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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1915)
The sure way to atfafy your wants ia through use of the want ad pafea of The Dee. Try a Dee want ad. EDITORIAL P-j?.3 ELEVEN TO TWEJTY CONDUCTOR GETS $30,000 VERDICT SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1916- v. a. rosromoE, ' Btanr two a BUROESS-NASH STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY nrciTTBTTti AOTirrn roa. "TBS CHICXEBIIfO PiaXOS. PHONE DOUGLAS 137. The Omaha Daily Bee II I - I a " 7 VQL XLIV-XO. 284. OMAILV, SATURDAY M0RN1M1, MAY IS. 1DI.V 5ffr,.VV SKULK COPY TWO CENTS. III MERE II (SOOP NEWS FROM BUM Am J5. P. Wright, Hurt While Fixing Trolley on Top of Car, Secure Record Amount. MOKE THAN HE FIRST ASKED Edgar P. Wright, former street car oondnctor, who sued the street rmll wgy company for damages, alleging that his back bad been crippled In an accident, was awarded a verdict of $30,000 by a Jury In Judge Les lie's district court. It was the larg- j a II.. In m flAP sonal injury suit against the oom- Sutton, McKenais and Cox. the plain tiffs attorneys, originally sued for only 125.000, but during the trial amended their petition by asking- for 110,000 more. The jury save the plaintiff all he first asked and one-half of the additional amount The Jury took the case at 6 o'olock Thursday and returned a verdict shortly before noon. Wright alleged that he sustained a hock which threw him to the ground, when his head came In contact with a feed wire while he haa standing on the roof of a street car, attempting to bring the trolley wheel In ccntact with the wire. Tha trolley rope had broken. Curvature of the spine resulted from the fall, he alleged. Belmont Again Tops South Omaha Mart, Breaking Record ) ri wnni for too twice for sheep was again broken at the South Omaha stock tAm vMtardiv. when Qeoree c ei- 4vnt of - Oerlng, Neb., sold 519 head of seventy-eight-pound lambs at $11.60. Bel mont has topped the South Omaha mar ket for the last three days. UOSIS U1BUI1 kpuu to Hit Policeman VX. Olsor, a middle-aged man. denied In lie court that he had made tnaulUnS remarks to little girls who were holding nlenta In Hanacom nark. "There must be soma mistake about It, I wouldn't do that." ha said. Rnacial Officer Budd testified that when he went for him to arrest him, Ol son hit him a blow on the law tnat rat a Ma Mth. This Olson denied also. 'I Jutt held out my fist and he must have run his Jaw against it," ne eaia. FAMOUS ENGLISH PAINTER VISITS OMAHA FRIENDS t Mnrtiur Hamilton of tendon Eo the celebrated portrait painters of the world, was tha guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank cmwiora inure day. Mr. Hamilton was enroute to the Rnn Francisco exposition, where he will act as chairman of the Jury of awards in art. On this oommlttee Sargent and .Trxcnh Pennell.. the etcher, will serve also. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford were . enter tained by Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton "at thela beautiful place in St " John's Wood, nr London, when they were abroad. Mr. Hamilton has completed a portrait of King George of England In bis cor nn.tinn rnhca. Ha Minted portraits of Gladstone, Bismarck, Spencer and other members of tha royal family of Eng land.. JEWISH FLORAL PARADE FOR SUNDAY AFTERNOON Jewish automobile owners will gather on Sunday afternoon at I o'clock, at Nineteenth and Burt streets, where they will take all youngsters of different so cieties for a Joy ride. The car wm