Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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Cash Wheat Quoted Two to Three
Cent LoweT and Sellers Hold
to Their Stocks.
OMAHA. May 14.
Oaah a Meat waa quoted ?i3r lower.
There. Were J. cars reported In, but no
car wer reported Bold, the sellers hold-In-
out f r htsrier prices as the damage
rrjort continue to rom in.
The demand for corn wa apod, thli
cereal selling afrV higher.
Oats wer quoted lower.
Between the uncertainty over th pollt
fal and crop situation the hit trade
i badly mixed. Pamaa-e reiorta from the
southwest rarrjre from S to 60 per rent,
a majority claiming ! to per cent.
A year airo clalnia were 10 per cent to
total loss.
The prt.' la unuauaily high and the
trade la Inclined to go alow in buying
on crop new.
Clearances were: Wheat and flour
ouM to ZSS.fln bushels; corn. 214.000 bush
els; oat. 3,0nft buahela.
IJvernool clnae: Wheat, unchanged, to
'd lower; Corn, unchanged to Vtd lower.
Primary wheat recelpta were 7.fi0
bushels and shipments 3SS,0n0 bushels,
sratnrn receipts of 172,0(1) buahela and
shipments of AM.Ono buahela laet year.
Primary corn recelpta were :w.(VX)
bushels- and shipments 472,000 bushels,
asalnst recelpta of 24J.AOO buaheln ana
shipments of 4.V.,0rto bushels Isst year.
. Primary oata recelpta were Z.A.n(0
bushels and ahlpmenta M,nro bushel
agalnat receipt of buahela and
shipments of br9X buahela laat year.
WbeaL Corn. Oata.
Chicago 7S W
Minneapolis? 13
Ouluth f7
Omaha M n II
Kanaaa City Zl 4
t. 1-onls ."3 24 21
Winnipeg 1M
No wheat reported sold
Theae out sales were reported: Vrn:
No. I white: car, "ic; No. I white, 1
oar. 7Je. No. 2 yellow: 1 car. 7Jc. No. 3
yellow. I ears. i7c. No, mixed: 1 car.
TlVic. No, I mixed: 1 car, 71H; 1 car. 7l'c.
No. mixed: 1 car, 7n4e. No. t mixed; 1
car. 6vv5. No. mixed: 1 car (musty .
J'V. Samp': 1 oar. 87c. Oata: No. 1
white: t care. Wc.
Cash rT1o-Vheat : No. 2 turkey,
tl nW-.43s.ol, nominal; No. t turkey, 1.4
41 to. nominal; No. I hard. 11. 481. to; No.
2 hard. tl.47Vfl1 . nominal; No. 4 hard,
tl '"U 1 .47. nominal; No. 1 apiing. AVip
IW, nominal; No. S durum, II .47iff1 .48,
nominal ; No. I durum, tl 4H17. nominal.
Com: No. I while. TWiirtr; No. white.
71H72e: No. 4 white, TIOTV. nominal.
No. a white. TOVfTrio, nominal; No.
white. T0tffli0c, nominal; No I yellow,
73ff;': No. I yellow, 7T724c; No. 4
yellow, TlVitrriVJ, nominal; No. 6 yellow.
71VnHc nominal: No. ( yellow. 70Vtf
7lVc. nominal: No. t mlsed, "IVilpi'ai:;
No. S mixed, T14jWlc; No. 4 mixed. TO1
7Vtc: No. a mlged, Mf.Hc; No. mixed.
Ma6Wc. Oats: No. 2 white, Vntl
nominal; atandard. S0Vtfiir1c, nomine 1;
No. J white, W4c; No. 4 white, 4
itfliOr. nominal, llarley: Malting, W70.-.
nominal: No. 1 feed, KV'lx nominal.
R: No. 2. tl.OX0l.t4), nominal; No. 1.
I1.VT31.0, nominal.
Corn and Wheat Reij-lOB Balletl.
Central No. of Temp -Ralnhvll-olatlon.
. Blationa. High. Jw. No. Ave,
Columbus ...IS H 40 . 1 .10
Tjottlavllle ...22 4 rt 4 .10
Indlan'pollk .U tt M t .10
Oikaco M 74 48 t .
Ht. liouts ....tJ ft? til 2 .20
IVa Molnea..4 MM .70
Minneapolla .j) 74 &2 17 ' .30
Kan. Clty....A4 0 I .. .00
Omaha li M 4 .0
The weather continues very warm In
the corn and wheat region want of the
Mlxaourl river. It la cooler In the cen
tral portion of the belt. Hhoweri oc
curred In all except the Omaha and
Kanaaa City dlatrlcta. A fall of I I
Inrhea oocurred at Peoria, 111.
. L, A. WELSH, 1
Leoal . Forecaster, WaaMbar bureau.
PMhirN Trwdla. Cloalnaj
Price wai Bwttrd '( Trade.
CHICAOO. Max U Exports nnvarenily
t a aiudsliU (( th tlma being, on ac
count or unoertaltiluea gfowlnx out of'
the American note to Germany tended to
bring; about a sharp decline today In the
prl of wheat. The nutrket closed un
settled SLt Va to lo under laat night.
Other leading staple, too, finished at a
net loaa. Corn, VdjA'o; oata, Ho to VW
lc. and provtalona, 7W4HOo to 20o.
It was not until the final hour of trad
ing that the wheat ma ikat . turned de
ctelvely down-trada Wide differences of
opinion as to crop damage had been
largely Instrumental tip to that time In
producing a aeries of Irregular nrtue
rhangee that were hard to clutfy as
altogether giving the advantage to either
the bulls or the hear. Meanwhile, doubt
aa to what contingencies might arlee In
national relatione bad a noticeable effect
toward restricting the volume of pit
transact lona. Support waa not lacking,
however, until the fact became svhlxnt
that foreign domand had virtually come
to a temporary halt. Tliera were not ad
vice vl any fresh, aalea whatever to
laleat dispatches In regard to damage
to the doiuaatlo wheat crop were In the
nature of a verdict of not half proved.
