Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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llae1fe& '.-Home Maazi me Pa
Peace Should Not Come .
Copyright. 1P1S, Star Company:
Fence should not come along this foul earthway
, Peace should not come, until ve cleanse the path.
God wattrd for us; now In awful wrath
He pours the blood of men out day by day
To purify, the hJshroad for her feet.
'hy, -what would Peace do, In a world where hearts
Are filled with thoughts like polson-polnted darts?.
It were not meet, surely it were not meet,
For Peace to come, and with her white robes hide
These industries of death these guns and swords
' -'These uniformed, "hats-filled, destructive hordes
r. These hideous -thlrree, tiiat are each nation's pride.
So long as men believe in armed might brandished. . Let not Peace be sought
Until the race-heart empties out all thought
; .' Of blows .and blood, as arguments, for Right , ,'.
': Yr'?1,a.'Ma neA'e'!"nail enoiigji of. war, J t i " . , t
""Elspwiir 'Were'-'not::rNov let the monster staad,- .
Until he slays himself with his own hand;
,Thoughno, man Jinows what he Is fighting for.
-Therk iri the jlace where wicked cannon' stood ,
Iet- Peace erect her shrine of Brotherhood.
The Womari: Who "Goes" Without Ordinary Comforts' in
. Order to Give Son College Education is Doing
Injustice to Him as Well as Herself. " v
Togo Milks a Cow
Republished by Permission of Good Housekeeping Magazine for May
Wallace Irvin
"I commence pressing milk from spigots, hut Hon. Cow ronimenro slight laiice-stiis fivin recollecting - follow with
kindness and'try milk her while she walked, but she could not make this comfortable."
v i
A At1' W
-"A upw book Is causing much discussion
arnong wbifie'n "'because '. It raises -thd
problem of how far the virtue of mater
Bl unselfishness may go without becom
ing: a vice.
'This story deals
with an EngllHh
woman who. is loft
a very younn
widow, with a. very,- ,
young baby and a
very small- :fnr-
tdne. The1 TntheT
devotes herself exV -cluelvcly
to the . -Vhild.
Wie )as but--onA
idea In life,
and thatYlp.tO.pivc
ber son
ffs;e, as shoe, con-r.- -jlUiers
it4 'CtibelnB
''educated In tho
Srto a t Tc)hsle, ,
ftn d fashionable
'schools, aflft jtif as-. '
-iriclstlnsr on eaual-
iarms wli'h'clo.ri' of. ibir Hchaui
n order o'doMfi: wnijTe! by,Jn
4ars o!-,ift""rndm VW "V0'
vry ex(?TVivi'choJl-rtier.theV'3l
sJrimminR tanKs and billiard tables and
jmlf links and rrlcket frrounds and every
jj&xury of .cjiiifcnt-e.-fthQUh to-do . so
sers, and w hic h renders them incapable
of soelnn what Is bet for their children,
and make, Liielr piteous sacrifices fi use
less and iniotitit as any ever offered up
bv a heathen before a stone image.
There Is no other virtue In tlie world
that Is so overlauded as self-sacrifice.
Oflener than not it is either sheer Idocy
ir-a rrnnc and a curse instead oi a
blesslnR to those for whom It was made.
To take tho specific Instance recorded
In this book, can any sane person really'
think tbr'the boy was the better for
the sacrifices, heroic in themselves, that
the mother mnde for him? Could such
rmmolafioti' of herself for nlm do any
thing ,ct;x but make him abnutal, feJfMh.
egotist? Ai:d what a bounder .a boy
must be who would be w1U(nK to let bta
mother starve that he might feast, 'bjj
permit her .to go shabby that he. might
have silk ties and sox that exactly'
matched. " '. ; :
Wouldn't this hoy, Or any other boy (h
the. .world, have made a finer man."- a1
Man useful citizen, and haVW'TisJ realfy'
a-netter ' chance to make a 'material tile'-'1
ccks In life. If he had born 4 his Dart of
n.'farrifl?, burden. If he had. been raised
MMt toyVhlk he must haA .the,; poet oL
evnpythlrlK, but to have afevlmpawrioaea'
artd-.jfnjy.aTrji: desire to , rW '6V j;!!!
