Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 15, Image 15

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    lllr, libh: M.MA11A, vn liHAi, 10,
U c
ii 'FJalf Price
ft fenthusiasm among Omaha women
tire showroom and roa.l samples nt the most unheard of prices.
Ul-UOUOIe tin nricrs Vi. ask Snip VPD-in SitnHav of
The materials in
clude the nuxt
wanted fahrios of
the season in every
good color and
See the
A Sale
Without a
for Values
Serve You
51 Coats Worth to $22.50, for g
ill 1 250 Coats in this lot, mostly sample
TI garments. Coats for every require
ment in every good cloth, color, style
v .
i ir v t
1&i M
y Saturday
fumors section
I Untrimmed Panama Sailors and
a", iintrimmed Leghorn Sailors
We are headquarters for everything that
i is up to the minute in millinery and offei
i you an immense selection of large sailor
shapes either in Panama I-A
For leghorn. Take your !K " r)l
choice Saturday, $2.98 and. . .Tww
Children's Colored
i Wash Dresses
W,SL Ik.
I. ' Vr
... (;
Special Ix)t of Pretty Wah Frocks !n plaids d1
and plain ginghams. Specially priced ai. . . . x
Colored Frockg Pretty suspender ef fc 1 QQ
fects and smart plaids. Special Saturday P ,JO
Dainty Colored Lawn and Ctaarabray
Pressed Stripes and figures. Sale price 1
Girls' Dainty Graduation and Confirmation Dresses
A special showing of tho most appropriate frocks
the young miss. Dainty nets, lawns, organdies,
Yftiles, etc., mmy laces ana inwr uemij tiuuiun-
ertes, wl,n Pretty ribbons. Prices
$3.00. $6.98, S10.00. $12.50 to $22.50
Oxfords and Pumps
0, Saturday at $2.90
oi Island Shoes of bronze
at eather, dull leather and
oiSoodyear welt soles, new
lens. Every pair worth from
t tiusual offering just at this
ridi i, but not in every style, al
orr )lete. Short tongue Colon'
id ilain pumps. f
sale Sat.,main floor JJ) MM
- - Tif-isn iiwmwum i iir inn rriri i -i iT
Exceptional Sale of Blouses
Crepe de Chine Blouses
Georgette Crepe Blouses
Checked Chiffon Blouses
Filet Lace Blouses
Shadow Lace Blouses
Radium Silk Blouses
Wondertul values. All new models, just arrived from New
tork, about Jo styles to select from. Daintv Full Models
now so pi-pular. Semi-Tnilored Effects
and Dressy Models. Your choice
Saturday for
iidi i tin iuirio
Dainty Lingerie Blouses, Specially
Priced For Saturday Selling
Allover Embroidered Voiles mid Pine Batiste Blouses
semi-tailored and dressy models, trimmed with laces aad
effectively embroidered; low or hisfh neck styles; long or
hort sleeves. Dozens of bt vies to select 1 1 d jr
from, all 1915 summer models. Choice. tUlQ )le4D
Drugs and Toilet Articles
Melba Face Powder All shades.