The Texas official rtport was said to
be the most flattering ever iaaued as to
conditions In that exsta. On tit other
hand an earlier private report from a
Inadlng authority said the rhanoe of a
.bumper crop this year In Kansas was
gone. r
Althourh corn at first waa Inclined to
It Aid steady, th market later gave way
with wheat. Newa regarding th prorren
f planting counted somewhat against th
bulla Absence of important cash s!s
pulled down oats, lirekies, field condi
tions were said to be excellent, and espe
cially In th southwest.
i'rovtslons suffered from unloading to
astern tinklers. Higher prices fur hog
failed to have a lasting effect.
futures ranges as follows
ArtK lei Open. I High. I Uw. Close. IVes'y,
Vheatl I I I I
May. 1 M 1H II) 'Km 1H
July. 1 e 1 UK I t! US 1
Cor. a
Mttyj 74 74, 724 ti 1
July. 7i T! Tt 1 1
May. t!S K IQH Bl4
July. kXs 12 US blW M
Tork. -
. July. II U !f IT TTVs IT M It M
tjL U sO U 0 It U U W4 It 46
July. 1 71 tTTH It I (TH 175
Beta. W 00 H It'ti r
July. 10 If 10 ITS 10 46 10 45 10 H
F pt. 10 W 10 16 10 70 10 1S 10 US
Chicago Cash Price W heat : No. I
red, nominal; No. 2 hard, tl&Wi.M
Corn: No. 2 yellow. 7WJ76Sc: No. 4 yel
low. 74d74VTC. Oata: No. 3 white, Uf
3c: aianiaril. Mivi. htye: No a.
pomlnal. Harley: 7:a79r. Keedx: Tim
othy, (6.or W; clover, MM;li7V Pro-
vieiotta: fors,' lara, ttl.oo; ribs.
BITTER Bteady : creamery, JOr3so.
KOCiS Higher; recelpta. U catwe; at
mark. re included. rfiv; ordinary
firsts. lAvlTKc: flreta, llVsn tsWo.
I'OTATOES rUcelyU, 27 cars; uo-
Put L.TKT-Allrs. steady; fowls, lie.
w Yarki Geseral Marltet.
(,uht: centrifugal. 4.R9c: molasaea. 4.11c;
rftned, steady. Mugar futures. were quiet
Snd steady early today. At noon prices
were Pit points higher.
m'TTER Barely steady: receipts,
tubs; rresmnry extras, tf soora, S7ci
rrramery, higher scoring, A4jUISc: firsts,
j-g.'.c; seconds, Sbu'oc
K'KiS Irregular; receipt. 17.MI cases:
fresh gathered extras. SfHCic: storags
racked, extra firsts, tleac ftrata, 20
tll'ic; regular packed, extra flreta. HQ
t.'-f-. firsts. I9ir&c nearby bennery,
whites, fine to fancy, 2artVto; ncarDy
.nnry white. Ef)2So.
t'HE-iE Firm; receipt, 5.10T Soxes
at, whol milk, fresh specials 17Q
ntc; state, whole milk, averts fancy,
POl'L,TRT live, firm: western chick
ens, broilers, Z4)Kc; fowls. 17Vc; tur
kej s. UoUc: dresd, steady; weatera
rroxen roasting chickens, liStlc; foals
M'-iulV; turkeys, i-ac.
Kaaaas City (.rata sat Provisions,
- No. I hrd, tl iiwl.i't; No 2 red, M7
.!: llay. fl 4; July, 1.2iy.lls ,
htlHcmber. tl H.
OATi- No. 2 whlt. HJc; No. :
miked. Ji"(cjc.
hCTTf H Creamery. 27c; firsts, 3br,
"i'l iv. packing, lsc.
COkN-Na I ulAd, ;4WT5c, No. 2
(white, 76c; July. 74V,74C; September.
I .4M(7,c.
1 t Hl.-i- Pirate. 17c; aeconda. 1V-
It H'l.TKY Hens. I4-; roostrrf lc;
tnrkf . l.c.
Bt'TTF R No. t 1-Ib cartons, lie; No.
t '-lb twba. 29c.
CHk.F!--lmporied Bwlaa, ile; Amer
ican fwles. 2k , block Pwtss. S2c; twin,
W'V. daisies, liHc; triplets. 17'ic; S'oung
America blue latiel bru k, lc; 11m
burgcr. 2-lb. 2fc; New York white,, 18c;
unporud French Koquefort. 40c.
FISH-Trout. 14c; larse crspplea, 14c;
ballbut. i:ic . channel catfish, ! ; herring,
Jc. codfish, 14c; mackerel, ic; e..lmon lc.
BWI.KT POTATOKii-Kansss, tl 75 ,
Wholesale pri- of beef cute ifiectiv
April 'A are as follows:
REEK CUTH-Ilibs. No. 1, 1V-; No. 2.
17c-; No. 2. 1710. L)tns. No. 1. r; No.
2. 2Hc; No. 2, lV. Chucks. No. 1, HSc;
No 2, loc; No. :i, loSc. Hounds, No 1,
14ic; No. 2. 14c; No. 2. 12o. Pistes. No.
1 Sc; No 2, !c: No 3. r.
'roUITRT Brofiera. Xr; spring Thick
ens, 15c, hens. 14c rocks. IV"; loostets.
iHc; stags. I'V; ducks. 15c; geese, pw:
turkeya lStSljc; plueous. per dos , 0c:
ducks, full festheted. l"c, geese, full
fenthored. to; s'luabs. No. 1, 11.60; No. 2,
Fruit and vegetable prices furnished by
OinirsM Fruit company:
VHl'lTS Oranges: Fancy California
navala. 'e. K.2 per box; Sa, It.i. i.50
per box; 12, tU pr ix.x; l&us, per
box; 175, 2"", 211. i"a. a, W B0 per
hon extra fancy Mediterranean fweets,
2Wis. 2fs, 224s, Vln ier box. Lemons:
Extra fancy Oolden Howl, i0e, ;,
per box; fancy silver Cord, 2n0s, ,
14 Ml per box Orapefrult: Celebrated
Chase brand, . I2.ii per box. i. I2.M
per box; Ms, I2.7S per box; 4s, i per
box. IMnesnpples . Kxtrs fancy Cub.'wi,
2s. 3"s, Vm, IS "Si oer crate. Manaima:
icclliim else, t2 to Yl.Vi per bunch: Jumbo
fruit, Changulnola and Port Kl.non, 4o
per pound. Ptrawberrlea: Louisiana pints,
price on date of shipment; prospective
price for Monday Hi pint cases, 12 per
VEOKTA-BLES California new cab
bage, f to lMb. cratea, ile per lb. Cl
ety, Jumbo, DOc per dog.; head lettuce,
tl per dos.; leaf lettuce, 4oc per dos.