be decorated with flowers and the young folks will be dressed In whlta and blue. About 400 children, representing tna ait children clubs, which were re cenUy organised by Jacques Rleur, will ' give a musical program and some paraae ceremonials. The parade will end at Eighteenth and Chicago streets, with a big mass meeting. HIS TRIP TO CALGARY ' IS DELAYED SEVEN DAYS Ed Babo, enroute from Fort Worth. ' Tex., to Calgary. Canada, stopped off long enough In Omaha to get drunk and proceeded to tell tha people In the Union station that Texas was a tar better state than Nebraska could ever nope to oe. c. .nthuiluUa and belligerent did he grow In upholding tha honor of tha Lone . aw , l - hw li m Btar sias m n mm . law's strong arm and later fined 15 and costs, which ha was unable to pay. He will be about seven days late In ar riving at Calgary. LESTER DOWNS INJURED AT WATER JUMPING PLANT - nnwna. a consulting engineer for tha Bpptnger-Carpentar Pump com-j j, any oi rii"""'!". 1 wiiikvuuu fracture below tha elbow when his right arm was caught by tha connecting rod of some machinery with which ha was working in' tha water pumping station at Twentieth and Poppleton avenue. Downs was taken to St. Joseph's hospital. STANDS TO SEAT 1.500 PUT IN AT MILLER PARK A ' reviewing stand for outdoor spirt votaries has been completed In Mil r park, with a seating capacity of 1,5X. fomfurt station for men and wonven are . .! built under the stand. ' imiiirr I'osuitlalnt Cred. fr. King's New Life Pills will rid the vetrm of fermenting foods and poisons. Keep stomach ajjd liver healthy. 36c. All Fro Hiniotracttoini M1S3 BURNS, from the Chr cago Art Department of the Dennlson Manufacturing Com pany, will give free instruc tions in the making of every thing from Dennlson's crepe papers, particularly featuring the fascinating art of making crepe rope baskets and rope wearing, table decorations. Jack Horner pies, electric and candle shades, mats, dollies, in fact everything that can be pro duced from this useful mate rial. Bring your party re quirements to Miss Burns and she will show you how to make your dinners and luncheons a unique success. BUROESS-NASH COMPANY, Main IToor Baloony. Special! Women's and Misses' PALM BEACH SUIT eII H2i and $15 00 SILK GLOVES That Are Real $1 Values - 69c THEY'RE the 16-button length, pure silk, tricot weave, plain white, a super ior value. Burgess-Mash Co. Main Floor. Blouaes That Have Charm FOR THE SUMMER. SEASON. $1.50, $2.50; $3.95, $5.00, $5.95 to $20.00 Crepe Georgette Blouses French Voile Blouses Crisp Handkerchief Linens Cool Batistes Crepe de Chine Blouses Organdie Blouses Lace, and Net Blouses There's a myriad of styles delightfully new from which' to se lect, with sleeve surprises or Inset motifs of hand-embroidered or gandie, and laces of a fineness to delight. All have been chosen with unusual care and with a regard for "better than usual values. Several New Styles in Wirthmor Waists for Which We are Exclusive Representa- , tives for Omaha Ready for Saturday at $L . Bnrgass-BTaah Oo. gseond Woof. Vp , TALKING Machiiie with 5 Double Faced 75c Records Saturday at $13.75 Tins is an ideal talking ma chine outfit to take with you on camping, canoeing or vacation trips, as well as for the city home. - It is easily carried about and playa any Disc record, as well as do the more expensive cabinet Instruments. In no other instrument and in no other way can you get so much and so good music for such little money. Bnrgeas-BTaah Oo. Fourth Floor. Four New Models of Women's Pumps $3.50 Styles on Second Floor at $2.85 EXPRESSLY deeigrrod for the modish women's choosing are our puiU of Palm Beach cloth, that resilient dust re pelling fabric of linen texture. Apart from the distinction of tailored line models are belted and .pocketed Norfolk types. We aro certain you'll appreciate the showing and the values are most un usual. Separate Skirts at $2.95, $3.95 and $5.95 Tailored, Demi-Tailored and Outing Effects Of golf cords and Palm Bench cloths -'(They're washable) or cordelines, Piques or other attractive cotton and linen weaves that come with the season. Several very pleasing styles from which to make your selection. Bnrgeas-sTaah Oo. fleeoad Floor. Here Are By Long Odds the Biggest and Best Values in Boys' Clothing in Town Two big groups. Boys' Suits That Were $5.00 to $9.00, at $3.95 Good, sturdy materials, including eerges, cheviots, lancy mixtures, otc, in the most wantl shades; coat Norfolk style, with two pairs of Knickerbocker pants; lined throughout, for ages 6 to 17 years; regularly $5.00 to $9.00 values, Sat urday, $3.95. BOYS' HATS. IMc Every shape, style snd color for the llttl fellows; a splendid line for se lection: Saturday, at.. 50c Boys' Suits That Were $10.00 to $18.00, at $6.95 Made of the very finest materials, strictly hand-tailored throughout, blue snrges and fancy mixtures, for ages fi to 18 years; values $10.00 to $18.01'. sale price $6.95. Boys' $1.50 Pants, 98c. Knickerbocker style for ages 5 to 18 oars, including blue sorges and fancy; were $1.50; sale price 98c Bnrgese-sTeah Co. Fourth Floor. A N all patent" kid colonial two-bar. XT. effect. A patent vamp pump with, patent heoL foxmg, cloth quarters, over-gaiter enect. A dull calf pump, colonial pattern, new oriera concave heels. An all patent kid pump, two-bar with1 button on fade, concave heels. All Splendid Values at $3.50. Choice Saturday, at $2.85 Children's Footwear Underpriced Child's patent two-strap pumps, $2.00 values, Saturday at. Aft Misses' dull calf one-strap pumps, $2.50 values 91 and 91.85 Misses' patent two-strap pumps, $2.25 values, Saturday 91.75 Growing girls' patent two-strap pumps, $2.76 values . .93.25 Misses' tan Russia calf pumps. $2.75 values. Saturday 91.6A Bnrge -aTasn Oo. Sj.eond Floor. ' Home, Lawn and Garden Needs in Wide Variety Are Specially Priced for Saturday $1.00 Pearl Beads, 59c WITH low neck waists or dresae. nnthlnr InnVa milt so well as a pretty string of pearl beads. Bargees-gash Co. wain Floor. $1.00 Hairpins, 29c LOOP braid pins, studded with fine quality white stones, shell, amber or deml-amber. nrgess-Tas1i Co. Main Floor. Black and White Handbags, $1.25 'T'HE stylemaKers have not1 for gotten handbags in the most popular of colors, black and white nrge -Wash Oo Main Floor. The New Bilk. Girdles A. RE very popular we are ahowin(f e,ulte a variety in black and all the new colors at 91.85 to Bwgvss-sTaaii Oo-OUU Floor. WOMEN'S PRETTY PARASOLS NEVER has there been such pretty sunshades shown as this year, and at such low prices, too, for the quality, style and attractive ness. Let us show, you Saturday what pretty combinations in black and whlta, green, 'pongee, sand shades and combinations In every new and up-to-date shape. Prica range from 92.75 to 920. OO. Children's pink, sky Muc, white and. red parasols at 29c. rrs -Wash Co. Mala Floor. Umbrella Shade Portable Electroliers $2.98 THE illustration here gives but a meager idea of the attractive ness and practicability of these new electroliers. Made with heavy cast base, with heavy brass