A box 2c
Madame lse'BeU's Face Powder
A boi 83c
Melorose Rouge 60c site box
for 2ic
Cucumber Face Cream 50c size
Jar :8c
Aubry Sisters' Beautlfler $1.00
site tic
Mennen's Talcum Powder Spe
cial, a can 8c
Jap Rose Talcum Powder Per
can Oc
Madonna Rice Powder 2 fc site
for 9c
AbonUa Face Powder 50c size
for 29c
Liustrlte Nail Enamel 25c size
for 14c
Jurgen's Benzoin Almond Lotion,
at 14o
PaT-lo Talcum Powder 7 Be size
for 30c
Cream Marquise 50c size jar. 29c
Graves' Tooth Powder 26c stie
bottle 12o
Java Rice Face Powder All
shades Box 2.1c
Melballne Face Powder All
shades Box 18c
Babcock's Toilet Water $1 size,
at 08c
Palmer's Toilet Water 25c sice
for lHo
Powder Puffs Regular 25c kind,
at 10c
4711 Liquid Face Powder Spe
cial, at 89c
Palmoltve Soap Saturday, cake,
at c
Kirk's Juvenile Soap Cske . .c
Jap Rows Toilet Soap Cake. .5c
Pond's Cold Cream 50c size Jar,
at B9c
Fletcher s Cattoria 36c site. 10'
Mentholatum 50c size Jar. . .2c
Sl Hepatlca 11 size for 87c
Lydia Pinkham's Compound II
size 7c
Hays' Hair Health II slze.R9c
Seidlltz Powder 10 in box., lite
Horlio'x's Malted Milk Hospital
size $2.00
Liberty Dry Cleaner 26c size. 18c
White's Vaucalre Galega Tablets
$1.00 size 6tfc
Peroxide Soap 10c cake. ...6c
20-Mule Team Borax 5-lb. pack
age :"
Hinkles' Pills 100 in bottle. . 19c
Hospital Cotton 1 -lb. pkg. .24o
Red Cross Qaure 6-yd. pkg. ,24c
2-quart Fountain Syringe Worth
$1.00, at 49c
Manicure Buffers Worth 50c, at,
each ac
Manicure Files Worth 2 Be. Sat
urday, each c
Broir.o Seltzer 60c s4ze bot. .29c
O-Cedar Floor Oil 60c size bot
tle for ... 29c
8wcll Perfume Kale.
Choice of all 50c odors, oz. . ,20c
Photo Nupplles.
We develop your films free when
prints are ordered.
Buster Brown Camera Takes
pictures 2ix.". Vi. Simple to oper
ate. Special Saturday, at. . .SI. 79
Special sale of films (all sizes),
at cut prices.
Special Introductory Salo
UPtEI C1TU.IH rOUSSt' SUreUE 1 woadcrfall dlffmal tnm
kliothcrl, Ht that IjiuI liDttring frsirocf dream posia.
W want every onu tQ Kouw ItiiBdeeoribebladtiaUMM
nd oprlofllT.
rut tufsu til HorruMi coupom ii iiftin it in itmi
Totlst Ooods tlon.
Can You Make Rose Pies,
carnation custards, ixipjy cups, flowers, favors and lunch
eon novelties?
C-ome in and learn how to make all the pretty novelties
and decorations which will make your parting and dinners
the envy of all. Miss Moore is demonstrating
famous pajer work now on the third floor. Plenty of room
to sit down and he initiated into the secrets.
Kayser $1.25
Long Silk Gloves
Saturday. Pair $1
These uloves are made of
very fine quality Milanaise
silk, with Pari point hacks;
also heavy embroidered hacks
Muck on white nnd white on
Mack. Kvery pair of these
Klovcs is miaran'ced by Kayser
nnd by u5.
All sizes, full 'J4 im-he lon?.
Special Saturday, a
Pair $1.00
Very Special for
75 Dozen Women's Milanaise
or Tricot Silk Gloves lli-but-ton
length, in black or white.
Extra heavy quality formerly
hold to $l..ri. Sale q jj.
price, a p;iir ODC
100 Dozen 22-inch Milanaise
Trloot Silk Gloves Black or
white. Very special
a pair
Also 2-Clasp Kayser
Silk Gloves.
For a Limited Time Only
Designer for
One Year . ,
Fashion Book
One Pattern
Regular Values $1.10
Wall Paper Specials
For Saturday
Room lot sale of new seasonable
wall papers for Saturday. Enough to
cover a room 12x14x9 feet high.
$1.35 Worth for 73c
Consisting of 10 rolls of wall paper,
rolls of ceiling paper and IK yards
of border, suitable for bedrooms and
kitchens. Saturday,
73 c
$3.25 Worth for $1.98
Consisting of 10 rolls of wall paper, 0
rolls celling paper and IK yards bor
der, suitable (or living rooms, library
and halls. Extra quality paper,
worth 13.16, M QQ
for 3 1 VO
$5.35 Worth for $3.20
Plain Oatmeal Papers SO inches
wide. Brown, green, blue, red and
tan, with cut-out borders. Knough to
paper 12x14 room.