LJ L, T " K; i w ii-'-t1 i u
v rfrr- - A
t s'-iji- "til' A ,v K nf ,t r- "? l 11 'Lc'
" l
To editor-Good Housekeeping magatlne,
who realree. the railk of human kindness
without, knowing it brutality,
,lear,81r ,.Xst. dyty. .of, employment
XrW,w,hl4l I rftr'e.ftted..CoitemUbljr wera
home of Hon. Mary John .McDorniant,
countrjr gentlemen residing In farmly aur-
'rouadimfs of tt. bautr tumr nut ran.
mother,' and give her the ;b6at,?-.1
In his biography Andrew Carnegie says
that, ills .-first Impulse toward, making1
takes so much of her income that she' hio'he was ln order to take care of hie
Jis to gWe. up her:.h-ome aft J TOivej
a shaljy .cottage.) - v w .
V "As the'Mm' Rrowa" titder wd -gioea- 'tor
ilarrow and Cambridge, MH"eteneare
JncreaseuV and. to meet them she lltrally'
starves herself to death; doing . without
"Ven firs hi -the. winter and sufficient
food and'eiftthes. and refusing the medlr.
ca'l attendanv that will save her life,,
'because the' soat of it would deprive her
aon of the money to hqld.up hi" end In
follene-or -lie tuigbt even have to. gjye'
up college altogether.
do not mind going without lunch,"
he exclaims rapturously, "because I
think that the price of It means -Jnst -rn-'other
necktie for my boy."
.rAnd this woman is held up as an Ideal
'of a mother's ' lote and a-, mother's un-.
'-,...., i K I. uinnnua
ta be beauUful and edifiin:. father 1
it an awful warning ngalns the morbid
'aentl'nentality'tVHt so'many mothers pos-
CASE of Mrs, II AM
Declares Lydia II Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Saved Her Life
and Sanity.
Shamrock, Mo. "I feel it my duty
.to tell the public the condition of my
1 I.L L : .
I oe&iui L'eiorn usuii;
your medicine. I had
falling,., inflamma
tion and congestion
female weakness,
pains in both Bides,
backaches and bear
ing down pains,' was
short, of memory,
nervous,' impatient,
passed, sl.eepless
nights, and had
neither strength nor
'pnercv. There was alwavs a fear and
uicau in my iiiiuu, i iiau tuiu, uci vuub(
.weak spells, hot flashes-over my body.
',1 had a place in my right side that was
'so corethit I could hardly bear thsi
' VeiKht of my clothes. I tried medicines
-and doctors, but they did me little good,
s and I never expected to get out again.
'.,1 Kt Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound and Blood Purifier, and I cer-
1 1' Jtalnly would have been in grave or in arj
' 'asylum if jour medicines ad not save4
i,rne. But now I can work, ail day, sleejj
.well at night, eat anything I "want, hv
jio hot flashes or weak,, nervous spelts.
iJAU pains, aches, fears and dreads arS
' 'gone, my house, children, and husband
r ' are no longer neglected, as I am almost
.V.rntirely free of the bad symptoms I had
y tfore taking your remedies, and all is
' ; pleasure and happiness in my home."-
',Mrs. J09IE Ham, R. F. D. 1, Box 22,
namrock, Miejoup.
jrtother. 'Bai'rle tells the same thing, and
ahrsypW cry to hla imfthtfr wWen' le
I'm a Tnvar" Then you shftlt have every-;
thing. 'And thousands of lesser men
have been driven along the ' road that'
leads to big things by that same noble;
Impulse to make life soft and beautiful
for a mother who has had' a hard life. ,
It Is understandable why , a- -mother,
should be wlllin gto make great Mcrt-
flees to ttxy-to educate her. aon, but there,
is one point that these mothers are slav
ing themselves to death to send their
boys to college, should remember. That
la; that there la one thing a million times
better than a university degree, and that
Is character.
It is far. belter that a lad's alma mater
suould be the mother who bore him. than
It la for. It to be a pile of bricks and
mortar. The boy who hustle out and
helps mother make a living, nine times
out of ten, will go further than the weak.
selfish, lazy loafer, who lets' mother Worft
her fingers' to the bone to send him' of (
to college. 14''. !
And m other's sacrifices ate equally dlsr
festrous when they are made for girls.
Mother jiiakes of herself a burnt offer
tng over the kitchen stov in order that
Mabel and Gladys may keep-their hands
white and 'manicured. Mother goes, so
shabby that her own daughter are
ashamed to apeak to her In the street
that 'Mabel and Gladys may have the
latent freak hat and dress from Paris.