tubing stand, heavily brass lacquered. The shade Is made umbrella style and can be raised or lowered as shown. Electrolier with fancy cretonne, um brella shades, assorted colors and pat terns, Co. Foarth Floor. Children's Muslin Underwear Specials , M CaOlBfJ DaAWIll, 100. ChlMrwn mnalln draw Bra, duster pin tuck, wld. ham, slsoa 1 to 14 years, spaotol at XOo. OHiubfj oavawaM, lse. . c1,5' "tr sTJod quality muslin drawers, pin tuck, bam-atltohsd bam. 1 to 14 yearn at loo. cjrruva aTarrouma. see . . Children s ownbrlo knickers or wkle drawers, neat Ism or embroidery trrmrolnsa, at aao, . cramjB'a oowsra. aso. CSuldren's muslin gowne. lipovr !yl, neet ! edre. ... cm.'B oowxs, eoo to sao. . Children's nainsook and orepe gowns, slipover or empire style, daintily trxntno. . CMXX.B S FZTTIOOATS, aSe TO 91.80. ChUnY .rs mualln p-.ttlcosis. finihed Uh irood embroidery and lacs dseai and Insertions, also olueter hemetltrhnd turke nrr s-aaa Oo eoon Floor. Women's Union Suits 25c A Man Has Only to Decide What He Will Pay for a Suit; Then Come to Burgess Nash and Wear One Away WHICH, in every point of style, quality and tailoring, gives complete satisfaction and is to the tiniest detail correct. The correctness of a Rurgess-Nash suit does not depend upon its price. No matter which of the several standard prices you pay the cor rectness of style Is assured. Every Purgess-Nash suit Is strictly IIAXD TAILORED throughout made according to our own specifications, the BOTNAC QUALITY" 66 and reflecting the smartest creations of the best designers, with a price $13.65 and up to $40.00 For Saturday we feature MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS, AT They Are Equal to Any at $22.50. -' Strictly ' hand-tailored throughout and built to conform with our strict specifications, and we commend them for their correctness their splendid fitting qualities their beauty of finish, their staunchness of materials and the high standard of tailoring. Suits absolutely supreme at this price. Glenn Urquhart plaids, tartans and ahepherd checks, worsted, flannel, silk mixed worsteds, plain colors and hair lines and stripes.. Every als, 4 or H silk lined, athletic out vests, wide and medium rolling lapela. Every wanted shade and style. Burress-STash Oo. Fourth Floor. any LAWN MOWERS FRFFf A RTasa ctchr itn IVELe lawn mower over SB. 14 and 16-lnch lawn mowers, 3 blades, $2.76 values, special . 92.25 KMnch Norka ball bearing mowers, 4 blades, fully guaranteed 98. SD 18-lnch Junior ball bearing mowers, 4 blades, 10 -Inch wheel, fully guaran teed $0.50 Same as above In 20-inch sixes. . .97.00 Grabs catchers to fit any mower. . .8O0 GARDEN HOSE v A solid brass nossle with every 60 ft. length of hose. 4-lnch Mist garden hose, 5-ply guar anteed, SO ft. length, completely cou pled, at 9-kflO &-inch Mist garden hoee, 6-ply guar anteed, 60 ft length, completely cou pled, at 9A.68 S-lncb moulded hose, best on the mar- Oo. llassinsnS FREE! ket. per foot only 14c Same In 4-lnch site, per foot at. .16c Red colored moulded hose, "4 -inch sise, very flexible, absolutely guaran teed perfect SOc OAS HOT PLATES AND RCRirEN DOORS pPPCf Pair of screen door hinges. 1 aVLiiU. screws and book with every door. I'tillty gas hot plates, large black panel, 2 -burner size, 1 small and 1 large burner, $8.60 value 9298 Bame a above, 3 burners, 2 small and 1 large burner, $4.60 value 93.9H Russia iron bake ovens at 08c Green painted screen doors, any size, at , 91.83 Natural finish fancy screen doors.. 