$2.25 Worth for $1.42
Consisting of 10 rolls wall paper,
rolls ceiling paper, and IS yards of
9 or 18-ln. border suitable for most
y room. Special. J 42
'SKINHER DOUBLES Isoutherk vegetables late
j Will Duplio4t Present Structure
for the Manufacture of
j The Skluner Manufacturing coni
i pany is to double the slie of IM
macaroni plant at once. This is to
I be done by duplicating the prexent
new structure at Fourteenth an I
'.lackson streets with a building ad
joining on the east. When the roiv
' pany purchased the lot on which th
' new plant stands It also purchased
the lot adjoining on the east.
I Tho now ntnirhir In to com tn Hie
! nrlgtiborhoort of IllSrtW. Plana hvi Ixii
I i)rav n by Harry l wrl and bid
hews Invltnd. It la to b bull! mitn.d -'
alrlv an.l tha plan nt I that t
llill be rempl.tfHl In four mnntlia.
1 Tha iifh' bulletins ta tn lie a twin "f
thr r('i nt fartary. It la In be
Morlra ami baaoutent. lit dlinenalona
arc by t:tj feel. Tb. atruttir la to
; hv of rrlnf tro.1 rm.'rl and pi .!
brti k anil la in be fireproof throufhom.
' At 1'W.nnt tha Hkinn.r plant la aaild lo
' r tha Inisest axiit moat imxl.rn mavaront
, IM In Ainaiica. Tbe new addition,
, whirh In to rinuuln tha capacity, a i
: poi ir.l to put this Omaha plant far In
ith. Ivatl. Omaba-ntad. tnararonl Is now
j bclns ronsiimad In every atat tn the
. union.
1 Thl rompanv has hamllnl Its antra
thnMii wholraalcr alone. "Tha ainca
j of tbla plant." anld t'rwitil.nt Paul Pkln-
n.r, "ia an llluairmtl.ia of what tha
wholraalt-is can do for a aivsn line of
j Iniaiuifai' pnxliK whan th.y at
:lxhlml It. It la tb eeoiMtmlanJ ay to
I handle tha Roods, and for sll th. ny
nSHlnat mid. II. men, thla la really the
'ih(ifst way for tha oonaumer aJao."
tong Dry Spell PuU Them Back
8iity Days Home Grown on
the Market.
Counsman Plans to
Get Taxes on Hidden
Estate After Death
! fount y Aaaeaaor Harry O. Counsman
;haa taken daath a partn.r and asatst-
i ant in collection of delinquent p.rsonal
laxca. by Inaugnmtlng a rsmpslgn for
harglntt to ratst.s amounts due tha pub
lic trcainry on property oonoealed during
tha ownara' lives.
In the oaae of the lata lames Brady,
tha man who riind ballevlng ha had no
h.lra to hla Iff.OflO eststs, death brought
to llaht thla laraa amount on which no
taae. had aver been paid, sopordlnc to
jiMr t'ounaman. Delinquent tai.s on It
j amount, he aald, to aevrral hundred riol
llara. In the .vent whoaver shall ba ap
pointed sdmlnlatrstor by the county
court doea not psy the taxes, Mr. Couns
man la plsnnlng to bring suit.
Mr. Counsman belie, ba aald. that
there are a large number of other ealataa
which may be charred with payment of
personal tssai evaded by property osn
era In life, but rarest ad by d.atb. In ad
dition to the Investlgstlon of th. Brady
estate ha hss already been examining r.o
nrda of another estate valued at several
hundred thouaand dollars.
Coll.rtlun of personal tasea from ea
tatea la dlstlnot from Inheritance tax
charges, which ire under tha jurisdic
tion of tha probate court.
