lot. of suits not quite so desirable as those mentioned as a matter of fact they cost Us originally more money k farewell sale Saturday; at $3.75 eacn. OMAHA GIRL LOSES RIGHT TO I EXCLUSIVE USE OF "KEWPIE" j Rose O'Neill M'l;son, formerly of this i city, baa Inst her suit to rstsbllih e-) clutlve claim to the uss of the term "Kewples" aa a trademark. Not with- i standing that she aa tho creator of the Kewples ahs neglected to secure trade mrk registration, allhougli ahe glinted a deelim patent and a copyright Ouverlixe her creation. In bis decii-n tae commissioner ef pa'enta ststed. "Neither a coDvrtaht nor a dt-eicn patent ror.feri any trade-mark ngbL" A manufacturer of children's suits was sustained ia hla claim to the right of using the trade-mark "Kewpte." PALM BEACH SUITS-Quite the rage in the east. The material is so suitable for summer wear that there can be no question of their popularity. We will feature "The Kenyon," a highly tailored garment con fined to us for Omaha. Prices for Suits, $10, $12.50, $15. Coats, $8.50. First shipment shown Saturday. .......... Out will go a lot of skirts at mighty lit tie prices. Every one a bargain. Prices, $1.08, $2.98 and $4.98 each. ' '. . There is to be a new deal on skirts. Not quite ready to spring it yet. .Within thirty days you'll know, and when the story is told you will be convinced that this is still one more line which you should buy at Kilpatrick's. As a mar iner would say, "Keep your weather eye open." IN THE CHILDREN 'S SECTION Will offer a lot of coats for wee ones and juniors. How we do love the little kiddies do you know, we never liked the term kids, bat kiddies seems fonder and more fitting. Which one of us would not consider their comfort before our own? A coat, an extra coat if you will, is not a bad thing to have on hand for riding, picnics, croquet, boat ing, etc. Perhaps the old one is a trifle shabby. If so, here's your chance. 3 to 17 years. Sold up to $12-50. Saturday, $3-98 each. SUMMER DRESSES What can be sweeter than a fresh young girl in pure white? Some, perhaps, have their charms accentuated through a little color in the trimming; or, again, some there are who look piquant or gorgeous in a colored thin airy fairy gown. This is just to remind you that we have 'em all AND THEN SOME. Summer hats for children. Straw, duck, silk; cool, attractive, low in price indeed, from 50c upwards. Some time ago we told a story about an apron a simple apron which worked won ders from an ad point of view. IT WAS A BUNGALOW APRON. Saturday, just to draw you to our SECOND FLOOR, we are going to sell a similar lot at 35 each. The former price was 50 the sale was a suc cess. If you did not buy before you win now, and if you did buy before you will want more. New Petticoats on the next table the wide cut with circular ruffled flounce; $1.50 and up. The popular soft taffeta silks, leading colors, also fancies, $2 50 and up, WASH GOODS SECTION A DRESS LINEN that neither moth nor rust will cor rupt, we were going to say; neither sun nor water will fade and it's non-creasable, which is much more to the point. Nev Ver Fade you ask for and the price is 75 yard. CALVIN MADE OFFICER OF THE SAN PEDRO LINE General Manager tail In of the Oregon Hhort Line Is In the rlt, enroute from New York to his headquarters in Ba'.t Lake City. In New York eddltlcnal du ties were sdld to Mr. Calvin, lis having been elerted vt.' president of the Eaa feore line. Ia tbe east Vr. Calvin four.d soma Im provement In business, but found ths situation as good as la tie gwUal west. WOMEN'S HOSIERY We have a very popular stocking made from a fibre, with all the sheen of silk; it is sometimes sold as suoh, No. 1&39, in black and white, is fibre half way, price is 35? pair. No. 512, in block and white and colors, ia fibre all the way, 50 pair. Our latest fancy all silk stockings at $1.00 are having big sale. Note, if