Artichokes, II .to per dor. Endive, 3fcc per
lb. ttnlons: Yellow, 2c per ll.; Texaa
Hermudn, white, 11.75 per crate; Texas
Hermurta, while, yellow, tl ko per crat.
Onion sets: yellow and red. tl 60 per
bushel; white, IL75 per bushel. Peppers,
(A- per basket. Totnatoea. fancy, 4.M)
per crate; cholne, 14 per crate, hplnach,
0c per dos. Paraley, BOc per dot. Tur
nips, 50c per dos. Potutoes: Colorado
Hursls, 75c per bushol; Ked River Ohlns,
'jun per bushel; Minnesota white. 40c per
bushel; Florida, white stock, about 17a
Iba. to barrel, W per barrel; Texas Tri
umphs, hO-lhs. sacks, bc per lb. Mush
rootns. fiOo per lb.
4c per lb. Cracker Jack. U.tO per esse.
11.75 per half case. Peanuta, raw, 7o
per lb.; Jumbo, Re per lb.; roasted, tVtjO
per lb.; aalted, oer can. Asparagua,
home grown. 1-lb. bunchee, 0o per dos.
bunches. Checkers. 4.t.6 tier case: tl.75
Per half case. Limes, tl.75 per box.
iCimnanuts, 13.50 per sack; ftV per dox.
Nuts: No. 1 California walnuts, J so per
lb. Ilraxlls, 12c pen lb. Sugar walnut
dates, tl.4u per hax. Filberts, lio per
lb. Pecans, 12Ve pmr lb. Almonds, 20o
per lb.
' Mlaaeapolla Or I a Market.
May. II.50W; July. 11.45'. No. 1 hard.
It.blM: No. 1 northern. II. MUSI. 67'-,; No.
J northern. tl.4."31 M4. .
r iiJLK-ununanged.
HYK-II 13r1 10. 1
HAN-t-1!.60, j
(XiHN No. 3 yellow, fia70'C.
8Kh:U-Klax, il.!7fll..
OATS No. I while. 60,flc.
Liverpool Oral Market.
ttrrniuvit w .. i A wiiiriv a .
H.Jc MtMmw '.nun, nvi.
stesy; No. 2 Manitoba, 12s lOd: No. 1
northern spring, Ms txi. No. 2 hard win
ter, lie d
CORN Soot, oniet; American mixed.
tiw, Ka 6d; La Plata futures, Rs lVsd.
xfaw Tark Money Market.
sixty-day bill. 14 TO76; for oablea, tt.TMO;
for demand, 14.71125.
HILVhlHUar, 4on; Mexican dollars.
H(fiw-tvniinniL waaa; raiiroaa.
sreak. ' ' - . .' :
TIME LOAN Firmer ; lxty day.' t
per cent; ninety days, J1 per cent; alx
months, Jtt ler cnt.
CAIAj MONKT Steady: highest, I. per
cant; lowest, 1H per cent; rullrg rate. 3
per cent; last loan, I per cent; closing
bid, m per cent; offered at 2 per oeit.
Closing quotations on bond today were
as tollows: s.
V. . ral. Is, rg... st Ma. Pas. v. la .... 4
to estipo 1 N. y. C. g. ihs... -7
V. . U. n.: n4N. T. Our 4m....l4tt
4e emiitoa KwN. T. fttsl 4". . . .loms
V. a. 4s, ng.. 1 N. T.. N. K. 4k II.
do eoupo in or. Is !
fssam Is seupoa..loiKo. Paelfle 4. 91
Aid Dimltsr ....! e s u4
A. T. 4 T. sv. 4VH0. I n. 4s.. H
Armour Ca. 4Hs.. M Pas. T. T. T
Aichuoa a. 4a.... Pn. eon. i. 7Sk
Hal. 4 Ohls 4s Ht4 So eon. 4M 114
(lies. Okl 4s.. M Keadlng gss. 4a.... 4
" B. a Q. J. 4i ... M "S L H F r 4s.. K4
C M 4 s F I tm innsif4o. Pso. t. 4 nt4
ds r. . Pl so ref. 4s a
C. rf. 4V,. ... 4 s ct. U mi
IV 4 R 0. nil. .. 7M"n. tuilvar 4s.
Kris sss. 4s 41 t'nlss Pscitlo 4s.... Ms.
ties. Kleetrts ta pa So ev.
nt. Nn. tat (4aU. a. Rob her 4s...ln?u.
III. Oa. raf. 4s... MU. a. BimI bs ii4k
H. a Be. nt Is... as Wataali 1st la lot
1. N. anl. 4a..., S4 Wsrt. f 11 Ion 4 m
M. K. T. lat 4s.. "it Wast. Blso. cv. a..lw
BI4. MOflsrs.
Cof fee Market.
NEW TOltK, May 14.-X)PFKB Altar
very quiet morning the market for fu
tures turned easier uuder reports of a
further decline In cost and freight offers
from Brastl and uuitrrin( liquidation,
which was pobably Inspired by the unaet
tied aver" of general sentiment. The
opening waa unchanged to 3 points higher
in a Hit I scattered covering, but tnere
waa very little buying power and the
market rloaed at a net loss of 74211 points,
bale. 23.260 bags: slay, t.Tc; June, 6.7;e;
Jnly, 4 TVc: Auguat, 4. Mr; September, ti.S'c;
November, 4. bio; December, C.tsV; Janu
ary, 7.20oj February.; March, 7.t9c;
April, 7.15c, Kpot easy; Klo, No. 7, 7Wo;
hanto. No 4. V. Cost and freight of
fers from Klo were easier, with 7s quoted
t Tc, while Santo r unchanged, only
a shade lower.
Metal Market.
.NF7W TORK. May 14.-METAL8-The
metal axohang quotes lescx quirt. t4 line
4 22; plter not quoted.
Copper; Firm; electroytlc, tHOO; cast
lng. bt.60ait.7a. Tin: Quiet and easy;
five-ton lots offered at tV.76. Iron: Quiet
and unchanged.
At Ijnndon Ctipner: Spot. 78; future,
7. Tin: Spot 1tt Iws; futures, lt2 lu.
Antimony. 9747100. Lead, 20 6s.
tsr. i 10.