Sewold Says He Did
Not Need Any Help
Against the 'Widow'
William Sea-old. Bihaller. Ia., h was
reported In Tha bee a few days ago sa
; apieallns to the police for protection
frnm "the Influence" of Hav. Cha-lei W.
,ravaxe and matrimony, enter, a denial
of that report and declare, that his In
dention In aeklng the police te learn
'I Hsalhl. If hla auaplclnns of Kev. Mr.
Pa vage were correct.
Hewold declare, that ha came to Omaha,
i (tended one aaalon at Mr. Savage's
church and made Ms acquaintance. Then
jhe says Mr. Karage preached m.trlmoss
ito htm snd spoke of a (lernian governeaa,
'not a widow, as first reported.
"Havss wrote a letter and encloeed
.one," ssld Mr. Hewold, "and I received
lore answer. 1 siiapected that the paiaon
jl" New York was a man, not a woman,
Irnd tliouaht by getting a det.ctli. that
1 1 could catch Mavas. In the act. J was
Jttiaplcloua that all waa nut rtsht, and I
didn't nerd any protection from Savage
oi any wily widow.
On account of s very long dry spell
experienced In Louisiana and h.r pari,
of the south, heana, rem, eag plsrte
snd aweet peppcra will be about sixtv
dva later In srrtvlns on tha Omahn
market thla year than usual. Thla r
s cordins to Information received from
the aouthern produce companies by AI
Kins, hiandsrr of llavilen grocery de
partment. Tliia mean acrordlnt to th.
letter, that theae ropr will not atari
moving ni l the part of June.
A gom! deal of home-grown sardc-i
truck la on the matket noa Splnm i
can be bsd at a dime s peck, radia' i
four bunches for a nickel, onion. el
liunchra foi s Jitney, and naparasiia nt
?'i cent a bun- h. Iaf lettuce la vhre
bitncliea for a nlcUet. rhubarh fn'ir
bun. hea for a nickel, nnd fre.h pea. ste
eelllnc at In rent, a iiuatt. The pea
are not home grown, however, but si.
ahipiied In from Ml.souri. Cucambei
are i. Its and if. centa, srcordlnc t i
lie. rahbnge ia S. cent, a pound,
apptra I'ca el lea II I. oar.
Apple, are practicailv .,ff the market
now. Nsxrl orsngea tre about gone
but Valencia orange, are now on th
matket at from 15 to : cenla a doxen.
sccordins to else. Grape fruit I. ati'l
abundant nnd cheap, ss II hss been for
s long time Drape fruit la .aid ky .
dealer, to haive been the beet and cheap
est this year that was ever known Th
grape fruit aale. have pisitlcally ctit
the orange sales In half thla year. P:ne
spplea are selling st 1 to IS rent, spiecr.
according to .lie. flt raw berries . are !.'.
tents a quart.
Hiitter snd eg, are remslning gbot.t
steady, with the Indication that rgg.
may weaken. Kus.r took a little line In
the whole.ate market, but I. still retell
ing aixteen pounds for a rioll.r. Flour
hss remsined fslrly steady, hut high for
some time selling still at fl H s sack.
Potateea telir n Poaed.
New potatoes are. at 111 s nickel a
pound! while old potatoea bang na at TO
cenla a buehel.
Lambs have taken wing sgsin, soaring
een on the hoof to another record price.
Bven at the prohibitive price they cn
scarcely ba bad In the meat msrket..
It la ssld thst only forty Ismbs sll ToM
were killed st the South Omaha market
during the week.
Pork ha. taken a drop of s dollar s
hundred. Pork rosats retail at H rent,
and oh op. at IS cents. Beef I. ome
whst hlghsr, enough tn effect the re
tell msrket of chuck rossts snd round
ate alt.. II. m. sra up 11. X per hundred
Thl. Is rnn.ldered the time when atnnkeri
meat., auch aa hsma. msy be expected
to ta-ke sji advance. Bacon has suffered
ae ad vanes, however.