you please, that we sell the stripes also at $1.00. WOMEN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR Here we claim leadership. Now that's an easy thing; anyone can make such a claim. But to substantiate that's the rub. Let's see if we can make good our claim. EX PERT WOMEN TRAINED TO KNOW GOOD MERCHANDISE, courteous, con scious that service counts service on their part, satisfaction on the part of the gar ment All this backed by the KILPATRIOK POLICY honest merchandise, truthful statements, THIS YOU GET not only yes terday and today, but always and ever. ON THIS WE BASE OUR CLAIM. Let those who will aspire. Union Suits Saturday, 25c and upwards. Our Milanaise Silk Underwear spells luxury; the moderate prices will surprise you, IN THE MEN'S DEPARTMENT Men to serve you we mean serve. None of that hoighty. toighty, high mightiness that you find in some counter jumpers. Nol Our salesmen are common sense fellows with gray matter in their spheroid here tol SERVE you. A Special Union Suit at 59 SATUR DAY could say instead of $1.00, but that wouldn't be right it never was worth a dollar in Kilpatrick's. The bleachers have called it a 0RA0KERJA0K for 59 and it surely is. Now some Staple Tram tbe Basement, aU un derpricod Standard Calico, 5 Cents; Standard Ginghamv On tat 82-Inch Anaoefceag Chambray, g Cents; 34-Inch Standard Percale, gtt Gents; lOe White onttnc fH Oenta; 18e Prtetod Orepe 14tt Cental 75c 81x99 Seamles Sheet. 54) OenU( Printed Klaxon, 17 W Cents. POOR OLD CHINA Peace-loving, flowery kingdom for 4,000 yeara praying to Confucius only to be let alone didn't want anything from any body; turned the right cheek: abnoat before the left waa smitten and then smiled as if It waa enjoyed. How the nations of the earth have been Impressed by thy HEATHEN Tlrtnea Or are they heathen? Hasn't marh to do with Porcelain Ptatea and Dlshea, yov aayT They gaTe the name, dldnt they, and we learned from them the secret of " We have a splendid assortment of choice bits of China. Foreign receipts hare stopped, prac ttoany. War risks. Insurance, etc., adds consider ably to the coat and there la no absolute guarantee of delivery. In addition to the exclnalre choice things, we will offer a lot ef Important seta, at a discount of 10 per cent, baaed on what we might be able to do now. Means a aarlng of 80 to 40. Bavarian, Dresden Pattern, 'pieces, a set. .$31.10 French China, White with Red Rose, 98 pieces, at, a set t $40.07 French China, Careen Spray, 181 pieces a set. $48.30 French China, Tan and Pink, 181 pieces, set. $58.75 French China, Oreen Gevtand, 121 pieces, aet. $57.30 French China, Blue, Band Rosea, 119 pieces, at, a aet $3Sw60 BararUn, Green, CoarentionsJ, 158 pieces, at, a e $83.01 French, Blue and Qreea, 1X1 pieces, a set. . .$88.29 French Octagon, 111 pieces, set $108.01 Ten Per Cent to be sOS taken from these priors. Now listen to what you get la m full aet Tea Onpa and Banners, A. D. Coffee Cups and Saucers, Coffee Cups and Saucers, Bullion Oops, Dinner Plates, Breakfast Platea, Cake Plate, Muffin Dish, Salad Plates, Bread and Butters, Sauce Plates, Soup Plates, Oatineala, Egg Cups, Chop Plate, su gar and Creamers, Small Dish, Medium Dish, Large Dish, Covered Dish, Gravy Dish, SmaU Platter, Medium Platter, Large Platter. THIRD FLOOR Marquisette, 40 Inches wide, white Ivory and ecru; 10 Cents Instead of 85 Cents. A beautiful summer curtain. Bungalow neta, sold up to 05 Cents, Saturday at 39 Cents. Edging to trim, 3 Cent a yard. Brass rods, 7 Cents each. One lot of Imported Swiss and Muslin; sold un to COc, at 20 Cents a yard. P ART DEPT Stamped Nightgowns 30 Cents In stead of 60c; Pillow SUps, 39 Cents fuetead of SOc. Look up ad in Wednesday nlght'a papers on gloves. Ask for them Saturday. Worth 7oln to a tittle troulHe. And we'll get you to read ourds Vast win reap the profit; we'll a customZ EZ2XZZI i .1 i j to. t I