Omaha May Market.
OMAHA. Neb., May It. 111. PRAIRtR
HAT Oio4c ut.uland (none here,, til 0i
11 ffl; No. 1, IlLMXttlOO; No. t, JtOoy
iuw; iHo. . m vnu.w lvioic midland
(none hsre), tllftivrruoO No 1. JI0O;,
1140; No. I. IOUrmoOO; No. I, 5 .OtW.'rt.
Choice lowland. 0itiM); No. 1. ts.iOij
1.00: No. 1. I7 0.n00: No. 1 t4 0rjMi0O
ALFALrA tiolc la quotable ,( JiSOil
fW50, No. 1. tllurrtl!.0; No. 1. ft
Cotten. Market.
NFTW YORK. May 14 (TTON-htot.
quiet; middling tiplanda. I 70c. No aalea
Futures opened steady; July, I 43c; Oc
tober, tile: Ueoember, ; January
1 lc.
Th market closed ateady at a net de
cline or 20 to 34 points.
easier: good middling, I44VI: middling,
4.d; Vow middling. 4 Md; sale. 4.0UW bale.
I.oadoa stock Market.
LONDON, May 14 Cacertslnty was
pparant In th American section of th
stock market, where th deallnga were
half-hearted. Canadian Pacific weak
ened 1n the afternoon and the reat of th
list drooped and closed uncertain.
KlLVF.K-Rar. OSd per ounce.
movf.v mtrm per nt.
nirtCtiCNT RATI-8-8hort bills, J per
. tnt. thrre rtonlha. 1, per rant.
Ury tioud Market.
Cotton goods and yarn markets wrr
quiet tndav. Wool inaikrts were firut
.th actlily In rrei wools Headv to
wear goods for summer needs are s -lllng
" 1
Kisser' 4bbIm aad Dried Frail
lUltl IRC ITS Prunes firm Apri
cot dull. Peaches easy; raisins quiet
Cattle Show Little or Ko Change in
Either Direction Lambi Are
Twenty to Thirty Up.
OMAHA. May 14. 1915.
Receipts were:
Cattle. Moss. Sheep.
Official Monly ...
Official Tuesday ...
Official Wednesday
; 'rricial Thursday ..
, Ketlmate Friday ...
I FUe dsvs this week.l.l41 .040
Hnme dsys Inst week . .12.!7 4".
Mem il.u, 9 U - t il St 'mil 'A 2A2
Panic days h. ao.21.ios 44,:w.h ;..1l'
I Same days 4 wks aao r.t.O.V. 4S..ts; 42.07'
Fame days last yeat..R: SMlI 31.M4
I The following table snows the rt-celpts
or cattle, hogs and Sheep at tne mh
Omaha live stock market for th year
to data, as compared with last year:
1915- I14. Inc. Deo.
Cttle Mist i!,17! IIMl
Unfit 1.2.'". 1.27.1."J 209.741
iShrep n,34 MS.SIO .fi
Thn following table shows the average
price for hogs at the South Omaha live
stock mark st fur ths laat fw days, with
Date I int. 1)4.l9U..IH2.il91l.;iliO.'iy-
! 7 4i'l
1 m
c la!
t 241
I 26i
t ,ll
S 2
I 20
7 0
1 b,l
. U
7 4S(
7 44f
7 4
7 5'
7 5
7 hftj
7 4!
I I4
8i: I
5 74, 9 Ol'
i 021 I 14
I 4 I om
5 m I 1!
S 4b 27
I Ml
t 76 I
5 77 I 18,
79( 2A
7 04
7 00
t 4
4 97
7 01
7 04
7 0
At ay
1 21
7 24i
7 r.'
t r'
1 i.
I Ml
I 37
I 24
I I5
I !!
I 18.
I 25
I May
I May
. Hay
I May
I Mny
I May
I 21
7 24,
I I'll
I 14
6 K21 1 2
5 96!
1 4
H 22'
7 44
b 97
9 w
Receipts and disposition of live stock
at the Union Htock Tar le, South Omaha,
lor twent y-four' hours ending at 1 p. rr.
it EX,"h.i PTTt-CA KB.
I Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.H r g.
C., M. A 8t. P 2 1
.Val.ash li
Mrssourl Pacific ... 1
I nlon Pacific 19 8 2
C. A N. W., eaat 4
C. N. W.. west... 7 37
C Ft. P., M. O.. 7 3
('.. n AY Q . esst... 12..
'.. P. Q . west... 7 . 22 i
c.. H. 1. P.. east. 1 l 2
Illinois Centrsl 1
Chicago O. W 3 1
Total receipts.
Cattle. H'-g-s. Sheep.
Morris Co....
fwlft Co
t.'mlahy Packing
Armour A Co...
... 312
... 371
... 24J
Hchwarts A Co
J. W. Murphy ....
Cudahy, Fort Worth... t
l enton, ansant ar 1...
F. 14. Iwls 1
J. B Hoot A Co 1
L. K. Husx I
'Fflllvan Hroa 2
Hothachlld 24
lloth 1
1 Meyers X
! Manner Bros 21
lohn Harvey 49
(line .' 4
Other buyer 30
Totals 1.076 6,t:4
CATTLrJ Recelptg were moderate, as
uat'dl on a Friday, but the market as a
whoio was In very fslr condition. Buyers
were out In good season and pretty much
everything changed hands at an early
nocr. Prices paid showed Utile or no
change a compared with yesterday.
v alio there waa nothing cholua her to
utake a high top, there wer yearlings
good enough to bring tl.4".
ujotuiluits on came; Wood to enole
cornfed beeves. iJi.Ha.M: fair to good
(nrnfi d . beeves, t7.bouM.15; uommon to
fslr cornfdd beeves t7.2ou7.Kj: soud to
choice heiiers.t t7.(a)t.oii; jiood to choice
cows, eVit7.40; mr to good cows, t6.5(
4 40; common to fair cow. U.T.Vtt-'iG; good
to choice stocker and feeders', I7.tvjj6 ';
ale to good Mockers Jind (csdors. ri "(
t U1' ' rAMMAB IALt.l, . r... U " ' .ml fMri.
era,' ..0i) 7.W: stick heifers, Vi.7&7Jlu.
stock cows. 5.5ob.75: stock calves. 14.50
veal rulves. tt.0rviri0.5o; fat bulls.
stags, etc., 25.000.76; stock bulls, to. 00.
ucpreseutanv sale:
A. Pr.
lao It)
IU 1
1UW 7 40
liaa t IS
U H 7
liut T to
Av. Pr.