And what is the result? .fhe raises up
women who are monsters of selfishness.
and utterly useless, to curse the men who
marry her. They have seen mother sac
rifice to themselves ever since they were
born. They have been taught by moth
er's attitude that they, an dthey alone,
are the ones to be considered,' that they
have a right to the best of everything,
and the world -was created for their
pleasure, and when they find that their
husbands have no Idea- of following
mother's example and making doormats
of themselves, there's trouble in the
If you could trace back every divorce
you would almovt Invariably find that
-mother should be named a' the real co-
rfefcponOenl. It was mother's unselfish
ness that. created the Frankenstein, male
or female, with whom nobody else cojld
lve. t
Kurely the very angels must weep over
the self-sacrifice - of mothers. It Is so
bitter, .and' it does so raurh htrm.' For
a woman to Immolate herself for her chil
dren! fmmoral. There Is nothing grand
and noble about it, and the sooner we
recognize this the better.
We often suspect that many of these
cppvenleot'. hadaohea are, due ,t.o .last
neas. -
' It is easy to avoid a fight by counting
ten-lf ' youl run fast enough during th
count. t .
A little knowledge Is also a dangerous
thing when In the head of a cajllope
voiced preacher. ' t ....
Beware' of fahw economy. The -man
who does not invest in iiriin mAm
i ' seldom.-pi-ks any cucumbers. --. '
1 ' TM. fttttti AM irmr, mnn4-A I
. If you want Brwrlal advice writfl , Pullman chairs, but most of -era have to
!:Xdia I". IMnkham Medicine Co., I rid. on the "bumpers" the greater part
-co&ftdeatlulLiyiin, Mams- ' .., or the,tfip.
UWiai'I -arriva .. up there I observe
.ch.lckftnj.and Uiclj -rooster . swimming la
fioiffla' asnldst Nature--doing so rery
prtttily 'evWwres.' Considerable horse
stamp, hay. In grasameadow, where mor
gage was'.s' In-all otherwise It wu. quits
outside knfl plffcsantf or Japanese Bchool-
oy Jo, 11 va there. .. .
Togo,'' thusly report-Host. Mrs. enter
ing to front porch with mllllnary expres-
seion of sunbunnet on head "my husband
)a- a gentleman farmer."
"When can Hon. ' Farmer be gentle
man? ' i aK, to KnoF- .
When he make no money," ene nar
rate. .
1' "From that Idea most farmers must
be noblemen," I anlgnlfy baffably. .She
eould not assimilate those thought I
Tour duty In this rule," she aay
furthermore, "are to enjoy country life
while washing dishes. Therefore you are
expected to make beds, hay, butter, pie,
and other delicacies. After sweeping en
tire home in morning you are expected
to feed chickens, mow meadows, plow and
pick gooseberries until 11:11, when you
hastily return to house and cook lunching
fort' thirteen, farmhelpi. Then you can
chop wood, put. baby to sleep, dig tur-
nlus. read to invalid, grandmother. , drive
hay wagon,' feed pig family t prepare
supper for. us. And O yes," She say this
standing there, 'Can you milk cow?"
;'Cow? ",I ask It like those.
"Fterhaptly you have never s
cow?" she require sareastly.
"I are .willing to meter whatever ac
quaintances you got," I report chivalry.
."Conduct me at him.".
"All cows are a her," she insure. "FV1
low my footstep and I shall make this
education, for you."
Mr. Editor, Japanese are In so many
custom differing from America. In
Japan, for instancely, Hon. Cow era not
regarded as considerable high-up dairy.
Bhe are used In place of gasoline to pull
wheels, but Han. Farmer think merely
trash about -her. Tet In U. B. America
Hon. Cow are reverenced for pure food
wnen '-tier milk is kept lonesome and
truthfully verified by Hon. Doo Wiley.
Bo when Hon. Mra Madam led ma enclosed yard she do so with
face full of sweetly smiling like she ap
proach emperoTs, There In s midst of
hay tord pna blond" mammal with hooks
on her head .who said Moo for conversa
tion aad oontlr.ued onwards ere wing gum.
"Tbje-1 are-. Cow,", snlgnify Hon. Mrs.
Mary McDormant. "She give 14 qts. milk
dally." '
"HeW" generous," ' I holla anthusely.
"Many millionaires doe leas."
"Tou understand mllkage? she ask It
"I can learn nearly everything In one
Jl lesson," - I deplore.