Bad Rumors Denied
and Prices Break
Special Ixtg of New Bedroom Papers
Bilk stripe and floral effects, with
cut-out borders and binders: enough
to paper 12x14 room;
worth H.90, for
s Boys' Day
. . m , i
cr secuou oi our noje
, new store.
3 ring Suits, $3.50
to f T.imi allies.
c 'BUS Bua B grcai lariovj ui u"
id "ol fabrics. Half of the sum
o' Plenty of those new tartan
!!;t"'fe. Ages 6 to
i,)ii 0 Saturday,
ng'rnt suit
uanA of our splendid
our spienaia nign scnooi
.le isnae of patterns. Plenty of
iirutt effects, neat plaids, plain
J Lft N to 19 years
50r IUoumm, 3.V-.
i A big tHble of neat effects
and plain color blou.ea. "ut full,
fitted waistband. Choice for
Hoys' Shirts, MX .
Neat patterns In solaette and madns.
t ached or aeparate collar. I'p lu
14 neck meaaura. Ki-tfiil.r Toe
valfias, many worth iuu. at
sIJM Haee Uail built, 7."c
h stockings to match. ray.
t m i and red combinations. epa-
JeJV priced
.1 I
I. st-
-W ill 1 1 1 1 o , t j. ll UtlCT
- - 4 Hmwpmim iuj'j'fiyr'';iywy '
Every Hour of Every
Day Children Crave
If your honip is quiot
now, a HADD () RF V
turn every trace of gloom
into joy. Watch how rap
idlv th children erow in
appreciation of good music, and when 'school age arrives a basic
knowledge of tone values will have been mastered which textbooks
can never Impart
A home where children are not given the advantage of music
during their earliest training allows an absolute inilif fereiw e to their
future welfare.
The HADDORKF PLA YEK-TIANO Is for the musician, whether
he has devoted years to mastering the classics, or only the child,
whose natural outbursts ring with melody. The remarkable su
periority of the modern pUyer-piano aa represented by the HAI
LKJKFF should cause no one to hesitate. Our methods will enable
you to reap the advantages of music without Inconveniencing
Omaha'i One-Price Piano House. Third Floor, New Bldg.
Corset Sale for Saturdav
A Special Purchase
from the Maker allows
us to offer$1.50W. B.
W. B. and R. & G. Corsets,
two exceptionally good mod
els, Rust Proof, Special, 69c.
-! .JuwtritP Corset of new design
and latest style, at $1.19.
This n not a clean-up sale of simp
worn ami discontinued Ktylef.
This special is an entirely new corset, designed for the
average fijfiire. Medium height and good length helow
the waist. Made of fancy material. Four good support
er, prettily trimmed.
We have a full line of sizep.
Wear a G-D Jiihtril and enjov a good-fitting cornet,
$2.98 U
4 1 Keruliita of ot
I I i hut etalit car.
II ' as li being ins
! Following Chit. so. ahest prlcea on th.
! Omaha market broke t to S tents per
, hM.hnl ss a result of the continuous de
; nlal. of greet damage to th. growing crop
by Helen fly and chinch buga. There
I were thlrt -ali carload, on the market,
price, ranging around St ? to tl ss er
I 1'ii.liel.
! font receipt, were thlrty-on. cars, sell-
ins "t t 73 oanta per buahel, an stl
, h new of 'n cent.
Keculiits of oats were light, there being
Tha price waa Ss cent off.
de at 60 to il1 cent, per
Governor to Don
Overalls and Toil on
Good Roads Day
In. good rosds committee of the Oman
Commercial rluh this yesr will fix th.
data for the good rosds dsy celebratloa
throughout Nebraska. A meeting of the
committee will he held within a few
tfsy. for this ptirpoee. Hands II K. Brown,
the chairman, has snnounced.
This honor Is a compliment te the club
psld by Oovernor Moreheed. who will
give his ssnctlon to whstsver Sate is
Oovernor Morehead in a letter te Mr.