...i 11
,..UU 111
...II JO I so
...1Mb I Si
U ..
f ..... ii.i
.1110 1 u
14 170 7 II T sU T 44
14 114 7 7b I H I t
COW fl.
4 f I 00 1 110 I 44
1 10.4 I to iter 7 00
1 .0 4 14 1 ' 7 II
I IIM 4 (Ml 4 U40 7 Si
4 M 111 4
1 M 7 li 15
t 1UI T at
1 in IU 1
S lie I 71 1
I7 7 S
. 40 4 X
.174 4 SO
.40IS 104
1 171 II
1 417 4 M 11 MI 7 I
HOGS Supplies were light, amounting
lo some eUhty-alx cars, or 6.194 head.
The total for th week to dat loot up
35,00 bead, bolug H.tKU head smaller than
last week, but over l.uuv larger than a
year ago.
Advices from other point indicated
sharply higher prices all along th line.
and th local trade opened fully fctilOc up.
(shipper drove wer fully Mi 10c up, and
some aales looked a flat dim higher.
raukera first purchases wer no mora
than uttlOo higher, but In the end most
of th sales were mad at a dime ad
vance, alih closing prices nearly )&'t&o
oeiter. The average market was about
a dim higher.- and movement wn th
liveliest for a long time, a clearance .be
ing made before 10 o'clock.
Hulk of all the sale was mad at W.40
(17.45, and top rsacbed t7.50. Today top
equals an) thing paid o far this year.
snu tne average is tne nigneat of the
esr to date.
IKH4S Receipt, 13.000 head: market
strong to lvuusc above yesterday s av
erage; bulk of sales, IT.ewB'LM); light,
f7.o.u7.u; mixed, 17 .outf?.); heavy, ." 20
in. ft, rough, t;.20u7.40, pigs, to. 7i j. 45.
Mi. Pr.
Ay. Bh.
..Ml ..
t 41 ,
7 44
7 4714
7 47
7 M
IU 24 1 14
. Kin IM 1 I7
..iM ... t lit,
k'l 7 40
. IU Ml 7 40
t 4 (,; in
1 uu
KJltr-l'-iinlj tour loads, two of them
sliujlv docks of shorn lajupa, allowed up
touay. and the roof was taken off en
tlijily. Sella is asked harply higher
Pik'c. and after dlc.karlns nearly all
fuianoun, tha two car of wouiad lamb
here finally tld to eastern shippers at
111. W. just 30c above the price paid for
the same stuff yesterday. This 1 th
highest figure ever paid at this point.
The attorn stuff that showed up Waa of
poor quality and brought i.H
Ixual trade, a did not agree on th
anioi.nt of Unisy s advance, but a coin
pariaon of price on the wooled grade
show a them li lie ,)c up aauuuo higher
would be a conservative tiuolation of the
market. There were no aed sheep here
assin today.
Th week' trade has shown on of th
most rapid .-vdvancea seen In a long tint.
Only a Iff car bate put in appearance
each day. and aa lackers realised Ihst
tb run of led stuff wa about ovr. It
waa up to them to gt th shp now or
ui-ver Today supply of 7K7 head brings
the week a total uu to 12.7U head. at.i. h
1 tbe iiiallesl for aeveral eara, being
t.UOU lighter than a week ago, and only a
llttl over a third aa Urge a fr th
ssme pern xi last year.
Ouotatlons cm she.ii and lamlia- Umh.
light, Uu.76.if II M), lantlai. heavy. tlu.3
t larytoe. tnurn, .-wiii. ,b; yeariinua,
llsbt, tsowra.j,''; yearlings, hesvy, J)7J
9 Jf. wt ihcraf. fair to good, l Jfi.' 7i;
ewes, yood ti chol'-e, vi'a(w, eae
fair to got l. t.' 6u'v.i.
10 shorn ewes 1.0 s on
fw MciIcjiii lambs 7." 11 u
!4 .Mexican lambs , 7 11
tl Mexican lambs 7S 11 so
ol cull liunns m ; t
sliurn lambs , 71 m
13 shorn ewes U'7 4 ft
4 fed spring lambs St 14 it)
1 -
St. l.nala Lit Htock Market.
ceipts, tnJU head: market steady, native
beef etecis 17 .i9..i'. yearluixs steers and
helfria. tt.mnis A), toaa. ".k. stock-
ers and lerdcr. to.tXa.; souUtsro
4 ion) ;.- H ...'i i
in t22 2.4i:
5 XX K.141 1,4 !
3.1 If 4.117 2M .
I steers. IS.IV; 00: cows and heifers, tl 00$
i'; native calves, fS.iri"!(f.50.
! H'MJ.1 Recelpta 7,30 head; market
Maher: piss and lls-hts. a.2Mt7.W); mixed
stci tuitctiers, tif'yi.w, good heavy,
tT f--."r7 70.
head; market Mtrher; clipped rn'ittons,
!;.MSi7.M); cllptied lambs. t..yfi ) f ; clipped
yearling. ..fv 'r,9.ln; spring lambs. lO.(W
tattle low .Hob atrani
CHICAOO, Msy 14.-CATTLK Receipts,
l.'it head market slow; native beef
steers, VI Waffs ; western steers. IM"W
" A. cows and heifers, 3. 30.75; calvea.
, B.
t HotiS Receipts. 12,0y head; market
I strong, 10i.5e niirher; bulk of sates 7 th
it7.; llcht, 17 V. 90; n.lx-d. r."aT7'4i;
havy, 7.?.Va7.90; rough, I7.i7.40; plus.
I V7Mr74".
i SHEEP AND LAMBSl-Rccclpt. 7.000
head; market strong; sheep, 17 75'SVHi;
yambs, f7.9JtT10.1S.
Kanaaa City Live "tock Market.
ceipts, .'M hesd: market steady; prime
fed steers, t.SH'o9.2.".: dressed beef Htecrs,
I7.75(Ji ft; western steers. 7.25em..V; stock
era snd feeders. H.:rYnH&l; bulls, 15.70
7.00; calvea, t" .iW10.rJi.