-"Shall show you." Thusly she say It
wtth voice while going to woodshed and
fetching forth tlnnlsh bucket and stool
what had lost his leg In warfare. Hon.
Cow observe her from her eyes while
shaking her bone forehead.
"Her name Is Amelia." explain - Hon,
Mrs. "She. are very aristocrat Cow,
therefore must be approached with con
siderable diplomat. Before. mllkage It are
customary to feed her slight vegetable
go ' ene- will ' forget to kick you while
chewtngt" -
"I' got one 17 arte whs train linos la
Nagasaki." Ia renlg while) my knees en
joy slight quker feeling. "What variety
vegetable do this Hon. Amelia prefer?'
'Anything tianglng around," alio de
plores Bhe lift slight carrot from nail
on wait and' poke him forth to that cow
face. lion. Amelia open her rubber nose
and gollup in that vegetable, making
great tooth- scrunch whllu doing so.
' "Now she stand politely while I milk
narrate that lady. With much firmness
In .her. feet she grabb tinnlnsb pall and
stool with both nuckles. Nextly she set
on stool. Hon Pall beneath and beholt!
She begin pulling white milk from'aplg
gots on that cowll i -. '
"Tou think this difficult to do so?" she
require pretty soonly after Hon. ' Pall
were mostly full.
"It are so easy that It seem deceptive,"
t manipulate. "With sufficient vegetables
to keep Hon. Amelia amused who knows
what quantities of milk I could retain
from herf
Hon. Mrs. make no rejolnt to my In
quisitive. "Tomorrow morning by 6 o'clock
sunjump you must be here with milk
maid elbows to meet appointment with
Hon. cow for mllkage. It are easy to do
like you see. But do not forget It if Miss
Amelia ' become restlus give her plenty
vegetables to keep her mind .quiet"
I give her my faithless word for do all
said.- so she part away,
Mr. Editor,' oomlng calamities cast their
shudders before. I had observed Hon.
cow doing nothing depraved while chew
ing carrot In midst of - mllkage. Tet my
Soul obtained enlarged alarms to think
what ahe might' when she wished to.
While In kitchen doing home life duties
Including cookery, washery, dlshery, 1
attemptto shoo that cow oft my brain.
Tet vainly I Bo do heroes before argu
ing with dragons.
That P. M. evening, after wood-chop
and chores, I go sneekretly to barnly
yard for sllxht look-see to observe how
Hon. cow might look In the morning. I
found her setting down In mldM. of
grounds continuing her chew-gum. Folks
who chews so much must have undines-
tlon, I think fearly. Yet I put courrtge
Into my toes, clomb over wire fence and
approach Hon. cow with hand-shake posi
tion peculiar to mouse approaching cat
' "Bnork!" Hon. oow' say it while 'rising
"You no prefer to like me, Hon. cow?"
I ask soothly. For brutel reply she shook
those bone-hooks on her brain. I ad
vanced backwards over fence feeling dis
courage. Leaning on that rail' I observe
one farmly gentleman making smile.
"You milk her In morning, A. M ?" be
ask to know.
"I might,; but can IT' This from me.
"The last hired girl what milked her
was Swedish lady," he report "She were
very fond of milking. Fhe were entirely
Carried away by enthusiasm."
"To where wera she carried away?" I
"To hospital," he localise. I am so aat
by this Information I could not remain
listening, so I part off to bed, wishing
I was In Belgium or some other safety.
That night I dreamed considerable cow
mare while Imagining I fed apples to
wwn gnus, tj times in midnight I arose
upward to see If It was morning by
aiarmeo-ciocK. At lastly s:H time was
there. Killing my lungs with lui-Jltsu
resume on my clothing ft derby hat
Nextly I away to wood-shed where tin
nleli bucket and sel-stonl was there
awaiting for something to happen.
I approached to yard where was. Tes,
There was Hon. Amelia kneeling on her
elbows and still making Horse Fletcher
movements of chew. Her eyes look so
tame I was sure she forgave my past
mismanagement O surely ahe must, for
when I approached uply she arose chlv
alrously to meet me.
"Good morning, Hon. Cattle!" thusly
I say It. "I hopes you slept more better
as I did."
reioini rrom ner exceDt to m
"Snoop," with her rubber nose while
bowing head. Bullfights seemed promin
ent In her mind. Yet when I a p roach
more closely with milk expression she
make retreat so suddenly I could not
catch her footraoe around that yard.