91.SO Screen wire, black, per square foot. .9 Poultry netting in solid rolls, per 100 feet .' fMX Men's Wash Neckwear 25c and 50c ALL the new wash ties are here awaiting your selection. Tubulars, Manhattans, silk fibre and all silk. . Big variety and exceptional , values at OOc and 2ftc each. Men's Initial Belts at $1.00 A new feature in Initial belts. Your very own Initial, two atyles of letter, any site belt of good quality bridle leather, lined with iml- ' tatlon sealskin. Men's Superior Quality Shirts, $1.00 Another shipment of those famous neck band, cuff attached coat style shirts at 91.00. orrees-sTasa. Oo, Main Floor. . Drugs and Toilet Goods, Saturday Rani flush. , . lTo Canthrox sham poo, 60o slie.sso Java rice pow. Anr, 60c alie.ISS Pebeooo tooth null. 60o else for So IJer-kles talrinn toe. alse SOo Rath salts, fOn size SSo William's talnim powder, 2he slxe for 180 Pels. toe tooth paste SOo Ahonl ta toilet water, fiOo size for ass PJar-kJss toilet water . .. . .tl.OO Abonlta powder. tOo else ISo Seldll' powders. 2 be var.kase.lOo Bwamo Root, tl lse .SSo Jerven's Bensoln and Almond lo tion ISo William's shav Ina aoao ....So Peroslde. 1 pt. for lTo Borax chips. ISo Household am monia. 1 ot . . ISo Wllfh hasel. I quart SSo IijuM veneer, 2fir else ISO Ilquld veneer, hOc else 38o A u t o m o b lie aponcts 390 Burgess-BTash Fels Naphtha soap. 10 cakes for 3Se Moth bass, tl 00 value 7SO Chamois, 11.18 lse 7So 10 Mule Team borax. 1 lb... as Toilet paper. 10 J grade. 4 rolls for aao Toilet paper, Sc rae. ( rolls for SB Moarnltal cotton. 1 pound ISO Jad salts. 7B' nlze 480 Bvrup of Ktgs, nOo else 830 Danderlne. SOo ' slse .370 Oo-laaia Floor. n Si Plnkham's oom pound. 11.00 also for aso Beef. Win and Iron. 1 pt. . ..48o Ft a n 1 d glove cleaner BBo Rubber cloves. EOc value . . . . BAe Hot water bottle, 11.(0 value.. ae flyrlnn and water bottle c o m b I nation. 1.75 value. .88 folorlte. all hades as WOMEN'S union suits, low neck and sleeve losa, knee length, lace bottom, special Saturday, each 25c. Women's Vests, 15c. WOMEN'S vests, low nock and sleeveless, white cotton, special at, each, 15c. Women's Summer Union Suits, 45c. WOMEN'S union - suits, low neck and sleeve less, made of cotton and lisl, lace trimmed, irregulars of 7.'c grnde, at 45c. orgass-sTaah Co. '' A Clearaway of MEN'S SHOES in the Basement Salesroom on Saturday WE hsve transferred all the men's shoes to our basement shoe store and have decided to close out a number of lines. Tha prices quoted in most instances are less than the cost to manufacture. v Men's $3.50 and $4.00 Oxfords, $2.65 Men's tan Riihsla and fine black calfskin oxfords, button and lace, solid leather Goodyear welt soles; our J3.T.0 and $1.00 grade for 92.63. Men's $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes, $2.75 Men's black calfskin and tan Rus sia high shoes, button and lace. Sev eral styles from our $3.60 and $4.00 grade Saturday. 92.75. Hoys' 92.RO ftcout ftboes, 91.03 Boys' Scout shoes, with elk solas, the $2.60 kind for $VM. Roys' 9-00 Nhoes for 9'--25 Boys' tan calf, with solid leather sole, no better wearing shoe, a $3 00 value for 92.2ft., Bargess-BTash Co. Basement. Your Films Developed FREE When orders are left for print ing. This is kodak time. Take a kodak with voy. Burgess-STsali Co Mela Floor. 'EVE RYD ODY'iS .store" Saturday is Chocolate Day. Whipped Cream Chornlstes, 40c quality. 8 So Kr-h Oeain Caramrls, nut or plain. Ib.Soe Our Special Vila-k N.lnut J enocnl. lb. gee Home-made Peanut Brittle, lb ...ISe halted 1'eanute. lb . So Bargea.Tash Oo. BasssaamS. .