HOOS Hecelpt. 5A0 head; market
higher: bulk of sales, 17 oOru'i.55; heavy,
$7.6iffr7.55; pa'kers and butcher. t7.5tftf
7.55; light. I7.45ft7.d0; rrlga. fj.ijOi7.25.
SHKF.T' AMI WMBS- lU-ceipts. 1,909
bead; market weak; lambs. t' .2T?1I.25;
yearllnas, tTTVfiiooO; wethers, I7.OWj0.iJ0;
twes. ti.VV!i.75.
t. Joseph Lire Htock Market.
celpts. W0 head; market steady; steers.
n.S'iw.m, cows ana neuers, ,aivxi w;
calves. t".5tV8 fA
IKXiS Receipts, bead: market
hlrher; top, 7.66; bulk of sales, 17.47
7 . 5V
FHEEP AND I-AMIW Receipts, l.fno
head; market steady; lambs, tlO.6O-3n.OO.
Hen l Ciiy My Itsrk Market.
HOI X CITY, la.. Mav 14.-CATTLF-3-Reoeipts,
2i0 head; market ateady; native
steers, 7 fioW.20; butchers, tV 10(97.50.
Hi )i Receipts. I nr.) head: market 5c
higher; heavy. $7 '!i7.45; mixed. 7.3nff)
7.; light. 7.X7.iO; bulk of sales. I7.JJS
SHEEP AND MMHft- Receipts. 500
bead; mnrket, ateady; Inmbs, t16.
Rank C learing;.
OMAHA. May .14 Rank clearings , for
Omaha today were 13.04.774. 40 and for the
corresponding day last year 12,573.674.34.
Sharp Advances in
Prices Charged for
Meat in Berlin
(Correspondence of th Associated Press.)
BERLIN, May 10.-A striking resume of
liov generally foodstuff price hve risen
In Berlin during; the three months, Jan
uary to March, IMS. In comparison with
the some period a year ago la contained I
in a chart compiled by th Berlin cattle
The price given era In mark for fifty
kilograms live weight, and are estimated
for the first of January and last of
March, 1W4, and for the same dates lu
.Ian Mar
Jan. Mar.
44 41
f . 67
42 44
m r.3
OW 4:1
'heep 44
Pulls 45
Oxen 50
( alve 71
Bwlna 67
W f.3
67 S7
Vlth a few Intermittent recoveries 4Via
price of animals one ynr ago fell stead
ily as the year advanced. In th same
Period of 1916 they rose quite as con
sistently, with th single excsDtlon of
calvea Of th other five, only sheep
htiwed a tendency during; January and
part or February to lapse back tb lower
prices, and they eventually soared
straight upwards to th hlh prices of
(77 mark. .
." 1 ' ' . ",'. HI
Iron Worker Breaks
Both Legs in Fall
William 0"ConneJI. an Iron worker em
ployed On . th Brandala atora subway
excavation work at Sixteenth and Doug.
la streets, fell twenty feet When a
scaffold -. broke, yesterday afternoon.
When ha struck th bottom of the pit, an
Iron beani ell-upon him, breaking; both
He wm taken to Rt. Joaeph'a hospital.
10 horn la at 1930 South Fifteenth
Zapata Sympathy
For Lusitania Dead
WA8HINOTON. May 14.-A telajrram
received at th Stat department today
expressed th sympathy of th convention
government In Mexico for tha los of
American live on the Lusitania Th
menage spoke for th government ther
headed by Oenersl Qarsa and supported
by th Zapata troop.
Following- I the program for th opeit
IU4T concert of th season In Falrmount
park on Sunday afternoon, given by tb
Arthur S. Smith band, beginning at 1
March A-I-a-art Ifolxman
Overture Raymond Thomas
Selection Mile Modiste 7.. Herbert
(a) Intermexso rihadowland Gilbert
b Kag Trombonlum Remit k
Grand Fantasia My Old Kentucky
Horn Dalbey
(With Variation for all Inatruments.)
Rag Thst Beautiful Rag...... Snyder
Medley Popular Air, lsilo Remlck
Patrol Blue and Gray Dalbey
Characteristic Porto 4Ucan Dance
Descriptive Piece A Hunting Seen
Marclt Slate Militia Review Kappltls
Selection Reminiscences of Scotland.
Walta-Jolly Fellow VolUtedt
Polonaise Presidential Polonaise. ...Souaa
Final American Air Lamp
ALTd ANOE. Neb.. May 14. -(Special Tel
egram.) After an lllnesa of six months
following a paralytic stroke, Peter Ruben
dall, a prominent buslnesa msn of
Alliance, died her tonight. II wa a
year of g and leave a widow and two
on. Warn of Alliance and Clarence
Rubendall of Omaha. Mr. Rubendall
cam to Alllacc from Maduson, Neb.,
where for twenty year h waa president
of th First National bank. He waa In
th real tat bu1ni in Alliance- until
thre year ago wham ha bacam th
proprietor of th Alliance hotel. Th
Masonic fraternity will hav charg of
th funeral which will b held in Lin
coln Bunday forenoon.
Cam Orn. 311 South Twentjr-!M.. I
and Amy Smith, Etl Purine street, both
colored, furntahsd X'Mteniont for th
neighborhood of Tnty-lhth and Par- j
nam atrct last nlht when thsy tn- '
ra4 In a duel with rssors over do-
meatie affair. Th Smith woman v I
pretty badly eut up. Both wer arrat j
by Patrolman Ton Baua-tunaa.
Pricei Fall, Owing to Foreign
NEW TORK. Msy 14. -Anxiety over tbe
outcome of th International situation,
more psrtlcularly the tense relations be
tween this country end tjermany wa the
ai-pervn.'1ng feature of todsy's stock
market. Prices fell three to five points
In the representative group anl five to
ten points In those Issues which have
coma to de designated aa 'ssr ' storks.