What to do? You can not catch milk
while It la running away from you. I
make strategy with brain. Ah! Vege
tables! Hanging on nail to barnslde I
ace slight carrots suspended there. I
grabb threee of those and advancing, my
knuckles with society expression, I walk
to where she stand by corner looking
8he smell up her nose. "Flesse. Sirs.
Cow!" I say like a nurse "This will
help jou digest your gum." Bhe encroach
her nose more closer. I hold carrot more
near. O Joyful' Before I rould say Jack
Anderson she thrust out her sandpaper
tongue which scrape deep wounds on
my wrlt In meanwhile Hon Carrot dla
Imppcar lnl' hr ruhher mouth. She close
her eves with expresnlon peculiar to poets
.vhilc enjnvlng eats. Now wss time I
Khould milt"
With arrohnttlah skill I set stooly-chalr
underneath of her while I occupied that
pla with Pall by my knees. So far so
many. Nextlv t commence pressing milk
from rrUnot and my soul stood upright
from rapture.
Finally I stop stationary, similar to
sonei-.-ils learning battles. Napoleon
thoughts come to nie. Bo ha! If vege
tables keep cows quiet, then more vege
lable inupt keep them quieter. I look
around for some enlarged carrot, when
what nee? Hanging highly by Eve of
barn were ne swollen turnip so grand in
sise it seemed nesrly pumpkin. Hon.
ow could chew this hour without
grudKlng milk.
1 borrow pitchfork from fenae. mo
ating my elbows I remove down this
fruit, poke him befront or cow nose ana
were again resuming my milk maidenly
employment when Mlisssit.:
Pexeral heated tacks arrive to my per
sonality everywhere, while Hon. Amelia
troked mllkpall to my head with ene
kli hker whllo with the other she did harl-.
klrl on my atummlek. at same Instant
she made bull-fight bellus and stroked her
crooked bone head behind my hark so
orre I emerged ovet fence amid flood
of hoi buss-fllea who wore needles vn
tall. Then I dreamed nothing-
At lastly t awoke upward from smell
of nrnlceted medicals. While looking up
ward I could observe that Hon. John at
Maty McOormant stood near my head
ache, appearing quite censor.
What destruction you bee doing to my
farm" require- Hon. John like dictator.
I milk cow." thusly I report weekly.
I notice It by the milk In your hair,"
negotiate Hon. Mrs. "Why you enthuse
Hon. Amelia so by your unmilture."
"I do what you told me." I antagonise.
You Instruct me feed her vegetables
hanging around. I find carrot hanging
around. I feed that. This are too di
minished for her appntlte, so I feed her
very enlarged vegetable hanging around
Eve of barn."
flpeclee of pork!" olllouta Hon. Mr. A
Mrs. In unicorn. "Tou know what that
enlarged vegetable was you feed her?"
I asked to know." This from me.
'Hornet nest!" Both collapsed thai
It are more blessed to give than ta
deceive." I arrogate, while those gentle
man Invite me forwards to R. K. sta
tion, where I go feeling conaederably
pulled apart. Hoping you are the same,
Yours truly. HA8HIMURA TOGO.
of AjHttONEi
I just a few
in water, clean
window panes and
all glass about the house
until it sparkles like dew
, . . nii i:.v
J I in mo sun uriw puusa"
j Ing with soft cloth brings
V nut fall brillianev.
A Dictionary of 100 other
usee wtth every bottle.
10c, 23 c, 50c all stores.
Three-tn-One Oil Co ,
iiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiltiiil L v '.. . " ' r .is:'ii
"The Meat of the Future"
will not be the Belgian hare or the Angora goat It will be the whole
wheat grain prepared in a digestible and palatable form The best
"meat," made by the best process ever discovered, is
It contains more nutriment, pound for pound, than meat or eggs, is
more easily digested and costs much less. The best cure for liver and
uric acid troubles is a meatless diet Make Shredded Wheat your
meat for ten days and see how much better you feel.
Two Shredded Wheat Biscuits, heated in the oren to restore crispness, served with hot milk or cream
make a complete, nourishing, satisfying- meal at a total cost of five or six cents. Also delicious with
fruiU. TRISCU1T is the Shredded Wheat Wafer, eaten as a toast with butter or soft cheese, or as
substitute for white flour bread or crackers.
Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y.
'i 'ill : i A I umsk. i wmmmrnMi i