Brown told of plans being formed to
r.iska the day s success sad invited the
committee to fls the data. Oeversor
Morehead esnerls to wear overalls sni
lo lesd the laboring forces, ths letter
The governor raquaata Oniahens te turn
rut In large number, on .rood lead, dsy
end to unite In msking It a aucce...
Everett Dean Martin
to Return in Fall
Th. mninbetehlp committee of the ao
rtal Hettlement asaociallon, headed by
Mrs. W. P. Hsster, hss srrsnged for a
serlea of leeturee, to ba given next fall
by Kverett Dean Martin, who nss bean '
talking In Omahs. Mr. Martin's lecture,
will be en -The ptrtt of Modern Ufa."
snd he will point out the significance
of vulture In the world today. His sub
ject, will be:
(loathe I' he Spirit of Modern Poetry "
Ibsen "The Kplrlt of Modern Drama "
Bergaon- The flpirll rf "Mem Philo
sophy." Kodln "The pint of Modern Art
Darwin "Ths ftplrlt of Modern Ketones "
Tolstol-"The Spirit of Modern Rellg.
The will be then in the eounell
ohsmher of the city hslt, beginning the
Is. t. week In Ootob.r so4 continuing esoh
week until December.
H f Hoble. aaat.tant general pae.en
ger asent for the I'm on Pacific. I. apenil
In the day In town. Held Mr. Ruble:
"'rops through wert.rn Nebrs.ka and
stl of Colorado sra tha beat over known.
There hea ben an abundance of mole
Hire and farmers are very hopeful.
"Although the seaeon ha. hardly
opened, are pouring Into t'olo
rado. and right now thev are more
numerou. than st any time during tha
la.t five year.. Thr hotel, arv all filled
ami bu.lnew la pinking up wonderfully."
(el Hid r "Sprl Kever."
A laxy liver and alugglsh bowals will
overcome asy ambltloua and en.rgetis
man or woman snd mske them feel sll
tired out. dull, stupid and Itfelea. Kol.y
Cathartto Tablet, relieve con. tip. tlon. ra
il or. healthy bowel action and liven up
your liver. Tb.y are wholeroma snd thor
tughly elean.lng: do not gripe or nause
ate. They thst full, close, heavy
feeling. J. I.. Knight, Tort Worth. Texas,
..: "My diaagreeable symptom, wars
rntirely by the thorough cleane
ing th.y gave my srstsm." Sold every
where. Advertisement
J. Bradford B.lley. one of the oldest
pioneers of this seetlon of ths country,
died st Phoenix, Arts., Saturday at the
sge of T. He wss born In Msine snd
moved to Cuming City, s small village
up the rtver from Omaha. In Hb. He
a'terward operated a hull wagon train
between omahs aaJ Denver. He went
to tha civil war from Omaha and then
returned here, and In 1MI went ss a gov
ernment acout for General Oonnera. fr.
Bailey moved to Herman ami aervsd Aa
s delegate to the first territorial conven
tion and was s ipemlwr of the legiata
tura after tha atate was admitted, rep.'
re.enllng Washington couiitv. In h
moved to rtoutn Dakota, where he took u
gieet Interest in politic and became
quite prominent, being a republican.
Mr. tlalley ha. been spending the lest
three or four winters m Arlsona for Mm
health, a son snd two dsughter. resid
ing there.
Ths funeral waa at H.rmsn. Neb., Fri
day sfternoen. where s. brotBer resides.
In the early dsy. Mr. B.lley wss Quits
Instrumental In keeping down Indian up
rising, because of hla friendship te the
Indian chiefs.
Hs Is survived by hi. wife, three sons
snd three daughters. Edward B Bailey.
Btous City; Mrs. H I Hicks, New York
City; Ralph R. Bailey. Mrs. J. M. Kel
leg and Mrs. 11. T. Weldon ot Phoenix,
Arts., snd K D. Bailey of Yankton
Agency. 8. D
t ah Medtrlwe that nets.
Pr. KIsgTs New llscevery will help
your cough or cold, keep a bottle at horns
for emergencies. I"c at druggists. Advertisement.