Lowest quotations were made lit the final
hour wit n onlv t!ie most meager recov
eries. Some comfort was extracted from the
fart that selling wss at all times moder
ate and unattended by any excitement,
which accompanied recent declines
To what extent actual liquidation fig
ured In the day's operations is necessar
ily a debatable question, but selling for
tie short account waa frequently In evi
dence. Actual news developments so far
as they affected domestic conditions were
mostly favorable, but these elements
were overshadowed bv the restraint which
affected all circles Rankers and other
rubstantlal Interests commonlv assumed
to be In c!os touch with all nhasea of
the foretsn situation counselled extreme)
caution. To such an extent was this pol
icy observed that some of the more con
servative brokerage houscn not only sd
vlaed tholr clients to close out specula
tive accounts, but In some fnstances re
fused to enaaa-e in new purchases of this
rhsracter except for cash. One plausible
reason advanced In explanation of the
dny's mcderste business was that Isrtre
amounts of stork could have been dis
posed without serious depression of
Trices It was regarded as significant also
thst banks were srallne- down values of
special stocks o'fered In loans. In. line
with this attitude, a firmer tone waa
noted for all Innr-tlme maturities, even
though cs.U monev wa In free supolr.
Total sales of stocks amounted to 7DO,flO0
Francs fell to a new low record In the
foreign exefcanaw market and Itsllan re
mittances Were unchanged from their re
cent low figures. Domestic bank clearings
made favorable comparison wtlh a year
sso, local hanks (reining decidedly over
this period of the last two rears.
Bonds were weak, with total sales, par
value of KHifttMO.
pi .w iniign t tiWwsysyi tWrttlw W.JW'.w r4errrBPisixsss-isi
i'- llllUfe4 II Wlia.-.' A - 'a.V
Special "Suits
for Men and
i'oun Men,
About 2,400
These are Men's Genuine South American Panama Hats
Importers' samples bought at less than, half the regular
wholesale pnee. All this season's styles. Values
from $5.00 to $8.50. Your choice of the entire
lot Saturday, at . .
Boys' New
Straw Hats
Boys' and Chil
dren's Straw Ilats
Rah -Rah and
.middy shapes,
black, white and
tan, in very pretty
styles. Specially
priced at 50c, 65c,
$1.00 and.. $1.50
125 Dozen Munsing Union Suits Saturday 14 Price
Lot 1 All the Fine
Mercerized, Silk Lisle
Munsing Union Suits,
worth to $3,
Sat 'day, suit.
All sizf-s,
Lot 1 All the High Grade Sample
K. & W. Pajamas Made of fine
silk and linen and 6ilk mixtures,
all the new shades; worth tft QQ
to $5, Suit $1.49 and 510
Fine Quality Fiber BUa Hose
reciTed a new shipment. All
I Vew shades for low shoes. Pr.
One Big It of Men's Mercerized
Lisle Hosj "Run of the mlir tjusl
ity. Values to 2 5c. A pair 12' 4?
;S0 Doscn Washable Four-in-IIand
Ties Mad of silk and fiber, all
neat patterns; ralua to !c,
each 12 He
Pnlted State and Panama bond? de
clined from ' to 1 per cent on call.
Number of sales and T af mg quotations
on stocks wer a follows:
Sales H'1: Lee. Clnsa.
lt CaI II ) IS W
Atr.isamed copper .... 2.e"0 :-
Americas Bet sugar.... .7 40 1 "
Aireitrao Can tl.l"i M " B. B 4.l MVk si a. 3
As ericas R It. pM... 0 l'H 1' 1
Ant. Susar Reftnlp...t 13
America Tel. 4k Tl l.s 1' HI II7
AsierWajl Tnhacce MS Jii 2ls ll
Ansmaaa MlnlBt tJfi 1 !1
Atchlaoa "0 SSH S '
Balttranre 4k Ohio I.MS n S
Bre-KIm BirM Transit.. J."e 17 4' ss
Oillfornls Petroleum .... 1.10 H S 13
Canadian Pacific 1.4ol) is:4 H4' lui
Tentral ImiIw 4.10 M'4 IP4 JH
rhMMipaalia Ohio l.lf 4S 41 44
Chlraso o W 1.4ns 11 lt4 14
ftllcsin. af 4 ft. V 4.50ft IN nS 7V4
rTilrspa, N. W K 1 1S4 124
fliliio Copper I.WI 4H4 lH 40Vi
Colorada K-u) Iros ... 4.000 !4 !4
Colnrsdo 4V aotifham K
Iavneer 4 Rio Oranrla 7
rteriT-r a r n pta 1214
t'Mlllars' Sersritles .... tons 11 1114 12
Rrl U.W0 XV, it t
Heneral ateetrlc 1.M0 144 146 141
Great Northern pfd I MX 1M til US
Great No. Ore ctta t.700 irn, 19 tS
Oussenhetnt F.iplorstlos.. t.m M M 44
Illinois iSntral 100 1071 10SV4 lot) 14
JrterroroiiKh Mat. pfd.... l oo 7 7
Inspiration Copper 1 ra) i H
International rTarraatae .. 9"t SIH 11 1
Kanaaa C'ltr Routbarn.... 2 U 44
lhiih vsllar .Ks in4 174
Uularllle A raali rills... (no 117 111 115v
Meriran Patrolaum J0.2O0 7144 4 Mai
Miami Coppar 4.2"0 2S tl 2!H
Mlasonrl. K. A T 1.S10 1114 US 11H
Mlsaearl Paelfle 1.704 l.T 12 1S
National Blsrult r4 m ri4 114
National L4 4,800 Mv, ya; tn
Nmll Copper 4f) 144 114 13H
Nes Tork ( "antral ....... . I.Boe Mlt M'4 ll4
N. T , N. H H 4.104 1 SOVs ot
Nortii A- Wmtern sno los lot 1fm
North. Partfle t,400 104 4 104H 102
Pacific Mall v II
Pacific Tel. Tal Jo ! W ?4
PannrrlTsnta ISnn lfMt4 If ins
Ray Cos. Copper IC.Tnrt II 11
Resiling 44,40 liri lrt'4 141',
Republic Iron A Steal Ms
Rock Island Oo t.snrt H H H
Pork Iiland Co. pfd 100 H 4
St. L. s. P. 2d pffl I
ffotrtkam Pactna l.soO 7H M114 WH
rVnibaera RallaraT loon KV, IS ll,
Tarfneaaes Copper 4.JO0 S04 2 ft
Tenia Conrpanjt I,n0 154 1? 120
I nlon Pacific 41.40 1?S 1214 1214
1'nlcn Pacific pfd oo m son son
T'nltH States Htasl J. 100 . R214 .' 41)14 1014
V. 8. tael pffl 1 "CO 10SV 1044 104(4
t uk Ooppar 19 SH o SI14
Wahaah pffl 1,000 1 It 14
Weatam I nlon 400 W S44 -V4
Weatlnxhous Blactlia . . 24.100 ' MVi 3ttj S
McnUna Power too 47 44 41
Total aales for th daj 1) 000 susraa.
S''T'Ji"w yiairajasaars".;!! net 1 11 ,t
r liassysr luian " Vaaif jf-irJW
1" -It T - - ...itilu-lu
Saturday We Repeat the Sale of
MeiVs and Young Mes Suits
$20.00 to $30.00 Values at
Including several special purchases. Sizes f
for men and young men, including stouts, su)
slims and extra sizes. Including men's and
young men's Blue Serge Suits and a great
variety of fancy suitings, values to $25.00.
Summer Clothing
Suits mad for th purpose of Veeplhg man
cool and comfortable. You will find Mohair
Suit. Palm Beach Bult. "Kool Cloth" Cult,
Pongee Silk Suits Whlt Flannel and -Berg
Trousers from leading; makers. Also Extra
Mohair and Palm Beach Tr'usra, Alpacca, '
Sicilian and Mohair Coat reasonable prices.
Men's Panama Hats to $750 $3.65
Be Here Saturday for
Your New Straw Hat
We are ready for you as never before
a magnificent assortment of Porto
Rioans, China Splits, Milans,1 Leg
horns, Bangkok Sennit and Palm
Beach hats in the most popular and
becoming shapes.
Straw Hats, at $1.49, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00,
$3.50 and $4.00
Genuine Leghorn Hats, at $3.00 and $4.50
Oennlne Bangkok Hats, at $3.50 and $5.00
Pananias, at $5.00, $6.00, $7.50 and $10.00
These are called "Run of the mill" quality and samples. An op
portunity for men to fit themselves out with the best union suits made
at about one-half price.
Lot 2 All the Fine
Lisle Munsing Union
Suits, worth to J$2j00,
Tf:.:.. ..95c
short or long feleeves, regular
Purchase of 1,320 Sample
Shirt At About 50c On
Special Lot of Men's
Fino Quality Negligee
and Golf Shirts Made
of fine quality blazer
sateen, crepe and silk
' striped soisette. All
sizos. Values to $2.00.
Sale price,
Fallk In 'llon' ttblllty t Adapt
Itself Financially to Conditions.
NEW YORK. May 14. Dun's will say;
The development of th week afford now"
proof of the essential stability and power
of our flnsnrlal and buslnesa structure
While there is uncertsinty ast to the final
. i -i,u I. ih. ahllttv Of
outcome, tnrrc is inon m . ,
the nation to aditpt Itself with financial
- . . .1 .... ih.l n 1'
readiness to every mnuivniw ... ......
arise. Outside of the stock, cotton, and
other equally sensitive market, effects
of the nw war developments) have not
materially changed the gv-nerally favor
able eepect of the trade situation.
With scarcely n exception statistical
comparisons, by which business activity
is measured, reflect progressive improve
ment and that the steady rain In banK
clearings Is not wholly due to th ex
pansion In speculation operation 1 in
dicated by the continued Increases t
many of the leading centers outsld of
New York. Railroad earnings make a
better exhibit and the larger trafflo rnove-
. I . . 1 . - I- m nnl.hl. TVLlllnST
off In the number of Idle care. Failure
and unemployment nave ..en iuw.r.
The Iron and steel trade holds Its own
and continues! on th same encouraging
basis of output as before. There 1 con
tinued activity In the cotton goods trade.
Bank clearing- this week argresrated 3.
2in,97L43R an Increase of 23d 8 per cent
over last year.
Local Beparltlea.
Ouotatieaa fumlfhefl by Bum. Brlnker A Ca,
441 Ostah Nstionsl Bank bsllfllBg. Omaha:
Stocks- ' Bl AV, '
Oty National bank. Omasa .. lo
Deara o . pfd V;i'",!l .S?
rslrrsont Creamery. 7 par eant KM-!L
Great Weatcrn Sugar Pfd 1H
Hrralle Press Brick com mo 1 ...
Molina Plow pM...
Mountain Stataa Tel........ ......104 lJJ
Omaha A Co. Bloffl St. "T. fd-... 7S
Omaha Co. Bluffa Rf. 4k B. pf. . f,
Pctara Mill pf4 . 4 tr cast M 4
t nlon stock raa.. Omaha. "4
t-pdlke Orala Common
Swift A Co.. pM 1M 1
Trl-Cltr Rr- Lt. pfi 44 11
Arsentlna Oeveni. 4s. 1!4
Alma Neb.. Waterworks la. 1124 f c
Bntnlns, Nab.. Waterworka Ha. 1M4 M 100
J 1. Ctas TOresnlns Mcb. la. 1124.. M 104
Columbus. Nab.. P.lee. Is. 1124 It M
Dun1. Realty Co . 1 ,-, '
Uncaln. Nab. 4t 1IS0 ....10 1"!
Montreal Tramway I par cent notes.. 94
Omaha Bawer 4Va. 1134 101'4 lot
Omaha Watar 4m. 1M1 101H 147S
Omaba 4V "a. Bluffa W. Rr ta 1KI H1 .
PannalTanla R. R. 4Ho. IMS 14
flwlft Co. la, 144 aV4 W
Bulabargar Coaa. 4. 111! 140 lvo't
IS.ISK.I ins 1.1 n.llli I J-rfWf"
"i fvCIIIIMflim Ittliill v
I"!' fir1 .f f et.x-
snow X1 I ,n V"
W ara distribu
tors for the Fam-
oua Hirsh Wick--"
wire, Society ,
Brand, Schloei
Bros, and Style
plus Clothes,.
$17 to 2.60.
Boys' Wash Hats
Rah-Rah styles In choice
wash fabrics, all the newest
colors. Special 8at- r-fi 25c and .. OUC
Lot 3 All the Fino
Combed Yarn Munsing
Union Suits, worth to
$1.25, Saturday, mw
suit 75c
and three-quarter lengths.
Pajamas and Night
the Dollar
j 1 1 ' m l r
1 .. 1.1. TTt JULLsli
Lot 2 All th Fine Mercerized
Soisetto and Madras Pajamas
Worth to $2.50, sale price, n o
suit 79o and HOC
Special Purchase of
about 200 Dozen Athle
tic Union Suita Made
of fine mull, me6h, nain
sook and soisette cloth,
extra well made and
worth to $1.50. Suit
69c and 95c